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4. The central nervous system (CNS) is composed of the brain and spinal cord. It coordinates the
activities of the whole nervous system by receiving and processing stimuli. On the other, the
peripheral nervous system are the components outside the brain at spinal cord that receives
and carries impulses from sensory nerves to the CNS and from the CNS to motor nerves.
5. The parts of the neuron are the following:
a. Dendrites are the short and highly branched part that receives information and transmit
it to the cell body
b. Cell body which contains the nucleus, and other organelles
c. Axon is the long and slender part that conducts information from the cell body. The
axons usually have Schwann cells that form a fatty covering referred to as the myelin
sheath which increases rate of impulse travel. The axon also contains nodes or spaces in
between the myelin sheath called nodes of Ranvier. The axon terminal is the end part of
the neuron.

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