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Focussed Skill Writing

Date 16 August 2016
Time 9.00-10.00 am
Class 5 Bestari
Number of Pupils 32 pupils
Proficiency Level Intermediate
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Personal Safety
3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language, form and style
Content Standard
for a range of purposes.
3.2.2 Able to write with guidance
Learning Standard (c) informal letters
3.2.3 Able to use punctuation correctly.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Objectives I. Answer 5 questions fill in the blank correctly.
II. Construct informal letter with guidance.

Teaching Aids Powerpoint slides, Appendix 1 (Picture), Appendix 2 (poster), worksheet 1, worksheet 2

Educational Emphases
i. Thinking skills
ii. Multiple Intelligence
iii. Values
Moral Value
Olympic Value
Cross Curricular Element
STAGE Teaching and Learning Strategy / Activity Remark
Induction set 1. Teacher shows pictures of personal safety (Appendix 1) and ask questions about Teaching Aids: Appendix 1
MI: visual Spatial
2. Students give answers as a whole class based on the pictures.
Suggested answers:
 Never talk or follow a stranger
 Never play with fire inside the house
 Lock the doors when parents are not around in the house.
 Never invite strangers inside your house without parent’s permission.
Pre-wiritng 3. Teacher tells the students today they are going to write a letter. Teacher shows one Teaching Aids: Appendix
2, Worksheet 1
(sample letter) good example of informal letter in powerpoint slides.
discuss 4. Teacher diiscuss the format of writing an informal letter
5. Teacher shows stimulus (informal letter) to pupils on a talk about safety. (Appendix 2)
6. Students identify the safety measures found in the letter.
7. Students and teacher discuss the answer together.
While-writing 8. teacher divides students in pairs and distributes (Worksheet 2) to all students to Teaching Aids: Powerpoint
slides, Worksheet 2
Show template complete a invitation letter on road safety competition to their pair.
Do template 9. After finishing, students will exchange (Worksheet 2) with their pair to discuss the
(pair) answer together with the teacher.
Remedial 10. Still in pair, teacher distributes (Worksheet 3) for each students to complete a holiday
enrichment experience letter to their pair.
11. After finishing, students will exchange (Worksheet 3) with their pair to discuss the
answer together with the teacher.
Post-writing 12. Teacher put students in groups of 4, pupils write a letter on a display sheet to share
(Individual) with their friends about the safety precautions that they have learnt. (Worksheet 3)
Writing product 13. Students in their groups will display their work around the classroom.
informal letter 14. Pupils take a gallery walk in the class and edit the letters written by the other groups.
15. Check the pupils’ edited versions and choose the best letter.
16. Teacher recaps with students on the personal safety that they have learned that day.
17. Students will rewrite the best letter into their exercise books.

Fill in the blanks given answer(choices)

Sentence completion

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. Never to strangers.

2. Avoid alone.

3. Do not sweets or any other stuff from strangers.

4. Do not the door at home to any strangers without parent’s permission.

5. Never let strangers your name and your home address.


Come Join This Interesting Talk
Date: 28th October 2015
Time: 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.
Venue: School Hall
Speaker: Inspector Izwan
Open for : Year 4 to Year 6 pupils
Highlights of the talk:
• Strangers :
1. People you do not know.
2. People who may hurt or harm children.
3. May trick children.

• Never talk to strangers.

• Never let stranger get too close, whether they are in a car or walking.
• Never accept sweets, a present, a ride, or anything else from strangers.

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