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Migrants Affected by Corona Virus

Corona is a fatal virus which spread very rapidly all over the world. This virus affected every
segment of life like business, agriculture, industries, overseas employment, education, medical
etc.outsourcing company in Pakistan also affected by this lethal virus.

The migrants are also affected by this critical virus. The recruitment process will be slow down
at national and international level. The recruitment agencies in Pakistan also affected a lot by
this virus.The migrants have been banned to travel in a foreign country because of corona virus

The migrants and the recruitment agencies in Pakistan both faced the troubles in the way of
economically, financially, physically as well as psychologically. The migrants have also the fear
of lost of their job which is also a main problem they are facing while the recruitment agencies
of Pakistan satisfied those migrants regarding these matters. The migrants are facing the
financial problems in the shape of salary, bonus, and overtime etc due to this mortal virus.

While on the other side the recruitment agencies in Pakistan are also in trouble to provide the
manpower supply. The migrants whose flight had been done cancelled by this virus they are
very worried about this the recruitment agencies in Pakistan for their quality services they
offered the employees that they will support them. Panic and antipathy bloom as migrant and
their families in corona virus disaster and the outsourcing company in Pakistan coordinate with
them. All the migrants are locked up to their rooms and houses. The recruitment agencies in
Pakistan are constantly in touch to their customers and employees and update them about the
latest polices actions, laws taken or implementing by overseas employment agencies.

The recruitment agencies in Pakistan coordinated with their clients at the KSA and taken the
updates about the corona virus at their country. The outsourcing company in Pakistan also
asked about the manpower health and other things which they provided to them. The clients
update them about the policies of their country regarding the corona virus and the
precautionary measures for the citizens and the migrants. The recruitment agencies in Pakistan
appreciated the steps taken against this global disaster. Furthermore the recruitment agencies
in Pakistan also ensured their cooperation to overcome on this panic issue.

The recruitment agencies in Pakistan keep in touch with their all clients regarding the corona
virus matter and tried to resolve the problem of the employees mutually. The outsourcing
company in Pakistan supplied manpower to one of the UAE Company recently.The recruitment
agencies of Pakistan taken the updates about the employees which they have sent to their
company regarding the corona virus and the precautionary measures against this panic
The recruitment agencies in Pakistan also have their clients in Malaysia. Since last three years
the recruitment agencies in Pakistan provide the best manpower to the different factories of
Malaysia at the trade of general labor. Thousands of employees are working in the factories at
Malaysia sent by the recruitment agencies in Pakistan. Most of the countries of the world
victimize the chorona virus one of them is Malaysia. So the recruitment agencies in Pakistan
contacted to their clients at Malaysia and taken update about the manpower which provided by
the recruitment agencies in Pakistan. The clients from the Malaysia told them about the action
taken by their government against the corona virus. They further told that not any single
employee is victimizing of corona virus sent by the recruitment agencies of Pakistan. They have
given leave to all employees provided by the recruitment agencies of Pakistan till new order of
the Malaysian government. They further told that they instructed the employees provided by
the recruitment agencies of Pakistan strictly followed the precautionary measures regarding
the virus. They told that the manpower provided by the recruitment agencies of Pakistan is
secured and the Malaysian government is taking care of the employees provided by the
recruitment agencies of Pakistan as their own citizen. The recruitment agencies in Pakistan
tried to contact individually to the employees to find out the state of their health and instructed
them to follow the precautionary measurements. The recruitment agencies in Pakistan also
told them about the employer polices and their cooperation regarding this panic virus. The
employees appreciated the efforts of the recruitment agencies in Pakistan and the employer of
the Malaysia also appreciated the recruitment agencies in Pakistan for their paramount
services. The employer ensured their cooperation and also run their business long in future to
the recruitment agencies in Pakistan.

The recruitment agencies in Pakistan supplied the manpower to the gulf. The recruitment
agencies in Pakistan provided the best manpower to their employers as per their requirement.
Due to which the employers satisfied from the employees provided by the recruitment
agencies in Pakistan. The employees which are provided by the recruitment agencies in
Pakistan are the well experienced and highly qualified as compare to the employees provided
by the other recruitment agencies. The recruitment agencies in Pakistan have one of their
employers regarding the man power supply at Qatar. The recruitment agencies in Pakistan
provide the manpower to the different companies of Qatar for different trades. The
recruitment agencies in Pakistan provided the employees to Qatar for the trade of electrician.
The recruitment agencies in Pakistan provided the most suitable candidates. The recruitment
agencies in Pakistan find out the most highly experienced electrician who has the GCC
experience with domestic experience. The companies of Qatar appreciated the recruitment
agencies in Pakistan for the selection of most suitable candidates.

At the end, people from other walks of life are affected through the corona virus same as the
migrants are also affected. So the recruitment agencies in Pakistan ensured their full
cooperation to the employees as well to the employers. The recruitment agencies in Pakistan
will follow the the policies of the government for the betterment of the migrants. Beside this
the recruitment agencies in Pakistan will follow the rules and regulations made by the overseas
employment agencies and implement it. The recruitment agencies in Pakistan ensured their
full cooperation to their employees and employers to overcome regarding this mortal virus.

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