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Diet & Exercise Journal & Reflection

Name:Anup Kathet
Date: 02/14/2020

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Breakfast—what did you eat and list time 4 Eggs 4 Eggs 4 Eggs 4 Eggs 4 Eggs 4 Eggs 4 Eggs
of day 2 bread loaf 12 AM 2 bread loaf 11 AM 2 bread loaf 2 bread loaf 2 bread loaf
Jam Jam Jam Jam 11 AM
10 AM 10 AM 9 AM 12 AM
Snacks (List Time of day) 1 Apple 1 Apple 1 Apple 1 Apple 1 Apple 1 Apple 1 Apple
1 PM 1 PM 12 PM 1:30 PM 1 PM 1 PM 1 PM

Lunch—what did you eat and list time of Tuna sandwich Tuna Tuna sandwich Tuna sandwich Tuna Tuna sandwich Tuna sandwich
day 3 PM sandwich 3 PM 3 PM sandwich 3 PM 3 PM
3 PM 3 PM
Snacks (List Time of day)

Dinner—what did you eat and list time of Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice 3 Beef taco Rice
day Beans Beans Beans Beans Beans Beans
Chicken Chicken Chicken Pork 12.00 PM Chicken
Salsa and sour Salsa and curry 9 PM Salsa and sour
cream sour cream 11 PM cream
10:30PM 10:20 PM 10:20 PM
Snacks (List Time of day) Yogurt
11 PM
Water intake 60 Fl oz 60 Fl oz 60 Fl oz 60 Fl oz 60 Fl oz 60 Fl oz 60 Fl oz
-Total ounces for the day
Exercise Workout Workout Workout Workout Workout
--List number of minutes 60 min 40 min 60 min 40 min 60 min
--Activity completed

I consumed caffeinated drinks in the: No 1 cup No No No 1 cup 1 cup morning
(M)orning, (A)fternoon, (E)vening, (N/A) morning Morning
Number of each
Guidelines: Please complete the spreadsheet in detail; at least 5 days of the week must be completely recorded in the spreadsheet for a total of 10
points. The reflection questions on Page 2 are worth 15 points.

Please write reflective responses in regards to your diet and exercise habits this past week. Answers must be in complete sentences to receive full
credit. I would encourage you to use your text and to answer some of the questions in regards to food groups. (15 points total)

1. On a typical day, do you eat foods from all five food groups? Can you think of a lunch menu that you would eat that includes all five food groups?
What are some strategies for including all five food groups in your daily diet? Do you have any barriers preventing you from eating healthier meals? If
so, how might you overcome them?
- I do think I eat foods from all five food group but sometimes I focus more on protein food and miss out my greens. My lunch include Tuna
Sandwich and if I add some broccoli and fruits in it, it would be a lunch menu including all five food groups. I follow the same diet food which is
on my workout and diet plan and try to incorporate healthy foods in it. Work and lack of time to prepare the meal. I am overcoming this problem
through making one structured meal and doing meal prep.

2. Choose one of the food groups that you did not eat enough of and list three foods in that food group you like to eat and one food from that
food group have you never tried.
-Vegetables are always lacking on my food.
-I like to eat Spinach, Zucchini, Broccoli
-I have never tried egg plant.

3. Which food groups did you eat too much of? (Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy, Proteins) List at least one strategy to you could incorporate to
address this issue.
-Grains and protein
-Look for other meal option with more greens and fruits

4. It is recommended to get 150 minutes of exercise per week. How did you do in reaching this recommendation? (How many minutes did you
attain this past week) Whether you exercised or not, how did you feel? Did exercise relieve stress, affect eating or sleeping?
-I workout five days a week for 60 minutes. I also have an active work which fulfills some of the recommended exercise hours. I do heavy lifting
which keeps me sore for some time but usually when I’m doing exercise I feel more active and calm.

5. Finally, list at least three options you can do to enhance your exercise routine. Please be specific with a plan.
-wake up early
-Include cardio in the workout routine
-Do some homework out if going to gym is not possible


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