To + Infinitive: It Was Generous of Him To Offer 1,000 Don't Forget To Buy The Stamps

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We use gerunds and infinitives when we

want to join two actions:

TO + INFINITIVE They want to go to the cinema.
1. After the following verbs: I hate not going out on Friday nights
afford - agree – appear – arrange – ask - attempt – beg –
care – claim – consent - decide – demand – deserve - expect
– fail – forget – help – hesitate - hope – intend – learn –
manage – mean - need – offer – plan – prepare – pretend – VERB + OBJECT + TO
promise – propose – refuse – regret – remember - seem –
struggle – swear – threaten – volunteer – wait - want – wish
– would like 1. After the following verbs:
I learned to drive last summer advise – allow – ask – beg – cause –
challenge – convince – dare - enable –
2. Verb + question word + to infinitive: encourage – expect – forbid – force – help –
After some verbs we can use a question word – what, how, hire – instruct - invite – need - order – permit
where ( but not why) + infinitive: – persuade – prefer – recommend – remind –
I don’t know what to say require - teach – tell – urge - want – warn –
would like
3. After certain adjectives and adverbs: They asked us to stay longer
She was happy to win the prize I want you to come with me

4. After too / enough constructions: After those verbs we have an –ing form when
She was too busy to answer the phone the verb is not followed by the object:
He is clever enough to doVERB
the crossword
wouldn’t advise going there
(with a different meaning) don’t allow fishing here
5. 1.
With it + be + adjective + of + noun/pronoun:
Remember / Forget + to infinitive: when we remember or forget something before we have to do it:
It was generous
Don’t forget toofbuy
to stamps
offer £1,000
I remembered to go to the chemist’s for you

2. Remember VERB / Forget ++ing

when we remember or forget something after we do it:
After thegoing to France
following verbs:every summer INFINITIVE
admit – advise – anticipate – appreciate - avoid – can’t (without much difference in meaning)
3. Regret
help + to
– can’t infinitive:
stand we -regret
–complete something
consider – delaythat 1. After the following verbs:
we have to do:
- deny
discussto-tell you –you
dislike haven’t
enjoy passed
– fancy thelike
– feel exams
– finish – attempt – begin – hate – intend – like – love –
forget - give up – go on – imagine – involve – it’s worth prefer – start
4. Regret
– keep + ing form:
(continue) we regret
– mention something
- mind – miss -that we have already done:
She started to learn / learning English when
regret leaving
sense) –school before
postpone I was 16
- practise – quit - recall –
she was 8
recollect – recommend – regret – remember - resent –
5. Stop– +
resist to –infinitive:
risk we say
stop - suggest why we –stop:
– tolerate understand * Note these structures with PREFER:
way home we stopped
stealing to visit his family
the money a) prefer + ing form + to + ing form:
I prefer playing football to watching it
2. Stop
As a + ing form: we say what we do before we stop:
Stop making so much
Smoking is bad noise!
for you b) would prefer + to infinitive + rather than +
infinitive without to:
3. Try + atopreposition:
After infinitive: make an effort, see if you can do something:
I would prefer to go home tonight rather
She tried hard
is tired to pass all
of waiting forher
youexams than wait until tomorrow
Are you interested in working for us?
8. Try + ing form: make an experiment, do something and see what happens:
Try adding some more sauce to your pasta

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