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Delayed ettringite IP 11/01

in-situ concrete

Keith Quillin
BRE Centre for Concrete Construction

Ettringite is commonly Its gradual formation in the This Information Paper,

formed at early ages in cooled, set concrete can which is mainly concerned
concrete cured under lead to expansion and with in-situ concrete,

ambient conditions; this is cracking in a process identifies circumstances in

not damaging to the known as ‘delayed which DEF may cause
concrete. But if the ettringite formation’ (DEF). problems.
concrete was subjected to It can take up to 20 years
high temperatures during for cracking to become
curing, ettringite formation apparent.
may be delayed.

The mineral ettringite is commonly formed at Ettringite can also form as a result of the interaction
early ages in Portland cement concretes that between the cement paste and sulfate ions from the
have been cured under ambient conditions. environment in a process known as sulfate attack.
Guidance on the design of concretes for exposure to
Ettringite formed under these conditions is not
external sulfates is given in BRE Digest 363.
damaging to the concrete. However, there are
circumstances where ettringite formation can DEF-induced damage is not a common
lead to expansion and cracking of the concrete. phenomenon in in-situ concrete. There have
Where the concrete has been subject to been relatively few confirmed instances in the
elevated temperatures during curing, either as UK, and these have been linked to high peak
a result of externally applied heating to temperatures and high alkali levels in the
accelerate strength development or in large cement. However, it can take up to 20 years for
concrete pours where significant heat cracking to become apparent.
generated as a result of cement hydration This IP is mainly concerned with DEF in in-
cannot readily be dissipated, ettringite situ concrete. It draws on available research
formation may be ‘delayed’. Its gradual findings and practical experience to identify
formation in the cooled, set concrete can lead circumstances under which DEF may be a
to expansion and cracking in a process known problem and provides guidance on the
as delayed ettringite formation (DEF). avoidance of DEF-related problems.

constructing the future


Background Delayed ettringite formation

Large pours/mass concretes Theory
According to Neville [1] the term ‘mass concrete’ can be Although research conducted into DEF has, in general,
applied to any concrete member in which the thermal focused on heat cured concrete, much of this work can
behaviour, arising as a result of the dimensions of the also be applied to mass concretes. Ettringite , C6AS3H32,
member, may lead to cracking if appropriate action is not is a normal product of the early stages of cement
taken. Concrete Society Digest No. 2 [2] considers a mass hydration under ambient conditions but does not form in
pour to be one of sufficient size to demand special concretes where the temperature (either as a result of
attention to logistical and technical considerations, such applied heat or from heat evolved internally from the
as: hydration process) exceeds about 70°C. Such
● concrete supply; temperatures may also destroy any ettringite already
● casting sequence; present. Ettringite will, however, slowly form after
● cold joints; cooling provided sufficient water is available. Ettringite
● plastic settlement; formation leads to an increase in the total solid volume of
● heat of hydration; the cement and can be an expansive process. If there is
● early age thermal cracking. insufficient space within the paste structure for ettringite
to form, internal stress, expansion and cracking may
Although it is not generally realistic to define large occur. However, the actual mechanism for DEF is not
volume pours in terms of dimension or volume , special clearly understood (see Box 2).
considerations may be required in relation to heat of
hydration for pours thicker than 500 mm [2]. Factors leading to DEF-induced damage
Using large volume pours can lead to savings in cost The delayed formation of ettringite is likely to occur in
and time arising from the reduction in the number of most Portland cement concretes that have been
joints. The elimination of joints also removes potential subjected to elevated temperatures (irrespective of the
cracks and zones of weakness and can therefore improve source) and where water is available. However,
durability. expansion and cracking due to DEF occurs only rarely
Technical issues that should be considered for large and can take several years to become apparent. There
pours are discussed in detail in CIRIA Report 135 [3]. appear to be a number of conditions that must be satisfied
Thermal crack control is discussed in CIRIA Report 91[4]. for expansion to occur as a result of delayed ettringite
There is also a series of reports produced under the formation in concrete. These are summarised as follows:
Hetek research programme of the Danish Road
Directorate [5] dealing with the control of early age Box 1 Heat generation through cement hydration
cracking in concrete. The main reactions can be simplified and summarised as follows*:
Reaction Enthalpy of hydration
kJ/kg pure clinker material
Causes of temperature rise during hydration
The hydration of Portland cement (PC) and of other 2 C 3S + 6 H → 3 C H + C 3S 2H 3 520
hydraulic cements is an exothermic process (see Box 1) 2 C 2S + 4 H → C H + C 3S 2H 3 260
causing a temperature rise in the concrete dependent
C 3A + 6 H → C 3A H 6 910
upon the cement type, content and fineness [6].
Other factors contributing to the temperature rise in C 3A + C H + 1 8 H → C 4A H 19 1160
mass concrete include: C 3A + 3 C S H 2+ 2 6 H → C 6A S 3H 32 1670
● size and geometry of the pour; C 3A + C S H 2+ 1 0 H → C 4A S H 12 1140
● type of formwork and insulation;
C 4A F + 2 C H + 4 H → 2 C 3 ( A , F ) H 6 420
● initial mix temperature;
● ambient temperature; The total heat output on hydrating a given cement will therefore
● the presence and temperature of existing adjacent depend on its phase composition and the availability of water. The
pours; main phase in Portland cement, and consequently the one
● cement and addition* content. contributing most to heat evolution, is C3S.
About 50% of total heat evolution can occur within three days of
Harrison [4] and Bamforth [2] discuss these factors in detail hydration under normal conditions although the rate of hydration will
and give guidance on the control of temperature. also depend on composition. C3S and C3A can hydrate comparatively
quickly; C2S and C4AF hydration is slower.
The rate of heat evolution from hydrating cements in which PC has
been blended with additions such as pulverized fuel ash (pfa) or
* eg pulverized fuel ash (pfa) and ground granulated blastfurnace slag (ggbs) may be slower than in PC
ground granulated blastfurnace slag (ggbs) itself as the addition components, at ambient temperatures at least,
hydrate more slowly than PC.

* Cement chemistry notation has been used:

C = CaO, A = Al2O3, S = SiO2, S =SO3, F=Fe2O3
Box 2 Theories for expansion through DEF Temperature
There are currently two main theories for the processes causing ● The maximum temperature during hydration is
expansion through DEF: probably the single most important parameter in
determining susceptibility to DEF. The risk of DEF-
● Ettringite recrystallises at aggregate-paste interfaces or at other
defects within the microstructure and expansion occurs due to the
induced expansion increases with temperature. The
resulting pressure of crystal growth. temperature must generally exceed about 70°C for
● Ettringite formation in the paste leads to (weak) expansion. This DEF-induced expansion to occur, although more
causes spaces to be formed around aggregate grains. Ettringite then conservative temperatures of 65°C or even 60°C have
recrystallises in these spaces, although this process in itself is not also been given. However, the critical temperature is
considered to cause expansion. dependent on the nature of the cement and in many
Based on the available (sometimes conflicting) information, it is cases expansion does not occur unless the peak
impossible to determine if either of these theories is correct: both temperature exceeds 80°C – 90°C. In mass concretes
have support. The second theory is supported by the observation of the temperature in the core will exceed that at the
empty peripheral cracks around aggregate particles in field surface. There will, therefore, be a potential for DEF-
samples [7]. Cement pastes have also been found to expand slowly [8]. induced damage if the core temperature exceeds the
However, in other cases cracks around aggregates have formed part critical temperature and if water or moisture is
of a continuous network of cracks running across the paste with
available, even if the surface temperature does not.
localised ettringite formation in cracks and air voids, supporting the
● Thermal gradients during hydration may lead to fine
first theory [9]. It is possible, however, that both mechanisms could
cause expansion with the relative importance of the two processes
cracking that could accelerate the rate of DEF-induced
depending on the extent of existing cracks and defects and on the deterioration. Other mechanisms leading to fine
nature of the cement - aggregate interface. cracking, such as freeze-thaw damage, could also be
A backscattered electron image and an X-ray map showing relative contributory factors.
levels of sulfur in a rapid hardening Portland cement (RHPC) concrete ● The risk of DEF-induced damage is reduced as the
that showed DEF-induced expansion under laboratory conditions time taken to reach the peak temperature increases.
(cured at 100°C for 10 hours followed by 5 years in water at 20°C) ● The risk of expansion will increase with the length of
are shown in Figure 1. The sulfur map shows enhanced
time (for a period of up to a few days) during which the
concentrations following lines of cracking around aggregate particles
temperature exceeds the critical temperature.
due to the presence of ettringite.

Composition Exposure conditions

● DEF-induced expansion may be initiated (or ● Water or moisture from an external source is required
accelerated) by some initial cause of expansion or for the reactions to occur, both as a medium for ion
weakness (particularly at the paste-aggregate bond). transport and as a reactant in the formation of
The aggregate type and grading is important in this ettringite. The availability of water will affect both the
respect. For example, concretes made using alkali- rate and the extent of expansion. Concretes that have
reactive aggregates, where ASR can initiate cracking, been exposed to elevated temperatures and
may be more susceptible to DEF-induced damage subsequently stored in water or in saturated air in
than those made using limestone aggregates (although laboratory experiments have been found to expand
DEF-induced damage can occur where limestone and crack over a period of months. However, a
aggregates have been used). The strength of the paste continuous source of water is not required. Longer
aggregate bond may be a crucial factor. timescales occur in field concretes than in laboratory
● The use of pfa, low alkali sulfate resisting Portland concretes and these may, at least in part, be due to the
cement, ggbs or silica fume may mitigate or prevent concretes only being intermittently wet.
the adverse effects of DEF. ● Time is an important parameter; the expansion caused
● Air content and porosity of the concrete can affect the by DEF shows an initial dormant phase followed by a
degree of expansion: susceptibility falls as the air period of accelerating expansion, then a deceleration
content and porosity increase (although this may be stage, leading to an S-shaped expansion curve. The
offset if the permeability to water also increases. rate of expansion is strongly dependent on the
● The chemical composition of the cement is a key availability of water.
factor (see Box 3).

Figure 1
Backscattered electron image and X-ray map
(showing enhanced sulfur concentrations
following lines of cracking around aggregate
particles) for RHPC concrete cured at 100°C for
10 hours followed by five years in water at 20°C
● The average ambient temperature. The formation of UK incidences of DEF in large concrete pours
ettringite after heat cure is temperature-dependent Hobbs [13] gives details of isolated UK cases of expansion
and is accelerated by an increase in temperature [7]. and cracking in in-situ concretes owing to DEF; 23 cases,
However, there is no data to quantify the temperature including abutments, wing walls, bridge beams and
dependence. foundations have been identified. They are of large
section (at least 600 mm) and were made using a high
Box 3 Cement compositional factors cement content (~500kg/m3). Hobbs has estimated that
The susceptibility to DEF-induced expansion has been linked to a the peak temperature in these concretes was between
number of cement compositional factors. However, these are by no 85°C and 95°C. Equivalent Na2O levels were at least
means clear cut and are based on broad correlations between the 0.9%. They were cast during the summer months and
extent of expansion after heat treatment under laboratory conditions
were subject to moist or wet exposure. The cracked
at 90°C – 100°C. The following points summarise the cement
sections were often placed on concrete pours cast 24
compositional factors affecting the risk of damage due to DEF and
are mainly from papers by Taylor [10], Lawrence [8] and Kelham [11].
hours earlier. In some cases it had previously been
● A significant sulfate content is required and there is a broad concluded that ASR was the cause of cracking, with DEF
correlation between expansion and the sulfate level. Expansion is being diagnosed only on re-examination.
particularly marked at sulfate levels of about 4% although it has been In general, cracking occurs when the periphery band
suggested [7] that cements with sulfate levels in excess of 2.5% SO3 width around more than about 70% of the coarse
may be susceptible. There may also be a pessimum SO3 (at about 4%) aggregate particles is greater than 15 µm [14]. DEF-
above which the expansion falls with increasing SO3. induced expansions in excess of about 0.3% are required
● Alkalis play a major role. They may act through weakening the
to produce visible cracking [14].
bond between the cement paste and a siliceous aggregate, or by
affecting the chemistry of ettringite formation or both. A threshold
level for Na2Oeq of about 0.83% has been proposed [10] although Pre-testing and diagnosis
other work [7] has suggested that there is no minimum level of
equivalent Na2O required for expansion. Increasing the alkali level also Pre-testing to determine the potential for DEF
increases the pessimum sulfate level. The Duggan test, in which the expansion of a concrete is
● There is some correlation between the degree of expansion and the measured after a thermal cycling, has been proposed as
MgO level of the cement where the peak temperature has exceeded an accelerated test for concrete durability [15]. This test
90°C. MgO (periclase) hydration may lead to some initial expansion involves several thermal-drying and re-wetting cycles
which could act as an initiator for subsequent expansion due to DEF. followed by expansion measurements. DEF has been
The threshold value for MgO has been reported to be as low as 1%.
identified as the major cause of expansion in the test [15].
● For cements that differ only in fineness, expansion increases with
the specific surface area (SSA) of the cement.
However, the test has been criticised on the grounds that
● The degree of expansion depends on the levels of C3A and C3S. the conditions involved are too severe and that it
Since C3A is the main source of alumina in Portland cements, it is to indicates that concretes that have not demonstrated any
be expected that the formation of ettringite, and any subsequent expansion over long periods in service have the potential
expansion, will depend on its availability (sulfate resisting cements do to be highly expansive. Further validation is therefore,
not appear to be susceptible to DEF). C3S is thought to influence the required to establish the viability of this technique in
stability of ettringite at high temperatures although the mechanism for determining the risk of DEF-induced expansion.
this is unclear.
It may be possible [16] to determine the potential for
The following expression has been suggested [11] as a means of
expansion from microanalysis of the C-S-H gel. If certain
estimating DEF-induced expansion as a function of cement
composition following curing at 90°C for 12 hours:
threshold levels for SO42- and aluminate ion
Exp(90°C) = 0.00474 SSA + 0.0768 MgO + 0.217 C3A + 0.0942 incorporation into the C-S-H gel are exceeded, it is likely
C3S + 1.267 Na2Oeq – 0.737 ABS[SO3 that the potential for expansion will be high. This
– 3.7-1.02 Na2Oeq] – 10.1 method, which was developed using mortars rather than
where ABS is the absolute value of the term in square brackets. concrete, uses the average Al/Ca and S/Ca ratios of the
C-S-H gel one day after heat curing to identify samples in
Note: Na2Oeq = Na2O + 62/94 x K2O which expansion will occur. The results are plotted on a
Most studies on the effects of alkalis on DEF-induced expansion
graph of S/Ca against Al/Ca – see Figure 2. Mortars
have been carried out on small-scale specimens stored in water
giving points above the dotted line (in the shaded area)
and some loss of ions from the pore solution could have
occurred. The apparent threshold values observed under these
were generally found to be expansive. Those in the
conditions may therefore be too high when applied to unshaded area generally showed no expansion.
circumstances in which leaching is not likely to be significant. This method may provide a means of predicting the
However, it has been suggested [12] that DEF may be triggered dimensional stability of concretes. However, further
by a reduction of the alkali hydroxide concentration in the pore validation is required before it can be confidently
solution of the concrete. In small-scale water-stored laboratory recommended as a diagnostic tool.
specimens, this could occur as a result of leaching. But, as The susceptibility of concretes to DEF could also be
significant leaching is unlikely in mass concrete, ASR may
assessed by measuring expansions of laboratory
reduce the alkali hydroxide concentration and trigger DEF. The
specimens after controlled heat treatment and storage
equivalent alkali threshold level given in this IP is consistent with
limited data from field concretes.The role of alkali hydroxides in
under water. However, the time to the onset of the
DEF needs further investigation. expansion in these conditions may exceed a year.

Avoiding DEF-induced damage

It is clear from the discussion of the causes of DEF that
there are a number of possible approaches to minimising
expansion and cracking arising through DEF.
● Controlling the peak temperature (and the length of
time during which the concrete remains at or close to
this temperature) during hydration.
● The use of pfa, low alkali sulfate resisting Portland
cement or ggbs may be effective means of preventing
DEF. Silica fume may also be effective. (However, only
a limited amount of research has been carried out and it is
possible that expansion is delayed rather than prevented due
to the reduced rate of water ingress arising from the low
permeability of pfa, silica fume and ggbs concrete.)
● Limiting cement composition (see Box 3).

It may also be possible to limit or prevent DEF-induced

expansion in susceptible concretes that have been
Figure 2 Plot of S/Ca against Al/Ca for C-S-H in mortars one day subjected to elevated temperatures by limiting or
after heat treatment. preventing the ingress of water through the use of
From Lewis, Scrivener & Kelham [16] appropriate coatings.

Identification of DEF in deteriorated concrete Secondary factors which affect the rate or ultimate
DEF-induced damage can occur slowly in comparison extent of expansion
with other degradation processes – see Box 4. The rate of A number of factors appear to affect the rate of DEF-
damage depends, amongst other factors, on the availability induced expansion and which may, under some
of water. Concrete in which expansion through DEF has circumstances, initiate expansion. (These factors may
occurred often contains uniform bands which often influence the rate of DEF – and consequently the risk of
contain ettringite around the aggregate particles damage within a given timescale).
(although the generality of this observation has been ● The nature of the aggregate. There is evidence to
questioned). These ettringite bands increase in width suggest that, for given conditions, concretes made
with the size of the aggregate particle. Cracking may be using alkali-reactive aggregate may expand more
very limited where DEF has occurred and surface rapidly than equivalent concretes made using non-
concrete may still appear to be strong [8]. alkali-reactive aggregates and cement pastes [18]. This
It has been suggested that cases of DEF have been may be due to the occurrence of initial expansion
wrongly attributed to the alkali-silica reaction [17]. through alkali silica reaction.
However, the pattern of internal cracking induced by ● Other processes leading to cracking, such as freeze-
ASR is very different from that induced by DEF. thaw cycles may accelerate DEF-induced expansion.
● An increase in ambient temperature on exposure can
accelerate the rate of ettringite formation and may
Box 4 Time to first cracking consequently increase the rate of expansion and
The time before visible cracking occurs depends on a number of cracking [7].
factors associated with the type of cement, concrete mix design, ● Specific surface area of cement (this may also affect the
curing conditions, design detailing and level of workmanship and
ultimate degree of expansion and possibly whether
exposure environment. However, Hobbs has given the following ages
expansion occurs at all).
before cracking first appears for different deterioration processes
based on site investigations: ● w/c ratio.
Delayed ettringite formation: 2 – 20 years (8 – 20 years in the UK) ● The relative humidity of the concrete, and the
for field concretes. Expansion and frequency and duration of periods of wetness. Water is
cracking can occur within months required for DEF to occur.
under laboratory conditions. ● Carbonation (this will affect only the outer layers of a
Plastic cracking: A few hours mass pour).
Thermal contraction cracks: 1 day – 3 weeks ● The use of air entrainment may reduce expansion.
Drying shrinkage cracks: < 1 year
Freeze-thaw: 1 year or 10 – 20 years
Cracking due to
moisture-sensitive aggregate: <1 year
Cracking due to steel corrosion: 8 years or more
Alkali-silica reaction: 1 – 6 years
Controlling DEF-induced damage Increasing risk of DEF
Temperatures of above about 85°C may be sufficient to
No risk of DEF cause DEF-induced damage in concretes made using a
There should be no risk of DEF-induced damage if one or wide range of cements. The risk of expansion occurring
more of the following applies: will increase:
● The concrete is not exposed to external water or ● As the peak temperature increases above 85°C.
moisture at any stage. ● As the time increases for which the temperature
● The peak temperature in the concrete is below 60°C. exceeds 85°C .
● The SO3 content of the cement is less than 2.5% ● As the specific surface area of the cement increases
Rationale (particularly above 350 m2/kg).

● Water is an essential ingredient of ettringite formation so expansion Where the temperature exceeds 85°C, the risk of
will not occur without the concrete being intermittently or expansion will increase with SO3, MgO and Na2Oeq
continuously wet. levels in the cement (as well as other parameters) and
● No expansions have been observed after exposure to temperatures there will be a high risk of expansion where one or more
of below 60°C but expansion can be induced by heat cycling [19] of the following thresholds are exceeded (see Box 5).
● No expansions are observed where the cement SO3 < 2.5% [7]. ● SO3 > 3.6%
● MgO>1.6%
Very low risk of DEF ● Na2Oeq>0.85%
There will be a very low risk of DEF-induced expansion
where the temperature of the concrete remains below The risk of expansion can be assessed using the empirical
70°C irrespective of the cement composition. relationship derived by Kelham [11] and given in Box 3.
Rationale Rationale

● 70°C is the generally quoted lower temperature required for DEF to ● Lawrence [8] concluded that 16 hours heat curing at 85°C led to
occur. No expansions have been observed at 70°C or below based similar long term expansions as 3 hours at 100°C.
on available laboratory data and field studies in the UK. Expansions ● A significant number of mortars show expansion after 16 hours heat
resulting from temperatures below this are unlikely to occur cure at 85°C.
(although the risk may increase if cement fineness and the levels of ● Expansion can be induced in most concretes if exposed to 100°C
SO3, Na2Oeq and MgO are exceptionally high). for up to 16 hours.
● Cement compositional risk factors are summarised in the separate
Low risk of DEF box below.
There will be a low risk of DEF-induced damage where ● Other factors such as aggregate type and specific surface area also
the peak temperature remains below 80°C and where need to be considered. Kelham’s data [11] suggests that expansion
Na2Oeq in the cement is less than 0.85%. increases significantly as the SSA is increased above 350 m2/kg.
Initial research results suggest that the use of low alkali
SRPC, pfa at addition levels of above 20% or ggbs at
addition levels above 40% will prevent DEF-induced
expansion in concretes subjected to peak temperatures of Box 5 Cement compositional thresholds
up to 100°C. However, further work is required to In general terms the expansion (and risk of expansion) increases with
confirm that expansion is prevented and not merely SO3, MgO and Na2Oeq. Taylor [10] has suggested the following
delayed and the use of these materials has consequently
been categorised as providing a low risk of expansion.
SO3 = 3.6%
MgO = 1.6% (Thaulow suggests 1%)
Na2Oeq = 0.83% (a value of 0.85% has been used in the main text).
● Studies with UK cements have not, in general, shown expansion
after heat treatment below 85°C. However, there is some evidence These thresholds were based on Lawrence’s data after heat cure at
of concrete expansion after heat treatment at 75°C [13]. 100°C.
● Heinz et al [20] observed limited expansion after heat treatment at Above these thresholds virtually all the cements studied produced
75°C. The time to the onset of expansion increased as the damaging expansion.
Below them a substantial proportion did not produce expansion.
temperature was reduced from 100°C to 75°C.
The likelihood of expansion increases with the number of thresholds
● Kelham [11] found that the addition of extra alkali led to expansion at
exceeded (after heat curing at 100°C):
80°C where expansion did not otherwise occur. The Na2Oeq level for ● if no thresholds are exceeded there is a 10% risk of expansion
the onset of expansion was comparable with the threshold level (based on limited data);
discussed below. ● if one threshold is exceeded there is a 90% risk of expansion;
● Expansions have not been observed in any concretes with pfa or ● if two or all are exceeded there is a 100% risk of expansion.
ggbs at the stated levels irrespective of the curing conditions [11][21].
BRE studies have shown expansions with 20% ggbs [21]. Other compositional factors are also important. For example the C3A
● Expansions have not been observed with low alkali SRPC. content shows a positive correlation with expansion.
Avoid DEF by limiting and controlling temperature
CIRIA Report 91 [4] provides information to predict the Temperatures can be measured in the hardening
temperature rise in concrete pours for different cement structure using thermosensors placed at points where
types, section thicknesses, formwork types and placing extreme temperatures are expected. However, Hobbs [14]
conditions. Means of controlling the temperature of has suggested the limits shown in Table 1 for the cement
concrete in large pours are also given. The temperature content of in-situ PC concretes based on field
rise in large concrete pours can be limited by: performance
● controlling the cement content; Current guidance on temperature limits during
● using additions such as pfa and ggbs; concrete curing is summarised in Box 6. If these limits are
● reducing the pour thickness; followed there is only a very low risk of damage from
● reducing the fresh concrete temperature; DEF.
● using cooling pipes within the element.

Box 6 Temperature limits for concrete curing

Temperature controls are specified in standards and guidance
Table 1 Limiting cement contents for minimising DEF
documents and in project-specific clauses. These limits are included
cracking in-situ concrete of large section size [14]
in order to control thermal cracking or to minimise effects on the final
Maximum cement content kg/m3
strength of the concrete rather than to avoid DEF.
Ambient temperature °C DD ENV 13670-1: 2000 Execution of concrete structures Part 1:
Cement or binder 10 20 25 30 40 Common rules states the following:
Unless specified otherwise in provisions valid at the construction site,
52.5R* PC 430 360 320 280 210 the peak temperature of the concrete within the component shall not
52.5*, 42.5R* PC 480 400 360 320 240 exceed 65°C, unless data are provided to prove that, with the
42.5*, 32.5R* PC 550 450 400 360 270 combination of materials used, higher temperatures will have no
32.5* PC 550 500 460 400 300 significant adverse effect on the service performance of the concrete.
LASRPC 550 500 500 450 400 The UK Highways Agency specification for Highway Works (96/1700
PC/>20% pfa 550 500 500 450 400 CN/V1(E)) limits the concrete temperature for elevated temperature
curing of PC, RHPC and SRPC to 70°C. The formwork may be heated
PC/>35% ggbs 550 500 500 450 400
to no more than 20°C prior to placing and, once placing is complete,
* Cement strength class
the concrete should be left for four hours without additional heating.
Concrete temperature can then be raised at a maximum rate of 10°C
Limits are for wet or moist exposure, minimum section width 600 mm. per half-hour. The cooling rate should not exceed the heating rate.
Hobbs also made the following assumptions for the temperature rise Temperature controls may be incorporated in project-specific
per 100 kg/m3 of cement: clauses. The maximum core temperature is often specified. This is
52.5R PC: 14°C 42.5R PC: 12.5°C 42.5 PC: 11°C usually 70°C but 65°C or 60°C may be specified in some cases.
32.5 PC: 10°C LASRPC: 10°C The German Committee for Reinforced Concrete [22] has given
guidance on curing conditions to prevent DEF-induced cracking in
heat-cured concrete. The curing temperature should be limited to
60°C for concrete that is to be heated after being placed in formwork
Summary of approaches
and used in a wet or damp environment. For concrete that is heated
● Limiting the peak temperature attained within the concrete. The before placing in formwork, and concrete that is to be used only in dry
actual limit may depend on a number of factors ,such as the mix environments, the temperature should be limited to 80°C.
design and the composition and nature of the cement. However,
based on current knowledge the following conservative limits can be Box 7 Outstanding issues and further research needs
There are a number of issues concerning DEF that are currently
❏ 70°C where Na2Oeq of the cement exceeds 0.85%
❏ 75°C where Na2Oeq of the cement is below 0.85%
● The mechanism of DEF has yet to be confirmed.
The risk of DEF-induced damage will increase for SO3 contents above
● The cement compositional factors contributing to DEF-induced
about 3.6%.
cracking and damage are understood only in general terms.
● Preventing the ingress of water or moisture into the concrete.
● The extent to which data from research into DEF-induced cracking
DEF-induced damage will not occur if the concrete remains dry.
in concrete that has been heat-cured can be applied to concretes in
● Available evidence suggests that the use of ggbs at levels of over
which the source of heat is internal needs to be established.
40% or pfa at levels of over 20%, or the use of low alkali SRPC may
● Owing to the wide range of potentially contributory factors, there is
prevent DEF-induced damage under all conditions. However, further
a need for a standardised procedure to establish the susceptibility of
work is needed to confirm this.
cements and concretes to DEF. Such tests need to be correlated with
Where the temperature limits have been exceeded and where the
data from long-term performance.
concrete is exposed to water or moisture the risk of expansion will
● The role of other damage mechanisms such as ASR needs to be
increase with:
better understood.
● Increasing curing temperature and time at elevated temperatures.
● The effectiveness of the use of pfa, ggbs, or low alkali SRPC in
● Increasing SO3, Na2Oeq and MgO levels.
preventing DEF-induced damage needs to be established.
● Increasing SSA of the cement.
● The viability of using techniques such as the Duggan test and
● Increasing availability of water or moisture, and the duration of
microanalysis to assess the susceptibility of concretes to DEF-
periods of wetness.
induced damage needs to be established.
Outstanding issues relating to DEF and further research needs are
● The role of alkali hydroxides in initiating DEF needs further
summarised in Box 7.

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[21] BRE unpublished experiments.
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15 Sept 1989.

The work described was funded by the Construction Directorate of
the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.
The author also thanks industry experts and BRE colleagues for
their valued contributions.

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