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4 Match the method of cooking with its definition. 1 baking 4) cooking in steam; used for puddings, fish, vegetables ete 2. boiling ) cooking meat or fruit in a small amount of water and its own juices 3 fying c) cooking foods in enough water to cover them, at a temperature lower than 100° C 4 roasting _d) cooking in fat; used for chips, doughnuts, chicken, potatoes etc 5 simmering e) the food is placed in the oven; used for preparing cakes, breads 6 steaming _£) cooking meat or vegetables in an oven or over a fire 7 stewing _g) cooking foods in enough water to cover them, at 100° C kets to form a word that fits suitably in the space. Make any necessary changes. The first has been done as an example, ‘The Sandwich It seems strange that the modest and (0 democracy) .....democratic.... sandwich was the (1 invent) of an aristocrat. The Earl of Sandwich, the head of the British navy, was a (2 passion) .. card-player. In 1762, during a 24-hour (3 gamble) sue SeSSion, he got hungry. So he picked piece of beef and popped it between two slices of bread. Then he carried on (4 play) . to ... while eating what was to become Britain's biggest (5 contribute) gastronomy. The word soon entered the English language. In 1762, the famous (6 history) E Edward Gibbon wrote about a restaurant where ‘twenty or thirty of the “first men" in the (7 king) sum Could be seen having supper at little tables upon a bit of cold meat, or a Sandwich’. Today the sandwich is (8 enjoy) .. by all classes and both sexes. In fact, almost every office (9 work) in the country has one for lunch, Its either plain or toasted on (10 tradition) : British bread, Italian ciabatta, French bread or Middle East pitta. Popular (11 fill) 7 include tuna salad with mayonnaise, prawn cocktail with avocado, cheese and pickle. Cucumber sandwiches are (12 probable)... raw the most uniquely British type of sandwiches. 6 Choose the most suitable word to complete the sentence. 1 Waiter, could you bring me my account / bill / receipt please? 2 The salad is not what I called / commanded / ordered. 3. This dish / plate / serving is a speciality of our restaurant. 4 Waiter, I can’t eat this meat. It's underdone / underweight ! uncut. 5 The prawn cocktail was fantastic. Could I have a second plate / course / helping please. 6 Have you decided what to have for your main course /food/ helping? 7 I's a very popular restaurant - we should apply for / book / order a table. 8 Can you give me the prescription / instruction / recipe for this pie? It’s very delicious. 9 According to my doctor I'm 10 kilos overweight /100 fat /overeaten. 10 The fish was dry and overdressed / overdone / overused. 1 Read the text. Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word from the word bank. Use each word only once. i@i instead of by seriously some or be it where the of has that more at what») Food, Dangerous Food Britain is the proud holder of the title for the fattest European nation, with 17 percent percent 2 . women considered to % clinically obese. Thirsty? Tired? Reach for a can of fizzy drink, and feel the buzz. We all do... But for many English school kids, this is breakfast. §.... than 50,000 8-10 year-olds miss food in the morning and arrive Ge school tired, empty and irritable. And 7.0... are the prospects for healthy eating at school? Many schools now have a ‘canteen culture’, ®innmnnnnn Kids have a choice. And when bell ‘goes, they opt for a pizza and chips. of salad and fish. When you're still young, you feel immortal, untouched 3... ‘adult’ concems of obesity and heart disease. The Heart Foundation "mmm just launched a campaign to show ®. bad habits formed when we're young are often the root causes of heart problems when we're older. ‘Modem eating habits are ™ destructive. Today's children are more at risk of developing osteoporosis, heart and respiratory diseases and ¥........0. forms of cancer than their parents and grandparents. They also face the dilemmas of eating genetically-modified food (GMOs) . organic products containing no artificial chemicals - an increasingly popular option in Britain. men and 20 104

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