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REZIA ROSE PAGDILAO Subject Teacher: Ruth A.

Tumaneng BSE-Major in Social Studies Science,

Technology and Society
1st year/ Block-12

Lesson 3: Exercises
Questions For Reflection
1.) Trace the development of Science and Technology from the pre-colonial times up to
present. What have you observed?
 Here's the development of science and technology from precolonial period up to the
800-1300 CE
a. indigenous clocks and feedback mechanisms were developed
b. Chinese developed eyeglasses
a. Modern printing press
b. first parachute
16th century
a. first compound microscope
17th century
a. basic thermometer
b. study of magnetism
c. invention of telescope, microscope, barometer
d. Isaac's three laws of motion
18th century
a. Binary system
b. first steam engine
c. invention of sextant, pyrometer
19th century
a. invention of first battery, papermaking machine, electric generators
b. theory of the conservation of energy
20th century
a. invention of electric clothes washer, mechanical television, refrigerator, radar
b. astronauts walk on the moon
21st century
a. invention of vacuum cleaning robot, 3D TV
b. electronic voting
c. Quantum computing
d. Supercomputers
I've observed that the early inventions are still the inventions using up to nowadays. The
technology that we have now are very innovative devices and really helps people in their
everyday activities. Because of this invention, our work became simpler as time goes by
because the technologies that we have now are already upgraded of what we have during the
precolonial period. Also, the things developed on the early years are the reasons why
discoveries of our times became possible.

2.) What do you think are the major contributions of science and technology to Philippine
 The major contributions of science and technology to Philippine nation-building is
associated to its socio-demographic development and industrialization. Technology plays
an important role in wealth creation, improving quality of life and real economic growth
and change in any society.
There are no lives our society without science and technology today. This the
reason why we called our generation as a modern time by the day to day changing of
science and technology, where it made our works becomes easier. From arm to bed,
everything is there because of science and technology. We don’t notice that our life
totally depending unto them. Without them our life will be boring. Technology becomes
a very important part of our lives today. In the past few years, technology has changed in
many ways and is probably without a doubt it is better than ever before. People are
always trying to find something new that will improve our lives. Some of the creations
that have really changed our life are the computer, telephone, internet and electronic mail,
television, cell phone and voice mail. Today, there is no work which cannot be done
without the assistance of machines and there is not a single area of human activity where
machines don’t have to be used. No one can deny the fact that gadgets have not only
simplified our lives but also made them more comfortable and luxurious. Science and
technology play a significant role in the rise or building up a nation because when people
are educated, they become masters of everything and thus this gives an important rise in
the society. nowadays life with technology is impossible for the youths they are strongly
addicted to it. and thy learn many new things and pass on to others they are good users as
well as bad users. science is one of the most important channels of knowledge. It has a
specific role, as well as a variety of functions for the benefit of our society, creating new
knowledge, improving education, and increasing the quality of our lives. Science must
respond to societal needs and global challenges. The role that science and technology has
played in improving the life conditions across the globe is vivid, but the benefit has to
been harvested maximum by all countries. Science and technology have made life a lot
easier and also a lot better with the advancement of medicines and analysis on diseases.

3.) What specific government policy do you like the most in terms of contributing to the
development of science and technology in the Philippines?
 Science and technology policy are one of the public policies that promotes appropriate
funding to advance scientific and technological research and education, studies the
impact of science and technology upon its citizenry, and prescribes regulation, if
The specific government policy that I like the most is Physics, Engineering and
Industrial Research, Earth and Space Sciences, Mathematics. Because, this policy
encourages our scientist for innovation in technological advancement for the purpose of
the public. Advancement in technology would somehow solve some of the issues like
insufficient electrical distribution in all region and more.

4.) What do you think are the major contributions of the Philippines to the field at present?
This are the major contributions of the Philippines to the field of Science and technology
at present:
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
● Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
● Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
● Philippine council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research
Development (PCAARRD)
● The National Engineering Center (NEC) was first established on January 29, 1978 as
the research arm of the University of the Philippines College of Engineering.
● The Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) was established as the principal
research arm of the Philippine government.
● National Integrated Research Program on Medicinal Plants (NIRPROMP)
- Mandated to distribute inexpensive medicine to the poor
- Propagate the use of herbal preparations with proven medicinal efficacy
- Identify scientifically validated medicine to improve the pharmaceutical industry

5.) What policies do you want the government to implement in the near future?
 We cannot determine what our future holds, however, I want the government to make
education FREE for all who wants to study in a preparatory, elementary, high school and
college. This includes all, particularly books, uniforms, shoes, and the needs in school
and implements as early as 16, each individual will own a house which they can move in
right after school but staying with a guardian, or they are at their legal age and married.
They can work for the cost of this house right after they finished school and began paying
taxes. The taxes they paid for 4 years is enough for them to fully owned a house. Special
task and policies will be given for those disable or has terminal diseases. I would also ask
the government to allow everyone - no age limit, with or without experience, to work in
any company and the companies who would discriminate the abilities of anyone won't be
able to continue their business and immediately ask to stop their operation. This is to
lessen the number of street kids, uneducated and lessen the number of crimes for
everyone will be able to get a job. I would want for them to implement the increase of the
salary doubled every year but should let them pay their taxes regularly for the next
generation to experience the same.

Using your own words and without relying on any textbook or dictionary, please define
 Development- is a process of an advancement or it is a process of growing

Lesson 4: Exercise
Questions for Reflection:
1. How is technology a mode of revealing?
 First, the essence of technology is not something we make; it is a mode of being, or of
revealing. This means that technological things have their own novel kind of presence,
endurance, and connections among parts and wholes. They have their own way of
presenting themselves and the world in which they operate.

2. In your daily experience of technology, what else is revealed to you aside from its
 We all use technology on a daily basis, and while using it, certain things are revealed to
us as we enjoy its seemingly infinite number of functions.

3. Why should technology be questioned?

 Technology should be questioned because humanity has a history of developing
inventions for the sake of money, power, and glory. We must challenge technology to set
boundaries concerning our personal life. Because when technology mingles with our
privacy, details about each individual can be used against them. Naturally, this will result
into chaos.

4. How is questioning the piety of thought?

 For questioning is the piety of thought.” Heidegger's “The Question Concerning
Technology” can thus aptly be described as a comprehensive attempt to interrogate the
idea of technology in order to gain an understanding of the essence of the thing, rather
than merely understanding it as an instrument or a means.

5. How does art provide a way out of enframing?

 Art provides us with a way out of enframing by bringing us closer to poieses and further
away from techne. Art activates human sensitivity if it even exists in an individual. The
use of imagination and actually seeing things the way they are is part of poieses. Modern
technology, on the other hand, challenges everything in its desire to prepare for the
future, in other words, it destroys and disrupts the natural world. It is now part of our life
causing it to be an enframing factor in it. To get away from it from time to time and
indulge in the arts reacquaints us to our past reality that is increasingly being forgotten

Activity: Pick a work of art that you feel best reveals technology. Reflect and discuss among
yourselves how the artwork describes and reveals technology. Ground your discussion from the
concept learned in this chapter.
From Classic, to Vintage, to Abstract

The Mona Lisa needs no introduction, save for the fact that she is rendered in circuit boards at
this exhibit in Beijing.  This is possibly as unique as the original painting; it is a masterpiece in its own
right.  Benton, the happy robot, can trace his lineage back to an old trolley fare box.  What looks to be
an enormous Faberge egg is in fact a circuit-board sculpture placed as street-art near Stanford
University.  This genre of art isn’t going anywhere, and we can expect to see much more in the years to

Lesson 5: Exercises
Questions For Reflection

1. Why must we change out paradigm of growth and consumption to that of “de-
 We must shift to a paradigm of growth because we don't want our country or an
organization be deteriorated with state of dis-improvement and anything would fall to a
hopeless situation. The de-development would cause one to be disabled with
opportunities, growth, and success.

2. Why are the terms de-development, de-growth, and zero growth seemingly unacceptable
to the usual framework of human progress?
 Because it means limit to growth or no growth/learning at all, it is a sort of insult to an
individual whom you will describe as de-growth and zero growth. De-growth activists
advocate for the downscaling of creation and utilization the compression of economies
contending that overconsumption lies at the foundation of long haul ecological issues and
social disparities. Key to the idea of de-growth is that diminishing utilization does not
require individual martyring or a reduction in prosperity.

3. How have we been

enframed by the notion of
 We are enframed by the
notion of growth in the
world of science because
of the advancement
and development in
the field of advancement.
We were all amazed at the
advances that we never
thought would be
possible, but because of
science, it happened. For
example, the economic
growth of a country is now measured through its advancement in technology and how
these would help its countrymen. This notion encompasses our belief that growth is
connected with advancement.

4. How do we improve our lives and yet reduce consumption?

 Discipline and control of self desires Like save anything that is necessary like money,
food, etc. This will improve our lives through less consumption.

5. What are the similarities and differences between Heidegeger’s The Question Concerning
Technology and Hickel’s article?
 There’s a computer scientist named Jaron Lanier who often gripes that the tech sector
misses the human factor in a lot of ways, and Heidegger would agree. The idea is that
technology is a means to an end, and we get problems when we start treating technology
as an end and forget that the tools are supposed to serve people, not the other way around.

Activity: Watch the video clip titled The Magician’s Twin: CS Lewis and the Case against
Scientism. Reflect on the notions of development that may evolve into scientism. Take note of
your thoughts on the video clip with the following guide questions.

1. What is scientism?
 Lewis to expose the fallacies of scientism and evolution and to promote the
reasonableness of Intelligent Design. Based on a book of essays, THE MAGICIAN'S
TWIN is a very good series, done on a small budget that shows real science points to the
God of the Universe.

2. How is science comparable to magic?

 C.S Lewis compared science to magic in three ways. According to him, the two ideas of
science and magic are being in the way that they are able to function as an alternative
religion in their encouragement of a lack of skepticism and in their quest for power.

3. Why is science more dangerous than magic?

 Science is far more dangerous than magic because magic fails. If it does not work then,
people could not use it to control the world while science has the potential that you really
can’t control the people. If you find the right charge, the right treatments, you can
manipulate them. In science, you don’t have any other way of protecting what you are
doing and so it becomes dangerous.

4. Why is the presented essence of modernity and its consequence?

 The essence of modernity is that “nothing is sacred.” Its consequence includes the
human person. When modernity happens, there will be no distinctions between
individuals or humans between animals and vegetables and all other non-human

5. What do we need for the sciences to be good?

 C.S Lewis agrees that science is good but we must know how to control it. Firstly, we
need to know and understand that limits of science. We must know what we should and
we should not do. Secondly, C.S Lewis suggests that scientists may learn to rescue
science from scientism creating a regenerate science that respected human rights and
dignity a science that is no longer be the magician’s twin.

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