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People nowadays are depending upon technologies. Technology is an application of

scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Every type of job relies upon getting information,

using it, managing it, and relaying information to others. Technologies enable the efficient

processing and storage of information. Computer technology has a very high impact in our daily

lives and in our society. Most of the people depend on the technologies. Technologies change the

way people do things, the way people think and the way people handle things. On the other hand,

the impact of technology in the field of education has been a great help to the teachers and

students to make researches much easier and faster. With the help of the technology, students can

access tons of information that would help them to improve better lesson comprehension and

class performance.

Online grading system was designed to provide an easy way to look-up the grades by the

parents and students. It is also the easiest way to manage the grades by the faculty members and

school administrators. Grading system was commonly used in computing and analyzing skills of

the students. Online grading system contains the collection and evaluation of evidence on

student's achievement or performance over specified period of time. Parents also can view the

grades and receive some update on the performance of their children. The proponents decided to

build this program about Online grading system to help the user especially the school principal,

teachers, students and parents who will be the one to use this program. The Online grading

system will help the school principal and teachers to encode the grades faster and for the student
to have an easy access to their grades. The Online grading system would be significant especially

that Mendez-Nuñez Montessori is still on a manual and traditional process when it comes to

deliberation and storing of grades.

Through Online Grading System it makes grading process faster, easier, more accurate

and more efficient. Teachers would be able to record and compute the grades of their students in

anywhere and anytime with an internet access or connection thereby lessening their workload

and providing them in added time to attend to other functions, Parents can see the grades online,

which means that parents will not call teachers constantly wanting to know his/her student's

average, Parents usually view their student's grades and discipline activity online, it is easy to

access from any computer on campus or off in the campus.

One of the following tools used in creating this system is HTML (Hypertext Mark-up

Language). HTML is used for designing the layout and web page of the system. It is a coding

language that is used by developers for formatting web pages. It is also better to use because of

the ease of manipulating and updating data. It also offers tons of formatting options, different

styles and controls that would suit up our program.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation

of web pages, including colors, layout, and fonts. It also allows the same mark-up page to be

presented in different styles for different rendering methods. CSS will help redefining and
editing the programs feature easily. CSS also removes confusion because it is just compressed in

a single file. A little change in the CSS file would make a bigger change in the looks of the


Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to produce a website that allows the students, teachers, and

school administrators of Mendez-Nuñez Montessori to input, compute, distribute grades by

accessing their account in the Online Grading System.

This study will seek to answer the following question:

a) How can this site bring convenience to the users of Mendez-Nuñez Montessori?

b) How can this lessen the workloads of the faculty staff of Mendez-Nuñez Montessori ?

c) How can it improve the accessibility of grades to working parents of

Mendez- Nuñez Montessori?

Research Objectives

The general objective of the study is to implement an online grading system in Mendez-

Nuñez Montessori.
Specifically, it aims to:

1. To bring convenience to the users.

2. To lessen the workloads of the faculty staffs.

3. To improve accessibility of grades to working parents.

Significance of the Study

This Research study will be significant to the following:

School’s Principal - It would be beneficial to the Principal of Mendez-Nuñez Montessori

because it could provide a faster interaction between the Principal and the

teachers/students/parents in terms of Grade recordings and performance evaluation.

Teachers - It would be beneficial for the teachers of Mendez-Nuñez Montessori because it will

give them faster computation. Thus, helping them reduce workloads and have more time to

attend different activities/duties.

Students - It would be beneficial to the students of Mendez-Nuñez Montessori because it will

provide them faster access of their grades that will give them awareness on how they are doing in

Parents/Guardians - It would be beneficial to the parents of the students because they will be

able to track their children’s academic performance easily. Especially to those busy parents, they

could access the portal anytime and anywhere as long as there is an internet connection.

Future researchers - It would be beneficial for future researchers for it may add-up to the

improvement of their study.

Scope and Limitation of the study

This study mainly focuses on Online grading system to be conducted in Mendez-Nuñez

Montessori. Our main target will be the Senior High School students of Mendez-Nuñez

Montessori. It focuses on academic performance, class ranking and class attendance. Any topic

that is not stated above will not be included in the study.

Definition of Terms

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) - It is used to carry-out the program’s design and format for the

ease of updating and designing.

Grades - It is to address every evaluation scores of the students.

Grading System - It is the way of how grades are being computed and presented.
HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) - This language is used as the main source code of the


Online Grading System - It is a grading system that is web-based and is easy to access when

there is an Internet connection.

Program - This pertains to the website being developed.

Users - It is used to pertain Students, Parents, Admin1 (principal), Admin2(teachers)


According to Sheryl B. Satorre (2012), “UC CICS WEB-BASED CLASS RECORDING

SYSTEM”, University of Cebu, “Computer technology has a very high impact on our lives and

to our society. Most often than not, people depend on technology. Computers are changing the

way people work, the way people think and the way people handle things.”

According to Barreno, a grading system plays an important role in the system of any

school but as each student desires to have a good score for each task, the whole process adds

heavy workload for teachers in order to make the scoring and evaluation fair and accurate.

According to Hampton, (2002), “documented the use of the online SIS, “PowerSchool.”

Teachers used PowerSchool in three consecutive grading periods. In the first and third grading

periods, seventy-seven out of one-hundred and thirty-seven grade six students were given extra

access to the Internet at school and were required to monitor their grades online. Parents were

shown how to use the system at a parent night and were encouraged to monitor their children’s

results. Students were encouraged but not required to monitor their progress via PowerSchool in

the second quarter. Student GPAs were found to be significantly higher after the first and third

quarters than they were after the second quarter. Reactions from both parents and children tended

to be quite positive“.
According to Cameron (2011), “The study finds out that implementing an online grading

program, properly managed, can effectively and efficiently share timely information between the

school and parents.”

Languages & Software

HTML is a computer language device to allow website creation. These websites can then be

viewed by anyone else connected to the Internet. It is relatively easy to learn, with the basics

being accessible to most people in one sitting; and quite powerful in what it allows you to create.

Retrieved from (

CSS is the language for describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout,

and fonts. It allows one to adapt the presentation to different types of devices, such as large

screens, small screens, or printers. CSS is independent of HTML and can be used with any

XML-based markup language. The separation of HTML from CSS makes it easier to maintain

sites, share style sheets across pages, and tailor pages to different environments. This is referred

to as the separation of structure from presentation. Retrieved from (

PHP also known as “Hypertext Preprocessor” has these examples of functions. First,

Server-side scripting. This is the most traditional and main target field for PHP. You need three

things to make this work: the PHP parser, a web server and a web browser. Second, Command

line scripting. You can make a PHP script to run it without any server or browser. You only need
the PHP parser to use it this way. Third, Writing desktop applications. PHP is probably not the

very best language to create a desktop application with a graphical user interface, but if you

know PHP very well, and would like to use some advanced PHP features in your client-side

applications you can also use PHP-GTK to write such programs. Retrieved from



Computer technology has a big influence in the society. Most people rely on it. In the

academe, the greater the number of tasks given to students, the greater the amount of workload

the teachers have to deal with. Online grading is a possible solution to this kind of problem. One

example is SIS (Student Information System) Powerschool. It helps administrators and school

staffs to navigate tasks and track down activities. The reaction of students and parents in using

SIS Powerschool is quite positive. Online grading systems could be effective and efficient if

properly managed and maintained.

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