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AMO 2019, Second ary 2 (Grade 8) Contes t

Question 1

Compute: (75 x 5 + 3) + (75 + 5 x 3).

Question 2

Question 3

56% of 57 is the same as 76% of what integer?

Question 4
t non-zero
XYX and YXY represent two 3-digit integers in which X and Y are distinc
digits. What is the least possible absolute value for XYX - YXY?

Question 5
a circula r table.
Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and their three children are to be seated about
Hansen are
In how many differe nt ways can the family be seated if Mr. and Mrs.
seated next to one another?

I Case 1 and 2 are not considered differen t (one is a rotation of

the other). Case 3 is differen t from the first two cases.
EQ B C□.\ B. E

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

>-11• 1u Lu.1 ':J, Secondary 2 (G
rade 8) Contest

Question 6
Find the value of the following

1-2+3-4+5 - 6
+ . .. + 99 - 100
+ 101
Question 7
Let G be the greatest numeric value of ~

13i and y is a positive integer factor of

197 Fi d th

x given that x is a Posit

ive integer factor of
e value of 524x G.
Question 8
Given that P, Q, and R are all prime numbers what is the v
' a1ue of P if p + Q +
65.and 2Q + 3R = 53? R ==

Question 9
A dog barks every b minutes and a cat meows every m minutes. If b and m are
prime numbers such that 1 s; b s; 10 and 10 s; m s; 20, what is the greatest number
of times they can bark and meow at the same time in a 2-hour period?

Question 10
How many points (x,y) on the line segment XY with X(-4, 4) and Y(12,-8) have
integer values for both coordinates x and y?

Question 11
Compute the value of the expression below.
12345678 92 - 12345567 82 - 11112
1111 X 12345567 8

Question 12

What is the greatest number of consecutive integers that sum to - 33?

AHO 2019, Secondary 2 (Grad
e 8) Col'ltest
Question 13

Three of the faces of a rectangula b

2 r ox have
cm and 84 cm2. What is th . areas of 42. c 2
.. e volume (m cm3 ) m , 72.
of the box-;,

Questio.n 14
Thirty unit squares are arranged h .
, s anng common s·Id
and vertices, in the "step" arrange es
ment as shown. How
many squares with integer length sides b
can e found in
this arrangement?

Question 15

Andy and Brett begin at opposite points on a 600-foot circular

track, and jog around the track in the directions shown. Andy
jogs at 4.3 feet/sec and Brett jogs at 5.5 feet/sec. How many
seconds will it take for Brett and Andy to meet for the first time?

Question 16
In the 5-digit integer ABBBA, A and B represent different non-zero digits. If ABBBA is
divisible by 33, how many different values of ABBBA are possible?

Question 17
Betsy collects sports posters. Exactly one of the statements below is false.
Betsy has at least 11 sports posters.
Betsy has at least 20 sports posters.
Betsy has at least 24 sports posters.
Betsy has at least 28 sports posters.
What is the greatest possible number of posters in Betsy's collection?
AMO 20 19 , Secondar
y 2 (Grade 8) Contes

Question 18
How many positive 3-
digit numbers have exac
tly 3 factors ?

Q ue st io n 19

Find th e gr ea te st nu
m be r th at divides 377, 127 an
d 852 with same rem
eac;h case . ainder in

Q ue st io n 20
St ac y lie s on Tu es
da ys , Wednesdays
and Thursdays, while
ot he r da ys . An th on she tells the truth on
y lie s on Saturdays, all
Sundays and Monday
al l ot he r da ys . O n s, bu t he is truthful on
w ha t da y of th e we
ek could they both sa
y, " Tomorrow, l w\\\ lie
(S ha de th e fo llo wi "?
ng fo r yo ur answer
: Monday=001, Tues
day=002, ... ,
Sa tu rd ay =0 06 , Su
nd ay =0 07 )

Q ue st io n 21
. (
In M at he m at ic s, n! == 1) x 1 For examµ\e
n x n- x ... .
41. = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 · Hria \'ne
gr ea te st prime fa ct or of '
the su m 14 1. + 16 \

Question 2 2
. X h\ch sat\sfles the f \\ ving cond\t\ons:
Find th e integer w oo ,

• It is less than sooo.

\ ft to right are arran9 ed in increasing order.
• It s digits from e
• X - 3 .,s a p e rtect cube.
.. b 8 and ,t s nota pr\rne number.
• It is not div1s1b\e Y
AMO 20 19 , Secondar
y 2 {Grade 8) Contest

Question 23

How many fractions fro

m the list below have de
cimal representation that
terminate ?
1 1 11 11 1
18 19 ' 20 21 ' ••• 64 65
27 9

Q ue st io n 24
Th re e cu be s w ith vo
lu m es 8 cm3 , 27 cm3 an
d 64 cm3 are glued toge
so lid fig ur e. W ha t th ther to form a
e le as t possible surface 2
area (cm ) of the solid

Q ue st io n 25
Th e ab so lu te va lu e of
N, symbolized by \NI,
represents th e distance
nu m be r N to th e or ig from the signed
in , w ith ou t regard to sig
n. fo r example: \+ S I=
f in d th e su m of th e Sand \-3\ = 1.
in te ge r values of N th
at satisfy th e inequalil:'/
S > ,~ \, > 2 .


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