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Isilon ® SolVe Generator

Solution for Validating your engagement

Select Node Type: CTO
X200 - Select CTO Node Activity: Replace Drive

Generated: February 25, 2021 1:15 PM GMT


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Publication Date: February, 2021

Dell Technologies Confidential Information version:

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Preliminary Activity Tasks .......................................................................................................3
Read, understand, and perform these tasks.................................................................................................3

General Information for Removing and Installing FRUs..........................................................4

Avoiding Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) damage..........................................................................................4
Emergency procedures (without an ESD kit)...........................................................................................4
Removing, installing, or storing FRUs .....................................................................................................5
X200 Drive Replacement Guide..............................................................................................6

Dell Technologies Confidential Information version:

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Preliminary Activity Tasks
This section may contain tasks that you must complete before performing this procedure.

Read, understand, and perform these tasks

1. Table 1 lists tasks, cautions, warnings, notes, and/or knowledgebase (KB) solutions that you need to
be aware of before performing this activity. Read, understand, and when necessary perform any
tasks contained in this table and any tasks contained in any associated knowledgebase solution.

Table 1 List of cautions, warnings, notes, and/or KB solutions related to this activity

2. This is a link to the top trending service topics. These topics may or not be related to this activity.
This is merely a proactive attempt to make you aware of any KB articles that may be associated with
this product.

Note: There may not be any top trending service topics for this product at any given time.

Isilon Top Service Topics

Dell Technologies Confidential Information version:

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General Information for Removing and Installing FRUs
This section describes precautions you must take and general procedures you must follow when
removing, installing, or storing field-replaceable units (FRUs). The procedures in this section apply to FRU
handling during hardware upgrades as well as during general replacement.
FRUs are designed to be powered up at all times. This means you can accomplish FRU replacements
and most hardware upgrades while the cabinet is powered up. To maintain proper airflow for cooling and
to ensure EMI compliance, make sure all front bezels, filler panels, and filler modules are reinstalled after
the FRU replacement or hardware upgrade is completed.

Avoiding Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) damage

When replacing or installing FRUs, you can inadvertently damage the sensitive electronic circuits in the
equipment by simply touching them. Electrostatic charge that has accumulated on your body discharges
through the circuits. If the air in the work area is very dry, running a humidifier in the work area helps
decrease the risk of ESD damage. You must use the following procedures to prevent damage to the
equipment, so read the following instructions carefully.
 Provide enough room to work on the equipment. Clear the work site of any unnecessary materials or
materials that naturally build up electrostatic charge, such as foam packaging, foam cups, cellophane
wrappers, and similar items.
 Do not remove replacement or upgrade FRUs from their antistatic packaging until you are ready to
install them.
 Gather the ESD kit and all other materials you will need before you service a component. Once
servicing begins, you should avoid moving away from the work site; otherwise, you may build up an
electrostatic charge.
 Use the ESD kit when handling any FRU.
If an emergency arises and the ESD kit is not available, follow the procedures in the section
Emergency procedures (without an ESD kit).
 Use the ESD wristband that is supplied with your system.
To use it, attach the clip of the ESD wristband (strap) to any bare (unpainted) metal on the cabinet
enclosure; then secure the wristband around your wrist with the metal button against your skin.

Emergency procedures (without an ESD kit)

In an emergency, when an ESD kit is not available, use the following procedures to reduce the possibility
of an electrostatic discharge by ensuring that your body and the subassembly are at the same
electrostatic potential.

IMPORTANT: These procedures are not a substitute for the use of an ESD kit. You should follow them
only in the event of an emergency.

 Before touching any FRU, touch a bare (unpainted) metal surface of the enclosure.
 Before removing any FRU from its antistatic bag, place one hand firmly on a bare metal surface of the
enclosure, and at the same time, pick up the FRU while it is still sealed in the antistatic bag. Once you
have done this, do not move around the room or contact other furnishings, personnel, or surfaces
until you have installed the FRU.
 When you remove a FRU from the antistatic bag, avoid touching any electronic components and
circuits on it.

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 If you must move around the room or touch other surfaces before installing a FRU, first place the
FRU back in the antistatic bag. When you are ready again to install the FRU, repeat these

Removing, installing, or storing FRUs

Use the following precautions when you remove, handle, or store FRUs:
 Do not remove a FRU from the cabinet until you have the replacement available.
 Handle a FRU only when wearing a properly attached ESD wristband:
Attach the clip of the ESD wristband to the ESD bracket or to a bare metal portion of the FRU’s
Secure the wristband around your wrist with the metal button against your skin.
 Handle a FRU gently. A sudden jar, drop, or violent vibration can permanently damage some FRUs.
 The weight of some FRUs is not evenly distributed. To prevent personal injury or equipment damage
when removing, installing, or handling theses FRUs, use both hands and provide extra support at the
heavy end of the FRU.
 Never use excessive force to remove or install a FRU.
 Store a FRU in the antistatic bag and the specially designed shipping container in which you received
it. Use this special shipping container when you need to return the FRU.
 If you need to store a FRU for a short time, make sure the temperature of the location where you
store the FRU is within the limits specified by the FRU’s Technical Specifications.
 Disk modules are sensitive to the extreme temperatures sometimes encountered during shipping. We
recommend that you leave a new disk module in its shipping container and allow it to acclimate to the
installation site’s ambient temperature for at least four hours before operating the new module in the
 When removing a disk module, pull the module part way out of the slot; then wait 30 seconds for the
drive to spin down before removing it.
 When installing multiple disks in a powered-up system, wait at least 6 seconds before sliding the
second and each subsequent disk into the system.
 Place a disk module on a soft, antistatic surface, such as an industry-standard antistatic foam pad or
the container used to ship the module. Never place a disk module directly on a hard surface.

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X200 Drive Replacement Guide

Note: The next section is an existing PDF document that is inserted into this procedure. You may see
two sets of page numbers because the existing PDF has its own page numbering. Page x of y on the
bottom will be the page number of the entire procedure.

Dell Technologies Confidential Information version:

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Isilon X200

Replace a drive
Rev. M
August 2020

• Replacing a drive.........................................................................................................................................................................................................2
• Drive types...................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
• Confirm SSD compatibility.........................................................................................................................................................................................2
• Gather logs.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
• Install a drive support package..................................................................................................................................................................................3
• Download a Field Replacement Unit (FRU) package.............................................................................................................................................3
• Smartfail the drive...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
• Install the drive replacement..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
• Install the FRU package and run scripts.................................................................................................................................................................. 6
• Update drive firmware............................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
• Verify a drive firmware update..................................................................................................................................................................................8
• Remove drive support package installation file.......................................................................................................................................................9
• Gather logs.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
• Returning a failed part to Isilon................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
• Update the install database..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
• Where to go for support.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Regulatory Model: 120-0082-01

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Replacing a drive
You can replace a failed drive in the field.
CAUTION: Perform this procedure on only one node at a time. Performing maintenance on multiple nodes in parallel may lower
the protection level of the cluster, put data at risk, and lead to the interruption of client workflows.

Working with clusters in SmartLock compliance mode

Clusters running in SmartLock compliance mode require a sudo prefix to run root commands.
If a cluster is running in SmartLock compliance mode, root access is disabled on the cluster. Because of this, you can run some commands
only through the sudo program. Prefixing a command with sudo enables you to run commands that require root access. For example, if
you do not have root access, the following command fails:

isi drivefirmware status

However, if you are on the sudoers list, the following command succeeds:

sudo isi drivefirmware status

Compliance mode commands that require changes beyond the sudo prefix are noted in the procedure steps.
For more information on the sudo program and compliance mode commands, see the OneFS CLI Administration Guide.

Drive types
This procedure applies to all drive types.
You can follow this procedure with self-encrypting drives (SEDs), hard disk drives (HDDs), or solid state drives (SSDs).

Confirm SSD compatibility

If you are installing a new solid state drive (SSD) into a cluster, you must confirm that the drive you have onsite is compatible with the

About this task

See the Isilon Supportability and Compatibility Guide to determine whether the drive you have is compatible with the cluster.

Gather logs
Before you begin any maintenance on a cluster, gather cluster logs.

About this task

You must collect cluster logs before all maintenance procedures. Cluster logs provide snapshots of the cluster, which you can review to
make sure that maintenance is successful.

1. Open a secure shell (SSH) connection to any node in the cluster and log in.
2. Gather cluster logs by running the following command:

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Install a drive support package
Before you install a new drive, download and install the drive support package. The drive support package updates drive configuration
information on the node, and contains the latest firmware versions for Isilon qualified drives.

About this task

The drive support package is only supported by clusters running OneFS 7.1.1 or later. If your cluster is running an earlier version of OneFS,
you can skip this step.

1. Go to the EMC Support page that lists all the available versions of the drive support package.
2. Click the latest version of the drive support package and download the file.
NOTE: See the Considerations for installing the latest drive support package section in order to select the appropriate
variant of the package. If you are unable to download the package, contact EMC Isilon Technical Support for assistance.

3. Open a secure shell (SSH) connection to any node in the cluster and log in.
4. Create or check for the availability of the directory structure /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/dsp.
5. Copy the downloaded file to the dsp directory through SCP, FTP, SMB, NFS, or any other supported data-access protocols.
6. Unpack the drive support package by running the following command:
tar -zxvf Drive_Support_<version>.tgz
7. Install the package by running the following command:
isi_dsp_install Drive_Support_<version>.tar
NOTE: You must run the isi_dsp_install command to install the dirve support package. Do not use the isi pkg

Download a Field Replacement Unit (FRU) package

Before you replace a component in a configure-to-order (CTO) node, obtain a Field Replacement Unit (FRU) package from the EMC FTP
site. The FRU package updates the CTO and as-built information on the node, then forwards the updated information to Isilon Technical

About this task


It is not necessary to obtain a FRU package for non-CTO nodes. If you are performing maintenance on a non-CTO node, skip all
steps related to the FRU package.

1. Download the latest FRU package from
2. Note the name of the FRU package. You will use the name for other commands.
Package names follow this convention:
IsiFru_Package_ <date-time-stamp> .tgz
For example: IsiFru_Package_201507072125.tgz

3. Place the FRU package on the cluster through a network drop, or by asking someone at the cluster site to place the package for you.
If neither of these options is available to you, contact Isilon Technical Support for assistance.

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Smartfail the drive
Before removing a drive from a node, you should make sure the drive has been smartfailed.

1. Open a secure shell (SSH) connection to the node that contains the drive you want to remove. Type the command:
ssh <cluster-name>-<node-number>

2. Confirm the node number and bay number of the drive you want to remove. Depending on your version of OneFS, type one of the
following commands:

OneFS 8.0 or later isi devices drive list

Earlier than OneFS isi devices

NOTE: Note the node number and bay number of the drive you want to remove. If the drive you need to remove has already
been smartfailed automatically, you can skip the next step. A smartfailed drive will display a status of REPLACE or, if the
node was restarted after the smartfail, a status of EMPTY. A smartfailed SED drive might display a status of ERASE. This
status also indicates the node is ready to be replaced.

3. Using the node number and bay number of the drive, smartfail the drive by typing one of the following commands:

OneFS 8.0 or later isi devices drive smartfail <bay-number> --node-lnn <node-number>
Earlier than OneFS isi devices -a smartfail -d <node-number>:bay<bay-number>

If the drive does not respond to the smartfail command, do not remove it from the node. Contact Isilon Technical Support.

4. Confirm that the drive was smartfailed by repeating step two.

CAUTION: Do not replace the drive until you have confirmed that the smartfail process is complete.

Install the drive replacement

Remove the failed drive and install the replacement drive.

Access the drives

You can access drives by removing the panels that cover the drive bays.

To access drives at the front of the node, remove the front panel.

To remove the panel, grasp the sides of the panel and pull it away from the node.

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Remove the failed drive

Drives are secured in the node. You must release the locking handle before removing a drive.


Install the new drive

You install a drive in a node by inserting it into an empty drive bay.

1. With the locking handle on the drive open, insert the drive into the empty drive bay by sliding the drive along the bay rails until it stops.
Do not force the drive into the drive bay. Forcing the drive into the drive bay could damage both the drive and the drive bay.
2. Hold the drive in place and gently push the locking handle down against the end of the drive to secure, or seat, the drive in the node.
Drives that are not fully seated will not be recognized when the node is started, and a red light will appear above the drive. To avoid
this problem, run your finger across all the installed drives to ensure that they are all seated evenly.
3. Connect the drive to the node using the node number and bay number where you just inserted the drive. Depending on your version of
OneFS, run one of the following commands:

OneFS 8.1 or later OneFS will automatically add the drive. If ARR (Automatic Replacement Recognition) has been disabled, add
the drive with the OneFS 8.0 command.
OneFS 8.0 isi devices drive add <bay-number> --node-lnn <node-number>
Earlier than OneFS isi devices -a add -d <node-number>:<bay-number>

The add command connects the drive to the node.

If the add command fails, make sure that the drive is formatted by running one of the following commands:

OneFS 8.0 or later isi devices format <bay-number> --node-lnn <node-number>

Earlier than OneFS isi devices -a format -d <node-number>:<bay-number>

The format command introduces the drive to the cluster.

If the drive does not respond to either of these commands, do not remove the drive from the node. Contact Isilon Technical Support.

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4. After the new drive has been installed, replace the front panel on the node by aligning the panel with the front of the node and
pressing the panel until it clicks onto the node.

Install the FRU package and run scripts

Update the configure-to-order (CTO) and as-built information on the node by installing a FRU package.
NOTE: It is not necessary to update CTO and as-built information on non-CTO nodes. If you are completing maintenance on a
non-CTO node, skip all steps related to the FRU package.

NOTE: If your cluster is running in SmartLock compliance mode with OneFS or later, or later, or or later
you will need to enter the provided compliance mode commands to run the FRU scripts. If your cluster is running in compliance
mode but is not running one of these versions, you will need to upgrade your OneFS version to support the compliance mode
commands. Contact Isilon Technical Support.

Install the FRU package on the node

Unpack and install the FRU package on the node.

1. Place the FRU package on the node.
2. Unpack the FRU package by running the following command:
tar -zxvf IsiFru_Package_<date-time-stamp>.tgz

3. Type cd to change to the directory containing the FRU tar.

4. Install the package. Depending on your version of OneFS, run one of the following commands:

OneFS 8.0 or later isi upgrade patches install IsiFru_Package_<date-time-stamp>.tar --rolling=false

Earlier than OneFS isi pkg install IsiFru_Package_<date-time-stamp>.tar

As the package installs, the following message appears:

Preparing to install the package...
Checking the package for installation...
Installing the package
Committing the installation...
Package is committed.

Run the update script

After the FRU package is installed on the node, run the update script.

1. Move to the FRU package location by running the following command:
cd /var/crash/cto/fruPackages/IsiFru_Package_<date-time-stamp>

2. Perform the update script by running the following command:

The system displays confirmation of the following items:
• CTO capability
• Current node hardware configuration

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Run the ABR script
Run the As Built Record (ABR) script to report the updated hardware to Isilon Technical Support.

1. Verify installation of the updated hardware by running the following command:
./isi_cto_update --abr
The update is verified and a series of status messages confirm the node configuration, and if an FTP connection is available, an
updated ABR is sent to Isilon Technical Support.
2. If an external connection is not available, manually collect and deliver to Isilon Technical Support the updated ABR.
3. If the cluster is running in SmartLock compliance mode, verify installation of the updated hardware by running the following command:
sudo /usr/bin/isi_hwtools/isi_cto_update --abr --filepath .
NOTE: You must include the period at the end of the command.

Sending an ABR to Isilon with no connectivity

If no external connectivity is available, the As Built Record on a Configure to Order (CTO) node cannot be automatically delivered to Isilon
Technical Support.
If external connectivity is available, the ABR is automatically generated and delivered to Isilon Technical Support. If there is no external
connectivity available, you must generate and copy the ABR from the node, and then send the ABR to Isilon Technical Support through an
alternate connection.

Generate an ABR
You can manually send an As Built Record (ABR) by copying an XML file from the node and emailing the file to Isilon Technical Support.
You need network access to the node, or you can request that the customer provide the file to you.

1. Generate an ABR by running the following command:

The command generates a temporary file named asbuilt_ <serial-number>_<date-time-stamp> .xml.

2. Identify the full name of the ABR file by running the following command:
isi_inventory_tool --display --itemType asbuilt | grep asbuiltFileName=
The system output contains information about the ABR file.

3. Place the ABR file where you can copy it by running the following command:
isi_inventory_tool --display --itemType asbuilt > /ifs/asbuilt_ <serial-number>_<date-time-
stamp> .xml

4. Copy the generated asbuilt_ <serial-number>_<date-time-stamp> .xml file.

5. If an FTP connection is not available, contact Isilon Technical Support for an alternate delivery method.

Remove the FRU package from the node

After all scripts are run, remove the FRU package from the node.

1. Change out of the FRU package directory by running the following command:
cd /
2. Delete the FRU package from the node. Depending on your version of OneFS, run one of the following commands:

OneFS 8.0 or later isi upgrade patches uninstall IsiFru_Package_ <date-time-stamp>

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Earlier than OneFS isi pkg delete IsiFru_Package_ <date-time-stamp>

Update drive firmware

After you install a new drive in a node, update drive firmware.

About this task

This procedure explains how to update drive firmware on clusters running OneFS 7.1.1 or later. If your cluster is running an earlier version
of OneFS, you must download and install the latest drive firmware package. For more information, see the latest drive firmware package
release notes available on

NOTE: Do not restart or power off nodes while drive firmware is being updated on the cluster.

1. Open a secure shell (SSH) connection to any node in the cluster and log in.
2. Depending on your version of OneFS, run one of the following commands to update the drive firmware for your cluster:

OneFS 8.0 or later To update the drive firmware for your entire cluster, run the following command:
isi devices drive firmware update start all --node-lnn all
To update the drive firmware for a specific node only, run the following command:
isi devices drive firmware update start all --node-lnn <node-number>

OneFS 7.1.1 - For OneFS versions between 7.1.1 - 8.0 you will need to run the following command on each node that
OneFS 8.0 requires drive firmware:
isi devices -a fwupdate

CAUTION: You must wait for one node to finish updating before you initiate an update on the next node. To confirm that a
node has finished updating, run the following command:

isi devices -d <node-number>

A drive that is still updating will display a status of FWUPDATE.

Updating the drive firmware of a single drive takes approximately 15 seconds, depending on the drive model. OneFS updates drives

Verify a drive firmware update

After you update the drive firmware in a node, confirm that the firmware is updated properly and that the affected drives are operating

1. Ensure that no drive firmware updates are currently in progress by running one of the following commands:

OneFS 8.0 or later isi devices drive firmware update list

Earlier than OneFS isi devices


If a drive is currently being updated, [FW_UPDATE] appears in the status column.

2. Verify that all drives have been updated by running the following command:

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OneFS 8.0 or later isi devices drive firmware list

Earlier than OneFS isi drivefirmware status


If all drives have been updated, the Desired FW column is empty.

3. Verify that all affected drives are operating in a healthy state by running the following command:

OneFS 8.0 or later isi devices drive list --node-lnn all

Earlier than OneFS isi devices


If a drive is operating in a healthy state, [HEALTHY] appears in the status column.

Remove drive support package installation file

Remove the installation file to make sure there is no chance of installing the incorrect drive support package (DSP) in the future.

Update the drive firmware in a node and confirm that the firmware is updated properly and that the affected drives are operating

About this task

1. Change to the directory where the installation file resides.
cd /ifs/data/ Isilon_Support/dsp
2. Remove the installation file.
rm Drive_Support_<version>.tar

Gather logs
After you complete maintenance on a cluster, gather cluster logs.

About this task

You must collect cluster logs after all maintenance. Cluster logs provide snapshots of the cluster that you can review to make sure that
maintenance is successful.

Gather cluster logs by typing the command:

Returning a failed part to Isilon

Return the failed part to Isilon Technical Support.

1. Contact Isilon Technical Support to notify them that you are returning a failed part.
2. Package the failed part in the packaging materials provided with the replacement part.

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3. Attach the return label that was included with the replacement part.
4. For the RMA number, write the support case number provided by Isilon Technical Support.
5. Ship the failed part to the address specified on the return label.

Update the install database

After all work is complete, update the install database.

1. Browse to the EMC Product Registration and Install base Maintenance service portal, at:
2. Select the Product Registration and Install Base Maintenance option.
3. To open the form, select the IB Status Change option.
4. Complete the form with the applicable information.
5. To submit the form, click Submit.

Where to go for support

Contact EMC Isilon Technical Support for any questions about EMC Isilon products.

Online Support Live Chat

Create a Service Request

Telephone Support United States: 1-800-SVC-4EMC (800-782-4362)

Canada: 800-543-4782
Worldwide: +1-508-497-7901
For local phone numbers for a specific country, see EMC Customer Support Centers.

Help with Online Support For questions specific to EMC Online Support registration or access, email

Isilon Info Hubs For the list of Isilon info hubs, see the Isilon Info Hubs page on the EMC Isilon Community Network. Isilon info
hubs organize Isilon documentation, videos, blogs, and user-contributed content into topic areas, making it
easy to find content about subjects that interest you.

Support for IsilonSD Edge

If you are running a free version of IsilonSD Edge, community support is available through the EMC Isilon Community Network. However, if
you have purchased one or more licenses of IsilonSD Edge, you can contact EMC Isilon Technical Support for assistance, provided you
have a valid support contract for the product.


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Notes, cautions, and warnings

NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.

CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.

WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.

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trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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