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3/3/2020 Topic: Module 1 Discussion: Experience with Technology in Language Teaching (Optional)

Module 1 Discussion: Experience with Technology in Language Teaching

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You just watched a video of technology experts who shared how they use different
technologies. We will use this discussion forum to talk more about these technologies, or
others you may already use.

Address these questions with a two-paragraph forum post, typed in the text box below. Be sure
to read the posts of your fellow course participants. We also recommend you comment on at
least one post of other course participants.

Have you used or heard of these technologies?

Do you use technologies to accomplish some of the aspects the teachers mentioned such
as creating surveys, providing feedback, and having student collaboration?
If yes, please share with us how you use them and any insights you might have
gained from such experiences.
If no, why not? And how do you accomplish these aspects in your teaching?

Here is a brief review of the four technology experts:

Amy discussed using GoogleForms for creating quizzes, surveys, etc.

Sarah discussed using news stories to create authentic writing tasks
Steph discussed using GoogleDocs for color coding texts
Sockwun discussed using GoogleDocs for collaborative writing

Discussion Template
Please use the template below to share your experiences with the different web resources
(what worked, what did not work), write about how you may be able to incorporate them into
your teaching practice, and share resources you have found to be useful. Your post should
consist of two paragraphs.

We expect your discussion post to be around 200-250 words (maximum 400 words) and
response to be around 100 words.

Paragraph 1: 1/77
3/3/2020 Topic: Module 1 Discussion: Experience with Technology in Language Teaching (Optional)

(Your experience/insights regarding the resources and how you might be able to use one or
two of these resources in your teaching.)

Hello everyone,

Thank you very much for sharing all these interesting insights and websites. I hope to try
some of them with my students in the near future. I especially like
_____________________________________________________________. I would use it
in my teaching because __________________________________________________. I
would also try _________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

(What other resources are you using in your teaching? )

One of the resources I use in my teaching is ______________(name of the resource). You

can use this app in both mobile phone or on the computer. . I use it for my students




Discussion Example (A post from a former course participant, 204

Hello everyone,

I'm really happy that I'm taking this course since I've now become familiar with these
teaching resources. I generally teach adults who are very analytical and curious, they like
learning new words everyday and sometimes get frustrated when they can't memorize the
new vocabulary. I believe I will find all of these new resources very useful. I've used Google
to search for words and then show images so that students can understand better, either a
concrete noun or an abstract concept, so I can say this has definitely worked for me. I'm
eager to take some of these webpages to my classes, I think Lingro and COCA are great
for students who like reading and understanding words in all their senses and possible
meanings. I think Lingro will be very helpful during and after reading any kind of text.
When I plan my classes I expect my students to learn both, incidentally and intentionally,
that is why I sometimes use platforms such as Kahoot to play games and take quizzes. I
also use LyricsTraining through singing and selecting words, they learn without really 2/77
3/3/2020 Topic: Module 1 Discussion: Experience with Technology in Language Teaching (Optional)

noticing. I also use Thesaurus, and Linguee to encourage them to

look for words and meanings.



Discussion Board Response Example (A reply from a former course

participant, 116 words)
Dear Liu,

Thank you for sharing all these resources. I would like to ask you something since you
seem to be more experienced on that matter of technology use in ESL classes. Do you
ever face any problems with students who are reluctant to share or stray away off the task
and not share or do the job they were supposed to do? I am worried about this issue when
students are too much carried away with their interest of using their cell phones for
educational purposes and not interested in doing the tasks required of them. So, I was
wondering how you are dealing with the students who are distracted during the task?



Please note that the examples above are copyrighted, and cannot be adapted in any
way, or distributed after the end of this course. They are not Public Domain or
 Creative Commons-licensed, and therefore not for public use. They are provided to
offer guidance. You should NOT follow the same wording, but create your post in
YOUR OWN words.

Self-Evaluation Criteria
Although this discussion is ungraded, please use the criteria below to evaluate your own
participation in the discussion board before posting. Please make sure that both your initial
posts and follow-up responses to classmates meet our criteria.

Self-Assessment Rubric
Does not meet
Criteria Meets criteria Approaches criteria
Initial posts I included my I missed some of the I did not include any of
experience/insights required components the required
regarding the such as my components such as
technologies experience/insights my
introduced in the regarding the experience/insights 3/77
3/3/2020 Topic: Module 1 Discussion: Experience with Technology in Language Teaching (Optional)

lecture and other technologies regarding the

resources I use in my introduced in the technologies
teaching; my response lecture or other introduced in the
is around 200-250 resources I use in my lecture and other
words; my response is teaching; my response resources I use in my
written in a clear and is short (less than 200- teaching; my response
concise manner 250 words); my is short (one or two
without any spelling response includes sentences) and
and grammatical spelling and irrelevant; my
errors. grammatical errors response includes
which obscure substantial spelling
meaning. and grammatical
I posted a follow-up
I posted at least ONE
response, but it is too I did not post a follow-
follow-up response
brief (e.g., one up response, or it
Follow-up responses AND it is thoughtful
sentence), and/or does not meet the
and/or helpful and/or
does not extend the criteria.
extends the dialogue.

Search entries or author Unread    Subscribe

 Reply

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(https:// Mohammed Shehata 

Feb 10, 2020

Hello everyone,

This is Mohammed Shehata. Firstly, thank you for sharing your experience about using
these resources with us. As for me, I used to use Google Docs to help my students write
paragraphs or essays. I usually ask students to use Grammarly extention as well to make
sure they write correctly. Regarding Google Forms, I have been really willing to learn how
to use it. Unfortunately, I have not worked in places where using technology is much
encouraged! 4/77
3/3/2020 Topic: Module 1 Discussion: Experience with Technology in Language Teaching (Optional)

As mentioned in my self-introduction paragraph, I love teaching online as I believe that it

provides me with opportunities to use as mucb technology resources as I wish. Actually,
few years ago, I published my one and only online video course on UDEMY, which is a
popular online learning platform. This was a great experience through which I learned a lot
about the process of video recording and editing and also about how to use a green
screen! Moreover, I used few softwares that help me teach live virtual classes such as
Zoom and Wiziq. I think when teaching online, a teacher can encourage his/her students to
use different tools to improve their English skills such as GoogleDocs and Forms.
Moreover, you can provide your students with various authentic listening and reading
material which can help them learn better. My biggest dream is to bean expert in using
educational technology and online teaching and to be able yo train others.

Mohammed Shehata

 Reply  (10 likes)

(http Tayyaba Zul qaR 

Feb 11, 2020

Dear Shehata,

Thank you for sharing all these resources. You have mentioned your video learning
course in UDEMY. It's an idea which is novel to me. Could you please share with me
the details, or provide me with a link, which I could actually use to do the same? I
would love to design a course and upload it for students to learn. it's a great
professional and personal development opportunity.

Regarding the use of Grammarly, I would like to say that it has been a life save for me.
It sometimes tell me things which I myself cannot even fathom. I am really excited to
learn more.

Do share the UDEMY course.



 Reply  (3 likes)

(http Katherin Rodriguez Montero--Discussion 

Feb 11, 2020 5/77

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