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Name____________ Date____________ Roll Number__________

Science Grade 3

I. Q1. Fill in the blanks.

1) Birds are the only living things that have ____________.

2) ___________ is a flesh-eating bird with a hook shaped strong beak.
3) The thorax is made up of _______________.
4) A __________ is an insect that causes harm to animals and plants.
5) Most insects have _______________ that help them in flying.
6) Some animals only eat plants, they are called ________.
7) Herbivores have ___________ grinding teeth to chew their food.
8) A ____________ diet contains the proper amount of all food types.
9) Sun is the main source of heat and ___________.
10) A hen lays an average of ________eggs per year.

II. Write T for True and F for False.

1) Cactus is a plant that grows in the forests. [ ]

2) Habitat is the place where something lives. [ ]

3) Cats give birth to puppies. [ ]

4) Mountain is a landform that rises high above the surroundings. [ ]

5) Insects don’t have bones. [ ]

6) Insects are protected by a hard covering called endoskeleton. [ ]

7) The corn seed is called Testa. [ ]

Name____________ Date____________ Roll Number__________
Science Grade 3
8) Factors that help in plant growth are: Water, air and light. [ ]

9) The life cycle of plants begins with Seed. [ ]

10) Most insects have two large eyes and six legs jointed. [ ]

III. Tick the correct answer

1) Most insects have two large eyes and six legs jointed to (thorax / head).

2) Insects don’t have (antenna / bones).

3) Insects are protected by a hard covering called (endoskeleton / exoskeleton).

4) The corn seed is called (Testa / Kernel / Coat / Silk).

5) Factors that help in plant growth are: (Water, air and light / Water and food /

The sun and plants).

6) The life cycle of plants begins with: (Egg / Larvae / Seed Chick).

7) Cats give birth to (puppies, chicks, kittens).

8) Ants have____ legs (5, 6, 8).

9) Cactus is a plant that grows in the (forests, Deserts, Rocks).

10) Sun is the main source of heat and (Water, Energy, Rain).

IV. Label the parts of insect.

Name____________ Date____________ Roll Number__________
Science Grade 3
V. Write the following names in the correct place.

VI. Give any two examples of each from your daily life.

Transparent Translucent Opaque Conductors Insulators

VII. Give one word answer for the following.

1. Name the force which is used to drive a bicycle.


2. Name gas which is more important for human life.


3. Which insect is called social insect?


4. Name any two birds that can’t fly.

Name____________ Date____________ Roll Number__________
Science Grade 3

5. Give one example of omnivores.


VIII. Draw diagram of sea breeze.

IX. Circle the correct answer.

X. What type of simple machine will be used to do following?

Name____________ Date____________ Roll Number__________
Science Grade 3
Task Machine
Lift a car to change tyre
Move a load of bricks to place 1km away
Take out a nail from the wall
Lift a heavy box from the ground floor to the third floor
Cut a vegetable

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