What Is Sound and Music - Min

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646 TS SOUND ont JUOSIC? { (Waar 3 SOUND? Sound is made from sound waves we can hea! How are sound Waves Formed? , "“SSBKRHASIONS.! Vibrot: tae Ore When objects shake boc zs forth and occuc when more Khon one ECE interact like a) * when something is wer 4 is of ou" © when Some thing is plucked The sound wores created by Uibraons Frovel Hrrovghy tre ovr to ovr cots. Our cor drums her feel the vibrotvens ond send a Message to the bras, Vell rng nee eur However, sound cloeswt 5" £9 only travel NOs. through air, bur also things ~ bike Water And woodl, All sound needs te travel is matter, alse Enown as things made of atoms. Try topes ACT? air, and AQAAN Wily Bove ear against the Sovack Havels slower alle. Which way 'S Tnroogh air tron weler louder 2 Thor's becouse air SSO Qas wile water ea Kquid, and soond Yrovels iN Koen atoms Oe cle togetner- Atoms in GASES* C) exams = ae Atoms in LIQUIDS» enameces Howes, Atoms in SOLIDS: emAmeLes sciws a Why are Seme ‘eB Sounds yienerr PRAMS the word for how high o+ SW a sovnd +S. It depends on the . : wy OF A sound Wave, Or how fast thevibrations are. The less dkestonce between bumps of & soond wave, Ye higher tne Frequency. Higher Frequency means higher pitch! Low FREQUENCY wu @ Haw FREQUENCY LF we know that to make sounol al we need is to make Wwhrakions let's Fiquee ouk instruments ewes wg Weoowinn Cc sRipeing oor inte mewthpece tne modno.ece, Predeeey Sasa. , GUITAR, CLARET fae nd van rotons * Venn simine te tite. SSS oS Se oe aa + Methpece canlens a PLANO, TRUMPET vane PeRcussion Beass Te prodxe sosnd, + Has wer fee be: Cae 49 Sao SRS te au euaen DRoMs, eee Stee

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