Renaissance Learning Menu 3

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Option 1:On a blank map of Italy,

locate and mark at least 3 major
LEARNING MENU Renaissance cities. Then, give a
brief description of the importance

ACTIVITIES of each city and which Renaissance

breakthroughs took place there.
Option 2:Find 3 Italian Renaissance
Please choose ONE
philosophers and research them
activity online. List at least 3 facts each,
per course! including why they are important and
what contributions they made to the

Option 1: Create a Prezi presentation
about one Renaissance philosopher,
artist, scientist, etc. with at least
5 slides. Provide information such as
their works, the impact of their work
then and now, and why you chose this
Option 2: Create a concept web utilizing
vocabulary words and people from the
chapter. Each word should include a
short, 3-4 sentence paragraph/bullet
point definition and information.

Option 1: Choose a Renaissance philosopher,
inventor, etc. and write a persuasive
speech as if you are that person. Defend
your new ideas/work and convince others why
they should follow your ideas/work.
Option 2: Create a "Facebook" profile of a
famous Renaissance figure of your choosing.
Include a bio of the figure, picture, 6
friends, 5 likes, and 8 posts. Use online
sources for your research.
Learning Menu
Scoring Guide
Appetizer /10

Dinner /20

Dessert /20

Total /50

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