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Choiceboard: Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe

Instruction: Students must pick and complete 3 activities within this tic tac toe board where
the 3 activities must align (as if they are actually playing a tic tac toe game in real life) in
order to complete the assignment. After you have finished an activity, highlight the activity
that you have chosen in order for me to see which one you have done. Each activity is
worth 10 points, the total points you could get in this activity is 30 points. As soon as
you have completed this assignment, email me the highlighted tic tac toe board and the
completed activities that you have done in PDF form. Must be completed fully in order to
receive full credit for each activity.

Art Movements Do You Know Your Crossword: Art

Color? Mediums
Write about 4-6 sentences
describing an art Create a crossword puzzle
Complete this color quiz
movement of your choice defining at least 6 art
linked above and screenshot
and provide an example of mediums. The link above is a
your score (scores must be at
an artwork in that suggested website to create
least 7.0 or higher to receive
following era. your crossword puzzle.
full credit)!

Visit a Museum Color Match Know Your Medium?

Choose a museum of your Complete this color match Complete this art medium
choice and go on a virtual game linked above and color quiz linked above and
tour! Create an audio match at least 10 colors screenshot your score (scores
recording of yourself on perfectly in order to receive must be at least 90% or
your experience on the full credit! Send screenshots higher to receive full credit).
virtual tour and tell me at per color.
least one thing you found

Movement Timeline Do You Know Your Show Me What You

Watch the video that is Color Scheme? Got!
linked above and create a
timeline paper based upon Create a vocabulary list
defining at least five color Create an art piece with the
the movement given in the
schemes with images usage of at least three art
video. Include the images
demonstrating the color mediums.
of the artwork that was
provided as well per scheme.

Total: __/ 30


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