How To Install Zimbra Universal UI: Github

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How to Install Zimbra Universal UI

This Zimbra Universal UI was obtained from Unofficial Zimbra 8.8.5 that created by Zeta
Alliance. I am copying zimbra folder from webapps and save into my Github. This Zimbra
Universal UI have been tested by me on Zimbra 8.8.12/8.8.15 and working properly. If you
want to try installing this Zimbra Universal UI on your Zimbra, please try the guide below

# Backup Zimbra folder from webapps

cd /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/
tar -czvf /srv/zimbra-webapps.tgz zimbra

The backup file will save in the /srv/ folder

# Download Zimbra Universal UI

cd /tmp/
wget -c

# Extract and Rsync

tar -zxvf zimbra-ui.tgz
rsync -avP /tmp/zimbra/ /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/

# Remove harmony themes and replace with Universal UI themes

Zimbra using harmony as default themes for webmail

cd /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/skins/
rm -rvf harmony/
ln -sf clarity harmony
If there are other users who use special themes, you can delete and replace them with
Universal UI themes

# Fixperms and Restart Zimbra Mailbox

/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmfixperms -v
su - zimbra -c "zmmailboxdctl restart"

Please try access Zimbra webmail from browser. The login screen should be the Zimbra
Universal UI.

Below are some of the screenshot from Zimbra Universal UI

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