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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Mother Nature’s

The Leaf Buds Have Appeared

By CR Larson
March 2011

“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer
is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors... This
generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall
not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But
as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be... Then shall two be in the field; and one
shall be taken, and the other left. Two ... shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come... be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye
think not the Son of man cometh.” (Matt. 24:32-44 )

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Purpose: This document was written so that busy family members could have, in a few short pages, a
library of reference materials they can use to research the events discussed there in. It was not meant
to alarm, predict, or make things different than they are – only to allow more people to become better
informed so they can make better choices.

“After your testimony cometh wrath and indignation upon the people.... the testimony of earthquakes,
that shall cause groanings in the midst of her, and men shall fall upon the ground and shall not be able
to stand.”
(D&C 88:88-89)

“Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of Hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with
storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.” (Isa. 29:6)

“And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there ... were voices, and thunders, and
lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so
mighty an earthquake, and so great... and every island flew away, and the mountains were not found.
And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent, and men
[cursed]... God because of the plague of the hail... [which] was exceeding great.” (Rev. 16:17-21)

“And he heard a loud voice; and the heavens were veiled; and all the creations of God mourned; and
the earth groaned; and the rocks were rent; and the saints arose, and were crowned at the right hand of
the Son of Man, with crowns of glory.” (Moses 7:56)

P.S: This document was written for family and friends and for non-profit use. If anyone is offended because of it, I
am sorry. I have only tried to present the truth as I see it. Thanks.

P.S.S.: Some of the images in the document may copywrited as are many of the articles and videos referred to.
Please do not use information from the document for other purposes without contacting the original owners.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Mother Nature’s Distress

The Leaves of the Fig Tree Have Appeared
By CR Larson, March 2011

Have you noticed the frequency of new volcanoes that have

erupted recently? Nasa’s hottest secret is that the earth’s
core is heating up, and so are all the other planets in our
solar system. It is not because of CO2 (Greenhouse Effect is
a cover story), but rather because of the universal energy
increase. Watch this to gain more insight: Interplanetary
Climate Change NASA’s Hottest Secret:

In 2012, global temperatures, magnetic intensity will be

between 5.5 and 10.5 on the VADM scale, which will cause a
strong increase in the radiant energy and melting of the polar
ice and collapse of the ice caps, which will be followed by a period of global cooling.

The earth’s core heating up has caused a series of volcanoes to become active. Scientists are now
watching volcanic activity much more closely. In fact, a team of engineers devised a new system that
monitors sulphur dioxide emissions as well as seismic activity1. While one volcano erupting, or even
several frequently erupting doesn’t herald the coming
of the Lord, the totality of volcanic activity, combined
with the suddenness of some of them, the increase in
earthquakes and other natural disasters, the
appearance of rare earth phenomena indicates that
God may be speaking in one of his signature
languages: the combined voices of earthquakes,
storms, fire and brimstone in many volcanic eruptions.
With his reference in Isaiah to Israel/Jacob as being
people of Sodom and Gomorrah, our minds are
pointed to a time with the Lord punished Israel with
burning fire balls of sulphur (brimstone) which has a
distinctive ‘rotten egg’ smell; an event that is
prophesied to happen again in our near future.

To help quantify the answer to the question as to whether or not volcanic eruptions are on the rise, we
can refer to statistics collected by the Smithsonian Institute, which has been tracking them for some
time. According to the “Global Volcanism Program” data2, the average number of annual eruptions of
volcanoes during the years 1850 to 1910’s was 20 to 30; with only 30 to 40 volcano eruptions occurring
each year during the 1910’s to 1940’s. This average rose to 58 per year during the 1980’s and 1990’s.
During the years of 2000 to 2010, the average rose to 65 per year. Scientific data shows a definite
increase in volcanic activity.

2, Jan 24, 2011, last update.
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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

This graph, obtained online3, was created using data collected from the Smithsonian Institute.

As Isaiah predicted “the Lord will execute judgment by fire and by His sword on all flesh” (Isa. 66:16).
Brimstone, the language of God is being thrown upon the earth from north to south, in all hemispheres,
from high volcanic mountain tops to deep oceanic crevices. Are we noticing?

As in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, when

“the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; And he
overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the
ground”. (Gen. 19:24-25)

When [as punishment for disobedience] covenant curses were given to Jacob/Israel during the time of
“the LORD shall separate him unto evil out of all the tribes of Israel, according to all the curses of the
covenant that are written in this book of the law: So that the generation to come of your children that shall
rise up after you, and the stranger that shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of
that land, and the sicknesses which the LORD hath laid upon it; And that the whole land thereof is brimstone,
and salt, and burning, that it is not sown, nor beareth, nor any grass groweth therein, like the overthrow of
Sodom, and Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim, which the LORD overthrew in his anger, and in his wrath: Even
all nations shall say, Wherefore hath the LORD done thus unto this land? what meaneth the heat of this great
anger? Then men shall say, Because they have forsaken the covenant of the LORD God of their fathers, which
he made with them when he brought them forth out of the land of Egypt: (Deut. 29:21-25).

So it will be in our time. First God will plead against us with pestilence, and fire and brimstone, then He
will destroy the wicked among us.

Ezekiel 38:22 And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon
him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain,
and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

In our day, after the testimony of the prophets comes before the destruction by fire and brimstone:

“But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city. “
(Luke 10:12). “Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible
tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.” (Psalms 11:6) “And thus I saw the horses in the
vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and
the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke
and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and
by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.” (Rev. 9:17-18) “The Lord hath a sacrifice in
Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea (or the world) .... For it is the day of the
LORD'S vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion. And the streams
thereof shall be turned into pitch, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shall
become burning pitch.” Isaiah 23:8-9

Volcanoes that are expected to explode in 2011 or 2012

Mount Caldera, Yellowstone, Wyoming’s supervolcano,
has been exhibiting ominous rumblings. Hundreds of
earthquakes rippled through Yellowstone National Park,
WY in late December and early January 2009.
Beginning Dec 26, 2009, a much more powerful swarm
of quakes shook the area, the strongest were felt by
visitors, including one with a magnitude of 3.94 During
March 2011 Yellowstone experienced , A plume of hot
and molten rock has been seen rising fast, and the
volume of molten lava underneath indicate a large
explosion could constitute an extinction level event
(ELE). Harmonic tremors, which are known to be precursors to an eruption have begun. The cap
above the molten lava (which keeps it under ground) has decrease significantly in the past 50 years.
Caldera, located at Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, last known eruption: 1050 BC.
Sometimes called the Yellowstone Supervolcano, located in the northwest corner of Wyoming, it
measures about 34 miles by 45 miles. It is believed that it lies on top of an area called a hotspot, where
light, hot, molten mantle rock rises towards the surface. According to scientists, the last full-scale
eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano happened nearly 640,000 years ago. Although scientists
have not seen recent activity, Lisa Morgan, a USGS researcher explored the thought that an
earthquake may have displaced more than 77 million cubic feed of water in Yellowstone Lake, creating
colossal waves that essential unsealed a capped geothermal system leading into the hydrothermal
explosion that formed Mary Bay.
In 1992 the 7.3 magnitude
Landers earthquake in California’s
Mojave Desert that triggered a
swarm of quakes from more than
800 miles away altered the activity
of many geysers and hot springs
for several months afterwards.
Geoscientists in the area are now
monitoring the relatively sudden
appearance of the hotspot in the
Yellowstone Plateau, which
measures on average a decrease

4, Jan 2009, by David Shiga
“Yellowstone quakes raise explosion fears.”
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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

of .6 inches yearly, as an indication of changes in magma chamber pressure. The upward movement
of the Yellowstone Caldera Volcano floor, almost 3 inches each year between 2004 and 2008, was
more than three times greater than has ever been observed since such measurements began in 1923.
Mount Hood, Oregon, is considered the Oregon volcano most likely to
erupt, though an explosion is unlikely. The odds of eruption in the
next 30 years are estimated between 3 to 7 percent.

Scientists are now pointing toward a near-term eruption of Iceland’s

giant volcano, Katla, which has potential of being even a larger
threat then Mount Eyjafjallajokull.

Comets, Meteors, Fireball Events
By CR Larson

Many people wonder if a large mountain/asteroid would ever actually hit the
earth as predicted in Revelations. Some have hypothesized that the
language was rhetorical, meaning something else. I believe the language
is referring to actual falling stars, mountains (asteroids), and very large
mountains, as described. Recently, scientists have admitted that the earth
is being hit regularly by smaller asteroids that mostly burn up upon entry5;
however the news of them is kept mostly hidden or local. We personally
experienced the terror and excitement of have a large green fireball come
right over the top of us, lighting up the sky in every direction a brilliant
green, and one part of it exploding with a loud boom just before hitting the
ground only 20 feet to the right of our vehicle. I believe I haven’t ever been
so scared - my husband who was driving swerved very suddenly, and we
nearly had an accident. We were both scared, and as soon as we
recovered slightly, quickly hurried along down the highway, hoping to not
get nearly hit again. We consider it a kind act of providence that we weren’t
actually hit. We searched the paper and internet the next day for information about it, and although an
article was posted for a few hours online that early morning, it disappeared after a few hours, and never
reappeared thereafter. There were a few articles that mentioned it posted several days later, never
revealing what we knew – that it had landed near Flagstaff, in a large
explosive burst of light. After a meteorite hits the earth, the exact
location of the area that it hit is kept secret from the public, because
the government sends out teams of scientists to try to find the pieces
and analyze them. They often talk to the local folks of the area to try
to find more pieces, or pinpoint the location of the exploded pieces.
They know that if a meteorite does hit near them, some folks rush
immediately to the area, and try to find the pieces, and collect them
carefully (using gloves) and keep them in the garage because they
know that after a short while they will be able to sell them to someone
for a lot of money. But this protocol is fraught with the possible
problem of being infected with an unknown space virus, germs,
bacteria or other host, so maybe it is better left to the scientists.

Flashback: Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths and Very Close Calls, by Laura
Knight-Jadczyk, March 27, 2008.
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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Recent Asteroid Impacts on Earth (from Project Enoch and 2012)

This article discusses asteroids, and at the end talks about the one
coming in 2039.

A Russian Space agency is preparing to meet the Near Earth Object

Apophis Asteroid that will hit the earth in 2036. Article is discussed live
in St. Petersburg. in this article.

Here is another Live CNN Talk show segment discussing Apophis

885 Foot Asteroid on a collision course with earth

History Channel Apophis Asteroid 2029. Here the Asteroid is highlighted in the broadcast.

There was a light show up north recently – exploding meteorites.

This article has several video to watch and photos. What's up in
space? There were 1203 Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (over
100m and closer than .05 AU) as of March 3, 2011. Sunspot
timelapse. Solar image area (sunspot) AR1164; Feb 2011 Aurora
Gallery Photos.

If you wish, you may research some events that have happened
recently, the most recent were listed first.

Meteors, Meteorites, and Fireball Explosions That Happened Recently
(most recent first)

Northern Ontario had a Gas Pipeline Explode in Fireball, Feb 20,


Meteor fireball exploded over Netherlands on Feb 15, 2011

Signs of the Time

A Meteor was sighted Feb 15, 2011 over New Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania and Connecticut exploded article posted

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Large Fireball Sighted Over the East Coast Feb 14, 2011
A fireball in the sky confirmed a passing meteor near the
North Jersey-New York Area, reported near the
Philadelphia Navy Yard Facility.

A Meteor entered the area of Yellow Springs, Ohio, and

was photographed on Jan 14, 2011; Fireball Breakup
Here is a video of the 'gas explosion' from

This article Posted 2/11/2011 discusses that there have been four asteroids that struck the earth within
a year, and the Media covered it up.
4 Asteroids Strike the Earth Within a Year and the Media
Covers It All Up - labeled them as natural gas explosions; The
Allentown, Penn. explosion destroyed 5 houses, damaged
over 40 homes, left 5 dead, and blew a huge crater hole in the
middle of town. In San Bruno, CA there was also an
explosion. When meteor hits a town, it ruptures gas lines that
then explode. Mexico was left with a 100 foot crater in the
Ahuazotepec municipality, and was reported in South
America. The massive explosion broke out windows
kilometers away and made buildings sway, destroyed a

Meteorite Hits Mexico, Feb 11, 2010

Two asteroids hit the US on Feb 10, 2011
He discusses these are not the first.
(They discuss a few videos that could be ordered. Perhaps
we should.)

Last week we had the closest near-earth miss on record,

2011CQ1. It was discovered on Feb 4, 2011, just hours
before it made a record pass 14 hours later on Feb 4, (at
14:39 EST). It passed at the distance of .0001 AU. Here is
a link to the article:

A Deadly fireball exploded in Philadelphia, Jan 19, 2011
Watch video coverage here:

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Mystifying Oklahoma Meteor Struck Oklahoma on Jan 11, 2011

Bundle Up for the First Meteor Shower of 2011: Expected

to peak Monday night Jan 3, 2011
This article lists all the meteor showers that are expected
to hit the earth in 2011. It explains that meteor showers
are caused by debris that is shed by comets.

A dramatic meteor fireball exploded over Britain on

Wednesday night Dec 08, 2010

Another Fireball exploded over the Netherlands in Nov. 9,

2010, and exploded over the North Sea.

A Brilliant Fireball lit up the night sky above New Mexico and
Texas Sept. 21, 2010 at about 11:01pm (EDT) The fireball
was a burning small space rock, which carved a fiery trail
across the sky as it burned. People who were inside heard
and felt the sonic boom. Scientists determined it was indeed a meter. The fireball prompted many calls
to a TV newstation in Albuquerque, NM. It was described as a white fireball that was shedding sparks,
blazing like fireworks, with shining bright with red and yellow coloring; a dazzling event.

Meteor Exploded Over Canada, southern Ontario captured a

long-lasting meteorite fireball as it streaked across the skies.

Midwest Meteor Explodes on April 14, 2010. Many in the

Midwest saw a bright meteor light up the sky. Meteorite Hit
Wisconsin, originally the size of a small car, 75% of it burned
up when it entered the atmosphere. The pieces left were
spread over a very large area. Several pieces were found
by students.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Stunning Fireball Streaks Over Alabama March 19, 2010

A bright fireball caused by the a meteor on fire plunging into the earth’s
atmosphere at 11:19pm while flying over Alabama. Two NASA Cameras
recorded it in photos. It burned up while still about 20 miles above the

Enormous fireball exploded over the skies of Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic Feb 28, 2010

May 4, 2010: Recent Asteroid Impacts on Earth and the

Prediction of the end of the world discusses the meteor which
moved over the Rocky Mountains toward Canada in 1972, and
many others. Project Enoch and 2010,

Meteorite Sped Through St. Louis, Missouri on April 15, 2010
There was a meteor shower April 14th, 2010 and a web page has been set up called ‘I survived the April
14th meteor shower’.

Meteorite Lands in the front yard of Homeowner in Colorado April

1, 2010
An Asteroid was reported over Indonesia on Oct 8, 2009

Strange Fireball appears over Georgia November 28, 2010

A large fireball occurred on April 26, 2009 over Arizona and west central
New Mexico traveling east to west. It headed towards Flagstaff, at about
12:04am. This blazing green fireball zoomed right over the top of us as we
were traveling home from Ganado to Chinle in Hwy 191. One part of it hit
the ground to the right of our car in a field and exploded just before hitting.
We were both shaken very much, and hurried to get home, where we
thought we would be a lot safer, than in our car.
this one has videos of the actual meteorite
This is the Daily Suns Article that came out April 27, 2009
"A Ball with a big, long streak"
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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

May 16, 2006 Green Fireballs were seen over northeast Australia.

Meteor Hit the Earth and two fireballs exploded, Nov 14, 2006 ; see more at

Fireball exploded in sky near Chicago, March 28, 2003. People in

Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio saw the meteor break apart.

Near Earth Object Storm was created from real data
Interesting how the number of objects has increased dramatically.

These videos shows a Real-life meteor impact - close up

Holbrook, AZ had a meteorite fall on July 19, 1912. This website has photos of the meteorite pieces.

Coming Comet to Enter as NEAR EARTH OBJECT/
Possible ELE Event

Earth on Collision Course with a Huge Meteor

Here is an interesting article about the coming comet ELENIN

All the Planets in the Solar System are Changing. Article Feb 8, 2011
Saturn currently is enduring a huge electrical superstorm which erupted in the closing weeks of 2010, is
still going strong in February 2011. Astronomer Christopher Go recorded the storm in photos taken
from a satellite. Something similar is happening on Jupiter also. Now scientists have discovered similar
images appearing on satellite photos of the earth.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Solar Winds blast from Coronal Hole blasted planet Earth March 2, 2011

A Magnetic Storm is in progress. The solar wind stream hit Earth’s

magnetic field during the early hours of March 1st. Some photos were
taken of the sun with 'coronal holes', most likely caused because the
sun has been hit by numerous asteroids in the past few months. The
'coronal mass ejection' or CME hits earth's magnetic field creating
solar wind, and electro magnetic disturbance. A large on hit on Feb
18th, and was still able to be photographed Feb 21, 2011.

Dark Hole Sun: dense ionized wind streams burn’s Earth’s

magnetosphere Feb 2, 2011
A solar wind pouring from the large coronal hole in the Sun has hit
earth and caused the magneteosphere to become ionized. It is one of the largest coronal holes ever
seen on the earth-facing hemisphere of the Sun, and it is emitting a powerful black of proton particles
toward earth like a ray gun.

Dec 2010 ended with a Sundiving Comet Storm – An unprecedented flurry

of small comets dived into the Sun, may herald a much larger comet still to
The solar system is moving into a much denser region of space, causing
notable increase in the number of comets plunging through our solar
system. Dark comets, interplanetary comets and large unknown asteroids
could strike the Earth with little or almost no warning.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Strange Animal Death Events 2011-2010
Something is afoul and many more things stinketh.

Have you wondered where to find the stories – here are several links for your information.
“Suspicion Over Mass Bird and Fish Deaths Now Tops Google Search Trends”, says owner Paul J.
Watson Jan 3, 2011 – Indicating that the public wants more information about the subject.

March 4, 2001 – Miami, Florida – US officials are puzzled by a large

number of deaths of dolphins and manatees which died in Florida
waters in 2011, the second straight year of above-average deaths.
Officials are also puzzled by a surge in dolphin fatalities along the US
Gulf Coast. Of the 163 manatee deaths recorded from Jan 1 to Feb
25, 2001, 91 of them have been blamed on cold water temperatures
off the southern US state. Manatees live near the coastline, and
when weather turns cold they often shelter near springs or in warmer
turns cold, they often shelter near springs or in warmer discharge

March 3, 2011 – Agartala, Sipahijala Sanctuary, Wetlands

Conservatory, Calcutta, India – Animals deaths stump
caretakers. The sudden death of several animals on Feb
28, 2011 of an eagle, two owls, two kites, one small crane,
and two leopard cats surprised caretakers. Then this
morning, two night herons, one pond heron, one white-
necked stork, and one wildcat were found dead. The deaths
are not tied to Avian flu, nor did any of the animals have
known diseases. Attempts at diagnosis of the disease
responsible for the deaths have failed, and the sanctuary
has been closed to the public. They have also banned poultry feed for the birds and animals.

March 3, 2011 – Near Alton, Illinois - Hundreds of Dead

Fish Wash Ashore. Lots of fish are dying near Alton,
Illinois. A wildlife biologist with the US Army Corps of
Engineers says the mass die-off in and near the
Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary is something that
happens every year. Specialists say that this year has
been a long and cold winter, and although it has been
common for a small percentage of fish to die off during the
winter, this is a lot more than usual. And the water level at
the Bird Sanctuary is lower than usual, so people are more
likely to notice it this year. One of the species affected is
the Asian Carp, and the other is Shad, which bald eagles
flock to the Alton are each winter to feed off the ready supply of dead fish.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Feb 27, 2011- Sumatra, Indonesia – Hundreds of Chickens Drop

Dead - The Avian flu has returned. During the Global bird flu outbreak
in 2006 the H5N! virus spread quickly. Now hundreds of chickens
have died suddenly in Deli Serdang regency in North Sumatra,
Surakarta, West Java. Five people also displayed flu symptoms soon
after hundreds of poultry in their neighborhoods died. A mass culling
of infected fowl and H5N1 flu shots helped to contain the spread of
death. Local authorities and the World Health Organization are
working together.

Feb 21, 2011 – Banting, Malaysia – More than 100 head of cattle
were found dead at a farm in Sri Cheeding. The owner believed the
animals had been poisoned. He fed them at 5pm and two hours later
they were all dead. They were frothing at the mouth with blood
oozing out of their anus, and many were already dead, and those few
that were still alive, died soon thereafter.

Feb 20, 2011 – Wellington, New Zealand, More than 100 Pilot Whales died in a mass stranding at a
remote beach in New Zealand. Hikers found the whales beached on Stewart Island off the southwest
coast. Some of the whales were dead before being beached and
others died shortly thereafter, as there was not prospect of refloating
them. An incoming storm made it impossible for officials to get
equipment to the beach in time. Pilot whales are the most common
species of whale seen in New Zealand waters. Mass strandings are
common, in the country. Earlier in Feb, 14 died after being beached
near the South Island city of Nelson, and 24 perished in January
near Cape Reinga in the country’s far north. Scientists are unsure
why the whale beach themselves, they speculated it may occur
when their sonar becomes scrambled in shallow water.

Feb 21, 2011 – Sevastopol, Ukraine – Mass deaths of blackbirds in

the Crimea are puzzling Ukrainian scientists. Dozens of the migratory
birds have been found dead on the highway, along Kazachya Bay and
in other coastal areas. They probably flew from North Africa, where
no bird epidemics are reports. The first examinations by veterinary
center scientists suggest frost as a cause of death. A recent storm
brought heavy snow and frigid weather to the Crimea area. It is not
yet known if the mass bird deaths are connected to recent incidents in
the United States.
2011/02/19/; Many-blackbirds-found-dead-in-Ukraine/UPI-70691298137067/

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Feb 18, 2011 – Lake Erie, Wisconsin – Peculiar Geese Deaths

Baffle Wildlife Officials. Several dozen Canada geese have
recently died or become so sick they cannot hold up their heads,
fly or maintain control of their motor functions. They fall out of
the sky and have trouble staying upright, says the biologist.
Symptoms began manifesting first with mallards about two –
three week ago. Now, it’s mostly the geese we’re seeing. The
bulk of the problem seems to be in the Oregon area, in the
vicinity of open water near First Energy power plant, where birds
typically congregate this time of year. The warm-water
discharge from the plant often keeps that part of the lake from freezing. But the problems extend as far
east as Vermilion, Ohio, which is halfway between Snadusky and Cleveland. Four were found on a
thawed part of the Maumee River near downtown Perrysburg. Officials gather the sick ones and try to
help, but they have been picking up dozens of dead carcasses as well.

Feb 16, 2011 – Istanbul, Turkey – Mysterious Fish Deaths Fan

Villager’s Fears. Sudden and unexplained mass fish deaths in the
Black Sea region of Turkey have local residents worried about the
safety of their water supply and they are now calling officials to help
solve the mystery. Residents in the Mescitli Village in Gumushane
province first observed dead fish in the stream 15 days ago, and
thought they had died of natural causes. However, as the number of
dead fish rose, they became alarmed and notified officials. Dead fish
were found for two kilometers along the shore. Officials have
launched an investigation. Local residents believe the deaths are due
to pollution.

Feb 15, 2011 – Lincolnshire County, U.K. - Mysterious Death of Carp at City Lake is under
investigation – Local residents were stunned to fine hundreds of dead carp floating on the surface of
the City Lake. Residents attest to this as being a very unusual event.

Feb 12, 2011 – Toronto, Canada – A museum is investigating the

sudden death of thousands of bees in a glass-enclosed beehive
exhibit. Officials at the Royal Ontario Museum said 20,000 bees in a
biodiversity exhibit had died within two days last week, although they
had appeared healthy.

Feb 11, 2011 – Lake Charles, Louisana – Hundreds of birds were discovered on
Thursday morning. More than 100 birds were scattered across Lake Street, and
another hundred were found on Lincoln Road. The birds were identified as Tree
Swallows, a kind of bird that travels in tight flocks. The birds were flying eratically
and were likely struck by passing vehicles. There are a lot of reasons that birds die-
off. One person commented
that Lake Charles, LA is a cesspool of chemical factories and pollution.

Feb 6, 2011 – Shadow Lake, Metropark Fisheries, near Cleveland, Ohio River – Hundreds of Fish were
Found Dead In Metropark. Biologists are trying to figure out what caused the dead of hundreds of
stocked trout.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Feb 5, 2011 Sat. - Rotorua, New Zealand – Hundreds of

dead sparrows were found dead on a Rotorua central city
street. The woman who found the birds said she turned
around to find hundreds of them on the ground around the
base of a tall tree in the reserve near the entrance to the
Central Mall. There was a humongous pile of them, she
said. It was gross. So far, the local investigators do not
know the cause of their death. Rotorua District Council’s
regulatory manager said that they had reports of the dead
birds on Fri. Feb 4, and over Sat. and Sunday a contractor
for the council picked up approximately 300 dead sparrows.
Then Monday, when staff members were doing some mowing on the reserve, they found more dead
birds and picked them up. It is thought their death was tied to the stormy weather experienced over the

Feb 4, 2011 – Mato Grosso Do Sul/Amazon Region – Untold

thousands of marine animals were found dead floating in the
Amazon River and Florida. In Mato Grosso, large numbers
of painteds, pacus, golden fishes, cacharas, and even
stingrays are floating dead in the Rio Negro, one of the
largest rivers in the Amazon basin. EPA estimates that
several tons of fishes died. Biologists note the phenomenon,
considered to be of great proportion. According to
technicians the fish are dying putting their heads out of water
trying to obtain air, due to lack of oxygen in the water. The
deficiency is due to the large volume of ash, or poisonous
gases generated by decomposing matter.

Feb 24, 2011 – Biloxi, Mississippi – Dozens of

dead baby dolphins have mysteriously washed
ashore in Alabama and Mississippi in the latest
mass animal deaths. So far 28 corpses have been
found, ten times the usual number in the last
month. Scientists at the institute are carrying out
tests on the marine mammals in attempt to find the
cause of their deaths. Scientists have yet to find
out if there is connection between last years BP oil
spill, which happened during the dolphin’s breeding
season. The dolphin deaths are the latest in a series of mass animal deaths from around the world.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Feb 25, 2011 – Vancouver, Washington – The bald eagle

count on the Chehalis River dropped from more than 7,000 to
less then 400 over a few days during December. News
reports relate that starving eagles were ‘falling out of the sky’
in the Comox valley, on Vancouver Island. Rescue centers on
the Island have reported that the birds grew so weak from
hunger that they fell out of the trees, or they fly so clumsily
they hit things or crash into buildings. Normally, about 25,000
eagles flock to salmon rivers in the Pacific Northwest in the
fall, to feed on the carcasses of spawning salmon.

Feb 27, 2011 – Ascension Island, sits in the middle of Atlantic

Ocean – Large number of dead fish have been washing up onto the
beaches around the island. The same thing happened in 2008 at
the same time of the year. While they have not determined the
reason, they have given a ‘possibility that blooms of toxic algae can
cause a cascading intoxication along the trophic web.’ Another
hypothesis is that there may be a seasonal upwelling of events of
anoxic or hypoxic waters.

Feb 21, 2011 – Austin, Texas Coast, Dead Fish and Turtles Come
Ashore On The Texas Coast – More than 51,000 of them. Coastal
fisheries biologists suggests that the damage which impacted marine
life from Galveston to Brownsville could have been much worse. The
area was hit by a bad freeze in the first week of Feb, and in the second
week there was another freeze. It appears that more than 85% of the
impacted fish were non-recreational species, like silver perch, hardhead
catfish, and mullet. The fish caught for recreation purposes that died
were mostly black drum, with other species making up a much smaller
percentage. Based on early findings, the total number of fish impacted
will be more than during 2010 (51,000 fish died), in 2004 (35,000 fish
died), and in the 1997 (200,000 – 300,000 fish died) freeze, but lower
than the three freezes in the 80’s (1983 and two in 1989). The freeze
events in the 1980’s, were more than 30 million dead.

Feb 20, 2011 – Mara River, Kenya – It is thought that chemicals caused more
than 5 million aquatic animals, were killed at the confluence of the seasonal
MoyanRiver in Transmara following a heavy flood. Scientists say that the
sudden change of weather that resulted into heavy mist covering the water
surface, inhibiting fish and other animals that depend on the river from
breathing that might have been the cause of death. Scientists fear that the
chemicals might also kill hippos, crocodiles and other animals that drink water
from the river. Besides fish, a crocodile and hippo have already succumbed
to the effects of the chemicals.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Feb 20, 2011 – Stratford-upon-Avon, UK - Bird Flu fears after 16

Swan Deaths in Six Weeks.
Horrified bird lovers are wondering what killed 16 swans in just
six weeks. 30% of the population of swan has been wiped out
along the River Avon in Stratford-Upon-Avon. Wildlife experts
are calling for immediate tests on the dead bodies, and are
worried about the possibility that it may be the avian flu.

Feb 17, 2011 – ‘Concerning’ Mass of Dead Fish, and

Ducks Blankets Little River in Windsor, Ontario.
Thousands of dead shad and several dozen dead ducks
blanket the water’s surface, causing some alarm among
residents. Local resident, Mr. Schoebe, said he had never
seen that many dead fish before. When he got a little
closer, he realized there were several dead mallard and
merganser ducks floating among the fish. Usually there is
some shad die off, but not usually dead waterfowl too, said
local officials. Several geese carcasses, one merganser
and seven mallard duck carcasses will be sent to
Canadian Co-operative Wildlife Health Centre in Guelph for analysis.

Feb 17, 2011 – Huff Creek, South Carolina - More Dead Fish and Birds found in the U.S.
About 70 fish were found dead in Huff Creek, near Lockheed-Martin. State health officials are unsure
what is to blame. The PH in the water as well as oxygen levels seem to be normal.

Feb 11, 2011 – A Million or more Jelly Fish are Dead,

Washed up along the East Coast of Florida
Delray Beach Florida has thousands of washed up dead
and dying Portuguese Man ‘o War Jellyfish. Local
residents say they had never seen anything like it, ever.
Just the sheer number of dead jellyfish was daunting and
extremely rare. Other local residents and authors state
that the number is in the millions.

Feb 8, 2011 – Thousands of Dead Fish Washed up On Florida Shore!

The dead fish were found along the beach of Sebastian Inlet State Park
in Melbourne Beach, Florida on Friday. Florida officials believe the fish
died because of the lack of oxygen. Many more fish may die.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Feb 2, 2011 – Birds Fell from the Sky in Groningen, Netherlands –

Frozen birds fell from the sky.

Feb 1, 2011 – Pigeons Fall from the

Sky in Geneva, Switzerland. A
deadly virus is killing hundreds of
pigeons and turtledoves around Geneva, Switzerland, particularly
around the commune of Carouge. Health authorities advised people in
an alert published Jan 31, 2011 not to avoid spreading
the disease to other ones. Scientists believe that the
birds are not much of health nuisance, as they believe
that the virus, only affects pigeons and turtledoves.

Feb 1, 2011 – Mystery Illness Claims the Lives of 50 Peacocks –

A mystery illness has scientists wondering about why the peacocks are dying all
through the state. Scientists believe that that birds died because of pesticide
poisoning from eating seeds or crops in nearby fields. The birds were found dead
from Gir to Vadodara.

Jan 30, 2011 – Hundreds of dead fish were Found in North Fort Collins,
Colorado – More than 250 dead fish were found on a 150 feet stretch of
shoreline near an irrigation ditch just north of Willox Street in Fort Collins, CO,
Sat. The fish, which were mostly sucker fish with some brown trout were
discovered by Fort Collins. Local representative took some samples to send o
the lab.

Jan 30, 2011 – Kanpur, Etawah, India – Hundreds of Fishes, Turtles Die in
Etawah Pond.
Thousands of fishes and about a dozen turtles were found dead during the
past few days in Pakka Talab in Etawah. The fishes and turtles have been
dying since last week and the number is increasing gradually. Nature
specialists suspect poisoning as the reason for the deaths while residents blame the local body for poor
upkeep of the water.

Jan. 26, 2011 – Thousands of Penguins lay prostrate in

grief upon the icy tundra of the Antarctic. It appears that
the penguins are mourning the death of their chicks. The
photographer says he has years of experience
photographing the birds, and this scene makes him sic.
The Emperor Penguins appear to mourning, laying over
the bodies of their dead chicks, refusing to feed. He says
it is difficult to say how or why the chicks died. The
mothers wander aimlessly over the frozen turf looking for
their babies when they do get up.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Jan. 26, 2011 – Topsail Beach, North Carolina – Over 200 Brown
Pelicans Washed up on to Shore Dead. A taskforce of officials are
investigating, but have not determined the cause so far. The first
birds began washing up on shore in November 2010. The good
physical conditions of the birds suggests they were actively feeing
immediately prior to the time of death.

Jan 26, 2011 – Kalmaykay, South Russia, bordering the Caspian

Sea. Freak Weather conditions killed hundreds of endangered
geese. Snow and rain fell together, which in combination with
viciously low temperatures transformed the snow into a thick layer
of ice. The speed at which this happened created a nearly instant
ice shell which entombed the birds in a cocoon of ice.

Jan 20, 2011 – Dacono, Colorado – Mysterious Bird Deaths Investigated near Dacono, CO. Dozens of
European Starlings were found dead just off the I-25 highway. More than 100 dead birds were found,
and most were under the trees.

Jan 18, 2011 – Yankton, South Dakota. More than 300 Starlings were
found dead in downtown Yankton. Wildlife officials determined that
DRC 1339, a bird poison, is most likely the reason, said Lisa Brasel, a
Yankton Animal Control Officer. The US Government claims
responsibility for killing them.

Jan 13, 2011 – Athens, Alabama. About 300 blackbirds were found
dead along the highway just south of Athens, Ala. All of the dead
birds had clear signs of physical trauma, and it is thought they were
killed by traffic during a storm.

Jan 14, 2011 – Portage County, Wisconsin – 200

Cows were found dead on a farm. The cows were
thought to have died of phenmonia, but such
widespread cases are rare. Tests are still
underway to determine what is responsible.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Jan. 15, 2011, Northern Yellowstone, Billings, MT. Elk Herd

Suffers Major Decline. The elk herb took a major hit last year,
biologists say that one in four animals have disappeared. It is
thought their disappearance is due to hunting and the
reintroduction of wolves 15 years ago. Figures released Wed.
show the herd is down to a minimum of 4,635 elk, a 24% drop
from the prior year.

Jan 11, 2011 – Geyserville, California – More than 100 birds were found dead, clustered together just
off Highway 101. The brown and black feathered birds were intact, and did not seem to shot, frozen, or
injured. Scientists maintain there is no cause for alarm, as mass die-offs of wildlife happen regularly.6

Jan 11, 2011 – Thousands of young gizzard shad fish washed up dead
along the Chicago lakefront. A major die-off of fish, with Canada geese and
mallard ducks gulping down the dead or dying gizzard shad reveal a bizarre
scene, in what appears to be an event in the same class as what happened
in 2010 in Chicago harbors. Thousands of fish floating on the surface are
frozen in the ice of Chicago harbors, or floating around in open patches of
water. Gizzard shad are pretty sensitive to climate change, says a Lake
Michigan biologist. On the toughness scale the herrings are pretty soft.
Gizzard shad are more sensitive to drops in oxygen levels than most fish,
and thick ice came early to Chicago harbors in December.

Jan. 7, 2011 – Sarnia, Ohio, St. Clair River, north end.

– Officials are cleaning up hundreds of dead birds and fish. But they
maintain that it is natural occurrence, and not the result of a chemical spill.
The MNR and Environment ministry were alerted to the massive die-off of
gizzard shad last week. Officials are sure that it a common occurrence,
and are not worried.

Jan 6, 2011 – Thanet Coast in the United Kingdom – Tens of

Thousands of Dead Crabs have washed ashore. An
estimated 40,000 dead devil crabs, also known as velvet
swimming crabs have washed ashore dead for the third year
is a row. Scientists believe the cold weather is to blame for
the massive crab deaths.

Jan 5, 2011 – Stockholm, Sweden – about 50 Jackdaws were found dead in the street. Scientists say
that cold weather, starvation in the winter, and possibly fireworks stressed the birds. One local resident
noted that he suffers from rheumatism and noticed that there was ‘tremendous pressure on my body
exactly the same day that all the birds died’. He thinks the birds flew straight through a part of the
globe where the force was the highest. He believes it was due to a planetary event.;


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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Jan 5, 2011 – Murray, Kentucky. Hundreds More Dead Birds Fall From
the Sky. Several hundred blackbirds, grackles, robins and starlings
were found dead in the western part of the state. Tests were performed
on the bird and death by disease or poison has been ruled out. It is
thought they died of weather conditions or other natural event.

Jan 5, 2011 – Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. 2 Million

Fish Kill Reported. The Chesapeake Bay is the largest
estuary in North America. An estimated 2 million adult
spot and some juvenile croaker fish have been
reported dead from the Bay Bridge south to Tangier
Sound. Officials are blaming it on the colder water,
and said that the fish normally leave the bay before it
arrived, but didn’t. Adult Spot and Croaker Fish are
susceptible to colder water. The largest prior fish die-
off prior to this happened in Jan 1976, when 15 million
fish died.
Wonder if the Huge Fireball that exploded over Frederick, Maryland, Jan 3, 2011, had anything to do
with it?

Jan 4, 2011 – Faenza, Italy Thousands of Turtle Doves Dropped

from the Sky Dead, and were found hanging tragically from trees
in the town. Over 8000 dead birds have been picked up since
Jan 1 from Faenza, located about 30 miles southeast of
Bologna. Many that fell dead from the sky were discovered with
a mysterious blue stain in their beaks. The blue stain is believed
to be a sign of poisoning or hypoxia – lack of oxygen that is a
precursor to altitude sickness.

Jan 4, 2011 – Point Coupee Parish, Louisiana – About

500 red-winged Blackbird and starlings have fallen from
the sky in Louisiana. The discovery is about 300 miles
south of where thousands of the same species were
discovered just days earlier having fallen from the sky in
the middle of the night. Initial tests conducted revealed
that the birds suffered internal injuries that formed deadly
blood clots. Many things have been speculated as to the
cause, from intense high-altitude weather, such as
lightening or hail or fireworks.

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Jan 4, 2011 – Coromandel Peninsula Beaches, New Zealand

Thousands of Red Snappers washed up dead, with their eyes
missing. Officials are investigating the death of hundreds of
snapper that washed up dead on the beaches, with their eyes
missing. Boat operators saw ‘carpets of them floating on the
water’ as well. One official suggested they were starving, but
local residents say ‘that’s completely untrue. This was
something deliberate and it’s just wrong’. Officials warned
local residents the fish had been dead in the water for at least
12 hours and were unsafe to eat.

Jan. 2, 2011 – Evansville, Indiana – Thousands of fish were found

dead in the Evansville Lake, near Indian Woods Apartments. The
officials who looked at the fish down played it saying that it’s not
uncommon for the weaker fish to die after ice melts from a body of

Jan 2, 2011 – Paranagua, Brazil, 100 Tons of Dead Fish, Mostly

Sardines washed up on the beaches. Parana Online reports the
fish have also begun to appear along the coasts of Pontal do Ponta
do Parana, Guaraquecaba, and Antonina. http://www.parana-

Dec. 29, 2010 – Beebe, near Little Rock, Ark. - Tens of Thousands of Drum Fish died and washed up
along the Arkansas River. One day later 4500 Red-Winged Blackbirds fell dead out of the sky close to
midnight. The mystery can’t be solved, but they do have a theory as to what made hundreds of red-
winged blackbirds began raining down upon the town on New Year’s Eve, evoking images of the
apocalypse. The birds have poor night vision so it is unlikely
that a loud noise which heard just before they fell would have
caused them to take flight and cause them to fly into buildings or
trees, causing 4000 to 5000 birds to fall out of the sky just
before midnite. Autopsy tests ruled out bacteria, viruses, heavy
metals, pesticides, and chemicals as cause of death of the
birds, but revealed blunt-force trauma as the cause. The fish kill
stretched about 17 miles downstream from the Ozark-Jetta
Taylor Lock Dam, and included about 83,000 freshwater drum
and 1,000 other fish, including yellow bass, white bass, bluegill and sauger fish. Scientists say that kills
of this magnitude in this area are very rare, and they don’t know what caused the event.

Perhaps the animals were responding to coming earth changes? Nearly 60 small and moderate
earthquakes struck Arkansas since Feb 15, 2011, many of which are large enough to be felt.7

Nearly 60 Small to Moderate Earthquakes Strike Arkansas, Feb 18, 2011, Science Daily:
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November 15, 2010 – San Francisco Bay, California - Thousands of

Dead Jelly Fish Washed up on Ocean Beach.
More than 10,000 of the gooey invertebrates, each about the size of
a dinner plate, drifted onto the shore Friday evening where they died
shortly thereafter. The waters nearby shimmered with the bodies of
many more. Officials do not know what caused them to beach

Aug 15, 2010 – Nashville, Illinois - Hundreds of Dead Fish found

Floating in Pond – Right in the Middle of the City’ Public Park.
One author discussed how the stream that fed the pond travels
right past Elmer Oelze Jr. Oil LLC in Nashville, that is drilling for
natural gas just upstream from the lake.;

Worldwide Earthquakes have Increased
The outer shell of the earth has a number of plates which move against each other. Although
earthquakes can occur anywhere in the world, the most extreme earthquakes occur near the plate
boundaries. Powerful earthquakes can cause tsunamis to form, trigger volcanoes to erupt, and cause
terrible hurricanes and storms to erupt. The earth’s crust is in motion a lot, usually with 2.5 or smaller
earthquakes, which are not usually felt by humans. It takes 4.5 or above to begin doing damage. An
earthquake registering between 6.0 and 6.9 is considered to be fairly major. Above 7.0 much more
serious with larger areas damaged, which is directly relative to the number of building in the area. Loss
of life is also anticipated based upon population of the area hit. The 9.5 that happened in Chile 1960
did not result in a large loss of life; nor did the recent 8.8 in
Chile. Whereas the 7.0 in Haiti did. It is not beyond
possibility that a massive earthquake of 10.0 or 10.1 on the
Richter scale could be produced on the planet, with
extreme circumstances, which would most likely result in a
great loss of life. While earthquakes do not necessarily
determine the end is near, a sharp increase in the number
and severity might. Hal Lindsey, the world's best known
Bible prophecy teacher and author of 17 books on
prophecy, writes in one of his latest books:

Earthquakes continue to increase in frequency and

intensity, just as the Bible predicts for the last days before the return of Christ. History shows that the
number of killer quakes remained fairly constant until the 1950s - averaging between two to four per
decade. In the 1950s, there were nine. In the 1960s, there were 13. In the 1970s, there were 51. In the
1980s, there were 86. From 1990 through 1996, there have been more than 150. 1

Here is what the US Government provided 2011 for facts:

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Earthquake Facts and Statistics

The USGS estimates that several million earthquakes occur in the world each year. Many go undetected
because they hit remote areas or have very small magnitudes. The NEIC now locates about 50
earthquakes each day, or about 20,000 a year.

Number of Earthquakes Worldwide for 2000 - 2011

Located by the US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center
Magnitude 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
8.0 to 9.9 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 4 0 1 1 0
7.0 to 7.9 14 15 13 14 14 10 9 14 12 16 21 4
6.0 to 6.9 146 121 127 140 141 140 142 178 168 144 151 26
5.0 to 5.9 1344 1224 1201 1203 1515 1693 1712 2074 1768 1895 1944 301
4.0 to 4.9 8008 7991 8541 8462 10888 139171283812078122916801 10401 1238
3.0 to 3.9 4827 6266 7068 7624 7932 9191 9990 9889 117352903 4312 220
2.0 to 2.9 3765 4164 6419 7727 6316 4636 4027 3597 3860 3015 4576 288
1.0 to 1.9 1026 944 1137 2506 1344 26 18 42 21 26 36 2
0.1 to 0.9 5 1 10 134 103 0 2 2 0 1 0 0
No Magnitude3120 2807 2938 3608 2939 864 828 1807 1922 18 25 4
Total 2225623534274543141931194 30478295682968531777* 14820* 21467* 2083
231 213571685 33819228802880036605 712 880111790 226729 150

Starting in January 2009, the USGS National Earthquake Information Center no longer locates
earthquakes smaller than magnitude 4.5 outside the United States, unless we receive specific
information that the earthquake was felt or caused damage.

Number of Earthquakes Worldwide for 1990 - 1999

Located by the US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center

Magnitude 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
8.0 to 9.9 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 1 0
7.0 to 7.9 18 16 13 12 11 18 14 16 11 18
6.0 to 6.9 109 96 166 137 146 183 149 120 117 116
5.0 to 5.9 1617 1457 1498 1426 1542 1318 1222 1113 979 1104
4.0 to 4.9 4437 4335 5128 4999 4518 8003 8756 7903 7303 6972
3.0 to 3.9 2517 2990 4692 4326 5041 5151 4923 4513 5945 5605
2.0 to 2.9 2364 2925 3066 5393 5371 3842 2391 2400 4091 4201
1.0 to 1.9 474 801 886 1170 779 645 295 388 805 715
0.1 to 0.9 0 1 3 9 17 19 1 4 10 5
No Magnitude5054 3863 4072 3997 1944 1826 2186 3415 2426 2096
Total 16590164841952421476193712100719938198722168820832
520563210 3920 100961634 7980 589 3069 9430 22662

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Here is what they didn’t want you to discover : Frequency of earthquakes over 7.0 mag.

As you can see the frequency has dramatically increased since 1994 to 2006.
Frequency: For earthquakes of a magnitude 7.0 or above, the trend is much more dramatic:


--------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------
1863 to 1900 incl 38 yrs 12
1901 to 1938 incl 38 yrs 53 Reference list 1901 to 1938
1939 to 1976 incl 38 yrs 71 Reference list 1939 to 1976
1977 to 2014 incl * 38 yrs 156 (to Sept. 2010) predict >190 in total. Reference list 1977 to date

Graph above provided by DL Research. - 8

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

In this graph, made from data obtained from USGS, the frequency of worldwide earthquakes in the 2.0
to 4.9 magnitude are also increasing dramatically. USGS explanation of this effect is that there are
more stations now than in the past, therefore more are being detected. This is only a partial
explanation, since their data shows that the frequency of earthquakes in the 0 magnitude to 2.9
magnitude category seem to be stable, which should also be increasing. Clearly, the numbers are
being manipulated by their own account, they will no longer track the smaller earthquakes that occur
worldwide, which causes those numbers to look more stable, but in fact the data is being ignored. They
also no longer record two earthquakes if one happens right after another one in the same area on the
same day. One can only speculate how much more data is skewed or ignored.
Swarms of Earthquakes in the Yellowstone area Noted
Jan 18, 2010 – The Denver Post. “Yellowstone National
Park has been rattled by more than 250 earthquakes in the
past two days following a period of 11 months of quiet
seismic activity in the park. The quakes have been gaining
strength with a 3.1 tremor recorded at 11:03 am today. A
2.9 quake was recorded at 12:38pm.” According to a
geophysicist at the University of Utah, earthquake and
volcanic activity at Yellowstone is a ‘notable swarm’, and
was located about 10 miles northwest of Old Faithful, WY
and 9 miles SE of West Yellowstone. As of 3 pm Jan 18th
270 quakes had been recorded in the past 48 hours. This
is one more is 80 earthquake swarms since 1995.9 By Jan
25, 2010, one author stated the area had experienced
more than 1000 small earthquakes10.

“Yellowstone Hit by Swarm of Earthquakes, by Howard Pankratz, for the Denver Post, posted 1/18/2010. Read the article here:, modified March 4, 2011. Another Article “Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm: Latest
Supervolcano Update”, Jan 4, 2009, by James Pethokoukis is informative. Read at this link:

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Mother Nature’s Distress March 2011

Jan 19, 2011 – National Geographic News.

Yellowstone National Park’s Supervolcano
continues to experience swarms of smaller
earthquakes, and the land has now swollen
up, causing the land above it to bulge up,
some places have risen up as much as 10
inches, according to scientists. The
simmering volcano has produced major
eruptions in the past and is now showing
signs of erupting again. Scientists think that
that a swelling magma reservoir four to six
miles below the surface is causing the
bulging. Although the scientists continue to
assure the public they don’t think it will erupt,
it is known that ground deformation suggests that magma is moving toward the surface before an
eruption. The flanks of Mt. St. Helens swelled dramatically in the months before it exploded in 1980.11

Feb 12, 2011 – Alert – Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm Happened Again!

Watch this video for more information:

March 2, 2011 Yellowstone Supervolcano and Utah Had Several Small Earthquakes


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