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Week 7

The following points must be submitted/uploaded on Fronter Friday 18 th February no

later than 14.00. You must make a quantitative research about the customers. If you find it
relevant, feel free to make a qualitative research also. You must answer the following

 What problem(s) is it you want to investigate?

- We would like to research how Tivoli can increase their number of business customers.
(we can say increase and mainteain the number of business people ) The business
customers are the smallest customer segment going to Tivoli, with only 4%, but are the
3rd ranked according to the amount of money spent and also they are staying the most
during one visit. Also Tivoli has competences and facilities (the british restaurant
wagamama , Tivoli hotel , NIMB conferince center and most importantly the location
(center of Copenhagen) ) . We would like to investigate if there is a possibility of making
the business customers loyal customers.

- How can Tivoli make business people a part of their SCA? (by having and
increasing the number of business customers Tivoli can its national and
international awareness

- )

- What can Tivoli do to be a preferred dining place for business customers?

- Could it be an advantage for Tivoli to have the hotel and the conference center?

 What type or research is it?

- We have chosen to use the descriptive research objective, because we would like to
research Tivoli’s potential “new” market and customers’ attitude towards dining in
Regarding the research plan

 Research approach

- We have considered what information we need to collect to be able to answer our

research question. Our secondary data will consist of the “Tivoli case” which was
presented for us at test 2. Furthermore we will look at annual reports and websites
stating customers’ opinions about Tivoli such as We will use
relevant books from this program.

- For our primary data we will conduct questionnaire, which will be sent to business
 Contact methods

- We will use Internet contact method addressed towards the business companies, but
also the telephone contact method to call the businesses that haven’t returned an
answer on our e-mail.

 Sampling plan
o Sampling unit

- Our sampling unit will be business companies that have been to Tivoli and may
potentially go to Tivoli.
o Sample size

- We will contact around 20-30 business companies. (we can rephrase the sentence “we
are expecting a response from 20-30 companies” , because I think that was our initial
idea helle said something like 10-20 right ??)
o Sampling procedure

- For the questionnaire we will utilize random sampling within the probability sampling
procedure. To find out potential companies for the that will form the research unit we
will use internet search engines like Bing or Google which use as a primary search
method Page Rank which for example if you search “business companies” the search
engine will display all page in which you can find those worlds regardless if the
business are service or product oriented . Therefore it is possible to apply the random
sampling method on the pages that the engine gives as a result .

 Research instruments

- Questionnaire

Regarding the questionnaire:

 What are the question topics

- How can Tivoli make business people a part of their SCA?

- What can Tivoli do to be a preferred dining place for business customers?

- Could it be an advantage for Tivoli to have the hotel and the conference center?

 Select question and response format

o Why are the questions asked, what are they supposed to cover?

We need to gather enough information from our questionnaires so we can

answer our research question and sub questions.

o Why have you chosen open and/or closed ended questions?

We have chosen to ask closed ended questions. It’s easier for respondents to
answer when there are options and it’s more simply for us to process the
results than it would be with open-ended questions.

o What is the reason for choosing the options for ticking

 Dichotomous
We won’t dichotomous questions.
 Multiple response
Most of our questions are multiple responses. We have chosen that
because it gives us more exact information. (To verify if the Tivolis’
assets are used and if yes which ones )

o Why is the particular scales used for the individual questions

Particular scale is used for obtaining as much as possible a clear picture of the
customers’ perception.

 Why have you formulated the questions as you have?

When asking closed ended questions it’s important that the number of options is not
too large. There has to be an option for every respondent. The options have to be
exclusive so it’s important that the respondent won’t feel confused when choosing the
right option.

 Why have you chosen this particular sequence of questions?

The sequence of the questions must be logical. The first questions will be general and
simple for example asking general questions of the company. From easy questions we
will move to specific and sensitive questions.

 What reflections have you made regarding the layout?

We will only ask the kind of questions that are necessary for our project and for which
we need the answer. We will ask the questions politely, form the questions as simple
as possible and focus on wording of the questions. We will style the layout by
formatting the text for example bolding and underlining the most necessary words in
order to make clear what is necessary.

 How have you carried out the pilot test?

We asked people to fill in the questionnaire and notify any ambiguous questions or
unseen mistakes. From their feedback we made the final version of the questionnaire.

 What did the pilot test show and how have the results influenced the final
We found out that there were a couple of questions that we had to change to make it
more understandable. To avoid ambiguity we clarified a couple of questions.
Regarding the data processing:

Why is qualitative and/or quantitative research chosen?

We have chosen quantitative data because it will give us a general overview and we will have
the possibility of making statistics. We will also use it because we have chosen to focus on
descriptive research.

Which projective techniques are used and why?

We are going to do a questionnaire to conduct necessary information, which will help us

answering our overall question.

1. How many employees are there in your company? (Choose one of the following)
- 0-5 ( )
- 6-10 ( )
- 11-20 ( )
- 21-50 ( )
- More than 50 ( )

2. How many times do you dine with your company associates per year? (Choose one of the
- 0 ( )
- 1-3 ( )
- 4-6 ( )
- 7-10 ( )
- More than 10 ( )

3. How many times do you dine with you company associates in Tivoli per year? (Choose
one of the following)
- 0 ( )
- 1-3 ( )
- 4-6 ( )
- 7-10 ( )
- More than 10 ( )

4. What is the reason why you have brought your business associates to Tivoli? (Choose at
least one of the following)
- To eat in Tivoli ( )
- The flowers and plants ( )
- The wild rides ( )
- The children’s amusements ( )
- The light arrangements ( )
- To attend the events arranged in Tivoli ( )
- I have not brought my business customers to Tivoli ( )

5. What restaurant type do you prefer in general? Rank all of the following restaurant types
in order from 1-6, 1 being the most preferred and 6 being the least preferred.
- Fast food restaurants ( )
- Cafes ( )
- Exclusive restaurants ( )
- Restaurants providing healthy alternatives ( )
- Bars ( )
- Other_____________ ( )
6. Indicate your opinion of the restaurant alternatives of Tivoli by ticking one of the
following categories.
5 Very good ( )
4 Good ( )
3 I don’t know ( )
2 Bad ( )
1 Very bad ( )

7. Would you take your business associates to dine at Tivoli instead of other restaurants and
if you would, why? Because of: (Choose at least one of the following)
- Atmosphere ( )
- Quality of the service ( )
- History ( )
- Events ( )
- Food quality ( )
- Rides ( )
- I wouldn’t take my business associates to Tivoli ( )
- Other_________ ( )
- No I wouldn’t take then at all

8. If doing business events would you consider using one or more of the facilities in Tivoli?

I would consider to use I have used

Hotel ( ) ( )
Conference ( ) ( )
Restaurants ( ) ( )
Rides ( ) ( )

I wouldn’t consider to use any of the facilities of Tivoli ( )

9. Why do you go to Tivoli in general? (Choose one of the following)

- Pleasure ( )
- Business ( )
- Pleasure and business ( )
- I don’t go to Tivoli ( )
We can say that it is relevant to see if the Tivoli can attract business people even for their
own pleasure / entertainment.

I was also thining of adding some more question

- like for those that do not dine but they can have meeting or conferences : How many times
do you dine with your company associates per year?
- we could also ask to prioritize the elements which are involved in making the decision of
where to hold the meeting/conference (for example place , service quality type of food etc),
to see if it coincides with Tivolis’ competences

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