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Present Past Simple Future Simple

Simple(განმეორებითი,ზოგად წარსული მომავალი

ი ახლანდელი)
s/es , რჩება უცვლელი -ed/ V2 Will+V
Do/does Did Will
usually, yesterday Tomorrow
sometimes, the other day=ამასწინათ next+დრო
often, დრო+ago (წინათ) (next week, month, year/day)
seldom, two days/weeks/years/months in+დროის სიტყვა
always, ago in a week,in a year,in a moment
never Soon=მალე
every day, Then=მაშინ,მერე(აბათილებს I think,I believe,I suppose,I'm
for ) sure,I hope
every week, Last+დრო
every month Last month/week/year
every year in future
as a rule, =როგორც წესი in+ წელი
on Mondays, in 1890,in 2010
in the evenings

ახლა მიმდინარე ,ლაივის
Am/is/are+ Ving
right now/just now=ზუსტად
at the moment=ამ მომენტში
Still–ჯერ კიდევ,ისევ
This evening
კითხვითი და უარყოფითი საჭიროებს შესაბამის( ახლანდელის ,წარსულის ან მომავლის)
დამხმარე ზმნებს ,მაგათ გარეშე ვერ დავსვამთ შეკითხვას ან ვერ ვუარყოფთ რამეს.
შეკითხვები დამხმარე ზმნა ჯდება შემსრულებლის წინ ,უარყოფითში დამხმარე ზმნა ჯდება
not-ის წინ.
Tom will go to London tomorrow.
Will Tom go to London tomorrow?
Tom will not go to London tomorrow.

Present Simple /Past Simple/Future Simple/Present continuous

1. Heila(to spend) last summer in the country.

2. Heila (not to spend) last summer in the country.
3. He (to spend) last summer in the country?
4. Where he (to spend) last summer?

5. She (to help) mother yesterday.

6. She (not to help) mother yesterday.
7. She (to help) mother yesterday?
8. How she (to help) mother yesterday?
9. Kate (to cook) breakfast every day.
10. Kate (to cook) breakfast tomorrow.
11. Kate (to cook) breakfast yesterday.
12. I (not to eat) cookies every day.
13. I (not to eat) cookies tomorrow.
14. I (not to eat) cookies yesterday.
15. You (to go) to school every day?
16. You (to go) to the south next summer?
17. You (to go) abroad last summer?
18. What your cousin Peter (to do) every day?
19. What your cousin Peter (to do) tomorrow?
20. What your cousin Peter (to do) yesterday?
21. We (to go) on a tramp last Sunday.
22. Your cousin Peter (to go) to the country with us next Sunday?
23. We (to cook) our meals on a fire last summer.
24. My sister (to wash) the dishes every morning.
25. What you (to prepare) for breakfast tomorrow?
26. You (to invite) your cousin to stay with you next summer?
27. How you (to help) your sister last summer?
28. I (to send) a letter to my friend tomorrow.
29. Every morning on the way to school I (to meet) my friends.
30. My friend (to go) to the library every Wednesday.
31. He (not to go) to the country yesterday.
32. Why you (to go) to the shop yesterday?
33. We (to grow) tomatoes next summer.
34. Where your father (to work) last year?
35. They (to go) to the south next summer.
36. He usually (not to watch) TV .
37. Yesterday we (to write) a test-paper.
38. I (to buy) a very good book last Tuesday.
39. My granny (not to buy) bread soon.
40. What you (to buy) at the shop tomorrow?


Alex: Hey Jane, John, there is a musical concert in the park. You want to go see the band play?
Jane: I am done with my homework; I can go.
John: Me too. Let’s go.
Jane: Hey, look at that sport car. Isn’t it neat?
Alex: That is exactly the kind of car that I want once(როგორც კი) I get a good job. I bet it is
very fast. I want mine to be red though(თუმცა).
Jane: Keep on dreaming(იოცნებე), Alex. That car costs a fortune(ძვირი ღირს).
Alex: It does not hurt to set high expectations. Maybe one day I will make a lot of money, and I
might surprise you.
John: Talking about cars, why is the traffic so heavy today?
Alex: People are probably heading toward(კენ) the park for the concert. The band does play
pretty good music.
Jane: Yes, it does. For the last three years, I have never missed(გაცდენა) the concert. I have
always arranged(მოწყობა) my schedule(განრიგი) so that(ისე რომ) I could attend(დასწრება)
the event(ღონისძიება) once the band was in town.

John: How long ago did the band start playing at our park?
Jane: I think it started this tradition five years ago before you moved into our
neighborhood(უბანი). Every year/ it always arrives(ჩამოსვლა) /the first week of June /to play
for the whole(მთელი,მთლიანი) week.
Alex: You will enjoy this evening, John. There will be good Country music, a lot of stomping
around, and definitely(უეჭველად) a lot of hollering(ყვირილი).
John: It sounds like fun.
Jane: My favorite is Rock and Roll music; however, I have to(უნდა) say that country melodies
can be quite enticing(მაცდუნებელი,მომხიბვლელი). I can listen to them all day long.
Alex: John, what kind of music do you like?
John: Oh(ოუ), I like all kinds of music as long as(თუკი)/გარდა it is not Hard Rock.

Jane: Wow, look at the number of people who have already shown up for the concert. Good
thing that we are here already.
Alex: Jane, where do you want to sit? In the shade or in the sun?
Jane: In the shade, please. I have been in the sun too much lately.
John: There is a food stand over there. Do you two want anything?
Jane: Nothing for me, thanks. I already have my bottle of water.
Alex: I want a bag of chips and a soda. Are you sure you do not want any chips, Jane?
Jane: I am quite sure. Besides, my mother is cooking a good steak dinner, and I want to save my
Alex: Jane, you are so lucky to have such a good cook for a mother. John, you have to taste her
cream cakes one of these days. You cannot find better cream cakes anywhere in this town.
Jane: I know we will have cream cake for dessert this evening. I will save you a piece if you
want, John.
John: I always love cake, so please save me a piece. Thanks, Jane.
Jane: How about you, Alex? A piece of cake for you too?
Alex: You know I will say yes to a piece of your mother’s cream cake any day.
Jane: OK, I will save two pieces of cream cake for both of you tonight. We can meet at the
cafeteria at lunch time tomorrow and I will give them to you.
John: Alex, you better get your chips and soda now if you still want them. It is almost 3:00PM,
and the concert is about to start.
Alex: For the last time, do you guys want anything?
Jane: I am sure I do not want anything, Alex. I am doing fine.
John: Me neither, Alex.
Alex: OK, save me a seat. I will be right back.

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