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Volume 1, Issue 2 Contents || Highlights

February, 2021
SNFST Overview,
Time Lines &
Director’s Message
[p-2, 3]
Food and Nutrition e-Newsletter

Special points of interest:


• News and events at

SNFST and programs
under it as well as oth-
er matters of the Col-
lege of Agriculture and
the Hawassa University
• Researches, community
services and teaching-
learning news, updates
First Person of
and plans the Issue [p-4, 11]
• Extraordinary achieve- Dr. Kebede Abegaz
ments by faculties,
staffs and students of

Feeding the Minds

F&NeN Get to know our

Admin Staffs [p-4]
Senait Seboka

PhD Defenses [p-6]

Drs. Zelalem & Esayas

Community Services
Know what [p-10] Mr. Fikadu Reta
you eat, p-7
. . . and more stories inside
SNFST Overview and Timelines
The School of Nutrition, Food Science instructors at national and international university who have great steaks in the
and Technology , SNFST was established academic institutions and are playing launching of the independent programs in
in 2008/9 at Hawassa University College impactful roles. the Food Science and Human Nutrition
of Agriculture, by bringing together the areas were Drs Kebede Abegaz (more
MSc of Applied Human Nutrition As part of todays SNFST academic unit, story of him on page 4 & 11) and
(AHuNu); the BSc program of Food Sci- a BSc program in Human Nutrition, Yewulsew Abebe. The connections creat-
ence and Technology (FSPT) as part of HuNu and MSc in Food Science and ed with international universities and
the business process re-engineering at the Technology were launched in the academicians by Dr. Yewulsew Abebe
university level. The SNFST was orga- 2010/11 academic year. As of the current sustained both the MSc and PhD pro-
nized as an institute and Dr. Kebede Abe- academic year, the SNFST is running two grams of Human Nutrition at Hawassa
gaz was the first Director. The Food Sci- BSc (FSPT, HuNu) and three MSc University, as pioneer university in these
ence and Postharvest Technology, FSPT (AHuNu, Food Science and Technology, area, which is now serving as a National
was launched as a 3 years degree pro- FST; as well as Food Safety and Quality Academic Center of Excellence for Hu-
gram in 2002 and enrolled students for Management, FSQM). The School is also man Nutrition. Funds and development
the first time in the 2002/3 academic running two PhD degree programs (PhD projects brought by Dr. Kebede Abegaz
year. Two of the graduates of the first in Human Nutrition, HuNu launched in has enabled dozens of graduate students
batches of the FSPT programs at Hawas- 2017 and PhD in Food Science and Tech- to carry out excellent graduate researches.
sa University (Drs Tadesse Fikre Teferra nology, FST, Launched in 2020/21 aca-
and Tafese Bosha) are now PhDs and are demic year. Drs. Kebede Abegaz, Yewulsew Abebe
serving at the same University. Many and Henok Kurabachew, as well as Me-
Two of the PhD candidates from the first konnen Melaku, Fikadu Reta and current-
more are also pursuing studies for their batches of HuNu have defended their
terminal degrees at different universities ly Gezahegn Nigusse have taken turns in
Dissertations and many more are working leading the independent programs earliy
around the globe. towards finalizing their writeups from the on and lately, the SNFST. Staffs of
The MSc in AHuNu was launched in first and couple of other batches. The SNFST and its earlier programs have also
2007, enrolled students and many of the success stories of our first PhD graduate served great positions at the College and
first couple of batches are PhDs serving (Dr. Anchamo Anato) was covered in our University levels and are still doing so.
as advisors at national and international first issue and we have the story of the
high offices on nutrition and health pro- second defendant (Dr. Zelalem Tafese) in 
grams. Many are also researchers and this issue (page 6). The staffs of Hawassa


The SNFST Graduate Programs Coordi- similar announcements and approaching
nation Office announces the following deadlines.
Deadlines for Concept Note Approval,
Proposal Development and Thesis Sub- Undergraduate class students are advised
mission and Defense/presentation Dates to prepare for final exams as there is no
much time left in the crash course deliv-
Please keep an eye on this corner for ery mode during the COVID Pandemic.
S/N Activities Last date of sub- Date of presentation or Specialization Remark

1 Concept note approval January 29, 2021 February 05, 2021 AHNu (2nd round)
2 Concept note approval February 12, 2021 February 19, 2021 FST and (2nd round)
3 Proposal Presentation February 26, 2021 March 05, 2021 AHNu 2nd round
4 Proposal Presentation March 12, 2021 March 19, 2021 FST and 1st round
5 MSc. thesis for de- February 8 (Yekatit March 22-26/2021 FST and AH- This is SGS tem-
porary schedule
fense 1) (Megabit 13-17) Nu
6 Concept note approval April 23, 2021 April 30, 2021 AHNu 3rd round
7 Proposal presentation June 25, 2021 July 2, 2021 FST and 3rd round


Messages from the SNFST Director \\
// Gezahegn Neguse
Dear readers and fully graduated The routines of teaching-learning is go-
the Food and under the stress ing well smoothly and peacefully and in
Nutrition Com- of COVID-19 this regard, I would like to extend my
munity at SNFST spread. We admiration and appreciation to our ener-
and elsewhere, it also held the getic young and senior staffs for their
is with pleasure second PhD exemplary roles. By this brief message, I
and excitement dissertation want to alarm and remind the Food and
that I am convey- defense in Hu- Nutrition Community as usual to exercise
ing this message man Nutrition maximum precaution and stay safe as this
as we are releas- Program. We pandemic is still posing threats to our
ing the second admitted the community and the world at large, until
issue of Food and junior classes the mass immunization will be realized
Nutrition News- for the second and COVID will no longer be a public
letter and as we round of teach- safety threat. I also take this opportunity
are also conduct- ing-learning to highly acknowledge the efforts made
ing the teaching- Gezahegn Nigusse, Director of SNFST processes as and contributions by our staffs, students
learning process for usual by consid- and community in working strongly for
the junior class students in a crash mode ering the MOSHE protocol for Covid-19 the successes of the second round of
with great success. We are also highly spread prevention. crash classes. I also would remind the
engaged in the research and community instructors and students of the approach-
service activities in the area of food and We are also working hard to secure in- ing final examination that will begin on
nutrition, with the scopes ranging from ternship places for our third year FSPT February 15, 20121. I finally appreciate
graduate researches to faculty projects in students to help them spend a semester in and acknowledge the Editor-in-chief and
both the disciplinary and thematic a Food Industry to acquire practical and all who contributed for the success of this
schemes. We could not be prouder as an managerial skills in the real world of issue of F&NeN. Thank you.
academic unit for the success we record- work under both instructor and industry
ed helping hundreds of students success- supervisions. They will be required to 
prepare and present a report at the end.

SNFST Staff with an Exceptionally Rich Industry Experience — Tesfu Bekele

F&NeN: Thank you Mr. Tesfu for giving is an opportunity to share experiences I in the institution, there is academic free-
a positive response to our request and acquired from different foods and coffee dom while you are working in university.
being our special guest to our communi- processing industries. Joining Hawassa Your performance is evaluated by stu-
ty. Would you introduce your- University, my home, gives me a dents, peer and immediate supervisor.
self? special satisfaction and working for There is an opportunity to work and share
Tesfu: My name is Tesfu university is good for growing in with other countries in collaborative pro-
Bekele, Lecturer at HwU. academia as there are always re- jects that has benefit in capacity building
F&NeN: You are unique warding higher level training op- and job creation of our community. You
among the FSPT staffs in that portunities, which you cannot get also learn and grow academically and I
you brought in a very rich working in private industries or think I like the university better. I do not
experience from the Food other government sectors. think I would go back to industry.
Industry. Would you tell us F&NeN: How do you compare F&NeN: What courses are you teaching
the different companies you working for the industry versus a and which ones are your favorites?
worked in and how long you university? Would you consider Tesfu: I am teaching Food Biochemistry,
have served the industry? going back to the industry ever? Experimental Design and Analysis in
Tesfu: I have worked at NAS Tesfu: Working for food industry Food Technology, Grain Processing
Foods PLC, Ethiopian Com- is focused on product and service Technology, Sugar, Honey & Confection-
modity Exchange, METAD delivery. Your performance is eval- ery Technology, Food Fortification &
Agricultural Development uated as per the final out put you Formulation and Food Product Develop-
PLC, Afro Star International Commercial delivered and the profitability of the com- ment and Sensory Evaluation. I like all.
Agency jointly with WFP and KOJJ Food pany. You have given job description and F&NeN: Would you like to share with us
Complex for the 11 years and 4 months evaluated by your immediate supervisor your personal and family situa-
and gained great deal of experiences. using performance appraisal periodically tions? Thank you so much for your time.
F&NeN: What was it like joining the and get salary increment accordingly. Tesfu: Sure, I am married and am a fa-
same university you did your both BSc Top management always wants to ensure ther of three sons.
and MSc at? company’s continual improvement. F&NeN: Thank you so much for your
Tesfu: I am so happy; I am passionate Whereas working in the university focus- time and contribution Tesfu.
about teaching and learning activities and es on skilled man power production and Tesfu: Thank you for the chance!
to share my knowledge and experiences. community service. Although you have
For me, joining an educational institution given job description when you are hired 

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 Page 3

The 1st Person of the Issue //
\\ Dr. Kebede Abegaz— the man of firm stands!
The Founder of the Food other Universities, inter- ing space for students at nights, all for
and Nutrition Programs disciplinary applied re- free. This informal education mobilized
and the greater umbrella searcher, consultancy and many children to enroll at formal schools
the School of Nutrition, community service provid- and many of them are university instruc-
Food Science and Tech- er with high commitment tors and governors now. Thank you our
nology (SNFST); the and honesty for public late good fathers: Aba Abera and Aba
longest serving staff and interests. Abegaz; rest in peace.
also the most senior col- Although my high school completion was
league of the Food and F&NeN: Where did Dr. from commerce department, I was placed
Nutrition Community at Kebede start schooling at? in natural science and joined Science
Hawassa University - Dr. Let's start from high Teacher Training Department, Alemaya
school and proceed up to Agriculture College (AlCA), Addis Aba-
Kebede Abegaz Ali, has
terminal degree. ba University (AAU) in 1974 EC. I was
been nominated by major- I did my junior high
ity of the SNFST staffs as recruited both by Awassa Agriculture
school at Kuta Ber (Dessie College (AwCA) and ACAl, but because
the first Person of the Zuria) and high school at
Issue in the History of I shied working with my instructors by
W/ro Sihin comprehensive then, I preferably joined AwCA in 1976
F&NeN. We interviewed Dr. Kebede and high school (Dessie) in commerce, wrote
brought you the meaning of endurance in EC; served for 2 years and left for Sofia
school leaving exam in 1973 EC. When I University, Bulgaria in 1978 EC; com-
Person. was small boy at grade 6, the Ethiopian pleted MSc in Biotechnology (may be the
F&NeN: Congratulations for this remark- National Golmasoch Training Program first Biotechnologist by then in Ethiopia)
able achievement! Would you introduce against illiteracy recruited me as capable and reinstated in 1985 EC at AwCA,
yourself to our community and the wider teacher to teach children and young farm- AAU. I joined Agriculture University of
audience? ers in the evenings of every work day, Norway in 1989 EC and completed my
Thank you for launching F&NeN half days on Saturdays and Sundays to- PhD in Food Science and Technology
I am Kebede Abegaz, profession food gether with my cousin (Teshome Abera) (1994 EC).
scientist and technologist. I have been at rural villages named Wuhasela with
serving as instructor of 52 courses for monthly incentive of Birr 10 for two. Our >>> Continuous on Page 11 >>>
PhD/MSc/BSc programs at Hawassa and parents provided class rooms, and sleep-

Get to Know Our Administrative Staffs //

\\ Senait Seboka, SNFST Generalist—የሥራ ተነሳሽነት፣ ሰዓት አክባሪነትና ተግባቢነት በሰው ሲመሰል!

The SNFST the College of Agriculture since 2003 and Range Sciences, ARSc & SNFST as
generalist GC. Senait then Served as Secretary I and well as Human Resources Development
Mrs. Senait II in the Finance and Human Resources Officer at the HR Service department of
Seboka is our section of the College of the College of Agriculture.
guest in this Medicine and Health
issue. Senait Sciences between 2005 Senait is known for her ex-
has always and 2008. After Gradu- traordinary hard work, deter-
been among ating with Diploma in mination and punctuality.
very few high- Secretarial Science and Senait says she is respecting
ly experienced Office Management her work and cooperates with
and commit- from Africa Beza Uni- staffs, not to satisfy others or
ted adminis- versity College, Senait her boss, but for the highest
trative staffs started rolling up the satisfaction and peace of mind
of the SNFST. Senait is known to the ladder in the university, that she gets for herself. Senait
Food and Nutrition Community at by getting promoted and assigned to Sec- says that her work and office
SNFST, as a kind, supportive and depend- retary II position in different colleges of responsibilities are the top priorities in her
able colleague with exemplary punctuality the University. In the mean time, Senait life, even beyond family and other social
and efficiency at work. In the SNFST continued her BA degree education in and personal values.
Office, Senait’s seat and bench faces the continuous education modality at Africa That special quality of Senait attracted the
door and she always receives guests with Beza University College and graduated in attention of F&NeN. The informal nomi-
smile and charming looks. March 2010 (BA in Business Administra- nation made by some of our colleagues to
tion). Following her upgrade in educa- have Senait as a special guest deserving
Senait started her career at Hawassa Uni- tion, Senait got promoted to the position
versity (the then Debub University) as this recognition is appreciated and
of Administrative Assistant (Generalist) acknowledged. 
Secretary typist of the purchase section of and served at different schools (Animal


Campus News\\
//Graduation, Training to Staffs & Internship
Graduation: Hawassa University color- Mr. Aemiro Tadesse was coordinating the time. There was also a suggestion that the
fully celebrated the graduation convoca- training and Dr Tadesse Fikre handled the training could be developed into a short
tion of 6263 students from different pro- training component on the application of course launched for training academi-
JMP (a SAS product) on basic and cians and researchers in Ethiopia and
advanced experimental designs and beyond, working towards national ac-
data analysis, while Dr. Temesgen creditation, as this is one of the roles ex-
Magule shared his rich expertise on pected from Hawassa University with a
the R software application for the special mandate on research and graduate
commonly applied statistical analy- teaching. This training will also have an
sis techniques in science and other additional component to it on research
fields. communications (writing and publica-
tions) to make great impacts out of re-
A total of 14 staffs have taken part searches done in Ethiopian universities
in the training that lasted for 4 days. and research institutions.
Eight of the participants who have
completed at least 75% of the at- Industrial Internship: The FSPT pro-
tendance of the two software pro- gram coordinator and the school are
Gold Medalist graduates of Hawassa University in 2020 grams, have been recognized with working hard to secure internship places
certificate awards. The second round and assign mentors for the third year
for the reminder of the staffs is ex- FSPT students. The students will be
grams and modalities of training. Over pected to being in a couple of week’s spending a semester in a food manufac-
2140 of the graduates were females from turing industry to acquire practi-
all active campuses of the university. It cal and managerial, as well as
was indicated that the graduation of the team working skills under the
students was delayed by 6 months due to mentorship of staffs and industry
the COVID-19 pandemic. The gusts of professionals. The students will
honors in attendance of the convocation be eligible for this opportunity
ceremony conveyed messages to the after successfully completing all
graduate to become ambassadors of peace their course up to the third year
for their country and contribute to its and passing a holistic written
development and prosperity. examinations that will be set and
standardized at the school level.
Staffs Training, SNFST: A training on This is one of the important edu-
JMP and R Statistical Software programs cational quality checking mecha-
was organized and delivered to academic nisms devised in the program as
staffs and laboratory professionals of part of the curriculum.
SNFST with the support of the NICHE
project coordinated by Mr. Fikadu Reta. 

Special Food of this Issue — Pulses

We are pleased to cover and celebrate the nies, injera. Our Editorial Team and the
special foods for this issue, with the global “Nutritious Seeds for a Sustainable SNFST management wishes all, a happy
community under the umbrella of the Unit- Future” - a slogan of the World Pulses World Pulses Day of 2021.
ed Nations as February 10, 2021 is being
commemorated as the world pulses day for Day, Februray 10, 2021. 
the third time. The UN general assembly
passed a resolution that named the year of the general public on the importance
2016, the International Year of Pulses and of pulses and this year, the World’s
later in 2018, it was decided that February Pulses day will be celebrated with a
10 would be a Worlds Pulses Day. Pulses slogan “Nutritious Seeds for a Sus-
are the most important food crops with tainable Future”. Let us join the UN
higher protein quantity and quality as well on this day to create awareness on the
as sources of important mineral nutrient for nutritional and ecological importance
vast majority of the world’s populations in of pulses and also promote cultural and
particularly in developing countries. ethnic foods made from pulses. One of
the famous Ethiopian dishes made from
The UN has decided to increase awareness
pulses is our Shiro stew that accompa-

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 Page 5

PhD Dissertation Defense—Human Nutrition
The second PhD defense from area and tella consumption during work diligently, stay motivated, be wise and
the Human Nutrition (HuNu) pregnancy was one risk factor for patient on managing challenges.
Program happened in the sec- children, that requires immediate F&NeN: What will be your next step in
ond week of January. attention, limi- Examination Board terms of research priorities
Dr. Zelalem Tafese, who is tation of evi- and community services?
also an academic staff of dence to formu- Dr. Zelalem: For me involv-
SNFST, defended his PhD late effective ing in a PhD study was an
work and became the second nutrition inter- eye-opening opportunity to
person to complete his study. ventions in food explore more about child
F&NeN had an interview with insecure areas undernutrition situation in
Dr. Zelalem: and the im- Ethiopia. In the future, I want
F&NeN: Congratulations Dr. Zelalem! portance of to focus on research initia-
How do you summarize the path you've context-based nutrition tives in this direction and
come though? interventions to mitigate stunt- generate more evidences.
Dr. Zelalem: In 2016/17 academic year, I ing. The finding also highlighted F&NeN: Are there individuals and
was admitted to the PhD program in Human policy level research directions institutions that you may want to
Nutrition at Hawassa University. for context-based evidence be- acknowledge?
During the course of the study, I also have fore the formulation of large- Dr. Zelalem: I am extremely thankful
been challenged by administrative obstacles scale nutrition interventions. to Prof. Barbara Stoecker and Prof.
at different levels, also during field work F&NeN: Do you have some Yifru Berhan for their advice, insight-
including car accidents and problems relat- advices and tips for the other ful comments and over all guidance
ed to riots and political instabilities, PhD students in HuNu? during the course of my study. I want
F&NeN: Can you summarize your research Dr. Zelalem: It is important to to extend my appreciations to Hawassa
for us in a couple of statements? What was note that the success for any University and SPIR/DFSA project for
done? why? what was found? planned activity depends on how the funding.
Dr. Zelalem: The dissertation included four much the person devotes to ac-
PhD Supervisors: Barbara J Stoecker
study components. The general objective complish his/her daily planned
task. PhD,RD ,LD,
was providing robust evidence to reduce
stunting in food-insecure areas of rural From my experience I want to Regent professor at Oklahoma State
Ethiopia. The major finding was high mag- advise other PhD candidates to University [top] & Yifru Berhan
nitude of child undernutrition in the study (PhD, Prof, at St. Paul Millenium

PhD Defense, FSPT Staff, Dr. Esayas Kinfe

A member of our school, Dr. Esayas F&NeN is pleased to presents a brief Chickpea has a relatively higher fat content
knife Bekele, who was studying towards summary of Dr. Esayas’s research: (3-10%, dry weight basis) compared to
his PhD at the University of Saskatche- ====== most other pulses, which increases the sus-
wan (Canada) has successfully defended The overall purpose of the study was to ceptibility to oxidation and reduces the
his dissertation last month. Dr. Esayas’s investigate the use of a whole grain shelf-life of direct-expanded products con-
study was supported by an IDRC project chickpea and whole grain sorghum blend taining chickpea. In addition, chickpea oil
for the production of direct-expanded contains 42-47% linoleic and 2-4% linolen-
snacks and characterize it from oxidative ic acids. Sorghum fat (2-6%) also contrib-
stability, shelf-life and protein quality utes to the case.
perspectives. The rationale for the study
was a chickpea and sorghum blend could Besides, a high
be used for production of direct-expanded temperature ex-
snacks to increase the protein content and trusion can be
quality of such products, which are well destructive to
lysine and other
known to and consumed by people of
essential amino
various ages due to the texture and con- acids. In the end,
venience of these products. Shelf-stable oxidative stabil-
and nutrient-dense direct-expanded ity, shelf-life, and
snacks are ideal tools for addressing mal- protein quality analysis of the snacks indi-
nutrition in developing countries. cated that it was possible to produce direct-
expanded snack from whole grain chickpea
However, direct-expanded snacks are and whole sorghum blend having accepta-
implemented collaboratively by HwU and highly susceptible to oxidation due to ble shelf-life and enhanced protein quality.
University of Saskatchewan. F&NeN their low water activity and higher inter-
editorial Team and the SNFST Manage- facial surface area as the material is high- 
ment warmly congratulate Dr. Esayas. ly porous.


Humans, Foods & Science //
\\what you need to know
Food and Nutrition Sciences are among nologies that ensure the safety of foods how deviations from recommendations is
the most important areas of knowledge from biological, physical and chemical associated with different acute and chron-
the complete development and wellbeing stand points. For instance, ic health complications.
of humans. Both are apparently young foods may be heated or irradiated to be
areas of knowledge specialties compared made free of spoiling and/or pathogenic From the knowledge accumulated so far,
to many basic applied sciences, but play- microbes and its shelf life increased. it is recommended that adults eat less of
ing crucial roles in keeping the balance of the calorie-dense foods such as (added)
eating habits and health. This section will sugar, fat and alcohols and more of die-
present information that a none food pro- tary fibers, proteins and foods rich in
fessional needs to know to eat well and bioactive compounds (plant secondary
live healthy. metabolites) as many of these serve as
natural antioxidants and prevent the hu-
Food science is a field that helps us un- man body from damages by reactive free
derstand the nature of foods and apply radicals. It is recommended that children
that to manipulate a food to be more pal- are given less of the dietary fiber and
atable, nourishing and safe for consum- more of nutrient-dense (rapidly soluble
ers. Food Science deals with converting a carbs and proteins) for their body needs
short shelf life raw agricultural materials Nutrition, on the other hand, is a science these for the rapid growth of the body.
into a processed and packaged foods in a that studies the interaction between foods Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals)
manner it stays longer than it naturally and human body. Nutrition is a science have equal importance to all, except for
does and in a way it is convenient for the that studies how eating or not eating cer- iron that is required in more quantities for
users to handle and use. Food Scientists tain food components affects the health of women of reproductive ages. Moderate
develop processing technologies and humans. Community nutritionists try to alcohol consumption is better for health
system to reduce or eliminate undesirable understand the feeding habits of popula- than not consuming or frequent usage.
factors such as anti-nutrients and natural tions and try to identify the gaps and rec- Healthy life styles (physical activity) is
toxicants from foods and enhance the ommend possible remedies. Clinical nu- also highly recommended. Eat healthy
availability and efficiency of desirable tritionists, on the other hand try under- and live healthy!
traits including nutrients and taste. Food standing how different feeding habits
Scientist also design and implement tech- influence the metabolism of foods and 

Students’ Corner: Samrawit Abebaw—Hunu 2nd yr class rep.

F&NeN interviewed class representa- lenges and experiences you have been fast in a very short period of time, but
tive of the second year HuNu program— having during this crash classes? most of the time I went to class without
Samrawit Abebaw. Samrawit: The long and stressful having breakfast because of the time
F&NeN: Thank you Samrawit for taking COVID-19 break was, I think the first constraint.
your time for this interview, could you challenge, for me it took me sometimes F&NeN: The pain is enormous, but you
please introduce yourself? to get into mood and engage in the learn- all are going to get done, right? Keep
Samrawit : Thank you very much for the ing process. Besides, the schedule is fighting! We are finalizing our questions,
chance. I was born and raised in Jigjiga, very tight. We are sup- let me give you a chance to say some-
capital of Somali Region. I am 21 and I posed to take thing about your classmates, teachers
attended all my primary and school clas- about and management.
ses at Jigjiga St. Joseph school. After a sev- Samrawit: Thank you again for giving
long day of school, I like to spend time en me this chance, I want to thank all my
with friends and Mom. My favourite food class and roommates, all my friends are
is “Chechebsa”. Now, I a am 2nd year like my mothers, they always take good
Human nutrition student and class repre- care of me during this difficult time.
sentative for the last one and half years. F&NeN: We appreciate your time and
That is me. wish you
F&NeN: What are your career goals? best of
Samrawit: My dream was to be a lawyer. lucks in
But, when I was assigned to Hawassa your classes
University by MOSHE, I chose the hu- and exams.
man nutrition program out of the many courses Good Luck
departments in the college of agriculture. in less than to all 2nd
After graduation, I wish to join the nutri- two months’ period year HuNu
tion force in Ethiopia to tackle the burden and finalize their continuous assessments and 2nd and
of malnutrition. and final exam as well. The other chal- 3rd year
F&NeN: Interesting! We wish to see a lenge at this very moment is the break- FSPT class
great role being played by youngsters like fast issue, for me as a non-cafeteria stu- students.
you. Could you please tell us the chal- dent, I have to order and eat my break-

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 Page 7

|| The most Beautiful & Peaceful Campus
Head Quarter, Offices of the One of the tallest pine trees
President, Vice Presidents, across the beautiful campus
Directors & Other key Officers

… a photo that fetched over 160,000 views on google map

These trees resemble our

students, they flour annually

Hawassa University Main

Gate—Main Campus
The meaning of Green

Hawassa University, HwU—Ever to Excel!

Hawassa University (HwU) was es- graduate (masters, specialty and doctoral)
tablished four and a half decades ago programs. The university is one of those
with the opening of 'Awassa College of higher education institutes that are national-
Agriculture'- ly differentiated as a
ACA in 1976. research university
HwU then with special focus
became a uni- and mandate on grad-
versity in uate programs and
2000, follow- applied researches.
ing the fusion
of ACA with Hawassa University
two other col- is located in the heart
leges, 'Wondo of the Great East
Genet College African Rift Valley,
of Forestry' - WCF- (est. in 1978) and with the headquarter found in the beautiful
'Dilla College of Teachers’ Education city of Hawassa. Three of the campuses of
& Health Sciences'- DCTEHS (est. in the University, Main Campus, College of
1996). HwU is currently a home to Agriculture and the College of Medicine and
7037 (1630 academic and 5443 admin- Health Sciences are found in Hawassa.
istrative) staffs and over 43, 000 stu- Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natu-
dents in its 7 campuses, 8 Colleges and ral Resources is found around the Scenic
2 institutes. Mountainous and green dense forest area of
Wondo Genet town. The Awasa College of
At the moment, HwU is running more Business and Economics is located close to
than 90 undergraduate and around 120 Yirgalem town. Check HwU’s Website.


Vibrant Leaders of HwU—Leading us into the Future

Dr. Ayano Beraso Denbeshu Neare, VP for Busi- Dr. Tafesse Matewos, VP for
Dr. Fiseha Getachew, Dr. Mesay Hailu, VP for Admin-
istration & student Services ness & Development Research & Tech. Transfer
President VP for Academic Affairs

Dr. Tarekegn Yoseph Mr. Teshale Shode Dr. Nigatu Wondrade Prof. Tesfaye Semela Dr. Abreham Tulu Tsegaye Tuke
Dean, College of Agriculture Dean, Awada Business & Scientific Director, Institute Director, Institute of Policy Dean, College of Education Dean, College of Law &
Economic of Technology & Development Research Governance

Dr. Anteneh Gadisa

Executive Director Dele- Dr. Motuma Tolera
gate with the Rank of Vice Dean, Wondo Genet
President, College of College of Forestry
Dr. Hanna Getachew Medicine & Health Science & Natural Resources
Dean, School of
Graduate Studies
Dr. Dagne Shibru Dr. Zeytu Gashaw
Dean, College of Dean, College of
Social Science & Natural & Compu-
Humanities tational Sciences

More Photos . . . The most Beautiful Campus

Soccer stadium of Hawassa University

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 Page 9

Research and Outreach Activities—Human Nutrition
F&NeN had a brief interview with Fika- and I am really
du Reta, Staff of the SNFST (HuNu Pro- happy about the
gram), who is known to engage in several staff capacity
humanitarian and development initiatives. building missions
F&NeN: Thank you for volunteering to going on in our
give us a brief overview of your activities school. As we all
as part of the SNFST roles. Would you know, we have
begin by giving us a brief overview of critical shortage of
your experiences as part of the develop- Professors in Ethi-
ment and humanitarian projects you have opia, Therefore, I
been undertaking. really want to
Fikadu Reta: Thanks for giving me the thank guest staffs from abroad who made
opportunity to share our project manage- the Human Nutrition PhD program a
ment as well as Youth and Education reality. Prof. Rosalind Gibson (Photo on
Support Services Ethiopia (YessEthiopia) the right) of Otago University (New Zea-
initiative experiences. I started career at land), Prof. Barbara Stoecker from Okla-
HU in 1998 EC at the former RDFS de- homa State University (USA), Drs. Carol
partment. I enjoy working at HU since Henry and Susan Witting of Saskatche-
this university is my academic birthplace. wan University (Canada), Dr Alemu Fite
After completing my
ployed university gradu-
MSc from University
ates to get better jobs
of Copenhagen in “ As the YessEthiopia family, we invite fellow Ethiopians and friends and internship experienc-
Denmark, I was rein-
stated at the Human of Ethiopia to work with us in building a better future for the youth ” es. We are happy about
the progress of YessEthi-
Nutrition program of
opia since we already
SNFST in 2013 GC. Since my reinstate- of Michigan State University (USA), facilitated jobs and internship opportuni-
ment, I had the opportunity to serve the Prof. Martha Geodert of USA, Prof Mary ties for about 90 university graduates and
University as head of the SNFST school. Willis of UNL, USA, Prof Getachew we successfully completed employability
One of the big initiatives at the school Dagne from USA, Prof Joseph Beyene and business start-up trainings for more
were starting PhD programs both in Hu- from McGill University (Canada) and than 600 University graduates both online
man Nutrition. The Human Nutrition PhD many more. and face to face by collaborating with
program was launched before three years Yet, we still face one big challenge, par- different partners. As the YessEthiopia
and currently we have 15 PhD students. ticularly for the Human Nutrition gradu- family, we invite fellow Ethiopians and
We are deeply sorry because one of our ates-unemployment. Since this problem is friends of Ethiopia to work with us in
PhD students from first cohort Mr Aklilu huge and going to be more complicated building a better future for the youth . We
Dolla, a staff of Wolaita Sodo University as more graduates join the market, we are are also starting an online training for
passed away last year. May his
graduates and staffs from Ha-
soul rest in peace. From the 15
wassa University and all over
PhD students in three cohorts, 2
Ethiopia in collaboration with
PhDs who are our staffs, (Drs.
Catholic Relief Service Farmer
Anchamo Anato and Zelalem
to Farmer Program. I truly
Tafese) did already defended
appreciate the F&NeN newslet-
their researches and we are very
ter for this opportunity to share
happy about it. One of the great
updates on our progresses.
opportunities after we started
F&NeN: Thank you Mr. Fika-
the PhD program in Human
du for your time and experienc-
Nutrition was that we won two
es. Your services are also ap-
big projects (one from USAID
preciated. We hope to get back
and the other from Nuffic fund-
to you on some details of Yes-
ed NICHE program of the
Netherlands). committed to start a voluntary mission Updates on Mr. Fikadu’s activities could
These two projects supported 5 PhD called Youth and Education support ser- also be found by following his social
training for our staffs and we also pur- vice Ethiopia (YessEthiopia) which is media profiles:
chased an AGILENT brand HPLC ma- registered at federal level in May 2020 Facebook, LinkedIn & ResearchGate
chine. Now, we also have the PhD pro- with primary aim of supporting unem-
gram in Food Science and Technology 


>>> Cont’d from pg 4; Person of the Issue >>> Dr. Kebede Abegaz
F&NeN: Share us your work experience, sity (as one of the pioneer universities in this lection on the already started treatments at the
including academic leadership roles at Ha- regard), that helped the Food and Nutrition day time. The mysterious reasons were all the
wassa University and beyond including pro- Community to Nominate and recognize you items in the lab (>180) must be transferred in
fessional roles at national levels. as a founder? Can you walk us through the my charge, if something gone wrong. I cried
I started my career as Technical Assistant at experiences, challenges and successes you like a kid, my tears trickled, data collection
Basic Science department of AwCA, AAU came through? time gone until all the items are listed by the
(1976-78 EC) and served as lecturer, re- poor technical assistants, signed by the director
searcher and leader of academic units (1985- While I was on PhD study leave (1989-1994 and dean to hand over responsibilities to me
89 EC). After PhD qualification (1989-1994 EC), I was engaged on BSc curriculum devel- for all the items. The samples should be col-
EC), I served as Assistant Registrar of Natu- opment of Food Science & Postharvest Tech- lected at 6 hr interval for 3 days. Most of the
ral Sciences (NS) faculty, department head nology (FSPT) with support from advisors lab facilities were from my series of projects
of FSPT, Associate Dean for Academic and and colleagues. The BSc in FSPT is launched for decades. Sad! The sad sides include the
Research of AwCA (1999-2002 EC) and as (1995 EC), while I was Assistant Registrar unutilized pilot plant machineries for 15 years
Director (2002-05 EC) for Institute of Nutri- (1994-95). As my dream of FSPT realized, I owing to series of few reluctant leaders of
tion, Food Science and Technology (INFST). have been transferred from NS and assigned HwU, who sent the unreserved continuous
to organize FSPT department and headed it efforts of the FSPT staff to astray against insti-
I have also been conducting applied research (1995-98 EC). I was leading 4 Indian expatri- tutional needs. I got written punishment ever
and development in food science and nutri- ates on preparation to enroll students in from the highest office when the FSPT stu-
tion as PI & Co-PI of 22 different competi- FSPT, after completion of their first year dents ask for access to these resources; as if I
tive projects with International and Regional common courses and selection of department enticed students into political mobs.
grants from America, Canada, Sweden, Nor- effected. After 8 months of launching, the
way, EU, Germany, Ireland, Japan, and oth- FSPT curriculum was adopted by Haramaya F&NeN: Dr. Kebede Abegaz is known in the
ers, in millions of USD, where 5 of them are University from the HwU and both enrolled University as a person of firm stands and genu-
ongoing. The project outcomes are many students. We launched BSc in Human Nutri- ine critiques with the ambition of seeing better
qualified graduates (PhD/MSc), improved tion (2003 EC) after the MSc program in accomplishments. Given that such persons are
technologies, publications, nutritious food 2000 EC. The BSc in FSPT and HuNu were not "appreciated" in our cultures and that there
products where few of them are scaled up to the first of their kinds in Ethiopia and pio- are moments that you have been disadvantaged
farmers cooperatives and industries. I have neered at HwU . for this trait of yours, what is it that motivates
been growing from AwCA Diploma under you stay firm on your stands? What do you
AAU through PhD Programs in Human Nu- The impacts of these programs, HwU as pio- advise junior staffs in this regard?
trition and Food Science and Technology neer, are scaling out to more than 18 univer-
together with my Hawassa University sities that are yielding critical mass in job Thank you. Yes, I compromised my right and
(HwU) in the beautiful City of Hawassa for market and scaling up to PhD levels. These stayed firm, because I am serving the public
37 years, but a lot more to be paid back to imply on capacity of policy advices in food and the country, not someone’s skewed per-
the people in need in Ethiopia. and nutrition, nutrition-agriculture linkage, sonal interest. Few of them left pursuant of
I have been serving as the Agriculture and postharvest management, agro-processing, opportunities for individual interest while I am
Rural Development Policies and Strategies standard setting and regulations, food safety here with the public institution they damaged.
advisory group member (2020-to date), as and quality, food trade facilitation and health It is not only me, there are many others with
National Nutrition Consultant for MoA and outcomes. firm stands, and we will hand over our public
FAO (2010-11 EC) on integration and imple- At most, I am proud of the impacts on (1) institution to the young generation with firm
mentation of National Nutrition-Sensitive enrolment of those village children, whom I stands. Humans are functionally the sum total
Agriculture, as National Food Fortification liberated them from illiteracy and mobilized, of their experiences.
Project Manager (2005-2006 EC) to Global to formal schools through university gradu- I advise the young generation to be own per-
Alliance for Improved Nutrition at FMHA- ates, and (2) creation of impactful critical son, honest, far sighted, vigilant in globaliza-
CA of the MoH, as national consultant on mass in food science and technology, food tion, industrious in profession, responsive to
the Cost of Hunger in Africa (2006 EC) engineering, postharvest management, nutri- collective than individual purposes with coor-
UNECA/ WFP, to mention just a few. I have tion and related streams from none existence dinated effort. As to the young staff, the future
been engaged professionally as: voluntary in Ethiopia 15 years back. I am thankful to all is for them in this emerging digital era that
mentor of the African Women in Agricultur- institutions and professionals who contribut- calls for worldwide outlook to systematically
al Research and Development (AWARD) ed in launching of these streams to happen in harness this double faced smart globalization
(2019-to date), EC member of FoNSE (2014 Ethiopia. I am still strong and happy in serv- and reconcile with national interests. The big-
GC to date), Co-founder and EC member of ing my peoples to the level best together with gest resource for your transformation is inbuilt
ESPHM (2015-2020 GC), member of Edito- the growing critical mass in the streams. in yourselves. Also, listen to your 6th sense
rial Board of International Journal on Food organ too!
F&NeN: Dr. Kebede, would you share us the
Science/Technology and Nutrition, member extreme feelings in your professional life at F&NeN: Would you share us more on your
of Ethiopian Food Standard National Tech- Hawassa University, your happiest and sad- personal life (family matters)?
nical Committee of Agriculture and Food dest moments and events? Thank you: I am married and have 3 children,
Products at ESA (2012 GC to date), Presi- happy family. My wife and children have con-
dent of Ethiopian National Monitoring Com- The happiest feelings I had were launching of tributed by giving their time and supporting
mittee of International Society for Engineer- the FSPT and HuNu, scaling out of FSPT, my workaholic habit late in the evening, over
ing Education (IGIP) and European Society scaling up to terminal degrees, qualified vi- the weekends and sometimes overnight at re-
for Engineering Education (2009-2013 GC), brant young personnel from the FSPT and search laboratory against responsibility of
short-term consultant to Regional and Na- HuNu alumni, vivid critical mass in the job fatherhood.
tional GOs, NGOs, UN/NGOs as a commu- market, and accelerated self-sufficiency with
nity service provider. own national instructors. F&NeN: Thanks! last things worth sharing?
The saddest moment I personally had is when Let’s stay on the sides of public interests, be honest,
F&NeN: What are the major roles and stakes I was not allowed to get key and use my own make balanced decisions, keep our words, adapt to
that you had in the development of the Food laboratory out of working hours for data col- scenarios and work in team. Thank You!
and Nutrition Programs at Hawassa Univer- 

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 Page 11

Editorial information:
Tadesse F. Teferra (PhD)
College of Agriculture—Hawassa University,
Hawassa , Ethiopia

Gezahegn Neguse, Director

Email: Phone (Mobile): +251994166545
Office: +251462210060
Mobile: +251916042353

Editorial Policy:
Feeding the Minds We value all kinds of feedbacks and
suggestions. We also accept content contributions for our
F&NeN issues with relevance to our subheadings. If a content is
You may also be interested in: deemed necessary and of interest to our audiences, we may
accept secular ideas, views and analysis of science and aca-
Hawassa University website: demics although the contents may not directly be inline with
our scope and coverage. Supports of all forms to sustain our
efforts of “Feeding the Minds” are highly appreciated.

Editor’s Message ||
|| Reactions to F&NeN
Our Food and Nutrition Newsletter, supporters. We are indebt of words to A&M University (USA); Professor Eleo-
F&NeN emerged at the beginning of the express the technical advices and gener- rona Carini from University of Parma
21st year in the 21st century connecting ous offers for support by Abebe Kirub. (Italy); Professor Gulelat
the Food and Nutrition Community at We highly appreciate the continued Desse from Botswana
Hawassa University and beyond. We encouragements from University of Agricul-
began with the concept of FEEDING great people ture and Natural Re-
THE MINDS and from the first impres- sources (Botswana);
sions we got from our community, Professor Shimelis
we are more than confident Admassu from Ad-
that we sealed great dis Ababa Universi-
achievements. We also ty and Dr. Get-
learnt that we need to work achew Neme From
hard to continue serving Haramaya Univer-
our purpose, feeding the sity. Many more
minds and sustaining the colleagues and
impacts. friends from Ha-
wassa and other
The word cloud graphics Universities in
[on the right] is a collec- Ethiopia and around
tion of the encouraging the world are recognized for
feedbacks we received your supports. You have now become
form our audiences on like Professor part of our community and reasons for
our first issue. These are Sheleme Beyene, Professor Ajebu our hard work to sustain this platform.
words collected from Nurfeta, Mr. Mulugeta W/Tsadik F&NeN will flourish and our community
random email feedbacks from a wider (Librarian at HwU), Drs Sintayehu Yi- will remain connected with a formal but
audience we tried to reach out to. The grem, Kebede Abegaz, Amsalu Gobena, relaxed communication and documenta-
font size of the words in the graph indi- Elias Alemu, Tafese Bosha, Zelalem tion medium. Cheers and Stay Safe!
cate the frequency of their appearances. Tafese, Mulu Geta, Beruk Berhanu, and
We understand that it is important to keep many more from Hawassa University; 
impressing our communities, friends and Professor Joseph Awika from Texas

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