Health Syllabus Mr. Beard 2020-2021

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Health Syllabus

Mr. Beard

Welcome to health class! I am looking forward to a great year. There are some things I
want you to know about this class and classroom rules and procedures. Let’s start with
the beginning of class.

Cell phones/backpacks -The first thing you do as you come into class is put your
backpack on the back of your chair.l WITH YOUR PHONE INSIDE YOUR BACKPACK.
(yes headphones count) If you do not have a backpack, I will have a designated place
for your cell phone and you will turn it into me at the beginning of class. Failure to
comply will result in your phone being taken.
1st offense will result in your phone being taken for the remainder of the class
period. Remember, this year classes are 85 minutes long. I will keep your phone the
entire time.
2nd offense will result in your phone being taken and sent to the office. Once
your phone is sent to the office, the administration will decide what to do with it (not
me). Your second offense will also result in a call home to your parents or guardian.
Read that again.
3rd offense, your phone will be sent to the office, you will get a write up,
followed by a call home.
*If you refuse to give me your phone when I ask, you go straight to the 3rd
offense and you will be written up for insubordination.*

● Good news- Classes are 85 minutes long and there will be specific
times you may use your phone.
● You will NOT be permitted to use your phone on any assignments.
● If your iPad is not charged, you may charge it at a charging station.
You may NOT sit and use it at a charging station. Once it is on
charge, you must use paper for the assignment of the day.
iPads- Once you have put your cellphones in your backpack, retrieve your CHARGED
iPad from your backpack along with any other materials needed for class. (notebook,
pen homework.) If your iPad is not charged you will have the opportunity to charge
it. You will not get out of doing work by bringing a dead iPad to class. You will
charge your iPad and use paper for the daily assignment.

Seating- Once you have accomplished the first task of entering the classroom correctly,
you will have a seat in your assigned seat. (Yes you will have assigned seats.) No,
this is not to punish you. I use a seating chart to learn names and have organization in

Bellringer- Once you have been seated and have all materials needed for class, you
need to begin the bellringer for the day. You will have a bellringer every day. All
bellringers are worth 1 point. There are 180 days in the school year. You do the math.
You will have 5-10 minutes after the bell to complete the bellringer of the day. All
bellringers are timed on schoology. Once time is over, you will not have another
opportunity to make that point up. (You may not make up bellringers!)

Lecture- There will be times I will lecture during class.The lecture may consist of a
Keynote or PowerPoint. I may write notes on the board about a certain topic or I may
just talk. It is your responsibility to take notes.If you take notes during the lecture, you
have a better chance of passing the class. You may take either paper notes or notes on
your iPad. Be Aware! Big brother is watching! It is important to remember that this is
a time for listening and you need to raise your hand to get my attention. There should
be no other talking during this time.

Assignments- You will have an assignment every day. (Yes every single day.) Some
days these will be large assignments you do on your own. Some days you will have
small assignments and be given extra time to work on the larger assignments. Expect
to work every day! Stay on task or you will not pass this class.

Peer work- Sometimes I may have you working with a peer (partner/classmate) on an
assignment. This is a time to collaborate with a peer. This is not a time to talk about
your social life or anything else besides the assignment. Stay on task!


TOD- (TOD) stands for Ticket Out The Door. Yes I know the second T is not inserted in
the acronym. You don’t have to tell me. Most days if not every day, you will have a
TOD assignment. This will be your Ticket out the door, which means you will need to
turn it in before you leave the classroom. This assignment could be the assignment from
the last portion of class. A TOD could be a short assignment you will need to turn into
schoology. A TOD can be as simple as one sentence written and turned in to me as you
walk out the door. Ex. I may ask: In one sentence, write one thing you learned today.
You would then get out a sheet of paper from your notebook and write something down.
(I will always give you enough time to finish your TOD assignment. Don’t panic!)

Packing up- On a perfect day, you will have exactly enough time to finish your TOD
and pack everything up. I will give you enough time! ALWAYS WAIT FOR MY
INSTRUCTION TO PACK UP. Everyone should be seated in her/his seat until I excuse


Respect- Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. Respect yourself and everyone else
in this class. Everyone in this class is unique and valuable. Act like it. Be a leader. If you
see someone bullying others, report it. If you are being bullied, you can talk about it.
Also, respect the property around you. A lot of people work hard to keep this school
looking good. Take care of what you have.

Food/Drinks (Snacks)- I will allow you to have food and drinks in the classroom.
However, if you prove that you cannot clean your own mess, you will no longer be
permitted to have food and drinks in the classroom. This is a privilege not a right.
One person can ruin this privilege for everyone. IF YOU SEE TRASH IN THE

EHallpass- 3 hallpasses a week. You will get three hallpasses a week. Ehallpass
keeps track of when you leave the room, so there will always be a record of when you
leave and when you come back. Use your bathroom passes wisely. If you use your time
wisely you may use the bathroom between classes. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED
TO LEAVE CLASS TWICE IN ONE DAY! Once you have used your passes for the
week, you will not be permitted to leave the room.

Follow all school and county wide rules.

If you break any of my rules or county wide rules, you are subject to a write up
and a call home. By signing this document, you are admitting that you have read
the syllabus and you are aware of the consequences for breaking the rules.

Student Signature-____________________

Parent Signature-_____________________

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