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Activity 2

Objective: Analyze the human and economic impacts of recent notable disasters and the effects
of these impacts to the economic and social development of a country.

The economic and human costs of disasters can arrest the economic and social
development of a country. To know the magnitude of the effects of disasters, let us explore the
impacts of recent notable disasters.


1. Choose one subject disaster from the following:

 2019 Mindanao Earthquake (Philippines)
 2019 Mt. Taal Eruption (Philippines)
 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (Japan)
 2013 Yolanda (Haiyan) typhoon and Storm Surge (Philippines)
 2019-2020 COVID Pandemic (worldwide)
 2020 Wildfire (Australia)
2. Gather information from news clippings and internet resources about the cause and
impact of the disaster of your choice.
3. Prepare brief written report and answer the following questions:

 What cause the disaster? ___________________________________________________


 When and where exactly did the natural event originate?


 How extensive was the area affected?


 What could have prevented the loss of many lives?


 What particular loss or damage cannot be recovered or repaired?


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