Self-Reflection Leader

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I was assigned to form a start-up company with my classmate, to accomplish the

M-Business project we have to collaborate with each other to promote a person to be the

president, vice president, and show our experience in order to be able to fit in the department. I

was assigned to take part in the public relations department.

Our company chose to create a survival kit bag for the COVID-19 situation, in the bag,

there will be a mask, alcohol, and soap which are all contained by the bag itself. The first step of

our company and each employee is to come up with the vision for the company and then vote for

the best one. This task helps raise my self-awareness skills as I need to think for a valuable

vision that is going to work for the future and now. Furthermore, it helps me to participate in the

group decisions by communicating with each other to effectively negotiate the conflicts. As a

result, our company runs the business with the vision of “customize our product based on your


In the next process, I need to suggest the idea for what product we are going to make with

the group then propose it to the president and others to decide on the best one. For me, this

process is very tough because the product that we are going to make is a very important factor

that determines whether our company will be successful or not. System thinking skills play a

significant role in this one. Because before we propose the idea to others, we have to plan well

and look at the big picture, so that our group is able to recognize and understand the relationships

as a whole. Therefore, we do everything steps by step in the process of manufacturing the

product, because planning and organizing the thought before work and finalizing the idea is very

important. Another skill that significantly developed is the collaboration skills because in our

company we work as a team, so that means we need to participate in the group decision, learn

from others, communicate effectively and be able to deal with conflicts. For example, each
department has a different opinion on what product to make, but at last, we can finalize the

choice by choosing the product that has the most votes by the members of the company.

The most important role for my department is to promote products to school staff,

students, and parents. Furthermore, I also need to stay interactive with the customers via Line,

Instagram, or even CAWY’s email. Not to mention, my collaboration skills significantly

increased as I needed to communicate effectively with strangers to promote the prepared

dialogue and negotiation to deal with conflicts. From working, I need to face many people that I

never talk to, so I need to be brave, nevertheless, I need to face many questions from the

customer that I need to solve. This is when problem-solving skills come into play in my

department. I need to apply different problem-solving frameworks to complex problems, develop

and implement innovative solution options, and use various processes in learning such as

knowing, inquiring, acting, judging, imagining, connecting, valuing, and choosing to apply in the

real life. Thank you for this skill, it helps me answer the customer’s questions and can

completely sell the product to the goal that has been set.

Answering, selling, and taking care of the social media for the company might seem very

easy, but it was harder than I thought. I found that attracting customers through social media is

pretty hard because you need to post an image or “ig story” that would make people interested in

one second else they would skip your post immediately. I found this is my biggest weakness is

that I am bad at promoting the product through social media. However, when I was face to face

with customers or direct sales, I think I was better in this way. I am able to persuade the

customers to become interested in the product by showing the real product, whether how to use

it, and the advantages of having the product. This experience taught me that relationships and
connection is a valuable skill because if I don’t have this I sure that I wouldn't be able to sell this


In conclusion, the M-Business project was very challenging but it did help improve lots

of my essential skills: self-awareness skills, system thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and

collaboration skills. This skill is very important for starting a business and developing the

company to become a successful one. Working as a team is very important because I need to be

responsible to finish the work assigned on time, else it would badly affect the members of the

team and the company. Overall, this project helped me as an individual to become a better

employee and know the structure of how the company works, which I definitely will need to

apply in the future.


● Strategic Learner

● I learned to be more organized and create a google sheet to order the stockholders'

or the customers' information. Since I have created a mistake by sending the

wrong information to the wrong person.

● Innovative Thinkers

● I used an online application to order the information, which is more efficient and

less time consuming

● Articulate Communications

● I use this skill on time, as I work in Public Relation department since I need to tell

what the company want to the different social groups and make them understand

● Morally Intelligent Persons

● Be honest to the customers, stockholders, and the company

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