Zambia Country Profile 3

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8  |  Michael Day, Davison Gumbo, Kaala B.

Moombe, Arief Wijaya and Terry Sunderland

charcoal or fuelwood facilitates subsequent clearance provinces. Mining contributes over 70% of
for agriculture (UN-REDD 2010a). foreign exchange earnings, forming a significant
part of Zambia’s GDP (IDLO 2011; GRZ
2011). It is also a growing industry, with Zambia
1.6.4 Agricultural expansion experiencing a steady increase in mining output
over the last decade (GRZ 2011). Mining can
Agricultural expansion is the second highest driver cause deforestation during initial clearance, as well
of forest loss in Zambia (Vinya et al. 2011). A as the need for large quantities of wood for tunnel
growing population has led to increased pressure supports and increasing demand for charcoal to
for agricultural land in order to meet national support the energy needs of miners (Chidumayo
and subsistence food requirements. Agricultural 1989; Gumbo et al. 2013). For example, at the
expansion is caused both by shifting subsistence Kalumbila mining concession the development of
cultivation and extensification of commercial infrastructure is estimated to have resulted in the
farming. Agricultural expansion may account for loss of more than 7000 ha of forest cover (Vinya
up to 90% of forest cover loss, often for small- et al. 2011).
scale farming systems using shifting cultivation
practices (UN-REDD 2010a; Campbell et al. 2011).
Overgrazing has less impact on forest cover than 1.6.6 Fires
arable land use, but has also been a problem in some
provinces (such as Southern, Western and North- Caesalpinoid woodlands are strongly influenced
Western provinces and parts of Lusaka) and can by both natural and anthropogenic fires. Fires
inhibit woodland regeneration (Vinya et al. 2011). in miombo woodland and dambo grassland in
southern Africa contributed 12.3% to total global
Linked to agricultural expansion is migration, emissions of CO2 in 2000 (Sinha et al. 2004).
which has increased land pressure in some areas; Over 50% of the land area in Zambia is affected
such as the movement of commercial farmers from by fire, with approximately 25% of the total land
Zimbabwe to Zambia due to political and economic cover burnt annually (Archibald et al. 2010). Fire
instability in Zimbabwe (UN-REDD 2010a; Vinya incidences are spread throughout the country;
et al. 2011). however, high frequencies are found in the
northern parts of the country and within protected
forests and game management areas (Sikaundi
1.6.5 Infrastructure development and 2012). The majority (almost 90%) of fires set in
industry miombo woodland are anthropogenic and linked
to a number of different human activities (Ribeiro
Although a less important driver than wood et al. 2012). Fires are used to control vegetation,
extraction and agriculture, the growing population to enable land clearance for agriculture, to create
in Zambia has resulted in the expansion of urban potash for chitemene agriculture and to facilitate
settlements and infrastructure at a rate of 3.2% hunting (Vinya et al. 2011). Fires can also
per annum (Gumbo et al. 2013). Infrastructure escape and spread to larger areas during charcoal
development results in deforestation where production, traditional rituals, burning of sugar
development projects occur on areas of woodland plantations and the creation of fire breaks around
and forest cover. The importance of this driver villages, particularly at the end of the dry season.
is likely to increase as Zambia needs to develop
its infrastructure in a number of areas, including Although fire predominantly impacts grasslands,
housing, transport (particularly rural road Archibald et al. (2010) estimated that 22% of
provision), energy, water, sanitation, irrigation and uncultivated savannah woodlands (which includes
communication to enable development (Foster and all of the main dry woodland types in the country)
Dominguez 2010). were burnt by fires in 2001–2008. This figure
rose to 33% in protected savannah woodlands
Mining (predominantly of copper and cobalt) (Archibald et al. 2010). A study conducted
is a significant industrial activity in Zambia, by the Zambian Environmental Management
particularly in Copperbelt and North-Western Agency in 2007–2011 using MODIS (moderate
  |  9
Zambia Country Profile

resolution spectroradiometer) imagery indicated needs, construction, fodder, wild foods and
that deciduous woodland with sparse tree cover medicines (Chundama 2009).
experiences the most severe fires each year (Sikaundi
2012). However, a large proportion of fires in Additional issues include inadequate governance
Zambia are small scale leading to a mosaic of burnt and inadequate funding for departments tasked
area patches. High-resolution imagery may therefore with managing forestry and the environment,
be required in order to make accurate estimates of which has led to low staffing levels and a lack of
burnt areas (Sá et al. 2007). coordination among relevant departments (IDLO
2011; Vinya et al. 2011). Government policies
Dry woodlands in Zambia are tolerant of fire and have also led to deforestation and degradation.
regenerate vegetatively from stumps and rootstocks Of 40 government policies relevant to REDD+
(Chidumayo 2004). However, long-term fire reviewed by Chundama (2009), 21 policies were
regimes, including annual, and sometimes biannual found to promote forest loss by legitimizing the
burning, can result in the transition of woodland to loss of forest resources.
grassland (Bond and Keeley 2005). Smaller trees,
particularly those below 5 cm DBH (diameter at An insecure land tenure system has also
breast height) have high mortality (up to 12%) contributed to increased exploitation of forest
in intense fires in miombo woodland (Ryan and resources, leading to a prevalence of shifting
Williams 2011). Chidumayo (2013) estimated that agriculture and a lack of sustainable management
fire caused 25–77% of total biomass loss at five practices (Campbell et al. 2011; Vinya et al.
permanent sample plots in miombo woodland in 2011). The majority of the land in Zambia is
central Zambia. Fire can also inhibit regeneration open access, where land rights are unclear or
and survival of young plants and therefore unenforced, which can lead to unsustainable
woodland recovery from clearance or degradation resource use for immediate gains (IDLO 2011;
(Timberlake et al. 2010; Vinya et al. 2011). Less Vinya et al. 2011). Wood biomass levels in
intense fire regimes may stimulate tree growth regrowth miombo woodland in Zambia have been
in miombo woodlands. A long-term experiment shown to be lower on land subject to customary
within miombo woodland in Zimbabwe showed tenure than land without (Chidumayo 2002).
plots burned on a 3- or 4-year cycle attained greater
tree height than unburned plots (Furley et al. 2008).
The timing of fires has a bearing on their impact. 1.6.8 Carbon sequestration in Zambian
Fires at the start of the dry season (April–June) are forests
less severe than later in the season, due to weather
conditions and the green state of the grass sward. Forest carbon change can be positive due to
Burning at the end of the dry season (August– sequestration in growing forests. Undisturbed
November) results in hotter fires, as grass is dry and woodlands in Zambia may not be carbon sinks,
therefore more combustible (Robertson 2005). possibly due to the fact that growth is limited
by water and nutrient availablility as opposed to
carbon dioxide (Kutsch et al. 2011). However,
1.6.7 Underlying drivers the majority of woodland in Zambia is not
undisturbed. Over 65% of Zambian woodlands are
Linked to these main drivers of deforestation secondary, with 32% of forests either moderately
and forest degradation are the underlying high or heavily disturbed, and regrowth within these
poverty levels, high population growth and large woodlands may lead to carbon storage (Kalinda et
rural population of the country. Zambia is ranked al. 2008; Williams et al. 2008; Kutsch et al. 2011).
163 in world poverty by the World Bank Human Woodlands in sub-Saharan Africa regenerate
Development Index (HDI) (World Bank 2012). readily following wood harvesting and clearance for
The population growth rate for 2012 is estimated agriculture, as many common tree species re-sprout
at more than 3%, giving Zambia the 11th highest from the roots and stumps following disturbance
population growth rate in the world (CIA 2012). (Luoga et al. 2004; Chidumayo 2011). The high
It is estimated that almost 70% of the rural level of disturbance and regenerating ability of
population depends directly on forests for energy miombo woodlands indicates a potential carbon
10  |  Michael Day, Davison Gumbo, Kaala B. Moombe, Arief Wijaya and Terry Sunderland

sink in regrowth woodlands in Zambia (Kalinda et being conducted by the Forestry Department with
al. 2008). In the majority of dry woodlands biomass technical support from the FAO. Phase I of the
accumulation with increasing age is associated with assessment was conducted in 2005–2008. This
regrowth (Timberlake et al. 2010). phase involved the collection of field data from
221 sample plots across the country (covering
Fires, both natural and set for management 433.1 ha), as well as socioeconomic data from
purposes, may also influence sequestration structured interviews (Kalinda et al. 2008;
through lowering productivity (Murwira 2009). Mukosha and Siampale 2009). ILUA I has been
Fire reduction may therefore increase carbon criticized for its highly systematic sampling design,
sequestration in miombo woodlands (Frost 1996; which does not include some woodland types with
Chidumayo 2013). low overall national coverage, such as evergreen
forests (Chidumayo 2012a).

1.7 National strategy and policy ILUA Phase II was launched in November
development targets for REDD+ 2010, with fieldwork beginning in March 2013.
ILUA II has been designed to collect adequate
Currently Zambia has no national action plan or information to meet local, national, regional and
national strategy for REDD+; however, REDD+ international reporting requirements for MRV
preparedness is taking place under the coordination of REDD+. It is also intended to strengthening
of the Forestry Department (UN-REDD 2010a). the capacity of the Forestry Department to be
The Government of Zambia’s involvement in able to carry out future monitoring of forest
REDD+ is outlined in the National Climate resources (UN-REDD 2010a, 2012). The
Change Response Strategy (NCCRS) (MTNER field component of ILUA II is scheduled to be
2010). Formed as part of the NCCRS, the Climate completed in 2014/15. ILUA II comprises over
Change Facilitation Unit will coordinate climate 4000 sampling sites and will measure all major
change activities, formulate policies and establish carbon pools (AGB, soil, deadwood and litter)
an implementation framework between the identified by the Intergovernmental Panel on
MLNREP and other ministries. A draft National Climate Change (IPCC), apart from below-
Forestry Policy (2010) is also aligned with REDD+ ground biomass (BGB) which is problematic to
activities, for example by stating the need for measure in Zambian woodlands (due to deep root
forest carbon sequestration measurement standards systems), necessitating estimation using expansion
(IDLO 2011). factors. ILUA II has been designed to assess carbon
stocks by tree species in order to provide baseline
reference levels for emissions (IDLO 2011).
1.8 Reference levels and monitoring,
reporting and verification In addition to the ILUA field inventories, land
cover change from deforestation and forest
In order to develop an MRV system for Zambia degradation has been estimated using Landsat
a National Forest Assessment and Monitoring data in order to develop a national reference
System is currently being established. The focus emission level. The analysis has been conducted
is on a distributed system, in line with the in collaboration with the Regional Centre for
government’s decentralization policy, with capacity Mapping of Resources for Development in
built in a number of different provinces in the Nairobi. Land cover change has been estimated
country (IDLO 2011). Ten provincial forest from land cover data from 1990, 2000 and 2010
monitoring laboratories have been established, (Kasaro and Fox 2012). Results of this national
equipped for forest monitoring and staffed remote sensing survey are yet to be made available.
with technicians from forestry, agriculture and The national remote sensing survey should fulfill
planning sectors in order to provide decentralized the requirements of the IPCC guidelines to
monitoring expertise (Kasaro and Fox 2012). establish a historical reference scenario for forest
cover changes, in order to assess forest cover
A major component of MRV in Zambia is the change in the future.
development of the ILUA. This assessment is
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Zambia Country Profile

1.9 Issues and challenges implementation. This is potentially a significant

barrier for REDD+ readiness in Zambia (UN-
A number of problems need to be overcome to REDD 2010a).
ensure an adequate MRV system for REDD+ in
Zambia. These problems can be broadly grouped ILUA II should enable capacity building
into institutional capacity, state of knowledge and during both the fieldwork and subsequent data
technical challenges. analysis, through collaboration with the Forestry
Department. For example, extensive training has
been conducted in order for field surveyors to
1.9.1 Institutional capacity follow the ILUA survey methodology. Training
and financial support has also been provided
Institutional and human resource capacity to to the Kitwe Research Centre in Copperbelt
monitor natural resources such as forest cover Province, to facilitate the processing and analysis
and carbon stocks is low in Zambia (Campbell of soil and litter samples and identify herbarium
et al. 2011). In common with a number of samples from the field teams. The ILUA should
African countries, Romijn et al. (2012) assessed also improve data sharing and management
the capacity gap for implementing a national for MRV in Zambia. Data collection and
forest strategy in Zambia to be significant. management will be achieved using Open Foris,
The draft National Forestry Policy for Zambia an open source software being developed by the
acknowledges the decline in resources for forestry FAO and United States Forest Service (USFS).
research in Zambia since the 1970s and the need
to develop research expertise, facilities and an
institutional framework to meet forestry research 1.9.2 State of knowledge
needs (MTNER 2009). The capacity to monitor
and report on forest cover and emissions is A major constraint to MRV in Zambia is
currently limited to a small number of individuals the current state of knowledge with regards
in the Survey Department (MLNREP), National to deforestation and carbon cycling within
Remote Sensing Centre, Forestry Department, the key woodland ecosystems of the country.
Copperbelt University and the University of It is a challenge to provide information to
Zambia. In addition, access is limited to relevant enable monitoring of all five REDD+ activities
technology, such as high-resolution spatial (deforestation, forest degradation, conservation,
imagery. This is particularly problematic for sustainable management of forests and
REDD+ as a nationwide initiative (UN-REDD enhancement of forest carbon stocks) of sufficient
2010a). Capacity building for REDD+ is one of accuracy to meet IPCC guidelines (Romijn et
the key activities outlined in the NJP for Zambia al. 2012). The number of national data sets that
(UN-REDD 2010a). can estimate forest cover change in Zambia is
limited. Prior to ILUA I (2005–2008) the last
Linked to this issue is the lack of data national forest inventory was taken in 1952–1967
coordination between departments and (Vinya et al. 2011). The impact of degradation
institutions that will participate in REDD+ from charcoal production (the primary cause of
in Zambia. No formal data storing or sharing forest loss and degradation in Zambia) is also
protocol exists between these institutes, meaning problematic to monitor (Kutsch et al. 2011;
data relevant to MRV is difficult to access (UN- Gumbo et al. 2013).
REDD 2010a; Campbell et al. 2011). A report
by UN-REDD identified the need for a specific In general, suitable methods for carbon stock
monitoring unit for REDD+ in Zambia in order estimation are not well developed for African
to tackle these issues (UN-REDD 2010a). countries (Kamelarzyck 2009). The carbon cycle
in the miombo woodlands of Africa is also poorly
In addition, Zambia has no specific legal and understood (Williams et al. 2008; Bond et al.
policy framework for tackling climate change, 2009). Information is even more scarce regarding
aside from a climate change response strategy. the carbon cycle for the other major woodland
A framework for institutionalizing REDD+ types in Zambia (Kalahari, mopane and munga
is needed at various levels for planning and woodlands), which form a significant proportion
12  |  Michael Day, Davison Gumbo, Kaala B. Moombe, Arief Wijaya and Terry Sunderland

(approximately 20%) of woodland cover in from forest degradation (as well as fire and
the country (Grace et al. 2006; Mukosha and herbivory), coupled with the variable nature of
Siampale 2009). Understanding of the carbon Zambian woodlands, can result in a complex mix
cycle is particularly limited in the soil, litter and of different vegetation types (Ribeiro et al. 2012).
deadwood carbon pool for Zambian woodlands Mapping degradation, particularly from charcoal
(Chidumayo 2011; Stringer et al. 2012). In production, is therefore much more complex
miombo woodlands 50–80% of total system in Zambia than in continuous tropical forest
carbon is estimated to be in the top 1.5 m below landscapes such as those found in central Africa.
ground (Walker and Desanker 2004; Ryan et al.
2010). The impact of fire is another key ecological Remote sensing is also challenging in Zambia due
process crucial to the understanding of carbon to high cloud coverage and the open canopy and
stocks, about which current knowledge is limited seasonality of the woodlands. The open canopy
(Ryan and Williams 2011). and pronounced grass layer makes distinguishing
woodland from other savannah types, such as
The ILUA I dataset is a starting point to address wooded grassland or scrubland, difficult. This is
the inadequacies in forest inventory data for particularly true for semi-evergreen and deciduous
Zambia. However, ILUA I was designed for global woodland types during the dry season when trees
forest inventorying and is therefore not specific to are not in leaf. The average annual cloud cover
forest ecosystems and structures found in Zambia for the country is more than 40% with high
(Vinya et al. 2011). Developing a comprehensive variability; the lowest cloud cover percentages are
forest database is therefore a major challenge observed in November and December (Herold
(UN-REDD 2010a; Romijn et al. 2012). The 2009). However, the optimum month to capture
development of ILUA II will be a key step in remote sensing imagery for forest cover changes
establishing adequate MRV capacity in Zambia. in Zambia is at the start of the dry season (May–
June), when trees are still in leaf but grasslands are
dying back and cloud cover is relatively low.
1.9.3 Technical challenges
Despite the major institutional challenges facing
Linked to both current institutional capacity MRV of REDD+ in Zambia there are considerable
and state of knowledge issues is the challenge of opportunities to develop an effective MRV system
assessing carbon stock changes for REDD+ in for the country. The current gaps in capacity, state
Zambia. Zambia is a large country (approximately of knowledge and technical challenges mean that
750,000 km2) with remote and inaccessible areas. initiatives can be specifically designed to achieve
The forest cover of the country is considerable but MRV objectives. For example, ILUA II has
with a highly scattered and variable distribution been designed with measuring and reporting for
due to the ecology of the forests and the long REDD+ as a key objective.
history and nature of human use. Disturbance
2 Available data and current

2.1 National datasets available for 2.2.2 United Nations Framework

monitoring, reporting and verification Convention on Climate Change National
of REDD+ in Zambia Communication

A number of datasets are available for MRV The inventories for GHG emissions given in the
of REDD+ in Zambia, generated from field INC were compiled by the Centre for Energy,
inventories as well as remote sensing and aerial Environment and Engineering Zambia. Data for
photography. They include ILUA I and II, aerial the inventories were derived from the following
photographs, the USFS MRV report and satellite sources:
imagery from Landsat, RapidEye, MODIS, • Energy Balance for 1994
WorldView 1 and 2, GeoEye and Systeme Pour • Energy Statistics Bulletin 1974–1996
l’Observation de la Terre (SPOT). The data type, • Agriculture Statistics Bulletin 1980–1996
dates, cost, availability, potential uses and other • Central Statistics Office
characteristics are presented in Table 2. • research conducted at the University of Zambia.

The lack of reliable data on forests was identified as

2.2 Data sources for the Global a weakness in the INC. The MLNREP is currently
Forest Resources Assessment in the process of preparing its Second National
2010 report and the Initial National Communication, which intends to address this
weakness by using remote sensing.

2.2.1 Global Forest Resources Assessment 2.3 Institutional framework and

2010 report capacity for forest and agricultural
The bulk of the Global Forest Resources
Assessment (FRA) 2010 report, particularly for The MLNREP has overall responsibility for
current trends, uses data from ILUA I. The FAO forest resources in Zambia, with monitoring of
partially funded the ILUA and provided technical forest resources being undertaken by the Forestry
assistance. Specific sources for different aspects of Department. The Forestry Department has a
the report that are relevant to MRV for REDD+ presence in all nine provinces and in every district
are provided in Table 3 (FAO 2010). (IDLO 2011). The management of national parks
in Zambia, which contain considerable forest
The data sources selected for the FRA 2010 report resources, is undertaken by the Zambian Wildlife
indicate the relative paucity of data relevant to Authority. The REDD+ Coordination Unit will
monitoring and measuring forest resources in be based in the Forestry Department, and MRV
Zambia, and the importance of ILUA I as an of REDD+ will be carried out by the Forestry
initial assessment. The information regarding forest Department with technical assistance from the
cover, growing stock and biomass, and therefore FAO (UN-REDD 2010a).
carbon stocks, is all based on ILUA I. No data was
available for forest fires and other disturbances Institutional capacity for forest monitoring for
affecting forest health and vitality. Data was also REDD+ is low in Zambia. In particular the
not available regarding public expenditure on Forestry Department has suffered from a decline
forests (FAO 2010). in funding over the last 2 decades, which has
14  | 
Table 2. National datasets available for monitoring, reporting and verification of REDD+ in Zambia.
Dataset Data type Dates Cost (USD) and Potential uses Potential drawbacks References
Field inventories
Integrated Land Use ILUA I is based on the standard 2005–2008 Free Carbon stock estimation in major Designed for global forest Kalinda et al. 2008;
Assessment Phase I National Forest Assessment (NFA) ILUA data should be forest types using DBH following inventorying and therefore Mukosha and Siampale
(ILUA I) approach developed by the Food accessible through a Intergovernmental Panel on not specific for ecosystems 2008
and Agriculture Organization of the database; however, Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines, and structures found in
United Nations (FAO). Forest inventory this has not yet equivalent to tiers 1 and 2 Zambia (Vinya et al. 2011)
data is collected from 221 permanent been established
sample plots distributed systematically
throughout the country. This includes
DBH (diameter at breast height)
measurement of all trees within plots.
Socioeconomic data was also collected
on agriculture and livelihoods.
Integrated Land Use The aim of ILUA II is to provide data 2010–ongoing Free Reference level emissions for 4 Accessibility: capacity for MTNER 2010a
Assessment Phase II for carbon stock estimation to enable (projected As with ILUA I data carbon pools for tiers 2/3 following data sharing is currently
(ILUA II) monitoring, reporting and verification completion late should be accessible IPPC guidelines; below-ground low between government
(MRV) for REDD+ in Zambia. ILUA II 2014/early 2015) through Open Foris biomass (BGB) equivalent to Tier 1 departments in Zambia
features an intensification of the ILUA software (under
I survey design to cover over 4000 development by
sampling plots across the country. the FAO and the
ILUA II will include the development United States Forest
of methods to estimate carbon at the Service)
field level according to IPCC standards
and the calculation of emissions
factors for Zambia.
Michael Day, Davison Gumbo, Kaala B. Moombe, Arief Wijaya and Terry Sunderland

Remote sensing and aerial photography

Aerial photographs An extensive archive of aerial 1956–1996 High cost and Historical records of forest cover High time-cost to print, USFS 2012
photographs is held at the Survey (the last aerial based on approval and forest cover change scan, geo-reference and
Department within the Ministry photography from the Survey mosaic images in order to
of Lands, Natural Resources and campaign across Department determine forest cover
Environmental Protection (MLNREP). all parts of the
For example for 1967k, 1:30,000-scale country)
photographs are available for all of
Eastern Province. The last nationwide
capture of aerial photography was
conducted in 1983.
Landsat Landsat offers medium-resolution Data available for Free Reference levels, for land-use Lower resolution imagery Kalinda et al. 2008;
satellite imagery. It provides the land-use maps (US Geological change. Availability means it is compared to Rapid Eye, Mukosha and Siampale
longest running imagery, with the from 1990, 1995, Survey Global particularly useful on a national WorldView and GeoEye. 2008
most recent satellite (Landsat 7) 2000, 2005 and Visualization Viewer scale. National Remote Sensing May make estimates
launched in 1999. Resolution is 2010 - (GloVis)) Survey is currently using Landsat of carbon losses from Landsat:
15–60 m, with temporal resolution of imagery to develop reference level forest degradation or
16 days. Landsat 8 is scheduled to be for forest cover deforestation of open
launched in February 2013. woodlands problematic GloVis:
Dataset Data type Dates Cost (USD) and Potential uses Potential drawbacks References
Moderate resolution MODIS offers low-resolution imagery From 1999 Free. Used by Zambian Environmental Low resolution, not Sikaundi 2012;
spectroradiometer (250–1000 m) captured in 36 spectral Good coverage for Management Agency to measure suitable to assess forest Murwira 2009; Rahman et
(MODIS) bands. It was launched in 1999 and Zambia fire incidences across the country. cover change on a national al. 2004;
images the earth every 1–2 days. It is Can be used combined with scale due to degradation
suitable for providing measurements National Oceanic and Atmospheric and deforestation http://modis.gsfc.nasa.
for large-scale rapid changes. Administration (NOAA) Advanced gov/related/
Very High Resolution Radiometer
(AVHRR) data to estimate net
primary productivity as an indicator
of carbon sequestration potential
RapidEye RapidEye offers high-resolution From 2010 Geo Data Design Assessing forest cover changes due 5 m resolution may not be
satellite imagery (5 m) with a large Ltd. to deforestation. sufficient to determine all
archive and capacity to acquire data Good coverage for Tasking available for regional/ forms of forest degradation http://www.datadesign.
for large areas (4 million km2 per day). Zambia project level studies. May be useful accurately
Archive and tasking for validation of results from studies
= USD 1.28 per km2 using Landsat
WorldView 1 and 2 WorldView offers high-resolution Worldview 2 Geo Data Design Assessing forest cover changes due Limited coverage for
satellite imagery (1 m). WorldView 1 from 2010 Ltd. to deforestation. Zambia prior to 2010
was launched in 2007 and WorldView 2 Archive and tasking Tasking available for regional/ http://www.datadesign.
in 2009. It is able to collect images for = USD 25–35 per project level studies. May be useful
more than 1 million km2 per day. km2 for validation of results from studies
using Landsat
GeoEye 1 GeoEye 1 is currently the most From 2010 Geo Data Design Assessing forest cover changes due Limited coverage for
advanced commercial satellite imagery Ltd. to deforestation. Zambia prior to 2010
at 0.5 m resolution, with positional Limited availability Tasking available for regional/ http://www.datadesign.
accuracy CE90 and RMSE. It was for Zambia project level studies. May be useful
launched in 2008. Archive = USD 17.50 for validation of results from studies
per km2; tasking = using Landsat
USD 30 per km2
Systeme Pour SPOT offers high-resolution satellite 6 years of Assessing forest cover changes due Potentially expensive, Herold 2009
l’Observation de la imagery (1.5–20 m). SPOT 1 launched cloud-free to deforestation and cloud-free coverage
Terre (SPOT) in 1986. SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 should SPOT imagery From around is not always available
continue to produce imagery until covering >80% USD 1500 per scene (approximately 70%
2024. of the country (60 x 60 km). Price mean annual cloud-free
is available for varies considerably coverage for Zambia from
1990–2005 depending on 2006–2008)
satellite and image
Zambia Country Profile
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Table 3. Data sources for the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 report.

Variable Data source Notes

Classification of land Chakanga and de Backer 1986 These forest types were merged into
cover types standard forest type definitions of the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO)
Land cover Integrated Land Use Assessment (ILUA) Uses standard FAO forest type definitions
2005–2008 for Zambian woodlands. Reference year
Kalinda et al. 2008; Mukosha and is 2007
Siampale 2009
Plantation forests cover Ministry of Tourism, Natural Resources ILUA I field assessment did not cover
and expansion and Environment (MTNER) – Zambian any of the relatively small number of
Forestry Action Plan (1998) and the plantation forests in the country
Plantation Expansion Programme (2000)
Growing stock ILUA 2005–2008 Gives estimates for both commercial
Kalinda et al. 2008; Mukoshi and and overall growing stock, including all
Siampale 2009 species
Biomass – above- ILUA 2005–2008 Calculated using Intergovernmental
ground biomass (AGB) Kalinda et al. 2008; Mukosha and Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default
and below-ground Siampale 2009 biomass conversion and expansion
biomass (BGB) factors. Root to shoot ratio of 0.24 for
calculating BGB from AGB

particularly impacted regional (provincial and 2.4 Available data and approaches
district) capacity and the ability of the Forestry to support spatial planning and
Department to carry out functions such as forest land-use management
patrols and forest monitoring at a district level
(IDLO 2011). Capacity is also low, in terms of ILUA I and II will contribute data to support
technical expertise, for the use of remote sensing spatial planning and land-use management
for forest monitoring. There is also lack of in Zambia. For example ILUA I provides
technical equipment, such as computer software socioeconomic data primarily from structured
and survey vehicles, as well as problems with interviews. This information can be used to
low bandwidth and therefore Internet speeds design policies for sustainable management
in Zambia (Herold 2009). REDD+ readiness of natural resources (Mukosha and Siampale
activities as outlined in the NJP have a strong 2009). Data collected from sample households
focus on capacity building for forest monitoring, includes:
particularly with regard to developing the • income from and employment in forestry
capabilities for completing ILUA I and II. and agriculture
• population levels and degree of
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock is encroachment into forests by communities
responsible for governance of agriculture in living around forest areas
Zambia. The Zambia Agriculture Research • the types of forest products and resources
Institute (ZARI) is the largest agriculture used by communities; including timber
research group in the country, with 10 research species and level of harvesting of important
stations throughout the country. ZARI conducts timber species
research and provides technical advice related to • the main agriculture crops and livestock
agriculture in Zambia, particularly with regards production activities
to improving productivity, such as through • land ownership and access to land.
increased yields.
Zambia Country Profile   |  17

ILUA I had a low intensity of sampling points, from ALOS PALSAR)1 to predict AGB in four
limiting its use for district-level land-use planning; African landscapes, including woodland ecosystems
however, ILUA II will provide more district- and in Mozambique. However, they suggest field plots
provincial-level data (MTNER 2010a). remain essential for validation and for estimating a
correction factor for AGB in grasses and stems with
a DBH below 10 cm (Mitchard et al. 2009). Ryan
2.5 Evolving technologies et al. (2011) used radar imagery (25 m resolution
L-band radar imagery) in central Mozambique
The use of remote sensing is an effective way of to produce maps capable of detecting changes in
estimating base-level forest cover and deforestation carbon stocks of as little as 12 mg of carbon per
rates on a national or regional scale for REDD+ hectare. Loss of carbon from degradation had a
(Mitchard et al. 2009). The ILUA used Landsat greater level of uncertainty, which is significant
imagery to assess land cover change, and a in a Zambian context due to the high level of
national reference level for forest cover is currently degradation from charcoal production. However,
being completed for Zambia using Landsat data the advantages of this method are that cloud
(Mukosha and Siampale 2009). However, there are and atmospheric effects are largely irrelevant and
a number of technical limitations regarding the use backscatter (or L-band normalized radar cross-
of remote sensing for estimating biomass, including section) has been shown to have a reasonably direct
the degree to which remote sensing technologies can relationship to woody biomass (Ryan et al. 2011).
determine carbon stocks and carbon stock changes
at a sufficient resolution for the needs of REDD+ Radar and LiDAR can also be used in conjunction
(Le Toan et al. 2011). The open structure of the to provide complementary information regarding
major woodland types and the scattered nature of forest structure (Schugart et al. 2010). A
forest loss due to degradation and deforestation combination of radar and LiDAR was used by
means higher resolution imagery may be required Mitchard et al. (2012) to map tropical forest
for accurate estimates of forest cover change in biomass in Lopé National Park, Gabon. However,
Zambia (Romijn et al. 2012). However, many high- cost and availability of LiDAR data may be
resolution imagery datasets have limited coverage prohibitive for MRV of REDD+ in Zambia.
within the miombo ecoregion (see Table 2) (Ribeiro Acquisition of LiDAR via aircraft is currently
et al. 2012). Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA) is a expensive and satellite LiDAR data is not available
technique that has the potential to overcome the until ICESat 2 is launched in 2015 (Mitchard et
spatial and temporal heterogeneity of miombo al. 2012). The ILUA intends to gather LiDAR data
woodland types in order to map vegetation cover. through tasking of flights in selected test areas, in
Although current SMA techniques have not been order to assess biomass and carbon for different
applied to miombo, it has been used in ecosystems forest types (MTNER 2010a).
with structural similarities to miombo woodland
(Ribeiro et al. 2012). Another recent technology, which has potential
applications for MRV in Zambia, is the use of
Additional technologies with potential applications unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones.
for MRV in relation to REDD+ include radar, Small, unmanned aircraft are now available at
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), and LiDAR relatively cost-effective prices and are capable of
(light detection and ranging) sensors (GOFC/ covering large areas of forests in a single flight.
GOLD 2010). LiDAR and radar remote sensing Applications include monitoring of forest cover
can measure stand structural variables (such as changes using aerial photography, particularly at
height, volume and basal area) as well as biomass project-level scales. UAVs have several advantages,
and changes in these variables due to disturbance such as the ability to survey on demand, ease of
(Schugart et al. 2010). Radar is less sensitive to repeatable monitoring and the ability to generate
weather conditions compared to optical sensors, high-resolution imagery. There is also potential
making wet season measurements within Zambian for UAVs to be used in conjunction with LiDAR
woodlands possible (Ribeiro et al. 2012). Mitchard devices (Wallace et al. 2012).
et al. (2009) used L-band radar backscatter (derived
1  Advanced Land Observation Satellite (ALOS) Phased Array type
L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR)

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