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Etiquetas: answers unit5 exercises grammar bachillerato
Fill in the blanks with a suitable modal.
1.       "Does this pen belong to you?" "No, It MUST be Susan's. She was sitting at that desk.
2.       "Let's go to a movie this evening." "That sounds like fun, but I can't. I HAVE TO finish a report before I go
to bed tonight."
3.       "Hey, Ted. What's up with Ken? Is he upset about something?" "He's angry because you recommended Ann
instead of him for the promotion. You SHOULD sit down with him and explain your reasons. At least that's what I
4.       "Does Tom want to go with us to the film festival tonight?" "No. He WOULD RATHER go to a wrestling
match than the film festival."
5.       "I did it! I did it! I got my driver's licence!" "Congratulations, Michelle, I'm really proud of you." "Thanks,
Dad, now CAN I have the car tonight? Please, please!" "No. You're not ready for that quite yet."
6.       "I just tripped on your carpet and almost fell! There's a hole in it. You SHOULD fix that before someone
gets hurt." "Yes, Uncle Ben, I should, I will. I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
7.       "Are you going to the conference in Atlanta next month?" "I MIGHT. It's sort of iffy right now. I’ve applied
for travel money, but who knows what my supervisor will do."
8.       "Have you seen my denim jacket? I CAN’T find it.”  "Look in the hall closet."
9.       "Bye, Mom! I'm going to play soccer with my friends." "Wait a minute, young man! You MUST do your
chores first."
10.   "Do you think that Scott will quit his job?" "I don't know. He MIGHT, He's very angry. We'll just have to
wait and see."
11.   "The hotel supplies towels, you know. You DON’T HAVE TO/NEEDEN’T pack a towel in your suitcase."
"This is my bathrobe, not a towel."
12.   "I heard that Bill was seriously ill" "Really? Well, he CAN’T be sick anymore, I just saw him riding his bike
to work."
13.   "Do you understand how this computer program works?" "Sort of, but not really, COULD you explain it to
me one more time? Thanks."
14.   "Did you climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty when you were in New York?" "No, I didn't.  My knee was
very sore, and I COULDN’T climb all those stairs."
15.   "Rick, WILL/CAN you work for me this evening?  I'll take your shift tomorrow." "Sure. I was going to ask
you to work for me tomorrow anyway."
16.   "Meet me at Tony's at five.  Please!   I NEED TO talk to you. It’s important." “Is something wrong?"
17.   “What are you doing, children? Stop! You MUSTN’T play with sharp knives.” "What?"
18.   "Don't wait for me. I WILL be late." “Okay."
19.   My son CAN’T be home by now. Where can he be?
20.   I think your thumb is broken. You SHOULD go to the emergency room.
21.   If you are interested in losing weight, you MUST try this new diet.
22.   You DON’T HAVE TO/NEEDN’T come too early. We won’t leave until nine o’clock.
23.   The train was badly damaged in the crash, but the passengers WERE ABLE TO get out through a broken
24.   Children MUST/HAVE TO be accompanied by an adult at the zoo.
25.   You have never heard of Britney Spears! You CAN’T be serious.
26.   MAY I speak to the Chief of Police, please?
Rewrite the following sentences using modals.
1.       I'm sure John locked the office before leaving. He always does.
John must have locked the office before leaving. He always does.
2.       If I were you I would tell him the truth.
You should tell him the truth.
You ought to tell him the truth.
You'd better tell him the truth.
3.       It isn't necessary for her to phone me back.
She needn’t phone me back.
She doesn’t need to phone me back.
She doesn’t have to phone me back.
4.       Ann finished the project on her own although it wasn't necessary to do so.
Ann needn’t have finished the project on her own.
5.       It was a mistake to sell the house. I wish I hadn't.
I shouldn’t have sold the house.
6.       Perhaps we'll go swimming tomorrow.
We may go swimming tomorrow.
We might go swimming tomorrow.
We could go swimming tomorrow.
7.       I think Mary is probably at home because the windows are open.
Mary must be at home because the windows are open.
8.       Perhaps John knew about the trip, but I'm not sure.
John may have known about the trip.
John might have known about the trip.
9.       I'm sure he didn't lock the door. He never does.
He can’t have locked the door. He never does.
10.   Perhaps she was at work when the earthquake struck.
She may have been at work when the earthquake struck.
She might have been at work when the earthquake struck.
She could have been at work when the earthquake struck.
11.   Perhaps we'll rent our house in summer.
We may rent our house in summer.
We might rent our house in summer.
We could rent our house in summer.
12.   It's absolutely necessary that we finish the article today.
We must finish the article today.
We have to finish the article today.
13.   It wasn't necessary for him to behave like that.
He needn’t have behaved like that.
14.   You cannot smoke in the underground; it's forbidden.
You mustn’t smoke in the underground.
You are not allowed to smoke in the underground.
15.   It's quite possible that they went away last weekend.
They may have gone away last weekend.
They might have gone away last weekend.
They could have gone away last weekend
16.   I'm sure Ann didn't send that letter.
Ann can’t have sent that letter.
17.   It was a mistake not to accept his offer. I wish I had.
I should have accepted his offer.
I ought to have accepted his offer.
18.   It is essential that we talk before the meeting starts.
We must talk before the meeting starts.
19.   I don't think Ann stole the money. It's impossible.
Shall we go on a camping trip?
20.   Perhaps they told John about the party, but I'm not sure.
I might have told John about the party.
21.   It isn't necessary for us to book a table; I know one of the waiters.
We don’t have to book a table.
We needn’t book a table.
22.   It's forbidden to drive without fastening your seatbelt.
You mustn’t drive without fastening your seatbelt.
23.   The PC isn't working. I think it has been damaged during the move.
The PC must have been damaged during the move.
24.   To hold my breath for more than a minute is impossible for me.
I can’t hold my breath for more than a minute.
25.   I'm sure it isn't true.
It can’t be true.
26.   It's not essential to be rich to be a success.
You don’t have to be rich to be success.
27.   Jim didn't hear the speaker. The crowd was shouting so loudly.
Jim couldn’t hear the speaker. The crowd was shouting so loudly.
28.   I think the answer in the book is wrong.
The answer in the book might be wrong.
The answer in the book may be wrong.
29.   I'm sure that he is exhausted after such a long flight.
He must be exhausted after such a long flight.
30.   The book is optional. We can read it if we want to.
You may read the book, but you don’t have to.
EVAU Tests MarchEVAU Tests March

Etiquetas: evau nopresencial test bachillerato
Find attached the document with the tests.
Find here the answers:
1.-          Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given for
only TRUE or FALSE.
a)            Eric is not sorry for his action.
                TRUE: "I guess I'm taking the law into my own hands and, quite frankly, I'm proud of it", he added.
(lines 13-14)
b)           The use of cell phone jammers has been restricted to the Philadelphia area.
                FALSE: Police reported that other people in the New Jersey and New York area are using them as well.
(lines 19-21)
2.-          In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. Do not copy from
the text.
a)            According to the text, what is a jammer used for?
                A jammer is used to stop conversations on nearby cell phones.
La parte relevante del texto es:
... it can block any cell phone service in the area. (lines 2-3)
b)           Why is using a jammer considered a crime?
                It's considered a crime because it can interfere with vitally important communications in serious
La parte relevante del texto es:
This type of jammers is illegal because they could prevent cell phone communication in emergencies and because
they can block other important signals such as police radio.
(lines 15-17)
3.-          Find the words in the text that mean:
a)            penalty (paragraph 1)    fine
b)           tired of (paragraph 2)    fed up with
c)            nuisance (paragraph 2)  bother
d)           like (paragraph 4)            such as
4.-          Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given.
a)            ________ (use) a blocking device can ________ (consider) a crime.
                Using a blocking device can be considered a crime.
b)           ________ would you do if you ________ (bother) by other people's conversation?
                What would you do if you were bothered by other people's conversation?
c)            It is probably ________ (good) to put ________ with the annoying chatter than calling the police.
                It is probably better to put up with the annoying chatter than calling the police.
                Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
d)           "I have used cell phones ever since I started going to school", Kate said.
                Kate said that she had used cell phones ever since she started going to school.
                Kate said that she had used cell phones ever since she had started going to school.
1.-          Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given for
only TRUE or FALSE.
a)            It is not always easy to decide what career to follow.
TRUE: Choosing a career path is usually a confusing and stressing experience. (lines 2-3)
b)           In order to make a good career choice you can begin by considering what you are good at.
                TRUE: ... you can begin by choosing a career that fits well with your skills...(line 11)
2.-          In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. Do not copy from
the text.
a)            Mention two reasons why the author of the text believes it is hard to make a career choice.
                It's hard because without experience you don't know what a job involves and also because careers are
La parte relevante del texto es:
 ... how are you supposed to know if you will be happy as an investment banker or an artist or a professor, if you
haven't actually done any of these things yet? Who has ever, in the history of mankind, taken a job and had it turn
out exactly as they imagined it would? (lines 6-9)
b)           Explain two manners of achieving your objectives and choosing the right career.
                You can go for something that you are good at but also something that you will actually want to do.
 La parte relevante del texto es:
... you can begin by choosing a career that fits well with your skills and values... you also want to choose an
occupation that provides good motivation for you as well. (lines 11 & 13-14)
3.-          Find the words in the text that mean:
a)            puzzling (paragraph 1)   confusing
b)           matches (paragraph 3)  fits
c)            achieve (paragraph 4)    reach
d)           risky activity (paragraph 4)          venture
4.-          Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given.
 a)           Usually people ________ (motivate) by both promotion and prevention.
                Usually people are motivated by both promotion and prevention.
 b)          Cal Newport's is the ________ (good) career advice book I ________ (ever read).
                Cal Newport's is the best career advice book I have ever read.
c)            Nobody is to blame ________ making a wrong career choice. It is difficult to be sure ________ what
you want to do when you are very young.
                Nobody is to blame for making a wrong career choice. It is difficult to be sure of what you want to do
when you are very young.
                Nobody is to blame for making a wrong career choice. It is difficult to be sure about what you want to
do when you are very young.
 d)          In Spain there are many places ________ you can find career advice.
                In Spain there are many places where you can find career advice.
               Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
e)           "Choose a job you love", John told Jennifer.
                John told Jennifer to choose a job she loved.
Unit 5 Modal VerbsUnit 5 Modal Verbs

Etiquetas: modals unit5 exercises bachillerato grammar
Fill in the blanks with a suitable modal.
1.       "Does this pen belong to you?" "No, It ____ be Susan's. She was sitting at that desk.
2.       "Let's go to a movie this evening." "That sounds like fun, but I can't. I ____ finish a report before I go to
bed tonight."
3.       "Hey, Ted. What's up with Ken? Is he upset about something?" "He's angry because you recommended Ann
instead of him for the promotion. You ____ sit down with him and explain your reasons. At least that's what I
4.       "Does Tom want to go with us to the film festival tonight?" "No. He ____ go to a wrestling match than the
film festival."
5.       "I did it! I did it! I got my driver's licence!" "Congratulations, Michelle, I'm really proud of you." "Thanks,
Dad, now ____ I have the car tonight? Please, please!" "No. You're not ready for that quite yet."
6.       "I just tripped on your carpet and almost fell! There's a hole in it. You ____ fix that before someone gets
hurt." "Yes, Uncle Ben, I should, I will. I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
7.       "Are you going to the conference in Atlanta next month?" "I ____ . It's sort of iffy right now. I’ve applied
for travel money, but who knows what my supervisor will do."
8.       "Have you seen my denim jacket? I _____________ find it.”  "Look in the hall closet."
9.       "Bye, Mom! I'm going to play soccer with my friends." "Wait a minute, young man! You ____ do your
chores first."
10.   "Do you think that Scott will quit his job?" "I don't know. He ____, He's very angry. We'll just have to wait
and see."
11.   "The hotel supplies towels, you know. You ____ pack a towel in your suitcase." "This is my bathrobe, not a
12.   "I heard that Bill was seriously ill" "Really? Well, he ____ be sick anymore, I just saw him riding his bike to
13.   "Do you understand how this computer program works?" "Sort of, but not really, ____ you explain it to me
one more time? Thanks."
14.   "Did you climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty when you were in New York?" "No, I didn't.  My knee was
very sore, and I ____ climb all those stairs."
15.   "Rick, ________ you work for me this evening?  I'll take your shift tomorrow." "Sure. I was going to ask you
to work for me tomorrow anyway."
16.   "Meet me at Tony's at five.  Please!   I ____________ talk to you. It’s important." “Is something wrong?"
17.   “What are you doing, children? Stop! You __________ play with sharp knives.” "What?"
18.   "Don't wait for me. I ____________ be late." “Okay."
19.   My son _________ be home by now. Where can he be?
20.   I think your thumb is broken. You _____________ go to the emergency room.
21.   If you are interested in losing weight, you ____________ try this new diet.
22.   You ______________ come too early. We won’t leave until nine o’clock.
23.   The train was badly damaged in the crash, but the passengers _________________ get out through a broken
24.   Children ______ be accompanied by an adult at the zoo.
25.   You have never heard of Britney Spears! You _________ be serious.
26.   _____________ I speak to the Chief of Police, please?
Rewrite the following sentences using modals.
1.       I'm sure John locked the office before leaving. He always does.
2.       If I were you I would tell him the truth.
3.       It isn't necessary for her to phone me back.
4.       Ann finished the project on her own although it wasn't necessary to do so.
5.       It was a mistake to sell the house. I wish I hadn't.
6.       Perhaps we'll go swimming tomorrow.
7.       I think Mary is probably at home because the windows are open.
8.       Perhaps John knew about the trip, but I'm not sure.
9.       I'm sure he didn't lock the door. He never does.
10.   Perhaps she was at work when the earthquake struck.
11.   Perhaps we'll rent our house in summer.
12.   It's absolutely necessary that we finish the article today.
13.   It wasn't necessary for him to behave like that.
14.   You cannot smoke in the underground; it's forbidden.
15.   It's quite possible that they went away last weekend.
16.   I'm sure Ann didn't send that letter.
17.   It was a mistake not to accept his offer. I wish I had.
18.   It is essential that we talk before the meeting starts.
19.   I don't think Ann stole the money. It's impossible.
20.   Perhaps they told John about the party, but I'm not sure.
21.   It isn't necessary for us to book a table; I know one of the waiters.
22.   It's forbidden to drive without fastening your seatbelt.
23.   The PC isn't working. I think it has been damaged during the move.
24.   To hold my breath for more than a minute is impossible for me.
25.   I'm sure it isn't true.
26.   It's not essential to be rich to be a success.
27.   Jim didn't hear the speaker. The crowd was shouting so loudly.
28.   I think the answer in the book is wrong.
29.   I'm sure that he is exhausted after such a long flight.
30.   The book is optional. We can read it if we want to.
Find here the answers. Some answers might be different and correct. 
Fill in the blanks with a suitable modal.
1.       "Does this pen belong to you?" "No, It MUST be Susan's. She was sitting at that desk.
2.       "Let's go to a movie this evening." "That sounds like fun, but I can't. I HAVE TO finish a report before I go
to bed tonight."
3.       "Hey, Ted. What's up with Ken? Is he upset about something?" "He's angry because you recommended Ann
instead of him for the promotion. You SHOULD sit down with him and explain your reasons. At least that's what I
4.       "Does Tom want to go with us to the film festival tonight?" "No. He WOULD RATHER go to a wrestling
match than the film festival."
5.       "I did it! I did it! I got my driver's licence!" "Congratulations, Michelle, I'm really proud of you." "Thanks,
Dad, now CAN I have the car tonight? Please, please!" "No. You're not ready for that quite yet."
6.       "I just tripped on your carpet and almost fell! There's a hole in it. You SHOULD fix that before someone
gets hurt." "Yes, Uncle Ben, I should, I will. I'm sorry. Are you all right?"
7.       "Are you going to the conference in Atlanta next month?" "I MIGHT. It's sort of iffy right now. I’ve applied
for travel money, but who knows what my supervisor will do."
8.       "Have you seen my denim jacket? I CAN’T find it.”  "Look in the hall closet."
9.       "Bye, Mom! I'm going to play soccer with my friends." "Wait a minute, young man! You MUST do your
chores first."
10.   "Do you think that Scott will quit his job?" "I don't know. He MIGHT, He's very angry. We'll just have to
wait and see."
11.   "The hotel supplies towels, you know. You DON’T HAVE TO/NEEDEN’T pack a towel in your suitcase."
"This is my bathrobe, not a towel."
12.   "I heard that Bill was seriously ill" "Really? Well, he CAN’T be sick anymore, I just saw him riding his bike
to work."
13.   "Do you understand how this computer program works?" "Sort of, but not really, COULD you explain it to
me one more time? Thanks."
14.   "Did you climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty when you were in New York?" "No, I didn't.  My knee was
very sore, and I COULDN’T climb all those stairs."
15.   "Rick, WILL/CAN you work for me this evening?  I'll take your shift tomorrow." "Sure. I was going to ask
you to work for me tomorrow anyway."
16.   "Meet me at Tony's at five.  Please!   I NEED TO talk to you. It’s important." “Is something wrong?"
17.   “What are you doing, children? Stop! You MUSTN’T play with sharp knives.” "What?"
18.   "Don't wait for me. I WILL be late." “Okay."
19.   My son CAN’T be home by now. Where can he be?
20.   I think your thumb is broken. You SHOULD go to the emergency room.
21.   If you are interested in losing weight, you MUST try this new diet.
22.   You DON’T HAVE TO/NEEDN’T come too early. We won’t leave until nine o’clock.
23.   The train was badly damaged in the crash, but the passengers WERE ABLE TO get out through a broken
24.   Children MUST/HAVE TO be accompanied by an adult at the zoo.
25.   You have never heard of Britney Spears! You CAN’T be serious.
26.   MAY I speak to the Chief of Police, please?
Rewrite the following sentences using modals.
1.       I'm sure John locked the office before leaving. He always does.
John must have locked the office before leaving. He always does.
2.       If I were you I would tell him the truth.
You should tell him the truth.
You ought to tell him the truth.
You'd better tell him the truth.
3.       It isn't necessary for her to phone me back.
She needn’t phone me back.
She doesn’t need to phone me back.
She doesn’t have to phone me back.
4.       Ann finished the project on her own although it wasn't necessary to do so.
Ann needn’t have finished the project on her own.
5.       It was a mistake to sell the house. I wish I hadn't.
I shouldn’t have sold the house.
6.       Perhaps we'll go swimming tomorrow.
We may go swimming tomorrow.
We might go swimming tomorrow.
We could go swimming tomorrow.
7.       I think Mary is probably at home because the windows are open.
Mary must be at home because the windows are open.
8.       Perhaps John knew about the trip, but I'm not sure.
John may have known about the trip.
John might have known about the trip.
9.       I'm sure he didn't lock the door. He never does.
He can’t have locked the door. He never does.
10.   Perhaps she was at work when the earthquake struck.
She may have been at work when the earthquake struck.
She might have been at work when the earthquake struck.
She could have been at work when the earthquake struck.
11.   Perhaps we'll rent our house in summer.
We may rent our house in summer.
We might rent our house in summer.
We could rent our house in summer.
12.   It's absolutely necessary that we finish the article today.
We must finish the article today.
We have to finish the article today.
13.   It wasn't necessary for him to behave like that.
He needn’t have behaved like that.
14.   You cannot smoke in the underground; it's forbidden.
You mustn’t smoke in the underground.
You are not allowed to smoke in the underground.
15.   It's quite possible that they went away last weekend.
They may have gone away last weekend.
They might have gone away last weekend.
They could have gone away last weekend
16.   I'm sure Ann didn't send that letter.
Ann can’t have sent that letter.
17.   It was a mistake not to accept his offer. I wish I had.
I should have accepted his offer.
I ought to have accepted his offer.
18.   It is essential that we talk before the meeting starts.
We must talk before the meeting starts.
19.   I don't think Ann stole the money. It's impossible.
Shall we go on a camping trip?
20.   Perhaps they told John about the party, but I'm not sure.
I might have told John about the party.
21.   It isn't necessary for us to book a table; I know one of the waiters.
We don’t have to book a table.
We needn’t book a table.
22.   It's forbidden to drive without fastening your seatbelt.
You mustn’t drive without fastening your seatbelt.
23.   The PC isn't working. I think it has been damaged during the move.
The PC must have been damaged during the move.
24.   To hold my breath for more than a minute is impossible for me.
I can’t hold my breath for more than a minute.
25.   I'm sure it isn't true.
It can’t be true.
26.   It's not essential to be rich to be a success.
You don’t have to be rich to be success.
27.   Jim didn't hear the speaker. The crowd was shouting so loudly.
Jim couldn’t hear the speaker. The crowd was shouting so loudly.
28.   I think the answer in the book is wrong.
The answer in the book might be wrong.
The answer in the book may be wrong.
29.   I'm sure that he is exhausted after such a long flight.
He must be exhausted after such a long flight.
30.   The book is optional. We can read it if we want to.
You may read the book, but you don’t have to.

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