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Speech about Believe in yourself

Believing ourselves is one of the first steps to success. Yes, it would be difficult for us to succeed
everything in life if we don’t have enough confidence in ourselves. Self confidence means a lot
to each one of us most especially in this try times. It is very crucial and a big gift to be able to
help and empower one another amidst this pandemic crisis. For me, as a leader and the
educator of the young minds, here are some of my tips I want to share with us; first and
foremost is to do better for ourselves, we must believe in our capability that we can succeed at
every plans we have. It is true that nothing in this world is impossible as word itself suggests
I’m possible, strong faith in addition to hard work is equal to success. Second thing, we must
bear in mind to always think positive despite of challenges and ignore negative things, because
negative talks kill our opportunities and create a doubt in our capabilities. We should not care
about what other people think about us, we should not waste our time explaining and
convincing other people to appreciate our value.

My dear teachers / classmates, before my speech ends, I would like to inform you that we need
a clear vision for our lives in order for us to focus on our goal. Our time here on earth is limited,
so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. We should not give other people a power to make
us feel bad and ruin our day. We don’t have to be trapped by the principle of others, don’t
mind and don’t let the noise of others opinions drown out our inner voices because in the end
of the day, what matters are those people who loves us, and accepts us for who we are.

We must have enough courage, to follow our heart and intuition, for us to succeed and achieve
our goal in life.

Color Red- Semantic

Color Yellow Pragmatic

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