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Nama : Dyah Citra Resmi

Nim : 195055

Kelas : RMIK 2B

1. Diagnosis Bising Jantung

BTM Cardiac murmur
Leadterm Murmur (cardiac) (heart) (organic)
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R01.1
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R01.1
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R01.1
Kode ICD 10 Other -

2. Diagnosis Tekanan darah rendah

BTM Low blood-pressure reading
Leadterm Low
Identasi -blood-presssure
--reading (incidental) (isolated) (nonspecific)
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R03.1
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R03.1
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R03.1
Kode ICD 10 Other -

3. Diagnosis Batuk
BTM Cough
Leadterm Cough
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R05
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R05
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R05
Kode ICD 10 Other -

4. Diagnosis Asfiksia
BTM Asphyxia
Leadterm Asphyxia
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R09.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R09.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R09.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

5. Diagnosis Sakit perut berat

BTM Acute abdomen
Leadterm Abdomen
Identasi -acute
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R10.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R10.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R10.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

6. Diagnosis Pembengkakan masa di perut

BTM Intra-abdominal lump
Leadterm Lump (mass)
Identasi -intra-abdominal
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R19.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R19.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R19.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

7. Diagnosis Bau mulut

BTM Halitosis
Leadterm Halitosis
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R19.6
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R19.6
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R19.6
Kode ICD 10 Other -

8. Diagnosis Kesemutan
BTM Tingling sensation
Leadterm Tingling sensation
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R20.2
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R20.2
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R20.2
Kode ICD 10 Other -

9. Diagnosis Ruam pada kulit

BTM Rash on the skin
Leadterm Rash
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R21
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R21
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R21
Kode ICD 10 Other -

10 Diagnosis Kulit muka merah dan panas

BTM Flushing
Leadterm Flushing
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R23.2
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R23.2
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R23.2
Kode ICD 10 Other -

11 Diagnosis Kulit bersisik

BTM Desquamation / scaling / induration
Leadterm Desquamation / scaling / induration
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R23.4
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R23.4
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R23.4
Kode ICD 10 Other -

12 Diagnosis Bintik merah perdarahan

BTM Petechiae
Leadterm Petechiae
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R23.3
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R23.3
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R23.3
Kode ICD 10 Other -

13 Diagnosis Mata kedutan

BTM Twitching/fasciculation
Leadterm Twitching/fasciculation
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R25.3
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R25.3
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R25.3
Kode ICD 10 Other -

14 Diagnosis Jalan sempoyongan (limbung)

BTM Staggering gait
Leadterm Staggering gait
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R26.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R26.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R26.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

15 Diagnosis Kram
BTM Cramps
Leadterm Cramp(s)
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R25.2
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R25.2
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R25.2
Kode ICD 10 Other -

16 Diagnosis Kejang
BTM Tetany
Leadterm Tetany
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R29.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R29.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R29.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

17 Diagnosis Buang urine sakit

BTM Dysuria
Leadterm Dysuria
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R30.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R30.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R30.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

18 Diagnosis Anyang-anyangan
BTM Vesical tenesmus
Leadterm Tenesmus
Identasi -vesical
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R30.1
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R30.1
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R30.1
Kode ICD 10 Other -

19 Diagnosis Ngompol
BTM Enuresis
Leadterm Enuresis
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R32
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R32
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R32
Kode ICD 10 Other -

20 Diagnosis Pusing, pening, tujuh keliling

BTM Vertigo
Leadterm Vertigo
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R42
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R42
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R42
Kode ICD 10 Other -
21 Diagnosis Kesadaran menurun
BTM Somnolence
Leadterm Somnolence
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R40.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R40.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R40.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

22 Diagnosis Khayalan, mimpi maya

BTM Hallucination
Leadterm Hallucination
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R44.3
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R44.3
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R44.3
Kode ICD 10 Other -

23 Diagnosis Tegang saraf

BTM Nervous tension
Leadterm Nervous
Identasi -tension
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R45.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R45.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R45.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

24 Diagnosis Kurang/tidak gembira, murung

BTM Unhappiness
Leadterm Unhappiness
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R45.2
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R45.2
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R45.2
Kode ICD 10 Other -

25 Diagnosis Penampilan kumuh

BTM Appearance, very low level of personal hygiene
. Leadterm Appearance
Identasi - very low level of personal hygiene
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R46.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R46.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R46.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

26 Diagnosis Lamban
BTM Behavior slowness
Leadterm Behavior
Identasi -slowness
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R46.4
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R46.4
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R46.4
Kode ICD 10 Other -

27 Diagnosis Pencuriga
BTM Suspiciousness
Leadterm Suspiciousness
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R46.5
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R46.5
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R46.5
Kode ICD 10 Other -

28 Diagnosis Suara hilang

BTM Loss of voice
Leadterm Loss
Identasi -voice
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R49.1
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R49.1
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R49.1
Kode ICD 10 Other -

29 Diagnosis Tidak dapat/sulit menggunakan kata

BTM Aphasia, dysphasia
Leadterm Aphasia, dysphasia
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R47.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R47.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R47.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

30 Diagnosis Parau
BTM Hoarseness
Leadterm Hoarseness
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R49.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R49.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R49.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

31 Diagnosis Suara sengau (hidung)

BTM Hypernasality
Leadterm Hypernasality
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R49.2
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R49.2
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R49.2
Kode ICD 10 Other -

32 Diagnosis Gangguan/sakit saat bersuara

BTM Dysarthria
Leadterm Dysarthria
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R47.1
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R47.1
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R47.1
Kode ICD 10 Other -

33 Diagnosis Tidak bisa/gangguan menggunakan kemampuan

. membaca
BTM Dyslexia
Leadterm Dyslexia
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R48.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R48.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R48.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

34 Diagnosis Gangguan pengenalan (perspective)

BTM Agnosia
Leadterm Agnosia (body image) (tactile) (other senses)
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R48.1
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R48.1
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R48.1
Kode ICD 10 Other -

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