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Carel Faith M.


Write a reflection paper on Mannheim's concept of knowledge on meanings and ideology.

In the approach to the sociology of knowledge in Mannheim, the innovation of social

understanding of political ideas is the extension to a broad variety of cultural productions.
Mannheim accepts the achievements of Marx and Weber as an array of thinkers. In his views
he formulated the three distinguishing claims that in my perspectives it embodied in the concept
of ideology. First, is the argument between the manifestly ideological and scientific ways of
explaining the cultural as well as the social world are absorbent, thus with the knowledge of
sociology emerging in the border region as a reflexive therapy for both domains. Hence, this
says that with the manifestation of the two parties which are the sciences and ideology, the
society become more reflex to adopt the changes and be part of the evolution. Second, the
concept of ideologies as cognitive structures is connected. They are variously inaccurate,
constrained, one-sided in perspective, subject to radical correction from other perspectives and
yet knowledge-productive. The third argument is that information refers to the fundamental
questions of ideology and leads directly to political orientation. It does so, in the view of
Mannheim, not the knowledge of social origin will assess decisions of truth in itself, but the
systematic pursuit of such knowledge can facilitate a synthesis of the true elements in
ideologies, relocating them to a developmental context that will not so much falsify particularistic
ideologies as cognitive constructs as make them obsolete.

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