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Laoag City


Data Center College of the Philippines envision itself as one of the leaders in tertiary education in the country consistently producing graduates who are able to participate
actively in local, regional, and national development and who will be globally competitive to find employment here and abroad.

Pursuant to its vision, Data Center College of the Philippines is committed to nurture its physical, socio-cultural, and moral potentials of its students for their total
development as human beings, and to provide them with relevant and quality education in their fields of specialization to enable them to pursue competently their chosen
profession with honor and dignity.

Institutional Objectives
An unwavering advocacy for the rights of its students for quality and relevant education, Data Center College of the Philippines has adopted the following objectives:
1. to promote a culture of life-long learning;
2. to provide adequate and state-of-the-art instructional materials and facilities;
3. to developed globally competitive graduates who can help address the needs and problems of the region; and
4. to employ qualified and competent faculty members and to continuously motivate them to upgrade their qualifications.

Objectives of the Bachelor of Elementary Education Program

1. Equip teachers with mastery of content and pedagogical skills to enable them to pass very satisfactorily in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).
2. Develop desired qualities of an effective teacher who is gender sensitive and environment conscious.
3. Produce relevant and innovative instructional materials for effective teaching.
4. Conduct continuing non-formal education and other relevant extension activities for the improvement of life in the community.
I.Degree Program: Bachelor in Elementary Education
II.Course Code: Con.
III.Course Title: Geography and Natural Resources of the Philippines
IV.Credit Units: 3
Total Number of Hours: 54
Total Number of Hours per Week: 3

V.Course Description:
This course focuses on the identification, production, and utilization of educational media.

VI.Course Objectives
At the end of the course, the learners are expected to:
1. Trace the development of education under the different era and the corresponding educational technology used;
2. Define educational technology and explain in a semantic web its relationship with other aids and terms used in the teaching-learning process;
3. Give the roles and functions of educational technology;
4. Identify the different visual symbols and give the strengths and weaknesses of each;
5. Identify the different audio media and give their uses in facilitating the teaching-learning process;
6. Discuss the uses of the chalkboard and other display materials;
7. Identify three-dimensional instructional materials and demonstrate their uses;
8. Give the important features of the computer as an important aid to teaching;
9. Prepare and present a multimedia presentation on a specific lesson and a grade level; and
10. Ascertain the considerations in starting and evaluating an educational media center.

VII.Course Content

Learning Contents Time Expected Outcomes/Values Teaching Instructional Evaluation

Allotment Formation Strategies Aids Techniques
PRELIM 18 * to know the nature of geography Photocopied Written output
Nature of geography as hours to understand the nature of geography Expository materials
science as humanities Lecture
Subdivision of geography
Importance of geography to explain the whole picture of the Group
Philippines as location size and shape. discussion
Shape and Size
Importance of its location
Shape and size.

To explicate the different concept of

Climate climate, temperature, humidity,
Elements of climate pressure and typhoon.
Concept of temperature
Rain system

MIDTERM 18hours Explain the origin of the Philippines Lecture Handout Class
Land reforms and region Describe the region of the entire Demonstration Participation
Origin of the land forms of Philippines Insight Sharing Quizzes
the Philippines Group Work Group Outputs

FINALS 18 hours Discuss the legal basis of Group Sharing Ppt Presentation Class
Legal bases of Philippine Philippine natural resources. Class Participation
natural resources Discussion Quizzes
fundamentals stator Group Group Output
provision. Presentation
Philippine natural
Water, forest, and mineral. To know the different kinds of
natural resources of the Philippines

VIII. Course Requirements

1. Quizzes
2. Written group reports/outputs
3. Authentic instructional material
4. Major examinations

IX. References

De leon, HS. Textbook on the Philippine Constitution. Rex Printing Co. Inc. QC, 2002
Salita DC Heograpiya at mga likasan yaman nf Pilipinas . jmc, press. Makati City , 1997.


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