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Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or (4p’s) is a program made by the

government to help every family who are poor and in need. They created this program
to sustain the needs of every individual especially on financial, health and education.
In this program, as a member and beneficiary you have to follow certain rules
and you have to perform your responsibilities. First is under the health and nutrition:
every family member who is pregnant must have a pre-natal and post natal check up in
the health centre on her first three months; you must attend the seminar for Family
Development every second week of the month and you and your husband must attend
seminar for Responsible Parenthood; every member of the family who is 0-5 years old
must have vaccines from Municipal Health Centre; and your child who is 6-14 years old
and an elementary pupil must have deworming two times a year. Next is under
education: every child in the family who is 3-5 years old must attend Day Care or pre-
school program and will have 85% of the needed number of presence in school, the
same with those who are in elementary.
There are also other responsibilities that the beneficiaries must do, they must
attend meetings about the program in the community and must communicate with the
4p’s parent-leaders to know the schedule of getting the cash grant. This will help to
strengthen and improve the said program. And if you will disobey these rules and
wouldn’t be able to perform your responsibilities, there are punishments. In the first
offense on any of the conditions, you’ll not receive cash grant in the particular month
when you didn’t follow it. In second offense, you’ll be given a warning that the effect of
your action will be the suspension of your cash grant and you will be reported to the
social workers in the municipality. In the third offense, your cash grant will be
suspended until you are able to fulfil the conditions. And on the fourth offense, you will
be removed as a member of the program.
This program is a big help for the “sambahayang Pilipino”. The money which are
given to them is a good support to sustain their basic needs. Their life becomes easier
and they become more productive because of the different opportunities given to them.
So 4p’s is one of the effective programs of the government. It can make the country
more progressive and it will lessen poverty.

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