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Message of Love from Jesus

received by Julia Kim of Naju, Korea

on Good Friday, April 19, 2019

The pains that I have suffered over the last Lenten season have further intensified year after
year, but during this Lent, my redemptive suffering has reached the highest level where I
have expected death every day.

On Holy Thursday, April 18th, when Mass ended on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, I
ardently asked Jesus and the Blessed Mother, ‘O Jesus, a Teacher Who lays down all of
Himself! On this day which is the Holy day for priests, please grant them the sublimest love
that You showed to the disciples at the Last Supper so that this world which deserves
punishment can be saved.’

At that very moment, Fragrant Oil and Thick Mother’s Milk came down in large quantities in
the waiting room where I was praying. These were Signs from the Lord and the Blessed
Mother answering my prayer.

Several priests came in and witnessed the Signs. While they were giving thanks to the Lord,
the large amount of the Fragrant Oil and the Thick Mother’s Milk gradually disappeared
before the eyes of all those who were present. It was not that the oil and the milk just
disappeared. In fact, Our Lady fed Her milk to us as nourishment out of Her purest and
sublimest love, so that all of us may grow spiritually and physically.

Thick Mother’s Milk that came down at 22:42 p.m. disappeared around 22:55 P.m.

At 3 p.m. on Good Friday, foreign priests and pilgrims from 14 countries, who did not mind
the long distance to come to Naju, began doing the Stations of the Cross together with the
domestic pilgrims.

When I was praying under the crucifix at Mt. Calvary, my ears started hurting as if they fell
off from me under an exceptionally strong wind, I felt so extremely cold until my whole body

Suddenly, a sharp whip struck my whole body consecutively and then, I felt as if countless
big nails have been piercing my whole head. I offered up the suffering, kneeling and lying
face down on the rock under the crucifix, burying my head in my hands. I prayed; ‘Jesus! I
am now offering up any pain joyfully, but let this suffering of mine be invisible.’

At that moment, I came to see a vision: Jesus was wearing the Crown of thorns. When a
Roman soldier struck the crown with a club here and there mercilessly, the thorns were
being driven deep into His Head. After that, the soldier took off the crown whose thorns
already had been stuck on His head. And then he pressed it down again on His head and
struck it with a club here and there many times. Whenever the soldier repeated this torture,
Jesus was shedding blood in the middle of His terrifying pain. While I was participating in the
pain of the Crown of thorns of Jesus, the blood continued to flow down from my head, but
the visible blood shed was much less than my actual bleeding. At the moment, Jesus sent
down His Precious Blood and the Blessed Mother sent down Her Fragrant Oil and Thick
Mother's Milk
(Translator’s note: Julia asked the Lord that the pains she suffered would not be shown externally, so the bleeding
caused by scourging on her body was invisible, but her whole body was in pains to the extent that she could hardly
move at all. In the meantime, the bleeding caused by the Crown of thorns was somewhat partially exposed visibly
so that people can see and know that Julia was participating in His Pains, while receiving message)

Julia suffering from pains of the Crown of Thorns and receiving
a Message before the Crucifix at Mt. Calvary during the Stations of the Cross

Precious Blood, Fragrant Oil and Thick Mother's Milk descended

when Julia was participating in the suffering of Jesus and receiving Messages

Fragrant Oil and Thick Mother's Milk descended on Julia's mantle
when she was participating in the suffering of Jesus and receiving Messages

Thick Mother's Milk which had descended just moments ago disappeared.
(It also means Her Milk was absorbed into all the souls.)

Precious Blood descended on Julia's blouse
through penetrating the mantle she was

While I was shivering under the

terrible cold caused by the scourging
on my whole body, the wind blew in
through the holes of the wounds made
by the crown of thorns. It was an
unbearable suffering accompanied
with my oxygen saturation sinking low.
At this moment, one volunteer, the
one who was well aware that I had
suddenly died and gone to Heaven on
Good Friday of 2016 due to hypo-
thermia and respiratory arrest, was so
startled that she tried to heat up my
body by covering me with a mantle, a
blanket, an outer garment, hot water
and so on. However, my whole body
was still shivering due to the cold and
I had to wear the oxygen cannula
because my oxygen saturation still
continued decreasing.

I offered up graciously all these sufferings for the Lord and the Blessed Mother and also for
the pilgrims who were gathered at this place. When Jesus was nailed and died on the Cross,
the Roman soldier pierced His Side with a spear. Then, water and blood poured out from
His side like a waterfall, which descended as rain of the Precious Blood over the priests and
the pilgrims who were gathered and praying on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain and it was
actually absorbed into them. I cried out when looking at the scene.

Julia: “Oh, my beloved Jesus, how much pain You must have felt! I only give thanks to
You for pouring down all Your Water and Blood to the last drop even at this time 2,000
years afterwards, for us all who are unworthy. Why do You love sinful children in the
world this much?

As You transfused Your Precious Blood into Your children who came to the Blessed
Mother’s Mountain, please also send down Your Precious Blood to their family members
and the children who wished to be here but were unable to as well as the opponents so that
the Kingdom of the Lord may come to this world.”

Jesus: “Oh, My beloved little soul! Of course, I will grant your wish. But if they close the
doors of their hearts, iron-cladded with pride and self-centered stubbornness, and continue
to ignore and reject My Love, I can’t force it.”

Julia: “Oh, Lord, even I feel intense pain in my heart then how much more pain would You
feel, when You, who want all the children in the world to be saved, see that the shepherds
whom You personally appointed are singing Alleluia with their lips, but are also distracted
by so many useless, tangled thoughts (胡思亂想), and are thus frustrating and depressing
You (觸目傷心) with all their preposterous rumors and accusations (附言浪說)? Even
though I’m a very unworthy, weak, and trivial sinner, please make use of this pain of mine
and my blood without missing any drop of it for Your glory.”

Jesus: “Of course, I will. I am going to transfuse My Precious Blood with My Love into
them together so that even a single drop of the blood that you shed while participating in
My excruciating suffering may not be in vain.

Because you, a victim soul, responded with Amen and are dedicated as a pure sacrificial
offering at every moment, God the Father said that even when you are only breathing, you are
already playing a significant role in saving countless souls. It is because you graciously offer
up your excruciating and dreadful sufferings by sublimating them into the Five Spiritualities
so that even the most wicked sinners who deserve hell may repent and be saved.

All the clergy and children in the world who rushed to this place responding to My call
with Amen! This world, which has gravely offended God, makes the chastisement by God

unavoidable. Many disasters that are taking place all over the world are warnings that
indicate the time of Great Tribulation is close at hand.

God the Father is delaying the time of chastisement because of the entreaty of My Mother
Mary and your earnest prayers that are offered in unity with My little soul when you
gather in this holy place, Naju Shrine which I prepared with My Mother.

Therefore, do not forget that you are chosen as good grains. Go help many souls get
aboard the Mary’s Ark of Salvation so that everyone may be saved and that the cup of
blessing may be sent down instead of chastisement.

I, Who am the beginning and the end and have the keys to death, hell and Heaven, will come
to each one of you together with my Mother Who is the Queen of Heaven in the not-too-
distant future, bringing reward and fire to repay each one according to their works. Therefore,
hurriedly be awake and arm yourselves with the Five Spiritualities, thus enjoy Heaven.”

Translated by the Sodality of Mary’s Ark of Salvation

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