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Millions of people all over the world like travelling .

They travel to see other countries and

continents in order to discover modern cities and ancient ones .It is always interesting to visit new
things and different ways of life , to meet new people ,to try different food and music .

people travel by train , by plane ,by ship or boat and by car . All of these means of travel have
advantages and disadvantages . Travelers choose one according to their plans and preferences .The
fastest way to travel is by plane , the most comfortable is by ship and the cheapest is on foot .

People who live in the countryside usually like to travel to big cities where they can visit
museums ,art galleries and famous shops while people who live in cities prefer to go to quiet places
by the sea or in the mountains to enjoy sunbathing or walking.


Part 01 : Reading

1- Give an appropriate title to the text :

2- Answer the following questions :
Why do people travel ?
How do people from the countryside like to spend their holidays ?
How do people from big cities like to spend their holidays ?
How can people travel ?
3- Who or what do the underlined words refer to ?
They :
4- Match the opposites :
Modern Bad
Good Lovely
Horrible Ancient
Interesting Noisy
Comfortable Difficult
Easy Boring
Quiet uncomfortable
5- Match the verb from A with a line from B :
Book A plane
Buy My homework
Catch A letter
Brush A hotel room
Wash The dishes
Do My hair
Write New clothes
6- Find the mistake in each sentence then correct it :
a- Sarah doesn’t loves bright colors .
b- John and Ruby goed to the museum last weekend .
c- Are lucy going to her friend’s party this evening ?
d- My parents’s car is at the mechanic .
e- I always wake up early at the morning
f- Ahmed try new types of food every time he travels .
g- Wolfs are very dangerous animals .
h- Did you bought the new wireless airpods ?
7- Use the correct Question word :
a- ……………..did you talk to? I talked to my friend.
b- …………… did you watch? I watched a documentary.
c- …………………..children do they have? They have 4 children.
d- ……………… are their names? Their names are Sally and marry.
e- ……………….. Color does you like more? I prefer red.
f- ……………. Time is it? It is 8.30 in the morning.
g- ……………………. Is your son? He is 8 months old.
h- …………………….. Money do you spend per month? I spend around 900 £.
i- ……………….. Are you learning English? Because it’s an international language.
a- …………………. Do you go to work every day? I go by bus
8- Put the verb in the present continuous and write F for those which indicate the future :
Donald Trump …………………..( to run ) for president in 2020 .
We …………………….. ( to travel ) to Europe next year.
My mother ………………..(to work ) .
I…………………… ( to practice) my speaking skills at the moment .
I will call you later , I …………………..( to watch) an interesting documentary right now .
9- Use the correct preposition : on/ in / at / with / to/by
………. Saturdays , I like to run ……… the early morning .
I always go …….. school ……… my brother ……….. bus .
I enjoy reading …….. night before sleep .
Sarah went ……….. Thailand ………… her friends .
Travelling ……. Plane is the fastest way .
10- Circle the object pronouns and underline the possessive adjectives:
Youssef’s manager wanted to talk to him, so he went to his office.
His mother always tells him to wake up early.
His Pizza was great! I really enjoyed it.
My patents hid the candy from me.
Part 02 : Writing
Topic 01 : write a paragraph in which you describe your dream bedroom in details .
Topic 02 : Write a paragraph in which you describe your last holiday .

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