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Republic of the Philippines


Puerto Princesa City


Approval Sheet

Course Title:
Course Code/ Number:

Term and School Year:

Revision Level Effective Date Details of Origination/ Revision Author/ Subject Matter Expert
00 5 August 2019 Compliance with OBE and QMS Requirements
01 1 September 2020 e.g. modification of course contents, teaching-learning activities,
and assessment tasks to ensure alignment with the most essential
learning outcomes in the context of teaching and learning amid
COVID-19 pandemic

Prepared by Recommending Approval Approved

_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Name and Signature of Faculty Member Name and Signature of Department Chairperson Name and Signature of College Dean
Date: Date: Date:


PSU Vision An internationally recognized university that provides relevant and innovative education and research for lifelong learning and sustainable

PSU Mission The Palawan State University is committed to upgrade peoples’ quality of life by providing education opportunities through excellent
instruction, research and innovation, extension, production services, and transnational collaborations.

PSU Shared Values Excellence in service, Quality assurance, Unity in diversity, Advocacy for sustainable development, Leadership by example, Innovation,
Transparency, Youth empowerment

Institutional Outcomes The Palawan State University graduates are expected to be agents of change, creative and critical thinkers, effective communicators,
research-oriented learners, and value laden individuals.

College Goals and

Program Objectives
Course Title
Course Code/ Number
Course Description
Credit Units
Course Prerequisites
Link to Program
Outcomes Course Outcomes Program Outcomes
a b c d e f

Doc Ref. No.: PSU-SYL-_______ Revision Level:01 Effective Date: Page Number: __of _

Legend ( for program outcomes):
I- Introduced concepts/ principle P- Practiced with supervision D- Demonstrated across different settings with minimal supervision

Program Outcomes:
Course Outcomes List three to five major outcomes that you expect students to strive for:
 What will students be able to do better after completing the course?
 What skills or competencies do you want the students to demonstrate?

Course Format Describe the teaching-learning strategies or activities that will be used in the course. e.g. lecture, fieldwork, research projects, laboratory
work, case analysis, problem solving, etc.

Time Course Learning Course Content/ Subject Teaching and Learning Textbooks/
Assessment Tasks Resource Materials
Frame Outcomes Outcomes Matter/ Topic Activities References

Specify State the Stipulate Present an outline of the Specify appropriate List the List the instructional List the
the course intended content/ topic that will be teaching and learning assessment tasks resources/materials authors of
week/s outcome/s. learning covered in the course following activities. Describe each aligned with the needed. Provide textbook/
and Use code outcomes a logical/ hierarchical/ activity. Provide flexible intended learning links if available references
number (e.g. CO 1- for aligned with the developmental sequencing. learning options. outcomes. online. used ( e.g.
of hours Course course Use at least a two or three- Provide links if Bilbao, P.
allotted Outcome 1). outcomes. tiered outline. available online.
for the Determine the
topic most essential
(e.g. learning
Doc Ref. No.: PSU-SYL-_______ Revision Level:01 Effective Date: Page Number: __of _

Weeks outcomes.
2-3, 6

Specify the textbook. List suggested readings and references of recent edition by authors. You may also include where these materials are
available. Include web- based sources. The prescribed textbooks and other references must be of recent edition ( published within the last
10 years) and reflect recent trends, issues, and content related to the subject/ course.
Course References
Please follow the APA format for references.

Additional Materials Indicate whether students need laboratory supplies, art supplies, calculators, computers, etc.
Course Requirements State the nature of the requirements. Be very clear with what you expect the students to pass, perform, or submit to pass the course.
 What are your expectations for written work and other outputs? Suggest the expected length and format for term/ research
 Give the deadline for submission of written outputs and examination dates. Try to keep the work load balanced throughout
the term.

Include the weight of each of the requirements in the computation of the grade for the course, such as mid-term and final examinations,
projects, quizzes, assignments, oral presentations, written outputs, class participation, etc.
Course Policies Agree on policies regarding class attendance, turning in late assignment, making up for missed exams, how to get extra credits, cheating
and plagiarism, last day students can withdraw from the course without penalty, etc.

Supplementary Material/s Include supplementary material to help students succeed in the course.
Examples: References on specific topics for more in-depth exploration.
A list of University resources for academic support including computer laboratories, special library collections, etc.

Consultation Period Provide a definite time and room number where you can be reached by the students for consultation during the semester.

Doc Ref. No.: PSU-SYL-_______ Revision Level:01 Effective Date: Page Number: __of _

Document Setup/ Format:

1. Font: Arial
2. Font size: 11 pts
3. Document size: legal (8.5 x 13 inches)
4. Margins: 1’’ top, 1” bottom, 1” right, and1” left
5. Orientation: landscape

Doc Ref. No.: PSU-SYL-_______ Revision Level:01 Effective Date: Page Number: __of _

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