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End Time Current Events: 2-28-11

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Table of Contents:
 Bible Verses Regarding the Heart
 Lindsey Williams Exclusive: NWO to Target Iran & Saudi Arabia Next, Oil to Hit
$200 a Barrel 3/5
 US Gov. Software Creates 'Fake People' on Social Networks to Promote
 Facebook & Google are CIA Fronts
 California School District Battles Truancy with GPS
 Rental Car 'Big Brother' is Watching You Down Under
 Ohio Legislature Hears Evidence Of Human-Animal Chimera
Experimentation--Ban Sought On Human Cloning And Animal-Human
 Lady Gaga‘s Creative Director Laurieann Gibson Explains ‗The Egg‘
 Listener Comment: 2/21/11 Time Magazine Cover Story "2045 - The Year
Man Becomes Immortal"
 More US Companies Covering Transgender Surgery
 California wants lesbians as mandatory 'role' models--Family advocates
call plan 'worst school sexual indoctrination ever'
 Congressman: Air Force should welcome gay clergy, same-sex dating
 Obama Trashes Biblical Marriage

Ephesians 5:11, 13-16: "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather
reprove them. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth
make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and
Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
The 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary defines:
Reprove: To blame, to convince of a fault, or to make it manifest, to excite a sense of guilt.
Circumspectly: Cautiously; with watchfulness every way; with attention to guard against surprise
or danger.
Matthew 24:24: "...if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
II Corinthians 2:11: "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his
II Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and
pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will
forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
I John 4:18: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.
He that feareth is not made perfect in love."
Heb 13:6: "So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do
unto me."
II Timothy 1:7: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a
sound mind."

Bible Verses Regarding the Heart

Deuteronomy 11:16-18a: "Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not

deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them; And then
the LORD'S wrath be kindled against you, and he shut up the heaven, that there
be no rain, and that the land yield not her fruit; and lest ye perish quickly from off
the good land which the LORD giveth you. Therefore shall ye lay up these my
words in your heart and in your soul..."
Proverbs 18:13: "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and
shame unto him."
Proverbs 14:12 & 16:25: "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the
end thereof are the ways of death."
Proverbs 28:26: "He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh
wisely, he shall be delivered."
Jeremiah 17: 9 &10: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately
wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to
give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
Proverbs 18:2: "A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may
discover itself."
Proverbs 18:2: "All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD
weigheth the spirits."
Mark 7:13 "Making the word of God of none effect through your
I Corinthians 14:33 "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all
churches of the saints."

Lindsey Williams Exclusive: NWO to Target Iran & Saudi Arabia Next, Oil to Hit $200 a
Barrel 3/5
Alex welcomes to the show ordained Baptist minister Lindsey Williams. Lindsey will
reveal on the Alex Jones Show today new groundbreaking information about the plans
of the global elite. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain of the
Alyeska Pipeline Company, Williams has been privy to the plans of the elite for years.
Last year Williams predicted the price of oil would go up significantly and the market has
since skyrocketed, most recently in response to the outbreak of engineered revolution
and violence in the Middle East, developments also revealed to Williams by the global
Play: From Start to 5:18 then from 6:26 to 7:48 then from 10:03 to the end.


Bobbie Sanchez wrote: ""I live in Alaska - and represent the citizens of Alaska on
a committee that interfaces the oil industry with the community. In a nut shell: The
Alaskan pipeline used to push 2.8 million barrels a day 30 years ago. With the
Democratic party nixing any future drilling and exploration since then - the pipeline
now has about 340,000 barrels a day going through. The Alyeska Pipeline
Company is now finishing an upgrade to the pipeline that would allow them to
either batch ship oil down the line, or, increase shipping to 4.9 million barrels. Had
the Dems not stopped future drilling and exploration - the pipeline would be
sending 4.9 million barrels to the USA today, and, no doubt a second pipeline
would have been built in the 1990's like Alaska wanted to do. Alaska would be
providing 40% of America's needs, if not more. Right now the state of Alaska is
negotiating for a natural gas pipeline. Alaska has enough oil and natural gas to
provide the needs of the US for about 300 years. There is more oil and gas here
than the whole middle east combined. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
(ANWR or Arctic Refuge) is a national wildlife refuge in northeastern Alaska,
United States. It consists of 19,286,722 acres in the Alaska North Slope
region.[1] It is the largest National Wildlife Refuge in the country. If ANWR
were a regulation foot ball field, the area of Alaska that would be used for oil
production would be less than the size of a postage stamp. Before the pipeline
there were 600,000 caribou in the area - now they number 2,000,000. Before the
pipeline there were 5,000 polar bears. Now we have 25,000. I have been to
ANWR. The place is a mosquito factory. Not some place you, your kids,
grandkids, or their grandkids for generations is ever going to want to visit. Not
unless you like brown water and muck up to your kneecaps, clouds of mosquitos
that make it impossible to identify if it is an animal or person they are circling… If
Alaska was given the 'green light' we could ramp up from 300,000 barrels a day to
nearly 5 million a day in about 2-3 years. New pipelines, production, and
infrastructure take about 8-10 years from concept to the first drop of oil coming
out. The Alaskan Republican congressional delegation has been trying to do this
for 30 years. As a long time Alaskan, all I can say is, "We told you so".""

US Gov. Software Creates 'Fake People' on Social Networks to Promote

Posted by Darla, ADMIN / National Director on February 19, 2011 in Patriot Action
By Sean Kerrigan--The US government is offering private intelligence companies
contracts to create software to manage "fake people" on social media sites and create
the illusion of consensus on controversial issues.
The contract calls for the development of "Persona Management Software" which would
help the user create and manage a variety of distinct fake profiles online. The job listing
was discussed in recently leaked emails from the private security firm HBGary after an
attack by internet activist last week.

Click here to view the government contract (PDF)

According to the contract, the software would "protect the identity of government
agencies" by employing a number of false signals to convince users that the poster is in
fact a real person. A single user could manage unique background information and
status updates for up to 10 fake people from a single computer.

The software enables the government to shield its identity through a number of different
methods including the ability to assign unique IP addresses to each persona and the
ability to make it appear as though the user is posting from other locations around the

Included in HBGary's leaked emails was a government proposal for the government
contract. The document describes how they would 'friend' real people on Facebook as a
way to convey government messages. The document reads:

 "Those names can be cross-referenced across Facebook, twitter,

MySpace, and other social media services to collect information on
each individual. Once enough information is collected this information
can be used to gain access to these individuals‘ social circles.
 Even the most restrictive and security conscious of persons can be
exploited. Through the targeting and information reconnaissance phase,
a person‘s hometown and high school will be revealed. An adversary
can create a classmates.com account at the same high school and year
and find out the people you went to high school with that do not have
Facebook accounts, then create the account and send a friend request.
Under the mutual friend decision, which is where most people can be
exploited, an adversary can look at a targets friend list if it is exposed
and find a targets most socially promiscuous friends, the ones that have
over 300-500 friends & friend them to develop mutual friends before
sending a friend request to the target. To that end friend‘s accounts can
be compromised and used to post malicious material to a targets wall.
When choosing to participate in social media an individual is only as
protected as his/her weakest friend."
Other documents in the leaked emails include quotes from HBGary CEO Aaron Barr
saying, "There are a variety of social media tricks we can use to add a level of realness
to all fictitious personas... Using hashtags and gaming some location based check-in
services we can make it appear as if a persona was actually at a conference and
introduce himself/herself to key individuals as part of the exercise, as one example."

Additional emails between HBGary employees, usually originating from Barr, discuss
the vulnerability social networking causes.

One employee wrote, "and now social networks are closing the gap between attacker
and victim, to the point I just found 112 females, wives of service men, all stationed at
Hurlbert Field FL - in case you don't know this is where the CIA flies all their "private"
airlines out of. What a joke - the U.S. is no longer the super power in cyber (security),
and probably won't be in other areas soon."

The creation of internet propoganda software is only one of HBGary's controversial

activities. According to Wikileaks competetor and occasional collaborator Cryptome.org,
several other progressive organizations were intended to be targeted including anti-war
activist, anti-torture organizations and groups opposed to the US Chamber of
Examiner.com: US Gov. Software Creates 'Fake People' on Social Networks to
Promot... http://www.examiner.com/social-media-in-national/us-gov-software-cr...

Facebook & Google are CIA Fronts

Sandeep Parwaga--HenryMakow.com--February 17, 2011--There used to be a saying:
‖No one makes a name for himself without giving something up. As a youngster, I was
awed by people who ‖made it to the top‖ by creating and innovating corporations,
technologies, or simply establishing themselves through sports, music, entertainment,
etc. thus becoming millionaires. Now as I have grown older, I realize how illusory this
paradigm really is. I came to the conclusion that if you want to reach the ‖top‘,‘ you have
to give up your soul.

Take Mark Zuckerberg for example. He is one of the most ‖successful entrepreneurs‖ in
the last decade. Having made a fortune through his Facebook empire, he reaches more
than 500 million people worldwide. It seems like a fairytale. A student creates a new
interface to connect the people throughout the world. Well, it sounds great doesn‘t it? It
would, if we were true.

Here is (Play this) a good video that demonstrates that Facebook was indirectly funded
by the CIA with the goal of learning and storing everything there is to know about you.
Why? To monitor and ultimately control.

Again, the people have been totally duped by the Facebook-mania and can only see
what they are told to see. As my friends say: ‖It is to connect people and share
information‖. In the wake of the recent crisis in Egypt, we might add that Facebook has
become not just a data-mining operation, but also a soft power proxy for crisis-creation.
Let‘s look at headlines that should cast no doubt about the true character of CIAbook:

Facebook‘s Zuckerberg Says The Age of Privacy is Over -

Facebook‘s Mark Zuckerberg says privacy is no longer a ‗social norm‘

Facebook – the CIA conspiracy

The Face of Facebook - (Pay particular notice to the IMs that got leaked and confirmed
to be true by the New Yorker)

Facebook & Social Media: A Convenient Cover For Spying -

US spies invest in internet monitoring technology – Quoted from this article: ‖In an
attempt to sift through the blizzard of information, the investment arm of the CIA, In-Q-
Tel, has invested in a software firm that monitors social media.‖


California School District Battles Truancy with GPS

By Brennon Slattery, PCWorld Feb 21, 2011--Students with a tendency towards
truancy in California's Anaheim Union High School District are being assigned GPS
units to make sure they're going to school on time, according to The Orange County
Register. The GPS units are the size of a (chunky) cellphone and are developed by
Dallas-based AIM Truancy Solutions, which operates in more than 100 middle and high
schools in three states.
The Anaheim Union High School District is part of a volunteer six-week pilot program
that is outfitting seventh and eighth grade students who have more than three
unexcused absences with these devices. In Austin, Texas, where this experiment also
ran, it was used for middle and high school students who had racked up between 20 to
25 absences.
When asked by the Orange County Register why the devices are handheld rather than
strapped to the students, Miller Sylvan, regional director of AIM Truancy Solutions, said,
"We don't want to criminalize the kids or have them wear any bracelet or something
around their ankle that would stigmatize them."
Every school day, the participants receive an automated phone call reminding
them to get to school on time. They are then required to enter a code that tracks
their location during their departure for school, arrival at school, lunch period,
departure from school and at 8 p.m., the Register reports.
The devices cost between $300 and $400 apiece. All together, the six-week program
costs about $8 per day for each student, or $18,000. It's estimated that schools lose
$35 per day for each absent student, so AIM Truancy Solution's program is a cost
Some parents weren't thrilled with the program. "This makes us seem like common
criminals," one parent, whose child accumulated six unexcused absences, told the
But perhaps carrying a GPS unit and regularly logging one's location is better than the
alternative: Police Investigator Armando Pardo told the Register that if the District
Attorney prosecutes, truant students could be sent to juvie and get smacked with a
$2000 fine.
"Nearly two-thirds of the students enrolled in AIM [in the fall semester of 2010] achieved
perfect attendance while on the initial program, and all students combined averaged 97
percent attendance," according to a press release.

Rental Car 'Big Brother' is Watching You Down Under

Australia--February 21, 2011 | by kjb |...In Australia a new type of in-car GPS does a
little bit more than help you locate the nearest Starbucks or McDonald‘s. This rental car
GPS keeps an eye out on your driving habits as well as your location. That means
the rental car company knows when you take its car somewhere it‘s not
supposed to be, or that the flat tire you claim happened overnight was actually
caused by taking the Toyota Camry on an unpaved road.

DriveMyCar Rentals is installing the new tracking devices in about 30 percent of their
vehicles, as they just want to keep their cars safe and sound. If you‘re caught taking
your car off the beaten bath you‘ll receive a text message to remind you that you‘re
in violation of your rental agreement. Understandably an Australian civil liberties
group isn‘t too thrilled about the Big Brother tracking device, especially since they‘re
concerned about the company storing your travel habits. DriveMyCar Rentals insists
that everything is real time, so they don‘t keep a running tally or record of where you‘ve


Ohio Legislature Hears Evidence Of Human-Animal Chimera Experimentation--

Ban Sought On Human Cloning And Animal-Human Hybrids
February 20, 201--by Donna Anderson--2011 RaidersNewsUpdate.com
MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 20, 2011 / Raiders News Network / -- Ohio Christian
Alliance President Chris Long made the following statement: "For the past eight
years, OCA has been working with members of the Ohio Legislature to ban embryonic
stem cell research, human cloning, and in recent years, animal-human hybrid. Science
has advanced to the point where DNA from animals and humans can be intermixed in
scientific laboratory experimentation. These experimental practices simply are
outrageous! Animal-human hybrid research is currently being conducted in England,
which many in the international medical community now consider to be a rogue medical
state. It is now known that some experimentation has taken place in some U.S.
laboratories. Ohio Christian Alliance commends State Senator Kris Jordan from Ohio's
19th District for taking the leadership role in sponsoring this key legislation."

Leading the testimony on this legislative ban will be Dr. David Prentice of the Family
Research Council who states, "Creating 'experimental humans' through nuclear transfer
cloning or as animal-human hybrids is an unethical use of science, and will not lead to
useful medical treatments for patients. This bill should be passed quickly and the focus
should be on ethical and successful research that puts the patients first."

Ohio Christian Alliance believes that no human life should begin and end as the
subject of an experiment. We attest that a process that knowingly encourages
human life to be created, manipulated for research, and ultimately destroyed is
immoral and should be prohibited. And all who believe that human life, including
nascent human life, is a unique and precious gift from our Creator have an
obligation to support efforts to ban it. The bottom line is still that any ban short of
a total prohibition on human cloning further devalues the sanctity of human life.

For more information contact Chris Long 330-887-1922



"All of the boundaries are up for grabs. All of the boundaries that have defined us as
human beings, boundaries between a human being and an animal and between a
human being and a super human being or a god." —Dr. Leon R. Kass, former
Chairmain of the President's Council on Bioethics

Gen 3:1 ¶ Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the
LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall
not eat of every tree of the garden?
Gen 3:2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the
trees of the garden:
Gen 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which [is] in the midst of the garden, God hath
said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
Gen 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
Gen 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall
be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission natural selection,
the force that made us. Soon we must look deep within ourselves and decide what we
wish to become." —Edward Osborne Wilson, Biologist

"Synthetic biologists forecast that as computer code is written to create software to

augment human capabilities, so too genetic code will be written to create life forms to
augment civilization." —Jerome C. Glenn, Director of The Millennium Project and co-
author State of the Future
"The ability to tinker with our genes offers the astounding promise—and peril—of
immortality, which mythically has been the defining difference between gods and
mortals. It also offers the possibility of an even greater variety of breeds of humans than
there is of dogs." —Joel Garreau, Lincoln Professor of Law, Culture and Values at the
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law

"The prospect of building godlike creatures fills me with a sense of religious awe that
goes to the very depth of my soul and motivates me powerfully to continue, despite the
possible horrible negative consequences." —Prof. Hugo de Garis, artificial brain

"As laboratories incubate new blends of man and machine. The path of progress cuts
through the four-way intersection of the moral, medical, religious and political—and
whichever way you turn, you are likely to run over someone‘s deeply held beliefs.
Venter‘s bombshell [the creation of the synthetic life ―Synthia‖] revived the oldest of
ethical debates, over whether scientists were playing God or proving he does not exist
because someone re-enacted Genesis in suburban Maryland." —Nancy Gibbs, editor at
large for TIME Magazine

Lady Gaga‘s Creative Director Laurieann Gibson Explains ‗The Egg‘ [AUDIO]
By Sierra Marquina
Celebrity choreographer and creative director Laurieann Gibson phoned in Monday
morning to ―On Air with Ryan Seacrest‖ to chat post-Grammys,and reveal the creation
process behind the extravengent avant-garde artist that is Lady Gaga and her ‗vessel.‘
Laurieann works with celebs from Katy Perry, Diddy, to even Jessica Alba.

And as for what everyone is wondering this Valentine‘s Day---What was with Gaga‘s
egg-placenta-vessel like shape she was carried down the red carpet in last night and
emerged from on stage?!

Laurieann happily explained ―it was really emotional for me because when she played
the record for me I was like ‗my goodness, do you realize what you‘ve given me
lyrically?‘‖ adding, ―it‘s a record with a message so it actually took me a while with this
creative process, and I couldn‘t sleep, and then two weeks later I called her and I was
like ‗I got it!…We have to birth a new race‘…they have to have DNA where they
can‘t hate.‖

In short, Laurieann concluded ―it‘s a vessel, like an unstoppable pod, bringing light to a
place where we need hope,‖ adding ―you have to go back and watch it and watch it
again and then get ready for the video and the story will unfold.‖

From: Jennifer
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 11:08 PM
To: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com ; info@kingjamescode.org
Subject: Listener Comment: 2/21/11 Time Magazine Cover Story "2045 - The Year
Man Becomes Immortal"

I was in Borders today and I saw this on the stand on my way to check out and I
knew that I had to read this story. I have never bought a Time Magazine before
but I just had to read this article. I have attached a Word Document with some of
my findings. Please use this article and my notes any way you see fit. God Bless and
thank you so much for what you do for the Body of Christ.

Here is a copy of the full article online - some of the comments are interesting as well on
the post.
Ok this article is very long so I went through and hi-lighted things that stuck out to me. I
wrote the article‘s actual quotes in blue so you can tell what is my commentary and
which is strictly taken from the article. Basically this technologist, Raymond Kurzweil, is
suggesting that we can create super artificial intelligent computers that would then
become to create even more super computers and thus mankind would be changed

So a little on Kurzweil – ―He‘s an engineer and inventor. He founded and then sold his
first software company while he was still at MIT. He holds 39 patents 19 honorary
doctorates and in 1999 Bill Clinton awarded him the National Medal of Technology. He
has published works one of which is best seller ―The Singularity is Near‖ and the other
is called ―The Transcendent Man‖. Bill Gates referred to him as ―the best person I
know at predicting the future of artificial intelligence.‖

The article states, ―Maybe we‘ll merge with them to become super intelligent
cyborgs, using computers to extend our intellectual abilities the same way that
cars and planes extend our physical abilities. Maybe the artificial intelligences
will help us treat the effects of old age and prolong our life spans indefinitely.
Maybe we‘ll scan our consciousness into computers and live inside them as
software, forever, virtually. Maybe the computers will turn on humanity and
annihilate us.‖

―This transformation has a name: the Singularity‖

And it maybe new to you, but it‘s nothing new. There is a ―three year old
Singularity University…which is hosted by NASA and Google as founding
sponsors.‖ It‘s said that ―it will be the most important thing to happen to human
beings since the invention of language.‖

This stuck out to me for one, anytime NASA and Google is involved in anything, the
Devil is behind it. And when the article mentions language I thought of Babel. And how
with one language men were going to build the tower of Babel to reach the heavens
(basically try to become as gods…again).

Kurzweil believes that ―technological progress happens exponentially and estimates that
computers will be capable of human intelligence by 2045.‖

Hmmm… there‘s something about that date. We know that the men behind the
scenes of the affairs of this world are looking forward to 2012 as this marks the
―ushering in of the age of aquarius.‖ Well 2045 is exactly 33 years from that.

―In addition to the Singularity university, which Kurzweil co-founded, there‘s also a
Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, based in San Francisco. It counts among its
advisers Peter Thiel, a former CEO of Paypal and an early investor in Facebook‖
This institute has an annual summit and even though Artificial Intelligence is the main
event, other fields are covered as well like uh, take a guess, Genetics.

At the 2010 summit, the 2nd most discussed topic was life extension. With AI, death
becomes a solvable problem. ―Old age becomes an illness like any other, and what
do you do with illnesses? You cure them.‖

Well that‘s funny because last time I checked Corinthians 15:55 Death lost its sting and
victory because of what Christ did on the cross (for believers) not because man figured
out some way to get around death by fusing us with computers or downloading our
consciousness into AI or some virtual world.

The article then goes on to say, ―For example, it‘s well known that one cause of the
physical degeneration associated with aging involves telomere, which are segments of
DNA found at the ends of chromosomes. Every time a cell divides, its telomeres get
shorter, and once a cell runs out of telomeres, it can‘t reproduce anymore and dies. But
there‘s an enzyme called telomerase that reverses this process; it‘s one of the reasons
cancer cells live so long. So why not treat regular non cancerous cells with telomarese?
In November, researchers at Harvard Medical School announced in Nature that they
had done just that. They administered telomarse to a group of mice suffering from
age-related degeneration. The damage went away. The mice didn‘t just get better;
they got younger.‖

Huge side note*Well I remembered that in the show ―The Event‖ that the alien race
aged extremely slowly. And one very rich powerful man is interested in creating
something that stops his aging. The aliens had been on earth for a very long time and
many of them had had children with human women, without the women knowing that
the husband was an alien. And this old man was kidnapping these hybrid children to
study their DNA to try to create a drug that would reverse aging.

Kurzweil takes life extension very seriously. He inherited his father‘s genetic
predisposition for heart disease and at the age of 35 he developed Type 2 diabetes. He
has ―published two books on his own approach to life extension, which involves taking
up to 200 pills and supplements a day. He says his diabetes is essentially cured, and
although he‘s 62 old from a chronological perspective, he estimates that his biological
age is about 20 years younger.‖
―For Kurzweil it‘s not so much about staying healthy as long as possible; it‘s
about staying alive until the Singularity.‖
―Alternatively, by then we‘ll be able to transfer our minds to sturdier vessels such
as computers and robots. He and many other Singularitarians take seriously the
proposition that many people who are alive today will wind up being functionally

Hbr 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the
Hbr 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them
that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Kurzweil states ―There are people who can accept computers being more intelligent
than people, but the idea of significant changes to human longevity – that seems to be
particularly controversial. People invested a lot of personal effort into certain
philosophies dealing with the issue of life and death. I mean, that‘s the major
reason we have religion.‖

Well as for me, I don‘t have a religion. I have a relationship with my Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. I am not bond, but I am free. If anything, this is Mr.
Kurzweil‘s religion and it‘s built on fear of the unknown and what he cannot

The article continues, ―Even if you grant that the Singularity is plausible, you‘re still
staring at a thicket of unanswerable questions. If I can scan my consciousness into a
computer, am I still me? What are the geopolitics and the socioeconomics of the
Singularity? Who decides who gets to be immortal? And as we approach
immortality, omniscience and omnipotence, will our lives still have meaning? By
beating death, will we have lost our essential humanity.‖
They do admit risk. ―One of the goals of the Singularity Institute is to make sure not just
that the AI develops but also that the AI is friendly.‖
―In Kurzweil‘s future, biotechnology and nanotechnology give us the power to
manipulate our bodies and the world around us at will, at the molecular level. Progress
hyper accelerates, and every hour brings a century‘s worth of scientific
breakthroughs. We ditch Darwin and take charge of our own evolution. The
human genome becomes just so much code to be bug-tested and optimized and,
if necessary, rewritten. Indefinite life extension becomes reality; people die only if
they chose to. Death loses its sting once and for all. Kurzweil hopes to bring his
dead father back to life.‖

Rom 1:18 ¶ For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for
God hath shewed it unto them.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are
clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal
power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified [him] not as God,
neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish
heart was darkened.
Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

Pro 16:18 Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

What BLASPHEMY! I find it funny that these people don‘t believe in Christ yet they‘ll
quote Him. Yet this is the same carrot that Satan dangled infront of Eve. ―Ye shall be as
gods, knowing good and evil.‖ Gen 3:5

―The more you read about the Singularity, the more you start to see it peeking out at
you, coyly, from unexpected directions. Five years ago we didn‘t have 600 million
humans carrying out their social lives over a single electronic network. Now we have
Facebook. Five years ago you didn‘t see people double checking what they were
saying and where they were going, even as they were saying it and going there,
using handheld network-enabled digital prosthetics. Now we have iPhones. Is it
an unimaginable step to take the iPhones out of our hands and put them into our
skulls… your average cell phone is about a millionth the size of, a millionth the
price of and a thousand times more powerful than the computer Kurzweil had at
MIT 40 years ago. Flip that forward 40 years and what does the world look like?‖

Well I‘m glad that I know Christ and I‘m so glad that He is preparing a place for
those who believe and confess Him. And I don‘t have to worry about death and I
don‘t need to try to live forever. I know that I am to occupy while I‘m here until He
comes and then I‘m going to live with Him forever. ―But as it is written, Eye hath
not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things
which God hath prepared for them that love him.‖ I Corinthians 2:9 All of what
these scientists can imagine up can‘t even begin to compare to what the Lord is
preparing for those that love Him and that seek His ways and not their own.
One thing I‘ve been noticing with all the things that‘s going on in the world. Satan
does the opposite of what God does. There is one way to the Kingdom of Heaven,
yet there are many to the Kingdom of darkness. He has so many flavors of
heresy, blasphemy, and deceit. That way he can fool as many people that don‘t
believe in Christ and Christ alone. I thank God though, that Christ already has the
victory and that we have the victory in Him.

More US Companies Covering Transgender Surgery

Monday, February 21, 2011--By Staff, Associated Press
San Francisco (AP) - More and more large corporations, including Coca-Cola,
Campbell Soup and Walt Disney, are covering surgery for transgender employees as
part of their health plans.
The trend follows a concerted push by transgender rights advocates to get employers
and insurers to see sex reassignment the way the American Medical Association does -
as a medically indicated rather than an optional procedure.
The number is expected to go up dramatically this year, when the nation's largest gay
rights lobbying group adds availability of surgery-inclusive medical benefits to the
criteria in its annual corporate diversity report card.
Kraft Foods, AT&T, Yahoo!, Eastman Kodak, Sears and State Farm are among 85 large
businesses and law firms that cover the cost of at least one surgery.
California wants lesbians as mandatory 'role' models--Family advocates call plan
'worst school sexual indoctrination ever'
February 11, 201--By Bob Unruh-- 2011 WorldNetDaily
Lawmakers in the state of California are proposing a law that would require
schools to portray lesbians, homosexuals, transsexuals and those who have
chosen other alternative sexual lifestyles as positive role models to children in all
public schools there.
"SB 48: The worst school sexual indoctrination ever" is how officials with the Campaign
for Children and Families describe the proposal, SB 48, sponsored by state Sen. Mark
Leno. Openly homosexual, Leno boasts on his website of founding a business with his
"life partner, Douglas Jackson," who later died of AIDS complications.
That description as "worst" is considerable, considering the Campaign for Children and
Families was a key player in the battle in the state in 2007 and 2008 over a variety of
laws that now forbid any "adverse" portrayal of those alternative sexual choices in
school, class, curriculum and by teachers.
Find out why laws promoting homosexuality are being developed, get "The Marketing of
Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as
On its website, the organization explains the plan by "homosexual activist" Leno
"would require all students starting as early as kindergarten in social studies
class to admire 'lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender' role models.
Under this proposed law, "textbooks, teachers and school boards will be forced to
promote homosexuality, same-sex 'marriage,' bisexuality, transsexuality, sex change
operations, cross dressing as positive role models."

Romans 1:26-28: For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even
their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And
likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust
one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving
in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they
did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate
mind, to do those things which are not convenient...Romans 1:32: "Who knowing
the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not
only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Leviticus 20:13: If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of
them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their
blood shall be upon them.

Lev 18:22-30: Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is
abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith:
neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.
Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are
defiled which I cast out before you: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the
iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. Ye shall
therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these
abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth
among you: (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which
were before you, and the land is defiled;) That the land spue not you out also,
when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you. For whosoever
shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall
be cut off from among their people. Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that
ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed
before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.

It was just two years ago when the Campaign launched the Rescue Your Child effort to
encourage parents to withdraw their children from public schools because of such
That followed work by the legislature and then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to
establish Senate Bill 777 and Assembly Bill 392 as law. Those institutionalized the
promotion of homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism and other alternative lifestyle
choices by banning any "adverse" references in schools.
At the time, officials said SB 777 "functionally requires public school instructional
materials and school-sponsored activities to positively portray cross-dressing, sex-
change operations, homosexual 'marriages,' and all aspects of homosexuality and
bisexuality, including so-called 'gay history.'"
The second bill, AB 394, "requires public schools to distribute controversial material to
teachers, students, and parents which promotes transsexuality, bisexuality, and
homosexuality, all under the guise of 'anti-harassment' training."
Those laws ban in any school texts, events, class or activities any discriminatory bias
against those who have chosen alternative sexual lifestyles, according to Meredith
Turney, legislative liaison for Capitol Resource Institute.
But there are no similar protections for students with traditional or conservative
lifestyles and beliefs. Offenders will face the wrath of the state Department of
Education, up to and including lawsuits.
California also has mandated that public schools honor Harvey Milk – a
homosexual activist and reported sexual predator, as well as an advocate for Jim
Jones, leader of the massacred hundreds in Jonestown, Guyana.
SaveCalifornia.com led a statewide battle against "Harvey Milk Day" before
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the S.B. 572.
The bill designates May 22 – Milk's birthday – a date of "special significance" and
encourages all California public schools to "conduct suitable commemorative
exercises … remembering the life of Harvey Milk and recognizing his
accomplishments as well as the contributions he made to this state."
California wants lesbians as mandatory 'role' models

Congressman: AFA should welcome gay clergy, same-sex dating

February 05, 2011--LANCE BENZEL--THE GAZETTE
A Colorado congressman on the Air Force Academy‘s advisory board on Saturday
urged the academy‘s superintendent to create a welcoming atmosphere for openly gay
and lesbian cadets.

U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, who is gay, said the academy should encourage ―inclusion‖ in
the wake of the Nov. 30 repeal of the military‘s ―don‘t ask, don‘t tell‖ policy that barred
service by people who are openly gay.

The Boulder Democrat suggested the academy should consider hiring gay and
lesbian chaplains and said cadets should be welcome to bring ―the date of their
choice‖ to Air Force Academy balls and other social functions.

―It‘s more than tolerance and respect,‖ Polis said at the Board of Visitors meeting at the
academy.―It‘s really being able to, from a military perspective, be stronger through the
diversity that we have in our force.‖

The discussion on gay cadets came as the Pentagon prepares to open the ranks to
homosexuals following the congressional repeal of policies banning gays and court-
decisions that mandate the change.

Read more: http://www.gazette.com/articles/congressman-112404-colorado-

From: Pastor D. A. Waite
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 11:20 AM
To: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Obama Trashes Biblical Marriage

Obama Trashes Biblical Marriage!

This Is An Immoral Action On His Part
Christians Must Oppose Him On This Strongly!

CLICK Below To See This 15-Minute Story

*Breaking* Obama's Shocking Announcement on Gay Marriage (2.23.11)

Play to 9:41:

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