VDR G4 (E) Voyage Data Recorder VDR G4 (E) Technical Manual For VDR G4 (E)

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Voyage Data Recorder VDR G4[e]

Technical Manual
for VDR G4[e]

© Copyright 2016 INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH. All Rights Reserved.

This manual, the software of mentioned components and operating instructions, are
protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, tran-
scribed or translated to any language nor may be stored in any retrieval system by any
means, in any written, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, or any other form, without
the expressed written consent of INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH.

• INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH reserves the right to change or to withdraw this
document without prior notice.
• INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH does not guarantee correctness and accuracy
of programs and data, stored on a CD-ROM.
• We appreciate helpful suggestions for improvements and error reports at any time.
• The agreements includes this document and associated appendices.


Revision: 1.0.5

Date: November 04, 2016

Original Technical Manual.

Product-No.: 106370

Template: 1.0.5 english


In case of questions or suggestions for improvement, please contact qm@interschalt.de.

VDR G4[e] Table of Contents
Technical Manual

Table of Contents

List of Figures ......................................................................................................... vii

List of Tables .......................................................................................................... xiii

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Information to this instruction ............................................................................. 1
1.2 Purpose of document ........................................................................................... 1
1.3 Action Instructions ................................................................................................ 1
1.4 Safety Instruction .................................................................................................. 2
1.4.1 Level of Danger ......................................................................................... 2
1.4.2 Danger Symbols ........................................................................................ 2
1.4.3 Designate use ............................................................................................ 2
1.4.4 Non designated use ................................................................................... 3
1.4.5 Target groups ............................................................................................ 3
1.4.6 Modifications, spare parts and accessories ............................................... 3
1.4.7 Operating instructions ................................................................................ 4
1.5 Limited Liability ..................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Structure of the Manual ........................................................................................ 5
1.7 Important terms and abbreviations ..................................................................... 5

2 Functionality ............................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Purpose and Function .......................................................................................... 9
2.2 Configuration of a VDR G4[e] .............................................................................. 10
2.3 Maritime Data Processor (MDP2020) ................................................................. 11
2.4 Interface Control Unit (ICU) ................................................................................ 11
2.5 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) ................................................................... 11
2.6 Audio2net module ............................................................................................... 12
2.7 Microphone VCA004 ........................................................................................... 12
2.8 NMEA2net module ............................................................................................... 12
2.9 Tron 40VDR capsule ........................................................................................... 13
2.10 FRM NEMO 2.0 module ....................................................................................... 13
2.11 Framegrabber FGR4 ............................................................................................ 14
2.12 Framegrabber FGR5 ............................................................................................ 14
2.13 Replay and Realtime Monitor software ............................................................. 15
2.14 PLC module ......................................................................................................... 15

3 Web-frontend .......................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Login and Logout ................................................................................................ 17
3.2 MDP2020 .............................................................................................................. 19
3.2.1 Overview of menu .................................................................................... 19
3.2.2 Menu item “System”  “Info” .................................................................. 20
3.2.3 Menu item “System”  “Init” .................................................................... 22
3.2.4 Menu item “System”  “Storage” ............................................................ 24
3.2.5 Menu item “System”  “Agents” ............................................................. 26

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Technical Manual

3.2.6 Menu item “System”  “Network” ............................................................ 28

3.2.7 Menu item “Capture”  “NMEA” .............................................................. 32
3.2.8 Menu item “Capture”  “Frame” .............................................................. 37
3.2.9 Menu item “Capture”  “I/O Devices” ...................................................... 43
3.2.10 Menu item “Monitor” ................................................................................. 47
3.2.11 Menu item “Service”  “Options” ............................................................. 49
3.2.12 Menu item “Service”  “Log files” ............................................................ 53
3.3 Interface Control Unit ICU ................................................................................... 55
3.3.1 Access to ICU .......................................................................................... 55
3.3.2 Overview of menu .................................................................................... 55
3.3.3 Menu item “Config”  “Audio” ................................................................. 56
3.3.4 Menu item “Config”  “NMEA Connections” ........................................... 56
3.3.5 Menu item “Config”  “Agents” ............................................................... 57
3.3.6 Menu item “Config”  “Network” ............................................................. 57
3.3.7 Menu item “Monitor” ................................................................................. 60
3.4 Audio2net module ................................................................................................ 61
3.4.1 Access to Audio2net ................................................................................ 61
3.4.2 Menu item “Audio” .................................................................................... 62
3.4.3 Menu item “Network” ................................................................................ 63
3.4.4 Menu item “Test” ...................................................................................... 64
3.4.5 Menu item “Status” ................................................................................... 65
3.5 NMEA2net module ............................................................................................... 65
3.5.1 Access to NMEA2net ............................................................................... 65
3.5.2 Menu item “Serial” .................................................................................... 66
3.5.3 Menu item “Network” ................................................................................ 67
3.6 Tron 40VDR capsule ............................................................................................ 68
3.6.1 Access to Tron 40 capsule ....................................................................... 68
3.6.2 Menu item “Networking” ........................................................................... 69
3.7 FRM NEMO 2.0 ..................................................................................................... 71
3.7.1 Login and Logout ..................................................................................... 71
3.7.2 Menu item “Network” ................................................................................ 73
3.7.3 Menu item “Status” ................................................................................... 74
3.7.4 Menu item “Log” ....................................................................................... 75
3.8 FGR 5 .................................................................................................................... 76
3.8.1 Overview of menu .................................................................................... 76
3.8.2 Menu item “Network”  “Settings” ........................................................... 77
3.8.3 Menu item “Network”  “Services” .......................................................... 78
3.8.4 Menu item “Image”  “Aspect ratio” ........................................................ 79
3.8.5 Menu item “Image”  “Processing settings” ............................................ 80
3.8.6 Menu item “Image”  “Transfer Settings” ................................................ 82
3.8.7 Menu item “Administration”  “Passwords” ............................................. 83
3.8.8 Menu item “Administration”  “Update” ................................................... 84
3.8.9 Menu item “Administration”  “Reboot” ................................................... 84
3.8.10 Menu item “Administration”  “Factory reset” ......................................... 85
3.8.11 Menu item “Information”  “Show logfile” ................................................ 85
3.8.12 Menu item “About”  “System information” ............................................. 86

4 Installing .................................................................................................................... 87
4.1 Wiring .................................................................................................................... 88
4.1.1 Maximum Cable Length ........................................................................... 91

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VDR G4[e] Table of Contents
Technical Manual

4.2 Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020 .................................................................. 92

4.2.1 External connections ............................................................................... 92
4.2.2 Internal connections ................................................................................ 94
4.3 Interface Control Unit (ICU) ................................................................................ 95
4.3.1 External connections ............................................................................... 96
4.3.2 Alarm signaling to bridge alarm system ................................................. 100
4.4 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) ................................................................. 101
4.4.1 External connections ............................................................................. 101
4.5 Audio2net module ............................................................................................. 102
4.5.1 External connections ............................................................................. 103
4.6 Microphone VCA004 ......................................................................................... 106
4.6.1 Position .................................................................................................. 106
4.6.2 External connections ............................................................................. 107
4.7 NMEA2net module ............................................................................................. 108
4.7.1 External connections ............................................................................. 108
4.8 Tron 40VDR capsule ......................................................................................... 111
4.8.1 Placement .............................................................................................. 112
4.8.2 External connections ............................................................................. 112
4.9 FRM NEMO 2.0 module ..................................................................................... 113
4.9.1 Placement .............................................................................................. 115
4.9.2 External connections ............................................................................. 117
4.10 Framegrabber FGR4 .......................................................................................... 120
4.10.1 External connections ............................................................................. 120
4.11 Framegrabber FGR5 .......................................................................................... 122
4.11.1 Mounting positions ................................................................................. 122
4.11.2 External connections ............................................................................. 123

5 Commissioning ................................................................................................... 125

5.1 Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020 ................................................................ 128
5.2 Interface Control Unit (ICU) .............................................................................. 130
5.3 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) ................................................................. 132
5.4 Audio2net module ............................................................................................. 134
5.5 NMEA2net module ............................................................................................. 138
5.6 Tron 40VDR capsule ......................................................................................... 140
5.7 FRM NEMO 2.0 module ..................................................................................... 142
5.8 Framegrabber FGR4 .......................................................................................... 145
5.8.1 Connecting the FGR4 in configuration mode ........................................ 145
5.8.2 Load configuration data from local file ................................................... 148
5.8.3 Save configuration data to local file ....................................................... 149
5.8.4 Change IP address of FGR4 ................................................................. 151
5.8.5 Grabbing and adjusting of test images .................................................. 151
5.9 Framegrabber FGR5 .......................................................................................... 155
5.9.1 Commissioning with web-frontend ......................................................... 156
5.9.2 Commissioning without web-frontend .................................................... 157
5.10 NMEA interfaces ................................................................................................ 157
5.10.1 NMEA connections ................................................................................ 157
5.10.2 NMEA interface list ................................................................................ 160
5.10.3 NMEA descriptions ................................................................................ 163
5.10.4 NMEA2net ............................................................................................. 164
5.11 I/O devices ......................................................................................................... 165

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5.11.1 Edit analog inputs ................................................................................... 168

5.11.2 Edit digital inputs .................................................................................... 170

6 Operating procedures ...................................................................................... 173

6.1 Starting up the VDR G4[e] .................................................................................. 174
6.2 Shutdown the VDR G4[e] ................................................................................... 175
6.3 Normal operation ............................................................................................... 175
6.4 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) .................................................................. 176
6.4.1 Performance Test ................................................................................... 179
6.4.2 Function as Alarm Panel ........................................................................ 184
6.5 Retrieving the data with a Replay Computer ................................................... 185
6.5.1 Ship-based download ............................................................................. 185
6.5.2 Choice of data source ............................................................................ 186
6.5.3 Land-based download ............................................................................ 187
6.6 Retrieving the data from the various storage mediums ................................. 187
6.7 Emergency (incident) backup (optional) ......................................................... 187
6.8 Automatic restart ............................................................................................... 192
6.9 Handling of recorded data ................................................................................ 193
6.9.1 Merlog file ............................................................................................... 194
6.9.2 Captured radar images .......................................................................... 194
6.9.3 Details about audio information .............................................................. 194
6.9.4 Non standard information ....................................................................... 195
6.10 Data check after service .................................................................................... 195

7 Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance ........................................... 199

7.1 Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020 ................................................................. 200
7.1.1 Log files .................................................................................................. 200
7.1.2 Firmware update .................................................................................... 201
7.1.3 Upload configuration .............................................................................. 202
7.1.4 Service - Option “System files” ............................................................... 204
7.1.5 Reset to defaults .................................................................................... 206
7.2 Interface Control Unit (ICU) ............................................................................... 210
7.2.1 Firmware update .................................................................................... 210
7.2.2 Reset to defaults .................................................................................... 212
7.3 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) .................................................................. 213
7.3.1 Firmware update .................................................................................... 213
7.3.2 Reset to defaults .................................................................................... 215
7.4 Audio2net module .............................................................................................. 216
7.4.1 Firmware update .................................................................................... 216
7.4.2 Reset to defaults .................................................................................... 218
7.5 NMEA2net module ............................................................................................. 219
7.5.1 Reset to defaults .................................................................................... 220
7.6 Tron 40VDR module ........................................................................................... 220
7.6.1 Installing and updating software ............................................................. 220
7.6.2 Replacement of a Tron 40VDR capsule ................................................. 221
7.6.3 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................... 223
7.6.4 Maintenance Tron 40VDR ...................................................................... 224
7.7 FRM NEMO 2.0 module ...................................................................................... 224
7.7.1 Firmware update from 5.210 .................................................................. 225

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7.7.2 Web-frontend of NEMO 2.0 ................................................................... 225

7.7.3 Replacement of NEMO 2.0 flash drive .................................................. 226
7.8 Framegrabber FGR4 .......................................................................................... 228
7.8.1 General .................................................................................................. 228
7.8.2 RS232 switch for console connection .................................................... 229
7.8.3 Changing the IP address via internal web-frontend of FGR4 ................ 230
7.9 Framegrabber FGR5 .......................................................................................... 232
7.9.1 Firmware update .................................................................................... 232
7.9.2 System update ....................................................................................... 234
7.9.3 Factory reset .......................................................................................... 236
7.9.4 Auto adjust of the grab parameter ......................................................... 236
7.9.5 Manual adjust of the grab parameter ..................................................... 237
7.9.6 Logfiles .................................................................................................. 238
7.9.7 FTP-Access to FGR5 ............................................................................ 240
7.10 Strategy if troubleshooting procedures are not successful ......................... 241

8 Dismantling and disposal .............................................................................. 243

8.1 Disassembly dismantling ................................................................................. 243
8.2 Disposal ............................................................................................................. 243

9 Appendix ................................................................................................................. 245

9.1 USB-Datastick 64 GB ........................................................................................ 247
9.2 FRM NEMO 2.0 32 GB - Maritime Recorder ..................................................... 248
9.3 FRM NEMO 2.0 64 GB - Maritime Recorder ..................................................... 249
9.4 VDR float free capsule Tron 40VDR ................................................................. 250
9.5 Connectionbox FFC .......................................................................................... 251
9.6 Maritime Data Processor MDP2020 ................................................................. 252
9.7 Interface Control Unit (ICU) .............................................................................. 253
9.8 Framegrabber FGR4 .......................................................................................... 254
9.9 Protocol about the status of the FGR4 ............................................................ 255
9.10 Framegrabber FGR5 P1020@667 MHz ............................................................ 260
9.11 Framegrabber FGR5 P1020@800 MHz ............................................................ 261
9.12 Framegrabber FGR5 P2020@1200 MHz .......................................................... 262
9.13 NMEA2net Interface .......................................................................................... 263
9.14 Audio2net G4[e] - Microphone / Other Interface ............................................ 264
9.15 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) ................................................................. 265
9.16 Lan-Adapter without Power .............................................................................. 266
9.17 Lan-Adapter with Power ................................................................................... 267
9.18 Microphone VCA004 ......................................................................................... 268
9.19 Battery Module 9500 mAh ................................................................................ 269
9.20 Battery Module 15300 mAh .............................................................................. 270
9.21 Keylock Switch 2 Layers .................................................................................. 271
9.22 Keylock Switch 3 Layers .................................................................................. 272
9.23 Microphone Box ................................................................................................ 273
9.24 EC Type Examination (Module B) Certificate VDR ......................................... 274
9.25 Statement of Conformity FGR5 ........................................................................ 278
9.26 DNV/GL Type Approval for Moxa-switches .................................................... 279

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vi Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] List of Figures
Technical Manual

List of Figures

Figure 2-1: Typical configuration of a VDR G4[e] ............................................................ 10

Figure 3-1: Login window ............................................................................................... 17
Figure 3-2: Logout .......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 3-3: Welcome page VDR G4[e] with download area ............................................ 18
Figure 3-4: Menu item “System”  “Info” ....................................................................... 20
Figure 3-5: Menu item “System”  “Init” ........................................................................ 22
Figure 3-6: Menu item “System”  “Storage”  “Mount01” ........................................... 24
Figure 3-7: Menu item “System”  “Storage”  “Mount03” ........................................... 25
Figure 3-8: Menu item “System”  “Agents” .................................................................. 26
Figure 3-9: Menu item “System”  “Agents”  “Frame” ................................................ 27
Figure 3-10: Menu item “System”  “Network”  “Global” .............................................. 28
Figure 3-11: Menu item “System”  “Network”  “GBit Lan 1” ....................................... 28
Figure 3-12: Menu item “System”  “Network”  “GBit Lan 2” ....................................... 30
Figure 3-13: Menu item “System”  “Network”  “Hosts” ............................................... 30
Figure 3-14: Menu item “System”  “Network”  “SNMP” .............................................. 32
Figure 3-15: Menu item “Capture”  “NMEA”  “Connections” ...................................... 32
Figure 3-16: NMEA connection for network and serial interface ...................................... 33
Figure 3-17: Menu item “Capture”  “NMEA”  “Interfaces” .......................................... 35
Figure 3-18: Menu item “Capture”  “NMEA”  “Sentences” ......................................... 36
Figure 3-19: NMEA Sentence Edit ................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-20: Menu item “Capture”  “Frame” .................................................................. 37
Figure 3-21: Menu item “Capture”  “Frame”  “Common” ........................................... 38
Figure 3-22: Error rules examples .................................................................................... 38
Figure 3-23: Overview of protocols ................................................................................... 39
Figure 3-24: Function “Show frame” ................................................................................. 39
Figure 3-25: Settings “IS proprietary” ............................................................................... 40
Figure 3-26: Settings “IEC 62388, Annex H.4” ................................................................. 41
Figure 3-27: Settings “IEC 61162-450” ............................................................................. 42
Figure 3-28: Menu item “Capture”  “I/O Devices” .......................................................... 43
Figure 3-29: I/O Devices - analogue inputs overview ....................................................... 44
Figure 3-30: I/O Devices analogue input Edit ................................................................... 45
Figure 3-31: I/O Devices - digital input overview .............................................................. 46
Figure 3-32: I/O Devices digital input Edit ........................................................................ 46
Figure 3-33: Menu item “Monitor”  “Status” ................................................................... 47
Figure 3-34: Menu item “Monitor”  “Performance” ........................................................ 48
Figure 3-35: Menu item “Monitor”  “Clients” .................................................................. 48
Figure 3-36: Menu item “Monitor”  “Storage” ................................................................ 48
Figure 3-37: Menu item “Monitor”  “Manufacturer” ........................................................ 49
Figure 3-38: Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “Service” ............................................. 49
Figure 3-39: Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “Features” ........................................... 50
Figure 3-40: Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “Firmware” .......................................... 50
Figure 3-41: Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “UPS” ................................................. 51
Figure 3-42: Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “Get Logs” .......................................... 51
Figure 3-43: Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “System files” ..................................... 52
Figure 3-44: System file open for editing .......................................................................... 53
Figure 3-45: Log file: Merlog ............................................................................................. 54

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Figure 3-46: Welcome page .............................................................................................. 55

Figure 3-47: Menu item “Config”  “Audio” ...................................................................... 56
Figure 3-48: Menu item “Config”  “NMEA Connections” ................................................ 56
Figure 3-49: Menu item “Config”  “Agents” .................................................................... 57
Figure 3-50: Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “Global” ................................................ 57
Figure 3-51: Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “Intern” ................................................. 58
Figure 3-52: Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “Extern” ................................................ 58
Figure 3-53: Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “Hosts” ................................................. 59
Figure 3-54: Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “SNMP” ................................................ 59
Figure 3-55: Menu item “Monitor”  “Performance .......................................................... 60
Figure 3-56: Menu item “Monitor”  “Power ..................................................................... 60
Figure 3-57: Welcome page .............................................................................................. 61
Figure 3-58: Hardware and firmware info .......................................................................... 61
Figure 3-59: Menu item “Audio” ........................................................................................ 62
Figure 3-60: Menu item “Network” .................................................................................... 63
Figure 3-61: Menu item “Test” ........................................................................................... 64
Figure 3-62: Menu item “Status” ....................................................................................... 65
Figure 3-63: Welcome page .............................................................................................. 66
Figure 3-64: Menu item “Serial” ........................................................................................ 66
Figure 3-65: Menu item “Network” .................................................................................... 67
Figure 3-66: Welcome page .............................................................................................. 69
Figure 3-67: Network Configuration .................................................................................. 69
Figure 3-68: Network interfaces ........................................................................................ 70
Figure 3-69: Routing and Gateway ................................................................................... 70
Figure 3-70: Hostname and DNS ...................................................................................... 70
Figure 3-71: Bootup interface ............................................................................................ 71
Figure 3-72: Login window ................................................................................................ 72
Figure 3-73: Logout ........................................................................................................... 72
Figure 3-74: Welcome page .............................................................................................. 72
Figure 3-75: Hardware and firmware info .......................................................................... 73
Figure 3-76: Menu item “Network” .................................................................................... 73
Figure 3-77: Menu item “Status” ....................................................................................... 74
Figure 3-78: Menu item “Log” ............................................................................................ 75
Figure 3-79: Menu item “Network”  “Settings” ............................................................... 77
Figure 3-80: Position of eth0 = LAN0 with POE and eth1 = LAN1 .................................... 77
Figure 3-81: Menu item “Network”  “Services” ............................................................... 78
Figure 3-82: Menu item “Image”  “Aspect ratio” ............................................................. 79
Figure 3-83: Menu item “Image”  “Processing settings” ................................................ 80
Figure 3-84: Menu item “Image”  “Transfer Settings” .................................................... 82
Figure 3-85: Menu item “Administration”  “Passwords” ................................................. 83
Figure 3-86: Menu item “Administration”  “Update” ....................................................... 84
Figure 3-87: Menu item “Administration”  “Reboot” ....................................................... 84
Figure 3-88: Menu item “Administration”  “Factory reset” .............................................. 85
Figure 3-89: Menu item “Information”  “Show logfile” .................................................... 85
Figure 3-90: Menu item “About”  “System Information” ................................................. 86
Figure 4-1: MDP 2020 module ........................................................................................ 92
Figure 4-2: External connections .................................................................................... 92
Figure 4-3: Internal connections and environment .......................................................... 94
Figure 4-4: External connections and environment ......................................................... 95
Figure 4-5: External connections .................................................................................... 96
Figure 4-6: Default alarm connection between a bridge alarm panel and the ICU ....... 100

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VDR G4[e] List of Figures
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Figure 4-7: Alternative alarm connection between a bridge alarm panel and the ICU . 100
Figure 4-8: Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) ........................................................... 101
Figure 4-9: Audio2net module ...................................................................................... 102
Figure 4-10: External connections and environment ...................................................... 103
Figure 4-11: Microphone VCA004 .................................................................................. 106
Figure 4-12: NMEA2net module ..................................................................................... 108
Figure 4-13: External connection .................................................................................... 108
Figure 4-14: Tron 40VDR capsule .................................................................................. 111
Figure 4-15: Principle wiring plan ................................................................................... 112
Figure 4-16: NEMO 2.0 module ...................................................................................... 113
Figure 4-17: External connection .................................................................................... 118
Figure 4-18: Recommended assembly of the connecting cable ..................................... 119
Figure 4-19: FGR4 module ............................................................................................. 120
Figure 4-20: External connections FGR4 ....................................................................... 120
Figure 4-21: FGR5 module ............................................................................................. 122
Figure 4-22: Mounting positions of the FGR5 ................................................................. 122
Figure 4-23: External connections FGR5 ....................................................................... 123
Figure 5-1: Login window VDR ..................................................................................... 126
Figure 5-2: Logout-Button ............................................................................................. 126
Figure 5-3: Start-Menu page of RCTP module [FULL] ................................................. 132
Figure 5-4: Info / About RCTP module [FULL] ............................................................. 133
Figure 5-5: IP address Menu [FULL] ............................................................................ 133
Figure 5-6: Display Dimming [FULL] ............................................................................ 134
Figure 5-7: Restart VDR about RCTP module [FULL] .................................................. 134
Figure 5-8: MDP 2020 hosts configuration for the Tron 40VDR capsule [TRIMMED] .. 141
Figure 5-9: MDP 2020 hosts configuration for the FRM NEMO 2.0 [TRIMMED] ......... 144
Figure 5-10: NEMO 2.0 network configuration [TRIMMED] ........................................... 144
Figure 5-11: Initiating the connection with CVA VDRGRAB-NET Control [FULL] .......... 147
Figure 5-12: Connection established [FULL] .................................................................. 147
Figure 5-13: Menu bar -> File -> Load Configuration from File [TRIMMED] .................. 148
Figure 5-14: Load configuration file [FULL] .................................................................... 149
Figure 5-15: Menu bar -> File -> Save Configuration as File [TRIMMED] ...................... 150
Figure 5-16: Save configuration file [FULL] .................................................................... 150
Figure 5-17: Enter desired IP address and subnet mask ............................................... 151
Figure 5-18: “Snap Image” with default offset values: H.: 178 V.: 40 [TRIMMED] ......... 152
Figure 5-19: “Snap Image” with default offset values: H.: 148 V.: 40 [TRIMMED] ......... 153
Figure 5-20: “Snap Image” with default offset values: H.: 178 V.: 20 [TRIMMED] ......... 153
Figure 5-21: Image Quality [FULL] ................................................................................. 154
Figure 5-22: Advanced [FULL] ....................................................................................... 154
Figure 5-23: NMEA connection for network and serial interface .................................... 158
Figure 5-24: Capture -> NMEA -> Interfaces [TRIMMED] .............................................. 160
Figure 5-25: Capture -> NMEA Sentences (1/2) [TRIMMED] ......................................... 163
Figure 5-26: Capture -> NMEA Sentences (2/2) [TRIMMED] ......................................... 163
Figure 5-27: Capture -> I/O devices [TRIMMED] ........................................................... 167
Figure 5-28: Analog Inputs [TRIMMED] ......................................................................... 169
Figure 5-29: Digital inputs [TRIMMED] ........................................................................... 171
Figure 6-1: Shutdown key ............................................................................................. 175
Figure 6-2: Remote Control Test Panel ........................................................................ 176
Figure 6-3: Main menu Remote Control Test Panel “day mode” [FULL] ...................... 177
Figure 6-4: Main menu Remote Control Test Panel “night mode” [FULL] .................... 177
Figure 6-5: Restart VDR about RCTP module [FULL] .................................................. 178

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List of Figures VDR G4[e]
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Figure 6-6: Restart RCTP module ................................................................................. 178

Figure 6-7: IP-Address Menu of RCTP module [FULL] ................................................. 178
Figure 6-8: Test groups page of RCTP module [FULL] ................................................ 179
Figure 6-9: Menu “System Information” [FULL] ............................................................. 179
Figure 6-10: Menu “Storage devices” [FULL] ................................................................. 180
Figure 6-11: Menu “Audio device” [FULL] ....................................................................... 181
Figure 6-12: Performance test step 1 for “Audio device” [FULL] ..................................... 181
Figure 6-13: Performance test step 2 for “Audio device” [FULL] ..................................... 182
Figure 6-14: Menu “Radar device” [FULL] ...................................................................... 182
Figure 6-15: Performance test for radar device 1 [FULL] ................................................ 183
Figure 6-16: Performance test step 2 radar device 1 for details [FULL] ......................... 183
Figure 6-17: Performance test for NMEA sentences [FULL] ........................................... 184
Figure 6-18: Alarm history page [FULL] .......................................................................... 184
Figure 6-19: Actual alarms of the VDR [FULL] ................................................................ 185
Figure 6-20: Choice of data source [FULL] ..................................................................... 185
Figure 6-21: VDR Data Transfer ..................................................................................... 187
Figure 6-22: Emergency backup about “Menu” ............................................................... 189
Figure 6-23: Stop USB recording button on MDP 2020 module ..................................... 192
Figure 7-1: Merlog file [TRIMMED] ............................................................................... 200
Figure 7-2: S.M.A.R.T information local flash drive [TRIMMED] ................................... 200
Figure 7-3: MDP 2020 firmware update step 1 [TRIMMED] ......................................... 201
Figure 7-4: MDP 2020 firmware update step 2 [TRIMMED] ......................................... 201
Figure 7-5: MDP 2020 firmware update step 3 [TRIMMED] ......................................... 201
Figure 7-6: MDP 2020 firmware update step 4 [TRIMMED] ......................................... 202
Figure 7-7: MDP 2020 firmware update step 5 [TRIMMED] ......................................... 202
Figure 7-8: MDP 2020 module configuration upload step 1 [TRIMMED] ...................... 202
Figure 7-9: MDP 2020 module configuration upload step 2 [TRIMMED] ...................... 203
Figure 7-10: MDP 2020 module configuration upload step 3 [TRIMMED] ...................... 203
Figure 7-11: MDP 2020 module configuration upload step 4 [TRIMMED] ...................... 203
Figure 7-12: MDP 2020 module configuration upload step 5 [TRIMMED] ...................... 204
Figure 7-13: System files /etc/net.cfg [TRIMMED] .......................................................... 204
Figure 7-14: System files /etc/hosts ................................................................................ 205
Figure 7-15: System files /etc/service [TRIMMED] ......................................................... 205
Figure 7-16: Jumper “Reset to defaults” ......................................................................... 206
Figure 7-17: Reset to default 1. page [FULL] .................................................................. 207
Figure 7-18: Reset to default 2. page [FULL] .................................................................. 208
Figure 7-19: Reset to default 3. page [FULL] .................................................................. 208
Figure 7-20: Reset to default 4. page [FULL] .................................................................. 209
Figure 7-21: Reset to default 5. page [FULL] .................................................................. 209
Figure 7-22: ICU firmware update step 1 [TRIMMED] .................................................... 211
Figure 7-23: ICU firmware update step 2 [TRIMMED] .................................................... 211
Figure 7-24: ICU firmware update step 3 [TRIMMED] .................................................... 211
Figure 7-25: ICU firmware update step 4 [TRIMMED] .................................................... 211
Figure 7-26: ICU firmware update step 5 [TRIMMED] .................................................... 212
Figure 7-27: ICU firmware update step 6 [TRIMMED] .................................................... 212
Figure 7-28: ICU firmware update step 7 [TRIMMED] .................................................... 212
Figure 7-29: Jumper settings ICU ................................................................................... 212
Figure 7-30: RCTP firmware update step 1 .................................................................... 214
Figure 7-31: RCTP firmware update step 2 .................................................................... 214
Figure 7-32: RCTP firmware update step 3 .................................................................... 215
Figure 7-33: RCTP firmware update step 4 .................................................................... 215

x Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] List of Figures
Technical Manual

Figure 7-34: Audio2net firmware update step 1 [TRIMMED] .......................................... 216

Figure 7-35: Audio2net firmware update step 2 [TRIMMED] .......................................... 216
Figure 7-36: Audio2net firmware update step 3 [TRIMMED] .......................................... 217
Figure 7-37: Audio2net firmware update step 4 [TRIMMED] .......................................... 217
Figure 7-38: Audio2net firmware update step 5 [TRIMMED] .......................................... 217
Figure 7-39: Audio2net firmware update step 6 [TRIMMED] .......................................... 217
Figure 7-40: Audio2net firmware update step 7 [TRIMMED] .......................................... 218
Figure 7-41: Reconnecting needs longer than 180 seconds [TRIMMED] ...................... 218
Figure 7-42: Network Configuration Tron 40VDR [TRIMMED] ....................................... 221
Figure 7-43: Network Interfaces Tron 40VDR [TRIMMED] ............................................ 222
Figure 7-44: Static Configuration Tron 40VDR [TRIMMED] ........................................... 222
Figure 7-45: Configuration Routing and Gateway Tron 40VDR ..................................... 222
Figure 7-46: Configuration Hostname Tron 40VDR ....................................................... 223
Figure 7-47: Welcome page NEMO 2.0 [FULL] .............................................................. 225
Figure 7-48: NEMO 2.0 status page 1 [TRIMMED] ........................................................ 225
Figure 7-49: Command Server waiting [FULL] ............................................................... 229
Figure 7-50: FGR4 (left) and RS232 switch (right) ......................................................... 230
Figure 7-51: Welcome page [FULL] ............................................................................... 231
Figure 7-52: Menu “Change IP Address” [FULL] ............................................................ 231
Figure 7-53: FGR5 firmware update step 3 [TRIMMED] ................................................ 233
Figure 7-54: FGR5 firmware update step 4 [TRIMMED] ................................................ 233
Figure 7-55: FGR5 firmware update step 5 [TRIMMED] ................................................ 233
Figure 7-56: FGR5 firmware update step 6 [TRIMMED] ................................................ 234
Figure 7-57: FGR5 system update step 3 [TRIMMED] ................................................... 234
Figure 7-58: FGR5 system update step 4 [TRIMMED] ................................................... 235
Figure 7-59: FGR5 system update step 3 [TRIMMED] ................................................... 235
Figure 7-60: FGR5 system update step 4 [TRIMMED] ................................................... 235
Figure 7-61: Auto adjust 1. page [TRIMMED] ................................................................ 237
Figure 7-62: Auto adjust 2. page [TRIMMED] ................................................................ 237
Figure 7-63: Manual adjust 1. page [TRIMMED] ............................................................ 238
Figure 7-64: Manual adjust 2. page [TRIMMED] ............................................................ 238
Figure 7-65: Log file 1. page [TRIMMED] ....................................................................... 239
Figure 7-66: Log file 2. page [TRIMMED] ....................................................................... 239
Figure 7-67: FTP Access path ........................................................................................ 240

Revision: 1.0.5 xi
List of Figures VDR G4[e]
Technical Manual

xii Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] List of Tables
Technical Manual

List of Tables

Table 2-1: Default recording intervals ............................................................................. 9

Table 3-1: Pictogram ..................................................................................................... 18
Table 3-2: Device list ..................................................................................................... 18
Table 3-3: Symbols in the device list ............................................................................. 19
Table 3-4: “Calc” operation of the System network ....................................................... 29
Table 3-5: Create a new host entry ............................................................................... 31
Table 3-6: Delete a host entry ....................................................................................... 31
Table 4-1: Network and USB connections of the MDP 2020 ........................................ 93
Table 4-2: Connector ports of the MDP 2020 ................................................................ 93
Table 4-3: Connections inside the MDP2020 module ................................................... 94
Table 4-4: Jumper inside the MDP2020 module ........................................................... 94
Table 4-5: Dip switch inside MDP 2020 ........................................................................ 94
Table 4-6: Buttons inside MDP 2020 ............................................................................. 95
Table 4-7: Network ports of the ICU .............................................................................. 96
Table 4-8: Connector ports of the ICU .......................................................................... 97
Table 4-9: Buttons on the ICU ....................................................................................... 99
Table 4-10: LEDs on the ICU .......................................................................................... 99
Table 4-11: External connections of the Remote Control Test Panel ........................... 101
Table 4-12: Connector Ports of the Power Supply ........................................................ 102
Table 4-13: Buttons of the RCTP module ..................................................................... 102
Table 4-14: Enter the settings (with only one ICU) as follows and without jumps ......... 104
Table 4-15: Terminal connection of the Audio2net module ........................................... 104
Table 4-16: Power Switch Settings S3 .......................................................................... 105
Table 4-17: LEDs inside of the Audio2net module ........................................................ 105
Table 4-18: Microphone connector ................................................................................ 107
Table 4-19: Terminal description of the NMEA2net ...................................................... 109
Table 4-20: Positions of the switch S1 .......................................................................... 110
Table 4-21: LEDs of the NMEA2net module ................................................................. 110
Table 4-22: Terminal description of the Tron 40VDR .................................................... 113
Table 4-23: Installing description of the NEMO 2.0 ....................................................... 116
Table 4-24: Connection of the NEMO 2.0 ..................................................................... 118
Table 4-25: LED Status of the NEMO 2.0 (in the device) .............................................. 119
Table 4-26: Connections FGR4 module ........................................................................ 121
Table 4-27: Connections FGR5 module ........................................................................ 123
Table 5-1: Steps for commissioning ............................................................................ 127
Table 5-2: Commissioning MDP2020 .......................................................................... 128
Table 5-3: Commissioning ICU ................................................................................... 130
Table 5-4: Steps of commissioning for the RCTP ....................................................... 132
Table 5-5: Commissioning Audio2net module ............................................................. 135
Table 5-6: Configuration examples with 16 microphones ........................................... 137
Table 5-7: Commissioning NMEA2net ........................................................................ 138
Table 5-8: Commissioning Tron 40VDR ...................................................................... 140
Table 5-9: Commissioning FRM NEMO 2.0 ................................................................ 142
Table 5-10: Connecting the FGR4 in configuration mode ............................................. 146
Table 5-11: Configuration FGR4 about local file ........................................................... 148
Table 5-12: Save configuration-data FGR4 ................................................................... 150
Table 5-13: Recommend settings FGR4 ....................................................................... 150

Revision: 1.0.5 xiii

List of Tables VDR G4[e]
Technical Manual

Table 5-14: Fine adjustment of grabbing ....................................................................... 152

Table 5-15: Commissioning FGR5 ................................................................................. 156
Table 5-16: Commissioning I/O devices ........................................................................ 165
Table 5-17: Device, name and IP address of PLC ......................................................... 166
Table 5-18: Decimal places and threshold of PLC ......................................................... 168
Table 5-19: Examples of analog inputs .......................................................................... 170
Table 6-1: Table for the selection of storage modules ................................................. 174
Table 6-2: Steps for backup ......................................................................................... 189
Table 6-3: Download from USB Storage Medium ........................................................ 190
Table 6-4: Steps for transfer the data to a PC ............................................................. 190
Table 6-5: Recorded data ............................................................................................ 193
Table 7-1: Default IP addresses MDP 2020 ................................................................ 207
Table 7-2: Description ICU jumper ............................................................................... 213
Table 7-3: Audio2net - Reset to default ....................................................................... 219
Table 7-4: NMEA2net - Reset to default ...................................................................... 220
Table 7-5: EPIRB Error Messages ............................................................................... 223
Table 7-6: Maintenance Tron 40VDR .......................................................................... 224
Table 7-7: Parts of APT-Set SSD-Flash Kit for NEMO 2 32 GB .................................. 226
Table 7-8: Parts of APT-Set SSD-Flash Kit for NEMO 2 64 GB .................................. 227
Table 7-9: Replace flash drive of NEMO 2.0 ............................................................... 227
Table 7-10: Troubleshooting FGR4 module (Part 1) ...................................................... 228
Table 7-11: Troubleshooting FGR4 module (Part 2) ...................................................... 229
Table 7-12: Configuration RS232 connector .................................................................. 230
Table 7-13: Change IP address of FGR4 ...................................................................... 230
Table 7-14: Factory reset ............................................................................................... 236

xiv Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Introduction
Technical Manual Information to this instruction

1 Introduction

1.1 Information to this instruction

This Technical manual represents a standard publication, describing a VDR G4[e] delivered by the
INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH.

This instruction is to ensure a most efficient and safety handling with this product. The instruction is part
of the product and must be stored always accessible for your personnel.

Before you start working your personnel should read this instruction carefully and with understanding.
Requirement for a safety work is that all safety instructions and acts are observed.

Furthermore local prevention of accidents and safety instructions are valid for operation of this product.

1.2 Purpose of document

The present technical manual helps the operating personnel on-board a vessel as well as the service:

• To install and commission the VDR G4[e]

• To apply the functionalities of the VDR G4[e] properly and sensibly
• To solve special situations very independently

1.3 Action Instructions

Actions which must be done in a special order are numbered:

1. Press push button “A”

2. Press push button “B”

Actions which can be done in any order are given with a point:

• Switch on instrument X
• Switch on instrument Y

Results of an action are shown by an arrow:

 The instrument is ready for operation

Revision: 1.0.5 1
Introduction VDR G4[e]
Safety Instruction Technical Manual

1.4 Safety Instruction

1.4.1 Level of Danger

Level of Danger Meaning

The signal word “Notice” marks a possibly dangerous
situation. To ignore the safety instruction could bear a
material or environmental damage or undefined behav-
iour of the apparatus.
The signal word “Note” marks an application tip or gives
you useful and important information of the product or its
additional use. This is not a signal word for a dangerous
or harmful situation.

1.4.2 Danger Symbols

Danger Meaning

General Danger

All descriptions of the web-frontend and the program interface screenshots end with [TRIMMED] or
[FULL]. In contrast to [FULL], [TRIMMED] screenshots are reduced to the essential meaning to achieve
a document with more clarity and compactness.

1.4.3 Designate use

The VDR G4[e] is designed exclusively for the purpose described in this manual. Using the system for
other purposes than those mentioned is considered contrary to its designated use.

INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from such use;
the risk of such misuse lies entirely with the user.

The prerequisite for the reliable and safe operation of the VDR G4[e] is proper transportation and
storage as well as competent installation and assembly on board.

2 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Introduction
Technical Manual Safety Instruction

1.4.4 Non designated use

Every kind of using which is not described in chapter “Designated use” is not valid and therefore not

In case of damages because of a failing use INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH takes no liability.
Risks of a failing use are only taken by the user.

Not determined operating of the product and its components are:

• Using in areas which not agree with the stipulated conditions. Not allowed is e. g. running under
water, under extreme vibrations or extreme high temperatures.
• Change of construction of the origin shape of the system

Not designated for continuous operation in humid

In case of high humidity (e.g. in subtropical regions)
the electronic system works faulty. The lifetime of
the VDR G4[e] will be shortened.
Use air conditioner or air dehumidifier.

1.4.5 Target groups

All information in this manual refer to device, application place, transport, storage, installation, operation
and maintenance.

This manual is addressed to the following target groups:

• Trained and certified personnel

• Service engineer

Necessary basic knowledge

Respectable knowledge about personal computer is presupposed. General knowledge in the field of
automation technology, installed operating systems and applications are also presupposed.

Competent knowledge about IP based computer networks (routing) is required.

1.4.6 Modifications, spare parts and accessories

Unauthorised modifications, additions or conversions which affect the safety of the VDR G4[e] are not
permitted. Safety devices must not be bypassed, removed or made inactive.

Only use original spare parts and accessories recommended by the manufacturer.

Revision: 1.0.5 3
Introduction VDR G4[e]
Limited Liability Technical Manual

1.4.7 Operating instructions

The user is obliged to operate the VDR G4[e] only when it is in good working order.

• Protect the VDR G4[e] against water, do not touch the electric components parts with wet hands
(except the FRM capsule).
• Do not use the device if it disseminates a nasty smell or if there are unusual noises.
• Do not put objects into the devices.

The protection of the VDR components is a prerequisite for safe and secure operation.

• Protection against the access of unauthorized persons to the VDR components

• physically (connection to network)
• virtually (no or inadequate firewall)
• Protection against intentional and unintended network attacks such as DDOS, broadcast storms.
• Protection against unauthorized and unsensitized access to parts of the included, installed Replay
software and their hosts.

In addition to the instructions given in the operating manual, please observe the following:

• Relevant accident prevention regulations

• Generally accepted safety regulations
• Regulations effective in the country of installation
• Working and safety instructions effective in the user's plant

1.5 Limited Liability

This information is considering valid norms and regulations, state of the art and our long time experi-

In following cases the producer gives no guarantee:

• Ignoring this instruction

• Different using as the designated
• Work done by not sufficient personnel
• Unauthorised modifications
• Technical changes
• Using not authorized spare parts and accessories

4 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Introduction
Technical Manual Structure of the Manual

1.6 Structure of the Manual

The present technical manual is divided into the following parts:

gives a short overview of the contents of the technical manual.
explains the functionality of the VDR G4[e].
shows and describes the pages of the web-frontend.
describes installation and connection of each component.
describes the measures for setting to work of the VDR G4[e].
explains the operating of the VDR G4[e].
describes the recommended routines for locating an error and the error
gives information, how to dispose the modules of the VDR G4[e].
contains standard drawings and information.

1.7 Important terms and abbreviations

Term Meaning
AIS Automatic Identification System
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
CAP Capture
COTS Commercial of the Shelf
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DVI Digital Visual Interface
DVI-A Digital Visual Interface - Analog
DVI-D Digital Visual Interface - Digital

Revision: 1.0.5 5
Introduction VDR G4[e]
Important terms and abbreviations Technical Manual

Term Meaning
DVI-I Digital Visual Interface - Integrated
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
ECS Electronic Chart System
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
FFC Float Free Capsule
FRM Final Recording Medium
FRNC Flame Retardant Non Corrosive
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GND Ground
GPS Global Positioning System
GRP Glass-reinforced Plastic
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IMO International Maritime Organization
Inmarsat International Maritime Satellite
IP Internet Protocol
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISPS-Code International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
LAN Local Area Network
MDP Maritime Data Processor
MER Maritime Event Recorder
NAS Network Attached Storage
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association
OPT Operational and performance test
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking System
SMB Server Message Block
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol

6 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Introduction
Technical Manual Important terms and abbreviations

Term Meaning
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
VDR Voyage Data Recorder
VGA Video Graphics Array
VHF Very High Frequency
XML Extensible Markup Language

Revision: 1.0.5 7
Introduction VDR G4[e]
Important terms and abbreviations Technical Manual

8 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Functionality
Technical Manual Purpose and Function

2 Functionality

2.1 Purpose and Function

All passenger ships and consecutively all of the other SOLAS ships, up from 3000 GT, constructed on
or after 1 July 2002 are to be equipped with voyage data recorders (VDRs) for a permanent acquisition
and storage of specific voyage data. This shall enable accident investigators to review procedures and
instructions in the moments before, during and after an emergency and help to identify the cause of any

A VDR has to maintain the secure and retrievable recording of information concerning position, move-
ment, physical status, command and control of a vessel for a period covering at least the last 48 hours
of operation.

The VDR G4[e] meets the requirements of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the Maritime
Safety Committee (MSC) resolution MSC.333(90) for revised performance standards of VDR and all
performance requirements according IEC 61996-1 Edition 2.0 from 2014-05. Mentioned regulations
specify detailed the data items to be recorded mandatorily, which are listed on  chapter 6.9 "Handling
of recorded data" on page 193 of this manual. Additional information may be included as needed in a
particular project.

Data recording runs continuously on the principle of a circle memory. That means, data older than a
defined period of time (depending on the different storage media) will be overwritten.

The following paragraphs shall provide an overview of the components a VDR-G4[e] system standardly
consists of. Configurations vary project-related and may include additional components.

The following table shows the default recording intervals of NMEA, frames and voice for the different
storage mediums of the VDR G4[e].

Table 2-1: Default recording intervals

NEMO 2.0 Local Flash Tron 40VDR

NMEA recording 168h 720h 168h
Frame recording 48h 720h 48h
Voice recording 48h 720h 48h

According to IEC 61996-1:2013 the recording

interval is 48 hours for NMEA, Frames and Voice in
the Final Recording Medium.

Revision: 1.0.5 9
Functionality VDR G4[e]
Configuration of a VDR G4[e] Technical Manual

2.2 Configuration of a VDR G4[e]

The following figure shows a typical configuration of a VDR G4[e].


" !    !
  # ' %

 '! ()*

 +, ,!
 1 -

  / !  8!5 %! 3 '!
*#2   + -
/ ! (

  7 .(.

,! *  !  ! / !

   8!5  !  0 
9  ! %! 

(*  !   


$ !  7 6)

% & +  !

% 7 
;/ . 3  !, 
! / (: 0/ ": 0/ ,! 
3 !  ! 4
!  " 5 + 6-

Figure 2-1: Typical configuration of a VDR G4[e]

10 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Functionality
Technical Manual Maritime Data Processor (MDP2020)

2.3 Maritime Data Processor (MDP2020)

The MDP2020 module is the logical centre of the VDR G4[e] system and has the following functions:

• Central processing unit

• Configuration via web-frontend
• Sets time reference for all incoming data.
• Monitoring, parametrisation and control of all further VDR G4[e] modules.
• 3 x Gbit LAN Interface
• Distribution of data to Tron 40VDR (Float free capsule) and Tron 40VDR (Final recording medium)
• Distribution of data to internal Long Term Recording Medium (LTRM).
• Distribution of data optional to external storage media.
• Recording of AIS information, BAMS, ECDIS, Radar.

2.4 Interface Control Unit (ICU)

The ICU module has the following functions:

• Recording of NMEA data or special serial information with 2 RS422 interfaces.

• Integrated uninterruptable power supply (UPS) with connection point for rechargeable battery.
• Connection point for framegrabbers and audio inputs (Audio2net).
• Connection point for NMEA inputs (NMEA2net).
• Connection point for external IO-nodes (PLC).
• Connection point for storage mediums.
• Connection point for VHF-Audio with standard level of 0 dbm.
• Configuration via web-frontend.
• Network switch
• Power distribution for all other VDR components.

2.5 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

The Remote Control Test Panel has the following functions:

• Visual and acoustic (optional) signalling of the VDR warnings/alarms and their acknowledgment.
• Operational and performance test (OPT) of the VDR-system. and the recorded signals
• Menu control with 4 buttons on the RCTP for the selection and testing of the individual groups.
• Various remote control functions for VDR main unit.

Revision: 1.0.5 11
Functionality VDR G4[e]
Audio2net module Technical Manual

2.6 Audio2net module

The Audio2net module collects and pre processes analogue voice signals, coming from microphones
of the VDR G4[e] or other voice sources, like radios or telephones.

• Captures 2 audio channels

• Handles 2 microphones per channel (X1 + X3 and X2 + X4) or another audio source with standard
level of 0 dBm.
• Microphone test is integrated.
• Configuration via web-frontend.
• Adopts the configuration.
• Sends an audio stream to MDP module.

2.7 Microphone VCA004

The microphone VCA004 receives audio signals on bridge or other rooms, to be monitored with the
following features:

• Symmetrical analogue signal output with 0dBm for the collected voice signals.
• Low pass for lowering the output signal > 6kHz as standard.
• Microphone test by piezo beeper.
• Microphone test is activated by increasing the supply voltage from 20 V DC to 24 V DC.

2.8 NMEA2net module

The NMEA2net module collects up to 5 NMEA sources and sends data via network interface or serial
interface to the VDR G4[e], using a specific protocol. By configuring different device IDs, up to 7
NMEA2net modules can be used in a system. It has the following main features:

• Received telegrams are buffered and can be provided via network as UDP packet and/or via serial
• DIP switch 4x to set the ID
• Web-frontend for advanced configuration e.g.:
• Baud rate per input
• Interval for sending the buffered data
• Possibility of filtering NMEA telegrams, based on the header
• Network configuration and device ID, for special applications
• Define outputs, network and/or serial
• IP address is obtained by a DHCP request, default adjustment.

12 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Functionality
Technical Manual Tron 40VDR capsule

• If the DHCP request fails for 30 seconds, the static IP address will be used.
• If there is no static IP address adjusted via web-frontend, the default IP address (
will be used with device ID (1-7) as offset.
• All serial inputs are electrically isolated against each other and to the system.
• Max. 4500 characters per second can be provided.

2.9 Tron 40VDR capsule

The Tron 40VDR capsule is a combined float free FRM and Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB with following

• Configuration via web-frontend.

• NAS server with SMB and FTP service.
• Automatic release mechanism by hydrostatic release unit.
• After the Float Free Capsule is activated, transmits on the frequencies analogue signal on
121.5 MHz and digital signal on 406.037 MHz.
• Operating life time of minimum 168 hours at -20 °C
• The HRU (hydrostatic release unit) must be changed every second year. The expire date is marked
on the HRU.
• The Lithium/Metal batteries have a life of 5 years.
• Detailed technical specifications can be found in the Tron 40VDR FF Capsule Manual.

2.10 FRM NEMO 2.0 module

The NEMO 2.0 module constitutes a data recording medium, protected against external influences like
high temperature or water pressure, which has to be connected to a ship data processing interface to
guarantee its overall efficiency.

The acoustic beacon, fixed on the NEMO 2.0 module, fulfils the conditions of SAE AS 8045 and works
in a frequency 37,5 +/-1kHz with a battery operating time of at least 90 days.

• Network volume for MDP2020, offers a specific NAS server with NFS or/and SMB file system.
• Configuration via web-frontend.
• NEMO 2.0 get a static IP address.

Revision: 1.0.5 13
Functionality VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR4 Technical Manual

2.11 Framegrabber FGR4

Radar images are collected as VESA compatible analogue signals. The required image quality is
according to IEC 61996-1:2013. The FGR4 has the following main features:

• The FGR4 collects signals from the video source, equipped with VESA compatible analogue output.
• The resolution according to IEC 61996-1:2013 is maximum 1600x1200 at 60Hz. A lower resolution
is possible.
• If the current configuration cannot capture an image, the FGR4 tries to generate a significant image
with a list of VESA compatible video configurations.
• Significant images are zipped and sent to the VDR G4[e] via network, according to the current config-
uration parameters. This process uses the proprietary transmission protocol of the VDR G4[e].
• For configuration a Windows software tool communicates with the FGR4 via network.

2.12 Framegrabber FGR5

Radar images are collected as VESA compatible analogue signals. The required image quality is
according to IEC 61996-1:2013. The FGR5 has the following main features:

• The FGR5 collects signals from the video source, equipped with VESA compatible analogue output,
DVI (single link) output or HDMI output.
• The FGR5 can collect 2 video sources at the same time. Source 1 is HDMI, Source 2 is DVI (all
types) or VGA.
• The resolution is maximum 1920x1200. A lower resolution is possible.

• Significant images are zipped and sent to the VDR G4[e] via network, according to the current config-
uration parameters. This process uses the Radar protocol according IEC 62388 Annex H.4 or the
proprietary transmission protocol of the VDR G4[e].
• Approved transfer protocol according IEC 62388 Annex H4 and IEC 61996-1:2013.
• Transfer protocol according IEC 61162-450 (binary transfer) and IEC 61996-1:2013.
• Transfer of compressed and uncompressed images via network.
• Image compression to bmp.gz, bmp as zip file and png.
• Two independent network ports: 1x Gigabit PoE and 1x Gigabit without PoE.
• Configuration via web-frontend

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VDR G4[e] Functionality
Technical Manual Replay and Realtime Monitor software

2.13 Replay and Realtime Monitor software

This module is a software solution for MS Windows XP, windows 7 and Windows 10. To collect specific
data from each vessel, the system is sub-divided into a common part and specific part of the vessel,
integrated as DLL.

The Replay and Realtime Monitor is deposited at the MDP2020 module and can be downloaded from
there. It has the following main features:

• Use of the ECDIS kernel

• Possible use of central ECDIS server from the range of navigation for using the sea charts.
• Presentation of recorded data including captured NMEA telegrams, radar pictures and voice data in
real-time or as playback.

2.14 PLC module

IO system 750, a product of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH, serves as PLC module. The IO system
captures analogue and digital values and bases upon the Ethernet coupler 750-352.

The PLC module has the following main features:

• Modular structured design, coupler can be enlarged by max. 63 input modules

• Using different modules different properties can be realised
• All inputs are galvanic isolated to the system bus
• Each input can be designed galvanic isolated to the other inputs
• Capture of digital signals with a voltage of 24V
• Digital inputs can be designed with a combined ground or combined voltage of 24V
• Other signal voltages than 24V are possible by using alternative input modules
• Captures analogue signals as +/-10VDC
• Captures analogue signals as 4-20mA
• Other analogue signal types are possible
• Power supply
• Ethernet coupler

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Functionality VDR G4[e]
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VDR G4[e] Web-frontend
Technical Manual Login and Logout

3 Web-frontend

This chapter shows and describes the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e] and all components. For all
shown screenshots, the login level “service” is used.

The appearance of the screenshots depends on the used browser and the language settings of the
service notebook. For all screenshots the browser Mozilla Firefox is used.

3.1 Login and Logout

The factory default IP address of the VDR G4[e] is:

• (MDP2020 Gbit 1; ICU P8)
• (MDP2020 GBit 2)
• (MDP2020 GBit 3)

Following login levels are possible:

• crew (password: “crew01”)
• service (password is only for authorized service)

Figure 3-1: Login window

Logout Button

Figure 3-2: Logout

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Login and Logout Technical Manual



Device list


Tools for
commissioning and

Replay system

Refresh button

Figure 3-3: Welcome page VDR G4[e] with download area

Table 3-1: Pictogram

Info to current menu item.

Restart of VDR G4[e] required.

Table 3-2: Device list

This list contains all available This list contains all available
ICUs. NMEA2nets.
• ICU01 • N2N01
• ... • ...
This list contains all available This list contains all other avail-
Audio2nets. able components.
• A2N02 • FGR4/FGR5
• ... • Jotron

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Table 3-3: Symbols in the device list

NMEA2net has been added its configuration to MDP2020.
Green checkmark
NMEA2net is reachable by MDP2020 module.
Red X
NMEA2net is not reachable for theMDP2020. (No communication).
With a click on the dustbin the selected NMEA2net configuration will
be deleted. During next reboot of the NMEA2net module the config-
uration is rewritten.

3.2 MDP2020

This chapter shows and describes the web-frontend of the MDP2020.

3.2.1 Overview of menu

The following picture shows the main menu of the MDP2020:

The main menu contains the following submenu items:

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3.2.2 Menu item “System”  “Info”

The picture with the explanation of the

dimensions A to D will be shown, if you
click on the link dimension A to D.

Figure 3-4: Menu item “System”  “Info”

IMO number ... is a permanent number assigned to each quali-
fying ship for identification.
Ship name ... is the name of the ship.
Callsign In broadcast and radio communications, a call sign
is a unique designation for a transmitting station.
Shipyard ... are places which repair and build ships.
MMSI number ... is a series of nine digits which are sent in digital
form over a radio frequency channel in order to
uniquely identify ship stations, ship earth station,
coast stations, coast earth stations and group
Ship owner ... is the owner of a commercial ship.

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Hull number ... is a serial identification number given to a boat
or ship by shipyard.
Height [m] ... is the distance between waterline and highest
point of the ship.
Phone number ... is the telephone number of the ship.
Draught [m] ... is the distance between waterline and the
deepest point of ship.

Dimension A B C D [m] Ship dimension and position of reference GPS
GPS reference GPS reference position.
MDP serial number Serial number of the MDP2020 module.
VDR serial number Generated serial number of the whole VDR
system. Format: IS-<IMO-no>-G4e
Certificate Current certificate number of type approval.

Fixed recording medium

Beacon serial number Serial number of the fixed FRM beacon.
Beacon installation date Date when the FRM Beacon has been installed.
Serial number Serial number of the final recording medium.

Float-free recording medium

Hydrost. rel. sys. serial no. Serial number of the hydrostatic release system.
Hydrost. rel. sys. exp. date Expiration date of the hydrostatic release system.
Serial number Serial number of the float-free final recording

ECS dongle number See manual of Replay Software.
ECS hardware ID See manual of Replay Software.
ECS registration key See manual of Replay Software.

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Caps license This license is needed for special Replay System
capabilities like “print report”.
LAN of Replay System Selects the corresponding LAN interface for the
replay system.

Button “Save” Saves the current settings. Afterwards a restart of

the VDR G4[e] is required.

3.2.3 Menu item “System”  “Init”

Figure 3-5: Menu item “System”  “Init”

VDR type VDR or SVDR.

System ID IEC 61162-450 system source identifier.
Micro test interval [min] Time interval for microphone tests. Default setting:
720 minutes.
Power fail timeout [min] Scheduled run-time of the VDR in case of main
power failure. Default setting: 120 minutes.
Power fail delay [min] Time between main power failure and turning off
external components. Default setting: 2 minutes.
TAN validity time [min] Time span for access to protected audio data since
input of TAN.
Audio data protected If checked, audio data can only be transferred with
a valid TAN number.

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Allow AIZDA as time ref If checked, AIZDA telegrams will be generated by

AIS base station telegrams. Only change when it is
required by project!
Diff. time [sec] Maximum time difference between reference time
and internal VDR G4[e] time setting. If the differ-
ence is greater then the internal VDR G4[e] time
will be corrected.
EM backup path Part of the backup directory path [name] [number]
stored on the USB stick; ordered and supplied only
from the manufacturer INTERSCHALT maritime
systems GmbH.
Critical sys. temp [°C] Threshold for alarm generation.
Last APT date E.g. 2015-11-20. Format YYYY-MM-DD.
Last APT company E.g. INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH
Last APT technican E.g. M. Mueller

Button “Save” Save the current settings. Afterwards a restart of

the VDR G4[e] is required.

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3.2.4 Menu item “System”  “Storage”

Figure 3-6: Menu item “System”  “Storage”  “Mount01”

Storage type Type of storage device which will be mounted.

NMEA/Frame/Voice Interval Storage period in hours for NMEA telegrams, radar
images and audio data of this device.
Max EM backups Maximum number of possible Emergency backups
which shall be stored on this device.
Power supply Choose the power supply output on the ICU for this
storage medium (ICU1 X1 ... ICU1 X8).
No S.M.A.R.T alert Select/deselect if an S.M.A.R.T alert is generated
in case of a disc error.
Type Partition type of this device.
• “cifs” for Windows network shares.
• “nfs” for Linux network shares.
Share Path to file share.

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NetBios File server NetBIOS name.

User name User name to access the share.
Password Password to access the share.
Host IP address of the file server.
Description Description for the network file share (used in
Replay system).
Local Path Mount path in VDR G4[e].
Next EM backup For information.
FTP user name FTP user name (to offer downloads with the VDR
transfer tool).
FTP password FTP password (to offer downloads with the VDR
transfer tool).
FTP path FTP path on server to reach the data (to offer
downloads with the VDR transfer tool).

Button “Deactivate” Deactivates and closes the corresponding storage

device settings.
Button “Save” Saves the current settings. Afterwards a restart of
the VDR G4[e] is required.

Figure 3-7: Menu item “System”  “Storage”  “Mount03”

Activate Activate and opens the storage device settings.

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3.2.5 Menu item “System”  “Agents”

Figure 3-8: Menu item “System”  “Agents”

Button “Open” Open the settings of the corresponding agent.

Button “Save” Saves the current settings. Afterwards a restart of
the VDR G4[e] is required.

The following figure shows the settings of a selected agents. The settings of the exemplary agent
“Frame” are shown. The other agents have the same structure.

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Figure 3-9: Menu item “System”  “Agents”  “Frame”

Button “Close” Close the settings of this agent.

Termination Time that this agent needs to finish.

Agent (e.g. Frame)

Checkbox Activate/deactivate this service.
Button “Remove” Remove this service from the agent.
Priority Priority of this service.
Restart Responsible part for restart of this service.
On load error Error message type for load error.
On abort err./count Error message type and counter for program abort.
Parameter Additional parameter for the program.

Name Name of the parameter.
Value Value of the parameter.
Button “Remove” Remove the corresponding parameter.
Button “Add” Adds a new parameter.

Button “Add” Add a new service to this agent.

Button “Save” Save the settings of this agent.

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3.2.6 Menu item “System”  “Network”

Menu item “System”  “Network”  “Global”

Figure 3-10: Menu item “System”  “Network”  “Global”

Domain name The domain name is an identification string that

defines a realm of the administrative autonomy of
the VDR G4[e].
Nameserver IP address of the next network node which is able
to convert host names into IP addresses for
Gateway IP address of the next network node which knows
the route to other networks or internet.
Enable routing Enables or disables IP packet forwarding between
the network interfaces of the VDR G4[e].
Button “Save” Saves the current settings. Afterwards a restart of
the VDR G4[e] is required.

Menu item “System”  “Network”  “GBit Lan 1”

Figure 3-11: Menu item “System”  “Network”  “GBit Lan 1”

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IP address IP address for the selected Ethernet interface.

Subnet mask Subnet mask for the selected Ethernet Interface.
Subnet Subnet for the selected Ethernet Interface.
Broadcast Broadcast IP address for the selected Ethernet
DHCP dyn. assign. Enables/disables the DHCP service for selected
Ethernet interface.
DHCP range from Lowest IP address for DHCP service.
DHCP range to Highest IP address for DHCP service.

Button “calc” Calculation of “Broadcast”, “Subnet” and DHCP

Button “Save” Saves the current settings. Afterwards a restart of
the VDR G4[e] is required.

Table 3-4: “Calc” operation of the System network

Step Action Remark

1 Enter IP address and The button “Save” is not active until the “calc” oper-
subnet mask. ation is done.
2 Press the button “calc”. By using the button “calc” a standard value for
DHCP range will be suggested. The value DHCP
range can be changed if required.
If the entries are not accepted, an error message is
displayed. Enter a new IP address and subnet
mask and press the button “calc” again.
3 Use the button “Save” to
save the settings.
Result IP address and subnet
mask are changed.

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Menu item “System”  “Network”  “GBit Lan 2+3”

Figure 3-12: Menu item “System”  “Network”  “GBit Lan 2”

IP address IP address for the selected Ethernet interface.

Subnet mask Subnet mask for the selected Ethernet interface.
Button “Save” Saves the current settings. Afterwards a restart of
the VDR G4[e] is required.

Menu item “System”  “Network”  “Hosts”

Figure 3-13: Menu item “System”  “Network”  “Hosts”

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Name Name of the network device.

IP address IP address of the network device.
MAC address MAC address of the network device.
Checkbox “Delete” Select an host (network device) entry for deleting.
“Red entry” Network device is not accessible for MDP2020
module (It doesn’t answer on ICMP packets).
“Green entry” Network device is accessible for MDP2020 module
(It answered on ICMP packets).

Button “Add new host” Creates an new host (network device) entry.
Button “Save” Saves the current settings and removes selected
host entries. Afterwards a restart of the VDR G4[e]
is required.

Table 3-5: Create a new host entry

Step Action Remark

1 Press the button “Add new host”. A new blank line is generated.
2 Enter the required data for the host
3 Press the button “Save”. It is possible that the line switch to
green, nevertheless do step 4.
4 Restart the VDR G4[e].
Result The entry has been created.

Table 3-6: Delete a host entry

Step Action Remark

1 Activate the checkbox of the item to
2 Press the button “Save”.
3 Restart the VDR G4[e].
Result The entry has been deleted.

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Menu item “System”  “Network”  “SNMP”

Figure 3-14: Menu item “System”  “Network”  “SNMP”

Enabled Enable/Disable the SNMP service.

Traps Enable/Disable the SNMP traps.
Trap host IP address of the Trap host.
Name Name of the VDR system
Location Location of the VDR system.
Contact Contact for this VDR system.
Button “Save” Saves the current settings. Afterwards a restart of
the VDR G4[e] is required.

3.2.7 Menu item “Capture”  “NMEA”

Menu item “Capture”  “NMEA”  “Connections”

Figure 3-15: Menu item “Capture”  “NMEA”  “Connections”

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VDR G4[e] Web-frontend
Technical Manual MDP2020

Button “Open” Open the settings for the corresponding NMEA

Button “Save” Save the current settings. Afterwards a restart of
the VDR G4[e] is required.

The following figure shows the settings of a selected NMEA network and serial connection. The shown
settings of an NMEA connection has exemplary character. The other NMEA connections have the
same structure.

Figure 3-16: NMEA connection for network and serial interface

Button “Close” Close the settings of this NMEA connection.

Label Short description of the NMEA connection.
Port offset (only network) Offset to port 7095.
Baud rate (only serial) Baudrate of the interface.
Special (only network) Characteristics of the NMEA connection.
Special (only serial) Dataframe of the serial interface.
Agent Used agent of the NMEA connection (TCP/UDP).
Receive filter Receive filter for NMEA sentences.
Transmit filter Transmit filter for NMEA sentences.

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MDP2020 Technical Manual

Receive filter
Checkbox Activates/deactivates the receive filter.
Function Select between blacklist/whitelist for the filter.
Active Activate/deactivate the entry in the list.
Id (only network) Each sentence in the list has a unique id.
Header Header of the NMEA sentence.
Min. reception interval (ms) Minimum time interval between 2 NMEA
Result This sentence will be received or ignored.
Button “Remove” Removes the corresponding NMEA sentence from
the list.
Button “Add” Adds a new NMEA sentence to the list.

Transmit filter
Checkbox Activate/deactivate the transmit filter.
Active Activate/deactivate the entry in the list.
Id (only network) Each sentence in the list has a unique id.
Header Header of the NMEA sentence.
Max. transmission interval Maximum time interval between 2 NMEA
(ms) sentences.
Result This sentence will be sent or ignored.
Button “Remove” Removes the corresponding NMEA sentence from
the list.
Button “Add” Adds a new NMEA sentence to the list.

The following figure shows the settings of a selected NMEA serial connection. The shown settings of
an NMEA serial connection has exemplary character. The other NMEA serial connections have the
same structure.

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Technical Manual MDP2020

Menu item “Capture”  “NMEA”  “Interfaces”

Only available if “ZDA useable as time ref”

is activated.

Figure 3-17: Menu item “Capture”  “NMEA”  “Interfaces”

NMEA Interface Current NMEA interface

Data is equal to ID Marking of redundant interfaces
Report timeout as Select the message type which will be generated in
case of a timeout.
It can be select between:
• No information (none)
• Warning
• Alarm
Timeout for input data Interesting for warning and alarm conditions; value
range between 10 seconds and 30 minutes. The
timeout refers to the whole interface and not to
selective NMEA telegrams.
Description Describes the NMEA interface ID of the module.
Expected sentences NMEA telegrams handled from this interface.
ZDA usable as time ref Interface will use date and time from ZDA sentence
to set the internal VDR G4[e] clock.
GPZDA useable as time ref Interface will use date and time from GPZDA
sentence to set internal VDR G4[e] clock.
Delete Selection assigns an interface for deleting.

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Button “Clear exp. sent.” Clear the entries in field “Expected sentences” of
all NMEA interfaces.
Button “Save” Saves the current settings. Afterwards a restart of
the VDR G4[e] is required.

Menu item “Capture”  “NMEA”  “Sentences”

Header and last receiving time

Last received telegram

Figure 3-18: Menu item “Capture”  “NMEA”  “Sentences”

Green entry Received telegram in specified repeat interval.

Red entry A timeout for this telegram has occured.
Button “Edit” Opens the detailed description for the sentence.
Button “Delete” Deletes the corresponding NMEA sentence.
Button “Add” Create a new entry for a NMEA sentence.

Figure 3-19: NMEA Sentence Edit

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Technical Manual MDP2020

Button “Close” Closes the detailed description.

Button “Save” Saves the description and settings for this NMEA
Brief description Short description of this NMEA sentence.
Detailed description Longer and detailed description of this NMEA
sentence. The structure of the telegram and the
meaning of the data fields is described.
Repeat interval Specifies the repetition rate of this NMEA

3.2.8 Menu item “Capture”  “Frame”

Figure 3-20: Menu item “Capture”  “Frame”

Button “Open” Open the settings of the corresponding item.

Button “Save” Save the current settings. Afterwards a restart of
the VDR G4[e] is required.
Button “Reset counters” Setting all protocol- and frame depended counters
to initial values.

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MDP2020 Technical Manual

Settings “Common”

Figure 3-21: Menu item “Capture”  “Frame”  “Common”

Button “Close” Close this settings.

Thin out classes If thin out is enabled, only necessary amount of
incoming frames will be captured.
Debug level Select the quantity of debug information. A higher
level results in higher quantity of information.
Error timeout If one of the error rules is not fulfilled for this time,
an error will be generated.
Error rules Set of rules to detect missing frames from sources.
For alarm-free operation, all rules must be fulfilled.
Green checkmark Error rule fulfilled.
Red cross Error rule not fulfilled.
Button “Remove” Remove the rule in this line.
Button “Add” Add a new error rule.

Error rules examples

Figure 3-22: Error rules examples

Rule 1 The VDR excepts one frame from a “Xband”-source.

Rule 2 The VDR excepts two frames. The frames can be from a
“Sband”- or “EDCIS”-source. Following combinations are
• 2 “Sband” frames
• 2 “ECDIS” frames
• 1 “Sband” frame and 1 “ECDIS” frame
Rule 3 The VDR excepts one frame from a “Xband”-, “Sband”- or

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Technical Manual MDP2020

Overview of protocol (e.g. IEC62388, Annex H.4)

Last receipt

Green or grey background

Figure 3-23: Overview of protocols

Button “Close” Close this settings.

Green background Frame from the specified source received.
Grey background No (more) frame from specified source received.
Checkbox Activates/Deactivate the entry.
Frame ID A unique ID for this frame.
Button “Remove” Remove this configuration entry.
Last receipt Timestamp of the last received frame.
Button “Show frame” Shows the last received frame.
Button “Add” Add a new frame source.

Function “Show frame”

Figure 3-24: Function “Show frame”

Button “Refresh” Shows the last received frame. The displayed

frame will not updated automatically.
Button “Close” Close the function “Show frame”.

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Settings “IS proprietary”

Figure 3-25: Settings “IS proprietary”

Checkbox Activates/Deactivates the entry.

Frame ID A unique ID for this frame.
Button “Remove” Remove this configuration entry.
Last receipt Timestamp of the last received frame.
Button “Show frame” Shows the last received frame.
Source name Short description of the source.
Source description Detailed description of the source.
Device Device number of the frame source.
TCP receive port The frame is send to this VDR G4[e] port.
Source type Type of frame source. E.g. FGR5.
Use diff. time explicitly Select if the timestamp in the frames or the differ-
ence time of two frames should be used.
Full length of last packet Select if the length of the complete frame or the
length-value in the frame header should be used.
Authority id Unique ID for the frame. It’s used for the COTS file-
Src class id/location Source class, source id and source location of the
frame source.
Power supply Choose the power supply output on ICU for this

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Settings “IEC 62388, Annex H.4”

Only available if dedicated mode is acti-


Figure 3-26: Settings “IEC 62388, Annex H.4”

Checkbox Activates/Deactivates the entry.

Frame ID A unique ID for this frame.
Button “Remove” Remove this configuration entry.
Last receipt Timestamp of the last received frame.
Button “Show frame” Shows the last received frame.
Source name Short description of the source.
Source description Detailed description of the source.
Device Device number of the frame source.
TCP receive port The frame is send to this VDR G4[e] port.
Dedicated In dedicated mode the VDR configuration deter-
mines the source class, source id and source loca-
tion of the frame.
Authority id Unique ID for the frame. It’s used for the COTS file-
Src class id/location Source class, source id and source location of the
frame source.
Power supply Choose the power supply output on ICU for this

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Settings “IEC 61162-450”

General errors

Statistic for this frame source

Only available in mode “retransmittable”

Figure 3-27: Settings “IEC 61162-450”

Checkbox Activates/Deactivates the entry.

Frame ID A unique ID for this frame.
Button “Remove” Remove this configuration entry.
Last receipt Timestamp of the last received frame.
Button “Show frame” Shows the last received frame.
Source name Short description of the source.
Source description Detailed description of the source.
Device Device number of the frame source.
Multicast group IP address and port of the multicast group.
Multicast parameter Network interface and acknowledge destination of
the multicast group.
Authority id Unique ID for the frame. It’s used for the COTS file-
Power supply Choose the power supply output on ICU for this

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3.2.9 Menu item “Capture”  “I/O Devices”

Figure 3-28: Menu item “Capture”  “I/O Devices”

Device type Type of the device:

• Modbus-TCP
• None.
Name Name of the device.
IP address IP address from host, will be insert by the
MDP2020 automatically.

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MAC address MAC address from host, will be insert by the

MDP2020 automatically.
Decimal places Possible entries for decimal and range.
Threshold Scale factor for position after decimal point.
Analog inputs Number of installed analogue inputs. It will be actu-
alised from the PLC unit automatically.
Digital inputs Number of installed digital inputs. It will be actual-
ised from the PLC unit automatically.
Power supply Choose the power supply output on ICU for this
device (ICU1 X1 ... ICU1 X8). Default is “ICU1 X7”.

Button “Activate” Activates and opens the settings of the device.

Button “Deactivate” Deactivates and closes the settings of the device.
Button “Edit” Edit the analogue/digital inputs.
Button “Save” Saves all devices at once.

I/O devices - analogue inputs overview

Figure 3-29: I/O Devices - analogue inputs overview

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Button “Edit” The corresponding I/O definition can be edited.

See next picture for the possibilities of editing.
Button “Add” Adds a new I/O definition to the corresponding
Button “<< Back” The “analogue input” page will left.

Edit of analogue input

Figure 3-30: I/O Devices analogue input Edit

Input no. Input number of channel.

Interface type Type of the signal source (Current, Voltage, N/A =
not connected)
Transducer unit Unit of the data source (°, °C, rpm, Hz, V, A, ...)
Ship system Name of the delivering source system (steering,
engine, ...)
Signal group Ship systems subsystem
VDR input value min. Minimum value of the VDR input sequence.
VDR input value zero Zero value of the VDR input sequence.
VDR input value max. Maximum value of the VDR input sequence.
Transducer value min. Possible minimum value of the data source
according to the minimum value of the VDR input.
Transducer value zero Possible zero value of the data source according to
the zero value of the VDR input.
Transducer value max. Possible maximum value of the data source
according to the maximum value of the VDR input.
Comment Description of the input.

Button “Abort” Leaves the edit mode without saving the changes.
Button “Save” Leaves the edit mode and saves the changes.

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I/O devices - digital inputs overview

Figure 3-31: I/O Devices - digital input overview

Button “Edit” The corresponding I/O definition can be edited.

See next picture for the possibilities of editing.
Button “Add” Adds a new I/O definition to the corresponding
Button “<< Back” The “digital input” page will left.

Edit of digital input

Figure 3-32: I/O Devices digital input Edit

Bit no. Input number of channel.

Type Type of input:
• Alarm
• Status
• Door
• N/A
• Control

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Active Type of contact:

• Low => negative logic
• High => positive logic
Ship system Name of the delivering system (Fire Alarms,
Engine, ...)
Signal group Ship systems subsystem.
Description Description of the input.

Button “Abort” Leaves the edit mode without saving the changes.
Button “Save” Leaves the edit mode and saves the changes.

3.2.10 Menu item “Monitor”

Menu item “Monitor”  “Status”

Figure 3-33: Menu item “Monitor”  “Status”

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Menu item “Monitor”  “Performance”

Figure 3-34: Menu item “Monitor”  “Performance”

Menu item “Monitor”  “Clients”

Figure 3-35: Menu item “Monitor”  “Clients”

Menu item “Monitor”  “Storage”

Figure 3-36: Menu item “Monitor”  “Storage”

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Menu item “Monitor”  “Manufacturer”

Figure 3-37: Menu item “Monitor”  “Manufacturer”

3.2.11 Menu item “Service”  “Options”

Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “Service”

Figure 3-38: Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “Service”

Button “Restart VDR” Restarts the VDR G4[e] immediately.

Button “Shutdown VDR” Shutdowns the VDR G4[e] within 3 minutes
Button “Test microphones” Releases a microphone test over all microphones
at the same time.
Button “Calibrate battery” Starts battery calibration during net power fail.
Button “Enable one-time SSD Starts check of internal flash drive during next VDR
check” G4[e] restart.

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Button “Recreate licences” Recreation of licenses for the Replay system.

Button “Download Download of the VDR G4[e] configuration file.
Button “Browse...” Select a new configuration file for upload.
Button “Upload configura- Upload the selected configuration file.

Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “Features”

Figure 3-39: Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “Features”

Default List of default features.

Feature key Input field of feature key. The key is created by the
manufacturer according to the requirements.
Additional List of additional activated features.
Button “Save” Saves the new feature key.

Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “Firmware”

Figure 3-40: Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “Firmware”

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Current version Current version of MDP2020 firmware.

Button “Browse...” Select a new firmware file for upload.
Button “Upload firmware” Upload the selected firmware file.

Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “UPS”

Figure 3-41: Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “UPS”

UPS serial number Serial number of the battery pack.

UPS battery date Installation date of the battery pack with the format
Button “Save” Saves the current information.

Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “Get Logs”

Figure 3-42: Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “Get Logs”

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Merlog This log file contains info, warning and debug

messages created by the VDR processes.
Errlog This log file contains only error messages created
by the VDR processes.
Debuglog This log file contains the Merlog messages plus
more detailed messages created by the VDR
Systemlog This log file contains messages created by QNX
system processes.
Button “Step 1: zip” Start download of the selected log files.

Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “System files”

Figure 3-43: Menu item “Service”  “Options”  “System files”

Button “Open” Open the corresponding file for editing.

Button “Create” Create a new file entry.

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System file open for editing (e.g. /etc/hosts)

Figure 3-44: System file open for editing

Name Complete filename with path.

Enable Enables/Disables the file.
Append Append data to this file
Permission User rights of this file.
Owner Owner and group of this file
Button “Close” Close the edit mode.
Button “Delete” Delete this file.
Button “Save” Saves this file.

3.2.12 Menu item “Service”  “Log files”

You can show the content of following log files:

• S.M.A.R.T info
• Merlog
• Systemlog
• Errlog

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Example of a log file

Figure 3-45: Log file: Merlog

You have the possibility to download the log files. For further information see  chapter "Menu item
“Service”  “Options”  “Get Logs”" on page 51.

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Technical Manual Interface Control Unit ICU

3.3 Interface Control Unit ICU

This chapter shows and describes the web-frontend of the ICU.

3.3.1 Access to ICU

You can enter the web-frontend of the ICU on two ways:

• Select the corresponding ICU from the device list

E. g. “ICU”  “ICU01”
• The IP address of the corresponding ICU

The factory default IP address of the ICU is:; where n is the number of the ICU (1
to 4).


Info to Hardware and


Figure 3-46: Welcome page

3.3.2 Overview of menu

The following picture shows the main menu of the ICU:

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The main menu contains the following submenu items:

3.3.3 Menu item “Config”  “Audio”

Figure 3-47: Menu item “Config”  “Audio”

Capture Select if channel should be captured.

Description Short description of the channel.
Save Save the current settings.

3.3.4 Menu item “Config”  “NMEA Connections”

Figure 3-48: Menu item “Config”  “NMEA Connections”

For a detailed description see  chapter 3.2.7 "Menu item “Capture”  “NMEA”" on page 32.

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3.3.5 Menu item “Config”  “Agents”

Figure 3-49: Menu item “Config”  “Agents”

For a detailed description see  chapter 3.2.5 "Menu item “System”  “Agents”" on page 26.

3.3.6 Menu item “Config”  “Network”

Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “Global”

Figure 3-50: Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “Global”

Domain Name The domain name is an identification string that

defines a realm of the administrative autonomy of
the ICU.
Nameserver IP address of the DNS server
Hostname Hostname of the ICU.
Gateway IP address of the gateway.
Enable routing Enables/Disables routing.
Button “Save” Saves the current settings.

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Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “Intern”

Figure 3-51: Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “Intern”

IP address Current set IP address for the internal Ethernet

Subnet mask Subnet mask for the internal Ethernet interface.
Subnet Subnet of the internal Ethernet interface.
Broadcast Broadcast IP address of the internal Ethernet inter-
Button “Save” Saves the current settings.

Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “Extern”

Figure 3-52: Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “Extern”

IP address Input field for the IP address of the extern Ethernet

Subnet mask Subnet mask for the selected
DHCP enabled Enables/disables the DHCP service for the extern
Ethernet interface.
Current IP Current set IP address of the extern Ethernet inter-
Button “Save” Saves the current settings.

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Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “Hosts”

Figure 3-53: Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “Hosts”

Name Name of the network device.

IP address IP address of the network device.
Checkbox “Delete” Select an host (network device) entry for deleting.
“Red entry” Network device is not accessible for ICU module
(doesn’t answer on ICMP packets).
“Green entry” Network device is accessible for ICU module (it still
answer on ICMP packets).

Button “Add new host” Creates a new host (network device) entry.
Button “Save” Save the current settings and removes selected
host entries.

Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “SNMP”

Figure 3-54: Menu item “Config”  “Network”  “SNMP”

Enabled Enable/Disable the SNMP service.

Traps Enable/Disable the SNMP traps.

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Trap host IP address of the Trap host.

Name Name of the VDR system.
Location Location of the VDR system.
Contact Contact for this VDR system.
Button “Save” Saves the current settings.

3.3.7 Menu item “Monitor”

Menu item “Monitor”  “Performance”

Figure 3-55: Menu item “Monitor”  “Performance

Menu item “Monitor”  “Power”

Figure 3-56: Menu item “Monitor”  “Power

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Technical Manual Audio2net module

3.4 Audio2net module

This chapter shows and describes the web-frontend of the Audio2net module.

3.4.1 Access to Audio2net

You can enter the web-frontend of the Audio2net on two ways:

• Select the corresponding Audio2net from the device list

E. g. “AUDIO2NET”  “A2N01”
• The IP address of the corresponding Audio2net

In default configuration the Audio2net acts as

DHCP client.


Figure 3-57: Welcome page

At the end of each website you will find

the hardware and firmware info.

Figure 3-58: Hardware and firmware info

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3.4.2 Menu item “Audio”

Figure 3-59: Menu item “Audio”

Description 63 characters. Name of this module.

Location 63 characters. Location on ship, where the module
is mounted (e.g. bridge console section 6)
Capture Activate checkbox for data, which should be
Mandatory Activate checkbox for data, which should be also
recorded to the FRM.
Position 60 characters. Location of the audio device on the
Type Type of microphone:
• VCA004
• NOTEST (standard microphone)
• OTHER (e.g. VHF or telephone)
Desc. channel x 16 characters. A short and meaningful of the audio
channel. This description is displayed in the
Replay System.
Power supply at Choose the power supply output on the ICU for this
module (X1 ... X8).
Button “Save” Saves the current settings. This button is visible
when changes are made.

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3.4.3 Menu item “Network”

Figure 3-60: Menu item “Network”

Current mode Current mode of network configuration.

Use DHCP The dynamic acquisition of IP address can be acti-
Static IP Valid IP address to be used in static configuration.
Netmask Subnet mask of the local network.
Gateway IP IP address of the gateway.
Target IP IP address of the target for the audio data.

Enabled Enable/Disable the SNMP service.
Traps Enable/Disable the SNMP traps.
Trap host ip IP address of the Trap host.
Contact Contact for this VDR system.
Button “Save” Saves the current settings. This button is visible
when changes are made.

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3.4.4 Menu item “Test”

Figure 3-61: Menu item “Test”

Releaser Information about: what caused the last micro-

phone test and how long ago was the microphone
Counter Number of the microphone tests since last restart.
Result Result of the last microphone test since restart of
this Audio2net.
Button “Test microphones” Starts the microphone test for this module.
Button “Beep ON” Enables the microphone beep permanently.
Button “Beep OFF” Disabled the microphone beep.


Result Description
No microphone configured and no microphone

Microphone test has passed.

Microphone test has failed.

Short circuit of microphone power supply.

No microphone configured, but a microphone is


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3.4.5 Menu item “Status”

Figure 3-62: Menu item “Status”

Uptime Uptime of this module.

CPU load CPU load of this module.
Mem load Memory load of this module.
Net load Network load of this module.
Buf load Buffer for outbound audio packages. Fills up, as
soon as no data accepted from ICU module. This
buffer always records 6 minutes, regardless of
configuration. If the buffer is quite full, the module
Fuses of device 1 - 4 • Fuse blown: red
• Fuse ok: green
Button “Restart” Restarts this module.

3.5 NMEA2net module

This chapter shows and describes the web-frontend of the NMEA2net module.

3.5.1 Access to NMEA2net

You can enter the web-frontend of the NMEA2net on two ways:

• Select the corresponding NMEA2net from the device list

E. g. “NMEA2NET”  “N2N01”
• The IP address of the corresponding NMEA2net

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The factory default IP address of the NMEA2net is:; where n is the ID of the NMEA2net
according the DIP switch configuration (1 to 7).


Status of module
- Load of network queue
- Load of serial queue
- Error state of the ports

Info to Hardware and


Figure 3-63: Welcome page

3.5.2 Menu item “Serial”

Figure 3-64: Menu item “Serial”

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Baudrate Set the baudrate for each serial interface.

Sentences Enter the header(s) of the connected NMEA. Items
are separated by comma.
Filter Port 1 - Port 5 RX This receive filter discards all matching NMEA tele-
grams at reception. The filter discard all NMEA
containing one or more of the given filter items.
There is no matter, if the filter item is a part of the
NMEA header or part of the rest of the NMEA tele-
gram. Items are separated by comma. E.g.
Filter Port 5 TX This filter will not transmit all watching NMEA tele-
grams. The filter discard all NMEA telegrams that
containing one or more of the given filter items.
There is no matter, if the filter item is a part of the
NMEA header or part of the rest of the NMEA tele-
gram. Items are separated by comma.
Provide NMEA on Port 5 Activates the sending of telegrams via serial inter-
face check box. Is disabled in default configura-
Button “Submit” Saves the current configuration.
Button “Reset” Blanks all configuration fields.

3.5.3 Menu item “Network”

Figure 3-65: Menu item “Network”

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Current IP mode Current mode of network configuration.

Use DHCP The dynamic acquisition of IP address can be acti-
Use TCP Transfer occurs via TCP instead of UDP.
Enable SNMP Enable/Disable the SNMP service.
Static IP Valid IP address to be used in static configuration.
Destination IP IP address of the target for the audio data.
Gateway IP address of the gateway.
SNMP Manager IP address of the SNMP Trap Manager.
Netmask Subnet mask of the local network
Destination Port The data is send to this port. Default 7094.
Max Send Delay Maximum delay before sending in milliseconds.
Plain NMEA Mode Enables/Disables “Plain NMEA”.
Send Filter Analogues to the serial settings. Defines a list of
filter items, separated by comma (particular tele-
grams will not be send via network).
Button “Submit” Saves the current settings.
Button “Reset” Blanks all the configuration fields.

3.6 Tron 40VDR capsule

This chapter shows and describes the web-frontend of the Tron 40VDR capsule.

3.6.1 Access to Tron 40 capsule

You can enter the web-frontend of the Tron 40VDR capsule on two ways:

• Select the Tron 40VDR capsule from the device list

• The IP address of the Tron 40VDR capsule

The factory default IP address of the Tron 40VDR

capsule is:

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Following login level is possible:

• admin (password is only for authorized service)

Figure 3-66: Welcome page

3.6.2 Menu item “Networking”

Figure 3-67: Network Configuration

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Figure 3-68: Network interfaces

Figure 3-69: Routing and Gateway

Figure 3-70: Hostname and DNS

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Technical Manual FRM NEMO 2.0

Figure 3-71: Bootup interface

3.7 FRM NEMO 2.0

This chapter shows and describes the web-frontend of the NEMO 2.0 module.

3.7.1 Login and Logout

You can enter the web-frontend of the NEMO 2.0 module on two ways:

• Select the NMEO 2.0 module from the device list

E. g. “OTHER”  “NEMO-2”
• The IP address of the NEMO 2.0 module

The factory default IP address of the NEMO 2.0 is:

eth1: (Service port)

Following login level is possible:

• admin (password is only for authorized service)

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Figure 3-72: Login window

Logout Button

Figure 3-73: Logout


Figure 3-74: Welcome page

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At the end of the welcome page you will

find the hardware and firmware info.

Figure 3-75: Hardware and firmware info

3.7.2 Menu item “Network”

Interface for service troubleshooting.

Do not change these settings.

Figure 3-76: Menu item “Network”

Ip address IP address for the selected network device.

Netmask Subnet mask for the selected network device.
Gateway IP address of the gateway for the selected network
Nameserver IP address of the nameserver for the selected
network device.
Button “Save” Save the settings to NEMO 2.0

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3.7.3 Menu item “Status”

Figure 3-77: Menu item “Status”

Reboot FRM will be restarted.

Format Flash Drive All data will be deleted on flash drive during next
restart. Use this button in following cases:
• Reset VDR to defaults
• Connect FRM to another ICU module
• Troubleshooting
Check Flash Drive Should be “Done.”, otherwise it points to disk prob-
lems. “Running.” is the other condition.

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3.7.4 Menu item “Log”

Figure 3-78: Menu item “Log”

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FGR 5 Technical Manual

3.8 FGR 5

This chapter shows and describes the web-frontend of the FGR5. You can enter the web-frontend of
the FGR5 module on two ways:

• Select the FGR5 module from the device list

E. g. “OTHER”  “FGR5”
• The IP address of the FGR5 module

The factory default IP address of the FGR5 are:


3.8.1 Overview of menu

The following picture shows the main menu of the web-frontend.

The main menu contains the following submenu items:

For access to all submenu items, except “About”  “System information” you have to log in. The login
dialog is shown in the following picture:

Following login levels are possible:

• admin (password is only for authorized service)

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3.8.2 Menu item “Network”  “Settings”

eth0 = LAN0 with POE

eth1 = LAN1

LAN1 is default port

Figure 3-79: Menu item “Network”  “Settings”

Network mode Settings of network interface:

• DHCP  DHCP based network settings
• Static  Userdefined network settings
• Disabled  Network interface is deactivated
IP address IP address of the network interface.
Network mask Network mask of the network interface.
Gateway Gateway of the network interface.
DNS server Domain Name Server of the network interface.
Button “Save data” Saves the settings of the network interfaces.
Button “Restart network” Restart and reconfiguration of the network inter-
faces. Required after saving the network settings.

Figure 3-80: Position of eth0 = LAN0 with POE and eth1 = LAN1

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3.8.3 Menu item “Network”  “Services”

Figure 3-81: Menu item “Network”  “Services”

Remote Access Protocols

SSH daemon Activate/Deactivate the SSH daemon. Default:
FTP daemon Activate/Deactivate the FTP daemon. Default:

Simple Network Management Protocol

SNMP daemon Activate/Deactivate the SNMP daemon. Default:
TRAP daemon Activate/Deactivate the SNMPTRAP daemon.
Default: Inactive.
Store debug infos Activate/Deactivate the SNMP- and SNMPTRAP-
log. Default: Inactive
TRAP destination IP Destination for SNMP-Trap message.

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Network Time Protocol

NTP daemon Activate/Deactivate the NTP daemon. Default:
x. server name or IP Servername or IP address of the ntp-server x.

Button “Save settings” Saves the settings of the network services.

Button “Restart services” Restart and reconfiguration of the network
services. Required after saving the services

3.8.4 Menu item “Image”  “Aspect ratio”

Figure 3-82: Menu item “Image”  “Aspect ratio”

Image source ratio

Activate ratio 16:9 The image of the selected source(s) has/have the
ratio 16:9.
Activate ratio 16:10 The image of the selected source(s) has/have the
ratio 16:10.

Input selection
Set HDMI ratio The setting of the aspect ratio affect on the HDMI
Set DVI/VGA ratio The setting of the aspect ratio affect on the DVI/
VGA input.

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Button “Store settings” Saves the settings of the aspect ratio

Button “Restart FGR5” Restart and reconfiguration of the FGR5. Required
after saving the settings for aspect ratio.

3.8.5 Menu item “Image”  “Processing settings”

Only available if 2 input sources are

selected. This is input 2.

Figure 3-83: Menu item “Image”  “Processing settings”

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VGA grab parameter

Interlaced mode active VGA source provides interlaced images.
Hor. adjust pxl Horizontal offset for the grabbed image.
Pxl phase adjust Phase offset of the grabbed pixel.
Button “VGA auto adjust” The framegrabber automatically attempts to deter-
mine the horizontal and phase adjust for VGA

If the video source is using the interlaced mode,

then this button has no function.

Image processing configuration

Grab interval in sec Time interval between 2 sampled images of the
same source.
Device ID(s) Device ID of the input source(s).
Channel ID(s) Channel ID of the input source(s). Default: 1.
Connected input(s) The input(s), which should be sampled.
Reconnect after transfer Select if each image should be transferred with a
separate transfer session.
Send one oversized packet Select if the picture should be send as one frame.
Grab offset in 500ms steps Select the time offset for the grab operation.
Image data type Select the image file type (BMP, PNG, JPG).
Default: BMP.
Image compression type Select if the image file should be compressed.
Options: none, GZIP, ZIP. Default: GZIP.
Bit reduction Select the level of Bit reduction per byte.
Save actual image Select if a copy of the actual image should be
stored on the FGR5.
Save compressed image Select if a copy of the actual imaged should be
stored compressed on the FGR5.
Save log file Select if a “FGR5 log” should be created.
jpg quality index in % Select the jpg quality index (0 to 100%). A higher
index results in a higher image quality.
Debug level Select the quantity of debug information. A higher
level results in a higher quantity of information.

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Button “Store settings” Saves the settings for “image processing”.

Button “Reload Configura- Reload the changed configuration of the
tion” “Processing settings”. Required after saving the

3.8.6 Menu item “Image”  “Transfer Settings”

Only available if 2 inputs sources are

selected. This is input 2.

Figure 3-84: Menu item “Image”  “Transfer Settings”

Network parameter
Transfer protocol Select between the proprietary “IMS Transfer”
protocol or the “Radar TCP” protocol according
IEC 91996-1:2013. Default: “Radar TCP”.
TCP destination IP Destination IP of the receiver.
TCP network destination port TCP port of the receiver.

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Non dedicated source parameter

Image transfer according Enable/Disable the settings for non dedicated
rules for non dedicated image sources.
Status ID(s) (non dedicaded) A system-wide unique Status ID for each source.
The ID has to be unequal to 0.
Image(s) source type Select the source type of the image(s).
Image source type ID(s) If images from 2 sources of the same type (e.g. 2
Xband Radars) are grabbed, each source needs
an index. The indices has to be unequal to 0.
Location of VGA source Short location description of the VGA source.
Location of DVI source Short location description of the DVI source.
Location of HDMI source Short location description of the HDMI source.

Button “Store settings” Saves the settings for “Transfer Settings”

Button “Reload configura- Reload the changed configuration of the “Transfer
tion” settings”. Required after saving the settings.

3.8.7 Menu item “Administration”  “Passwords”

Figure 3-85: Menu item “Administration”  “Passwords”

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Choose user Selection of the user whose password should be

Password New password for the user.
Repetition Repetition of the new password.
Button “Submit” Saves the changed password.
Button “Clear mask” Clear all fields.

3.8.8 Menu item “Administration”  “Update”

Figure 3-86: Menu item “Administration”  “Update”

Button “Browse...” Browse and select the update file.

Button “Update” Starts the update process.

3.8.9 Menu item “Administration”  “Reboot”

Figure 3-87: Menu item “Administration”  “Reboot”

Button “Reboot system now” Restarts the FGR5 immediately.

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Technical Manual FGR 5

3.8.10 Menu item “Administration”  “Factory reset”

Figure 3-88: Menu item “Administration”  “Factory reset”

Button “Factory reset” Sets the FGR5 to factory defaults settings.

3.8.11 Menu item “Information”  “Show logfile”

Figure 3-89: Menu item “Information”  “Show logfile”

Button “FGR5 log” Shows the “FGR5 log”

Button “SNMP log” Shows the “SNMP log”.
Button “SNMPTRAP log” Shows the “SNMPTRAP log”.

The buttons “Log” are enabled when the corresponding log is activated. For further information see 
chapter 7.9.6 "Logfiles" on page 238.

Revision: 1.0.5 85
Web-frontend VDR G4[e]
FGR 5 Technical Manual

3.8.12 Menu item “About”  “System information”

Figure 3-90: Menu item “About”  “System Information”

86 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual

4 Installing

This part describes all required measures for installing the VDR G4[e]

After delivering of the VDR G4[e] each device should be inspected for visible signs of damage. The
installation of each module as well as the connections to be performed, are described in the following

All VDR G4[e] modules can be mounted without vibration dampers directly on a bulkhead or in a rack.
The mounts should be stable enough to carry the weight of the modules and to prevent the generation
of resonant frequencies.

Electronics Units
Dimensions, weights, spaces required for service and maintenance and special installation instructions
are stated in the outline drawings and installation drawings (see  chapter 9 "Appendix" on page 245)
of the corresponding unit. In general, the following points also apply:
• The lifetime of the components of all electronics units generally decreases with increasing ambient
temperature; it is therefore advisable to install such units in air-conditioned rooms to ensure low
humidity and a temperature below 30°C. If there are no such facilities - e.g. deck house or space
near or below the water line - these rooms must at least be dry, adequately ventilated and kept at a
suitable temperature in order to prevent the formation of condensation inside these units.
• With most electronic units, cooling takes place via the surface of the casing.
The cooling must not be impaired by partial covering of the unit as a result of insulation (if any) of the
room (the wall on which the casing is mounted), or by installation of the unit in a confined cabinet.

Furthermore, the distance from the ceiling and the floor or from a unit situated underneath must be at
least 500 mm and on the right and left side at least 100 mm.

• For service purposes, a power socket (220/230V AC) and adequate lighting are necessary in the
vicinity of each electronic unit.
• In the area of the wheel house, the distance of each electronics unit from the magnetic standard
compass or the magnetic steering compass must not be less than the permitted magnetic protection

This distance is measured from the centre of the magnetic system of the compass to the nearest point
on the corresponding unit concerned and shall be indicated on the electronic unit.

• When selecting the site for a unit, the maximum cable lengths have to be considered according to
the notes in the cabling documents (remarks, cable list).
• The accessibility for maintenance and service (stated in the outline drawings or installation draw-
ings) must be considered.
• When a unit is being installed, the base, floor or bulkhead must be checked to ensure that it is flat
and stable in order to avoid twisting of the unit when the fixing screws are tightened, because such
twisting could impair mechanical as well as electrical or electronic functions. Any unevenness should
be compensated for by means of spacing-washers.

Revision: 1.0.5 87
Installing VDR G4[e]
Wiring Technical Manual

• The grounding screws of the units must be connected to the body of the ship (ground); the wire used
should have a cross sectional area of at least 6 mm².

Aboard a vessel with a fibreglass network (GRP), a grounding network with a high conductance - taking
into consideration the working frequencies of the other equipment - must be provided in order to
achieve satisfactory EMC (electromagnetic compatibility).

• In the interests of safety during maintaining or servicing, the shipyard or customer should provide a
common isolating switch or circuit breaker (in conjunction with a contractor, if necessary) for all inter-
connected equipment.
• Transportation damage, even if apparently insignificant at first glance, must immediately be exam-
ined and be reported to the freight carrier. The moment of setting-to-work of the equipment is too
late, not only for reporting the damage but also for the supply of replacements.
• The commissioning and first set-to-work of the system has to be done exclusively by technicians
authorised by INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH.
• After hand-over of the equipment in good operating condition to the customer, the Acceptance Test
should be filled in completely and then forwarded to INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH, as
proof of such fulfilment. These requirements have to be fulfilled in order to avoid the risk of losing
the warranty.

4.1 Wiring

This chapter contains information about wiring and grounding

Device damage from incorrect wiring.

A check of the wiring after installation is advisable.

Cable types, cable data, maximum cable length, special instructions for cable laying and connection
details are defined in the cabling documents of the corresponding equipment (consisting of schematic
diagram, remarks, cable list and connection diagram).

In order to ensure proper functioning of the equipment, the cable types should be selected according
to the cable lists. The designations for the cables are based on the German Standards DIN. Therefore
cable types as well as Interface connections should be discussed and agreed with INTERSCHALT
maritime systems GmbH if they are not equal to German DIN Standards.

In general, the following points must be taken into account:

• For the cables inside the cabinets, an extra length of 1 metre is necessary at each end. If the height
of the unit exceeds 0.5 m, an extension by 1.0 m plus the height of the cabinet is necessary.
• The cables must be marked by the electrician at both ends with the cable numbers corresponding
to the connection diagrams documents.
• Where necessary, particular cable glands - marked with letters and/or numbers - are assigned to the
cables. The identification letters and numbers are stated in the connection diagrams; they are either
fixed to the unit or can be seen from the outline drawings.

88 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Wiring

• All cables should be kept as short as possible, especially coaxial cables to minimize attenuation of
• All outdoor installed connectors (e.g. on coaxial cables) should be waterproof by design to protect
the cable against water penetration.
• Coaxial cables should be installed in separate signal cable channels/tubes and at least 100 mm
away from power supply cables. Crossing of cables should be done at right angles (90°). Coaxial
cables should not be exposed to sharp bends, which may lead to change the characteristic imped-
ance of the cable. The minimum bend radius should be 5 times the cable’s outside diameter.
• It must be ensured that all cables - including their screens - are inserted in the units in adequate
lengths and do not end before reaching the destination equipment. This is not valid for the use of
cable glands with grounding inserts.
• With multicore cables, it is useful to strip down and lace the single wires according to the terminal
• Receptacle-type cable terminals included in the delivery must be crimped to the connecting leads by
means of a suitable pair of AMP pliers. If a terminal board of a unit has no tabs for the above
mentioned receptacles, other suitable cable terminals must be used.
• Existing cable grippers in the units must be used.
• All cable connections must be carefully checked after completion of the cable work and all cable
screens must be grounded via the shortest possible connections - if not stated otherwise in the
cabling documents/connection diagram.
• All cables must be secured by means of suitable clamps (pull-relief) before entering the units.
• When soldering stripped coaxial cables to connectors, it must be ensured that the central conductor
and the screening do not produce a short circuit.
• It must be ensured that cables do not block any moving parts within a unit.
• Stuffing tubes exposed to the open air must, without fail, be sealed with compound.
• Power leads must be protected by slow-blow fuses according to their cross section.

Use ship cables like:

• 2x2x1,5 FMGCG for power supply of ICU module

• 2x2x1,5 FMGCG for power supply of all other modules
• 2x2x0.75 FMGCG for serial communication wires
• S(UTP) 4x2 AWG26/7, e.g. Unitronic Etherline-H Flex Cat. 5 4x2x26AWG, Art.-Nr. 2170299 (from
LAPP Kabel) for network communication wires
• S(STP) 4x2 AWG23/1, e.g. UC600 SS23/1 4P CAT7 FRNC-B (from Draka Multimedia Cable GmbH)
for network communication wires

Revision: 1.0.5 89
Installing VDR G4[e]
Wiring Technical Manual

Grounding is important for EMC purposes as well as for protecting people’s lives.

The purposes are covered by the standard grounding of the system’s housings to the ship’s metallic
structure (bolted or welded). Regardless of the type of ship’s grounding (e.g. star pattern or ground
plane pattern), no potential difference should be measurable between two different ground connectors.
Potential differences cause compensation currents on the cable shields. If the ship has no metallic
structure, all conductively connected metallic parts form an artificial ground.

All ground connections should be as short as possible.

If possible, different units should be connected to individual ground connectors.

Whenever possible, metallic housings should be screwed or welded directly to the ship’s metallic struc-

If a safe grounding contact is not ensured, additional conductors are necessary.

All ground connections should have a low RF-impedance, and should be resistant against vibration and

Grounding conductors on an open-air deck must be made of corrosion-protected steel, and inside the
ship they must be made of copper.

EMC Purposes
The shields of all cables must be connected at both ends if no other instructions are given.

Connect the screen of the coax cables correctly. If

the screen is connected to the terminals only, the
signals might be disturbed. Incorrect wiring may
result in short-circuit.
The screen of the coax cables must be connected to
the cable glands (if they have grounding inserts) or
cable entries of the housings AND to the appro-
priate terminals.

Protective Ground
All removable metallic parts of the housings are grounded by means of separate, flexible cables to the
main structure of the housing. It is important to connect this ground-cable again after parts have been
dismounted or exchanged.

90 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Wiring

4.1.1 Maximum Cable Length

Ethernet LAN
The Ethernet LAN twisted pair cabling (100BaseT) must not exceed a length of 100 m.

Multidata Cable to FRM

The maximum length of this cable is 60 m.

Cable to Microphone
The Microphones could be connect to the VDR G4[e] while using a 2x2x0.75 FRNC ship cable or while
using a 8x0.68 Ethernet STP cable. The maximum length of this cable is 100 m.

Cable to serial interfaces

The maximum length of the cable is 400 m, but this depends on the signal level of the transmitter. The
data are sent over a 2x2x0.75 FRNC ship cable.

Video cable
The signals from the Radar are transmitted using a DVI respectively a DSub cable. The maximum
length of this cable is 5 m.

The grounding should be done in such a way that the connection can be inspected in a convenient

Revision: 1.0.5 91
Installing VDR G4[e]
Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020 Technical Manual

4.2 Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020



 !  "







Figure 4-1: MDP 2020 module

The MDP 2020 module has a width of 170 mm and is mounted on a 35 mm DIN rail.

The configuration of the MDP 2020 module has already been performed by INTERSCHALT maritime
systems GmbH, so that from customer side no further settings are required. The following paragraphs
nevertheless describe the modules, the settings of which are necessary for a trouble free operation.

4.2.1 External connections






Figure 4-2: External connections

92 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020

Table 4-1: Network and USB connections of the MDP 2020

Terminal Description
Position see previous figure
GBit Subnet1 VDR intern network, Connection to ICU
GBit Subnet2 Multicast network or navigation system
GBit Subnet3 Additional network system or ship network
X8 USB USB flash drive, Emergency Backup Volume
S2 STOP USB Stop USB recording

Table 4-2: Connector ports of the MDP 2020

Terminal Description
Position see previous figure
Power 24V External Power Supply from ICU
Pin 1 24V
Pin 2 0V
Pin 3 Guard, alternative grounding of MDP 2020 module,
usually free
RS422-1 RS 422 connection to Bridge Alarm Management system
(BAMS) if available. Otherwise spare for serial data.
Pin 1 Tx+
Pin 2 Tx-
Pin 3 Rx+
Pin 4 Rx-
Pin 5 Analog GND (Guard)
RS422-2 RS 422 connection to AIS NMEA
Pin 1 Tx+
Pin 2 Tx-
Pin 3 Rx-
Pin 4 Rx+
Pin 5 Analog GND (Guard)
ON/OFF Key Switch
Pin 1 Common, current flow to key switch
Pin 2 Common, current flow to key switch

Revision: 1.0.5 93
Installing VDR G4[e]
Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020 Technical Manual

4.2.2 Internal connections

$%&' (&


,,-./0 &!1





  + %% "#

Figure 4-3: Internal connections and environment

Table 4-3: Connections inside the MDP2020 module

Connec- Descriptions
X2 Power to SSD
X3 Data to SSD

Table 4-4: Jumper inside the MDP2020 module

DIP Description
J1 Reset to default. For further details see  chapter 7.1.5
"Reset to defaults" on page 206.

Table 4-5: Dip switch inside MDP 2020

DIP switch Description

S3 Factory configuration; Set
to “Off”
S1 ID selector; Set switches to

94 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Interface Control Unit (ICU)

Table 4-6: Buttons inside MDP 2020

Button Description
S5 Reset
S4 MDP 2020 “Off”

4.3 Interface Control Unit (ICU)



 !  "







Figure 4-4: External connections and environment

The ICU module has a width of 392mm and is mounted on a 35 mm DIN rail. The battery (9500 mAh)
has a width of 125 mm and a depth of 67 mm. The battery (15300 mAh) has a width of 125 mm and a
depth of 98 mm.

The configuration of the ICU module has already been performed by INTERSCHALT maritime systems
GmbH, so that from customer side no further settings are required. Default ID is 1, but are used in a
project more than one ICU, then the next receives the ID 2, etc.When using more than one ICU the ID
of the Audio2net Module have be to adjusted accordingly higher.

The following paragraphs nevertheless describe the modules, the settings of which are necessary for
a trouble free operation.

Revision: 1.0.5 95
Installing VDR G4[e]
Interface Control Unit (ICU) Technical Manual

4.3.1 External connections

D43 D44 D45 D46

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
X11 X13 X9 X15 X17

X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 S1 X12 X14 X10 X16 S2 X18

Pin1 Pin2
Figure 4-5: External connections

For installation connect the terminals like shown in the following table for a standard VDR:

Table 4-7: Network ports of the ICU

Terminal Description
P1 NMEA2net (for NMEA2net with ID 1)
P2 Tron 40VDR
P3 Framegrabber Units
P4 MDP 2020
P5 Audio2net 1 (for Audio2net with ID 2)
P6 Audio2net 2 (for Audio2net with ID 3)
P7 LAN switch
P8 Always free for Authority
P9 Remote Control Test Panel
P10 USB Port not used

96 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Interface Control Unit (ICU)

Table 4-8: Connector ports of the ICU (Section 1 of 3)

Terminal Description
X1 1 NMEA2net (for more: Relay for power supply)
Remote Control Test Panel
Pin 1 24V
Pin 2 0V
X2 Tron 40VDR
Pin 1 24V
Pin 2 0V
X3 1 Framegrabber Unit (for more: Relay for power supply)
Pin 1 24V
Pin 2 0V
X4 MDP 2020
Pin 1 24V
Pin 2 0V
X5 LAN switch
Pin 1 24V
Pin 2 0V
X6 Not used
Pin 1 24V
Pin 2 0V
X7 1 PLC (for more: Relay for power supply)
Pin 1 24V
Pin 2 0V
X8 NEMO 2.0
Pin 1 24V
Pin 2 0V
X9 RS 422 spare for serial data (RS422-1)
Pin 1 TX+
Pin 2 TX-
Pin 3 RX+
Pin 4 RX-
Pin 5 Analog GND (Guard)

Revision: 1.0.5 97
Installing VDR G4[e]
Interface Control Unit (ICU) Technical Manual

Table 4-8: Connector ports of the ICU (Section 2 of 3)

Terminal Description
X10 RS 422 spare for serial data (RS422-2)
Pin 1 TX+
Pin 2 TX-
Pin 3 RX+
Pin 4 RX-
Pin 5 Analog GND (Guard)
X11 Indication Emergency Backup (optional)
J10 on 2-3 Dry relay contact as output
Pin 1 Usually opened
Pin 2 Common
J10 on 1-2; 3-4 24V as output
Pin 1 24V
Pin 2 0V
X12 Not used
X13 VDR Alarm
see  Figure 4-6: "Default alarm connection between a
bridge alarm panel and the ICU" on page 100.
J22 on 2-3 Dry relay contact as output
Pin 1 Common
Pin 2 Normally opened
see  Figure 4-7: "Alternative alarm connection
between a bridge alarm panel and the ICU" on page 100.
J22 on 1-2, 3-4 24 as output
Pin 1 24V
Pin 2 0V
X14 Key Switch
Pin 1 Common current flow to key switch
Pin 2 Common current flow to key switch

98 Revision: 1.0.5
VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Interface Control Unit (ICU)

Table 4-8: Connector ports of the ICU (Section 3 of 3)

Terminal Description
X15 VHF1
Pin 1 RX+
Pin 2 RX-
X16 VHF2
Pin 1 RX+
Pin 2 RX-
X17 Rechargeable Battery
Pin 1 Temperature Sensor +
Pin 2 Temperature Sensor -
Pin 3 0V
Pin 4 21V
X18 24V External Power Supply
Pin 1 24V
Pin 2 0V
Pin 3 Guard, alternative grounding of ICU module, usually

Following components will be connected at the LAN switch:

• Audio2net (ID 4 or higher)

• NMEA2net (ID 2 or higher)
• FGR 4/5: Unit 2 or higher
• PLC: Unit 2 or higher
• NEMO 2.0

Buttons of the ICU module:

Table 4-9: Buttons on the ICU

Button Description
S1 not used
S2 Battery level indicator

LED‘s of the ICU module

Table 4-10: LEDs on the ICU

LED Description
D43...D46 Battery level indication

Revision: 1.0.5 99
Installing VDR G4[e]
Interface Control Unit (ICU) Technical Manual

4.3.2 Alarm signaling to bridge alarm system

Figure 4-6: Default alarm connection between a bridge alarm panel and the ICU

relay contact

Figure 4-7: Alternative alarm connection between a bridge alarm panel and the ICU

100 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

4.4 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)



 !  "







Figure 4-8: Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

The Remote Control Test Panel has a dimension of 160x240x52 mm (including wiring). Install the
Remote Control Test Panel into the related console cut-out.
In case of implementing the VDR G4[e] into systems with no possible free input of the central bridge
alarm system the Remote Control Test Panel is needed to display the VDR G4[e] main alarm. Since a
powered-down VDR G4[e] should also signal an alarm, the supply voltage for the alarm unit must be
provided independently and not be supplied from the VDR G4[e] itself. The RCTP is able to signal the
failure “VDR offline”. The RCTP is also used for the performance test. The data gets the RCTP via
network cable from Port 9 of the ICU.

4.4.1 External connections

For installation connect the terminals like shown in the following table:

Table 4-11: External connections of the Remote Control Test Panel

Terminal Description
spec. socket POWER SUPPLY
Description see following table.
RS422/485-1 RESERVED
not required
RS422 Sensor Input 2 (not required)
Network Connection to ICU Port 9

Revision: 1.0.5 101

Installing VDR G4[e]
Audio2net module Technical Manual

The pin assignment of the Power Supply connector is shown in the following table:

Table 4-12: Connector Ports of the Power Supply

Pin Description
1 +24 V Main Power (from ICU X1 Pin 1)
2 0 V Main Power (from ICU X1 Pin 2
3 0 V Emergency Power (from highest avaiable
external 24V power supply).
4 +24 V Emergency Power (from highest avaiable
external 24V power supply).

The device switch “ON/OFF” is located on the rear side

of the RCTP.

Table 4-13: Buttons of the RCTP module

Button Description
ACK Alarm / Acknowledge
Up Arrow key up
Dn Arrow key down
Enter Menu / Enter

4.5 Audio2net module



 !  "







Figure 4-9: Audio2net module

102 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Audio2net module

The Audio2net module has a dimension of 125x125x60 mm and is mounted on a 35 mm DIN rail.

The configuration of the Audio2net module has already been performed by INTERSCHALT maritime
systems GmbH, so that from customer side no further hardware settings are required. The following
paragraphs nevertheless describe the modules, the settings of which are necessary for a trouble free

The first module has ID 2, the second module has ID 3 etc. This is at a standard VDR. Take into consid-
ersation the number of ICU modules. The ID of the Audio2net module is shifted depending up on the
number of the ICU‘s. For example, 2 ICU modules, then the first Audio2net module begins with the ID
3, etc.

4.5.1 External connections

X1 S3 P1 S1 S2

X2 X3 X4 X5

Figure 4-10: External connections and environment

S1 Rotary Switch

Do not use ID1 and ID0 for the Audio2net module.

These settings are for service purposes only.

Do not allocate an ID-number twice.

The rotary switch S1 identifies the Audio2net module clearly in the network. The settings 0 and 1 are
invalid for operating.

Revision: 1.0.5 103

Installing VDR G4[e]
Audio2net module Technical Manual

Table 4-14: Enter the settings (with only one ICU) as follows and without jumps

Module no. Module ID Settings

0 not available
Internal audio (ICU module) 1 not available
1. external Audio2net 2 2
2. external Audio2net 3 3
And so on ... ...

Otherwise the IDs be increased depending on the number of ICUs

S2 reset button
For using the Reset Button, see  chapter 7.4.2 "Reset to defaults" on page 218.

J5 firmware reset jumper

For using the Firmware Reset Jumper, see  chapter 7.4.2 "Reset to defaults" on page 218.

Table 4-15: Terminal connection of the Audio2net module (Section 1 of 2)

Terminal Description Module

P1 Ethernet + Power over LAN ICU P5 ICU P6
X1 External Power Supply
but then dip switches
S3/1 and S3/2 are off
Pin1 24V
Pin2 0V
Pin3 Guard, alternative grounding
of Audio2net module, usually
X2 Audio Device 1 Micro VCA 004
Pin1 0V Pin1
Pin2 24V Pin2
Pin3 NF+ Pin4
Pin4 NF- Pin5
X3 Audio Device 2
layout like X2

104 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Audio2net module

Table 4-15: Terminal connection of the Audio2net module (Section 2 of 2)

Terminal Description Module

X4 Audio Device 3
layout like X2
X5 Audio Device 4
layout like X2

Example for audio devices:

• Microphone
• VCA004
• Other voice sources with 0 dbm (600 ohm)

Table 4-16: Power Switch Settings S3

LAN Power Description

Switch 1 Switch 2
ON ON Power over LAN on (default settings), if X1 is not
ON OFF Invalid
OFF ON Invalid
OFF OFF Power over LAN off, if X1 is connected with 24VDC

Table 4-17: LEDs inside of the Audio2net module

LED Description
LED “link” orange LAN connection exists
LED “act.” green LAN connection is active

Revision: 1.0.5 105

Installing VDR G4[e]
Microphone VCA004 Technical Manual

4.6 Microphone VCA004



 !  "







Figure 4-11: Microphone VCA004

The faceplate of the microphone has a dimension of 137x80 mm. For the inner life an opening of 67 mm
as a diameter and 80 mm as depth is required. 3 mm holes are required to attach the microphone unit
using countersunk screws.

4.6.1 Position

Place the microphones so that all voice communication at or near the conning station, the radar screen,
the chart tables and in the bridge wings can be collected. The microphones should also register in- and
outgoing signals from intercoms and public address systems as well as any acoustic alarms from equip-
ment mounted on the wheelhouse.

In the bridge interior the microphones are installed in the ceiling. In the exterior locations, install the
microphone units out of spray and wind in order to reduce unwanted noise.

Place the microphones as far as possible from loudspeakers, ventilation ducts, neon tubes and other
sources of acoustic interference.

For indoor and outdoor operating one microphone type is used. Outdoor microphones are installed in
the wing console. If no wing console is existing the microphones are delivered with housing. In this case
place the housing splash-proof.

Indoor microphones are mounted fix.

In order to ensure a satisfactory acoustic quality, install the microphones, which are mixed into the
same channel within a minimum distance from each other. The minimum distance between the micro-
phones is the distance, between the voice source and the mounted micro, multiplies with three. Do not
exceed a maximum distance of 4 metres between voice and microphone.

106 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Microphone VCA004

Place the microphones in a distance like shown in the figure below:



4.6.2 External connections

The connection cable must be of sufficient length that the microphones can be installed and later
removed for maintenance. A shielded cable of at least 2 twisted pairs is required.

Table 4-18: Microphone connector

Terminal of Micro Description Audio2net module

Terminal X2/X3/X4/X5
Pin1 0V Pin1
Pin2 +24V Pin2
Pin3 Guard
Pin4 NF+ Pin3
Pin5 NF- Pin4

Revision: 1.0.5 107

Installing VDR G4[e]
NMEA2net module Technical Manual

4.7 NMEA2net module



 !  "







Figure 4-12: NMEA2net module

The NMEA2net module has a dimension of 64x150x34 mm and is mounted on a 35 mm DIN rail.
The configuration of the NMEA2net module has already been performed by INTERSCHALT maritime
systems GmbH, so that from customer side no further settings are required. The following paragraphs
nevertheless describe the modules, the settings of which are necessary for a trouble free operation.
Adjust the correct ID of the device. Adjust 0 for resetting the device to factory settings.

After re-start adjust the ID of the device at DIP switch S1.

4.7.1 External connections

Figure 4-13: External connection

108 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual NMEA2net module

Table 4-19: Terminal description of the NMEA2net

Terminal Description ICU module

X2 External power supply X1
Pin1 24V Pin1
Pin2 0V Pin2
Pin3 Guard, alternative grounding of NMEA2net
module, usually free
X2 Port 1
Pin4 RX+
Pin5 RX-
Pin6 Signal GND 1
X2 Port 2
Pin7 RX+
Pin8 RX-
Pin9 Signal GND 2
X2 Port 3
Pin10 RX+
Pin11 RX-
Pin12 Signal GND 3
X2 Port 4
Pin13 RX+
Pin14 RX-
Pin15 Signal GND 4
X2 Port 5
Pin16 RX+
Pin17 RX-
Pin18 TX+
Pin19 TX-
Pin20 Signal GND 5

More NMEA2net modules must be installed over a Moxa switch or additional ICU‘s. Not included in the
basic equipment of the VDR G4[e].

Revision: 1.0.5 109

Installing VDR G4[e]
NMEA2net module Technical Manual

Table 4-20: Positions of the switch S1

S1 ID Selector Switch settings

1 2 3 4
Factory reset OFF OFF OFF OFF

Table 4-21: LEDs of the NMEA2net module

LED Description
D2 RX Port 1
D3 RX Port 2
D4 RX Port 3
D5 RX Port 4
D6 RX Port 5
D9 TX Port 1 (programming)
D10 TX Port 5
D11 Control LED for +3.3 V

110 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Tron 40VDR capsule

4.8 Tron 40VDR capsule



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Figure 4-14: Tron 40VDR capsule

Between switch-off and switch-on the Tron 40VDR

capsule it needs a break of 10 seconds. In this time
the capacitors discharges completely.
In usual operating conditions of the VDR G4[e] this
time period is given between restart and power-off.

Note the MAC address from PCB housing for further


The Tron 40VDR, as (FRM) with special protective properties of data, is an integral part of the VDR
G4[e]. The Tron 40VDR is an EPIRB combined with a storage device. It is a float free final recording
medium (FRM), developed for using with the VDR G4[e]. It shall be released automatically by hydro-
static release unit with appropriate water depth of 1.5-4.0 m, if vessel sinks. To protect the capsule from
being damaged, it is placed in a bracket with docking-station-module. The EPIRB with the flash drive
is recovered and analyzed in a case of accident

For wiring Tron 40VDR capsule please refer to Technical Manual Tron 40VDR capsule.

The Tron 40 VDR has a total dimension of 200 mm diameter, 400 mm height and a weight of 1.9 kg. It
meets the requirements of IEC 61996-1:2013.

Revision: 1.0.5 111

Installing VDR G4[e]
Tron 40VDR capsule Technical Manual

The capsule must be marked as follows:



4.8.1 Placement

The Tron 40VDR must be installed on the open wheelhouse deck. The capsule should float freely. So
should be minimised the risk of obstruction after release. The Tron 40VDR should be located so, that
it only need a short detour to take it along during evacuation of the ship in case of an emergency.

4.8.2 External connections

Figure 4-15: Principle wiring plan

Network communication problems

The wire pairs for network communication have to be
twisted as far as possible.

112 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual FRM NEMO 2.0 module

For connections of the Tron 40VDR like shown in the following table:

Table 4-22: Terminal description of the Tron 40VDR

Terminal Description Networkcable from Connection Terminal

Tron 40VDR box ICU
socket Patchcable
Pin 1 white/orange RX+ 1 ICU P3 Pin 1
Pin 2 orange RX- 2 ICU P3 Pin 2
Pin 3 white/green TX+ 3 ICU P3 Pin 3
Pin 6 green TX- 6 ICU P3 Pin 6
Pin 4 blue unconnected 4/5
Pin 5 white/blue 24V DC+ ICU X2 Pin 1
Pin 7 white/brown unconnected 7/8
Pin 8 brown 24V DC- ICU X2 Pin 2

4.9 FRM NEMO 2.0 module



 !  "







Figure 4-16: NEMO 2.0 module

Revision: 1.0.5 113

Installing VDR G4[e]
FRM NEMO 2.0 module Technical Manual

Between switch-off and switch-on the NEMO 2.0

module needs a break of 10 seconds. In this time
the capacitors discharges completely.
In usual operating conditions of the VDR G4[e] this
time period is given between restart and power-off.

The NEMO 2.0 module has a fixed IP address.

The NEMO 2.0 module, as (FRM) with special protective properties of data, is an integral part of the
VDR G4[e]. The module is developed for using with the VDR G4[e].

The NEMO 2.0 is made of two parts. The upper part, the case, is closed in itself. It contains the insu-
lating material, the flash storage and the processor PCB board. The upper part with its included flash
drive will be recovered and analysed in case of an accident and the mounting plate remains on the ship.
Both parts are secured by dint of a clamp with attached anti-tamper seal.

The NEMO 2.0 has a total dimension of 342x218x180 mm and a weight of 12.2 kg (mounting plate
3,0 kg + data capsule 9.2 kg). It is coated with an orange-coloured reflective foil, in addition, bounded
with a reflective adhesive tape at the edges, according to IMO A.861 (20). The NEMO 2.0 is labelled
as shown below upon a reflecting underground, entirely according to the requirements of IEC 61996-

The capsule must be marked as follows:




Annotation of the serial number

360 - 19900 - 00 - 0000

Inventory no. Exemplar no. Exiguous charging Counter

The serial number is placed on an adhesive label laterally, well legible fixed on the NEMO 2.0.

114 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual FRM NEMO 2.0 module

Acoustic beacon
The acoustic beacon, fixed on the NEMO 2.0, fulfils the conditions of SAE AS 8045
and works in a frequency 37,5 kHz +/- 1 kHz with a battery durability of at least 90 days.

4.9.1 Placement

The placement of NEMO 2.0 at the vessel is not incum-

bent on the producer, who, with infringement of listed
criteria, does not accept any guarantee.

Device damage
During the installation, protect the base plate and the
upper component against humidity.
Before reassembling, control the device by a visual
inspection concerning an orderly status and the exist-
ence of the desiccant bag, same as the fit of gasket

The following extract from IEC 61996-1:2013 defines the location of the NEMO 2.0 module:

“The protecting capsule has to be placed near the bridge in the exterior deck-area, to maximise the
plausibility of preservation and salvage of data after an accident. The capsule has to be fixed afar from
hemp rope or similar and other possible impediments, but as near as practically possible at the ship's

Criteria to be considered in appointment of the optimal position have to enclose the following, but are
not confined of:

• Distance from fuel or other potential conflagration sources

• Distance from probable dangerous sources of mechanical damage
• Adequate environment for continuous operation
• Accessibility to copy recorded data and for routine-maintenance
• Alleviation of removing and salvage under water by divers or ROV's. There has to exist an
unblocked, clear space around the capsule to make a diver or ROV able to work.”

Revision: 1.0.5 115

Installing VDR G4[e]
FRM NEMO 2.0 module Technical Manual

For installing a NEMO 2.0 module follow the steps below.

Table 4-23: Installing description of the NEMO 2.0 (Section 1 of 2)

Step Action Remarks

1 Place the NEMO 2.0 on a special manufactured Analogous to the draft (see
foundation. Appendix) the foundation
has to show the fixing
holes and is to be closely
compounded to the ship.
2 Prepare the mounting holes in the ship’s deck or
on the pedestal plate using the dimensions.
3 Attach the base of the NEMO 2.0 module using the Kit of mounting parts (part-
screws supplied and washers made of Miramid or no. 300-16813). See
a similar plastic. drawing in Appendix.
4 Open protecting capsulate and establish the elec-
trical connection:
4a Prepare cable according to electric diagram 360-
4b 1. Remove the 4 screws from beacon holder
2. Remove beacon holder and PT9 Ninety
3. Remove protection cover
Notice: Tighten the screws with a maximum torque
of 10 Nm.

4c 1. Pull the clip

2. Apply arm mechanism
3. Demount the protecting capsule
Notice: Check seal for loss or manipulation. After
each authorized opening the device have to be
secured by a lead-wire seal again.
4d 1. Remove the 4 screws from cast metal housing
2. Remove the cast metal housing
Notice: Tighten the screws with a maximum torque
of 3 Nm. (dynamometric screwdriver 360-18703)

116 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual FRM NEMO 2.0 module

Table 4-23: Installing description of the NEMO 2.0 (Section 2 of 2)

Step Action Remarks

4e 1. Connect Multi-Data-Cable according to electric
diagram 360-18579 ( 4.9.2 "External connec-
tions" on page 117).
2. Attach the clip to the shield of the cable.
3. Assemble the unit in reverse order back
Notice: When reassembling, make sure that the
gasket is in the slot.
5 Place the capsule on the base and lock it in posi- Pay attention to the visi-
tion bility of the type plate at
first sight. It may not be
covered by other arrange-
Result The NEMO 2.0 module is ready for commissioning

4.9.2 External connections

In order to reach a watertight connection cover the

cable gland point of the NEMO 2.0 module during the
installation with a shrinkable tub.

To protect the cable against water ingress and as

reserve for later replacement, the cable should be run
with a spare loop.

Revision: 1.0.5 117

Installing VDR G4[e]
FRM NEMO 2.0 module Technical Manual

Eth1 RJ 45 Socket

Eth0 Terminal

Figure 4-17: External connection

For connections of the NEMO 2.0 processor unit install terminals like shown in the following table:

Table 4-24: Connection of the NEMO 2.0

Terminal Description LAN Adapter ICU module

MDP 2020 module
Eth0 External Power Supply Terminal ICU X8
Pin 1+ 24V+ (Black 1) Pin 5: Black 1
Pin 2- 0V (Black 2) Pin 7: Black 2
Pin + Pin 1
Pin - Pin 2
Ethernet LAN switch at ICU
Pin 6 BU Pin6 blue Pin 6: Blue
Pin 3 WH Pin3 white Pin 3: White
Pin 2 OG Pin2 orange Pin 2: Orange
Pin 1 YE Pin1 yellow Pin 1: Yellow
Eth1 Port used for service --- ---
troubleshooting only
RJ45 plug

118 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual FRM NEMO 2.0 module

LEDs inside NEMO 2.0:

Table 4-25: LED Status of the NEMO 2.0 (in the device)

LED Status
D1 Red, Link established
D2 Yellow, Activity
D3 Red, Link established
D4 Yellow, Activity

Network communication problems

The wire pairs for the network communication have to
be twisted as far as possible.

Figure 4-18: Recommended assembly of the connecting cable

Revision: 1.0.5 119

Installing VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR4 Technical Manual

4.10 Framegrabber FGR4



 !  "







Figure 4-19: FGR4 module

The FGR4 module has a dimension of 157x115x92 mm and is mounted on a 35 mm DIN rail.

The configuration of the FGR4 module has already been performed by INTERSCHALT maritime
systems GmbH, so that from customer side no further settings are required. The following paragraphs
nevertheless describe the modules, whose settings are necessary for a trouble free operation.

4.10.1 External connections

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 4-20: External connections FGR4

Instable operating mode

For the power supply you have to use an external DC/

120 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR4

For installation connect the terminals of the FGR4 module like shown in the following table:

Table 4-26: Connections FGR4 module

Terminal Description ICU module

1 LAN P3
2 External power supply X3
24VDC Pin1 24VDC
0V Pin2 0V
3 DVI-I Video source
(analogue input only) (radar device)
4 RS232
5 Ship internal ground bolt

The external frame grabber has two connections to the ICU module. The power supply is connected
with an external DC/DC-converter at X3. The network cable which is connected at P3. Place the FGR4
module near the video source and use a max. 5 m video cable for connection. Following cable types
can be used:

DVI (male) to DVI (male); DVI (male) to VGA (male); DVI (male) to RGBHV (male)

Revision: 1.0.5 121

Installing VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR5 Technical Manual

4.11 Framegrabber FGR5



 !  "







Figure 4-21: FGR5 module

The FGR5 module has a dimension of 193x119x58 mm and is mounted on a 35 mm DIN rail.

The following paragraphs nevertheless describe the modules, whose settings are necessary for a
trouble free operation.

4.11.1 Mounting positions

The FGR5 can be mounted backboard upright or sidewall upright. The factory default position is back-
board upright. A sidewall upright mounted FGR5 has a less installation deeps, but needs a larger instal-
lation width. The cables will now connected from the side.

If the FGR5 should be mounted sidewall upright, then the DIN rail bracket at the backboard has to be
unscrewed and screwed at the sidewall. The position of the DIN rail bracket is shown in the following

Left: Backboard upright

Right: Sidewall upright

Figure 4-22: Mounting positions of the FGR5

122 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Installing
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR5

4.11.2 External connections

1 2 3 4 5

9 8 7

Figure 4-23: External connections FGR5

Grounding necessary
You have to make a connection between the ground
bolt of the FGR5 (Position 6) and the designated Earth
connection of the system. The cross section of the wire
should be 4 mm² or greater.

For installation connect the terminals of the FGR5 module like shown in the following table:

Table 4-27: Connections FGR5 module

Terminal Description Target module

1 RS232
2 Gigabit-LAN 1 ICU P3
3 Gigabit-LAN 0 with POE
4 Power Good LED
5 External power supply ICU X3
24VDC Pin1 24VDC
0V Pin2 0V
6 Ground bolt
7 Video signal LEDs
6 HDMI Video Source
7 DVI-I Video Source

Revision: 1.0.5 123

Installing VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR5 Technical Manual

The external frame grabber has two connections to the ICU module, the power supply which is
connected at X3 and the network cable which is connected at P3. Place the FGR5 module near the
video source and use a max. 5 m video cable for connection.

Following cable types can be used for DVI:

• DVI (all types, male) to DVI (all types, male)

• DVI (male) to VGA (male)
• DVI (male) to RGBHV (male)
• DVI-D (male) to HDMI

124 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual

5 Commissioning

The VDR G4[e] is a modular system. The configuration of the modules has already been performed by
the manufacturer, so that from customer side no further settings are required.

The commissioning of the VDR G4[e] takes place via web-frontend. Commission the modules
NMEA2net and Audio2net one after the other. The Remote Control Test Panel can not be configured
via a web-frontend.

The appearance of the screenshots depends on the used browser and the language settings of the
service notebook. For all shown screenshots the browser Mozilla Firefox is used.

Power off the unit before any modification such as

changing the setting of the internal dipswitches.

It can be used all RJ45-ports unless the port is

configured as POL. Otherwise the device or the
service notebook could be damaged.

Device damage
Do not apply AC line voltage to any terminal.

For commissioning the VDR G4[e] a computer with a

web browser is necessary. Required browser is Mozilla
Firefox version 3 and upwards.
For download the required browser use the following
link: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/.
To use the web page activate JavaScript on your

For the description of the web-frontend see 

chapter 3 "Web-frontend" on page 17.

Revision: 1.0.5 125

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Technical Manual

IP address and login data of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e]

The factory default IP address is:

The login data is:

User: service
Password is only for authorized service.

Login and Logout

Figure 5-1: Login window VDR

Logout Button

Figure 5-2: Logout-Button

126 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual

For a correct commissioning carry out the steps in the following table:

Table 5-1: Steps for commissioning

Step Action Remark

1 Make sure, that the cables are
2 Disconnect all plug-in and external
connections at every connected
module before turning on the power
3 Connect the Remote Test Control Terminal P9 ICU
Panel to the ICU module.
4 Connect the Battery to the ICU Terminal X17 ICU
5 Connect the ICU 24V supply to the Terminal X4 ICU to MDP 2020 Power
MDP 2020 module. Socket.
6 Measuring the voltage at the following Terminal X18 ICU
terminals on the cable side:
Terminal 1[+] to 2[-]: approx. 24V
7 Connect the external power supply to The VDR G4[e] starts.
the ICU module.
8 Connect a PC to port P8 of the ICU via IP on PC:
1:1 Ethernet cable. (internal network)
Use a static IP address outside the
dynamic DHCP range to avoid IP address
9 Start up the web browser. Required browser Mozilla Firefox version
3 and upwards.
To use this web page activate JavaScript
on your browser.
10 Enter the IP address of MDP 2020 GBit Subnet 1 = IP:
module into the address field, use the (default)
address from GBit Subnet 1.
Result The login appears

Revision: 1.0.5 127

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020 Technical Manual

5.1 Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020

For the description of the web-frontend of the

MDP2020 see  chapter 3.2 "MDP2020" on page 19.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The configuration page of the MDP 2020 is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

For a correct commissioning carry out the steps in the following table:

Table 5-2: Commissioning MDP2020 (Section 1 of 2)

Step Action Remark

1 Establish network connection between
MDP2020 and ICU module.
2 Connect the network cable of the PC to Make sure the PC used for configura-
the free network connection of the tion is in the same network as the VDR
internal VDR G4[e] network. G4[e].
3 Open the web-frontend of the VDR The factory default IP address is:
4 Enter menu item “System”  “Info”.
5 Make the appropriate settings.
6 Press the button “Save”.
7 Enter the menu item “System”  “Init”.
8 Make the appropriate settings.
9 Press the button “Save”.
10 Enter the menu item “System”  If you don’t want to change the network
“Network”. settings, continue with step 13.
11 Make the appropriate settings.
12 Press the button “Save”.
13 Enter the menu item “Capture”  If you don’t use the both RS485-inputs
“NMEA”  “Connections”. of the MDP2020 or NMEA over
Ethernet continue with step 16.
14 Make the appropriate settings.
15 Press the button “Save”.

128 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020

Table 5-2: Commissioning MDP2020 (Section 2 of 2)

Step Action Remark

16 Enter the menu item “Capture” 
“NMEA”  “Interfaces”.
17 Make the appropriate settings.
18 Press the button “Save”.
19 Enter the menu item “Capture” 
“NMEA”  “Sentences”.
20 Make the appropriate settings.
21 Press the button “Save”.
22 Enter the menu item “Capture”  If you don’t use Video capture over
“Video”. Ethernet continue with step 25.
23 Make the appropriate settings.
24 Press the button “Save”.
25 Enter the menu item “Service” 
“Options”  “UPS”.
26 Enter the installationdate and the serial
number of the battery pack.
27 Press the button “Save”.
28 Enter the menu item “Service”  The VDR G4[e] will restart.
“Options” and press the button
29 When the VDR G4[e] has restarted,
than login again.
30 If a new firmware for the MDP2020 is For further details see  chapter 7.1.2
available, than you have to perform an "Firmware update" on page 201.
31 Enter the menu item “Service” 
“Options” and press the button “Cali-
brate Battery”.
Result The MDP2020 module is ready for

Revision: 1.0.5 129

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Interface Control Unit (ICU) Technical Manual

5.2 Interface Control Unit (ICU)

For the description of the web-frontend of the ICU

see  chapter 3.3 "Interface Control Unit ICU" on
page 55.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The configuration page of the ICU is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

About the IP the interface of the ICU

is called.

For a correct commissioning carry out the steps in the following table:

Table 5-3: Commissioning ICU (Section 1 of 2)

Step Action Remark

1 Establish network connection between
ICU and MDP2020 module.
2 Connect the network cable of the PC to Make sure the PC used for configura-
the free network connection of the tion is in the same network as the VDR
internal VDR G4[e] network. G4[e].
3 Open the web-frontend of the VDR The factory default IP address is:
4 Select in the device list “ICU” 
5 Enter the menu item “Config”  If you don’t use the audio inputs of the
“Audio”. ICU continue with step 8.
6 Make the appropriate settings.
7 Press the button “Save”.
8 Enter the menu item “Config”  If you don’t use the RS485-inputs of
“NMEA”. the ICU continue with step 11.
9 Make the appropriate settings.
10 Press the button “Save”.
11 Enter the menu item “Config”  If you don’t use Video capture over
“Network”. Ethernet continue with step 14.

130 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual Interface Control Unit (ICU)

Table 5-3: Commissioning ICU (Section 2 of 2)

Step Action Remark

12 Make the appropriate settings.
13 Press the button “Save”.
14 Enter the menu item “Config” 
15 Select the appropriate battery and
press the button “Reconfiguration”.
16 If a new firmware for the ICU is avail- For further details see  chapter 7.2.1
able, than you have to perform an "Firmware update" on page 210.
17 Enter the menu item “Service”  The VDR G4[e] will restart.
“Options” and press the button

Revision: 1.0.5 131

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) Technical Manual

5.3 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

The RCTP is not only one display for VDR alarm, it is also used for the performance test. The perfor-
mance test checks the status of the recorded data on accuracy.

Table 5-4: Steps of commissioning for the RCTP

Step Action Remarks

1 Establish network connection between ICU-connector P9
RCTP and ICU module.
2 The RCTP works with a fixed IP address. In The ICU P9 has the IP address
case of change see  Figure 5-5: "IP
address Menu [FULL]" on page 133.
Default Settings for RCTP:
• IP address:
• Netmask:
• VDR address:
• Gateway:
3 If a new firmware is for the RCTP is avail- For further details see  chapter
able, than you have to perform an update. 7.3.1 "Firmware update" on page
Result The RCTP module is ready for operation
after restart.

Alarm Panel Main menu

With the arrow keys to select the sub-

Press the button “Menu/Enter” to open
a menu point.

Figure 5-3: Start-Menu page of RCTP module [FULL]

132 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

The performance test is described, see  chapter 6.4.1

"Performance Test" on page 179.
The function as an alarm panel is described, see 
6.4.2 "Function as Alarm Panel" on page 184.

Infos about

- Version VDR
- IP Addresses
- Company
- Version RCTP

Figure 5-4: Info / About RCTP module [FULL]


Dimming mode
Remote control from bridge panel
Local control about arrow keys
IP address settings
- Press the buttons “Ack” and “Ent” at
same time to open the edit modus.
- Use Button “Enter” to mark the
selected IP mask.
- Use “Arrow” keys to change the IP

Figure 5-5: IP address Menu [FULL]

Revision: 1.0.5 133

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Audio2net module Technical Manual

Display dimming

Use the button “up” or “down” for

display dimming

Figure 5-6: Display Dimming [FULL]

Restart VDR with RCTP

Step 1
- Select Menu “Restart VDR”
Step 2
- Simultaneously pressing both arrow
Cancel restart
- Use button “ACK” to cancel restart

Figure 5-7: Restart VDR about RCTP module [FULL]

5.4 Audio2net module

For the description of the web-frontend of the

Audio2net see  chapter 3.4 "Audio2net module"
on page 61.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The configuration page of the Audio2net module is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

If the Audio2net module is not accessible or is used as stand alone device it is also possible to access
the configuration web page via IP address of the Audio2net module directly.

134 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual Audio2net module

Audio2net not found

Audio2net not identified

Restart the system after connecting a new Audio2net
module to the VDR G4[e].

If the system does not identify the Audio2net module a microphone test will be repeated 6 times and
will be completed with an error.

This error occurs on the following conditions:

• Initial operation
• Reset to defaults (deletes the actual configuration)
• Enhance with additional Audio2net modules

For a correct commissioning via IP address of the MDP 2020 module follow the steps below:

Table 5-5: Commissioning Audio2net module

Step Action Remark

1 Establish network connection between
Audio2net and MDP 2020 module.
Result The Audio2net module appears on the
web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].
2 Connect the network cable of the PC to Make sure the PC used for configura-
the free network connection of the internal tion is in the same network as the VDR
VDR G4[e] network. G4[e].
3 Open the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e]. The factory default IP address is:
4 Select in the device list “AUDIO2net” 
5 Enter the menu item “Audio”.
6 Make the appropriate settings.
7 Select the power supply source for this
Audio2net with combobox “Power supply
8 Press the button “Save”. The button is only visible, when
settings are changed.
9 Enter the menu item “Network”. If you don’t want to change the network
settings continue with step 12.
10 Make the appropriate settings.

Revision: 1.0.5 135

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Audio2net module Technical Manual

Table 5-5: Commissioning Audio2net module

Step Action Remark

11 Press the button “Save”. The button is only visible, when
settings are changed.
12 Enter the menu item “Test” and press the
button “Test microphones”.
13 Testresults: The testresults are described in the
following table.
• All connected and configured micro-
phones  “Passed”
• All open ports  “------”
Result The Audio2net is ready for operation.

Result Description
No microphone configured and no microphone

Microphone test has passed.

Microphone test has failed.

Short circuit of microphone power supply.

No microphone configured, but a microphone is


The audiodata of 2 microphones are merged into one channel. Each Audio2net has 2 channels.

• Microphone 1 + 3 are merged in channel 1

• Microphone 2 + 4 are merged in channel 2

The audiodata of 2 corresponding sources can be

mixed. It is not allowed to mix data from not corre-
sponding sources, for example indoor and outdoor

136 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual Audio2net module

Behaviour of Audio2net in case of power fail

The effect of “power fail” on various configurations will be shown in the following table. All configuration
examples have 4 Audio2net.

Power supply of the Audio2net:

• ID2  Power over LAN

• ID3  Power over LAN
• ID4  Power supply from ICU
• ID5  External power supply

Table 5-6: Configuration examples with 16 microphones

Example Audio2net module Operation mode

ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 normal power fail
1 Port 1 Port 1 Port 1 Port 1 All Audio2net devices Audio2net ID5 is
running: switched off:
Port 2 Port 2 Port 2 Port 2
• 8 channels • 6 channels
Port 3 Port 3
• 12 microphones • 8 microphones
Port 4 Port 4
2 Port 1 Port 1 Port 1 Port 1 All Audio2net devices Audio2net ID5 is
running: switched off:
Port 2 Port 2 Port 2 Port 2
• 8 channels • 6 channels
Port 3 Port 3 Port 3 Port 3
• 16 microphones • 12 microphones
Port 4 Port 4 Port 4 Port 4
3 Port 1 Port 1 Port 1 Port 1 All Audio2net devices Audio2net ID5 is
running: switched off:
Port 2 Port 2 Port 2 Port 2
• 8 channels • 6 channels
• 8 microphones • 6 microphones

In default hardware configuration, Port 5 and 6 on ICU

module provide Power over LAN (POL) for Audio2net
module ID 2 and 3. Until an electrical power outage
these ports also keep powered on. To keep an addi-
tional Audio2net module (e.g. Audio2net module 4)
powered on, configure appropriate power supply in
Combobox “Power supply at”. Wether Power over LAN
or a sperate cable is required is determined by the asso-
ciated jumper.

Revision: 1.0.5 137

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
NMEA2net module Technical Manual

5.5 NMEA2net module

For the description of the web-frontend of the

NMEA2net see  chapter 3.5 "NMEA2net module"
on page 65.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The configuration page of the NMEA2net module is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

If the NMEA2net module is not accessible or is used as

stand alone device it is also possible to access the
configuration web page via IP address of the NMEA2net
module directly. The default IP address is

For a correct commissioning via IP address of the MDP 2020 module follow the steps below:

Table 5-7: Commissioning NMEA2net

Step Action Remarks

1 Establish network connection between
NMEA2net and ICU module.
Result The NMEA2net module appears in the
web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].
2 Connect the network cable of the PC to Make sure the PC used for configura-
the free network connection of the tion is in the same network as the VDR
internal VDR G4[e] network. G4[e].
3 Open the web-frontend of the VDR The factory default IP address is:
4 Select in the device list “NMEA2net” 
5 Enter the menu item “Serial”.
6 Make the appropriate settings.
7 Press the button “Submit”.
8 Enter the menu item “Network”.
9 Make the appropriate settings.

138 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual NMEA2net module

Table 5-7: Commissioning NMEA2net

Step Action Remarks

10 Press the button “Submit”.
Result The NMEA2net is ready for operation.

Revision: 1.0.5 139

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Tron 40VDR capsule Technical Manual

5.6 Tron 40VDR capsule

The configuration between MDP 2020 and Tron 40VDR is necessary in following situations:

• Commissioning
• Replacement of the capsule
• Replacement of the MDP 2020
• Reset to defaults of the MDP 2020

For the description of the web-frontend of the Tron

40VDR see  chapter 3.6 "Tron 40VDR capsule" on
page 68.

IP address and login data for the web-frontend

The configuration page of the Tron 40VDR capsule is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

For a correct commissioning carry out the steps in the following table:

Table 5-8: Commissioning Tron 40VDR (Section 1 of 2)

Step Action Remark

1 Establish network connection between
MDP2020 and Tron 40VDR capsule.
2 Connect the network cable of the PC to Make sure the PC used for configura-
the free network connection of the tion is in the same network as the VDR
internal VDR G4[e] network. G4[e].
3 Open the web-frontend of the VDR The factory default IP address is:
4 Enter the menu item “System” 
5 Activate Device “Mount05” and select
in field “Storage Type” the entry “Tron
40 VDR (new Jotron float free)”.
6 Enter the menu item “System”  The next figure shows an example.
“Network”  “Hosts”. The capsule is “Host 6”.
7 Add a new host with following data:
• Name: JOTRON
• IP address:
8 Press the button “Save”

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VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual Tron 40VDR capsule

Table 5-8: Commissioning Tron 40VDR (Section 2 of 2)

Step Action Remark

9 Restart the VDR G4[e].
10 After the restart is finished, enter the
menu item “System”  “Network” 
11 In the hosttable you will find the green If the entry “JOTRON” is red, then
entry “JOTRON” for the capsule. Then continue with troubleshooting
the commissioning is finished. described in step 6 and follows.
12 Connect the network cable of the PC to
the network interface eth0 of the Tron
13 Send a ping to Tron 40VDR. The IP address is
14 If the ping will not work, then the Tron For further details see  chapter 7.6.2
40VDR capsule has to be configu- "Replacement of a Tron 40VDR
rated. Afterwards continue with step 5. capsule" on page 221.
15 If the ping will work, then check the After the check of the wiring continue
wiring between MDP2020 and Tron with step 11.
Result The Tron 40VDR is ready for opera-

Figure 5-8: MDP 2020 hosts configuration for the Tron 40VDR capsule [TRIMMED]

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Commissioning VDR G4[e]
FRM NEMO 2.0 module Technical Manual

5.7 FRM NEMO 2.0 module

The configuration between MDP 2020 and NEMO 2.0 is necessary in following situations:

• Commissioning
• Replacement of the capsule
• Replacement of the MDP 2020 module
• Reset to defaults of the MDP 2020 module

For the description of the web-frontend of the

NEMO 2.0 see  chapter 3.7 "FRM NEMO 2.0" on
page 71.

IP address and login data for the web-frontend

The configuration page of the NEMO 2.0 module is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

IP address and login data for the web-frontend of NEMO 2.0

The factory default IP address is:

eth1: (Service port)

The login data is:

User: admin
Password: only for authorized service.

For a correct commissioning carry out the steps in following table:

Table 5-9: Commissioning FRM NEMO 2.0

Step Action Remark

1 Establish network connection between
MDP2020 and FRM NEMO 2.0.
2 Connect the network cable of the PC to Make sure the PC used for configura-
the free network connection of the tion is in the same network as the VDR
internal VDR G4[e] network. G4[e].

142 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual FRM NEMO 2.0 module

Table 5-9: Commissioning FRM NEMO 2.0

Step Action Remark

3 Open the web-frontend of the VDR The factory default IP address is:
4 Enter the menu item “System”  The next figure shows an example.
“Network”  “Hosts”. The FRM NEMO 2.0 is “Host 6”.
5 In the hosttable you will find the entry If there is no entry “VDR6260”, then
“VDR6260” for the FRM NEMO 2.0. continue with troubleshooting
Then the commissioning is finished. described in step 6 and follows.
6 Connect the network cable of the PC to
the network interface eth0 of the FRM
NEMO 2.0.
7 Send a ping to NEMO 2.0. The IP address is
8 If the ping will work, then check the After the check of wiring continue with
wiring between MDP2020 and NEMO step 5.
9 If the ping will not work, then connect Make sure that the PC connected to
the network cable of the PC to the eth1 is in the network 172.25.11.x.
network interface eth1 of the FRM
NEMO 2.0.
10 Open the web-frontend of the FRM The factory default IP address is:
NEMO 2.0.
11 Enter the menu item “Network”.
12 Enter the appropriate settings for inter-
face eth0 according to the next figure.
Do not change the settings for inter-
face eth1. The interface eth1 is the
service interface.
13 Press the button “Save”. Continue with step 5.
Result The FRM NEMO 2.0 is ready for oper-

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Commissioning VDR G4[e]
FRM NEMO 2.0 module Technical Manual

Figure 5-9: MDP 2020 hosts configuration for the FRM NEMO 2.0 [TRIMMED]

Network interface for service purposes.

Do not change the settings.

Figure 5-10: NEMO 2.0 network configuration [TRIMMED]

Between shut down and boot up the NEMO 2.0 module

needs a break of 10 seconds. In this time the capacitors
discharge completely. In normal operating conditions of
the VDR G4[e] this time period is given between restart.

144 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR4

5.8 Framegrabber FGR4

Power off the unit after any modification such as

changing the settings of the internal dip-switches.

In default configuration the FGR4 is connected

and configured to port X3 of ICU module. If the
ICU module do not receive radar images for a
while, port X3 will be switched off and switched
on periodically. A FGR4 in configuration mode do
not send any images to ICU module, so connect
FGR4 temporarily to another port to avoid config-
uration interrupts. Possible ports are: 1,2,7 and 8.

The description of configuration software CVA VDR-

GRAB-NET refers to version 1.4.5. or higher.
Ensure that firmware version V1.4.5 or higher is
installed on FGR4.

Place the PC with the configuration software and the

FGR4 module locally close beside each other. So that
you can operate both at the same time.

Always save and store the configuration, so that a

service engineer or commissioner can use the configu-
ration file later (e.g. in case of replacement of a defec-
tive FGR4 module) see  chapter 3.2.11 "Menu item
“Service”  “Options”" on page 49.

5.8.1 Connecting the FGR4 in configuration mode

To work properly and send images with a good quality the FGR4 has to be configured.

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Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR4 Technical Manual

For changing into configuration mode follow the steps below:

Table 5-10: Connecting the FGR4 in configuration mode

Step Action Remark

1 Connect the picture source to video
2 Connect the network cable of PC to the Make sure the PC used for configura-
free network connection of internal tion is in the same network as the
VDR G4[e] network. FGR4 module. Optionally you have to
match the IP address and the network
mask. Network settings of the FGR4
can be modified, when the FGR4
module is reachable via network.
3 Both devices (PC and FGR4 module)
must be able to reach themselves via
The sending of a ping from PC to
FGR4 module must be successful.
4 Make sure you have the IP address of Default:
the FGR4 module ready.
• ID1:
Recommend after installation:
• ID1:
• ID2:
• ID3:
5 Make sure that the FGR4 module is
powered OFF.
6 Start the configuration software. Version 1.4.5 or higher
7 Enter the IP address of the FGR4
module into the field “VDRGRABNET-
8 Activate the button “Init VDRGRAB-
9 Power up the FGR4 module immedi-
10 After 15 seconds the connection with Repeat the process from step 1, in
the FGR4 module is active. case of failures.
Enter the resolution manually, if the
resolution was not detected correctly.
Result FGR4 works in configuration mode.

146 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR4

Figure 5-11: Initiating the connection with CVA VDRGRAB-NET Control [FULL]

Figure 5-12: Connection established [FULL]

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Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR4 Technical Manual

5.8.2 Load configuration data from local file

If available, upload an existing configuration file to FGR4 module. This is a comfortable way to set a
replaced device to current configuration or to configure a new FGR4 module to a known video source.

For load of the configuration data from local file to FGR4 follow the steps below:

Table 5-11: Configuration FGR4 about local file

Step Action Remarks

1 Select the menu item “File” -> “Load See  Figure 5-13: "Menu bar -> File -
Configuration from File”. > Load Configuration from File
[TRIMMED]" on page 148.
2 In the dialog “Open” enter the file See  Figure 5-14: "Load configura-
name. tion file [FULL]" on page 149.
3 Confirm loading. The data will be applied into the config-
uration software.
4 Check the connection parameters in The connection parameters can be
the group box “Misc. configuration”. overwritten if the configuration file
contains other connection parameters.
5 For upload the configuration file into
the FGR4 module select the button
“Save Configuration on EEPROM”.
Result The FGR4 works with new configura-

Figure 5-13: Menu bar -> File -> Load Configuration from File [TRIMMED]

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VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR4

Figure 5-14: Load configuration file [FULL]

5.8.3 Save configuration data to local file

It is possible to safe the current configuration to local file for archiving or as an important intermediate

After the configuration is done save the configuration to

local file. This file is part of the commissioning report.
The report has to be sent to INTERSCHALT maritime
systems GmbH after VDR G4[e] commissioning or

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Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR4 Technical Manual

For saving the configuration-data follow the steps below:

Table 5-12: Save configuration-data FGR4

Step Action Remarks

1 Select the menu item File -> Save See  Figure 5-15: "Menu bar -> File -
Configuration as File. > Save Configuration as File
[TRIMMED]" on page 150.
2 Enter the filename. See  Figure 5-16: "Save configura-
tion file [FULL]" on page 150.
3 Push the button “Save”.
Result A file will be created.

Recommend settings:

Table 5-13: Recommend settings FGR4

Device 1 Device 2 Device 3

Destination IP
Destination Port 7096 7096 7096

Figure 5-15: Menu bar -> File -> Save Configuration as File [TRIMMED]

Figure 5-16: Save configuration file [FULL]

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VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR4

5.8.4 Change IP address of FGR4

Change the IP address accurately.

Make sure that the power supply is uninterrupted.

Installing two FGR4:

First configure the second FGR4 with ID 2 and another
IP address. In this case you can install the FGR4 with ID
1 afterwards without changing the IP address.

Normally the FGR4 has the IP address This IP address is a factory default and the
standard IP address of first FGR4 with ID=1 in a default VDR G4[e] installation.

The following two reasons may cause a change of the IP address:

• A second FGR4 with ID=2 has to be installed

• FGR4 works in another network environment, not with a default IP address range.

Change the IP address of FGR4 via CVA VDRGRAB-NET tool:

• Menu bar -> Control -> Change VDRGRABNET IP

Figure 5-17: Enter desired IP address and subnet mask

It is also possible to change the IP address via internal web page of FGR4, see  chapter 7.8.3
"Changing the IP address via internal web-frontend of FGR4" on page 230.

5.8.5 Grabbing and adjusting of test images

For grabbing a test image with current settings follow the steps below:

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Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR4 Technical Manual

Table 5-14: Fine adjustment of grabbing

Step Action Remarks

1 Push the button “Snap Image”. The grabbed image is shown.
2 Check the resolution, in case of failures.
3 Reduce the value of Offset H. The image turns right.
4 Reduce the value of Offset V. The image shifts down.
Result The position of the shown image is correct.

The adjust of image quality must be done to get two results:

• A clear image with as low as possible shades.

• A clear image with as small as possible size of zipped image not more than 250 kb.

The size of an image should be less than 250kB

(information by CVA VDRGRAB-NET).

The information of the file size shown by CVA

VDRGRAB-NET and the real file size in ICU module
differs. The real file size is up to 50 percent higher.

Figure 5-18: “Snap Image” with default offset values: H.: 178 V.: 40 [TRIMMED]

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VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR4

Figure 5-19: “Snap Image” with default offset values: H.: 148 V.: 40 [TRIMMED]

Figure 5-20: “Snap Image” with default offset values: H.: 178 V.: 20 [TRIMMED]

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Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR4 Technical Manual

Adjust the image quality by setting the appropriate offset values:

Figure 5-21: Image Quality [FULL]

The advanced mode is for internal use of INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH service and quali-
fied service partner personnel only.

Figure 5-22: Advanced [FULL]

154 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR5

5.9 Framegrabber FGR5

This chapter shows all measures for commissioning the FGR5.

In default configuration the FGR5 is connected

and configured to port X3 of ICU module. If the
ICU module do not receive radar images for a
while, port X3 will be switched off and switched
on periodically. A FGR5 in configuration mode
may not send images to the MDP module, so
connect the FGR5 temporarily to another port of
ICU to avoid configuration interrupts. Possible
ports are: 1,2,7 or 8.

For the description of the web-frontend see 

chapter 3.8 "FGR 5" on page 76.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The factory default IP address is:


The login data is:

User: admin
Password is only for authorized service.

Revision: 1.0.5 155

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR5 Technical Manual

5.9.1 Commissioning with web-frontend

Table 5-15: Commissioning FGR5 (Section 1 of 2)

Step Action Remark

1 Connect the network cable of the PC to Make sure the PC used for configura-
the free network connection of the tion is in the same network as the
internal VDR G4[e] network. FGR5 module.

2 Open the web-frontend of the FGR5. The factory default IP address is:
3 Enter menu item “Network”  If you don’t want to change the network
“Settings”. settings, continue with step 7.
4 Enter the desired IP address and
subnet mask.
5 Press the button “Save data” and then
the button “Restart network”.
6 If you have changed the IP address,
than you have to open the web-fron-
tend with the new IP address again.
7 Enter menu item “Image”  “Aspect If you don’t want to change the image
ratio”. aspect ratio, continue with step 10.
8 Make the appropriate settings.
9 Press the button “Store Settings” and
then the button “Restart FGR5”.
10 Enter menu item “Image”  “Transfer If you don’t want to change the image
Settings”. transfer settings, continue with step
11 Make the appropriate settings.
12 Press the button “Store Settings” and
then the button “Reload Configura-
13 Enter the IP address of the FGR5 into
the hosttable of the MDP.
14 Enter the Device-ID of the signal-
source(s) into the “Video Capture”-
settings of the MDP.

156 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual NMEA interfaces

Table 5-15: Commissioning FGR5 (Section 2 of 2)

Step Action Remark

15 Restart the VDR G4[e].
Result The FGR5 is ready for operation.

5.9.2 Commissioning without web-frontend

The commissioning without web-frontend is not described in this manual. If you want to perform this,
than please read the installation manual of the FGR5.

5.10 NMEA interfaces

For the description of the web-frontend of the

NMEA interface see  chapter 3.2.7 "Menu item
“Capture”  “NMEA”" on page 32,  chapter 3.3.4
"Menu item “Config”  “NMEA Connections”" on
page 56 and  chapter 3.5.2 "Menu item “Serial”"
on page 66.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The configuration page of the NMEA interface is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

5.10.1 NMEA connections

Each interface (network or serial) for transmitting and receiving NMEA telegrams can be configured.
Settings for NMEA, transmit filter and receive filter can be made here. The settings can be found at:

• ICU  Config  NMEA connections

• MDP2020  Capture  NMEA  Connections

Revision: 1.0.5 157

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
NMEA interfaces Technical Manual

Figure 5-23: NMEA connection for network and serial interface

158 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual NMEA interfaces

Button “Close” Close the settings of this NMEA connection.

Label Short description of the NMEA connection.
Port offset (only network) Offset to port 7095.
Baud rate (only serial) Baudrate of the interface.
Special (only network) Characteristics of the NMEA connection.
Special (only serial) Dataframe of the serial interface.
Agent Used agent of the NMEA connection.
Receive filter Receive filter for NMEA sentences.
Transmit filter Transmit filter for NMEA sentences.

Receive filter
Checkbox Activates/deactivates the receive filter.
Function Select between blacklist/whitelist for the filter.
Active Activate/deactivate the entry in the list.
Id (only network) Each sentence has a unique client id.
Header Header of the NMEA sentence.
Min. reciption interval (ms) Minimum time interval between 2 NMEA
Result This sentence will be received or ignored.
Button “Remove” Removes the corresponding NMEA sentence from
the list.
Button “Add” Adds a new NMEA sentence to the list.

Revision: 1.0.5 159

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
NMEA interfaces Technical Manual

Transmit filter
Checkbox Activate/deactivate the transmit filter.
Active Activate/deactivate the entry in the list.
Id (only network) Each sentence has a unique client id.
Header Header of the NMEA sentence.
Max. transmission interval Maximum time interval between 2 NMEA
(ms) sentences.
Result This sentence will be sent or ignored.
Button “Remove” Removes the corresponding NMEA sentence from
the list.
Button “Add” Adds a new NMEA sentence to the list.

5.10.2 NMEA interface list

Any NMEA input source of MDP 2020 module whatever directly (serial) or indirectly (network)
connected has its own NMEA interface ID. Thus, even in retrospect, each NMEA telegram can be
assigned to the source. For this reason the NMEA interface list is created from VDR G4[e] automatically
and can be edited if required. Once, a manually deleted interface starts to send again, the list item will
also be recreated.

Menu “Capture”  “NMEA”  “Interfaces”

Only available if “ZDA useable as time ref”

is activated.

Figure 5-24: Capture -> NMEA -> Interfaces [TRIMMED]

160 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual NMEA interfaces

NMEA interface Current NMEA interface, see “Description”.

Data is equal to ID Marking redundant interfaces.
Report timeout as None: no information will be generated on NMEA timeout.
Warning: a warning information will be generated on NMEA
Alarm: a alarm will be generated on NMEA timeout.
Timeout for input data Interesting for warning and alarm conditions; value range
between 10 seconds and 30 minutes, the timeout refers to the
whole interface and not to selective NMEA telegrams.
Description Describes the NMEA interface ID of the module.
Expected sentences NMEA telegrams, handled from this interface (not filtered).
ZDA useable as time ref Interface will use Date and Time from the ZDA sentence to set
the internal VDR clock.
GPZDA useable as time ref Interface will use Date and Time from the GPZDA sentence to
set the internal VDR clock.
Delete Selection assigns an interface for deleting.
Button “Save” Saves the current settings.

ZDA telegrams and NMEA interfaces

Every NMEA interface is able to receive ZDA telegrams. If an interface receives one or more ZDA tele-
grams, the information will be added to the interface list item. Generally, after the restart of MDP 2020
module, the first incoming ZDA telegram will be used for adjusting the internal VDR clock. To exclude
specific ZDA telegrams from this mechanism, deselect them. Deselecting the global ZDA selection
(dark-blue background) means that all ZDA telegrams from this interface will be ignored for internal time

Application of the NMEA Interfaces

• NMEA Interface 0: generated internal
• NMEA Interface 1: serial RS232 Debug console
• NMEA Interface 2: serial RS422 spare; MDP2020: RS422-1
• NMEA Interface 3: serial RS422 AIS interface; MDP2020: RS422-2
• NMEA Interface 4: reserved for future use
• NMEA Interface 5: reserved for future use
• NMEA Interface 6 - 40: network NMEA2net port = 5 * NMEA2net ID + serial port
• NMEA Interface 41 - 60: network extern
• NMEA Interface 61 - 75: network Audio2net port = 60 + Audio2net ID
• NMEA Interface 76: ICU generated intern

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Commissioning VDR G4[e]
NMEA interfaces Technical Manual

• NMEA Interface 77: ICU RS422-1

• NMEA Interface 78: ICU RS422-2
• NMEA Interface 79 - 99: reserved for future use

162 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual NMEA interfaces

5.10.3 NMEA descriptions

The NMEA description list is created from VDR G4[e] automatically and shows all types of telegrams,
received by VDR G4[e]. The list can be edited with short and long descriptions.

Menu “Capture”  “NMEA”  “Sentences”

Figure 5-25: Capture -> NMEA Sentences (1/2) [TRIMMED]

Short description Enter a short description.

Detailed description Click “Edit” to open the input form for detailed description.
Button “Edit” Opens the detailed description for the sentence.
Button “Delete” Deletes the corresponding NMEA sentence.
Button “Add” Creates a new entry for a NMEA sentence.

Figure 5-26: Capture -> NMEA Sentences (2/2) [TRIMMED]

Button “Close” Closes the input form for detailed description.

Button “Save” Saves the current settings.
Button “Add” Adds a type of telegram by hand, which is not self learned yet.

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Commissioning VDR G4[e]
NMEA interfaces Technical Manual

All NMEA descriptions already known by MDP 2020

module are inserted automatically.

5.10.4 NMEA2net

Baudrate Set the baudrate for each serial interface.

Sentences Enter the header(s) of the connected NMEA. Items
are separated by comma.
Filter Port 1 - Port 5 RX This receive filter discards all matching NMEA tele-
grams at reception. The filter discard all NMEA
containing one or more of the given filter items.
There is no matter, if the filter term is a part of the
NMEA header or part of the rest of the NMEA tele-
gram. Items are separated by comma. E.g.
Filter Port 5 TX This filter will not transmit all watching NMEA tele-
grams. The filter discard all NMEA telegrams that
contain one or more of the given filter items. There
is no matter, if the filter term is a part of the NMEA
header or part of the rest of the NMEA telegram.
Items are separated by comma.
Provide NMEA on Port 5 Activates the sending of telegrams via serial inter-
face check box. Is disabled in default configura-
Button “Submit” Saves the current configuration.
Button “Reset” Blanks all configuration fields.

164 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual I/O devices

Short filter items should be avoided. With short

filter items like ‘GL’ the chance increases to filter
other telegrams like those from GLONASS gener-
ated. ‘GL’ is also part of ‘GLL’ or could be part of
any other data field.

5.11 I/O devices

PLC devices like WAGO PLC digitalise analogue and digital inputs. VDR G4[e] polls this PLC devices
and generate PAVBADC (analogue) and PAVBIOP (digital) NMEA telegrams.

There are maximum 5 devices. The first device can not be deactivated or configured because it is part
of the MDP 2020 module and is used for internal control functions. Usually one PLC device with device
number 2 is installed.

For the description of the web-frontend of the I/O

devices see  chapter 3.2.9 "Menu item “Capture”
 “I/O Devices”" on page 43.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The configuration page of the I/O devices is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

For a correct commissioning carry out the steps in the following table:

Table 5-16: Commissioning I/O devices (Section 1 of 2)

Step Action Remarks

1 Connect the PLC device to power source
and network port.
2 Connect the network cable of the PC to Make sure the PC used for configura-
the free network connection of the internal tion is in the same network as the VDR
VDR G4[e] network. G4[e].
3 Open the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e]. The factory default adress is:
4 Enter the menu item “Capture”  “I/O

Revision: 1.0.5 165

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
I/O devices Technical Manual

Table 5-16: Commissioning I/O devices (Section 2 of 2)

Step Action Remarks

5 Activate the PLC Device and make the The first PLC is device 2.
appropriate settings.
• Device type: PLC
• Name: PLCx
• Power supply: ICU X7 (default)
6 Press the button “Save” at the end of the
7 Enter the menu item “System” 
8 Enter a new host
• Name: PLCx (not case sensitive)
• IP address:
• MAC address: Found on the PLC
9 Press the button “Save” at the end of the
10 Restart the VDR G4[e].
11 Press the button “Edit” in the row For further information see the next 2
“Analogue inputs” and “Digital inputs” to sub chapters.
edit the analogue and digital inputs.
Result The I/O devices are now configured.

Table 5-17: Device, name and IP address of PLC

I/O Device No. of PLC Name of PLC Default IP of PLC Default Port of IP
Device 1 Internal device of the VDR
Device 2 first PLC1 7096
Device 3 second PLC2 7096
Device 4 third PLC3 7096
Device 5 fourth PLC4 7096

166 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual I/O devices

Menu “Capture” - “I/O Devices”

Figure 5-27: Capture -> I/O devices [TRIMMED]

Device type PLC/DIGIO/Modbus-TCP/None

Name Name of the device.
IP address IP address from host, will be inserted by the MDP 2020 auto-
MAC address MAC address from host, will be inserted by the MDP 2020
Decimal places Possible entries for decimal and range.
Threshold Scale factor for position after decimal point.
Analog inputs Number of installed analogue inputs. It will be actualised from
PLC unit automatically.
Digital inputs Number of installed digital inputs. It will be actualised from PLC
unit automatically.
Power supply Choose the power supply output on ICU module for this device
(X1 ... X8). Default is X7.

Revision: 1.0.5 167

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
I/O devices Technical Manual

Button “Activate” Activates and opens the settings of the device.

Button “Deactivate” Deactivates and closes the settings of the device.
Button “Edit” Edit the analogue/digital inputs.
Button “Save” Saves all device at once.

Table 5-18: Decimal places and threshold of PLC

Value without Value with 1 Value with 2 Value with 3

Digit after Digit after Digits after Digits after
Decimal Point Decimal Point Decimal Point Decimal Point
Decimal 0 1 2 3
Range 1 0.1 0.01 0.001
Example 4 4.1 4.13 4.134

5.11.1 Edit analog inputs

Proprietary PAVBADC NMEA telegrams are generated by VDR G4[e] via polling connected PLC
devices with analogue input modules.

$PAVBADC,a,xx.xxx,[.. a times xx.xxx ],<name>*hh

a 1-8, number of following analogous values

xx.xxx Analogous value
name Source description
hh Checksum

$PAVBADC,ya,xx.xxx,[.. a times xx.xxx ],<name>*hh

y 1-15, number of following telegram (for more than 8 analogous values)

a 1-8, number of following analogous values
xx.xxx Analogous value
name Source description
hh Checksum

168 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual I/O devices

Non edit mode

Edit mode

Figure 5-28: Analog Inputs [TRIMMED]

Input no. Input number

Interface type Type of the signal source (Current or Voltage or N/A. (not
Ship system Name of the delivering source system (steering, engine, ...)
Description Further description of signal source
Transducer unit Unit of the data source (°, °C, rpm, Hz, V, A, ...)
Signal group Ship systems subsystem
VDR input value min Minimum value of the VDR input sequence.
VDR input value zero Zero value of the VDR input sequence.
VDR input value max Maximum value of the VDR input sequence.
Transducer value min Possible minimum value of the data source according to the
minimum of the VDR input.
Transducer value zero Possible zero value of the data source according to the zero
value of the VDR input.
Transducer value max Possible maximum value of the data source according to the
maximum value of the VDR input.

Revision: 1.0.5 169

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
I/O devices Technical Manual

Button “Add” Adds a new digital IO definition

Button “Edit” Change from display state to edit state of an IO definition.
Button “Abort” Change from edit state to display state without saving the
Button “Save” Change from edit state to display state with saving the

Table 5-19: Examples of analog inputs

Source Input Electrical trans- Electrical transmis-

mission medium sion medium
Interface type: Interface type:
voltage current
Transducer Transducer position Transducer WAGO VDR WAGO VDR
Type value PLC input PLC input
value value
Rudder minimum (max. to PS) -45.0° -10.0 V -10 4.0 mA 0
0.0° 0.0 V 0 12.0 mA 5
zero (centre position)
+45.0° +10.0 V +10 20.0 mA 10
maximum (max. to SB)
Engine minimum (full astern) -120.0 rpm -10.0 V -10 4.0 mA 0
0.0 rpm 0.0 V 0 12.0 mA 5
Rpm zero
+120.0 rpm +10.0 V +10 20.0 mA 10
maximum (full ahead)
Engine minimum (no pressure) -100.0% -9.0 V -9 5.0 mA 1
0.0% 0.0 V 0 12.0 mA 5
Pitch zero
+100.0% +9.0 V +9 19.0 mA 9
maximum (max. pressure)

Normalized current input values

The VDR current input value is a normalized value
(0 ... 10).
• A current of 4mA is an input value of 0
• A current of 12mA is an input value of 5
• A current of 20mA is an input value of 10

5.11.2 Edit digital inputs

Proprietary PAVBIOP NMEA telegrams are generated by VDR G4[e] via polling connected PLC devices
with digital input modules.

170 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Commissioning
Technical Manual I/O devices

$PAVBIOP,a,ddddd,[.. a times ddddd ],<name>*hh

a 1-8, number of following 16 bit values

ddddd 0-65535, 16 bit value, bitcoded object condition,
Every bit stands for one object (alarm, door, ...).
The count direction is from right to left.
name Source description
hh Checksum

$PAVBIOP,ya,ddddd,[.. a times ddddd ],<name>*hh

y 1, number of following telegram

(for more than 128 = 8x16 bits)
a 1-8, number of following 16 bit values
ddddd 0-65535, 16 bit value, bitcoded object condition,
Every bit stands for one object (alarm, door, ...).
The count direction is from right to left.
name Source description
hh Checksum

Non edit mode

Edit mode

Figure 5-29: Digital inputs [TRIMMED]

Revision: 1.0.5 171

Commissioning VDR G4[e]
I/O devices Technical Manual

Bit no. Input number

Type Type of the signal source (ALARM, STATUS, DOOR,
CONTROL, N/A (not connected)).
Active Type of contact (Active Low or Active High)
Ship system Name of the delivering source system (Steering, Engine, ...)
Signal group Ship systems subsystem.
Description Further description of the signal source.
Button “Add” Adds a new digital IO definition.
Button “Edit” Change from display state to edit state of an IO definition.
Button “Abort” Change from edit state to display state without saving the
Button “Save” Change from edit state to display state with saving the

172 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual

6 Operating procedures

The purpose of the Voyage Data Recorder is to maintain a secure and retrievable storage of information
concerning the position, movement, physical status, command and control of a vessel for a period
covering at least the most recent 720 hours of operation.

The recording takes place continuously according to the principle of a circle memory. It means all data
older then a defined period of time (depending on the different storage media) will be overwritten.

The VDR G4[e] meets all requirements of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) resolution
A.861(20.) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61996-1:2013. In these documents
the amount of data to be recorded are specified detailed.

The VDR G4[e] consists of the following main modules:

• MDP 2020
• Remote Control Test Panel
• Audio2net
• MicroVCA004
• NMEA2net
• Tron 40VDR as float free FRM
• FRM like NEMO 2.0
• External frame grabber (FGR4/FGR5)
• PLC (analogue and digital signals)

The following additional or alternative components are available:

• SAM Radar 1100 or RADARPILOT Platinum with network interface

• Raytheon Radar NSC 18, NSC 25, NSC 34 or Synapsis Chart Radar with network interface
• Long-term recording
• ISDN router
• Network switch, only required if more than 7 network devices
• Replay System with electronic chart system (ECS) and Realtime Monitor
• Network interface for radar devices, according to IEC 62388, Annex H2
• Additional ICU for more network interfaces

Revision: 1.0.5 173

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Starting up the VDR G4[e] Technical Manual

The following storage media are available:

Table 6-1: Table for the selection of storage modules

Storage medium Storage history

Internal recording medium 2 x radars, 1x ECDIS, all microphone channels, all VHF chan-
30 days, NMEA based data 30 days.
Final recording mediums: 2 x radars, 1x ECDIS, all microphone channels from the
bridge, 1 x VHF channel 48 hours, NMEA based data 48 (168
NEMO 2.0 64GByte
optional) hours. The values are valid for both FRM.
Tron 40VDR 64GByte
USB flash drive recording 2 x radars, 1x ECDIS, all microphone channels from the
bridge, 1 x VHF channel 12 hours, NMEA based data 12 hours.
medium (optional)
At an interval of 12 hours can be performed maximal 3 EM
e.g. at 64GByte
Are configured less backups, the interval at which data can be

6.1 Starting up the VDR G4[e]

The initial start up of the VDR G4[e] should be

carried out only by authorised service personnel.

To start the VDR G4[e] make sure that the main

power supply is connected and switched on.

Start the VDR G4[e] by using the ON/OFF key switch. After the VDR G4[e] is started up a microphone
test will be carried out.

174 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual Shutdown the VDR G4[e]

Figure 6-1: Shutdown key

With the ON/OFF key switch you can start and power down the VDR G4[e]:

• Power on: Activate key switch for less than 3 seconds

• Shutdown: Activate key switch for more than 3 seconds

6.2 Shutdown the VDR G4[e]

Only in case of maintenance shutdown the VDR G4[e] manually by using the same key switch (see
previous figure) as used during the starting up procedure.

The VDR G4[e] needs a shutdown time between 60 seconds and 150 seconds

When the VDR G4[e] should be turned off, switch off

at first the main power supply and then trigger the
shutdown switch

6.3 Normal operation

In normal operation no activities by the operator are required and the VDR G4[e] runs autonomously
and continuously and no VDR G4[e] errors occur respectively no alarms will be indicated by the
assigned RCTP. Any fault preventing normal operating will be displayed.

A check of the completeness of the recorded data

should nevertheless be carried out in regular inter-
vals, that means every month or more frequently.

Revision: 1.0.5 175

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) Technical Manual

It is also recommended to make a data check after

every service which was carried out at equipment
the VDR G4[e] is connected to and receives data
from. (see  chapter 6.10 "Data check after service"
on page 195).
Sometimes after such a service the interface of the
VDR G4[e] will be modified. In this case the VDR
G4[e] may not get all required data any longer.

This check can be carried out with the Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) by using the function Perfor-
mance Test, see  chapter 6.4.1 "Performance Test" on page 179. An alternative possibility is the
Replay and Realtime monitor, if installed.

An annual check of the VDR G4[e] is required by the flag state authorities and the class societies.

6.4 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

Figure 6-2: Remote Control Test Panel

Press Button "Enter" to activate the Main menu.

176 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

Figure 6-3: Main menu Remote Control Test Panel “day mode” [FULL]

Alarm Panel Main menu

Step 1
- Select with the arrow keys the sub-
Step 2
- Press the button “Menu/Enter”.
Step 3
- Change neccessary settings.

Figure 6-4: Main menu Remote Control Test Panel “night mode” [FULL]

Hardware Button arrangement see  Figure 6-2:

"Remote Control Test Panel" on page 176.

Revision: 1.0.5 177

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) Technical Manual

Restart VDR about RCTP

Step 1
- Select Menu “Restart VDR”
Step 2
- Simultaneously pressing the arrow
Cancel restart
- Use button ”ACK” to cancel restart

Figure 6-5: Restart VDR about RCTP module [FULL]

Restart RCTP

Step 1
- Select Menu “Restart Panel”
Step 2
- Simultaneously pressing the arrow
Cancel restart
- Use button ”ACK” to cancel restart

Figure 6-6: Restart RCTP module

Dimming mode

Remote control from bridge panel

Local control about arrow keys

Figure 6-7: IP-Address Menu of RCTP module [FULL]

178 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

6.4.1 Performance Test

Overview Testgroups

Select Test group page

Select the group

To start the Test, select the button
“Enter to execute”

Figure 6-8: Test groups page of RCTP module [FULL]

The Performance Test can be aborted by pressing

both arrow keys.

Info page

Figure 6-9: Menu “System Information” [FULL]

Revision: 1.0.5 179

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) Technical Manual

Check Storage devices

Storage device

Using the Scroll Button (up or down)

and all information can be checked on
the display

Figure 6-10: Menu “Storage devices” [FULL]

If there are additional storage devices in the config-

uration, they will be tested too.

180 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

Check Audio devices

Menu Audio devices

Press Button “ACK” to confirm

Figure 6-11: Menu “Audio device” [FULL]

Audio devices

Step 1 for testing

Use arrow keys to select test passed or


Figure 6-12: Performance test step 1 for “Audio device” [FULL]

Revision: 1.0.5 181

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) Technical Manual

Audio devices

Step 2 for testing

Use arrow keys to select test passed or


Figure 6-13: Performance test step 2 for “Audio device” [FULL]

The Performance Test is not responsible for an

acoustic verification.

Check Radar devices

Menu Radar devices

At more radar devices the button “Get

image 2” is then automatically gener-
ated, etc.

Figure 6-14: Menu “Radar device” [FULL]

182 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

Radar device

For testing device 2, press button “Get

Image 2”.
At further devices press corresponding
button for testing
Used button “Details” for detailed

Use arrow keys to select test passed or


Figure 6-15: Performance test for radar device 1 [FULL]

Radar device

Press button “ACK” to leave details.

Figure 6-16: Performance test step 2 radar device 1 for details [FULL]

Revision: 1.0.5 183

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) Technical Manual

Check NMEA sentences

NMEA sentences

Use arrow keys to select test passed or


Figure 6-17: Performance test for NMEA sentences [FULL]

Each page displays the current status of 10 NMEA sentences. With the display scroll buttons may be
viewed further pages for all recorded NMEA sentences. Inhalt ist zu korrigieren

6.4.2 Function as Alarm Panel

History page

Lists all messages, warnings and

Alarms of the last 24 hours.

Figure 6-18: Alarm history page [FULL]

184 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual Retrieving the data with a Replay Computer

Actual Alarms

With the “Enter” key, the alarm list will

With the “ESC” key to get back to the
“Alarm history”.

Figure 6-19: Actual alarms of the VDR [FULL]

6.5 Retrieving the data with a Replay Computer

Refer to additional VDR G4[e] Replay & Realtime Monitoring System Users Guide.

6.5.1 Ship-based download

Essential for ship-based download is:

• A computer with an operating system Windows XP or Windows 7

• The application “VDR Data Replay IS-ID” and the application “VDR Online Monitor IS-ID”
• Network connection between computer and VDR G4[e]

Start the VDR Data Transfer about -> “VDR Data Replay IS-ID” -> Archive -> New -> Connect.

Figure 6-20: Choice of data source [FULL]

Revision: 1.0.5 185

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Retrieving the data with a Replay Computer Technical Manual

6.5.2 Choice of data source

After starting the program, there are several options for downloading the data:

• Download the data from the “IS FRM” (NEMO 2.0)

• Download the data from the “Local volume” (internal flash drive)

Download the data from the “Jotron FRM” (Float Free Capsule)

Download the data from the “USB volume” (optional)

Download the data from the “USB backup volume” (optional)

Do not select the “USB options” when there is a

direct network connection between VDR G4[e] and
the replay computer. The removable flash disk has
to be removed from the VDR G4[e] and inserted in
the local computer.

The removable flash disk is a possibility to save the

actual data very quickly during an emergency situ-
ation, if there is not enough time for a standard
download procedure.

The downloaded data is stored in the folder <Replay directory>\adir#.

The amount of data to be transferred from the VDR G4[e] can be restricted using the controls in the next
figure. If no changes are made, all available data in the dataset will be downloaded. Communication,
radar and data can be turned on or off using the available check boxes.

The replay period for each type of data may be defined using the sliding bar. The top bar identifies the
start point of the replay period; the bottom bar the end point. The actual times selected are shown on
the right side of the sliding scale.

It is desirable, that the reports for the performance test are downloaded it must be set the hook for “PI-
Test Reports”.

To start the download click on Transfer and confirm with OK.

Depending on the size of the selected data, the download may take sometime. The progress of the
download is shown in the indicator at the bottom of the window. Once the download has been
completed the program issues a corresponding message and will be closed after confirmation of the
message. More detailed information to the download utility “VDR Data Transfer” can be found in the
Replay & Realtime Monitoring System User Guide.

186 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual Retrieving the data from the various storage mediums

No download with “Log” file

Download with “OPT Reports” files

The “OPT” Reports are to be found

after downloading in the installation
folder of the Replay system in the
current “adir” folder as a text docu-

For exmple here the “adir 1”.

Figure 6-21: VDR Data Transfer

6.5.3 Land-based download

For a land-based download it is required to set a TCP/IP data connection between the shore office and
the vessel and the VDR G4[e] shall be integrated in the ship’s network, then the currently recorded data
may be retrieved directly by the office using the VDR Data Transfer tool.

Because of the potentially very large volume of data to be transferred, the user should be careful with
the selection of the data to be transferred. Especially the transfer of radar images and audio should be
avoided wherever possible.

If a removable storage medium from the vessel e.g. with emergency backup data is available in the
shore office, this volume can be inserted in the replay computer and then used as data source for a

6.6 Retrieving the data from the various storage mediums

This part describes retrieving of data from the FRM or a long-term recording medium.

Following a total loss of the ship, the diving capsule remains attached to the ship and should be
salvaged by specialists. The salvage should take place within 30 days after the sinking. Over longer
periods the underwater sustainability of the capsule is not guaranteed. After salvage the diving capsule
must be sent to the authorities in order to recover the data stored on the FRM.

If the storage device has been damaged in any way, return the device to the FRM manufacturer for
recovery of the data.

6.7 Emergency (incident) backup (optional)

The storage of a backup can be made about ordered USB flash drive from INTERSCHALT maritime
systems GmbH.

Revision: 1.0.5 187

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Emergency (incident) backup (optional) Technical Manual

The USB flash drive is a component of type

approval of the VDR G4[e]. According to the guide-
lines of the Maritime Casualty Investigation Author-
ities the USB flash drive can be connected to the
VDR G4[e] at all times.
This USB flash drive is a specifically chosen device
for industrial and automotive environment.
Replace this special USB flash drive by equivalent
flash drive, delivered by INTERSCHALT maritime
systems GmbH only.
For comfortable use further USB flash drives can be
ordered from INTERSCHALT maritime systems

Generally it is preferable to initiate an backup some

hours (between 3 and 6) after the emergency has

In case of incidents like nearly accidents not followed by a shutdown of the VDR G4[e], the data can be
stored by the emergency backup. With this function the recorded data is copied to a USB flash drive for
analysis at a later time. The storage capacity of the USB flash drive determines the size of the data set
in hours and the number of backups

The emergency backup runs in the background and has no influence to other operations of the VDR
G4[e] which continues to record as usual. The emergency backup can be started at any time. This
backup should then be archived (using the replay system) as soon as possible and before a new emer-
gency backup is started. This ensures the VDR G4[e] from data loss. In case that the emergency lasts
longer, or a new emergency arises, save the emergency backup data before making another backup.

After activating an emergency backup the VDR G4[e] blocks a new emergency backup e. g. for a delay
of 12 hours. During this blocked time a new emergency backup will be buffered and activated after the
delay of 12 hours. If the recording time is higher as 12 hours, so the block time also. Default setting is
one emergency backup. For special system requirements this setting can be modified during commis-
sioning or service.

To start the emergency backup:

Select the Backup option in the menu of the Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP).

188 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual Emergency (incident) backup (optional)

Figure 6-22: Emergency backup about “Menu”

To start the emergency backup follow the steps below:

Table 6-2: Steps for backup

Step Action Remarks

1 Select in the Menu “Emerg. backup” With “ESC” you go back to the Main
with the scroll button. menu.
2 Confirm the question of wether a new The time size of the backup is set in the
backup should be started. Menu “System Storage”.
3 The backup is running. A new emergency backup is buffered
for 12 hours.
Result Emergency backup is finished.

The VDR G4[e] stores the mandatory data on the USB flash drive. The storage volume can be used for
the authority as evidence data source.

If it is necessary to download the VDR G4[e] data, this USB flash drive has to be dismounted and
removed from MDP 2020 module. Then it can be at least copied to a PC with USB Port.

The emergency backup data can be retrieved from the USB flash drive directly. Using the USB flash
drive, download of emergency backup works more quickly as retrieving the data with a replay computer.

After retrieving the emergency backup from USB flash drive, put the stick on the VDR G4[e] again.

Revision: 1.0.5 189

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Emergency (incident) backup (optional) Technical Manual

To get the data from USB flash drive follow the steps below:

Table 6-3: Download from USB Storage Medium

Step Action Remarks

1 Push the button “Stop USB After 5 seconds the store of actual data will be
Recording” on MDP 2020 interrupted and the USB flash drive will be
module (see next figure, location dismounted. If the process is finished, the indicator
2) at least 5 seconds until the light will be switched off.
indicator light goes off.
2 Remove the USB flash drive The VDR G4[e] will initiate an alarm, because a
from USB port of MDP 2020 required storage device is not available.
3 Insert the USB flash drive in PC. The USB flash drive contains a FAT32 partition
(type 11).
4 Select the wanted data set. Subdirectory ../data contains the actual data set.
Subdirectory ../embackup000 contains the last
emergency backup set.
5 Copy or transfer data from USB Copy data, if the transfer/conversion shall be done
flash drive to PC or other storage from a PC location later.
Transfer data, if the transfer tool is installed and
the data should be displayed on board.
Have a look to the status line on transfer tool. The
local directory of replay system is shown there.
The converted data files can be found in this direc-
6 Insert the USB flash drive in The VDR G4[e] will auto detect the USB flash drive
MDP 2020 module again. and will initiate a restart.
Result The needed data has been
downloaded from VDR G4[e].

To convert the data to replay format you have to install and use the Interschalt Replay System.

To transfer or convert the VDR G4[e] data to a PC please follow the steps below:

Table 6-4: Steps for transfer the data to a PC (Section 1 of 3)

Step Action Remarks

1 Start your PC with installed Replay soft-
2 Insert the USB flash drive in PC.

190 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual Emergency (incident) backup (optional)

Table 6-4: Steps for transfer the data to a PC (Section 2 of 3)

Step Action Remarks

3 Start the application “VDR
Data Replay”..

4 Menu File “Open Archive”. The application “VDR Archive” starts.

5 Select the option File -> The application “VDR Data Transfer”
New.... starts.

6 Select the option File -> A directory/ file select menu is shown.

7 Select the path to the USB flash drive and Subdirectory ../data contains the
the path with the wanted data set. actual data set.
Subdirectory ../embackup### contains
one of the emergency backup.
8 Choose the download range using the
sliders and press the button “Transfer”.

9 Download completed and archive local To protect a data set from being over-
data set. written, it can be archived.

10 Remove the USB flash drive from PC.

Revision: 1.0.5 191

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Automatic restart Technical Manual

Table 6-4: Steps for transfer the data to a PC (Section 3 of 3)

Step Action Remarks

11 Insert the USB flash drive in MDP 2020 The VDR G4[e] will auto detect the
module again. USB flash drive.
Result The needed data has been downloaded
from VDR G4[e].

Figure 6-23: Stop USB recording button on MDP 2020 module

6.8 Automatic restart

An automatic restart will be activated by the integrated hardware watchdog within 13 seconds of an
uncontrolled function caused by a malfunction.

If the VDR G4[e] automatically shuts down after 2 hours of operation following a power failure an auto-
matic restart will be carried out once power is resupplied.

In addition, the VDR G4[e]] carries out a weekly automatic restart every Sunday at 00:30 UTC. This
restart is in order to ensure a stable normal operating condition and to help prevent undefined system
conditions occurring during months of autonomous operation.

In case of an electrical power loss of more than

2 hours, make sure that the VDR G4[e] gets started
up again.

If the VDR G4[e] was shutdown manually (e.g. using the

key switch), restart the device manually.

192 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual Handling of recorded data

6.9 Handling of recorded data


The following data can be acquired by VDR G4[e]:

Table 6-5: Recorded data

Data Types Notes

Date and time Obligatory
Radar data Obligatory
(max. 1600x1200 pixel at 60 Hz)
Ship’s position Mandatory
Speed Mandatory
Heading Mandatory
Water depth (echo sounder) Mandatory
Wind speed and direction Optional
Ship's motion behaviour, heave pitch and roll Optional
Motion of the sea
Engine orders and responses Mandatory
Rudder orders and responses Mandatory
Propeller and thrusters rpm and pitch Mandatory
Additional machine information mandatory Optional
Status of:
- Hull opening doors Mandatory
- Watertight and splash watering doors Mandatory
- Fire doors and fire security systems Mandatory
- Main alarms Mandatory
- Other status information as required Optional
Bridge audio Mandatory, max. 8 microphones on 4 channels
Communications audio Mandatory, VDR output 0dBm at unit

The VDR G4[e] includes a general data file “R<IMO-No.>.xml”, containing compulsory data according
to IEC 61996-1:2013. This file is stored on all available storage mediums, including the FRM. Whenever
data is downloaded, this file is included and is then available in the local archive.

Revision: 1.0.5 193

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Handling of recorded data Technical Manual

6.9.1 Merlog file

The VDR G4[e] maintains a log file named "Merlog". This file records all information concerning to the
system start, as well as all events, warnings and error messages occurring during operation. For further
information see  Figure 7-1: "Merlog file [TRIMMED]" on page 200.

Once the file has reached a size of 500kB it will be saved as “Merlog.bak” and a new file will be started.
The Merlog file is copied every hour onto all installed and removable data storage devices and onto the
FRM. When downloading data, the Merlog file may optionally be included in the download and is then
available in the local archive.

6.9.2 Captured radar images

A screen shot of each of the 2 radars and the ECDIS is grabbed every 15 seconds and stored for a
period of at least 30 days in the local storage. The screen shot is stored as a colour image in the original
resolution (up to a maximum of 1600x 1200 pixels at 60 Hz with a FGR4 module).

The sources may have different resolutions and properties, however they should also supply VESA-
compatible signals.

Only ethernet images can be transmit and recorded with higher resolution.

All external video sources must be configured at MDP

2020 module.
Otherwise these external devices will be disclaimed.

6.9.3 Details about audio information

All bridge microphones and VHF radio communication channels will be recorded by the VDR G4[e] in
accordance with IEC 61996-1:2013. Microphones are placed in the ceiling at navigation main console
and other working areas in order to record the communication on the bridge. Each Audio2net module
has 4 ports and 2 channels. How many modules remain active during a blackout, is dependent on the
capacity of the battery.

Please ensure that the system is not overloaded when

it is operated with multiple (> 4) audio channels.
Combining long-term recording with large radar images
(>300 KBytes) is not recommended.

194 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual Data check after service

• Microphones 1 + 3 are mixed in channel 1

• Microphones 2 + 4 are mixed in channel 2.

In the default wiring of the ICU module, port 5 and port

6 are operated with power over LAN and will not be
powered down in the event of a power failure. The
Audio2net modules ID2 and ID3 are usually connected

One VHF radio communication channel is also stored digitally. All audio data is stored in the harddisc
for at least 720 hours in accordance with IEC 61996-1:2013.
There is also a possibility to record an additional radio channel.

6.9.4 Non standard information

VDR G4[e] has to record data required by IEC 61996-1:2013. However, it is also possible to record addi-
tional data. In principle any data telegram may be recorded including those of manufacturer-specific or
proprietary formats. Data may be received as analogue or digital values. These are converted into data
telegrams and forwarded to the VDR G4[e]. Other interfaces not complying to the International Standard
IEC 61996-1:2013 can also be integrated in a similar manner. All optional data telegrams received by
the VDR G4[e] are as well stored in the FRM for at least 48 hours.

6.10 Data check after service

This service does not mean the service at the VDR G4[e] itself but the service at devices connected to
the VDR G4[e] like GPS, Radar, Engine and so on.
Sometimes after service inspection it can happen, that the VDR G4[e] does not save all necessary data
transmitted from one of the systems on board a vessel. Service inspections are the reason therefore.

For this case INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH together with the Maritime Casualty Investiga-
tion Authorities recommend to check, if all necessary data from the connected systems are recorded
by the VDR G4[e] correctly.

Check the data before completing the service inspection, to claim the missing data if necessary. In case
it is not possible to do this, check the data as soon as possible after finishing service inspection.

Check the data of following systems:

• Radar- and ECDIS- Equipment

• AIS, Gyrocompass, GPS, Echo-Sounder, Speed-log

Revision: 1.0.5 195

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Data check after service Technical Manual

• Wind speed and direction

• Steering system
• Bridge alarm system
• Engine automation
• Fire doors, fire detection system
• Hull openings, watertight doors
• Hull stress system, if installed
• Radio transceivers

Check the data according to following two criteria:

• Data was transmitted and stored on the VDR G4[e]

• Transmitted data are plausible

Use the Operational Performance Test (OPT) to check the data, see  chapter 6.4.1 "Performance
Test" on page 179.

A further very good possibility to check the incoming VDR data is the Replay System. The Replay
System is part of the standard scope of delivery of the VDR G4[e] and is stored on the Authority CD
allocated at the VDR G4[e] for the Maritime Casualty Investigation Authorities. The installation file for
the replay system can be find on the welcome page of the VDR G4[e].

Following requirements are necessary for installation and operation of the Replay System:

• A computer with an operating system like Windows XP, Windows 7 or Windows 10 offering multi-
media and voice output.
• Permanent or temporary connection of this computer to the VDR G4[e] network or to the USB port
for use of the orange coloured USB stick of the VDR G4[e].

Install the Replay System on your computer. Find the appropriate manual on Authority CD. The stored
data can be downloaded via VDR G4[e] network from the VDR G4[e] directly (see  6.5 "Retrieving the
data with a Replay Computer" on page 185). Alternatively use the orange coloured USB stick to down-
load the current data (see  6.5 "Retrieving the data with a Replay Computer" on page 185). In case
of interrupts during the download onto the orange coloured USB stick you find the actual data in subdi-
rectory .../data.

Connect the USB stick back to the VDR G4[e] when the
download is done or the stick is not need anymore.

After service inspection of a system which transmits data to the VDR G4[e] following 3 types of data
have to be verified carefully:

196 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Operating procedures
Technical Manual Data check after service

• Video data, coming from radar and ECDIS equipment. Check these data visually by displaying these
in the Replay System. Observe the following items:
• Images are provided by all radar devices?
• Colour attribution is correct?
• No colour is missing?
• The image quality is good. Do you have to adjust the quality because of transmitter changes
(output changes of images)?
• The image is shown completely?
• There are no black bars on one or more sites?
• The image is sharp and not blurred?
• Voice data, supplied by radio transceivers and microphones. Check this data by audio test. Observe
the following items:
• Voice data are available from all connected radio transceivers.
• Communication is good. Microphones are not serviced by external service personnel.
• It is recommended to perform an audio test from time to time.

Status data of all systems, recorded and stored as NMEA data. Only standardised NMEA data are
decoded and displayed in the Replay System. It is easy to detect if data are transmitted and are plau-
sible. Some data which are recorded are not displayed. Activate the NMEA monitor (Show Other
button) in the Replay System and use it, to check the recorded data. These data are listed in a box. The
plausibility check is difficult in this case.
The data recorded by the VDR G4[e] are listed in the configuration file of the VDR G4[e]. Download this
configuration file from the VDR G4[e] generally after installing the Replay System. Use the web-frontend
of the VDR G4[e] or utility VDR Transfer when establishing a first connection.
It is also possible to purchase a convenient version of the Replay System optionally. In this case not
only standardised NMEA data will be decoded and displayed comfortable. Furthermore the ship and
other objects like ARPA targets and AIS targets can be displayed in an electronic sea chart (ECS)

It is recommended to carry out an emergency backup

and evaluation during the simulated emergency proce-
dures on board the vessel (e.g. fire fighting).
Frequently checks of the VDR G4[e] data ensure that
the associated mechanisms get into routine. So in case
of dangerous situations the risk of mistakes is rather

Revision: 1.0.5 197

Operating procedures VDR G4[e]
Data check after service Technical Manual

198 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual

7 Troubleshooting, Repair and Mainte-


For the description of the web-frontend see 

chapter 3 "Web-frontend" on page 17.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e]

The factory default IP address is:

The login data is:

User: service
Password is only for authorized service.

Are higher firmware versions available, then note following points:

Different modules among each other could be

incompatible if incompatible software versions are
installed. Refer to special service notes.

It could be necessary to update the various VDR

G4[e] modules in a specific order. Refer to special
service notes.
Example: If MDP2020 module has version V5.21 and
Audio2net modules has version V5.21, first update the
Audio2net modules and then update the MDP 2020

Always update to next higher firmware version.

MDP 2020 module: V5.21f to .....
ICU module: V5.210 to .....
Audio2net module: V5.20a to .....

Revision: 1.0.5 199

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020 Technical Manual

7.1 Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020

For the description of the web-frontend of the MDP

2020 see  chapter 3.2 "MDP2020" on page 19.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The configuration page of the MDP 2020 is a part of the VDR G4[e].

7.1.1 Log files

Info, warning, and error information in Merlog file

The Merlog file contains many useful information about the VDR operating. The Errlog file shows only
the VDR error messages. The log can be found in Service -> Log files -> Show Merlog.

Figure 7-1: Merlog file [TRIMMED]

Health of local flash drive in smart.log file

If the installed flash drive supports S.M.A.R.T capabilities there could be useful information about disk
health in Service -> Log files -> Show S.M.A.R.T

Figure 7-2: S.M.A.R.T information local flash drive [TRIMMED]

200 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020

Health of VDR MDP 2020 module (hardware)

All information by device drivers located in Systemlog file.

7.1.2 Firmware update

The update procedure can take between 10 and 30 minutes.

Device damage
Do not power off the module or do not interrupt power
supply while update is in process.

If a firmware update can be done, then perform following steps:

Step 1
Browse for new firmware image
file (*.tar.gz) and click on the
button “Upload firmware”.
Upload of file begins.

Figure 7-3: MDP 2020 firmware update step 1 [TRIMMED]

Step 2
Wait until firmware is uploaded.
Firmware is uploaded and the
upload itself is verified.

Figure 7-4: MDP 2020 firmware update step 2 [TRIMMED]

Step 3
Click on the button “Next” to check
the firmware file.
Result of the firmware file check is

Figure 7-5: MDP 2020 firmware update step 3 [TRIMMED]

Revision: 1.0.5 201

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020 Technical Manual

Step 4
Click on the button “Yes (restart)”.
MDP module will restart and
running the update process.

Figure 7-6: MDP 2020 firmware update step 4 [TRIMMED]

Step 5
Wait until the MDP 2020 module
is ready (look at the power leds
(extern devices) of MDP 2020
Firmware updated has finished.

Figure 7-7: MDP 2020 firmware update step 5 [TRIMMED]

7.1.3 Upload configuration

Follow the steps below:

Step 1
Browse for xml file (R<imo>.xml)
and click on the button “Upload
Upload of file begins.

Figure 7-8: MDP 2020 module configuration upload step 1 [TRIMMED]

202 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020

Step 2
Wait until the configuration file is
Firmware is uploaded and the
upload itself is verified.

Figure 7-9: MDP 2020 module configuration upload step 2 [TRIMMED]

Step 3
Click on the button “Next” to check
the configuration file.
Result of file check is displayed.

Figure 7-10: MDP 2020 module configuration upload step 3 [TRIMMED]

Step 4
Click on the button “Yes (restart)”.
MDP module will restart and
replace the current configuration
file with the uploaded configura-
tion file.

Figure 7-11: MDP 2020 module configuration upload step 4 [TRIMMED]

The IP settings are not changed. Current network

settings will be used after the upload is done.

Revision: 1.0.5 203

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020 Technical Manual

Step 5
Wait until the MDP 2020 module
is ready (look at the power leds
(extern devices) of MDP 2020
Configuration updated has

Figure 7-12: MDP 2020 module configuration upload step 5 [TRIMMED]

During a configuration upload the network original

network setting keeps untouched. After upload go
to System -> Network settings and save them.

7.1.4 Service - Option “System files”

Editing of /etc/net.cfg via


Figure 7-13: System files /etc/net.cfg [TRIMMED]

204 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020

Editing of /etc/hosts via


Figure 7-14: System files /etc/hosts

Editing of /etc/service via


Figure 7-15: System files /etc/service [TRIMMED]

Revision: 1.0.5 205

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020 Technical Manual

7.1.5 Reset to defaults

The current configuration will be lost. The MDP

2020 will boot up with default settings.

$%&' (&


,,-./0 &!1





  + %% "#

Figure 7-16: Jumper “Reset to defaults”

Perform the following steps for “Reset to Defaults”

• Step 1: Save the “XML”-Configuration file

• Step 2: Disconnect the power supply from MDP
• Step 3: Remove the cover and set the “Reset to default” jumper, see  Figure 7-16: "Jumper
“Reset to defaults”" on page 206.
• Step 4: Switch power again
• Step 5: Create a directly network connection with the MDP

The following IP addresses are available, if the Jumper “Reset to Defaults” is set:

206 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020

Table 7-1: Default IP addresses MDP 2020

Network port IP address Subnet mask

GBit Subnet 1
GBit Subnet 2
GBit Subnet 3

• Step 6: Configuring the laptop according to the port

• Step 7: Enter the IP address in browser Firefox

Step 8
Push the button “Next”.

Figure 7-17: Reset to default 1. page [FULL]

The field “Password” is only for the authorized

service by the manufacturer.

Revision: 1.0.5 207

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020 Technical Manual

Step 9
Check system values and push the
button “Next”.

Figure 7-18: Reset to default 2. page [FULL]

Step 10
Select respective images and install.

Figure 7-19: Reset to default 3. page [FULL]

208 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Maritime Data Processor MDP 2020

The authorized service has the "ifs" and "efs" files

as backup files on the Service laptop.

Step 11
Example “Progress” in working.

Figure 7-20: Reset to default 4. page [FULL]

Step 12
Progress ready; wait until button “Leave”
is active and click button “Leave”.

Figure 7-21: Reset to default 5. page [FULL]

Revision: 1.0.5 209

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Interface Control Unit (ICU) Technical Manual

• Step 13: Switch power off again.

• Step 14: Remove jumper “Reset to default”, see  Figure 7-16: "Jumper “Reset to defaults”" on
page 206.
• Step 15: Switch power on and MDP will automatically start again.

7.2 Interface Control Unit (ICU)

For the description of the web-frontend of the ICU

see  chapter 3.3 "Interface Control Unit ICU" on
page 55.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The configuration page of the ICU is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

About the IP the interface of the ICU

is called.

7.2.1 Firmware update

The update procedure takes about 45 minutes.

Device damage
Do not power off the module or do not interrupt power
supply while update is in process.

If a firmware update can be done, then perform following steps below:

210 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Interface Control Unit (ICU)

Step 1
Click on the blue arrow.

Figure 7-22: ICU firmware update step 1 [TRIMMED]

Step 2
Browse for new firmware image
file (*.tar.gz) and click on the
button “Upload firmware”.
Upload of file begins.

Figure 7-23: ICU firmware update step 2 [TRIMMED]

Step 3
Wait until firmware is uploaded.
Firmware is uploaded and the
upload itself is verified.

Figure 7-24: ICU firmware update step 3 [TRIMMED]

Step 4
Click on the button “Next” to
check the firmware file.
Result of firmware file check is

Figure 7-25: ICU firmware update step 4 [TRIMMED]

Revision: 1.0.5 211

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Interface Control Unit (ICU) Technical Manual

Step 5
Click on the button “Yes”.

Figure 7-26: ICU firmware update step 5 [TRIMMED]

Step 6
Open the Service - Option.

Figure 7-27: ICU firmware update step 6 [TRIMMED]

Step 7
Press the button “Restart VDR”.
Firmware updated has finished.

Figure 7-28: ICU firmware update step 7 [TRIMMED]

7.2.2 Reset to defaults




Figure 7-29: Jumper settings ICU

212 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

Table 7-2: Description ICU jumper

Jumper Description
J1 Pin 1/2 power off during restart
Pin 2/3 continous power for X4
J6 for P1 Pin 1/2 and Pin 3/4 closed
J8 for P2 Result POL
J13 for P3
J15 for P4 Pins open
J7 for P5 result no POL
J12 for P6 for power than use Terminal X1, etc.
J14 for P7
J16 for P8
J10 See  chapter 4.3.1 "External connec-
tions" on page 96.
J22 See  chapter 4.3.1 "External connec-
tions" on page 96.

ICU Jumper J1 must be set to continuous power to

the MDP 2020 module.

7.3 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

A faulty RCTP can only be replaced.

7.3.1 Firmware update

The update procedure takes about 5 to 10 minutes.

Device damage
Do not power off the module or do not interrupt power
supply or disconnect LAN connection while update is in

Revision: 1.0.5 213

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP) Technical Manual

If a firmware update can be done, then perform following steps below:

Step 1
Press the buttons “ACK.” and “ENTER”
at the same time to start the update
The RCTP will search for new firmware
on the MDP2020.

Figure 7-30: RCTP firmware update step 1

Step 2
Use the “Arrow” buttons to select the
command field “Update”. Now press
the button “ENTER”.

Figure 7-31: RCTP firmware update step 2

214 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

Step 3
The new firmware will be downloaded
and installed.

Figure 7-32: RCTP firmware update step 3

Step 4
Restart the RCTP.
Firmware update has finished.

Figure 7-33: RCTP firmware update step 4

7.3.2 Reset to defaults

A reset to defaults is not possible at the


Revision: 1.0.5 215

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Audio2net module Technical Manual

7.4 Audio2net module

For the description of the web-frontend of the

Audio2net see  chapter 3.4 "Audio2net module"
on page 61.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The configuration page of the Audio2net module is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

7.4.1 Firmware update

The update procedure take between 3 and 5 minutes depending on the version of the firmware.

Device damage
Do not power off the module or do not interrupt power
supply while update is in process.

During the firmware update procedure the

Audio2net module does not send audio data for 3 to
5 minutes. Potentially the recorder gives a failure. If
the failure is given, confirm the failure at the
Remote Control Test Panel.
After successful update the failure disappears.

Follow the steps below:

Step 1
Click on the blue arrow.
Firmware update page appears.

Figure 7-34: Audio2net firmware update step 1 [TRIMMED]

Step 2
Browse for new firmware image
file (*.tar.gz) and click on the
button “Send”.
Upload of file begins.

Figure 7-35: Audio2net firmware update step 2 [TRIMMED]

216 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Audio2net module

Step 3
Wait until firmware is uploaded.
Processing upload and validating
Firmware file upload.

Figure 7-36: Audio2net firmware update step 3 [TRIMMED]

Step 4
Click the button “Continue” to end
with upload process.
Module is restarting and performs

Figure 7-37: Audio2net firmware update step 4 [TRIMMED]

Step 5
Wait until the module is recon-

Figure 7-38: Audio2net firmware update step 5 [TRIMMED]

Reconnecting can take more than 180 seconds

depending on the version of the firmware but not
longer than 300 seconds.

Step 6
Wait until the module is recon-

Figure 7-39: Audio2net firmware update step 6 [TRIMMED]

Revision: 1.0.5 217

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Audio2net module Technical Manual

Step 7
After 5 minutes (maximum) of
restarting the module the configu-
ration page appears.
Firmware update is done.

Figure 7-40: Audio2net firmware update step 7 [TRIMMED]

If the reconnect needs longer than 180 seconds or update process fails, following page will appear:

Figure 7-41: Reconnecting needs longer than 180 seconds [TRIMMED]

7.4.2 Reset to defaults

Software Damage
While reconnecting (restarting) do not power off the
module and do not interrupt power supply.

Resetting Audio2net module to defaults, means

resetting Audio2net module to origin (production)
firmware version. If the current software version
differs from the origin version (production) a new
update could be necessary.

218 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual NMEA2net module

These procedures can take more than 180 seconds

depending on the version of the firmware.

During the firmware update and reset procedure the

Audio2net module does not send audio data for 3 to
5 minutes. Potentially the recorder gives a failure. If
the failure is given, confirm the failure at the
Remote Control Test Panel.
After successful update the failure disappears.

For proceeding the firmware reset follow the steps below:

Table 7-3: Audio2net - Reset to default

Step Action Remarks

1 Set the jumper J5
2 Restart system
3 After 140 to 300 seconds the web-
frontend reconnects itself.
4 Remove the jumper There is an appropriate notice on the
Result The firmware reset is done. Now the module runs with origin firm-
ware version. If it is necessary, make
an firmware update.

7.5 NMEA2net module

For the description of the web-frontend of the

NMEA2net see  chapter 3.5 "NMEA2net module"
on page 65.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The configuration page of the NMEA2net module is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

Revision: 1.0.5 219

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Tron 40VDR module Technical Manual

If the NMEA2net module is not accessible or is used as

stand alone device it is also possible to access the
configuration web page via IP address of the NMEA2net
module directly. The default IP address is

7.5.1 Reset to defaults

For setting the NMEA2net module to default value follow the steps below:

Table 7-4: NMEA2net - Reset to default

Step Action Remark

1 Remove device from power supply.
2 Unscrew the cover.
3 Set ID to 0 (all to OFF (switch dips)).
4 Power up the device.
5 Wait 10 seconds.
6 Set ID dip switch to previous
7 Screw the cover.
Result NMEA2net is set to defaults.

7.6 Tron 40VDR module

For the description of the web-frontend of the Tron

40VDR see  chapter 3.6 "Tron 40VDR capsule" on
page 68.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The configuration page of the Tron 40VDR capsule is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

7.6.1 Installing and updating software

At the moment, no update is intended for the Tron 40VDR capsule. Should it be necessary, then the
update will be performed via the web-frontend “Webmin” of the capsule.

220 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Tron 40VDR module

7.6.2 Replacement of a Tron 40VDR capsule

When shipped by the manufacturer JOTRON, then

the Tron 40VDR module has the default static IP
address This IP address has to be
changed to

The Tron 40VDR module has to be programmed

over 2 configuration surfaces with the required
data. The network data about Webmin.
The nautical data must be transferred to the capsule
via a EPIRB Control interface on the housing of the
float unit. Detailed information in the manufac-
turer’s manual.

Delivered capsules of INTERSCHALT maritime

systems GmbH are usually configured ready.

Perform the following steps about the web-frontend:

• Attach a computer with a IP 192.168.2.x and make a directly connection to the Tron 40VDR.
• Enter following IP address into the address field of your internet browser to get access to the web -
frontend of the Tron 40VDR capsule:
• Login with user: “admin” and password (known by the authorized service).

Step 1
Select Networking  “Network
Configuration”  tab “Network

Figure 7-42: Network Configuration Tron 40VDR [TRIMMED]

Revision: 1.0.5 221

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Tron 40VDR module Technical Manual

Step 2
“Eth0” shows the IPv4 address for
the capsule.
Step 3
Click on “eth0” and the page “Edit
Bootup Interface” opens.

Figure 7-43: Network Interfaces Tron 40VDR [TRIMMED]

Do not reconfigure the “usb0” interface.

Step 4

Check the following

“Activate at boot”: Yes
Static IP: “”
Netmask: “”
Broadcast IP: “”

Button “Save and Apply”

Arrow key “return to network inter-
Arrow key “return to network

Figure 7-44: Static Configuration Tron 40VDR [TRIMMED]

• Select Networking / Network Configuration

Step 5
Select “Routing and Gateways”.
Check the following settings
Tab “Boot time configuration”
Default router activate Gateway
IP to “”
And “eth0” in the pulldown menu

Button “Save”
Arrow key “return to network
Figure 7-45: Configuration Routing and Gateway Tron 40VDR

222 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Tron 40VDR module

Step 6
Select Hostname and DNS Client.
Check the following settings
Hostname “VDR”
Resolution “Hosts file”
Order “Multicast DNS (minimal)”

Button “Save”
Arrow key “return to network

Figure 7-46: Configuration Hostname Tron 40VDR

• Actuated the button “Apply Configuration” on the Webpage “Network Configuration”.

• After all configuration are done, restart the system.
• The proprietary communication between MDP module and Tron 40VDR module is working now.

7.6.3 Troubleshooting

EPIRB Error Messages

Table 7-5: EPIRB Error Messages

Number of Fault indication

1 No Error, the unit is OK.
2 Low power, 406 MHz transmitter
3 Low battery voltage
4 Low power, 121.5 MHz transmitter
5 Transmitter failure, 406 MHz
6 Transmitter failure, 121.5 MHz
7 EPIRB module not programmed or
programming not completed.

Help with other problems you gather from the manual Tron 40VDR FF Capsule. Special info and docu-
mentation of Webmin see http://www.webmin.com.

Revision: 1.0.5 223

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
FRM NEMO 2.0 module Technical Manual

7.6.4 Maintenance Tron 40VDR

Following maintenance and service guidelines are to be exectuted:

Table 7-6: Maintenance Tron 40VDR

Interval Action
Monthly The Tron 40VDR Float Free Capsule shall be checked
using the self-test function on the product. Self-test guid-
ance is explained in the product manual.
Yearly The Tron 40VDR Float Free Capsule comes under IMO
regulation MSC.1/Circ 1040 Rev.1 and as such the
annual inspection should be performed by an authorised
radio-surveyor or individuals trained and authorised by
Jotron AS to carry out this work. Jotron also recom-
mends a special inspection of the docking-station/
module. A clean surface of the docking-station and the
memory-module fitted on the Tron 40VDR Float Free
Capsule will secure reliable and safe data transfer.
Every two years The HRU (Hydrostatic release unit) must be changed.
The expiry date is marked on the HRU.
Five year service The Tron 40VDR Float Free Capsule also comes under
IMO regulation MSC 1039 and as such the Tron 40VDR
Float Free Capsule must be serviced in accordance with
this regulation or be replaced by an exchange unit. Only
individuals and or companies authorised, trained and
certified by Jotron AS are allowed to carry out the SBM-
service of the Tron 40VDR Float Free Capsule.
10 year maintenance Jotron recommends that the recording-module is
changed every 10 years. The FB-40 bracket should also
be changed every 10 years due to potential cracking in
the mounting-hole areas or the fragile top-cover.

7.7 FRM NEMO 2.0 module

For the description of the web-frontend of the

NEMO 2.0 see  chapter 3.7 "FRM NEMO 2.0" on
page 71.

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The configuration page of the NEMO 2.0 is a part of the web-frontend of the VDR G4[e].

224 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual FRM NEMO 2.0 module

7.7.1 Firmware update from 5.210

At the moment there is no update for the NEMO 2.0 capsule is provided.

If an update for the FRM shall be required, then the steps for the procedure in the manual are incorpo-
rated into a new revision of the Technical Manual.

7.7.2 Web-frontend of NEMO 2.0

Figure 7-47: Welcome page NEMO 2.0 [FULL]

Via the status display are

3 functions available:

Format Flash Drive
Check Flash Drive

Figure 7-48: NEMO 2.0 status page 1 [TRIMMED]

Revision: 1.0.5 225

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
FRM NEMO 2.0 module Technical Manual

“Format Flash Drive”

it will be permanently deleted all data

7.7.3 Replacement of NEMO 2.0 flash drive

The replacement of the flash drive can only be made

in a service room with clean conditions to protect
the gasket and the interior of the NEMO 2.0 from
dust, dirt and humidity. Once the memory slot is
opened, you have to replace the desiccant bags,
the gasket rings and the screw seals.

Only use our APT-Set for NEMO 2.0. Otherwise, you

will lose both the accreditation and the warranty. In
addition the changes have to be made only by
trained personnel.

Following kits for Replacement of NEMO 2.0 flash drive are available:
• APT-Set SSD-Flash Kit for NEMO 2 32 GB
Article number: 107779
• APT-Set SSD-Flash Kit for NEMO 2 64 GB
Article number: 107780

Table 7-7: Parts of APT-Set SSD-Flash Kit for NEMO 2 32 GB

Quantity Item
1 SSD-Flash 32 GB
1 Foam rubber string D6
1 O-ring
8 Sealing gasket
8 Screw M4x16
1 drying agent set

226 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual FRM NEMO 2.0 module

Table 7-8: Parts of APT-Set SSD-Flash Kit for NEMO 2 64 GB

Quantity Item
1 SSD-Flash 64 GB
1 Foam rubber string D6
1 O-ring
8 Sealing gasket
8 Screw M4x16
1 drying agent set

For replacing the flash drive of NEMO 2.0 module follow the steps below:

Table 7-9: Replace flash drive of NEMO 2.0

Step Action Remarks

1 Changing the flash drive begins with the steps 4a,
4b and 4c of  Table 4-23: "Installing description
of the NEMO 2.0" on page 116.
For opening the memory slot:
- Remove all 8 screws
- Lift out the flash drive plug-in unit
Notice: On reassembling you have to replace the
sealing shim. Tighten the screws with a maximum
torque of 3 Nm.
2 - Remove foamed rubber cord
- Replace flash drive

3 Replace desiccant bags

4 Reassembling Run each step vice versa:

1. Step 2 (this table)
2. Step 1 (this table)
Result The flash drive is replaced.

Revision: 1.0.5 227

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR4 Technical Manual

The beacon must be replaced every 3 years after

installation due to safety reasons.

7.8 Framegrabber FGR4

7.8.1 General

Table 7-10: Troubleshooting FGR4 module (Part 1)

Failure Cause Action

FGR4 does not boot up. Voltage fluctuations during Display data from Com1 of the FGR4
booting are mostly the during the start up procedure. The
reason. baudrate of the port is 57600 8N1.
If the FGR4 hangs or cannot find the
server, this can be seen in the Com1
outputs, see following figure.
Every second image has a Firmware is outdated. Update the firmware of FGR4.
colour strip.
Appears only at the resolu-
tion of 1600x1200.
Cannot be recognised by
manual grabbing with
“Snap Image”.
Resolution of 1600x1200 Firmware is outdated. Update the firmware of FGR4.
cannot be grabbed.
Images cannot be 1. Resolution is incorrect: If the resolution is not recognised
grabbed. Does the source retrie- correctly, adjust the correct resolution
ving the expected reso- manually.
2. See following failure:
FGR4 is not recognised
as monitor.

228 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR4

Figure 7-49: Command Server waiting [FULL]

Table 7-11: Troubleshooting FGR4 module (Part 2)

Failure Cause Action

FGR4 is not recognised as Your monitor has not the 1. Connect a monitor with the appro-
monitor. necessary resolution. priate resolution.
It is recommended to use a 2. Adjust resolution
splitter permanently. 3. Connect FGR4
IP address of the FGR4 is 1. Power down the FGR4.
unknown 2. Connect the configuration PC and the FGR4 directly via network
(cross over).
3. On PC adjust the IP address and network mask of the server.
Detect the IP address of the server out of the data, displayed on
Com1 of the FGR4 during a normal start.
Avecs Version 1.0.5 25.06.2007
Server_IP: C0A85FCD
4. Power up the FGR4.
5. Wait for ca. 30 seconds.
6. Enter “arp -a” in the console.
Result: A host entry is located in ARP cache.
VDR receives no pictures Check by the tool CVA VDRGRAB-NET, if the destination is correct.

7.8.2 RS232 switch for console connection

This switch can be used in case of male functions.

The “4-way” dip switch can be used to configure the RS232 connector (RxD and TxD signals).

Revision: 1.0.5 229

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR4 Technical Manual

Table 7-12: Configuration RS232 connector

Switch Switch Switch Switch RS RS RS Description

1 2 3 4 232 232 232
OFF OFF OFF OFF open open GND RS232 disabled
OFF OFF OFF ON TxD open GND RS232 output only
OFF ON OFF OFF open RxD GND RS232 input only
OFF ON OFF ON TxD RxD GND RS232 input/output enabled
ON OFF ON OFF RxD TxD GND RS232 input/output enabled
Pin 2/3 twisted

Switches 1 and 4 should never be ‘on’ at the same time, and neither should 2 and 3. For “normal” use
of the RS232 with a PC, 2 and 4 should be switched on.

The figure below shows the position of the dip switches inside the unit in relation to the RS232 port and
a larger image of the switch is shown for clarity. To change the position of this bank of dip switches, the
cover needs to be removed first.

Figure 7-50: FGR4 (left) and RS232 switch (right)

7.8.3 Changing the IP address via internal web-frontend of FGR4

If the FGR4 is not accessible by CVA-Grabnet tool it is also possible to access the configuration web
page via IP address of the FGR4 directly.

Table 7-13: Change IP address of FGR4 (Section 1 of 2)

Step Action Remarks

1 Start the web browser.
2 Enter the IP address Web page appears (see screen-
shot below)
e.g. “”.
3 Choose the menu item “Change IP Address”.
4 Enter the IP address.

230 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR4

Table 7-13: Change IP address of FGR4 (Section 2 of 2)

Step Action Remarks

5 Push the button “Submit”.
6 Make sure that the FGR4 module is powered OFF. Necessary for accepting and
activating the IP address.
7 Power up the FGR4 module.
Result The new address of the FGR4 is activated.

Figure 7-51: Welcome page [FULL]

Figure 7-52: Menu “Change IP Address” [FULL]

Revision: 1.0.5 231

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR5 Technical Manual

7.9 Framegrabber FGR5

For te description of the web-frontend of the FGR5

see  chapter 7.9 "Framegrabber FGR5" on page

IP address and login data of the web-frontend

The factory default IP address is:


The login data is:

User: admin
Password is only for authorized service.

7.9.1 Firmware update

The update procedure takes up to 10 minutes.

Device damage
Do not power off the module or do not interrupt power
supply while update is in process.

If a firmware update can be done, then perform following steps below:

• Step 1: Connect the network cable of the PC to a free network connection of the FGR5 or to the
internal FGR5 network.
• Step 2: Enter the IP address into the address bar of the browser. The web-frontend of the FGR5
will open.

232 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR5

Step 3
Press Menu-Item “Administration” 
A login is required.

Figure 7-53: FGR5 firmware update step 3 [TRIMMED]

Step 4
Press the button “Browse...” and select
the new file for update. Then press the
button “Update”.
Upload of the file begins. For the next 2
minutes the system will show no reac-

Figure 7-54: FGR5 firmware update step 4 [TRIMMED]

Step 5
Upload finished.

Figure 7-55: FGR5 firmware update step 5 [TRIMMED]

Revision: 1.0.5 233

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR5 Technical Manual

Step 6
Press Menu-Item “Administration” 
System Update has completed.

Figure 7-56: FGR5 firmware update step 6 [TRIMMED]

7.9.2 System update

The update procedure takes up to 10 minutes.

Device damage
Do not power off the module or do not interrupt power
supply while update is in process.

If a system update can be done, then perform following steps below:

• Step 1: Connect the network cable of the PC to a free connection of the FGR5 or to the internal
FGR5 network.
• Step 2: Enter the IP address into the address bar of the browser. The web-frontend of the FGR5
will open.

Step 3
Press Menu-Item “Administration” 
A login is required.

Figure 7-57: FGR5 system update step 3 [TRIMMED]

234 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR5

Step 4
Press the button “Browse...” and select
the new file for update. Then press the
button “Update”.
Upload of file begins.n For the next 2
minutes the system will show no reac-

Figure 7-58: FGR5 system update step 4 [TRIMMED]

Step 5
Upload finished.

Figure 7-59: FGR5 system update step 3 [TRIMMED]

Step 6
Press Menu-Item “Administration” 
System Update has completed.

Figure 7-60: FGR5 system update step 4 [TRIMMED]

Revision: 1.0.5 235

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR5 Technical Manual

7.9.3 Factory reset

Table 7-14: Factory reset

Step Action Remark

1 Connect the network cable of the PC to Make sure the PC used for configura-
a free network connection of the FGR5 tion is in the same network as the
or to the internal FGR5 net work. FGR5 module.
2 Enter the IP address into the address
bar of the browser. The web-frontend
of the FGR5 will open.
3 Enter menu item “Administration” 
“Factory reset”. A login is required.
4 Press the button “Factory reset”
Result The FGR5 has set to factory defaults. For commissioning, see  chapter
A commissioning is needed. 5.9.1 "Commissioning with web-fron-
tend" on page 156.

7.9.4 Auto adjust of the grab parameter

Only for non interlaced sources

An auto adjust of the grab parameter will not work with
sources in interlaced mode.

Requirements to the image source

An image source without black left and right edges is
needed. Otherwise the edges of the image is not recog-
nized correctly.

236 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR5

If you want to perform an auto adjust of the VGA parameters, you have to perform following steps:

• Step 1: Connect the network cable of the PC to a free network connection of the FGR5 or to the
internal FGR5 network.
• Step 2: Enter the IP address into the address bar of the browser. The web-frontend of the FGR5
will open.

Step 3
Press Menu-Item “Image” 
“Processing settings”.
A login is required.

Figure 7-61: Auto adjust 1. page [TRIMMED]

Step 4
Press the button “VGA auto adjust”.

Figure 7-62: Auto adjust 2. page [TRIMMED]

• Step 5: The message “Auto adjust is started. Please wait about 60 sec.” is shown at the end of the
• Step 6: After 60 seconds the main menu will be shown. The auto adjust is completed.

7.9.5 Manual adjust of the grab parameter

Corresponds the result of the “VGA Auto adjust” function not what you expected, you can also manually
enter the values.

Requirements to the image source

An image source without black left and right edges is
needed. Otherwise the edges of the image is not recog-
nized correctly.

Revision: 1.0.5 237

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR5 Technical Manual

If you want to perform an auto adjust of the VGA parameters, you have to perform following steps:

• Step 1: Connect the network cable of the PC to a free network connection of the FGR5 or to the
internal FGR5 network.
• Step 2: Enter the IP address into the address bar of the browser. The web-frontend of the FGR5
will open.

Step 3
Press Menu-Item “Image” 
“Processing settings”.
a login is required.

Figure 7-63: Manual adjust 1. page [TRIMMED]

Step 4
Enter the desired values in the fields
“Hor. adjust pxl” and “Pxl phase adjust”.

Figure 7-64: Manual adjust 2. page [TRIMMED]

• Step 5: Press the button “Store settings” at the end of the page.
• Step 6: Press the button “Reload configuration” at the end of the page.
• Step 7: Analyse the grabbed image. Corresponds the result of the grabbed image what you
expected, then the adjust is finished. Otherwise goto step 4 and modifiy the parameter.

7.9.6 Logfiles

Following settings have to be made to activate the logfiles:

FGR5 log Menu “Image”  “Processing settings”

238 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR5

SNMP log Menu “Network”  “Services”

SNMPTRAP log Menu “Network”  “Services”

If you want to look into the logfiles, you have to perform following steps:

• Step 1: Connect the network cable of the PC to a free network connection of the FGR5 or to the
internal FGR5 network
• Step 2: Enter the IP address into the address bar of the browser. The web-frontend of the FGR5
will open.

Step 3
Enter menu item “Information”  “Show
A login is required.

Figure 7-65: Log file 1. page [TRIMMED]

Step 4
Press the appropriate button to show the
corresponding logfile.

Figure 7-66: Log file 2. page [TRIMMED]

Revision: 1.0.5 239

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR5 Technical Manual

7.9.7 FTP-Access to FGR5

If you want to access to the FGR5 over FTP, you have to perform following steps:

• Step 1: Connect the network cable of the PC to a free network connection of the FGR5 or to the
internal FGR5 network
• Step 2: Open a FTP connection to the FGR5.

Step 3
Goto path /mnt/emmc/p3.

Figure 7-67: FTP Access path

PicClient.log FGR5 log

snmpd.log SNMP log
snmptrapd.log SNMPTRAP log
screenshot-<Device ID>- Current grabbed image of FGR5. Extension
<Channel ID>.ext depends on imagetype and compressiontype.
Extensions: “.bmp”, “.bmp.gz”, “.bmp.zip”, “jpg”
and “png”.

240 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance
Technical Manual Strategy if troubleshooting procedures are not successful

7.10 Strategy if troubleshooting procedures are not


In case an error cannot be located, please call the service department of INTERSCHALT maritime
systems GmbH:

Telephone +49 (0) 40 83033 - 191

Fax +49 (0) 40 83026 - 303

Email 247@interschalt.de

Please indicate the following details:

• Name of the technician

• Name of the service company
• IMO number of the ship (for the search in the database)
• Type designation
• Type of failure
• System's behaviour
• Version number of the last update (new update could eliminate bugs)
• Attendant circumstances
• Previous unusual incidents

Revision: 1.0.5 241

Troubleshooting, Repair and Maintenance VDR G4[e]
Strategy if troubleshooting procedures are not successful Technical Manual

242 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Dismantling and disposal
Technical Manual Disassembly dismantling

8 Dismantling and disposal

After reaching the end of the product useability, the product must be dismantled and an environmentally
responsible disposed.

8.1 Disassembly dismantling

1. Switch off the device completely

2. Remove all cables and connectors
3. Remove the device

8.2 Disposal

The unit respectively, the decomposed components shall be given to recycling. In disposal
and recycling please note the locally applicable regulations and rules.

Danger for environment due to improper disposal.

Correct disposal avoids negative effects on humans and environment and ensures recycling of useful

Bring the product directly to a specialized recycling company and do not use the municipal collecting
points. These may be used only for private used products according to the WEEE directive.

If you have no way to dispose the waste electronic equipment properly, please contact us concerning
return and disposal.

Revision: 1.0.5 243

Dismantling and disposal VDR G4[e]
Disposal Technical Manual

244 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual

9 Appendix

This chapter include the following content:

• Protocol about the status of the FGR4 (frame grabber)

• Mechanical drawings and technical data of the components
• Certifications

Pos. Type- Product- Description

number number
1 H105003A 105841 USB Data-Stick 64 GB
2 H108002 107087 FRM NEMO 2.0 32 GB - Maritime Recorder
3 H108001A 106203 FRM NEMO 2.0 64 GB - Maritime Recorder
4 H109001A 105849 VDR float free capsule Tron 40VDR
5 106364 Connectionbox FFC
6 H204001A 105843 Maritime Data Processor MDP2020
7 H205001A 105846 Interface Control Unit (ICU)
8 H305002A 1212035 Framegrabber FGR4
9 Protocol about the status of the FGR4
10 H307001A 107857 Framegrabber FGR5 P1020@667 MHz
11 H307002A 108112 Framegrabber FGR5 P1020@800 MHz
12 H307003A 108113 Framegrabber FGR5 P2020@1200 MHz
13 H401003A 106070 NMEA2net Interface RAL5002
14 H402001A 102162 Audio2net G4[e] - Microphone / Other Interface
15 H502001A 106540 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)
16 H603001A 102283 Lan-Adapter without Power
17 H603002A 102284 Lan-Adapter with Power
18 H604001A 105842 Microphone VCA004
19 H605001A 105840 Battery Module 9500 mAh
20 H605002A 106248 Battery Module 15300 mAh
21 H901001A 1241502 Keylock Switch 2 Layers
22 H901003A 106051 Keylock Switch 3 Layers
23 H902001A 102294 Microphone Box

Revision: 1.0.5 245

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Technical Manual

Pos. Type- Product- Description

number number
24 EC Type Examination (Module B) Certificate VDR
25 Statement of Conformity FGR5
26 DNV/GL Type Approval for Moxa-switches

246 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual USB-Datastick 64 GB

9.1 USB-Datastick 64 GB

Revision: 1.0.5 247

Appendix VDR G4[e]
FRM NEMO 2.0 32 GB - Maritime Recorder Technical Manual

9.2 FRM NEMO 2.0 32 GB - Maritime Recorder

248 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual FRM NEMO 2.0 64 GB - Maritime Recorder

9.3 FRM NEMO 2.0 64 GB - Maritime Recorder

Revision: 1.0.5 249

Appendix VDR G4[e]
VDR float free capsule Tron 40VDR Technical Manual

9.4 VDR float free capsule Tron 40VDR

250 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual Connectionbox FFC

9.5 Connectionbox FFC

Revision: 1.0.5 251

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Maritime Data Processor MDP2020 Technical Manual

9.6 Maritime Data Processor MDP2020

252 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual Interface Control Unit (ICU)

9.7 Interface Control Unit (ICU)

Revision: 1.0.5 253

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR4 Technical Manual

9.8 Framegrabber FGR4

254 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual Protocol about the status of the FGR4

9.9 Protocol about the status of the FGR4

Ensure that firmware version V1.12 is installed.

COM1_start.txt is the complete output of COM1.

After a correct start up of the FGR4 save the output
by using "File  Save Configuration as File".

U-Boot-1.1.3-ADI-2006R1 (Jul 16 2007 - 09:49:21)

CPU: ADSP BF537 Rev.: 0.2
Board: Sensor to Image CANCam
Clock: VCO: 600 MHz, Core: 600 MHz, System: 120 MHz
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Using MAC Address 00:0C:6B:80:01:39
I2C: ready
Press 'e' key to stop autoboot: 0
EEPROM @0x0 read: addr 01000000 off 50000 count 2097152 ... ..................
Instruction Cache is ON
Data (writethrough) Cache is ON
## Booting image at 01000000 ...
Image Name: uClinux Kernel and Filesystem
Image Type: Blackfin Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)
Data Size: 1574010 Bytes = 1.5 MB
Load Address: 00001000
Entry Point: 00001000
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
Starting Kernel at = 1000

Revision: 1.0.5 255

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Protocol about the status of the FGR4 Technical Manual

Linux version (user1@dev06) (gcc version 3.4.5 (ADI 2006R1)

) #104 Thu Dec 10 16:08:45 CET 2009

Blackfin support (C) 2004 Analog Devices, Inc

ADSP-BF537 Rev. 0.2
Blackfin uClinux support by blackfin.uclinux.org
Processor Speed: 600 MHz core clock and 120 Mhz System Clock
Board Memory: 32MB
Memory map:
text = 0x001000-0x125030
data = 0x13296c-0x167ebc
bss = 0x167ec0-0x1798ac
rootfs = 0x1d40000-0x1f00000
stack = 0x134000-0x136000
Command line: 'root=/dev/mtdblock0 ro'
Instruction Cache Enabled
Data Cache Enabled (write-through)
Hardware Trace Enabled
Built 1 zonelists
Kernel command line: root=/dev/mtdblock0 ro
Configuring Blackfin Priority Driven Interrupts
PID hash table entries: 128 (order: 7, 2048 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Physical pages: 1d40
Memory available: 28164k/31541k RAM, (50k init code, 1168k kernel code, 70k data
, 2816k dma)
Blackfin Scratchpad data SRAM: 4 KB
Blackfin DATA_A SRAM: 16 KB
Blackfin DATA_B SRAM: 16 KB
Security Framework v1.0.0 initialized
Capability LSM initialized
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
NET: Registered protocol family 16
Blackfin DMA Controller for BF533
CANCam_init(): registering device resources

256 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual Protocol about the status of the FGR4

JFFS2 version 2.2. (NAND) (C) 2001-2003 Red Hat, Inc.

Initializing Cryptographic API
io scheduler noop registered
io scheduler anticipatory registered (default)
io scheduler cfq registered
BlackFin BF533 serial driver version 2.00 With DMA Support
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 4096K size 1024 blocksize
Blackfin 537 mac net device registered.
uclinux[mtd]: RAM probe address=0x1d40000 size=0x1c0000
Creating 1 MTD partitions on "RAM":
0x00000000-0x001c0000 : "EXT2fs"
uclinux[mtd]: set EXT2fs to be root filesystem
m25p80 spi1.1: m25p64 (8192 Kbytes)
Creating 5 MTD partitions on "m25p80":
0x00000000-0x00030000 : "Bootloader"
0x00030000-0x00040000 : "HWConfig"
0x00040000-0x00050000 : "Config"
0x00050000-0x00250000 : "Image"
0x00250000-0x00800000 : "User"
m25p80 spi1.2: m25p64 (8192 Kbytes)
Creating 1 MTD partitions on "m25p80":
0x00000000-0x00800000 : "User2"
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 256 (order: -2, 1024 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
TCP reno registered
TCP bic registered
NET: Registered protocol family 1
NET: Registered protocol family 17
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 48k freed (0x126000 - 0x131000)
dma_alloc_init: dma_page @ 0x0021a000 - 256 pages at 0x01f00000
flatfsd: Created 15 configuration files (12349 bytes)
bf537_mac: hardware init finished
SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument

Revision: 1.0.5 257

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Protocol about the status of the FGR4 Technical Manual

cancamdrv V1.4 21.08.2009: (c) Feith Sensor to Image (email@feith.de)

BusyBox v1.00 (2009.11.17-17:36+0000) Built-in shell (msh)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
root:/> init cancam
programming FPGA: cancambf700.bin
341580 bytes written.
FPGA-ID = S2I / Version 1.1 - Matrix / FPGA Build: 2007/08/30timeout: 10
itime: 0
x_start: 0
y_start: 0
x_len: 1280
y_len: 1024
gain: 2
CANCam-BF Command Server Version 1.1.1 04.03.2011
Port: 4711
Library Build: 0026
Command Server waiting
start user_app ...
init cancam
sensor: 10
Avecs Version 1.1.5 10.09.2014
server_ip: C0A85FCD
server_port: 7096
grab_interval: 15
device_id: 1
always_reconnect: 0
reduce_bmp_file: 1
bit reduction: 4
PhaseAdjust: 0x00
RedGain: 0x00
GreenGain: 0x00
BlueGain: 0x00
RedOffset: 0x00
GreenOffset: 0x00
BlueOffset: 0x00
ClampPlacement: 0x05

258 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual Protocol about the status of the FGR4

ClampDuration: 0x3C
ClockGeneratorControls: 0xD4
PLLDivideRatioMSB: 0x87
PLLDivideRatioLSB: 0x00
Width: 68616439 [0x041700F7]
Height: 81788976 [0x04E00030]
DVIorAnalogControl: 0x00000000
0x20: 041700F7
0x24: 04E00030
0x28: 00000000
x_len: 1600, y_len: 1200
send picture
send picture
send picture
send data to slow 30.534351 packets per second.
end failed
close socket.
restart network
down eth0
Process returned 0
up eth0
bf537_mac: hardware init finished
Process returned 0
send picture

Revision: 1.0.5 259

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR5 P1020@667 MHz Technical Manual

9.10 Framegrabber FGR5 P1020@667 MHz

260 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual Framegrabber FGR5 P1020@800 MHz

9.11 Framegrabber FGR5 P1020@800 MHz

Revision: 1.0.5 261

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Framegrabber FGR5 P2020@1200 MHz Technical Manual

9.12 Framegrabber FGR5 P2020@1200 MHz

262 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual NMEA2net Interface

9.13 NMEA2net Interface

Revision: 1.0.5 263

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Audio2net G4[e] - Microphone / Other Interface Technical Manual

9.14 Audio2net G4[e] - Microphone / Other Interface

Revision: C (2016-07-28) AUDIO2net G4 [e] - VHF / MICROPHONE Interface

Type-No.: Artikel-No.:

H402 001A 102162

File name: H402001A_AUDIO2net_G4e_RevC_20160728.dwg

hierzu Platine / to this Printed Circuit

3 1+ 2- ON FO1
23 6


1 2

- +

LAN link act. LAN ID Reset

24VDC Power

Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4

Pwr NF Pwr NF Pwr NF Pwr NF
- + + - - + + - - + + - - + + - Terminal-Rail:
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
TS 35x15
or TS 35x7,5
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Mechanische Daten / Mechanical Data: Elektrische Daten / Electrical Data:

Abmessungen (HxBxT) / Dimensions (HxWxD) 125x125x60mm Spannungsversorgung / Supply Voltage 24VDC (+30% / -30%)

Gehäuse / Housing Combicon UM Leistungsaufnahme / Power Consumption 2W (without microphones)

Werkstoff / Material : Leistungsaufnahme / Power Consumption 6W (with 4 microphones)

Seitenelemente / Sideparts UM 108-SEFE/R (/L) ; Polyamid PA-F Leistungsaufnahme / Power Consumption 8W (with 4 microph. and Beep ON)

Strangprofil / Lengthprofile UM 108-PROFIL 100CM ; PVC Compass Sicherheitsabstand / Compass safe distance 0,30 m

Abdeckung m/Schrift / Cover w/Lettering Polycarbonat PC

Gewicht / Weight 0,300 Kg

Klemmen / Terminals Phoenix FKCT 2,5/4-St-5,08

Schutzart / Protection (EN 60529) IP 20

Umgebungsbedingungen / Environmental Conditions

Betriebs- / Operation Temperature : -15°C...+55°C (low humidity) Betriebs- / Operation Temperature : -15°C...+40°C (high humidity)

Standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 Zulassungen / Approvals : BSH, DNV/GL, CCS

264 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

9.15 Remote Control Test Panel (RCTP)

Revision: 1.0.5 265

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Lan-Adapter without Power Technical Manual

9.16 Lan-Adapter without Power

266 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual Lan-Adapter with Power

9.17 Lan-Adapter with Power

Revision: 1.0.5 267

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Microphone VCA004 Technical Manual

9.18 Microphone VCA004

268 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual Battery Module 9500 mAh

9.19 Battery Module 9500 mAh

Revision: 1.0.5 269

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Battery Module 15300 mAh Technical Manual

9.20 Battery Module 15300 mAh

270 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual Keylock Switch 2 Layers

9.21 Keylock Switch 2 Layers

Revision: 1.0.5 271

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Keylock Switch 3 Layers Technical Manual

9.22 Keylock Switch 3 Layers

272 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual Microphone Box

9.23 Microphone Box

Revision: 1.0.5 273

Appendix VDR G4[e]
EC Type Examination (Module B) Certificate VDR Technical Manual

9.24 EC Type Examination (Module B) Certificate VDR

274 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual EC Type Examination (Module B) Certificate VDR

Revision: 1.0.5 275

Appendix VDR G4[e]
EC Type Examination (Module B) Certificate VDR Technical Manual

276 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual EC Type Examination (Module B) Certificate VDR

Revision: 1.0.5 277

Appendix VDR G4[e]
Statement of Conformity FGR5 Technical Manual

9.25 Statement of Conformity FGR5

278 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual DNV/GL Type Approval for Moxa-switches

9.26 DNV/GL Type Approval for Moxa-switches

Certificate No:

This is to certify:
That the Peripheral Equipment

with type designation(s)

Ethernet Switches and Video Servers: EDS series, SPL series, SFP series, and VPort 351 series

Issued to
Moxa Inc.
New Taipei City, Taiwan

is found to comply with

DNV GL rules for classification – Ships and offshore units

Application :
Product(s) approved by this certificate is/are accepted for installation on all vessels classed
by DNV GL.

Location classes:

Temperature D
Humidity B
Vibration A
Enclosure Required protection according to the Rules
to be provided upon installation on board

This Certificate is valid until 2017-12-31.

Issued at Høvik on 2015-11-10

for DNV GL
DNV GL local station: Kaohsiung 'LJLWDOO\6LJQHG%\6QHHQ6WnOH
Approval Engineer: Andrzej Gdaniec 6LJQLQJ'DWHRQEHKDOIRI

Odd Magne Nesvåg

Head of Section

This Certificate is subject to terms and conditions overleaf. Any significant change in design or construction may render this Certificate invalid.
The validity date relates to the Type Approval Certificate and not to the approval of equipment/systems installed.

Form code: TA 1411a Revision: 2015-05 www.dnvgl.com Page 1 of 4

© DNV GL 2014. DNV GL and the Horizon Graphic are trademarks of DNV GL AS.

Revision: 1.0.5 279

Appendix VDR G4[e]
DNV/GL Type Approval for Moxa-switches Technical Manual

Job Id: 262.1-007927-4

Certificate No: TAA000006N

Product description
The units are classed and approved for 12V to 48V DC supply voltage.
The approved units are listed below:

Managed Ethernet Switches

EDS-828/728 series SFP-1G series EDS-408A series
EDS-G509 series SFP-1G20ALC EDS-408A-3S-ST-T
EDS-P510 series SFP-1G10ALC-T

Video server
VPort 351 series
Vport 351
Vport 351-M-SC
Vport 351-S-SC
Vport 351-T
Vport 351M-SC-T
Vport 351S-SC-T

Unmanaged Etherned Switches

EDS-200A Series EDS-P308 series EDS-G308 series
EDS-208A EDS-P308 EDS-G308
EDS-208A-M-ST EDS-P308-S-SC EDS-G308-T
EDS-208A-MM-ST EDS-P308T EDS-G205 series
EDS-205A EDS-P308-S-SC-T EDS-G205-T
EDS-208A-M-SC-T EDS-P308-SS-SC-T SPL-24 Series
EDS-208A-M-ST-T SPL-24
EDS-208A-S-SC-T EDS-305 series SPL-24-T
EDS-208A-MM-SC-T ESD-305-M12
EDS-208A-MM-ST-T EDS-305-M12-T

Form code: TA 1411a Revision: 2015-05 www.dnvgl.com Page 2 of 4

280 Revision: 1.0.5

VDR G4[e] Appendix
Technical Manual DNV/GL Type Approval for Moxa-switches

Job Id: 262.1-007927-4

Certificate No: TAA000006N

Optional Accessory
SFP-1FE series

Compass safe distance

Steering Standard
600 mm 700 mm

Place of manufacture
Fl.4, No. 135. Lane 235, Baoqiao Rd.,
Xindian Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan

The Type Approval covers hardware listed under Product description. When the hardware is used in
applications to be classed by DNV GL, documentation for the actual application is to be submitted for
approval by the manufacturer of the application system in each case. Reference is made to DNV GL rules
for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.9 Control and monitoring systems.

Type Approval documentation

Test file No. TL1316, Mariner Systems (UK) LTD., dated 29 June 2009
Technical Specification EDS-828/728 series
Technical Specification EDS-G509 series
Technical Specification EDS-408A/405A series
Technical Specification EDS-P510 series
Technical Specification EDS-305-M12 series
Technical Specification EDS-205A/308A series
Technical Specification EDS-P308 series
Technical Specification SPL-24 series
Technical Specification EDS-G205/208 series
Technical Specification SPF-1G series
Technical Specification SPF-1FE series
Technical Specification VPort 351 series

DNV Kaohsiung periodical assessment report for A-13392, dated 2015-10-27.

Tests carried out

Applicable tests according to DNV Standard for Certification No. 2.4, April 2006.
Applicable tests for protected equipment according to IEC 60945, 4th edition (2002), except for tests
8.12 Corrosion and 12.1. Protection against accidental access to dangerous voltages.

Form code: TA 1411a Revision: 2015-05 www.dnvgl.com Page 3 of 4

Revision: 1.0.5 281

Appendix VDR G4[e]
DNV/GL Type Approval for Moxa-switches Technical Manual

Job Id: 262.1-007927-4

Certificate No: TAA000006N

Periodical assessment
The scope of the periodical assessment is to verify that the conditions stipulated for the type are
complied with, and that no alterations are made to the product design or choice of systems, software
versions, components and/or materials.
The main elements of the assessment are:
 Ensure that type approved documentation is available
 Inspection of factory samples, selected at random from the production line (where practicable)
 Review of production and inspection routines, including test records from product sample tests and
control routines
 Ensuring that systems, software versions, components and/or materials used comply with type
approved documents and/or referenced system, software, component and material specifications
 Review of possible changes in design of systems, software versions, components, materials and/or
performance, and make sure that such changes do not affect the type approval given
 Ensuring traceability between manufacturer’s product type marking and the type approval certificate
Periodical assessment is to be performed at least every second year and at renewal of this certificate.


Form code: TA 1411a Revision: 2015-05 www.dnvgl.com Page 4 of 4

282 Revision: 1.0.5

How to contact us ...

Headquarter Manufacturer
INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH INTERSCHALT maritime systems GmbH
Osterbrooksweg 42 Eichkamp 15
22869 Schenefeld 24217 Schönberg
Phone: +49 40 83033‐0 Phone: +49 4344 307‐0
Fax: +49 40 8302617 Fax: +49 4344 307‐291
Email: service@interschalt.de Email: Steinsohn.Service@interschalt.de

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