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3 PM Mr Scott Morrison 29-3-2021
4 Forwarded via email
6 Cc:
7 Advisory Committee on Vaccines, Therapeutic Goods Administration
8 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606
9 Attn: Pharmacovigilance and Special Access Branch, MDP 122
12 Committee Support Unit, Therapeutic Goods Administration
13 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606
14 Attn: Scheduling & Committee Support Section, MDP 122
16 20210329-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to PM Mr SCOTT MORRISON& Ors
17 Re FOI, CORONAVIRUS, DNA, etc -Suppl 4
20 (Replies can be forwarded via email where appropriate.)
21 Any request for “details” must be considered to include document(s), information, etc.
22 (I am the holder of an age pension health card.)
23 QUESTION 18 commences page 50
25 Sir,
26 further to my 3 March 2021 FOI & 7-3-2021 Supplement 1 & 21-3-2021 Supplement 2 & 25-
27 3-2021 Supplement 3 request I provide this supplement 4.
29 Usually when none has pains or aches (symptoms) this is the body giving its warning signals that
30 something is wrong. The person being alerted in this manner then can consider to change
31 something on a lifestyle to avoid aches or pains or if the aches and pains are unusual or extreme
32 then the person may consult a medical doctor or even a specialist as to deal with the matter.
33 One then have to ask, what if there are no aches and pains to warn the person? More than likely
34 something very serious could eventuate, even death, where the person takes no particular action
35 to avoid the strain on the body, or to take measures that may address the relevant health issue.
36 As such, it must be clear that ordinary aches and pains are essential as a body warning system.
38 Now we get to the “jabs” which are touted to reduce the aches and pains (symptoms) if one has a
39 mild infection. Meaning, that the person may be unaware of any infection and continues life as if
40 there is no infection at all. Then, the infection can explode into something that becomes too late
41 to avoid serious complications and the person might even die, as result of delay of any medical
42 attention, if there was any, and if the infection can be spread onto others, then this can cause the
43 person to become a “super spreader” and this can have further horrendous consequences. When
44 for example a boiler pressure becomes too high then the “safety valve” will ensure that there are
45 in place opportunities to reduce the pressure. To inappropriately set the safety valve too high or
29-3-2021 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 2

1 remove it altogether can have disastrous results. Yet, this is what the “jabs” now are designed for
2 to essentially remove the “safety valve” the human body has in place. As such, one should never,
3 so to say, disengage any warning system. This is why ordinary I refuse to take painkillers
4 because I rather ensure my body warning system is fully operative, even if this means to suffer
5 aches and pains until it subsides. Why indeed have a tsunami warning system in place which
6 does not itself do anything against a tsunami other than provide warnings? The very purpose is a
7 warning system to alert others about a possible danger. In my view the “jabs” serving only a
8 purpose to reduce “symptoms” while placing the person at risk of numerous hazards such as
9 those outlined below has a negative purpose. It indeed may prevent the person to be alerted of an
10 infection and then while using a so called “vaccination passport” actually becomes a serious
11 danger to others. One may instead then have to apply the opposite for what those so called
12 “vaccination passports” are intended for and rather ban anyone who has been “jabbed” from
13 travelling on any mode of public transport.
15 So, you had your jab and well could become a “super spreader” a danger to your daughters and
16 wife. And, for what? They could easily become infected if you were unbeknown to yourself a
17 “super spreader” and well you may just outlive them to be able to attend to their graves. Is this
18 really what you concern is about, to ignore your own family members so you can have a more
19 comfortable life not to have the infection warning system alerting you?
20 After all, as I wrote in the past ample of the medical profession have warned that the “jabs” do
21 not prevent any infection but merely “may” reduce the symptoms.
24 The fully vaccinated are getting infected again, demonstrating yet again that vaccines don’t
25 really work as promised –
26 The fully vaccinated are getting infected again, demonstrating yet again that vaccines don’t
27 really work as promised
29 (Natural News) Covid-19 is beginning to spike in over a dozen states, most with high vaccination rates.
30 Hawaii’s Department of Health has begun to report on covid-19 cases occurring in people who are fully
31 vaccinated against covid-19. The Department is labeling these “breakthrough cases,” but says that people
32 should not be alarmed. It turns out that healthcare professionals are not worried about these post-vaccination
33 covid-19 cases.
34 For over a year, a covid-19 case was treated as a serious issue, with 14-day quarantines and aggressive
35 contact tracing. But if the covid-19 case is detected after vaccination, the public should NOT be alarmed. In
36 an attempt to plunge as many needles in people arms as possible, health authorities deceive patients about
37 vaccine safety and efficacy and nonchalantly brush aside any covid-19 cases that appear in the fully
38 vaccinated.
39 Doctors admit the vaccines do not prevent infection, so what’s the point?
40 The doctors reporting for KITV4 in Hawaii even admit that the vaccine “doesn’t prevent infection!” If disease
41 prevention and eradication is the traditional goal of vaccination, then why are people still testing positive
42 after covid-19 vaccination, and why are people still getting fever, chills, headaches and respiratory illness
43 after submitting to the shots?
44 Instead of addressing vaccine efficacy issues, the doctors who spoke to KITV4 discouraged travel after
45 vaccination. Dr. Melinda Ashton, Chief Quality Officer with Hawaii Pacific Health said that one
46 breakthrough case of covid-19 was from a healthcare worker who traveled to multiple cities, before testing
47 positive. “Absolutely you need to be careful during those times when you’re in the airport, on the airplane,
48 with other people in larger groups,” Ashton said, while ignoring the issue of waning vaccine efficacy. It
49 doesn’t matter whether anyone gets vaccinated or not…it seems anyone has the exact same risk of being
50 infected with covid. This confession debunks any crooked rationale used to install coercive Vaccine
51 Passports. (Related: Top 7 reasons people are testing positive for covid-19 after vaccinations.)
52 Doctors routinely ignore the data and lie about vaccine side effects and hospitalizations
56 vaccinations.html
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 Top vaccine scientist warns the world: HALT all covid-19 vaccinations immediately, or
2 “uncontrollable monster” will be unleashed –
3 Top vaccine scientist warns the world: HALT all covid-19 vaccinations immediately, or
4 “uncontrollable monster” will be unleashed
6 (Natural News) A top vaccine scientist named Geert Vanden Bossche, who has worked
7 with numerous vaccine corporations and organizations including GAVI, is sounding the
8 alarm over the mass vaccination of populations around the world with covid-19 vaccines.
9 He says covid-19 vaccines are “brilliant” medicine and insists they do work on an
10 individual level, but says they are “the wrong weapon” to be deployed on a global scale
11 when high pressures of infectious pathogens are present.
12 As he tweeted on March 3rd, “I am EXTREMELY concerned about the impact current
13 Covid-19 vaccines will have when increasingly deployed in mass vaccination campaigns
14 conducted in the heat of a pandemic. Read my global WARNING & scientific evidence.”
15 He then gives the following link for his warning:
17 That URL links to a PDF document which we have saved in the public interest, posting
18 it on NaturalNews servers at this link (PDF).
19 Covid-19-Mass-Vaccination-Geert-Vanden-Bossche.pdf
20 The document includes slides from a presentation created by Dr. Bossche entitled, “Why
21 should current Covid-19 vaccines not be used for mass vaccination during a pandemic?”
22 A vaccine industry insider who worked with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
23 Before we get into the presentation and its meaning, let us first take a quick look at the
24 background of Dr. Bossche. A good description is offered by, which
25 covered this story in detail:
26 Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, is a vaccine research expert. He has a long list of
27 companies and organizations he’s worked with on vaccine discovery and preclinical
28 research, including GSK, Novartis, Solvay Biologicals, and Bill & Melinda Gates
29 Foundation. Dr Vanden Bossche also coordinated the Ebola vaccine program at GAVI
30 (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization).
31 He is board-certified in Virology and Microbiology, the author of over 30 publications,
32 and inventor of a patent application for universal vaccines. He currently works as an
33 independent vaccine research consultant.
34 In other words, you can hardly find someone who is more qualified and experienced as a
35 vaccine industry insider. Notably, Dr. Dossche is obviously pro-vaccine, and not a so-
36 called “anti-vaxxer.” Yet even from his pro-vaccine vantage point, he sees enormous risks
37 and problems with mass vaccinations campaigns even assuming the vaccines work as
38 designed.
39 Dr. Bossche warns the world is creating an “uncontrollable monster” and turning vaccines
40 into “a bioweapon of mass destruction”
41 Here’s an actual quote from Dr. Bossche:
42 One could only think of very few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in
43 turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.
44 As explains:
45 Dr Bossche believes that vaccinologists, clinicians, and scientists are only focusing on
46 short-term results at the individual level and not the consequences at the global population
47 level, which he believes will soon become evident. Evident in the form of having
48 transformed “a quite harmless virus into an uncontrollable monster”.
49 His concern rests on ‘immune escape’. For those needing an quick introduction to the
50 topic, read Jemma Moran’s article Mutant variations and the danger of lockdowns.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 lockdowns-By-Jemma-Moran-March-2-2021.pdf
2 See my full coverage of this devastating phenomenon in today’s Situation Update podcast,
3 a special “Emergency Vaccine Alert” edition:
5 Continuing from that site:
6 Bossche states that the multiple emerging, “much more infectious” viral variants, are
7 already examples of “immune escape” from our ‘innate immunity’, and were most-likely
8 created by the government interventions themselves; the so-called Non-Pharmacological
9 Interventions (NPIs) – i.e. lockdowns and cloth facial coverings. Unofficially, but also
10 more aptly known as the Non-Scientific Interventions.
11 He believes that:
12  Ongoing mass vaccination deployments are “highly-likely to further enhance ‘adaptive’
13 immune escape as none of the current vaccines will prevent replication/transmission of
14 viral variants”
15  As such, “The more we use these vaccines for immunizing people in the midst of a
16 pandemic, the more infectious the virus will become”.
17  And “With increasing infectiousness comes an increased likelihood of viral resistance to
18 the vaccines”.
19 He claims his beliefs are basic principles taught in a student’s first vaccinology class –
20 “One shouldn’t use a prophylactic vaccine in populations exposed to high infectious
21 pressure (which is now certainly the case as multiple highly infectious variants are
22 currently circulating”).
23 He states that to “fully escape”, the highly mutable virus, “only needs to add another few
24 mutations in its receptor-binding domain”.
25 Watch Del Bigtree from Highwire explain the catastrophic consequences of the global
26 vaccine push in this timely video:
28 Bossche explains that vaccines do work on an individual level, but in the aggregate create
29 enormous risks due to “immune escape”
30 As a vaccine advocate, Bossche believes that vaccines do work on an individual level and
31 can create immunity against the intended pathogen. However, in the aggregate, mass
32 vaccinations of large populations during a pandemic results in a phenomenon known as
33 “immune escape,” meaning the virus develops variants which are immune to the available
34 vaccines. This natural selection adaptation of the virus results in an even more dangerous
35 spectrum of virus strains escaping the bodies of hosts and being reintroduced into the wild,
36 now more dangerous than the original pathogen the vaccines were designed to halt.
37 In his presentation, Bossche warns that covid-vaccines, “cannot control replication of more
38 infectious CoV variants and may even
39 drive immune escape.”
40 He explains that “innate immunity” is crucial in halting the cycle of mutations and
41 infections that drive the “three distinct waves” of pandemic disease. Yet innate immunity
42 — the natural immunity expressed by people without vaccines — is given no recognition
43 whatsoever by the vaccine-crazed medical establishment and global political institutions
44 now pushing for global mass vaccinations.
45 (Image not reproduced)
46 Dr. Bossche’s analysis hinges on the role of NACs (Non-Asymptomatic Carriers) in
47 attenuating the spread of infectious viral strains. As he warns, when non-NACs are
48 vaccinated, it results in an increase in viral infectiousness among NACs. Stated another
49 way, when you mass vaccinate people who don’t show symptoms, you are creating
50 population-wide viral adaptation pressures that result in increased viral pathogenicity
51 among carriers who show symptoms. This drives the pandemic into high gear with more
29-3-2021 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 5

1 dangerous strains that are increasingly infectious.

2 As he states, “The resulting immune escape variants are now resistant to the vaccine.” This
3 renders the vaccine worse than useless… it has actually primed the development of super
4 strains while weakening subsequent immune response when new strains are encountered
5 by people who were previously vaccinated.
6 Specifically, as he states:
7 Enhanced infection rates lead to increased rates of transient seropositivity in NACs;
8 seropositivity suppresses innate immunity because Ag-specific Abs outcompete NABs for
9 binding to CoV and prevent training of innate immune system.
10 In other words, the vaccine suppresses the immune system while generating deadly super
11 strains. It makes you wonder: Is this all by design?
12 People who get “fully vaccinated” are breeders for “super strains” of even more deadly
13 covid pathogens
14 Dr. Bossche goes on to document how important signs are already appearing which point
15 toward a catastrophic outcome if mass vaccinations continue. On page 12 of his PDF
16 presentation, he cites these “strange observations” about the current covid-19 pandemic:
17  Untypical course/ waves of pandemic
18  Emergence of several much more infectious strains
19  Viral shedding (of more infectious variants) in fully vaccinated subjects
20 As he explains, this means the vaccine is accelerating the adaptive response of the virus
21 that forms new strains which are far more infectious and potentially deadly… and that
22 these “super strains” are emerging from “fully vaccinated subjects.”
23 He summarizes this point with the statement:
24 Mass containment measures and mass vaccination in NACs accelerates INNATE immune
25 escape whereas mass vaccination of nonNACs accelerates INNATE and ADAPTIVE
26 immune escape.
27 Remember: “NAC” means “Non-Asymptomatic Carrier,” or a person who shows
28 symptoms and carries the pathogen.
29 The phenomenon of “adaptive immune escape” means vaccines are providing natural
30 adaptation pressures to the virus that result in super strains being created and then shed by
31 those who were already vaccinated. Yet those people are not immune to the new super
32 strains, so even the vaccinated get infected with the new super strain. And because their
33 immune systems were never given the opportunity to actively defeat the first strain, they
34 have very little hope in successfully fighting the new super strain, and many of these
35 people will die. (That’s my conclusion, not Dr. Bossche’s, but his work implies this
36 conclusion.)
37 Warning from Bossche: “Immediate cancellation of all ongoing Covid-19 mass vaccination
38 campaigns should now become THE most acute health emergency of international
39 concern”
40 Here’s Bossche’s open letter to the WHO, in which he warns that the global vaccination
41 campaign must be immediately halted, or humanity will pay the price for unleashing an
42 “uncontrollable monster.”
43 Click here for the PDF of this letter, now mirrored on Natural News servers.
44 Open Letter to the WHO: Immediately Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccinations
45 Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD, independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly
46 employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
47 To all authorities, scientists and experts around the world, to whom this concerns: the
48 entire world population.
49 I am all but an antivaxxer. As a scientist I do not usually appeal to any platform of this
50 kind to make a stand on vaccine-related topics. As a dedicated virologist and vaccine
51 expert I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered
29-3-2021 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 6

1 in ways that threaten public health, most certainly when scientific evidence is being
2 ignored.
3 The present extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call. As the
4 unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19 pandemic is now at risk of
5 resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly and strongly
6 enough.
7 As stated, I am not against vaccination. On the contrary, I can assure you that each of the
8 current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and
9 competent scientists. However, this type of prophylactic vaccines are completely
10 inappropriate, and even highly dangerous, when used in mass vaccination campaigns
11 during a viral pandemic.
12 Vaccinologists, scientists and clinicians are blinded by the positive short-term effects in
13 individual patents, but don’t seem to bother about the disastrous consequences for global
14 health. Unless I am scientifically proven wrong, it is difficult to understand how current
15 human interventions will prevent circulating variants from turning into a wild monster.
16 Racing against the clock, I am completing my scientific manuscript, the publication of
17 which is, unfortunately, likely to come too late given the ever increasing threat from
18 rapidly spreading, highly infectious variants. This is why I decided to already post a
19 summary of my findings as well as my keynote speech at the recent Vaccine Summit in
20 Ohio on LinkedIn.
21 Last Monday, I provided international health organizations, including the WHO, with my
22 analysis of the current pandemic as based on scientifically informed insights in the immune
23 biology of Covid-19. Given the level of emergency, I urged them to consider my concerns
24 and to initiate a debate on the detrimental consequences of further ‘viral immune escape’.
25 For those who are no experts in this field, I am attaching below a more accessible and
26 comprehensible version of the science behind this insidious phenomenon.
27 While there is no time to spare, I have not received any feedback thus far. Experts and
28 politicians have remained silent while obviously still eager to talk about relaxing infection
29 prevention rules and ‘springtime freedom’. My statements are based on nothing else but
30 science. They shall only be contradicted by science.
31 While one can barely make any incorrect scientific statements without being criticized by
32 peers, it seems like the elite of scientists who are currently advising our world leaders
33 prefer to stay silent. Sufficient scientific evidence has been brought to the table.
34 Unfortunately, it remains untouched by those who have the power to act. How long can
35 one ignore the problem when there is at present massive evidence that viral immune escape
36 is now threatening humanity? We can hardly say we didn’t know – or were not warned.
37 In this agonizing letter I put all of my reputation and credibility at stake. I expect from you,
38 guardians of mankind, at least the same. It is of utmost urgency. Do open the debate. By all
39 means: turn the tide!
40 Read the rest of his open letter at this link on Natural News servers.
41 Dr. Vernon Coleman joins in issuing global warning: Covid vaccines may “wipe out the
42 human race”
43 Dr. Vernon Coleman is also joining the global warning for humanity, and in this critical
44 video, Dr. Coleman reveals how the covid-19 vaccine could “wipe out the human race.”
45 See the Dr. Vernon Coleman ( website.
47 Tomorrow’s Situation Update podcast will focus on this vaccine threat to humanity
48 Tuesday morning, I’ll be posting a special edition of the Situation Update podcast on
49 Look for it at this channel:
51 In that upcoming podcast, I will be discussing the global implications of Bossche’s
29-3-2021 Page 6 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 7

1 warnings, including what happens when the second wave of covid “super strains” arrives
2 and starts to kill far younger people at a shockingly high rate.
3 Those who are vaccinated will be the most likely to be killed, of course, and this will have
4 enormous implications for:
5  Demographics, politics and elections (far more Democrats are taking the vaccine
6 compared to Republicans).
7  Real estate prices and local tax revenues (real estate will collapse as the mass die-off
8 accelerates).
9  The coming wave of new lockdowns, even more strict than the first wave.
10  How the fake news media will blame the unvaccinated for all the mass deaths.
11  Disruptions to the food supply and the coming year of widespread food scarcity.
12  The ongoing, accelerating bailouts and the disastrous implications of the “bailout
13 economy” where people are paid to avoid working, and the economic is directed by
14 government handouts instead of productive work.
15  What the coming mass die-off means for the collapse of the stock market and pension
16 funds, as pension contributions crater and cities collapse into bankruptcy due to loss of
17 revenues from productive citizens (sales taxes, income taxes, property taxes).
18  How the global vaccine catastrophe will lead to a global economic collapse that begins
19 later this year and propels us through 2022.
20  Why people who are vaccinated should be avoided at all costs, as they
21 are shedding mutant virus strains and infecting others around them.
22 Catch all this and more in tomorrow’s Situation Update podcast, a special edition focused
23 on the vaccine catastrophe that’s now imminent.
24 And prepare for the worst, because 2020 was just a warm-up round for what’s coming in
25 2021 and beyond.
28 3,964 DEAD 162,610 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 "Vaccines"
30 covid-19-vaccines/

31 3,964 DEAD 162,610 Injuries: European Database of

32 Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”
34 by Brian Shilhavy
35 Editor, Health Impact News
36 The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries
37 and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”
38 Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
39 This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access
40 to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected adverse drug reactions). These
41 reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities
42 and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines.
43 EudraVigilance is a system designed for collecting reports of suspected side effects. These reports
44 are used for evaluating the benefits and risks of medicines during their development and
45 monitoring their safety following their authorisation in the European Economic Area
46 (EEA). EudraVigilance has been in use since December 2001.
47 This website was launched to comply with the EudraVigilance Access Policy, which was developed
48 to improve public health by supporting the monitoring of the safety of medicines and to increase
49 transparency for stakeholders, including the general public.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 The Management Board of the European Medicines Agency first approved the EudraVigilance
2 Access Policy in December 2010. A revision was adopted by the Board in December 2015 based
3 on the 2010 pharmacovigilance legislation. The policy aims to provide stakeholders such as
4 national medicines regulatory authorities in the EEA, the European Commission, healthcare
5 professionals, patients and consumers, as well as the pharmaceutical industry and research
6 organisations, with access to reports on suspected side effects.
7 Transparency is a key guiding principle of the Agency, and is pivotal to building trust and
8 confidence in the regulatory process. By increasing transparency, the Agency is better able to
9 address the growing need among stakeholders, including the general public, for access to
10 information. (Source.)
11 Their report through March 13, 2021 lists 3,964 deaths and 162,610 injuries following injections of
12 three experimental COVID-19 shots:



15 There is also data for a fourth experimental COVID “vaccine,” COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN
16 (AD26.COV2.S). We have not included data from the Johnson and Johnson COVID shot in this
17 report, but will do so in future reports.

18 A Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the three COVID-19 shots
19 we are including here, and here is the summary data through March 13, 2021.

20 for the experimental mRNA

Total reactions
21 vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2, Comirnaty)
22 from BioNTech/ Pfizer: 2,540 deaths and 102,100 injuries to 13/03/2021
25  7,604 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 15 deaths

26  4,636 Cardiac disorders incl. 276 deaths

27  22 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 2 deaths

28  2,683 Ear and labyrinth disorders

29  52 Endocrine disorders

30  2,941 Eye disorders incl. 2 deaths

31  23,074 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 125 deaths

32  72,072 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 957 deaths

33  102 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 12 deaths

34  1,928 Immune system disorders incl. 11 deaths

35  6,020 Infections and infestations incl. 275 deaths

36  2,198 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 32 deaths

37  4,565 Investigations incl. 111 deaths

38  1,567 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 49 deaths

39  37,365 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 22 deaths

29-3-2021 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 9

1  55 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 3 deaths

2  44,993 Nervous system disorders incl. 185 deaths

3  81 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 2 deaths

4  57 Product issues

5  3,742 Psychiatric disorders incl. 28 deaths

6  525 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 37 deaths

7  545 Reproductive system and breast disorders

8  8,788 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 294 deaths

9  10,808 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 18 deaths

10  229 Social circumstances incl. 6 deaths

11  69 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 4 deaths

12  4,820 Vascular disorders incl. 74 deaths

13 for the experimental mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-
Total reactions
14 024414) from Moderna: 973 deaths and 5,939 injuries to 13/03/2021
17  330 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 9 deaths

18  501 Cardiac disorders incl. 96 deaths

19  1 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders

20  116 Ear and labyrinth disorders

21  6 Endocrine disorders

22  181 Eye disorders incl. 2 deaths

23  1,283 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 40 deaths

24  4,198 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 393 deaths

25  21 Hepatobiliary disorders

26  219 Immune system disorders incl. 1 death

27  515 Infections and infestations incl. 57 deaths

28  236 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 16 deaths

29  411 Investigations incl. 36 deaths

30  165 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 18 deaths

31  1,727 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 23 deaths

32  12 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 3 deaths

33  2,324 Nervous system disorders incl. 111 deaths

34  15 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions

29-3-2021 Page 9 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1  4 Product issues

2  271 Psychiatric disorders incl. 14 deaths

3  93 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 10 deaths

4  34 Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 1 death

5  817 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 93 deaths

6  740 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 11 deaths

7  48 Social circumstances incl. 3 deaths

8  40 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 4 deaths

9  368 Vascular disorders incl. 32 deaths

10 for the experimental vaccine AZD1222 (CHADOX1 NCOV-
Total reactions
11 19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca: 451 deaths and 54,571 injuries to 13/03/2021
14  1,180 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 11 deaths

15  2,080 Cardiac disorders incl. 63 deaths

16  17 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders

17  1,237 Ear and labyrinth disorders

18  41 Endocrine disorders

19  1,977 Eye disorders incl. 1 death

20  17,491 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 15 deaths

21  42,367 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 198 deaths

22  32 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 1 death

23  578 Immune system disorders

24  3,340 Infections and infestations incl. 46 deaths

25  853 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 2 deaths

26  2,384 Investigations incl. 3 deaths

27  2,676 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 5 deaths

28  22,858 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 4 deaths

29  19 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 2 deaths

30  32,490 Nervous system disorders incl. 41 deaths

31  22 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions

32  11 Product issues

33  3,105 Psychiatric disorders incl. 3 deaths

34  560 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 4 deaths

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1  266 Reproductive system and breast disorders

2  4,293 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 33 deaths

3  6,815 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 2 deaths

4  99 Social circumstances incl. 2 deaths

5  138 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 4 deaths

6  1,656 Vascular disorders incl. 11 deaths

7 This is public information funded by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), but it is obviously
8 being censored by the corporate media.

9 See Also:
10 2 Men Dead at Senior Care Home following Experimental Pfizer COVID Injections as Australia
11 Begins COVID Shots
13 Published on March 24, 2021
17 From the details I obtained of the about 3,964 persons who died and the 152,610 injuries
18 reported in the European Union AFTER being “jabbed” I have calculated the death risk of
19 certain catogories.
22 Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2, Comirnaty)
23 from BioNTech/ Pfizer: 2,540 deaths and 102,100 injuries to 13/03/2021
25 Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Moderna: 973 deaths and 5,939
26 injuries to 13/03/2021
28 Total reactions for the experimental vaccine AZD1222 (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca: 451
29 deaths and 54,571 injuries to 13/03/2021
31 Pfizer AstraZeneca Moderna
32 Reaction Deaths Reaction Deaths Reaction Deaths
34 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 7,604 - 15 1.180 - 11 330 - 9
35 Cardiac disorders incl. 4,636 - 276 2.080 - 63 501 - 96
36 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 22 - 2 17 - 0 1- 0
37 Ear and labyrinth disorders 2,683 - 0 1.237 - 0 116 - 0
38 Endocrine disorders 52 - 0 41- 0 6- 0
39 Eye disorders incl. 2,941 - 2 1.977 - 0 181 - 2
40 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 23,074 - 125 ,491 - 15 1,283 - 40
41 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 72,072- 975 42,367 - 198 4,198 - 393
42 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 102 - 12 32 - 1 21 - 0
43 Immune system disorders incl. 1,928 - 11 578 - 0 219 - 1
44 Infections and infestations incl. 6,020 - 275 3,340 - 46 515 - 57
45 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 2,198 - 32 853 - 2 236 - 16
46 Investigations incl. 4,565 - 111 2,384 - 3 411 - 36
47 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 1,567 - 49 2,676 - 5 165 - 18
48 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 37,365 - 22 22,858 - 4 1,727 - 23
49 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl 55 - 3 19- 2 12 - 3
50 cysts and polyps) incl.
51 Nervous system disorders incl. 44,993 - 185 32,490 - 41 2,324 - 111
52 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 81 - 2 22 - 0 15 - 0
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1 Product issues 57 - 0 11 - 0 4- 0
2 Psychiatric disorders incl. 3,742 - 28 3,105 - 3 271 - 14
3 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 525 - 37 560 - 4 93 - 10
4 Reproductive system and breast disorders 545 - 0 266 - 0 34 - 1
5 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 8,788 - 294 4,293 - 33 817 - 93
6 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 10,808 - 18 5,815 - 2 740 - 11
7 Social circumstances incl. 229 - 6 99 - 2 48 - 3
8 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 69 - 4 138 - 4 40 - 4
9 Vascular disorders incl. 4,820 - 74 1,656 - 11 369 - 32
12 Percentage of death ration per reported reactions % Death risk Ranking
14 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl
15 cysts and polyps) incl. 86 - 8 = 0.0932023255881% (1)
16 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 155 - 13 = 0.08387096774% (2)
17 Cardiac disorders incl. 7,217 - 435 = 0.06027435222% (3)
18 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 40 - 2 = 0.05% (4)
19 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 247 - 12 = 0.04858299595% (5)
21 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 1178 - 51 = 0.04329371816% (6)
22 Infections and infestations incl. 9875 - 378 = 0.03827848101% (7)
23 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 13,898 - 420 = 0.03022017556% (8)
24 Social circumstances incl. 376 - 11 = 0.02925531914% (9)
25 Investigations incl. 7360 - 150 = 0.02038043478% (10)
27 Vascular disorders incl. 6845 - 117 = 0.01709276844% (11)
28 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 118 - 2 = 0.01694915254% (12)
29 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 4408 - 72 = 0.01633393829% (13)
30 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 3,287 - 50 = 0.015211439% (14)
31 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 118637 - 1566 = 0.01319992919% (15)
33 Immune system disorders incl. 2725 - 12 = 0.00440366975% (16)
34 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 41,848 - 180 = 0.00430128082% (17)
35 Nervous system disorders incl. 79,807 - 337 = 0.00422268723% (18)
36 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 9114 - 35 = 0.00136367911% (19)
37 Psychiatric disorders incl. 7118 - 45 = 0.00632200056% (20)
39 Eye disorders incl. 5,099 - 4 = 0.0078446754% (21)
40 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 17.363 - 31= 0.00178540574% (22)
41 Reproductive system and breast disorders 845 - 1 = 0.00118343195% (23)
42 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 61,950 - 49 = 0.00079096045% (24)
43 Product issues 72 - 0 = 0% (25)
45 Endocrine disorders 99 - 0 = 0% (26)
46 Ear and labyrinth disorders 4,036 - 0 = 0% (27)
48 From this Minister for Health Greg Hunt has position no 7 as a risk/likelihood to eventually die
49 from his infection..
51 Do notice that “Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl”, which I assume include “blood
52 cloths” is on top of the list that the likely hood to die from this is number 1.
53 And while the CDC claims to have investigated deaths in the USA AFTER being “jabbed” and
54 has no concerns, reality is that the very deaths Dr A Fauci referred to including the James CNA
55 Whistle-blower death reports of large group of nursing home residents dying suddenly AFTER

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1 being “jabbed”, and many show immediate health problems also, etc. As such, what is touted to
2 be normal, actually appears to me to be “disinformation” and worse deceiving the public.
4 Remember:
6 730-on-17-february-2021
7 Therapeutic Goods Administration Adj. Professor John Skerritt's interview on ABC 7:30
8 on 17 February 2021

11 Will people be allowed any choice in which vaccine they opt for?


13 The Government's policy is that each centre will have one vaccine, and there'll be different groups going to
14 different centres depending on, obviously, whether you're an aged care resident or you're going to go to
15 primary care in Category 1B of the Phase 1B of a rollout. And so, no, they won't have a choice, but frankly,
16 both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines have been excellent vaccines from our review of them.
19 Yes, you got the head of the TGA announcing what “Government policy is” rather than what
20 safety measures there are in place by the TGA to ensure that the so to say “safety valve” is
21 operating in case something goes horribly wrong.
22 If indeed, as many a virologist are warning about that those “jabs” are irreversible and can in a
23 few months cause considerable health problems then the very purpose of not adhering to a
24 “clinical trial” safety program would have been in my view why many may end up if not dying
25 suffering from considerable health problems. Then I view they can rightfully sue John Skerritt
26 (TGA) as he clearly showed that he was more interested to full fill “government policy” then to
27 stick to a safety program for which “clinical trials” are to be held.
28 And, then we got this answer:
30 interview-on-abc-730-on-17-february-2021
31 Therapeutic Goods Administration Adj. Professor John Skerritt's interview on ABC 7:30
32 on 17 February 2021

35 Some churches have told parishioners to ask for the Pfizer jab, not the AstraZeneca one, because the
36 AstraZeneca one reportedly uses aborted foetuses. What's your view on that and would religious objection be
37 grounds for an exemption to get the vaccine you wanted?


39 When the vaccine was developed, quite a range of vaccines were produced in embryonic kidney cells, and
40 these cells came originally from - and we don't know the personal situation - from a termination that was
41 done, we think, in the Netherlands in the early 1970s. So a very long time ago. And those cells are many
42 generations old now. What we do know is that even at the highest levels from the Vatican down, they've said
43 that the source of this vaccine is not a reason not to be vaccinated. So, churches have come out quite strongly,
44 emphasising the importance of vaccination.
47 To me the answer “When the vaccine was developed, quite a range of vaccines were produced in
48 embryonic kidney cells, and these cells came originally from - and we don't know the
49 personal situation - from a termination that was done, we think, in the Netherlands in the early
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1 1970s.” is totally unacceptable. It appears to me he deliberately avoided to where it was from

2 (“and these cells came originally from - and we don't know the personal situation -”) as I
3 view as head of the TGA it should be his business to know! If he doesn’t then replace him with
4 someone who knows his job!
7 The Biggest COVID-19 Vaccine Skeptics? Frontline Health Care Workers
9 What do frontline health care workers and first responders know about COVID-19 vaccines that politicians
10 and their public health advisers don’t?
11 According to a January analysis by Gallup, 51 percent of health care workers and first responders polled in
12 December 2020 were unconvinced of the merits of getting vaccinated, even if the vaccine “was free,
13 available, FDA approved and 90% effective.”
14 Gallup found these results especially concerning since those at highest risk of exposure to COVID-19—the
15 professionals required to meet America’s health, safety, and critical economic needs and whom the National
16 Academies of Engineering, Science and Medicine defines as “Tier 1A workers”—were the likeliest to
17 refuse vaccination (34 percent).
18 The frontline workers proved to be as defiant as Gallup’s survey of their intentions anticipated. In California,
19 more than half of Tehama County’s hospital workers at St. Elizabeth Community Hospital, an estimated 50
20 percent of frontline workers in Riverside County, and 20 percent to 40 percent in Los Angeles County
21 refused the vaccine, according to a report in the L.A. Times.
22 In Georgia, according to an estimate in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, only 30 percent of health care
23 workers have been inoculated. In Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine reported that 60 percent of nursing-home
24 workers refused the vaccine. In Texas, the Texas Tribune reported in February that home-health and assisted-
25 living agencies may not be able to service their clients because so many caregivers are refusing to be
26 vaccinated. A CDC survey of skilled-nursing facilities published in early February found that fewer than 40
27 percent of staff took at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
28 Outside the United States, frontline workers are likewise skeptical. On March 2, Reuters reported that at most
29 half of the nursing staff in Switzerland’s medical sector, only 30 percent of the staff at Germany’s BeneVit
30 Group care-home operator, and about half of the health workers in French care homes were willing to be
31 vaccinated.
32 PBS, on the same day, reported that since “India started administering the second vaccine dose two weeks
33 ago, half of the frontline workers and nearly 40 percent of health care workers have not shown up.” In
34 Canada, CTV provided an anecdotal report that many long-term-care workers in Montreal are “flat-out
35 refusing” to be inoculated.
36 For health care workers around the world, their dilemma is deciding who to believe. Their government
37 employers and the pharmaceutical companies, who insist the vaccines’ benefits far outweigh the risks? Or
38 their own eyes?
39 Many frontline workers see first-hand those who fall sick or die after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, and in
40 the absence of independent analyses judge for themselves whether the vaccine is implicated. They noted 23
41 nursing-home deaths in Norway and hundreds of hospitalizations in Israel following vaccination.
42 Frontline workers also suffer from vaccinations themselves. As Reuters reported in February in an article
43 entitled “AstraZeneca Vaccine Faces Resistance in Europe After Health Workers Suffer Side-Effects,” the
44 adverse effects hitting health care workers have unexpectedly left large numbers unable to work, forcing
45 hospitals to scramble to maintain services.
46 In France, the safety agency advised hospitals to stagger the inoculation of team members, to avoid disabling
47 team functions.
48 In Sweden, two of the country’s 21 health care regions paused vaccinating their staff after 25 percent of the
49 vaccinated suffered fever or flu-like symptoms.
50 In Austria, inoculations with a batch of vaccines were suspended after one vaccinated nurse died and another
51 required hospitalization.
52 The Wall Street Journal reports that, to avoid being vaccinated, half of the health professionals scheduled in
53 the German state of Saarland failed to show up for their appointment.
54 In response to the many concerns raised by frontline workers, the vaccine manufacturers, care-home
55 operators, and the public-health authorities in all these countries offer bland reassurances, such as
56 AstraZeneca’s statement that “the reactions reported are as we would expect” and the German Health
57 Minister’s claim that “I would be vaccinated with it immediately.”
58 They also plan a plethora of public education campaigns. Partnership for Medicaid Home-Based Care, an
59 industry advocacy group, launched a “Be Wise, Immunize” campaign to educate its workforce.
60 And all urge media and social media to be more vigilant in policing negative vaccination news. In offering
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1 pointers on how to debunk critics, the Columbia Journalism Review on Mar. 5 told media companies that
2 “the first rule of reporting on mis/disinformation [is] don’t talk about the mis/disinformation” and suggested
3 they “consider the practice of ‘pre-bunking’—that is, actively debunking or anticipating public questions and
4 concerns rather than only reacting once false narratives have been popularized.”
5 Although studies show that such assurances and public-education campaigns—also known as propaganda—
6 can reduce vaccine hesitancy, Gallup finds their effect is marginal: “The limited COVID-19 vaccine
7 acceptance rates among all occupation groups show little movement since November 2020.”
8 A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) analysis agrees, and concludes that barriers to “staff
9 member vaccination need to be overcome with continued development and implementation of focused
10 communication and outreach strategies.”
11 Yet the CDC doesn’t explain why continued focused communication and outreach—i.e., more of the
12 same—would overcome worker hesitancy, when workers don’t fully trust the data, or those who
13 deliver the data. To overcome that trust barrier and win over the frontline workers —people who have
14 every incentive to protect themselves—the media would need to lift the censorship, industry would
15 need to subject its studies to independent scrutiny, and all would need to engage in reasoned debate
16 rather than “trust-us” assurances.
18 This article was originally published by the The Epoch Times. It is reprinted with the permission of the
19 author. Lawrence Solomon is a columnist, author, and executive director of the Toronto-based Consumer
20 Policy Institute.
21 If you would like to receive an e-mail notice of the most recent articles published in The Vaccine Reaction
22 each week, click here.
23 AstraZeneca, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, BeneVit Group, Canada, CDC, Centers for Disease Control and
24 Prevention, Columbia Journalism Review, COVID-19 vaccines, CTV, FDA, Food and Drug Administration,
25 Gallup, Georgia, Israel, Lawrence Solomon, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles Times, Mike DeWine,
26 Montreal, National Academies of Engineering, Norway, Partnership for Medicaid Home-Based Care, PBS,
27 Reuters, Riverside County, Saarland, Science and Medicine, St. Elizabeth Community Hospital, Tehama
28 County, Texas Tribune, The Vaccine Reaction, The Wall Street Journal, Tier 1A workers, vaccine hesitancy
29 Note: This commentary provides referenced information and perspective on a topic related to vaccine
30 science, policy, law or ethics being discussed in public forums and by U.S. lawmakers. The websites of
31 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provide information and perspective of
32 federal agencies responsible for vaccine research, development, regulation and policymaking.
35 In my view the following also may explain why many in the medical profession do not trust
36 whatever politicians and so called medical doctors are claiming as to be “science” rather than
37 they are promoting “political science”. After all they are the “first responders” who personally
38 witness the devastation and death that follows “jabbing”.
41 bombs.html
42 Situation Update, Mar 26: Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs and a
43 THREAT to society –
45 Situation Update, Mar 26: Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs and a
46 THREAT to society
47 Friday, March 26, 2021 by: Mike Adams
48 Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, biological
49 weapons, bioweapons, danger, depopulation, genocide, outbreak, pandemic, Plague, super
50 strains, threat, vaccinated, vaccines
51 (Natural News) People who are ignorant enough to be injected with an experimental
52 vaccine that accelerates the generation of highly contagious super strains in their own
53 bodies are walking biological time bombs and a threat to society.
54 The globalists know this, and consistent with their goals of global mass extermination, they
55 are giving the most dangerous and most contagious people “vaccine passports” so they can
56 freely roam across society, spreading their super strain viruses far and wide. Again, this is
57 all by design.
58 The safest people are those who have strong innate immune systems and have already built
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1 antibodies against the coronavirus, without needing any medical intervention. This is easily
2 accomplished in most people with the help of vitamin D, zinc, nutrition, restful sleep and
3 avoidance of toxic foods and medications.
4 Yet the entire “science” industry refuses to recognize any role whatsoever for innate
5 immunity, and antibodies that individuals create on their own are not recognized as serving
6 any function whatsoever. For example, you can’t get an “antibody passport” from showing
7 your own innate immunity, even though you have already defeated the pathogen thanks to
8 your God-given immune system.
9 Modern “science” — if we dare even call it that — wants you to believe you have no
10 immune system at all and that your body must be hijacked by mRNA vaccines in order to
11 function. This is a gigantic, dangerous lie, and it is repeated by nearly every media outlet,
12 medical journal and medical “authority” around the world (most of whom are working for
13 the CCP to destroy Western nations, of course).
14 If lockdowns, quarantines and masks were to be required for anyone, it should be the
15 vaccinated!
16 It’s the vaccinated people that are the most dangerous to society and the most likely to
17 infect others with super strains which are already demonstrating complete immunity to
18 existing vaccines. The vaccines, in other words, have already been rendered largely
19 obsolete.
20 It’s only the innate human immune system that can handle the rapid mutations and defeat
21 them in a few hours rather than waiting for 10+ months for the vaccine industry to roll out
22 another “covid booster shot.”
23 The vaccine industry will be chasing these variants and mutant strains forever, in exactly
24 the same way antibiotics are forever chasing superbugs in hospital settings. Yet today, the
25 entire world is the super strain factory for the vaccine / bioweapons industry, and in truth,
26 there’s something far more sinister at play here.
27 Fauci, the NIH and the CCP needed billions of humans to serve as bioweapons factories in
28 order to accelerate their ultimate genocidal bioweapon
29 It turns out that Fauci, the NIH and the CCP didn’t actually succeed in building a deadly
30 bioweapon that would wipe out humanity. The weapon they built — SARS-COV-2 — was
31 intended merely to convince billions of people to take vaccines that would transform
32 their own bodies into bioweapons factories so that the mutation development could then
33 proceed globally.
34 In this way, the centralized bioweapons vaccine military complex was able to
35 “decentralize” its bioweapons development program by releasing a relatively mild strain
36 into the wild and following it up with a vaccine to accelerate the super strain adaptations.
37 In effect, every human being who has taken the vaccine is now a walking bioweapons
38 factory, churning out super strains and “shedding” them all over society with the help of
39 their vaccine passports.
40 As cruise lines, sports arenas, airlines, universities and other organizations are now
41 announcing “vaccinated only” policies for who they will allow to resume normal activities,
42 they are creating “perfect storm” conditions for spreading the next global killer viral
43 strain which will be the result of random mutations in a vaccinated person, not deliberate
44 engineering in a genetic lab.
45 The real medical purpose of the vaccine is to wipe out the less lethal strains and provide
46 viral adaptation pressures that accelerate the creation of more lethal strains.
47 This was all by design. They knew they couldn’t design the perfect weapon in the lab…
48 they needed to put human beings to work as walking lab experiments. And that’s exactly
49 what the vaccine accomplished.
50 Vaccinated people are dangerous to be around
51 Now, anyone who wants to survive the killer “super strain” wave that’s mutating right now
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1 in the bodies of the vaccinated must realize that staying away from vaccinated people
2 may be a matter of life and death. It is the vaccinated who are the most dangerous and
3 are therefore given the most access to society. In their own selfishness and scientific
4 ignorance, these willing bioweapons volunteers are helping to carry out the greatest crime
5 against humanity that could ever be imagined: A global plague, powered through
6 decentralized, accelerated, adaptive genetic shaping that relies on billions of willing
7 volunteers to serve as mutation labs.
8 The scale of this global medical experiment on live human subjects puts the entire Nazi
9 regime to shame.
10 When the next death wave comes, of course, the media will blame the unvaccinated,
11 even though the unvaccinated aren’t being allowed to go anywhere, increasingly. It is the
12 vaccinated who will be killing themselves and others, which is why I say they are part of a
13 “vaccine suicide cult.”
14 You’re already seeing this across the media: The super strains have already begun to
15 emerge, and the current slate of vaccines will likely be entirely obsolete later this
16 year. Pfizer has already announced its plan to profit from annual corona vaccine shots as
17 the mutations and strains fall into a never-ending pattern of repeat business, all accelerated
18 by the initial vaccine (by design).
19 Today’s Situation Update tells the full story of what’s behind all this and where it’s going:
21 Catch a new Situation Update podcast each weekday at:
24 Previous :Situation Update, Mar 25: Don’t go down with the left-wing VACCINE SUICIDE
26 More news on badhealth
28 Situation Update, Mar 26: Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs and a THREAT to
29 society
31 Pfizer plans to raise prices and profit annually from their experimental vaccines after “pandemic” is
32 rebranded as an “endemic seasonal illness”
34 After getting caught FAKING vaccine efficacy data, AstraZeneca “revises” its numbers… but it’s all
35 still a cruel farce
37 Americans wildly misinformed about risk of hospitalization from coronavirus, survey shows
39 University shuts down world-renowned aluminum expert’s research after Big Pharma sets up shop on
40 campus
42 Thailand suspends mass vaccinations with AstraZeneca jab, in wake of blood clot deaths
43 Doctor raises serious doubts about effectiveness of face masks, busts common misconceptions
47 After getting caught FAKING vaccine efficacy data, AstraZeneca “revises” its numbers…
48 but it’s all still a cruel farce –
50 After getting caught FAKING vaccine efficacy data, AstraZeneca
51 “revises” its numbers… but it’s all still a cruel farce
52 Friday, March 26, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
53 Tags: AstraZeneca, badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, coronavirus, covid-

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1 19, Data, deception, efficacy, faked, fraud, jab, junk science, lies, manipulation, quack
2 science, vaccination, vaccine, vaccine injury, vaccine wars, vaccines
4 (Natural News) Following an upswell of criticism, drug giant AstraZeneca has “revised” the efficacy
5 data for its experimental Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) gene therapy injection, which has been
6 exposed for triggering deadly blood clots and death in many recipients.
7 After lying about the jab to make the injection appear safe and effective, which it certainly is not,
8 AstraZeneca incurred flak all week long, prompting the company to try to save face through more
9 manipulation.
10 Now, the company claims that its Chinese virus injection is 76 percent “effective” at guarding
11 against “symptoms” of the Wuhan flu. Earlier in the week, AstraZeneca claimed that the efficacy
12 rate was 79 percent.
13 According to the company, which worked in partnership with the University of Oxford to produce
14 and release the jab, there is no need to worry about adverse effects from the injection because it is
15 supposedly being “well tolerated” by recipients.
16 Hilariously, AstraZeneca is doubling down on the false claim that its shot is 100 percent effective
17 against “severe disease and hospitalization,” to quote CNBC. That is right: AstraZeneca wants you
18 to believe that getting injected will totally protect you against ever getting really sick from Chinese
19 germs, even though many already have gotten sick or died as a consequence of getting needled.
20 It is so obvious that AstraZeneca is cherry-picking data and engaging an anti-scientific deception
21 that even public health officials across the United States are speaking out against the company.
22 The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) announced that AstraZeneca
23 provided an “incomplete view of the efficacy data” of its injection, though NIAID head Anthony
24 Fauci still insists that it is 100 percent safe and effective.
25 How many people have died because of Fauci’s lies?
26 According to AstraZeneca, the false figures it released were based on a “pre-specified interim
27 analysis,” which is just a fancy way of saying that the company selected the best looking “moment”
28 in the trial to present as “evidence” that the injection works as claimed.
29 Nobody with a brain is buying anything that AstraZeneca is selling, of course, but the reality is that
30 there are not very many working brains left in America today.
31 “This is really what you call an unforced error because the fact is this is very likely a very good
32 vaccine,” proclaimed Fauci in AstraZeneca’s defense during a “Good Morning America” segment
33 with Robin Roberts.
34 “This kind of thing does … really cast some doubt about the vaccines and maybe contribute to the
35 hesitancy. It was not necessary.”
36 In other words, Fauci believes that Americans should ignore the data and reject the science, and
37 instead trust him and AstraZeneca to poison them with deadly chemicals that will forever destroy
38 their genetic blueprints – and many Americans are listening to him.
39 Fauci already has lots of blood on his hands and apparently wants a whole lot more. Since this
40 deceiver clearly has no conscience and is unable to ever tell the truth, it only makes sense that he
41 would contort AstraZeneca’s lies into a simple “misunderstanding.”
42 Not only are Americans being deceived but so are all other nations that agree to participate in
43 this plandemic sham, which includes nearly all nations save for Iran and perhaps a few others –
44 and just look at how our country talks about and treats Iran?
45 Iranian officials have rightly concluded that Big Pharma’s alleged “vaccines” for the Wuhan
46 coronavirus (Covid-19) are a genocidal joke. The Middle Eastern country thus refuses to allow its
47 citizens to be experimented on with these deadly gene-modifying chemical cocktails.
48 To keep up with the latest news stories about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) deception, be sure to
49 check out
50 Sources for this article include:
56 I for one take it very serious that a pharmaceutical company so to say is cooking the books by
57 providing incorrect information as after all doing so can and may likely result in the loss of life
58 of certain participants in any “clinical trials” and other applications.

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1 Warning: DON'T TAKE THE VACCINE! - General McInerney - The True Defender !

3 Warning: DON’T TAKE THE

4 VACCINE! – General McInerney
8 increasing/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=2fb75a37-769f-48df-934d-5af97ed4f684
9 68-Year-Old Dies After Anaphylactic Reaction to COVID Vaccine as CDC Continues to
10 Ignore Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths • Children's Health Defense
12 Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and
13 deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID
14 vaccines showed that between Dec. 14, 2020 and March 19, 2021, there were 44,606 reports of adverse
15 events, including 2,050 deaths and 7,095 serious injuries.
16 In the U.S., 118.3 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of March 19.
20 Coronavirus cases rise in states with high vaccination rates, proving yet again the vaccines don’t work –
22 Coronavirus cases rise in states with high vaccination rates, proving yet again the vaccines don’t work
25 cult.html
26 Situation Update, Mar 25: Don’t go down with the left-wing VACCINE SUICIDE CULT –
28 Situation Update, Mar 25: Don’t go down with the left-wing VACCINE SUICIDE CULT
29 Thursday, March 25, 2021 by: Mike Adams
30 Tags: badhealth, covid-19, Duckworth, evil, Hirono, insanity, left cult, lunatics, pandemic, Plandemic, suicide, vaccine
31 wars, vaccines, vax-tards
33 (Natural News) The only honest assessment of the left-wing vaccine zealots who are aggressively pushing
34 dangerous, deadly vaccines on everyone is that they are part of a vaccine suicide cult.
35 Much like the Heaven’s Gate cult in California led its followers to kill themselves because they thought an
36 alien mothership was going to “save” them while hiding behind Haley’s Comet, today’s vaccine cultists
37 believe they will be saved by the very pharmaceutical monsters that are hell bent on maximizing vaccine
38 profits no matter how many people die in the process.
39 The vaccine zealotry has gone so far beyond any realm of reason or “facts” that it can only be accurately
40 called a cult. And it’s a suicide cult, since so many are setting themselves up for mass death from the
41 medium-term side effects that end in horrendous suffering, known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement or
42 ADE.
43 This is also known as a “hyperinflammatory reaction” upon exposure to coronavirus strains in the wild, and it
44 presents a very real risk of mass fatalities among those who are dumb enough to have lined up to take the
45 experimental mRNA vaccine that’s been shoved down everyone’s throats.
46 According to the CDC, about one quarter of the US population has already received at least one dose of the
47 coronavirus vaccine, and the official goal is to get at least 100 million Americans to accept two doses. If this
48 vaccine goes horribly wrong, we could see literally tens of millions of Americans dead from it over just the
49 next couple of years.
50 In order to accomplish this vaccine suicide brainwashing, every effort is being made to censor, ridicule and
51 discredit anyone who dares raise even a single question about vaccine testing, efficacy or testing. Merely
52 stating that 20+ European countries have paused the deadly AstrZeneca vaccine linked to blood clot deaths
53 will get you banned as an “anti-vaxxer.” No person is allowed to cite any safety concerns, even those
54 expressed by other governments.
55 So stupid they’re almost begging to be suicided
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 The covid vaccine and mask pushers are so unbelievably stupid — almost beyond imagination — that they
2 are now pushing “nose masks” so that people can continue to talk and eat while wearing a mask.
3 But if the whole point of wearing a mask is to block the spittle coming out of the mouth, then a nose mask is
4 medically meaningless, serving as nothing more than a symbol of blind, stupid obedience to an insane
5 plandemic lie. Then again, even a regular face mask is also meaningless, we now know, and does nothing to
6 stop the spread of any infectious agent.
7 Miscarriages following covid-19 vaccines, by the way, have spiked 366% in the UK, demonstrating yet again
8 that vaccines are truly designed as depopulation weapons against humanity.
9 In the USA, America’s public health policies are now run by an obese transgender named Rachel Levine,
10 who is the perfect symbol of complete insanity, self-harm and a lack of public health. You might think public
11 health should be led by someone who is actually healthy and sane, but not under the Biden regime. They are
12 deliberately trying to be as stupid and evil as possible, which is why Senators Hirono and Duckworth — both
13 of whom are admitted racist bigots — are now claiming they will vote against any “white” person for Biden’s
14 cabinet, promising to ban them based on the color of their skin.
15 Hirono and Duckworth might have felt right at home running the gas ovens in Nazi Germany, exterminating
16 those they didn’t like. Today, they infest the U.S. Senate, which has become a corrupt cabal of demonic evil,
17 corruption, treason and fraud. In no society rooted in real justice should a sitting Senator openly declare they
18 will ban people based on the color of their skin, regardless of their qualifications. Hirono and Duckworth are
19 pure evil and should be removed from the Senate in shame.
20 Today’s Situation Update podcast explores all these issues and many more. This is a hard-hitting podcast that
21 pulls no punches:
23 Discover a new podcast each day at:
27 Israel Covid Horror situation Ilana Rachel Part 1
29 Israel;
30 When you don’t take the vaccine your life is basically over.
31 No entrance to shopping malls, no more theatrevisits, children above 16 which did not take
32 the injection are not allowed to take their examns, Protesting parties in the knesset are
33 brought to silence and threatened by the militairy. They took away the medical licence of a
34 opposing party leader. Medical apartheid. City council receives medical dossiers to check
35 if you took the vaccine.
36 Israel became the hell on earth because of the Covid lie. The rest of the world will follow if
37 we do nothing.
38 https://www.stop
42 daniel/?unapproved=75796&moderation-hash=5a7cb5a0201054025322b220320fcf0e#comment-75796
43 Outcry to the World from Israel | Ilana Rachel Daniel
44 Published March 15, 2021 | Best in Video
47 I understand that an Israeli lawfirm has filed a legal document with the ICC regarding what may
48 be a holocaust. In my view more than likely the same may eventuate in many other countries,
49 such as in Australia.
52 jab/ar-BB1f01TI?ocid=msedgntp
53 Covid survivors have three times the antibody response after one jab (
54 Covid survivors have three times the antibody response after one jab
56 Coronavirus survivors who get vaccinated respond up to seven times better to it than those who haven't had
57 the virus, a study has found.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 Researchers found that antibody levels were three times higher in people who had the virus and then one dose
2 of Pfizer's jab, compared to someone who had never been infected but had two doses of the same vaccine.
3 The difference was even bigger when they looked at people who had never caught Covid and were only
4 given one dose.
5 But the experts claimed the single dose produced a 'robust' immune response in 99 per cent of people. They
6 said levels of protection are even stronger after the top-up jab, underlining the importance of people coming
7 forward for their second shot.
8 Data showed the jabs offered a 'breadth' of immune response, leaving experts confident that the current crop
9 of vaccines should be effective against the South African variant and other mutant strains.
10 The findings support the UK policy of rapid roll-out of one dose of vaccine to provide cover as quickly as
11 possible for millions of Britons in higher-risk groups, researchers say.
12 The study was done on 237 health workers in Sheffield, Oxford, Liverpool, Newcastle and Birmingham.
13 Most volunteers were female.
14 It measured levels of both antibodies and T-cells, which are substances used by the immune system to
15 destroy the coronavirus. Higher levels generally mean stronger immunity.
16 Scientists found that, after one dose of the vaccine, people who had been infected with Covid in the past had
17 6.8 times as many antibodies in their blood as those who had not.
18 They had 2.9 times as many antibodies after one dose as people who had not been infected but who had been
19 given two jabs, the total vaccine course.
20 But the experts said second doses are still needed for everyone because the booster is thought to make
21 immunity last for longer.
22 The study comes after findings in the last few months showed antibody responses after one dose are
23 significantly higher in people who have had survived Covid.
24 The new study, named Protective Immunity from T-cells to Covid in Health workers (PITCH), was published
25 online.
26 In it, 113 people who had previously caught the coronavirus and 103 who had never been infected were given
27 one dose of Pfizer's vaccine.
28 And 21 healthcare workers who had not previously had the virus were given two jabs. No Covid survivors
29 were given both doses.
30 Workers who received both doses were given them three weeks apart, in line with what was done in
31 clinical studies that saw it approved in December.
32 But the NHS is using a 12-week gap to stretch supplies across more people, after UK regulators
33 insisted it was safe to do so.
34 After one dose coronavirus survivors had 5.9 times the number of T-cells — a type of white blood cell
35 that binds to and kills viruses — as those who have never been infected.
36 Their T-cell response was as strong after one dose as those who had both jabs but had not had the virus.
37 Professor Miles Carroll, an Oxford University virologist and author of the study, said it was too early to say
38 Covid survivors do not need a second dose.
39 He said: 'What you find is that even if people who have been previously infected and have had one dose,
40 some people might have a really good response and some people might have a mediocre response.
41 'So having that second dose, even if you were previously infected, is essential to ensure that you have good,
42 solid immunity.
43 'And also — what we don't know — is that it's likely that second dose will increase the longevity of response
44 even if you've had prior infection.
45 'So the advice would be to have that second dose.'
46 And Professor Susanna Dunachie, the chief investigator for the study at Oxford, added: 'It's possible in the
47 future, when we've seen everyone at six months, we may be able to address that.
48 'But right now the safest course of action is to advise the two doses, particularly with the variants of concern.'
49 The study also found a first dose in previously-infected people gave a higher ‘breadth’ of T-cell responses,
50 making them better protected against variants of concern.
51 Professor Carrol said: ‘In general, the stronger your antibody response is, the more likely it is you will have
52 protection against the variants of concern.
53 ‘So the key is getting a really strong response. Getting a second dose is going to help you with that response.'
54 The study found no link between age and the levels of T-cell or antibody response after a dose of the
55 vaccine.
56 Its findings have not yet been peer-reviewed and the authors say further research is needed to determine the
57 long-term effects of vaccines on immunity.
58 Experts said the study shows the Pfizer vaccine is successful at both bringing non-infected people's immunity
59 up and enhancing the range of immune responses in people who had previously had the virus.
60 Professor Eleanor Riley, and immunologist at the University of Edinburgh, said: 'This large, well-controlled
61 study of UK health care workers demonstrates that a single dose of the Pfizer-BioNtech Covid vaccine
62 induces antibody and T-cell responses comparable to those seen after natural infection.'
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1 She said the findings back the JCVI's decision to recommend a 12-week gap between first and second doses
2 in the UK, which has led to criticism in other countries.
3 Professor Riley added: 'Importantly, this study shows that vaccination of previously infected individuals not
4 only boosts their immune responses but also broadens the repertoire of immune responses to SARS-CoV-2.
5 'In so doing, [it] enhances the response to several variants of concern including the so-called Kent, South
6 African and Brazilian variants.
7 'These data demonstrate the importance of vaccinating everyone, including people who have already been
8 infected.'
9 And Professor Daniel Altmann, an immunologist at Imperial College London, said: 'Findings such as this
10 have inevitably led to debate about whether vaccine supplies could be stretched further by offering only a
11 single dose to those known to have been previously infected.
12 'For most of the world, including the UK, there may be sufficient diagnostic uncertainty as to who was
13 definitely infected to make this approach hard to implement efficiently.'
14 Health Secretary Matt Hancock said: 'The PITCH study presents further proof that vaccines provide excellent
15 protection against the virus.
16 'Thanks to the incredible efforts of our vaccination programme, over half of all adults in the UK have had the
17 jab, and we remain on track to offer all adults a vaccine by the end of July.
18 'The vaccine has already saved thousands of lives in the UK.
19 'A second vaccine jab is crucial for longer-term protection, regardless of whether you have previously had
20 Covid or not and I urge everyone to make sure they attend their second appointment — to keep themselves
21 and those around them safe.'
23 A significant body of research has suggested people who have been infected with Covid and recovered may
24 only need one shot of the vaccine.
25 However few peer-reviewed studies on the subject have been published — with vaccines only available since
26 December at the earliest — and most data has been released as pre-prints.
27 And some research has suggested having Covid before can cause worse side effects from the vaccine.
28 Here is what studies have said on how Covid survivors react to different doses of the vaccine:
31 One coronavirus vaccine dose may protect Covid survivors as much as two doses given to people who have
32 never had the infection
33 Researchers from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill compared antibody levels among two groups
34 of patients given either the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine or the Moderna vaccine.
35 The study, published on pre-print server, looked at 193 healthcare personnel members who
36 were eligible to receive the vaccine starting from mid-December 2020.
37 Professor Allison Aiello, an epidemiologist at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health said: 'We
38 observed that the antibody response to one vaccine dose among individuals who had been previously infected
39 was almost two-fold higher than that of individuals who had no signs of prior infection.'
41 21),
42 Researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found a single vaccine shot boosted
43 antibodies and other immune system cells by up to 1,000-fold in Covid survivors.
44 For the study, published on pre-print server, the team looked at blood samples from 10
45 coronavirus survivors who donated plasma.
46 Each one had blood samples examined before and after a single dose of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or the
47 Moderna vaccine.
48 Results showed a significant jump in the levels of two types of white blood cells — B and CD4+ T cell
49 responses, which help mediate immunity.
52 Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York released a pre-print
53 on in February suggesting Covid survivors only need one vaccine dose.
54 They found that Covid survivor who have received one shot had antibody levels similar to — and even
55 higher than — those who had never been infected and were given two doses.
56 Additionally, virus survivors were more likely to report side effects after being immunised such as pain at the
57 injection site, fever and fatigue.
60 Figures from the ZOE Covid-19 Symptom Study app show 33 per cent of people who had already been
61 struck down the virus endured at least one mild side effect.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 For comparison, the rate was just 19 per cent among non-Covid sufferers.
2 The most common side effect was fatigue, with nine per cent. It was followed by headaches (eight per cent)
3 and chills (four per cent).
4 Meanwhile, the data also showed most of the side effects — known as systematic because the whole body is
5 affected — appeared within 48 hours of getting vaccinated.
8 Isn’t it great to get some “good news” story? Well, just that one should consider what really was
9 written.
11 And 21 healthcare workers who had not previously had the virus were given two jabs. No Covid survivors
12 were given both doses.
13 Workers who received both doses were given them three weeks apart, in line with what was done in
14 clinical studies that saw it approved in December.
15 But the NHS is using a 12-week gap to stretch supplies across more people, after UK regulators
16 insisted it was safe to do so.
17 After one dose coronavirus survivors had 5.9 times the number of T-cells — a type of white blood cell
18 that binds to and kills viruses — as those who have never been infected.
21 What shows is that the pharmaceutical companies are making recommendations such as “three
22 weeks apart” while the NHS changes this to “a 12-week gap to stretch supplies across more
23 people”. Well, excuse me if the “clinical trials” had a certain time application then I view it is
24 not for the NHS to change this, as changing the time can have serious, even deadly,
25 consequences as I understand it from various reports. Also “No Covid survivors were given
26 both doses.”, then one has to ask on what “clinical trial” basis are then people who had already
27 COVID-19 nevertheless given 2 “jabs”?
28 I get it, as with TGA John Skerritt it seems that the NHS rather follow their political masters
29 “government policies” then to comply with the time table that the “clinical trials” were using and
30 for which any “provisional approval” was granted.
31 When a person consult a doctor and he prescribes medication to be taken once a day for one
32 month then well why not do it twice once a month, so to stretch the usage? One would likely get
33 the argument that one must follow the prescription details as the doctor knows what is most
34 appropriate, yet, when it comes to the clinical trials results, then it appears the politicians knows
35 better to stretch the way the ‘jabs” are given. What a crap.
37 Also
39 After one dose coronavirus survivors had 5.9 times the number of T-cells — a type of white blood cell
40 that binds to and kills viruses — as those who have never been infected.
43 Ok, I make known repeatedly I had no medical or scientific training and so may just have
44 misunderstood what viruses are about, despite having researched this for more than a year, but
45 then I rely upon the virologists and others who in their articles and videos made clear that a
46 “virus” is not alive and cannot reproduce itself. It would need to penetrate a “cell” that then
47 reproduce itself with the virus in it. Essentially a “virus” could be compared with a “grain of
48 salt” or “granule of sugar” and regardless how long you may keep in in a container and store it
49 for decades it will never replicate itself. Well that is my layman understanding. As such, if you
50 put a virus in a container well come back years later and I understand it will not have replicated
51 itself. It never was alive and never will, at least to the claims of the expert virologists. As such,
52 having a statement like “and kills viruses” to me seems to show that whomever wrote the article
53 simply didn’t have a clue that a “virus” (again, according to the experts) are not alive!

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 And, while there are numerous other issues with this article, I will now forgo zeroing in as it
2 would likely need reams of paper to explain it all. Albeit, the following article might just hint
3 that to overdo any “jabbing” and any quantities may have serious additional consequences.
4 While much may be argued about “brain fog” and the other symptoms of COVID-19, one may
5 have to consider what is really COVID-19? Is it a “virus” or might it really be a
6 parasite/bacterium (such as we have with Legionnaires Disease)?
9 1567649.html
10 COVID-19 Could Increase Dementia, Other Brain Disorders for Decades to Come
11 (
12 COVID-19 Could Increase Dementia, Other Brain Disorders for Decades to Come
14 BY ADAM PIORE ON 02/10/21 AT 11:00 AM EST
15 COVID-19 could bring an increase in brain disorders including dementia, psychosis, chronic fatigue and
16 Alzheimer's.VLADIMIR/GETTY
17 Gabriel de Erausquin first began to worry about the long-term impact of COVID on the brain when he read
18 early reports out of Wuhan, China last January that survivors had lost two of their give senses--smell and
19 taste. Worry turned to alarm when one of his medical assistants, a young mother who had come down with
20 COVID-19 and had to be quarantined for a month, told de Erausquin, a neuroscientist, that she "couldn't
21 care less" about being separated from her children.
22 Loss of smell, emotional detachment and other cognitive disorders among COVID-19 survivors has in recent
23 weeks become an urgent medical issue. Some patients experience psychotic breaks. Others report strange
24 neurological symptoms—tremors, extreme fatigue, phantom smells, dizziness and bouts of profound
25 confusion, a condition known as "brain fog." In one early study of more than 200 patients in Wuhan,
26 neurological complications were identified in 36 percent of all cases and in 45 percent of severe cases.
27 Another study in France in the New England Journal of Medicine reported neurological symptoms in 67
28 percent of patients.
29 Although it's too early to tell what the long-term effects of COVID-19 will be on the cognitive health of
30 survivors, scientists now fear the disease could feed a spike in dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases
31 in the decades ahead. In addition, a growing number of COVID long-haulers already meet the clinical criteria
32 for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a mysterious condition, also called myalgic encephalomyelitis,
33 characterized by extreme fatigue, exercise intolerance and a whole host of other strange and debilitating
34 neurological symptoms. Prior to COVID-19, CFS afflicted 2 million Americans.
35 If COVID long-haulers follow the trajectory of those who suffer from CFS, anywhere from 10-to-30 percent
36 of those infected by SARS-CoV-2 may eventually experience long-term symptoms—a vast pool of additional
37 millions with the condition who will place a new strain our healthcare burden, says Avindra Nath, clinical
38 director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
39 In recent months, the medical establishment has belatedly begun to respond to the crisis. Whereas COVID-19
40 was in early months considered mainly a respiratory virus, there's now a growing appreciation for its effect
41 on other organs, including the brain. In addition, the media has increasingly begun to draw attention to the
42 plight of long-haulers and their cognitive symptoms.
43 Our Community
44 "The realization that there's a neurological effect has been really recent," says Nath. "I've been trying
45 to beat that drum for quite some time. Patients have been complaining about it for months, but the
46 scientists were not doing anything about it."
47 That is changing. Several large-scale initiatives to study the problem have been announced in recent weeks.
48 The biggest question is how much money the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will devote to them. In
49 December, Congress allocated roughly $1.25 billion to the agency for COVID-19 research, to be spent at the
50 discretion of director Francis Collins. Although he has not yet stated whether he intends to fund brain
51 research, agency officials told Newsweek that NIH will likely support large-scale studies that examine
52 different recovery trajectories. (They spoke without attribution and declined to give specifics because the
53 plans are still being hashed out.) An NIH spokesperson confirmed that NIH will "expand efforts to determine
54 the scope of the post-acute COVID-19 symptoms, understand the biological processes involved and,
55 ultimately, test methods to prevent and treat such symptoms."
56 Neuroscientists, meanwhile, are doing what they can and focusing their efforts on ways of intervening early
57 in the onset of COVID-19 with treatments that minimize long-term damage to the brain. Once patients have
58 lived for months or even years with the syndrome, treatment is more difficult. "That's what we'd like to
59 avoid," says Dr. Walter Koroshetz, director of NINDS. "The sooner you can intervene, the greater effect your
60 intervention is likely to have. People who are two and three years out and are still sick, it's a tougher road
29-3-2021 Page 24 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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2 The connection between chronic neurological conditions and infectious viruses has long mystified scientists.
3 In the wake of the 1918 Spanish Flu, an estimated 1 million people worldwide developed a mysterious,
4 degenerative neurological syndrome known as encephalitis lethargica, which caused Parkinson-like muscle
5 rigidity, psychosis and, in some cases, a zombie-like state. Neurologist-author Oliver Sacks featured the
6 syndrome in a book that was the basis for the 1990 film Awakenings. The cause of this condition, which
7 lingers for decades, is still not fully understood.
8 Prior to the introduction of antiviral therapies for HIV in the 1980s, dementia was observed in about 25
9 percent of infected patients. The AIDS virus often invaded the brain within the first two weeks of infection,
10 smuggling itself in through infected immune cells and flooding the brain with neurotoxic proteins capable of
11 laying waste to broad patches of neural real estate, according to Lena Al-Hartha of Chicago's Rush Medical
12 College.
13 Neuroscientists seek early treatments that minimize long-term damage to the brain. The amygdala, in red, is
14 an area of interest to scientists as they try to understand COVID's neurodegenerative impact.SCIENCE
16 In the wake of the 2003 SARS and the 2012 MERS outbreaks, autopsies found that pathogens had
17 penetrated the brains of some victims. NINDS' Nath, meanwhile, is currently following 200 former Ebola
18 patients in Liberia still suffering from a mysterious set of chronic neurological symptoms that don't seem to
19 be getting any better with time. Early efforts to investigate the strange effect COVID-19 seems to have on the
20 brain of some victims have been hampered by the dangers of performing autopsies on deceased patients
21 infected with a deadly pathogen that spreads through the air. In the first nine months of the pandemic, doctors
22 performed only 24 studies involving brain autopsies of 149 individuals, according to one review.
23 Even so, those early studies, along with more recent ones, are beginning to provide clues.
24 Clare Bryce, a pathologist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, is part of a team that has so far
25 managed to examine the brains of 63 autopsied patients. They work in a specially-sealed room, equipped
26 with a ventilation system designed to keep air from escaping, accessible only to a single pathologist at a time
27 clothed in a full-body protective suit and face shield.
28 In April, Bryce and her colleagues detailed the case of a 74-year-old Hispanic male who had arrived in the
29 ER confused after experiencing several falls at home and, over the course of the following days, was variably
30 "alert, agitated and combative." He died on day 11. When Bryce and her team examined his brain, it was shot
31 through with dead patches of shrunken, discolored, oxygen-starved neurons, which were so fresh they had yet
32 to be broken down by the brain's cellular maintenance crews—conditions they would see in roughly a quarter
33 of the other 62 brains they examined in the months that followed. In an additional 11 patients, Bryce and her
34 team found evidence of areas of devastation and cell death that were at least a couple weeks old. Some
35 brains were swollen or shot through with clotted blood vessels.
36 "Sometimes there was a large area territory of dead tissue, but more commonly they're quite small and patchy
37 within the periphery of the cortex, and also in the deep surfaces in the brain," Bryce says. "Some looked like
38 they were anemic, some lacked oxygen and others had hemorrhages."
39 NINDS' Nath found similar damage in the fixed brain tissues of 16 deceased individuals shipped to him by
40 the New York City Medical Examiner's office, which he examined through high-powered microscopes. He
41 published the results in the New England Journal of Medicine.
44 Gut-Brain Axis (GBA) Poster (
45 Many of the patients Nath examined had died suddenly prior to seeking medical attention—one was
46 found on the subway, another had been playing with his little sister—leading Nath to conclude their
47 symptoms were so mild that they were unaware of being sick. Nevertheless, Nath also found their
48 brains to be shot through with neuronal damage, inflammation and broken blood vessels.
49 The exact cause of this devastation remains a subject of vigorous debate among neuroscientists. It's also
50 unclear whether the damage found in the brains of those who died from acute COVID-19 is mirrored in those
51 who suffered milder cases and have since been hit with mysterious neurological aftereffects. The answers to
52 those two questions could have major implications for future treatment.
54 The lingering effects of COVID-19, scientists fear, will feed a spike in dementia and other
55 neurodegenerative diseases in the decades ahead. A model of SARS-CoV-2 as it infects a cell.DESIGN
58 There are competing theories as to what might be causing the damage to the brain in COVID-19, but so far
59 scientists are most concerned about two: viral infection and autoimmune reactions. The two are not
60 mutually exclusive, and there could be other causes that vary from case to case.
61 The most ominous possibility is that SARS-CoV-2 takes up residence in brain cells, which appears to be the
62 case in other viral diseases associated with chronic neurological problems. That would make it more likely
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1 that, over the long run, the COVID-19 virus might contribute to neurodegenerative conditions. Studies of
2 large populations of people suggest a link between common viral infections, such as herpes simplex virus and
3 the molecular level processes seen in Alzheimer's disease and dementia, says neuroscientist De Erausquin.
4 Studies also show that some viruses burrow into the brain, lie dormant for a time and eventually
5 reemerge.
6 That's why de Erausquin, an expert in neurodegenerative disorders at the University of Texas Health Center
7 at San Antonio, was so alarmed early on—he feared that the perplexing clinical symptoms he was
8 encountering might be explained by brain anatomy. Early in the pandemic, one of his medical residents, a
9 young mother in her early 30s diagnosed with COVID-19 who'd experienced respiratory complications, fever
10 and exhaustion, was forced to quarantine away from her young children in a hotel room for a month. As her
11 acute symptoms began to fade, what troubled her most about the experience was not the separation itself, she
12 told de Erausquin, but how she felt about it—she felt entirely detached.
13 "Cognitively, she realized that she should have been more concerned about her children, she should have
14 been more concerned about her work," recalls de Erausquin. "But she couldn't care less. She had the lack of
15 smell, the lack of taste and this profound emotional distancing, which bothered her a lot. It's very hard to
16 explain that kind of emotional detachment, emotional dissociation, without having something going on in the
17 amygdala."
18 The amygdala is a region deep inside the brain that's considered the seat of emotions. A loss of smell
19 suggested a possible infection of the olfactory bulb, a small region of the brain accessed through the nose.
20 The olfactory bulb happens to be located near those areas of the brain involved in memory and emotional
21 processing, which could explain "brain fog" and the strange emotional disassociation.
22 Scientists have recently found another reason to fear the brain effects of COVID-19. Although it was
23 originally thought to be primarily a respiratory disease, it's now known to share some similarities with cancer
24 in that it has the ability to metastisize, says Dr. Carlos Cordon-Cardo, director of the department of pathology
25 at Mount Sinai Health System in New York City. It uses its famous spike-like proteins like grappling hooks
26 to glom onto ACE2 receptors that are present in many types of human cells.
27 "The virus, even though it enters through the nose, can reach the lungs, the kidney, the liver, and now
28 the brain because it goes into the blood vessels, it circulates, it travels into these tunnels," says Cordon-
29 Cardo. "And then it can meet in a specific site to produce an extent of organ damage."
30 One alarming illustration of the potential destruction this might cause comes from the lab of Akiko Iwasaki,
31 an immunobiologist at Yale. She and her collaborators created tiny colonies of stem-cell-derived
32 neurons and the cells that support them, then exposed these "organoids" to the COVID-19 virus. It
33 quickly infected some of the neurons, which then went into metabolic overdrive, and commandeered
34 the cellular machinery to churn out copies of itself. In this frenzy of viral reproduction, the infected
35 cells "sucked out all the oxygen" in the area, slowly starving the surrounding neurons of essential
36 nutrients and sending them into a death spiral.
37 This "bystander" effect was also observed in experiments in brain organoids conducted by Alysson Muotri, a
38 professor of pediatrics and cellular and molecular medicine at the University of California, San Diego. When
39 he exposed his colonies of organoids to SARS-CoV-2, he found that the virus infected only a handful of
40 neurons but had a dramatic impact. Within 48 hours, it had killed off 50 percent of the synaptic
41 connections between various cells, which could wreak havoc in a living brain.
42 Virus that hides in brain cells might account for the delayed onset of some neurological symptoms. These
43 infected cells, he suspects, may release some kind of neurotoxic or pro-inflammatory molecules capable
44 of damaging the cells around them.
45 The evidence for the brain-infection hypothesis is inconsistent, however. In an autopsy of three patients with
46 brain damage, Iwasaki and her collaborators found, only one had clearly been infiltrated by the pathogen. In
47 the 63 brains that Bryce examined, she found viral fragments in only one, belonging to the initial Hispanic
48 patient. And at NINDS, Nath has so far been unable to find any signs of brain infections, an outcome he calls
49 a "major mystery."
50 "My expertise is in infection of the nervous system, so every pandemic I have studied the brain," Nath says.
51 "I was very surprised was there was no virus that I could detect."
53 Dr. Allison Navis at the Mount Sinai’s post-COVID Center in New York City.ANDREW LICHTENSTEIN/
56 Nath suspects some long-haul symptoms might be explained by a hypothesis he favors for the cause of
57 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The infection has left its victims with a persistent activation of the immune
58 system, which has pushed the body into a low-level state of war with itself. Indeed, the many ways acute
59 COVID-19 manifests in patients can be explained by how each individual's immune system reacts to the
60 disease. The same may well be true in those suffering from chronic symptoms.
61 These two hypotheses for long-haul COVID-19—autoimmunity and direct brain infection—are "not
62 mutually exclusive," Yale's Iwasaki notes.
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1 She examined the impact of a special class of immune cells called "autoantibodies"—molecular-level cellular
2 assassins that appear to be specially-designed and directed to seek out and attack proteins produced by the
3 patient's own body. After analyzing autoantibodies based on blood samples culled from 194 patients and
4 healthcare workers infected with the virus, and comparing them to blood drawn from 30 uninfected
5 healthcare workers, she found the COVID-19 patients exhibited "dramatic increases" in autoantibody
6 activity, with the specialized cells in many cases targeting other immune cells. Of the 15 patients who
7 died during the study, all but one were found to have unleashed autoantibodies on other elements of
8 the immune system needed to effectively fight off the disease. The autoantibodies also appeared to be
9 attacking molecules involved in blood clotting, connective tissue and cells in the brain and central
10 nervous system, mistakenly identifying them as invading pathogens that needed to be eliminated.
11 Iwasaki published a report in the British Medical Association's flagship journal in December.
12 Indirect attacks may account for the cellular damage to brain tissue seen in autopsies. By some estimates,
13 the human body is lined with 60,000 miles of blood vessels, and ACE2 receptors, which SARS-CoV-2's
14 spike proteins target, are ubiquitous on the "endothelial" cells that line the outer surface of these blood
15 vessels. "The brain," says NINDS' Koroshetz, "is the most vascularized organ in the body. It's
16 basically like a gigantic complicated tangle of blood vessels."
17 Destruction of the outer lining of tiny capillaries in the brain, which has been spotted in a number of
18 autopsies, could break down the blood-brain barrier, cause leakage, lead to blood clots and cause the
19 whole brain to swell up "almost like a sponge put in water."
20 "That in itself is a problem because that allows things that are not supposed to go into the brain and the blood
21 to actually get in, and that can set up problems in terms of the function of the brain tissue," Koroshetz says.
22 "It also brings in an inflammatory response to kind of sop up the injury or sop up the proteins that are getting
23 in that shouldn't be there."
24 In addition to pathogens, this breakdown can allow the unchecked infiltration of white blood cells, which
25 Koroshetz describes as the "tanks" of the immune system, because they attack infected areas with far more
26 firepower and far less specificity than the COVID-specific antibodies, which are the "guided missiles" of the
27 immune arsenal.
28 The process of verifying these hypotheses, and myriad others to emerge from the study of the disease, is only
29 just beginning.
31 A cell (green) infected with SARS-COV-2 (purple).NIAID
33 De Erausquin and other brain specialists like him have been largely unable to get people to listen to their
34 concerns and pony up the money needed to answer what they see a series of urgent questions. These entail
35 not only the long-term effects COVID-19 will have on the brains of survivors, but also to what extent chronic
36 neurological symptoms will add to the burden the world's rapidly aging population is already expected to
37 have on healthcare systems in the decades ahead.
38 That may be changing. In recent weeks, the media has turned the spotlight onto COVID-19 long haulers and
39 the strange neurological symptoms that persist after the virus is cleared from their bodies.
40 Last month, de Erausquin and colleagues around the world unveiled the blueprint for a massive, international
41 research study involving researchers from more than 30 nations, with as many as 40,000 participants that will
42 follow survivors in the years ahead. The study, which will initially receive funding from the Alzheimer's
43 Association and support from the World Health Organization and, hopefully, from national health authorities
44 around the world, aims to explore the cause of the mysterious effects COVID-19 often seems to have on the
45 brain, and track its long-term impact.
46 Others studies may follow. The NIH has allocated roughly $1.5 billion in COVID-related funds through the
47 last COVID-19 relief bill and is likely to fund a major study aimed at examining the question of what
48 constitutes a "normal recovery" and what differentiates that from the experience of so-called "long haulers,"
49 says NINDS' Koroshetz. And researchers are in the process of setting up collection methods and
50 standardizing procedures between four different groups treating hundreds of long-haul patients, including at
51 Mount Sinai Hospital, that will examine the neurological symptoms in the hopes of finding the causes,
52 according to Iwasaki.
53 Research that starts with observations at early stages of the disease could be "an excellent opportunity" to
54 increase understanding of chronic fatigue syndrome and other brain diseases, says Nath. But, he warns,
55 insights won't necessarily come easy. "Look at Alzheimer's, we put billions of dollars in it every year,
56 we've been studying it for decades, and we don't even know how to diagnose the disease, let alone treat
57 it," he says. "Cracking neurological disease is not an easy task. It takes time."
58 Newsweek, in partnership with NewsGuard, is dedicated to providing accurate and verifiable vaccine and
59 health information. With NewsGuard's HealthGuard browser extension, users can verify if a website is a
60 trustworthy source of health information. Visit the Newsweek VaxFacts website to learn more and to
61 download the HealthGuard browser extension.
62 Correction (2/11/2021, 3:55 pm EST): The NIH received $1.25 billion for COVID-19 in December, not $1.5
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 billion as previously stated.

6 said?utm_campaign=&utm_content=Zerohedge%3A+The+Durden+Dispatch&utm_medium=email&utm_source=z
7 h_newsletter
8 "Follow The Science," They Said... | ZeroHedge
9 "Follow The Science," They Said...
12 WEDNESDAY, MAR 24, 2021 - 09:10 PM
13 Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness,
14 Throughout the Trump years and in particular during the 2020 COVID pandemic crisis, the nation was
15 lectured by the Left “to follow the data,” as the Democrats proclaimed themselves the “party of science.” As
16 sober and judicious children of the enlightenment, they alone offered the necessary disinterested correctives
17 to Trump’s supposed bluster and exaggeration—and to his anti-scientific deplorable following (often
18 dismissed by Biden as dregs, chumps, and Neanderthals).
19 In truth, leftists and Democrats have become the purveyors of superstition. Their creation of a fantasy world
20 is not because they do not believe in science per se, but because they believe more in the primacy of ideology
21 that should shape and warp science in the proper fashion for the greater good. What prompted Paul Ehrlich,
22 Al Gore, or Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) hysterically and wrongly to forecast
23 widespread demographic or climatological catastrophe in just a few years was not ignorance of science per
24 se, but a desire to massage science for our own good.
25 The Godheads of COVID-19
26 The medical pandemic godhead of the Left has been octogenarian Dr. Anthony Fauci. His twin chief public
27 relations explainer has been liberal darling New York governor Andrew Cuomo. Both were always supposed
28 to be on top of “the science.”
29 Dr. Fauci has not just been flat-out wrong on the science of COVID - in his assessments of the origins and
30 possible dangers of COVID-19, of when we can get back to normal, of when the vaccinations would appear,
31 and of which particular governors have been doing the most or least effective management of the disease. He
32 has also, by his own admission, deliberately lied.
33 That is, Fauci has rejected science, as he knew it, to mislead the public. For our own interests, he adopted the
34 Platonic “noble lie” on occasion. So, for example, he conceded that he had downplayed the value of masks
35 (he now seems to approve of wearing one on top of another) in order to prevent too many wearing them, and
36 thus the public shorting the supply available to more important health care workers.
37 Fauci also proverbially moved the goal posts on herd immunity, from the high 60s to the low 90s as a percent
38 of the population, either vaccinated or with antibodies, necessary to achieve a de facto end of the
39 pandemic. Again, Fauci defied the science on the theory he knew better, in assuming that the childish public
40 would become too lax when and if it believed herd immunity was on the horizon.
41 Unspoken, is that Fauci usually errs on the side of what is deemed progressive orthodoxy. In contrast, Dr.
42 Scott Atlas warned us that extended and complete lockdowns in any cost-benefit analyses might well inflict
43 more human and economic damage than the virus. And he added that an opened-up Florida and Texas might
44 do no worse virally than a locked-down California or New York, while avoiding the severe recessionary
45 collateral damage.
46 Yet Atlas was damned for “not following the science” for the crime of working for Trump and for following
47 the science: while targeted wearing of masks and social distancing and quarantining of vulnerable
48 populations are necessary, complete quarantines of the entire population and extended closing schools are
49 counterproductive.
50 Little need be said of Cuomo other than the applicable Roman dictum he created a desert and called it peace.
51 When the federal government delivered a tent-hospital and a huge hospital ship, they went unused. When it
52 sent ventilators, Cuomo raged that they were too little, too late.
53 When his own record in New York of COVID mismanagement became public (currently over 2,500 deaths
54 per million population, the second highest state in the nation and about 35-40 percent higher than the open,
55 but hated Texas and Florida), he lied about his own redirection of COVID patients into pristine long-term
56 care facilities that resulted in a proverbial bloodbath.
57 In his adherence to science, Cuomo received an Emmy for his narcissistic press conferences and adeptness
58 at blame-gaming. That he was brought low not by his lethal politicking, but by serial allegations of being
59 rude and handsy with female staffers suggests that his unscientific approaches to the pandemic were of little
60 concern to his “scientific” supporters.
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1 The “Science” of Quarantines

2 Consider another scientific debacle. In the midst of the quarantine, when governors and mayors were
3 threatening to jail any who violated social distancing, mask wearing, or assembling en mass outdoors,
4 hundreds of thousands hit the nation’s streets in crowded phalanxes of screaming and saliva-projecting
5 protestors—all supposedly in violation of “the science” of epidemiology and public health.
6 The reaction of our elected officials—not just silence but open approbation—is to be expected, given the
7 political class is so often timid and simply genuflects to perceived voter pressure groups. But “the science”
8 on spec also came to the rescue of the quarantine violators to offer pseudo-scientific support for violating
9 government-mandated “data”-driven policies.
10 Over 1,200 healthcare officials weighed in with their “expertise” and postmodern gibberish to defend mass
11 violations of quarantine rules: “Instead, we wanted to present a narrative that prioritizes opposition to racism
12 as vital to the public health, including the epidemic response.”
13 And the experts added all sort of postmodern hedging to emphasize that their recalibrated woke “science”
14 was now different than others’ less woke “science”:
15 However, as public-health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19
16 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically
17 of Black people in the United States.
18 So in Animal Farm terms, some protests “are more in violation than others.” In a more historical vein, we
19 might imagine these “experts” at another time and place, joining the chorus of scientists praising the
20 agronomic genius of Joseph Stalin, whose “brilliant” and “scientific” irrigation fantasies began the
21 destruction of the Aral Sea. In any case, millions decided why stay indoors when millions of others hit the
22 streets to protest, loot, burn, destroy, and injure—with the sanction of our experts.
23 Non Compos Mentis
24 The Left hammered the 74-year-old overweight Trump about his supposedly iffy health. They brought in a
25 Yale psychiatrist, Dr. Bandy X. Lee, to testify about his incapacity to Congress. There and in op-eds, she
26 offered a pseudo-scientific assessment of debility (e.g., “I and hundreds of mental health professionals are
27 available and eager to assist with any or all these efforts”). Yes, and unethically so, without ever having
28 examined the patient in question.
29 According to Lee, Trump was mentally impaired, a sociopath, and needed an “intervention,” a serious
30 medical diagnosis that soon became a “scientific” grounding for the wild charges leveled at Trump of
31 incompetence on network and cable news. Trump in his exasperation at “fake news,” took the Montreal
32 Cognitive Assessment Test to prove his powers of recall and analysis. He aced the exam.
33 But where is Lee now in the era of a 78-year-old Joe Biden in the White House?
34 Or rather, where is the Left to use her “research” to question whether Joe Biden is compos mentis? In the last
35 30 days, he has claimed there were none vaccinated when he entered office (he was photographed receiving a
36 shot on December 21, a month before his inauguration).
37 In truth, 1 million a day were receiving vaccinations when Biden assumed the presidency. He cannot at times
38 remember the name of his own secretary of defense or of the Pentagon where Gen.(ret.) Lloyd Austin works,
39 and increasingly needs a translator to make sense of his slurred words, raspy voice, off-topic wandering,
40 truncated vocabulary, and fragmented syntax.
41 Trump was once said to be shaky and disguising an obvious illness because after a long day at West Point he
42 walked slowly in his leather shoes on a smooth ramp. In contrast, this week Joe Biden staggered and fell
43 three times climbing the stairs to Air Force One—without a commensurate media howl. Will Joe be subject
44 to an outside medical assessment? Might Dr. Lee reappear to give him the Montreal test?
45 I think we know the answer. “Science” is used to denigrate a perceived enemy of the people, and ignored to
46 enhance a guardian of the flock.
47 Hate Crimes by Whom?
48 Joe Biden and the Left are implying if not outright asserting that there is now an epidemic of Anti-Asian
49 violence perpetrated by white racists, insidiously emboldened by Trump’s past references to the “Wuhan” or
50 “China” virus. No doubt, in a nation of 330 million, there are lots of haters who happen to be white, but are
51 they the main culprit for racially-motivated crimes of hatred against Asians?
52 Recently, a deranged sex-addict and religious fanatic shot and killed eight people in the Atlanta area, six of
53 whom were apparently Asian Americans. When apprehended, the 21-year-old confessed to the murders. In
54 unhinged fashion, he claimed that he sought to eliminate sex workers and their places of business in general,
55 with which he was apparently obsessed.
56 The unhinged shooter denied that race drove his murdering and indeed, he murdered two whites and injured a
57 Latino. And his past proven sex addition and mental instability, along with his lethal shooting of non-Asians,
58 suggest he was a pathological, mentally impaired murderer, not a race hater bent of mowing down the Other.
59 No matter. The media massaged the story into proof of its theories that a spate of recent hate crime attacks
60 against Asian Americans were fueled by white supremacists, or at least those goaded on by the racist Donald
61 Trump. That narrative was lacking evidence in both the Georgia shootings and the recent assaults on Asians.
62 One data point to justify such unsubstantiated charges that we might not see is a list of all Asian American
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1 victims of recent hate crimes, calibrated by the race/ethnicity of the attacker, and then adjusted to percentages
2 in the general population—all in the context of clear racial animosity.
3 To do so, might suggest that in all those attacks where a clear, premeditated racial motive, rather than random
4 violence or psychological deviance, is found, black males are inordinately represented.
5 For example, in the FBI hate crime statistics for 2019, the most recent year available, 4.4 percent of all single
6 bias racial hate crimes were Asian Americans. Where the race and ethnicity of the perpetrators for all hate
7 crimes was known, 52.5 percent were “white,” of whom 33.1 percent were in the ethnic category list as “Not
8 Hispanic or Latino.”
9 Such so-called non-Hispanic whites make up about 65-70 percent of the population, depending on the
10 method of categorization. In contrast, 23.9 percent of hate-crime perpetrators were identified as black or
11 African American, while they comprise only 12-13 percent of the population. Data from New York and San
12 Francisco on bodily violence or crimes in general against Asians suggest the same pattern.
13 The science might suggest that in matters of hate crimes - if society insists on focusing on the race and
14 ethnicity of the attacker and knows the motive - it should then compare relative percentages of the population
15 to determine who is inordinately, or not inordinately, committing such crimes.
16 To the degree, some progressives follow the science, the more honest left-wing venues have conceded that
17 blacks may have been inordinately responsible, in demographic terms, for anti-Asian violence and indeed are
18 over-represented in race-driven hate crimes in general. But they escape the obvious ramifications of such
19 intersectional hatreds, by offering an exculpatory exegesis: nonetheless, whites are responsible for the hate,
20 by pitting one racial group against another to ensure Roman-like divide-and-conquer “white
21 supremacy.” Thus, for example, one Antoine Watson ran across the street to push down and kill 84-year-old
22 San Franciscan Vicha Ratanapakdee because either Donald Trump had used the phrase “Chinese virus” or
23 due to the insidious “white supremacy” that had conditioned the African American Watson to hate
24 immigrants from Thailand.
25 Fencing in Cities, Vaccination, and Ruskies
26 The science might also tally up all the material and human damage committed in 2020 in Los Angeles,
27 Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. and then compare it to the carnage of January 6 at the
28 Capitol. And then experts might show whether there is a scientific correlation between the number of federal
29 troops posted in Washington to other major riot-torn cities, at least in terms of soldiers stationed per person
30 injured and killed or millions of dollars in property damaged. Otherwise, why the inordinate military build-up
31 around the Capitol?
32 In truth, our woke officials pay little attention to science. If the point is to vaccinate first all Americans most
33 likely to die or become seriously ill by COVID-19, then age and proven comorbidities might have been the
34 most effective scientific criteria to schedule vaccinations. Yet for weeks in many states instead we floundered
35 by ignoring science as scientists haggled over which particular marginalized or essential community should
36 gain precedence over another.
37 In the Russian collusion hoax, to this hour, we have ignored the findings of Robert Mueller’s failed $35
38 million, 22 month investigation. Christopher Steele testified that he had no data to present to back up his
39 mythical, now biblical dossier. James Comey pleaded amnesia 245 times as in “I don’t recall” when asked
40 under oath about his own investigation. Robert Muller himself testified that he knew almost nothing about
41 Fusion GPS and the Steele dossier, the catalysts for his own investigation. James Clapper had no evidence,
42 he testified under oath, to substantiate his public charges that the president of the United States may be a
43 “Russian asset.” No matter, in “learning-nothing-forgetting-nothing” fashion, we are now returning to the
44 theme of Trump as a Russian asset and colluder on the basis of “new” evidence from the “intelligence
45 community.”
46 Such is the “science” of Russian collusion.
47 As a general rule, the next time an official, a politician, or an expert lectures us on the “science,” make sure
48 that he is not projecting his own unscientific biases onto others.
51 Again
53 In truth, our woke officials pay little attention to science. If the point is to vaccinate first all Americans most
54 likely to die or become seriously ill by COVID-19, then age and proven comorbidities might have been the
55 most effective scientific criteria to schedule vaccinations. Yet for weeks in many states instead we floundered
56 by ignoring science as scientists haggled over which particular marginalized or essential community should
57 gain precedence over another.
60 As I have set out in the above that TGA John Skerritt instead of “following the science” seems
61 to be “following government policies” and yet may claim “follow the science”, when it comes to
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1 others. I then wonder what “science” is he then referring to? Is it perhaps and more likely
2 “political science”?
5 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of an RNA Vaccine
6 Candidate Against COVID-19 in Healthy Children <12 Years of Age - Full Text View -
9 All participants will have blood drawn at baseline prior to Dose 1 and 6 months after Dose 2.
10 Immunobridging to participants 16 to 25 years of age in the C4591001 study will be based on
11 immunogenicity data collected at baseline and 1 month after Dose 2. The persistence of the immune response
12 will be based on immunogenicity data collected in participants at baseline and at 1, 6, 12 (original BNT162b2
13 group only), and 24 months after Dose 2 (original BNT162b2 group only). In addition, efficacy against
14 confirmed COVID-19 and against asymptomatic infection will also be assessed.
15 At the 6-month follow-up visit, all participants will be unblinded. Participants who originally received
16 placebo will be offered the opportunity to receive BNT162b2 as part of the study.
17 Approximately 450 participants (300 in the active vaccine group and 150 in the placebo group) randomized
18 in each age group in this phase will contribute to the immunobridging analysis at 1 month after Dose 2 and
19 will contribute to the overall analysis of the persistence of immune response at 6 months after Dose 2. These
20 participants will be enrolled from both US and EU sites to ensure this subset is representative of the whole
21 study.
24 Firstly what this shows is that for “clinical trials” participants are having “blood drawn” “Prior to
25 dose 1”. Then why is the TGA not insisting the same eventuates in Australia where we are
26 having, well so it is claimed, “clinical trials”? I have since last year pursued that a blood test
27 should be done and assessed by a competent medical specialist before anyone is permitted to
28 participate in any “clinical trial” and then why is this standard used in other countries now
29 ignored? One may have to ask how many lives have been lost due to the failure to ensure a blood
30 test was done before any “jabbing”?
31 Obviously the next issue is why have after 6 months unblended when the “clinical trials” are to
32 last about 24 months? Surely, this may compromise any proper evaluation as it could hide
33 reactions eventuating AFTER 6 months, when the unblended participants then are “jabbed” and
34 then any reaction might be claimed to be of what else.
35 What is also clear is that about 1/3 of the participants are in a “placebo” group, and yet in
36 Australia there as I understand it are no “placebo” group participants at all. If the TGA is so (see
37 below) about following proper conduct then why on earth is it following not the “science” but
38 the “political science” of the politicians, at least that is how it appears to me to be.
41 china-s-claims/ar-BB1eYwfF?ocid=msedgntp
42 Humans, Not Animals, Likely Took the COVID Virus to Wuhan, Contrary to China's Claims
43 (
44 Humans, Not Animals, Likely Took the COVID Virus to Wuhan, Contrary to China's Claims
47 Alex Salmond launches new independence-focused political party
48 The 54 Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane suburbs passing $1million in 2021
49 By the time the scientists investigating the origins of SARS-CoV-2 in the Chinese city of Wuhan convened
50 on March 10 for a virtual press conference, more than a year had passed since the World Health Organization
51 asked Beijing for permission to admit them. During this time, as more than 2.6 million people died of
52 COVID-19 and millions more suffered lasting effects of the illness, the mystery of the coronavirus' origins
53 has loomed.
54 There is broad agreement that the coronavirus is part of a lineage of viruses founds in horseshoe bats in South
55 China. The mystery centers on how the virus came to cause an outbreak in Wuhan, a thousand miles away,
56 without leaving any trace of its journey.
57 That is essentially the question Peter Daszak, an expert on disease zoology and a member of the WHO team,

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1 attempted to address in the press conference. Daszak, who is head of EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit that
2 funded research into bat coronaviruses in China and elsewhere, is a vocal critic of the notion that the
3 pandemic's origin involved some kind of laboratory accident; instead, he favors natural zoonosis as an
4 explanation, which holds that the pandemic jumped from animals to people without human intervention.
5 In guessing how this might have happened, Daszak suggested frozen food imports, and mentioned animal
6 carcasses as a potential "conduit from Wuhan to the provinces in South China, where the closest relative
7 viruses to [the coronavirus] are found in bats. This was a telling admission for Daszak because it highlights a
8 weakness in the random-zoonosis theory and points toward a more logical—and often overlooked—culprit.
9 Daszak and many other scientists have pointed out that, as a general rule, a new pandemic is more likely to
10 be triggered by a random zoonosis than by a virus escaping a lab. What happens generally, though, does not
11 necessarily explain what happened in this particular instance. The important question is, what is the most
12 likely way that this particular virus could have caused this particular outbreak in Wuhan? As an explanation,
13 random zoonosis does not seem to fit the facts. It has a vector problem.
14 For the virus to have jumped from a South China horseshoe bat to another animal, and then to have followed
15 a chain of transmission through an unknown series of hosts, possibly as part of the wildlife trade, until it
16 reached Wuhan, where it then exploded into the population and got noticed at last, requires a series of low-
17 probability events.
18 The Wuhan Institute of Virology scientist at the heart of the controversy, Shi Zhengli, told Scientific
19 American that she herself "never expected this kind of thing to happen in Wuhan." She'd have expected it to
20 happen in South China, where these viruses are naturally found. In addition, South China has a much
21 stronger tradition of wildlife consumption than other parts of China. (One survey found that 83 percent of the
22 residents of the South China megacity of Guangzhou had eaten wildlife in the past year, while only 5 percent
23 of Beijing residents had. The wildlife trade flows in that direction, and major wet markets are found there. A
24 South China virus would have been vastly more likely to trigger an outbreak in South China, which is exactly
25 what happened with the first SARS in 2002.
26 With almost no data, we can't be certain of any theory. We could concoct a theoretical game of hopscotch in
27 which the virus randomly transmits from host to host, accumulating mutations along the way, threading the
28 needle of cities and villages and South China wet markets, and landing in downtown Wuhan ready for its
29 coming-out party. It's not impossible. It's just getting-struck-by-lightning-while-being-eaten-by-a-shark
30 unlikely.
31 And if it did happen, it should have been part of a noticeable pattern. In a long, meandering chain of
32 transmissions, each node branching into new infections, Wuhan would have been just one twig of a full-
33 fledged tree—the kind of tree epidemiologists use to trace viral evolution. Even if most other branches
34 eventually died out, the entire tree could not have disappeared without leaving a trace. And yet it doesn't
35 exist. Most of the scientific evidence points toward COVID-19 beginning in Wuhan in October or November
36 2019. Despite a year of intense searching, not a single close ancestor of the virus has been found. As a group
37 of 26 scientists stated in a recent letter calling for a new, objective investigation into the origins of SARS-
38 CoV-2, "There is as yet no evidence demonstrating a fully natural origin of this virus." It's as if it just
39 teleported from South China to Wuhan.
40 Daszak is hoping frozen food can explain this teleportation. The theory is that wild animals being farmed in
41 South China picked up the virus from bats, were killed, frozen, and shipped to Wuhan, and somehow
42 managed to spread the virus through the environs of the market. If the idea had merit, it would at least
43 provide a possible direct line to Wuhan. Unfortunately, it's both bad science and bad math.
44 The theory has its roots in a case last fall in the Chinese port city of Qingdao, when two dock workers tested
45 positive for COVID-19. An exhaustive search found traces of the virus on frozen packages of cod; the
46 Chinese government seized on the case as evidence that the virus could be imported in frozen food and may
47 have started elsewhere. The notion has been widely derided by experts, who point out that there has never
48 been a documented case of the virus having been transmitted through frozen food. The U.S. Food and Drug
49 Administration says there is "no credible evidence" to support it. The Chinese government has promoted it
50 heavily, perhaps as a way of deflecting responsibility.
51 Under normal circumstances, it might be surprising for WHO scientists to peddle a discredited theory. But
52 the origins investigation is a joint exercise with China, which closely negotiated every step of the process,
53 retained veto power over the selection of team members, and required that conclusions in the final report be a
54 consensus between the Chinese and international delegations. The WHO had limited options.
55 The science is also bad because it isn't based on any on-the-ground evidence. There were many cases of
56 COVID-19 in Wuhan before the market outbreak. In addition, the only live animals in the market seem to
57 have been snakes, turtles, and frogs, none of whom are potential carriers, and they all tested negative. Peter
58 Daszak himself has admitted that all of the carcasses examined tested negative for SARS-CoV-2. Yes, you
59 read that right: the theory is based on the fact that they didn't find any infected animals in Wuhan.
60 In any case, the director of China's Center for Disease Control dismissed the market theory last May,
61 explaining that there was no connection and that the virus "existed long before" it was found in the market,
62 which makes it rather extraordinary that the WHO team chose to spend its limited time poking around the
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1 empty building (which had been closed, cleared and disinfected more than a year ago).
2 In light of these challenging details, Daszak has floated the idea that perhaps another market in Wuhan that
3 was selling frozen farmed wildlife triggered the outbreak, and has implied that some vendors in Wuhan were
4 supplied from South China, but this still doesn't dig the WHO team out of its statistical hole. Any South
5 China farm whose animals were infected with the coronavirus would have contaminated its own workers, as
6 well as other vendors it was supplying, and again, most of those would most likely have been in South Asia.
7 The only way the theory would make any sense (assuming it could be proved to be scientifically feasible) is
8 if a farm in South China was exclusively supplying Wuhan with all its animals, which seems unlikely. In any
9 case, the WHO team's Chinese investigators pretty much scuttled Daszak's theory by announcing that they
10 had tested tens of thousands of wild and farmed animals across China without finding a single trace of
11 SARS-CoV-2.
12 © Photo by NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP via Getty Images/Getty Members of the World Health Organization
13 team, including Peter Daszak (C) and Hung Nguyen (L), investigating the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic,
14 board a bus following their arrival at a cordoned-off section in the international arrivals area at the airport in
15 Wuhan on January 14, 2021. Photo by NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP via Getty Images/Getty
16 Can the frozen-food theory be a credible explanation of the conduit conundrum? No. But it's good the WHO
17 brought it up, because it takes the investigation in an important direction: the need to find conduits that could
18 have delivered the virus to Wuhan. These conduits would need to meet the WHO's criteria: they'd have to be
19 animals that make good hosts for the virus, they'd need to have had opportunities to interact with the bats
20 known to carry these particular coronaviruses, and they'd need to have traveled directly to Wuhan from the
21 rural areas of the region without ping-ponging all over South China.
22 That sounds like a tall order. What are the chances of finding documented proof of such vectors?
23 Remarkably, however, we actually have a wealth of evidence that fits this description perfectly: human
24 beings—the best SARS-CoV-2 hosts of all—who had extremely close contact with horseshoe bats in South
25 China. We know they made repeated visits over many years to the exact caves where SARS-related viruses
26 were found. There, they handled bats directly, spent extensive time inside the caves breathing the air, and
27 brought thousands of samples of guano, blood, and other bits of bat (possibly even live bats) back to Wuhan
28 with them.
29 Those were researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, who had been scouring South China caves for
30 coronaviruses with the ability to infect humans. They did this as part of a massive virus-hunting project—a
31 collaboration between Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance, the USAID's Predict program, a new organization
32 called the Global Virome Project, and other groups—to track down the world's viruses in their lairs, bring
33 them back to the lab, and study them. They would pay special attention to the ones with the ability to infect
34 humans, learning how they enter cells, how they mutate, how they jump from host to host, and how they
35 escape the immune system and persist in individuals.
36 The project has been criticized by the world's top virologists as being useless at best and extremely dangerous
37 at worst. COVID-19 certainly hasn't weighed in its favor: Despite 15 years of coronavirus hunting and testing
38 by the WIV, it was helpless to prevent a pandemic in its own backyard. If that's a coincidence, it's one of the
39 great ironies of history.
40 Over that period, the WIV accumulated one of the largest collections of coronaviruses in the world.
41 According to the Washington Post, it contained the records of 22,000 samples, including the sequences for
42 more than 100 coronaviruses known only to the WIV. But we don't know exactly which viruses, because in
43 the earliest days of the pandemic the WIV took the databases containing this information offline and has
44 declined to share them. (When asked about the database at the press conference, Daszak said, "We did not
45 ask to see the data" but said he was familiar with it from his close collaboration with the WIV.) From the
46 research papers published in the scientific literature by WIV scientists, we know that the lab held many
47 dangerous ones.
48 Over that period, the WIV accumulated one of the largest collections of coronaviruses in the world. We don't
49 know exactly how many, because in the earliest days of the pandemic it took the databases containing this
50 information offline and has refused to share them, but just from its published papers we know it held many
51 dangerous ones.
52 The WIV had spent years identifying the caves where the scary ones lurked. Over a four-year period, it
53 visited one cave in Yunnan repeatedly and brought back 1,322 samples, including at least nine of SARS-
54 CoV-2's close relatives. Overall, the effort brought more than 15,000 bat samples back to Wuhan, which
55 included more than 400 coronaviruses new to science and at least 50 of the variety that can infect people.
56 And we know almost nothing about this cache.
57 We do know, from online photos, videos, and accounts, that the virus hunters didn't always wear adequate
58 protective gear, and were bitten by bats with some regularity. And this is what they did while the cameras
59 were rolling.
60 The WIV also had a reputation for shoddy safety. U.S. diplomats who evaluated the institute in 2017 were so
61 alarmed that they sent an urgent cable back to Washington warning that the institute suffered from "a serious
62 shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment
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1 laboratory."
2 In other words, you could not build a better conduit for channeling viruses straight from rural South China to
3 downtown Wuhan. Whether or not the virus made it into the lab and later escaped, this was its best transport
4 option. This viral monorail ran between a number of caves in South China and the WIV multiple times every
5 year, with a different mix of students and scientists.
6 And it wasn't limited to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Wuhan CDC also extensively collected bat
7 samples and has been accused of inadequate precautions. One Wuhan University post about a sampling trip
8 to Yunnan in the summer of 2019 (a few months before the pandemic started) shows researchers entering bat
9 caves in street clothes and handling bats with their bare hands, a shocking violation of safety protocols. The
10 bats collected included horseshoe bats, the kind most likely to carry SARS-like diseases. If you're looking for
11 potential carriers, there's no need for hypothetical frozen ferret badgers. Start with the motherlode of cases
12 right in the scientific record.
13 Even in tightly controlled lab settings, viruses infect researchers all too often. The first SARS escaped labs in
14 Singapore, Taiwan, and China six times, and it wasn't nearly as infectious as SARS-CoV-2. As Alison Young
15 has extensively documented in the USA Today, "lab accidents aren't rare." Over a five-year period, U.S. labs
16 reported more than 450 accidents involving dangerous pathogens—nearly one hundred per year. Those
17 include only the ones in the U.S. that were reported. As Harvard's Marc Lipsitch points out, lab accidents are
18 often shrouded in secrecy. Worldwide, the number each year must be staggering.
19 In the chaotic environment of fieldwork, the risk of infection must be even larger. The close air of a bat cave
20 is the ideal place to pick up a bat virus. Accidents are inevitable. Collectors may have suffered flu-like
21 symptoms (as has been documented for some WIV researchers, three of whom were hospitalized with
22 pneumonia in the fall of 2019, exactly when the outbreak started) and shaken it off without much thought.
23 But considering how often COVID-19 is asymptomatic, they may never have known.
24 Technically, of course, this would count as a "natural origin," because the virus would have evolved naturally
25 and jumped to humans of its own accord. (It's only "unnatural" if the virus was altered by scientists in the
26 lab.) This may even be one of the scenarios experts quietly have in mind when they carefully use phrases like
27 that.
28 Obviously, the proximity was anything but natural, and there's the rub. Having seen up close how much
29 damage one virus can do, we want to do everything in our power to reduce the chance of the next one. That
30 means choking off as many conduits as possible. Clamping down on the world wildlife trade (as China has
31 already begun to do) is an obvious step that can be taken. Animal farming probably needs to be rethought in
32 its entirety.
33 Lab experimentation on dangerous pathogens is another no-brainer, regardless of its role in this pandemic.
34 There are thousands of labs around the planet doing this research, much of it of limited value. And as Filippa
35 Lentzos, one of the world's leading biosecurity experts, recently told the Washington Post, there is zero
36 international regulation of their activities. "There's no set international law that they have to follow. There's
37 nobody checking what they're doing. There are no inspectors, no regulators. There's none of that."
38 The same is true of virus collection. That's a concern, because a titanic amount of it is planned for the coming
39 years. Proponents of the Global Virome Project want to collect more than a million of the world's unknown
40 viruses over the next ten years, including hundreds of thousands with the potential to infect humans, and
41 bring them back to labs for research.
42 If this project moves forward, the flow of unknown viruses from remote locations to population centers will
43 be like nothing in history. That will certainly increase our knowledge about these viruses and how they work,
44 which is useful information. But it will also give many of them a crack at us for the first time.
45 Is it worth it? That discussion will be important in the coming years. Now that the WHO team has brought up
46 the vector question, this would be an excellent time to begin. Rigorous regulation of biolabs can certainly
47 reduce civilization's exposure to emerging viruses, but merely regulating what happens within the labs will
48 not be enough if we keep sending so many vulnerable collectors into the hottest of viral hotspots.
49 Rowan Jacobsen writes about science and sustainability for Scientific American, Smithsonian, Outside,
50 Orion, Mother Jones and other magazines and is a frequent contributor to Best American Science & Nature
51 Writing. He has been an Alicia Patterson Foundation fellow, writing about endangered diversity on the
52 borderlands between India, Myanmar, and China; and a Knight Science Journalism fellow at MIT, focusing
53 on the risks and rewards of synthetic biology.
56 In response to this article, I posted my comments:
58 Why is it, as it appears to me, that more than likely SARS-CoV-2 was manufactured in
59 Wuhan laboratory, this because of how unique it is. Then I take it that prisoners were
60 injected with the virus to see what was going to happen, after all, they use prisoners for
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1 organ trading and reportedly a person had an organ transplant and died from COVID-19
2 from the organ that was transplanted. Because of the secrecy of those held in the prisons
3 the CCP would simply prevent anyone to know of mass deaths in the prisons. Then after
4 likely mass deaths some staff from the laboratory were to investigate the deaths and then
5 themselves became infected. Hence the report that 3 laboratory staff in about September
6 2019 were infected. Then it was spread to others, where likely the staff members didn’t
7 realize they were infected. In my view this is the line of investigation the World Health
8 Organization ought to have pursued also. But then the CCP controlled how the
9 investigation was conducted and so limited any wide investigation.
12 But let us look also as to the safety aspects of using vials such as Pfizer.
16 There is no practical way to ensure the safety of an experimental vaccine that has to be preserved at -93
17 degrees Fahrenheit. The Pfizer mRNA vaccine is shipped in boxes that can only be opened twice a day for
18 a maximum of 180 seconds. If the nano-particles in the vaccine are not properly preserved at this correct
19 temperature, they become dangerous and ineffective to human immune systems. Moreover, a manufacturing
20 feat at this scale is naturally prone to multiple errors.
23 I happen to watch videos as well as seen images how people are sitting behind the steering wheel
24 and then is vaccinated. Obviously the 15 min under observation is hardly applicable as the driver
25 needs to drive on to enable others then to be “jabbed”.
26 Moreover, if one can only have the so called vaccine for maximum 180 seconds (3 minutes) out
27 of the cold storage then how can this be maintained if those jabbing drivers would standing in
28 some car park to do so. Even assuming that the person doing the “jabbing” runs from the cold
29 freezer into the car park and like dart throwing is able to “jab” the first person within 3 minutes,
30 the next driver on line may just be too late for the 3 minute time period but nevertheless will still
31 be “jabbed”. So, in that case this and every other subsequent driver will be “jabbed” with
32 something that likely no longer has the functionality that was to be expected from the “jabbing”.
33 Nevertheless they can still claim to have a “vaccination passport” and then like a “super
34 spreader” may infect numerous others. I wonder did PM Scott Morrison use a stopwatch to
35 check how long the person “jabbing” him had the vial out of the freezer before he finally used
36 PM Scott Morrison as a dartboard?
38 Covid-19: Who Fact-Checks the Fact-Checkers? (19dr Bailey-NZ Re PCR test -)
41 COVID-19 test performance
42 COVID-19 is an emerging viral infectious disease. There is limited evidence available to assess the accuracy
43 and clinical utility of available COVID-19 tests.
44 Due to the urgent nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of SARS-CoV-2 tests have undergone an
45 expedited assessment by the TGA to enable their legal supply in Australia. These expedited assessments are
46 based on the limited clinical performance data currently available. All SARS-CoV-2 tests currently approved
47 for supply are required to provide updated evidence to support the ongoing safety and performance of the
48 tests to the TGA.
49 The TGA is conducting a post-market review of all approved COVID-19 point-of-care serology tests to
50 verify their performance and inform their best use. The Department of Health has engaged the Peter Doherty
51 Institute to assist in the post-market validation of these tests.
52 Note: In Australia, the supply of a self-tests for COVID-19 is prohibited under the Therapeutic Goods
53 (Excluded Purposes) Specification 2010.
54 The TGA will take action in relation to any report of poor or faulty performance of these devices. Reports
55 can be submitted via the TGA website.

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2 Category: Medical devices/IVDs
3 Tags: COVID-19 tests
4 URL: (last number could not be deciphered)
6 And
8 Serology antibody tests
10 The TGA has received and undertaken an expedited assessment of a number of applications for laboratory-
11 based serology immunoassay tests and point –of-care (often referred to as PoC or PoCT) serology tests that
12 utilise lateral flow immunoassay technology.
14 Point-of-care serology tests are intended to detect IgG and/or IgM antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 from venous
15 or finger prick blood samples that are placed on a test strip. These test look similar to common pregnancy
16 tests. Results take about 15-30 minutes.
17 There is a window period between virus infection and the production of IgM and IgG antibodies, and the
18 sensitivity and specificity of IgM/IgG antibodies tests early in SARS-CoV-2 infection is not well
19 characterised.
20 Antibodies can take up to two weeks or more to become detectable after infection with SARS -CoV-2.
21 Because antibody tests do not detect active viral shedding, they cannot detect if an individual is infectious.
22 Though they provide some useful information when combined with the clinical picture, a suggestive clinical
23 picture plus a positive point-of-care may be considered sufficient for a presumptive positive diagnosis and
24 subsequent management.
25 Human coronaviruses circulate frequently every year and cause a common cold type illness. Cross reaction
26 with antibodies formed by current and past exposure to seasonal human coronavirus infections can cause
27 false-positive results. Serology tests can also fail to detect COVID-19 if testing is performed in the acute
28 phase of the infection prior to the development of detectable antibodies.
30 Serology antibodies assays generally provide historic information about viral exposure. They can indicate
31 whether and individual has past exposure to SARS-CoV-2. It is not yet evident that the detection of
32 antibodies reflects the presence of protective immunity, so the detection of antibodies may not exclude
33 remaining infectivity in a patient.
35 And
37 Thomas Lumley, professor of biostatics at the University of Aukland told AFP in an email the genetic
38 material the Covid-19 PCR tests for is “of known significance”.
40 “The tests looks for RNA sequences that are present in the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Covid-19) which are not
41 present in other viruses known to infect humans,” he said in an September 11 email.
43 John MacKay, technical director of testing and diagnostics company DNature Diagnostics, also told AFP via
44 email “the PCR test does test for the (Covid-1`9) virus”.
45 “It tests for and detects specific RNA sequences to the virus.
46 Positive results are confirmed with multiple independent PCR tests to confirm the positive results is due to
47 SARS-2-CoV,” Mackay said in a September 11 email.
50 Again not being a scientist I can only rely upon what scientist explain in their articles and videos.
51 As far as I understand it, the so called PCR test (so its inventor claimed) was not designed for
52 COVID-19 kind testing.
53 The test itself ought to be considered as to what do they mean with a test?
55 When I drive in Melbourne there are signage’s showing COVID-19 testing, but that is really
56 meaning a swab. As such the government seems not even to correctly use the term “test” as a
57 swab is not and cannot be test, at least in my humble opinion. The swab does no more but to
58 purportedly take something (whatever it might be) from a person to take to a laboratory. As such,
59 the swab doesn’t do any testing.
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1 As I understand it people are mostly casual employed to stick something into a persons nose, and
2 as I wrote about in the past can and indeed do at times damage the brain barrier, causing
3 infections.
4 If one cannot even manage to do such swabbing appropriately then I do not hold this could be
5 deemed testing.
6 Then the swab seems to be provided to some laboratory who may or may not use the correct
7 cycles. I understand 117 cycles is the correct one but many use different cycles even 40 or more
8 cycles, as such I hardly would consider this to constitute a test, where the parameters of a test is
9 whatever anyone desires to make from it.
10 Reality appears to be that the more cycles are done the more likely something might be found
11 that can be claimed as to show a “positive” test, this even so the individual concerned actually
12 may have absolutely no infection.
14 Therefore, to claim that the PCR test detects something unique to SARS-CoV-2 is absurd, as
15 where it shows “positive” when it is actually a “false positive” then so much for claiming this to
16 be a test.
17 It may be more than half a century ago that I had to do test at a technical school but I knew that
18 the answers had to be what was expected and not that I could provide some out of the air grabbed
19 answer and then claim it was the correct (positive) answer.
20 Imagine to go for a drivers license test and drive the wrong way into a one way street and tell the
21 examiner that this is the correct way. I do not think you pass the drivers license test. Yet, with
22 the so-called PCR test, any wrong result nevertheless is accepted, unless later proven to be
23 incorrect.
24 People are held in confinements (essentially prison) because of faulty test results.
25 Actually, as I previously wrote, in California an investigation conducted in claimed “positive”
26 test turned out not one of them had been detected to have anything to do with SARS-CoV-2.
27 And with other statewide (USA) checking some laboratories were claiming 100% “positive” but
28 after a review it was that merely about 6 top 8% was positive.
30 PCR antigen test to detect presence of virus in body
31 1. A swab collects a sample from the back of the throat (Nasopharynx)
32 2. In the lab any viral RNA is separated from other molecules present
33 3. An enzyme called reverse Nanscriptase changes the RNA into a strand of DNA
34 4. In the CPR machine the DNA is duplicated many times so it can be detected with
35 fluorescent dye
37 From this it appears to me that the laboratory is which allegedly separates the RNA to convert it
38 to DNA. However, as numerous test are incorrectly conducted the end result has shown to have
39 absurd many “positive test” when they should have been “negative test” results.
40 While the TGA somehow claims to do post-market reviews reality is that even after more than a
41 year it simply has not even been able to assure that “cases” are not used as a term for both “false
42 positive” and “false negative” test results.
43 Surely, the basics of using the test language should have been made clear by the TGA as to avoid
44 this confusion as to what on earth is referred to.
45 Where the PCR test is supposed to detect RNA then so what? After all anyone can have RNA
46 but that surely doesn’t mean that therefore the person has some COVID-CoV-2 infection!
47 If the PCR test was to detect RNA then what is this then on about? So what it detects RNA but it
48 cannot detect any COVID-CoV-2 infection, as obviously for this the RNA needs to be converted
49 to DNA. As such to me it is totally irrelevant that the PCR test has the RNA as it on itself has no
50 meaning as to if there is or isn’t a COVID-CoV-2 infection!
51 It is the conversion to DNA which purports to show any COVID-CoV-2 infection, but this is
52 marred because the laboratories are as I understand it using incorrect cycles. So, this is why so
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1 many if not most are “faulty positives”. And, yet, somehow I understand that the TGA failed to
2 even address this to ensure that all and any testing was done using the same cycles, etc.
4 #ScreenB4Vaccine: An Interview between Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD and Tucker
5 Carlson on Fox
10 The Following explains how a swab is taken through the nose to the back of the throat. And, this
11 I have noticed on various videos (such as this video with Hooman Noorchashm) is where drivers
12 are sitting behind a steering wheel when “jabbed”. Well, excuse me but to have untrained people
13 involved in such dangerous procedure hardly can show concern for the persons involved. So
14 much for sitting for 15 minutes or more in an observation room, when the driver being “jabbed”
15 has to immediately move on so the next driver can be “jabbed’.
17 If the box can only be opened twice a day for maximum 180 seconds as to preserve the viability
18 of what needs to be injected to a person then well from my own experiences doing “Time and
19 measure” of my workers, I doubt if most “jabs” would have been delivered within the time frame
20 dictated.
21 Then again, one can always “follow the science”, being the “political science” of Prime
22 Minister Scott Morrison.
26 At the end of the day, Pfizer and BioNTech need not worry. Even if someone experiences a severe reaction to
27 the vaccine, Pfizer is indemnified from any civil or criminal lawsuit. These vaccine companies wield absolute
28 power over Nations, subverting the rule of law, while coercing people to comply with no recourse.
31 Pfizer’s Abusive vaccine deals ‘DEMANDING SOVEREIGN ASSETS AS COLLATERAL’
35 The Truth Behind Vaccine Trials
36 Dr E. Venkata Rao, Principal Investigator, Institute of Medical Sciences & SUM Hospital
38 This One Man Said it All in 2014 –Watch And Listen Closely America!
40 (This video explains how a human has 44 base pairs)
42 The Elite want to add 22 more with nanotechnology! 3 Strands of 22.
43 How the ‘Problem-Reaction-Solution’ Paradigm Works
44 1. The Government creates or exploits a problem then attributes blame to others
45 2. The populace reacts by asking the government for protection and help to solve the
46 problem
47 3. The government offers the solution that was planned by them long before the crisis
48 occurred
49 Outcome Rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help
52 And
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Page 39

4 And
6 Definition: Problem-Reaction-Solution is defined as the strategy of creating a crisis (the
7 problem), waiting for a call for action to resolve the crisis (the reaction), then taking
8 action (the solution), supposedly in response, which actually furthers a hidden agenda,
9 usually gaining power. Mar 24, 2009
12 And for those who claim that there is no way or no intention to alter the DNA system they can
13 watch the following video:
16 Bill Gates caught on video admitting vaccine will
19 Consider also:
23 This mRNA Vac will alter your DNA forever ... its like taking scissors and cutting your DNA so it doesn't
24 transmit the right messages... putting instructions in the 'code'/chip of the vac to ALTER your DNA with an
25 artificial sequence instructions! 🙁 Tracking system that will change and track your DNA and its
26 permanent!
27 In other videos he says that the Vac will not prevent anyone from getting cv or stop them from carrying the
28 Vir.. So what is the point of it you ask? To CHIP the world and population reduction because the 'm' of
29 mRNA, besides causing at least known permanent illnesses including Guillain Barr (very debilitating fast
30 growing muscle wasting that ends in early death) and worse... but 'Death' is on the list as well! The list is
31 below and some other pertinent info fyi.
33 Bill Gates caught on video admitting vaccine will change our DNA forever
37 change-recepients-dna-forever.html
39 Watch Bill Gates Admitting mRNA ‘Experimental’ Vaccine Will CHANGE Recepient’s DNA FOREVER
40 HAFDecember 9, 2020

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1 Bill Gates was caught on video admitting that his ‘experimental’ vaccine will CHANGE one’s DNA

3 He’s experimenting with human beings like we are a test crop of GMO corn or barley!

4 Bill Gates also stated that up to 700,000 people will likely be maimed or killed by the vaccine. You can read
5 that article here.
8 The following may or may not have some typing errors but considering it took me about 5 hours
9 to type this from a video “Shot in the Dark Dr. Sherri Tenpenny” I present it as I typed it.
11 Dr Sherry Tenpenny (CLEVELAND, OH)
18 The following may or may not have some typing errors but considering it took me about 5 hours
19 to type this from a video “Shot in the Dark Dr. Sherri Tenpenny” I present it as I typed it.
21 Dr Sherry Tenpenny (CLEVELAND, OH)
27 The following may or may not have some typing errors but considering it took me about 5 hours
28 to type this from a video “Shot in the Dark Dr. Sherri Tenpenny” I present it as I typed it.
30 Dr Sherry Tenpenny (CLEVELAND, OH)
32 (At 0.23:28)
46 vaccines/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Vacc
47 inesAndChristianity+%28Vaccines+and+Christianity%29
48 What Do We Know About the COVID-19 “Vaccines”?
49 March 14, 2021
51 It Does Not Change DNA Directly…but Could it Through Another Mechanism?
52 “These endogenous reverse transcriptase enzymes can essentially take single-stranded
53 RNA and convert it into double-stranded DNA. This DNA can then be integrated into the
54 DNA in the nucleus through an enzyme termed DNA integrase. With so many sources of
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Page 41

1 reverse transcriptase, it is quite probable that the RNA introduced into our cells via the
2 vaccine could be reverse transcribed into a segment of double-stranded DNA, and then
3 integrated into our core genetic material in the nucleus of the cell. A variety of specific
4 conditions need to be present for this to occur, but it is possible if the right convergence
5 occurs.”17
8 COVID-19 vaccines ⁠–⁠ Is it true
11 Can COVID-19 vaccines alter my DNA? Is there anything wrong
12 with this page?
13 Can COVID-19 vaccines alter my DNA?
14 COVID-19 vaccines do not alter your DNA.
15 Some of the new COVID-19 vaccines use a fragment of Messenger RNA (mRNA) to
16 instruct your body to make an immune response against COVID-19.

17 The mRNA does not do anything to your DNA.

18 Last updated:
19 13 March 2021
22 In my view the Department of Health provided an evasive answer that appears to conceal what
23 some scientist claim to be “reverse transcriptase” or other methods.
25 Fraus est celare fraudem. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. 1 Vern. 270.
27 The following applies as much to Federal laws of the Commonwealth of Australia as it does to
28 federal laws in the USA;
31 37 Am Jur 2d at section 8 states, in part: "Fraud vitiates every transaction and all
32 contracts. Indeed, the principle is often stated, in broad and sweeping language, that fraud
33 destroys the validity of everything into which it enters, and that it vitiates the most solemn
34 contracts, documents, and even judgments."
37 QUOTE Byrne v Byrne (1965) 7 FLR 342 at 343
38 Fraud: Usually takes the form of a statement of what is false or the suppression of
39 what is true.
42 Donnelly v. Dechristoforo, 1974.SCT.41709 ¶ 56; 416 U.S. 637 (1974) McNally v. U.S., 483 U.S. 350, 371-372,
43 Quoting U.S. v Holzer, 816 F.2d. 304, 307
44 Fraud in its elementary common law sense of deceit... includes the deliberate
45 concealment of material information in a setting of fiduciary obligation.
46 A public official is a fiduciary toward the public,... and if he deliberately conceals
47 material information from them he is guilty of fraud.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 42

1 In my view the Department of health must be deemed to deliberately using concealment (fraud)
2 by concealing relevant details which I view were relevant to the issue. The website was
3 specifically set up, as I understand it, to clarify matters and this by its concealment appears to me
4 to have not done, as to so to say give the reader a false perception.
6 COVID-19 vaccines ⁠–⁠ Is it true
9 Are COVID-19 vaccines not effective? Is there anything wrong with
10 this page?
12 Are COVID-19 vaccines not effective?
13 No. Both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines are very effective at stopping people from
14 becoming very sick if they catch COVID-19.

15 The vaccines have been thoroughly tested by the Therapeutic Goods Administration
16 (TGA) and found to be effective. Read more about the approval of the vaccines.

17 Clinical trials of both vaccines also indicate their effectiveness is very good.
18 (
21 In my view the above set out by the Department of health also is a FRAUD perpetrated upon the
22 reader, this as set out above thousands upon thousands of persons have died AFTER
23 vaccination/jabbing and as such I view that the Department of Health having concealed this is
24 spreading “disinformation” by “fraud”.
26 Arsenic
30 support-vaccine-rollout-aged-care
32 Australian Defence Force support to vaccine rollout in aged care
33 3 March 2021
34 Joint Statement:

35 SENATOR THE HON MARISE PAYNE, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister for Women, Acting
36 Minister for Defence

37 THE HON GREG HUNT MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care

38 Over 14,000 Defence personnel, through Operation COVID-19 ASSIST, have already supported the
39 national response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including contact tracing, emergency clinical support,
40 border control measures, swab testing, and support to hotel quarantine.

41 As part of the continued expansion of the phase 1A COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the Australian Defence
42 Force will provide supplementary support to the rollout of vaccines to Australians in aged care.

43 As we move into the next phase of the aged care vaccine rollout and continue the expansion of teams,
44 additional nurses, pharmacists and providers are being added, with ADF vaccination teams
45 supplementing these efforts.
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5 So the vaccine is not technically licensed as the clinical trials will not be completed until 2023, yet the
6 vaccine promotion campaign is rampant everywhere.
7 The government, corporations, and celebrities are on an orchestrated campaign to sell us the vaccine, but on
8 what basis are they promoting it?
9 Featuring Robert F Kennedy Jr and Professor Dolores Cahill, this film looks at how the Covid-19 vaccine
10 managed to make it into peoples’ veins in record
13 system-despite-fine-for-selling-data/ar-BB1enY6h?ocid=spartan-dhp-feeds
14 HealthEngine Will Build The COVID-19 Vaccine Booking System, Despite Fine For Selling Data
16 In August last year, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission fined HealthEngine $2.9
17 million for "engaging in misleading conduct" after the company sold non-medical data about its customers to
18 private health brokers. This was done without adequately informing them about misleading customers by
19 censoring or editing reviews between 2014 and 2018.
24 Sentinel Gerard_Kane •
25 I believe there are several vectors for the symptoms lumped under COVID. According to Zach Bush, New
26 York had dangerous cyanide levels in their smog particulates at the time of the deaths. Remember the
27 doctors who famously said, I think we're treating the wrong disease? Dr. Sidell, I believe. He went on to
28 describe cyanide poisoning as altitude sickness, blue face. One thing the lock downs did do was reduce
29 cyanide levels. Zach Bush found correlation between high cyanide smogged out areas like El Paso, TX, for
30 example, and high numbers of "COVID' deaths.

31 Glyphosate toxicity is ridiculous. Some people are stuffed to the gills with it, and it can produce similar
32 symptoms, according to Zach Bush.

33 5g has been witnessed in labs to separate the ferritin from the hemoglobin in the blood. That would strangle
34 oxygen transport to and from the cells leading to organ failure.

35 At the time of the Wuhan outbreak it was reported they had just turned on a newly installed set of 5g
36 towers.

37 So there are many possibilities that may have contributed to the illusion of a pandemic. And that's not even
38 counting the activation of otherwise dormant retroviruses, or active retroviral activity which may be behind
39 most chronic diseases known today.
43 harm/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=cc4fbf8a-fef7-446e-b013-
44 777366a5330a
45 Surgeon Warns Vaccinating People Infected With COVID Could Cause ‘Avoidable Harm’
46 • Children's Health Defense
48 In a Jan. 26 letter to FDA officials, Noorchashm warned that if viral antigens are
49 present in the tissues of subjects who undergo vaccination, the antigen-specific

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1 immune response triggered by the vaccine will target those tissues and cause tissue
2 inflammation and damage.
3 Noorchashm told regulators that “at the very minimum” Pfizer and Moderna should
4 “institute clear recommendations to clinicians that they delay immunization in any
5 recently convalescent patients, as well as, any known symptomatic or asymptomatic
6 carriers — and to actively screen as many patients with high cardiovascular risk as is
7 reasonably possible, in order to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2, prior to
8 vaccinating them.”
9 The Defender reached out to Noorchashm today, after his interview with Carlson, with a
10 request to explain his concerns in more detail.
11 In an email he wrote:
12 “Viral antigens persist in the tissues of the naturally infected for months. When the
13 vaccine is used too early after a natural infection, or worse during an active infection,
14 the vaccine force activates a powerful immune response that attacks the tissues where
15 the natural viral antigens are persisting. This, I suggest, is the cause of the high level
16 of adverse events and, likely deaths, we are seeing in the recently infected following
17 vaccination.”
18 The solution, Noorchashm said, is pre-screening before vaccination.
23 health4all Gerard_Kane •
24 "all ventilators in use..." you say?
25 When I read the studies from China in early 2020 showing that 97% of the people on ventilators died,
26 my first call was to our local EMTs who said in every call for breathing difficulty they ventilate first
27 assess second. So my first action in this alleged pandemic was to get my POLST (PA state) forms filled
28 out, signed by the local doctor, and put up on my refrigerator. I do not want to be ventilated under any
29 circumstance. The week of December 15 2019 (after spending Saturday after Thanksgiving in Frederick
30 Maryland where for no reason CDC shut down Ft Detrick was shut down since August,) I had some
31 illness that caused headache, cough, mucus to dry into cookie dough, made you feel like you're never
32 catching your breath, and takes away smell and taste. For several weeks I thought I would never enjoy
33 food tastes and smells again. My husband had the same thing December 31st. We are clear where it came
34 from. Not China! All the dissembling, lies and immediate accusations of "conspiracy theory" showed Central
35 Deceit Control in high gear. NO public health input. NO Debate. Continual repetition of Rank Deception to
36 this day. Pusher-men's 100m doses of what?!?
40 From this it appears that way back in August 2019 already COVID-19 existed in Fort
41 Detrrick, Maryland.
42 I however also read articles that in July 2019 then the CCP directed people to attend to a hospital
43 if they had any kind of flu symptoms. From this I view that the CCP then already knew about
44 what is since known as COVID-19. One neither can however ignore that the so called Spanish
45 Flu of 1918 was apparently resulting from a Fort in the USA where soldiers so to say were used
46 as “guinea pigs” for vaccinations and then spread it throughout Spain and then further.
49 Brighteon
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1 The HighWire with Del Bigtree

3 More than two months into the vaccine rollout and the Covid vaccine still has not proven to
4 stop infection or transmission of SARS-CoV2, which could explain what mainstream media is
5 calling “breakthrough cases,” a phenomenon where people are testing positive for #Covid19
6 within a few days or weeks after getting the Covid vaccine.
7 #BreakthroughCases #VaccineEfficacy #MSM #Pfizer #Moderna #TheHighwire #DelBigtree
10 news/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=cc4fbf8a-fef7-446e-b013-777366a5330a
11 Concord Cancels School Due to Bad Reactions to COVID Vaccine + More • Children's Health Defense
12 10/ 3 0/ 2 0
14 Concord Cancels School Due to Bad Reactions to COVID Vaccine + More
16 chris • ( h54AAYB0VI/)
17 Not sure what to take seriously, if anything.. Pfizer CEO won't take his product? Trump and
18 his staff won't take it (CNN), but then: “The FDA’s decision followed an extraordinary
19 sequence of events on Friday morning when the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows,
20 told the FDA commissioner, Dr. Stephen Hahn, to consider looking for his next job if he didn’t
21 get the emergency approval done on Friday????????
22 And nurses are already injected with the genetically modifying concoction??
23 It seems like one is in a nightmare dream for long time already...
24 Taking the newest Pfizer publication on their BNT162b2 trial results in the vaccinated group
25 of ~20000, TWO people died. If condition for any of these trials was to be perfectly healthy,
26 that would imply Pfizer's genetically modifying slurry causes a death rate of 0.01%. And now
27 this concoction suppose to be for covid-19 with the newest data on its death rates of 0.05%
28 among the SICK ONES, and now a vaccine which caused 0.01% DEATH RATES AMONG
29 ALL THE HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS? That's not even idiocy, that's 100% proof that
30 genetically modifying all humans is the number ONE priority of the satanic cult. People are
31 not being told that:
32 1. the injection will cause an expression of the anti-VMAT-2 protein(wiping out human
33 believe), which is partly IMBEDDED into the C-terminl portion of the RNA code of the
34 SPIKE in that concoction
35 2. that there are countless tiny pieces of anthrax, botulin, ricin, tetanus toxins in that
36 modified mRNA slurry
37 3. that there are pieces of HIV proteins, which is making participants starting to test
38 positive for HIV!
39 4. that there are fragments of FSHR, HCG and others fertility modifying proteins equally
40 included in that 'vaccine'
41 5. that there are EMF responding elements in the viral code
42 6. that if papers about viral shedding of vaccinated are right, then we got a HUGE PROBLEM,
43 since THOSE WHO ALLOW TO BECOME DAMAGED FOR GOOD with those products,

46 For anyone who doesn't read Technocracy News, PLEASE read todays article:
47 "COVID mRNA Vaccines Kick Off Planetary Genetic Overwrite"
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 I'd add only the following, about the nanoparticles coming together with the modified
2 mRNA, since one can't even find the details on those special ingredients. Here some
3 pieces from AMerican Laboratory News Feb 1999, ~20 years ago(!!!):
4 " Modern biopharmaceuticals in development are principally comprised of monoclonal
5 antibodies, gene therapy agents and variety of other large protein-based materials*.
6 Many of these products will be formulated either as direct preparations or in a liposomal
7 or nanoparticle delivery vehicle (->covid vaccine is both liposomal nano). These
8 nanoparticles are DESIGNED to allow the active drug (new SYNTHETIC GENES) to be
9 effectively carried within the body and TARGET the diseased cell type or area (whole
10 body with covid jab).
11 Specific size and surface characteristics of these new nanoparticle formulations
12 DIRECTLY EFFECT THE TARGETING of the drug as well as RATES at which the
13 active drug is dosed to the disease site.
14 Understanding these insights is FUNDAMENTAL in the research, development and process
15 control of todays new drug delivery systems..."
16 *Biotechnology Medicines in Development 1996.
17 => That's why so intense monitoring of every recipient with the new genetically modifying jab,
18 that's why all the G's (in particular 5G with different spacial energy distribution than the
19 previous 1,2,3,4G, absorbed by every single nanoparticle) which can drive those nanoparticles
20 anywhere in the body, that's why Zuckerbergs Biohub analysing still human genetic material of
21 every positive PCR in CA, only in order to prepare for monitoring the coming genetic changes,
22 that's why disruption of normal communication, exchange, real information in order to perform
26 More than 50 years ago I was very ill with my white blood cell counts way to low and hence
27 wouldn’t take any risk as to some claimed COVID-19 vaccine that could actually end up killing
28 me.
29 This nonsense to wear a mask, social distancing, lockdowns and even curfews all to protect
30 someone else, is precisely that NONSENSE.
31 So you got a farmer on a tractor out on his land kilometres from any other human being required
32 to wear a mask to protect others? That may just underline the utter stupidity and dangerous
33 conduct by politicians to pursue their political ambition to increase their power never mind the
34 constitutional limitations not providing for this.
37 children/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=WJBreaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm
38 _content=western-journal
39 COVID Vaccine Now Being Tested on Young Children (
40 COVID Vaccine Now Being Tested on Young Children
42 Do you really think that those pharmaceutical companies are going to test it on their own
43 children? No way!
44 Then consider the following also
46 Everything points to a COVID-19 parasite similar to those that
47 cause malaria.
48 SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 “Because this pathogen also affects victims in the same way that high altitude sickness does ” and in fact I
2 have for a long time suggested that this of bacteria, etc, might very well be the real cause.
3 In my articl:
4 20200503-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE – ROYAL
5 COMMISSION Re COVID-19-In search of the truth- Heroes or Villains
7 I did refer to:
10 D6nF&index=38&t=0s
14 ndex=37&t=0s
17 Where a NYC doctor then pointed out that the patients actually were dying using ventilators not
18 properly programmed for them, as they appeared to be as if they had been coming from plane
19 heights. Much as this article also reflects.
22 Everything points to a COVID-19 parasite similar to those that
23 cause malaria.
24 SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary
25 Revealing the True State of the Nation
31 Why you can’t compare Covid-19 vaccines
34 KC doctors speak out about Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trail
38 Pfizer vaccines HALTED in Hong Kong after multiple defects were reported –
40 Pfizer vaccines HALTED in Hong Kong after multiple defects were reported
42 Thursday, March 25, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson
43 Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, BioNTech, coercion, freedom, Hong Kong, legal immunity, mental
44 problems, Pfizer, preservation, quality control, Vaccine deaths, vaccine injury, vaccine junkies, vaccine safety, vaccine
45 wars, vaccines
46 Bypass censorship by sharing this link:
47 (Natural News) Hong Kong health officials have HALTED shipments of the Pfizer vaccine after multiple
48 defects were identified and reported. The South China Morning Post reports that front-line healthcare
49 workers discovered over fifty instances of cracked and leaking vials. How can Pfizer guarantee the
50 consistency and safety of the mRNA science, if they cannot keep the vials intact and properly preserved?
51 There is no practical way to ensure the safety of an experimental vaccine that has to be preserved at -93
52 degrees Fahrenheit. The Pfizer mRNA vaccine is shipped in boxes that can only be opened twice a day for a
53 maximum of 180 seconds. If the nano-particles in the vaccine are not properly preserved at this correct
54 temperature, they become dangerous and ineffective to human immune systems. Moreover, a manufacturing
55 feat at this scale is naturally prone to multiple errors.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 48

1 Twenty-one Hong Kong vaccination centers suspend vaccine appointments

2 After the leaking vials were identified, Hong Kong health officials canceled vaccine appointments at all
3 twenty-one community vaccination centers. At least 1,080 doses had already been administered at nineteen
4 vaccination centers the same day the doses were suspended. Citizens who were scheduled to get the Pfizer
5 vaccine that day were told they could not get the jab “until further notice.” Some of the vaccine junkies
6 angrily waited at the vaccination centers, demanding that they get their fix.
7 Just as the heroin addict shoots up to get a feeling of elation and a sense of freedom, so do today’s vaccine
8 addicts, who shoot up to get a feeling of elation and a psychological sense of freedom. Vaccine junkies derive
9 a sense of elation and freedom from a series of shots. While they aren’t technically addicted on a
10 physiological level, their brains are trained to be dependent on the needles all the same. It doesn’t matter
11 where the shots come from, if the vials are broken, or whether the needles are dirty and unsafe. Vaccine
12 junkies need their fix.
13 This embarrassing psychological phenomenon is happening because governments continue to hold people
14 down, coercing people to give up their freedoms, while brainwashing them to believe they will never be fine
15 again if they do not plunge the needles in their arms. Governments and pharmaceutical companies have
16 become like gangs and drug dealers, controlling and ruining people’s lives. This isn’t science. This is
17 coercion. These are people with real PROBLEMS and they will soon be coming for every child’s mind, to
18 continue the cycle and plunge more needles in their arms.
19 The manufacturer is looking for an alibi, but doesn’t need to worry because they enjoy immunity from all
20 prosecution
21 Hong Kong’s covid-19 vaccination program had previously dealt with eight incidents of cracked BioNTech
22 vials and twenty-two air pressure issues resulting in leaks. These quality control issues were all traced back to
23 the manufacturer and were not the result of sabotage along the distribution process. After another sixteen
24 reports of leaking vials, Hong Kong’s Director of Health had to investigate. There were an additional eleven
25 vials that were stained, with suspicious marks on the exterior of the glass containers. These vials were traced
26 back to batch 210102, of which, over one hundred fifty thousand doses had already been injected into arms.
27 The Hong Kong Director of Health is preparing to open batch 210104, which includes seven hundred fifty-
28 eight thousand reserve doses.
29 BioNTech, the manufacturer, has launched a separate investigation into the botched, stained and leaking
30 vials. BioNTech wrote to Hong Kong health officials, confirming that there are no safety issues with the
31 batch; however, BioNTech requested that Hong Kong stop using vials from that batch out of an abundance of
32 caution. BioNTech wrote that the one hundred fifty thousand doses that were already received from that
33 batch pose no safety risk to the people who received them.
34 At the end of the day, Pfizer and BioNTech need not worry. Even if someone experiences a severe reaction to
35 the vaccine, Pfizer is indemnified from any civil or criminal lawsuit. These vaccine companies wield absolute
36 power over Nations, subverting the rule of law, while coercing people to comply with no recourse.
37 Sources include:
41 Previous :The fully vaccinated are getting infected again, demonstrating yet again that vaccines don’t really
42 work as promised
43 Next :Historic court case reveals that NO safety studies were conducted on any vaccine over thirty-two years,
44 as was required by law
48 State abducts six-year-old girl after mother seen not wearing mask while dropping her off at
49 school –
50 State abducts six-year-old girl after mother seen not wearing mask while dropping her off at school
52 (Natural News) A New York City judge has ordered that a six-year-old girl be removed from her mother’s
53 custody after the mother was seen dropping the child off at school without a face covering.
55 mask-dropping-off-school/
56 Dr. Micheline Epstein, a family physician, was reportedly not wearing a mask while standing on a public
57 street in front of the Birch Wathen Lenox School where her daughter is a student. This prompted a school
58 nurse as well as a school security guard to start harassing Epstein, ordering her to cover her mouth and nose
59 immediately.
60 Epstein attempted to explain to the school employees that her daughter was already masked and inside the
61 building, but it was no use. The nurse, a woman, started aggressively shouting at Epstein to affix a Chinese
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 49

1 virus hijab to her face or else incur harsh consequences.

4 The following may underline that pharmaceutical companies have been so to say cooking the
5 books for decades. Just that it appears to me that the TGA may somehow lack to understand that
6 it cannot blindly accept whatever a pharmaceutical company may claim but must do its own
7 research.
10 Distrustful of authority, a Holocaust survivor became a fierce critic of medical
11 establishment
13 Van Syckel’s daughter had attempted suicide while taking Paxil, an antidepressant manufactured by British
14 drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline. The drug became a focus of attention when documents emerged about Study
15 329, a clinical trial of Paxil conducted by more than a dozen academic psychiatrists in the US.
16 The study, as published in 2001 in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
17 Psychiatry, found the drug to be safe and more effective than an older antidepressant in adolescents.
18 But the reality was different.
19 An internal company memo written three years earlier conceded that study 329 actually found Paxil to be no
20 more effective than placebo. The memo said the company would, nonetheless, release “positive data” at a
21 forthcoming meeting, adding that “it would be commercially unacceptable to include a statement that
22 efficacy had not been demonstrated.”
23 Sharav obtained a copy of the memo from lawyers who were suing GSK, posted it on her website and handed
24 it out to reporters. It became part of the evidence the US Department of Justice used in a case against the
25 company.
26 In 2012, GSK pled guilty to federal fraud charges for its misleading marketing of Paxil and other drugs and
27 agreed to pay a $3 billion fine.
28 Last year, a group of independent researchers published a reanalysis of the data used in study 329 and found
29 Paxil provided no benefit and increased health risks among adolescents who took it.
30 Yet the original study still hasn’t been retracted by the child psychiatry journal — a sign, Sharav says, of how
31 little has changed.
35 vaccine/?ff_source=Email&ff_medium=WJBreaking&ff_campaign=ct-breaking&ff_content=western-journal
36 Larry Elder: Here's Clear Evidence Democrats, Not Trump, Are Responsible
37 for People Refusing the Vaccine
39 On May 15, then-President Trump announced Operation Warp Speed, a $10 billion program with a goal of
40 producing 300 million vaccine doses to administer to Americans by January.
41 But three days earlier, Fauci testified before Congress and said, “There’s no guarantee that the vaccine is
42 actually going to be effective.”
43 Two days after that, Rick Bright, the former head of the federal government’s Biomedical Advanced
44 Research and Development Authority, testified, “Normally, it takes up to 10 years to make a vaccine. … A
45 lot of optimism is swirling around a 12- to 18-month time frame, if everything goes perfectly. We have never
46 seen everything go perfectly.”
47 In September, Fauci gave an interview in which he said he “never liked” the program’s name because it
48 “suggests, incorrectly … that you’re prematurely putting something out there that isn’t entirely safe.” Fauci
49 earlier cautioned that the name “subliminally” implies “reckless speed.”
50 And he wonders why some might be reluctant to take the vaccine?
51 Immediately after Trump’s announcement of Operation Warp Speed, CNN analyst Jessica Huseman tweeted,
52 “Go ahead and flag this tweet for when we do not have that vaccine by the end of the year.”
53 Joe Lockhart, former Bill Clinton White House press secretary, tweeted, “There is not an objective scientist
54 on TV right now that believe anything that was said at the press conference who believes anything like this
55 can be done by the end of the year. Caveat, I’m not watching Fox.”
56 Then-Sen. Kamala Harris, in September, said, “There is very little that we can trust that comes out of Donald
57 Trump’s mouth.”
58 Later that same month Joe Biden said, “I trust vaccines. I trust scientists. But I don’t trust Donald Trump.
59 And at this point, the American people can’t, either.”
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1 Remember this debate exchange between Harris and then-Vice President Mike Pence? “If the public health
2 professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take [the COVID-19 vaccine], I’ll be the first
3 in line to take it, absolutely,” Harris said. “But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking
4 it.”
5 In response, Pence said, “We’re going to have a vaccine in record time — in unheard-of time — in less than
6 a year. We have five companies in Phase 3 clinical trials. And we’re right now producing tens of millions of
7 doses. So the fact that you continue to undermine public confidence in a vaccine, if the vaccine emerges
8 during the Trump administration, I think is unconscionable. And senator, I just ask you: Stop playing politics
9 with people’s lives.”
14 (a) Please provide details if the so called vaccines such as Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J &
15 J, etc, can directly and/or indirectly cause a change in DNA being it by
16 “TRANSFECTION”, “mRNA”, “These endogenous reverse transcriptase enzymes can
17 essentially take single-stranded RNA and convert it into double-stranded DNA.”, etc,
18 and if so is it “IRREVERSIBLE”? If not why not?
19 (Consider also:
20 experimental-vaccine-will-change-recepients-dna-forever.html)
22 (b) Please provide details as to how the TGA/Department of Health, etc, can claim that the
23 “benefits outweigh the risk” when Dr Sherry Tenpenny (CLEVELAND, OH) stated:
26 QUOTE? Is this meaning that neither the TGA and/or the Department of Health know
27 what they are so to say talking about and by this misleading/deceiving the reader of their
28 statements?
30 (c) Please provide details as to how the vaccination/jabbing allegedly reducing the
31 feeling/experiences of symptoms for an individual being infected with SARS-CoV-2 can
32 benefit others (The very mantra used to pursue compulsory masks wearing, lockdowns,
33 curfews, social distancing, etc) when as a result others (the general public) are placed at
34 more danger in view that the infected person may not then be aware of being “infected”
35 and could be a “super spreader” and infect many others?
37 (d) Please provide details as to if vaccination/jabbing doesn’t prevent infection but merely
38 ‘may” reduce the symptoms a “mild” infected person may suffer from, whereas he may
39 have still have the risk of severe illness or even death regarding any original infection,
40 vaccination/jabbing, and any subsequent infection what are the real “benefits” for any
41 individual to be vaccinated/jabbed? (Consider also:
42 03-24-fully-vaccinated-are-getting-infected-again.html The fully vaccinated are getting
43 infected again, demonstrating yet again that vaccines don’t really work as promised –
44 The fully vaccinated are getting infected again, demonstrating yet
45 again that vaccines don’t really work as promised.) Is the argument really that
46 reducing the demand on the health system really is to claim it will reduce the strain on the
47 health system, rather than to improve the health system in the first place, without placing
48 the health and wellbeing and even the lives of the individual needlessly at risk?
50 (e) Please provide details as to what, if any, preparations have been made and followed
51 through that if indeed there will be a disaster of untold individuals being severely
52 physically harmed and even dying as result of the vaccinations/jabbing, as to avoid the
53 overburdening of the health system?
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2 (f) Please provide details as to what, if any, preparations, etc, are in place to ensure that if
3 there are massive deaths (as predicted by many doctors/scientist) due to the
4 vaccination/jabbing in regard of crematoriums, funerals, etc, to cope with the influx of
5 dead bodies to avoid that corpses be rotting so to say in the streets, as have reportedly
6 occurred in some countries?
8 (g) Please provide details as to what, if any, preparations are in place and pursued, to enable
9 autopsies to be performed on those who died allegedly from COVID-19 and/or after
10 vaccinations/jabbings, to ensure that there is comprehensive and complete data as to the
11 real causes of death rather than a mixture of guessing?
13 (h) Please provide details that if sudden massive deaths (due to infections/vaccinations/
14 jabbing) were to eventuate affecting the logistics of transport of food and other essential
15 supplies what, if any, preparations are in place to immediately have alternative logistics
16 transport to perform the same, albeit considering that the alternative, say the ADF, itself
17 may be also unable to provide the alternative services?
19 (i) Please provide details that if sudden massive deaths (due to infections/vaccinations/
20 jabbing) were to eventuate affecting the medical services such as doctors/nurses and
21 other health providers (including nursing homes) what, if any, preparations are in place to
22 immediately have alternative services to perform the same, albeit considering that the
23 alternative, say the ADF, itself may be also unable to provide the alternative services?
25 (j) Please provide details that if sudden massive deaths (due to infections/vaccinations/
26 jabbing) were to eventuate affecting the politicians to provide government what, if any,
27 preparations are in place to immediately have alternative services to perform the same,
28 albeit considering that the alternative, say the Members of the Opposition, itself may be
29 also unable to provide the alternative services?
31 (k) Please provide details that if sudden massive deaths (due to infections/vaccinations
32 /jabbing) were to eventuate affecting the power (electricity/gas, etc) what, if any,
33 preparations are in place to immediately have alternative services to perform the same,
34 albeit considering that the alternative, say the specialist of other States, itself may be also
35 unable to provide the alternative services? What if this effects the needed power supply
36 for those on monitoring equipment for health purposes? What if this wipes out the entire
37 communication system? What if this causes petrol/gas pumps not being able to operate
38 and this then can effect the limited, if any, use of transport vehicles of essential supplies
39 and other required items? What if this prevent doctors/nurses and other health providers
40 to provide their services at required locations? Consider as such a DOOMSDAY scenario
41 of “depopulation”).
43 (l) Please provide details that if sudden massive deaths (due to infections/vaccinations
44 /jabbing) were to eventuate affecting the water supplies what, if any, preparations are in
45 place to immediately have alternative services to perform the same, albeit considering
46 that the alternative, say the supply from other States, itself may be also unable to provide
47 the alternative services?
49 (m) Please provide details if the TGA/Department of Health/Government has considered to
50 stop all and any vaccinations/jabbing as to assess and evaluate the relevant issues, not
51 only blood clothing, to possibly avoid currently unknown long term harm to Australians
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1 by limiting any individual to be vaccinated/jabbed to be strictly within ordinary “clinical

2 trails” controls with appropriate number of “placebo” participants, etc? (Consider also:
4 vaccinations.html Top vaccine scientist warns the world: HALT all covid-19 vaccinations
5 immediately, or “uncontrollable monster” will be unleashed – Top
6 vaccine scientist warns the world: HALT all covid-19 vaccinations immediately, or
7 “uncontrollable monster” will be unleashed)
9 (n) Please provide details what, if any, process is in place to ensure that before an individual
10 (patient) is placed on a ventilator the medical staff has first appropriately assessed the
11 individual (patient) and calibrated/programmed the ventilator for use for the specific
12 individual (patient)? (Consider also: health4all Gerard_Kane • When I read the studies
13 from China in early 2020 showing that 97% of the people on ventilators died, my first
14 call was to our local EMTs who said in every call for breathing difficulty they ventilate
15 first assess second. &
17 y9nMMY96p D6nF&index=38&t=0s FROM NYC DOC_ SHOULD COVID-19
20 (o) Please provide details as to what, if any, involvement Australia (so the CSL) had in
21 providing services, etc, that ended up with creating and/or assisting in creating any
22 coronavirus.
24 (p) Please provide details as to if a “reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction” may in
25 fact cause “false positives” and if so what, if anything, has been legislated/regulated to
26 pursue to avoid/limit such “false positives” to be the result of any PCR testing?
28 (q) Please provide details as to what, if any thing, the government did to provide
29 compensation for any financial and/or other harm that was inflicted upon any individual
30 who was wrongly assessed to have a “positive PCR test” referred to as “case” when it
31 subsequently was discovered to be a “false positive”?
33 (r) Please provide details as to what, if anything, the government has as a system in place
34 that when there is a lockdown/curfew (This is not intended and neither must be perceived
35 I imply a lockdown/curfew is constitutionally permissible regarding anyone without a
36 court order naming each particular person) appropriate provisions, medication and other
37 essentials are provided to those prevented from doing it themselves?
39 (s) Please provide details as to what, if any, research the government relied upon to
40 implemented a 1½ metres (6 feet) “social distancing”? (Consider also:
42 mandate-wasnt-based-on-clear-
43 science_3742844.html?&utm_source=newsnoe&utm_medium=email2&email=inspector
44 Former FDA Chief
45 Says Social Distancing Mandate ‘Wasn’t Based on Clear Science’ (
47 (t) Please provide details as to what, if any, research the government/Department of Health,
48 etc, relied upon to determine that “compulsory masks wearing” was in the benefit of
49 others, as claimed by politicians, etc?

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1 (u) Please provide details as to what, if any research the government/Department of Health,
2 etc, relied upon to determine the useful purpose for usage of plexiglass in shops, etc, if
3 the “virus” is airborne and as such is not prevented by any plexiglass obstruction?
5 (v) Please provide details if the TGA “provisionally approved” the usage of Pfizer
6 “mRNA” and AstraZeneca vaccines/”medical treatment” then how can the Government
7 lawfully use this for general purposes not relating to any specific “clinical trials”?
9 (w) Please provide details as to why the TGA has not take any appropriate steps as to ensure
10 that any Pfizer and/or AstraZeneca approved “provisional products” are not used outside
11 a limited “clinical trial” setting?
13 (x) Please provide details as to why the TGA has not take any appropriate steps as to ensure
14 that any Pfizer and/or AstraZeneca approved “provisional products” are used with a
15 number of participants being in the “placebo” group as to ensure that a limited “clinical
16 trial” setting has appropriate information to make an assessment as to if the relevant
17 items can be given “final” approval?
19 (y) Please provide details on what legal/medical basis should any pharmaceutical company
20 (even if aided by any government) be permitted without any legal risk to be sued to test
21 under aged children where such as in Israel the death rate of those under 50 years old
22 escalated by 260% AFTER vaccination/jabbing? (Consider also:
23 Why are
24 We Vaccinating Children against Covid-19? – AIER Why are We Vaccinating Children
25 against Covid-19? QUOTE Even in six months to one year we will have a little more
26 experience with side effects, but the reality is it normally takes years — sometimes
27 decades — to be reasonably sure a vaccine is safe enough to use on persons under 20.
30 (z) Please provide details as to why the TGA regarding any person to be vaccinated/jabbed
31 should not first have first blood drawn for examination and evaluation to avoid possible
32 needless deaths AFTER vaccinations/jabbing? (Consider also:
33 Prominent
34 changes in blood coagulation of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection (
35 Huan Han, Lan Yang, Rui Liu, Fang Liu, Kai-lang Wu, Jie Li, Xing-hui Liu and Cheng-
36 liang Zhu Prominent changes in blood coagulation of patients with SARS-CoV-2
37 infection De Gruyter | 2020DOI: QUOTE
38 Results Antithrombin values in patients were lower than that in the control group
39 (p < 0.001). The values of D-dimer, fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products (FDP), and
40 fibrinogen (FIB) in all SARS-CoV-2 cases were substantially higher than those in healthy
41 controls. Moreover, D-dimer and FDP values in patients with severe SARS-CoV-2
42 infection were higher than those in patients with milder forms. Compared with healthy
43 controls, prothrombin time activity (PT-act) was lower in SARS-CoV-2 patients.
44 Thrombin time in critical SARS-CoV-2 patients was also shorter than that in controls.
47 (aa) Please provide details what, if any, “clinical trials” details the TGA obtained
48 regarding Australians involved in such “clinical trials” as to assess/evaluate appropriately
49 matters concerning blood cloths involving AstraZeneca vaccines? (Consider also:
50 New
51 Research Points to Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots • Children's
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1 Health Defense QUOTE The researchers found that AstraZeneca’s vaccine activates
2 blood platelets, or thrombocytes, which typically only happens in the body when a wound
3 is healing –– when the blood coagulates as the wound closes. In some patients, the
4 vaccination activated a mechanism that caused blood clots to form in the brain, according
5 to Deutsche Welle. END QUOTE
7 (bb) Please provide details why the TGA on the one hand stresses on its website the
8 need of accurate readings needed regarding IgG/IgM yet appears to blatantly disregard to
9 ensure to make this a requirement to be tested for before a “participant” can be jabbed?
10 (Consider also:
11 covid-cause-avoidable-
12 harm/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=cc4fbf8a-fef7-446e-b013-
13 777366a5330a Surgeon Warns Vaccinating People Infected With COVID Could Cause
14 ‘Avoidable Harm’ • Children's Health Defense QUOTE But even then, blood IgG levels
15 should guide whether or not a person gets vaccinated. END QUOTE
17 (cc) Please provide details as to how and in which manner “The vaccines have been
18 thoroughly tested by” the TGA, and on which details it concluded that it was found to
19 be effective, and effective for period of time? (Consider also: COVID-19 vaccines ⁠–⁠ Is it
20 true QUOTE The vaccines have
21 been thoroughly tested by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and found to
22 be effective. Read more about the approval of the vaccines. END QUOTE & QUOTE
23 Clinical trials of both vaccines also indicate their effectiveness is very good. END
26 (dd) Please provide details as to what medical status ADF vaccination team has to
27 provide “medical services” relating to a “medical treatment” (Pfizer “mRNA” not being
28 a kind of “FIRST AID” that might be provided in an emergency, such as by ambulance
29 crews within the provisions of the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth)? Consider also:
31 force-support-vaccine-rollout-aged-care QUOTE pharmacists and providers are
32 being added, with ADF vaccination teams supplementing these efforts. END QUOTE
34 (ee) Please provide details if the Australian government conduct to pursue as many
35 Australians as possible to be vaccinated/jabbed is within the usage of “provisional
36 approval” of Pfizer/AstraZenaca products? (Consider also:
38 BEHIND THE VACCINE TRIALS So the vaccine is not technically licensed as the
39 clinical trials will not be completed until 2023, yet the vaccine promotion campaign
40 is rampant everywhere. The government, corporations, and celebrities are on an
41 orchestrated campaign to sell us the vaccine, but on what basis are they promoting it?)
43 (ff) Please provide details if the Department of Health and other any other government
44 Department is “engaging in misleading conduct” where it promotes vaccination/jabbing
45 without proper disclosure of the risk/dangers to an individual health and wellbeing and
46 the risk of death, and without disclosing that the person is to be injected with a substance
47 that has not been finally approved for usage by the TGA but only has been provided with
48 “provisional approval” for purpose of “clinical trials” and a participant essentially is
49 taking part of a “clinical trial” and has no legal right to sue the pharmaceutical company
50 involved if the participant suffers serious health problems or even death?
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1 (gg) Please provide details what, if any consideration did the TGA have as to any
2 reported details by Pfizer/AstraZeneca may be clouded by if particular participants may
3 have been in any area where smog, 5G or the issues may have contributes to any
4 participant having certain affects to be reported? For example were any participants
5 ordinary residing in a smog affected area but for testing purposes now placed in a more
6 healthy condition which the change of environment rather than any Pfizer/AstraZenaca
7 product(s) may have made the reported improvement? (Consider also:
8 QUOTE dangerous cyanide levels in their
9 smog particulates END QUOTE & QUOTE 5g has been witnessed in labs to separate the
10 ferritin from the hemoglobin in the blood. That would strangle oxygen transport to and
11 from the cells leading to organ failure. At the time of the Wuhan outbreak it was reported
12 they had just turned on a newly installed set of 5g towers. END QUOTE
14 (hh) Please provide details if the TGA did provide any stipulations as to clinicians not
15 to vaccinate/jab any individual without first having screened the individual for any
16 cardiovascular risk? (Consider also:
18 avoidable-harm/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=cc4fbf8a-fef7-
19 446e-b013-777366a5330a Surgeon Warns Vaccinating People Infected With COVID
20 Could Cause ‘Avoidable Harm’ • Children's Health Defense QUOTE Noorchashm
21 told regulators that “at the very minimum” Pfizer and Moderna should “institute
22 clear recommendations to clinicians that they delay immunization in any recently
23 convalescent patients, as well as, any known symptomatic or asymptomatic carriers
24 — and to actively screen as many patients with high cardiovascular risk as is
25 reasonably possible, in order to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2, prior to
26 vaccinating them.” END QUOTE)
28 (ii) Please provide details if the mRNA liquid injected into Australians do contain traces of
29 anthrax, botulin, ricin, tetanus toxin, HIV particles, etc? (Consider also:
31 news/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=cc4fbf8a-fef7-446e-b013-
32 777366a5330a Concord Cancels School Due to Bad Reactions to COVID Vaccine +
33 More • Children's Health Defense ( h54AAYB0VI/)
34 QUOTE And now this concoction suppose to be for covid-19 with the newest data on its
35 death rates of 0.05% among the SICK ONES, and now a vaccine which caused 0.01%
37 idiocy, that's 100% proof that genetically modifying all humans is the number ONE
38 priority of the satanic cult. People are not being told that:
39 1. the injection will cause an expression of the anti-VMAT-2 protein(wiping out
40 human believe), which is partly IMBEDDED into the C-terminl portion of the RNA
41 code of the SPIKE in that concoction
42 2. that there are countless tiny pieces of anthrax, botulin, ricin, tetanus toxins in that
43 modified mRNA slurry
44 3. that there are pieces of HIV proteins, which is making participants starting to test
45 positive for HIV!
46 4. that there are fragments of FSHR, HCG and others fertility modifying proteins equally
47 included in that 'vaccine'
48 5. that there are EMF responding elements in the viral code
49 6. that if papers about viral shedding of vaccinated are right, then we got a HUGE

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4 (jj) Please provide details if what is referred to as being COVID-19 in fact can be
5 misconceived/misdiagnosed in that it may not be at all a disease relating to but that in
6 fact it might be a parasite that may cause symptoms that also may eventuate with SARS-
7 CoV-2? This I view is also considerably an issue where various medical practitioners
8 claimed to have successfully treated alleged COVID-19 patients (some more than 100
9 without any deaths) with “Hydroxychloroquine” and zinc, which may indicate that most
10 if not all COVID-19 claimed cases might have been misdiagnosed and many wrongly
11 placed on ventilators which instead of being an aid to the patients generally appeared to
12 be the death sentence to the patients, due to not being programmed specifically for the
13 particular patients it was being used. (Consider also: QUOTE “Because this pathogen
14 also affects victims in the same way that high altitude sickness does ” END QUOTE
15 & QUOTEGuess what the treatment for Malaria and similar parasites is? Quinine, the
16 herb Andrographis and Hydroxychloroquine. All three are quinolines. The Plasmodium
17 parasite that causes Malaria is one of man’s most ancient infections. I have also noticed
18 that other drugs like Azithromycin have been mentioned. Because I have been involved
19 in a fight against a similar Plasmodium-based pathogen for almost 15 years, I have a
20 better understanding than many of the difference between a parasite and a
21 virus. Moreover, both Quinolines and Azithromycin are used in combination, specifically
22 to treat plasmodium-based parasitic infections.“Malaria symptoms and signs usually
23 mimic common flu, with an infected person suffering fever, headache, and vomiting
24 usually within 10 to 15 days after exposure to the Anopheles mosquito. Of course,
25 malaria’s initial clinical manifestations can resemble other conditions such as
26 gastroenteritis, septicemia and viral diseases[11],[12]. It is important to bear in mind
27 that incorrect diagnosis increases the expense of treatment and the probability of
28 parasite drug-resistance emergence and development.”
29 “This so-called pandemic
30 seems to have more to do with a parasite rather than to do with a virus.” Study Malaria
31 and its complicated life cycle and you will understand why it comes back after a couple
32 of weeks because the life cycle of these types of parasites causes a relapse every few
33 weeks until it is eradicated. Because this pathogen also affects victims in the same way
34 that high altitude sickness does, it is important to study how oxygen-carrying blood
35 cells are infected by these parasites.
37 (kk) Please provide details by which (alleged) legal provisions, constitutionally and/or
38 otherwise, the Commonwealth of Australia can deny any Australian to sue any
39 pharmaceutical company regarding any financial or other harm suffered as result of being
40 jabbed? (Consider also: that the following constitutional provision does not permit the
41 commonwealth to remove the rights of any Australian regarding heath matters to sue as it
42 is not a Commonwealth power and any treaty cannot override the constitution either,
43 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) (xxxi) the acquisition of
44 property on just terms from any State or person for any purpose in respect of which the
45 Parliament has power to make laws; &
46 vaccines-halted-in-hong-kong.html Pfizer vaccines HALTED in Hong Kong after
47 multiple defects were reported – Pfizer vaccines HALTED in Hong
48 Kong after multiple defects were reported QUOTE At the end of the day, Pfizer and
49 BioNTech need not worry. Even if someone experiences a severe reaction to the vaccine,
50 Pfizer is indemnified from any civil or criminal lawsuit. These vaccine companies wield

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1 absolute power over Nations, subverting the rule of law, while coercing people to comply
2 with no recourse. END QUOTE
4 (ll) Please provide details as to the many issues I have raised that you may consider to be
5 relevant and/of assistance to me.
7 Replies can be forwarded to me via email, where appropriate.
8 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
10 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
11 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


13 (Our name is our motto!)

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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