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PET and SPECT Imaging in Veterinary Medicine

Amy K. LeBlanc, DVM, DACVIM,* and Kathelijne Peremans, DVM, DipECVDI, PhD†

Veterinarians have gained increasing access to positron emission tomography (PET and PET/
CT) imaging facilities, allowing them to use this powerful molecular imaging technique for
clinical and research applications. SPECT is currently being used more in Europe than in the
United States and has been shown to be useful in veterinary oncology and in the evaluation of
orthopedic diseases. SPECT brain perfusion and receptor imaging is used to investigate
behavioral disorders in animals that have interesting similarities to human psychiatric
disorders. This article provides an overview of the potential applications of PET and SPECT.
The use of commercially available and investigational PET radiopharmaceuticals in the
management of veterinary disease has been discussed. To date, most of the work in this
field has utilized the commercially available PET tracer, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose for oncologic
imaging. Normal biodistribution studies in several companion animal species (cats, dogs, and
birds) have been published to assist in lesion detection and interpretation for veterinary
radiologists and clinicians. Studies evaluating other 18F-labeled tracers for research applica-
tions are underway at several institutions and companion animal models of human diseases
are being increasingly recognized for their value in biomarker and therapy development.
Although PET and SPECT technologies are in their infancy for clinical veterinary medicine,
increasing access to and interest in these applications and other molecular imaging
techniques has led to a greater knowledge and collective body of expertise for veterinarians
worldwide. Initiation and fostering of physician-veterinarian collaborations are key compo-
nents to the forward movement of this field.
Semin Nucl Med 44:47-56 C 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Historical Perspective: PET computed tomography (PET/CT) assists in image interpreta-

tion, as CT is a common component of veterinary diagnostic
Imaging in Veterinary Medicine imaging, and a review of both data sets can assist the clinician
in characterizing areas of radiopharmaceutical uptake.5
P ET imaging is considered relatively new to veterinary
medicine, with the first reports of its use in clinical patients
dating to the early 1980s and 1990s.1-4 This is attributable to
The most logical and widely published studies for PET and
PET/CT imaging, utilizing the commercially available tracer
the limited access to PET scanners owing to their purchase and 18
F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG), are in the field of oncol-
maintenance costs, reliance on discretionary income for pet ogy, where the most human PET studies are performed.
owners to fund veterinary care for their pets, and the still- Veterinary oncology is a growing field and a recognized
evolving knowledge of what role this technology plays in the specialty of the American College of Veterinary Internal
management of common veterinary ailments. There is an Medicine, founded in 1972 ( Currently, most
ongoing need to validate the technique and increase the veterinarians rely on standard anatomical imaging modalities
comfort level for veterinary radiologists and clinicians involved such as radiography, ultrasonography, and computed tomog-
in reading such studies. The widespread fusion of PET with raphy for detection and staging of cancer in veterinary patients.
The use of PET offers an opportunity to evaluate the metabolic
nature of malignancies in addition to anatomical data. Natu-
*Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Tennessee
College of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Knoxville, rally occurring cancers in dogs and cats represent a great
TN. opportunity to validate PET and PET/CT imaging techniques,
†Department of Medical Imaging and Small Animal Orthopaedics, Faculty of they benefit tumor-bearing pets while simultaneously advanc-
Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium. ing development of new imaging techniques for human
Address reprint requests to Amy K. LeBlanc, DVM DACVIM, Department of
cancers. This aspect of veterinary medicine is gaining traction
Small Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Tennessee College of
Veterinary Medicine, 2407 River Dr, Rm C247 Veterinary Teaching in academic settings where research collaborations between
Hospital, Knoxville, TN 37996. E-mail: veterinarians and physicians are established and growing.

0001-2998/14/$-see front matter & 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 47
48 A.K. LeBlanc and K. Peremans

PET Imaging Protocols and Data

Analysis for Companion Animals
Several key differences exist in patient preparation for animals
undergoing PET and PET/CT imaging. Veterinary PET scans
involve preparation for general anesthesia, including 8-12
hours fast, which is required for proper positioning for the
scan procedure, but also serves to limit physiological 18F-FDG
myocardial uptake. Additionally, state-specific radiation safety
guidelines may apply and must be followed to limit exposure to
the animals and their excreta once they have been injected with
the radiopharmaceutical of interest.6 Readers may refer to for additional
In the case of 18F-FDG, artifactual uptake within skeletal
muscle can occur if the animal is physically active in the uptake
period before the scan, hence the use of a sedative or
premedicant is recommended (Fig. 1). In addition, in the case
of 18F-FDG and similarly to humans, animals should be
normoglycemic so as not to interfere with tissue uptake of the
radiopharmaceutical, which can lead to erroneous scan results.
Other key components are adequate facilities for holding
radioactive animals and protocols for transport to off-site
facilities (if applicable), monitoring radiation exposure to staff,
and release limits for pets to return home to their owners.
Along with a greater body of experience in reading PET and
PET/CT studies, there remains a need for standardized post- Figure 1 Maximal image projections (MIPs) of an 8-year-old mixed-
image processing and data analysis in veterinary PET imaging. breed dog with high-grade multicentric lymphoma, before (left) and
The commonly used clinical indicator of radiopharmaceutical after (right) receiving a CHOP-based induction chemotherapy pro-
uptake is the standardized uptake value, which is influenced tocol. Imaging was carried out with approximately 5 mCi 18F-FDG
(PETNET Solutions, Knoxville, TN) allowing a 60-minute uptake
by many factors (scanner design and reconstruction parame-
time and using a Siemens mCT scanner (Siemens Molecular Imaging,
ters, patient body condition, scan protocol, etc.).7 Guidelines Knoxville, TN). On the baseline scan, 18F-FDG uptake is present in
for objective evaluation of PET/CT–based responses (positron affected lymph nodes (arrows, left image) with splenomegaly con-
emission tomography response criteria in solid tumors) were sistent with malignant infiltration (arrow head, left image). Physiolo-
recently reported for human patients in whom PET/CT is used gical 18F-FDG uptake is present within the brain, heart, and salivary
to judge response to therapy.8 The use of such a uniform glands, which is difficult to discern with bulky head and neck
reporting method for factors affecting the generation of a PET lymphoma involvement. Normal excretion of tracer is evident in renal
image is needed so that data can be reproduced at other PET pelves and bladder. Notably within the remission scan, artifactual yet
imaging centers and in support of multisite clinical trials that physiological uptake is noted within the musculature of the forelimbs,
involve PET imaging. consistent with physical activity during the tracer uptake period
(arrows, right image). Myocardial uptake is notably increased on the
remission PET scan (arrow head, right image), indicating the
variability of 18F-FDG myocardial uptake even in the fasting state.
PET Radiopharmaceutical CHOP, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone

Biodistribution Studies in Of particular interest for oncology, biodistribution data in

dogs and cats with 18F-fluorothymidine (18F-FLT) is currently
Companion Animals in progress. We believe this cellular proliferation tracer will
In an effort to characterize the normal patterns of uptake for provide valuable information for lesion discrimination when
F-FDG, studies in purpose-bred dogs and cats utilizing both staging animals with cancer.
PET and PET/CT have been published.9-11 An investigation of
how various anesthetic protocols influence brain uptake of
F-FDG was also performed for future studies of 18F-FDG in
Application of Selected PET
neuroimaging.12 These studies act not only as valuable data Radiopharmaceuticals to
sets for comparative studies between species and provide a Veterinary Nuclear Medicine
reference for disease studies, but they also act as feasibility 18
studies when human PET imaging facilities are used for animal F-FDG
work. Additionally, studies in birds have been performed and F-FDG is the standard PET radiopharmaceutical for cancer
highlight the comparative differences for avian species.13,14 imaging in humans, but it is also utilized for cardiac imaging
PET and SPECT imaging in veterinary medicine 49

and neuroimaging purposes. Veterinary applications of

F-FDG-PET/CT in oncology are growing with increasing
access to scanners, pet owners' growing requests for equivalent
care to humans, and experience with PET imaging protocols.
Several studies demonstrate the avidity of canine cancers for
F-FDG and emphasize the potential of whole-body PET and
PET/CT as an efficient staging technique that can identify
lesions not detected on physical examination that may
represent additional sites of metastasis or additional unrelated
malignancies or both.15-18 Serial 18F-FDG-PET/CT imaging is
attractive for monitoring response to therapy in a single
diagnostic procedure (Fig. 2). Investigations of this approach
in canine cancers treated with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor
showed discordance between standard response evaluation
criteria in solid tumors and positron emission tomography
response criteria in solid tumors applied to selected neoplastic
lesions, emphasizing the need for larger clinical studies of serial
F-FDG-PET/CT in this area.19
Imaging of inflammatory processes with 18F-FDG is well
established in humans and the application of this technique to
veterinary medicine is ongoing, particularly in the field of
neuroimaging for inflammatory central nervous system dis-
eases.20 Fungal granulomas and other systemic infectious
diseases could be tracked with serial PET/CT to determine
the response to antimicrobial or antifungal therapy.3,4

F-FLT, is a substrate of the mammalian thymidine kinase, an Figure 2 Maximal image projections (MIPs) of a 6-year-old standard
integral part of the cellular DNA synthesis machinery and thus Poodle with stage V malignant oral mucosal melanoma, before (left)
a reflection of cellular rate of proliferation. Many studies and after (right) receiving an investigational immunotherapy treat-
demonstrate a strong correlation between 18F-FLT uptake ment protocol. Imaging was carried out with approximately 5 mCi
and cell proliferation, as assessed by the Ki-67 immunostaining F-FDG (PETNET Solutions, Knoxville, TN), allowing a 60-minute
technique.21 However, the consideration of the cell population uptake time, and using a Siemens mCT scanner (Siemens Molecular
of interest and other factors that may affect uptake of 18F-FLT, Imaging, Knoxville, TN). Uptake within the primary tumor of the
such as cellular thymidine and thymidine kinase 1 levels, are maxillary mucosa is evident, along with bulky mandibular lymph
important when interpreting the validity of an 18F-FLT node metastasis (arrow heads) and multiple pulmonary metastases
(arrows). Physiological uptake is noted on both scans within the brain
signal.22 Although 18F-FLT uptake in reactive lymphoid
and gastrointestinal tract; minimal myocardial uptake is also present.
hyperplasia, mediated by B-lymphocyte proliferation in ger- Residual tracer is also present within the injection site on the distal
minal centers does occur, some studies demonstrate the forelimb. Excretion of 18F-FDG is evident within the renal pelves and
superiority of 18F-FLT over 18F-FDG for differentiation of a urinary bladder. Comparison of the baseline and posttreatment scans
tumor from an inflammation23 and indicate that 18F-FLT is supportive of progressive disease, with no measurable response to
could be a useful adjunct to 18F-FDG to improve diagnostic therapy.
specificity.24 Clinical investigations using 18F-FLT are primar-
ily in oncology, where response to therapy may be judged uptake of 18F-FLT within the bone marrow allows for the
based on changes in tumor cell proliferation. Additionally, this PET imaging of leukemias and other primary bone marrow
technique may provide increased specificity over 18F-FDG in disorders (myelodysplastic syndrome, aplastic anemia, and
the evaluation of cancers that are metastatic to lymph nodes idiopathic marrow fibrosis) in which the patient's bone
or may incite an inflammatory response, or both (Fig. 3). marrow 18F-FLT signal can be monitored noninvasively over
A study evaluating whole-body 18F-FLT-PET/CT as a non- time, thereby providing an early biomarker of treatment
invasive measure of response to a novel nucleoside analogue response.27,28 18F-FLT-PET/CT may also be applied to
for canine lymphoma therapy demonstrated the utility of this identify the bone marrow in external-beam radiotherapy
proliferation tracer as an early marker of response or as an planning so as to limit the dose in chemoradiation schemes,
indicator of relapsed disease or both.25 which carry a significant risk for myelosuppression.29 The use
Researchers at the University of Tennessee studied the of 18F-FLT for the imaging of spontaneous tumors in dogs
whole-body biodistribution of 18F-FLT in normal cats and could be used to gather the necessary data for eventual Food
dogs and applied serial 18F-FLT imaging in a canine model of and Drug Administration approval of 18F-FLT for human use
chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression.26 Physiological in these and other clinical scenarios.
50 A.K. LeBlanc and K. Peremans

Figure 3 MIPs of an 11-year-old neutered male dog with a large hepatocellular carcinoma with central necrosis, imaging
done with both 18F-FLT and 18F-FDG (5 mCi for each radiopharmaceutical, allowing a 60-minute uptake time, and using
a Siemens mCT scanner (Siemens Molecular Imaging, Knoxville, TN). Within the 18F-FLT-PET images, intense tracer
uptake is evident within the bone marrow and the viable edges of the hepatic tumor, shown to be mitotically active on
histopathology. As expected, no brain or myocardial uptake of 18F-FLT is seen. The borders of the hepatic tumor in this dog
appear more sharply defined with 18F-FLT (SUVmax ¼ 13.1) compared with 18F-FDG imaging (SUVmax ¼ 4.5). In the
F-FDG-PET images, physiological tracer uptake is present within the left mandibular salivary gland, brain, myocardium,
GI tract, and urinary tract. Although not confirmed with histopathology, a presumed reactive retrosternal lymph node
(arrows) demonstrates avidity for 18F-FDG (SUVmax ¼ 10.7) but not 18F-FLT (SUVmax ¼ 1.8). GI, gastrointestinal; MIPs,
maximal image projections; SUV, standardized uptake value.

18 imaging, which has implications for radiotherapy dosimetry

F-Sodium Fluoride (18F-NaF)
and development of therapies to specifically address cellular
F-NaF was first used for skeletal scintigraphy in the 1960s, changes associated with hypoxia, both 18F-misonidazole and
but was replaced by 99mTc diphosphonate because of the cost 64
CU-ATSM have been studied in an effort to garner data to
and wide availability of clinical planar and SPECT gamma support the commercialization of such tracers and their
cameras in both human and veterinary medicine. Recently, application to clinical situations. Radiation dose planning
F-NaF has been reevaluated and is gaining popularity for and prescription based on hypoxia imaging could complement
bone imaging mainly because of the technological advances traditional techniques by providing insight into areas of the
made possible with PET/CT. This technique provides greater tumor that may benefit from a boost of therapeutic radiation or
sensitivity, resolution, and efficiency for whole-body skeletal novel intensity-modulated radiotherapy protocols or both.
studies. 18F-NaF has a high and rapid uptake in the bone with Canine tumor imaging with both 18F-misonidazole and 64CU-
rapid blood pool clearance, producing high target-background ATSM demonstrates the applicability of these naturally occur-
ratios less than 1 hour after injection in both humans and ring cancer models for the development and refinement of
dogs.30,31 Based on the human experience, 18F-NaF should be such tracers.32-35
useful for characterization of primary and metastatic bone
lesions. Additional work to support this technique over
traditional bone scans for skeletal diseases in veterinary nuclear F-fluorothiaheptadecanoic acid (18F-FTHA)
medicine is needed. The palmitate analogue 14(R,S)-(18F-FTHA) accumu-
lates preferentially within the myocardium via beta-
Investigational PET oxidative metabolic trapping.36-38 Intense myocardial
uptake, long myocardial retention, and rapid clearance
Radiopharmaceuticals and Their from the bloodstream make 18F-FTHA a useful PET
Applications imaging agent, and it shows a vast improvement over
18 previous efforts to interrogate the fatty acid oxidation
F-Misonidazole and 64CU-ATSM for Hypoxia pathway with C-11 labeled fatty acids, which were
Imaging difficult to model and required on-site cyclotron
Spontaneous canine malignancies offer a unique opportunity facilities owing to the 20-minute half-life of C-11. Our
for radiopharmaceutical development. In the field of hypoxia group has studied the whole-body biodistribution of
PET and SPECT imaging in veterinary medicine 51

F-FTHA in the normal cat and has compared the percentage due to thyroid carcinoma.39 In dogs, thyroid
uptake kinetics of both 18F-FTHA and 18F-FDG in this tumors are more likely to be malignant.40 Pertechnetate is
species. Based on the biodistribution of 18F-FTHA in the the classic radionuclide used for diagnosis of thyroid disease
domestic cat, application of this PET tracer for cardiac, in cats and dogs and planar imaging is usually sufficient for
hepatic, and renal function seems plausible. Additional imaging of the primary lesion. Canine thyroid tumors tend to
work is needed to define the role of 18F-FTHA for cardiac metastasize to regional lymph nodes and lungs at an early
PET imaging in both humans and companion animals. stage. Similar to human medicine, the sensitivity of planar
imaging is much less than SPECT for metastasis detection
except in an advanced stage. SPECT is not only used for
SPECT diagnostic and staging purposes in dogs but also posttherapy
to evaluate radioiodine uptake in the primary tumor and its
Planar gamma camera imaging has been used in veterinary metastasis (Fig. 4).
medicine for decades, at first predominantly in the diagnostic
workup of equine lameness cases but later for small animal
application. However, tomographic studies (SPECT) have not
received much enthusiasm in veterinary medicine despite the
fact that many preclinical human medicine studies exist, Insulinomas are rare tumors in dogs and cats.41,42 Clinical
mainly in dogs, but also in cats. This may be partially explained features can be vague and the presence of hypoglycemia in the
by the lack of suitable equipment (many veterinary gamma face of increased insulin levels can be a diagnostic indication,
cameras are used for both large and small animal imaging but but hypoglycemia as such is an aspecific sign and insulin levels
have been rebuilt to meet the specific requirements for equine may be normal. In 50% of the dogs insulinomas metastasize to
imaging), specific software, and the necessity for anesthesia. In the liver and lymph nodes.42 Ultrasonography is commonly
equipment also used to image horses, the size of the animal used as the next diagnostic step but may be unrewarding to
is an additional restriction as only limited areas are accessible to localize and characterize the primary tumor or its metastases.
SPECT. Contrary to studies in man, anesthesia or sedation is an Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy, with radiolabeled octreo-
absolute prerequisite for SPECT investigations, which has tide or depreotide, has been successfully used in dogs
further limited its use. Ischemic heart disease is not a clinical suspected of an insulinoma (Fig. 5). Using SPECT and
problem in our canine and feline patients, so there is not as in-vitro autoradiography, Robben et al.43 demonstrated that
high a demand for cardiac SPECT as in human medicine. Most uptake of the radiopharmaceutical was linked with over-
functional imaging of the heart in veterinary medicine is carried expression of one type of somatostatin receptor as opposed
out by echocardiography. There is not much interest in
veterinary medicine for brain perfusion and neuroreceptor
imaging where SPECT is essential. However, in the last
decades, developments in small animal medicine, especially
in oncology and behavioral medicine, prompted the introduc-
tion of more advanced diagnostic tools. Many owners regard
their pets as part of the family and as such want the optimal
(anthropomorphic) care for them. Because of the internet,
owners have become increasingly aware of the variety in
diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities. In addition, sophisti-
cated processing software has become more accessible, thereby
making coregistration with CT or MRI, or both, now part of the
veterinary armamentarium. In this regard, diagnostic and
therapeutic approaches in sick animals reflect, to a certain
extent, those of human medicine but with financial restric-
tions, especially regarding some radiopharmaceuticals. In this
section, the practical application of SPECT in different clinical
settings has been expounded. New techniques, as applied in
veterinary medicine, have also been briefly mentioned where

Thyroid Carcinoma Figure 4 Coronal plane SPECT (summed slices) image acquired after
In aging cats, hyperthyroidism is one of the most common radioiodine-131 treatment. There is an intense area of uptake in the
endocrine disorders, with the majority due to benign cervical region from a thryoid carcinomal with 2 focal areas of less
adenomas or adenomatous hyperplasia and only a small intense uptake (arrows) due to metastases in the thorax.
52 A.K. LeBlanc and K. Peremans

hours following injection. In humans, normal uptake in

the medulla has been reported ranging from 30%-80% for
I-labeled MIBG.47,48 In 1 dog, focal uptake was seen in
a caudal lung lobe at 6 hours but not at 24 hours. This area
of uptake coincided with a patchy area of increased
attenuation on CT scan. Lung biopsy revealed focal
atelectasis. In humans, both decreased and increased
pulmonary tracer washout has been reported to reflect
changes in vascularization status of the lungs and endo-
Figure 5 Coronal plane SPECT images (summed slices) of the anterior thelial integrity.49
abdomen following injection of 123I-MIBG. There are 2 focal areas of
increased uptake within the liver and a patchy area of increased uptake
(arrow) also within the liver. Postmortem examination confirmed
nodular metastatic lesions (2 focal lesions) together with massive
Brain imaging
tumor infiltration in the liver. Perfusion Imaging
Both Tc-hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime and
Tc-ethyl cysteinate dimer (ECD) with conventional colli-
to human insulinomas, where subtypes occur with lower mated gamma cameras can be used for brain imaging in dogs.
affinity for octreotide. In a comparative study, the same authors Injection of the tracers is performed in quiet surroundings with
compared CT, ultrasonography, and somatostatin receptor dimmed lights (similar to what is the standard protocol in
scintigraphy SPECT to evaluate their potential to demonstrate human medicine) and before sedation and anesthesia. 99mTc-
the primary tumor and metastatic disease.44 A higher number ECD studies have shown an influence of sedatives and
of primary tumors and metastases to the lymph nodes were anesthetics on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) when given
found on CT images. However, because of the high number before the tracer, with regional increases and decreases depend-
of false positives, CT was unreliable to provide a definitive ing on the drug used.50,51 Dogs have a faster uptake and
diagnosis of metastatic involvement. The false-negative results washout rate of 99mTc-ECD than men, therefore the optimal
of SPECT seemed to be predominantly related to low (spatial) scan interval after tracer injection is 15-40 minutes.52,53
resolution. Small lesions (median 15 mm) were missed and Comparison of the rCBF measured with 99mTc-ECD and
uptake was not always allocated to the correct anatomical area. Tc-hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime revealed that, similar
The introduction of resolution recovering software and fusion to man, regional distribution differences exist between both
with anatomical imaging may increase the preoperative value tracers, indicating that direct comparison of data obtained with
of CT and SPECT in the staging and characterization of canine these tracers is not possible.54,55 Most perfusion studies have
insulinomas. been conducted in animals with behavioral disorders including
impulsive aggression, pathologic anxiety, and compulsive
behavior. In 2 recent studies, decreased left frontal and right
Pheochromocytoma temporal perfusion was found in impulsive-aggressive dogs
These catecholamine-producing neuroendocrine tumors and decreased left frontal, increased right temporal, and
are uncommon in dogs and cats and the diagnosis can be a decreased subcortical blood flow was registered in dogs with
challenge. Clinical symptoms can be vague and hyper- anxiety disorders.56,57 The hypoperfusion in the frontal cortex,
tension may be phasic, thus failure to demonstrate hyper- reflecting hypofunctionality, is consistent with the major
tension does not exclude a pheochromocytoma. Diagnosis involvement of this area in behavior in general and its control
is often based on the detection of excessive catecholamines over limbic primary reactions, generated by structures located
(epinephrine and norepinephrine) or their metabolites in the temporal and subcortical regions, in particular.58 Beside
(metanephrine and normetanephrine). Urine concentra- the fact that these data provide information on the pathophy-
tions of these products have been recently evaluated with siological mechanisms underlying canine behavioral disorders,
the best promise associated with normetanephrine- the fact that parallelism is present with imaging findings in
creatinine ratios but these tests are not widely available.45 similar human psychiatric disorders59-63 renders the dog an
This tumor tends to be locally invasive and can metastasize interesting natural model.
to a range of organs. Ultrasonography is the first-line The use of 99mTc-ECD has also been described in epileptic
medical imaging tool and is useful to identify an adrenal dogs in the interictal phase and decreased perfusion in the
associated mass; however it is not possible to differentiate subcortical region (a region that comprises a large part of the
pheochromocytoma from other types of adrenal masses. thalamus) was reported.64 This finding is of potential signifi-
I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG) has been used cance as the role of the thalamus has been described as
in dogs for pheochromocytoma detection, however only causative, that is, involved in the initiation or propagation of
planar imaging has been reported.46 We performed seizures.65,66 The thalamic hypofunction has also been
I-MIBG SPECT studies in dogs suspected of a pheo- explained as a consequence of corticothalamic diaschisis.65
chromocytoma. In most of these dogs, the adrenal medulla To increase resolution and allow further delineation of sub-
was clearly recognized at 6 hours and remained visible 24 cortical subdivisions a micro-SPECT system (HiSPECT) has
PET and SPECT imaging in veterinary medicine 53

been tested, based on multipinhole collimation on a conven- tailored treatment protocol. In addition, in cats, imaging
tional triple-head gamma camera rendering a resolution of of the serotonin-2A receptor has been reported using the
2.5 mm (HiSPECT, Bioscan, France).67 The same system was aforementioned tracer and the HiSPECT system.84,69
successfully used in cats to evaluate feline rCBF and the effect of
Neuroreceptor Imaging The indication for a bone scan is usually lameness or pain
Neuroreceptor imaging is used in dogs to investigate the of an unknown origin because clinical or radiographic
pathophysiology of behavioral disorders and also to provide a examination is equivocal or when the temperament of the
means to predict the effectiveness of psychopharmacological animal precludes clinical examination. Most bone scans in
therapy. Imaging using radioligands for the serotonin-2A veterinary medicine are planar studies. SPECT imaging
receptor (with 123I-R91150), the serotonin transporter, and can reveal lesions that remain undetected on planar
the dopamine transporter (with 123I-2β-carboxymethoxy-3 imaging (eg, spinal and pelvic lesions) and provide a
β-[4-iodophenyl]tropane and 123I-N-[3-fluoropropyl]-2β- better topographic overview of the suspected region.
carbomethoxy-3β-[4-iodophenyl]nortropane) has been SPECT imaging of the canine elbow joint is an excellent
reported in dogs for diagnostic purposes in behavioral example of the latter characteristic. Most cases of forelimb
disorders and for the evaluation of medicinal therapy lameness are owing to elbow disease. Elbow dysplasia is
(Fig. 6).57,70-76 A disturbed serotonergic system was the most commonly encountered diagnosis and may affect
demonstrated in impulsive-aggressive dogs, dogs with different anatomical structures within the joint. On planar
anxiety disorders, and compulsive dogs. Next to a deficient images, it is often impossible to attribute increased uptake
serotonergic system, an imbalanced dopaminergic system in the elbow joint to a specific anatomical structure. The
was found in compulsive dogs. These imaging findings limited resolution and the small size of the elbow hamper
again resemble those found in similar human disorders.77- differentiation of the anatomical sites, especially when
These studies can also guide the decision on which drug multiple areas within the joint are affected. Anatomical
is best suited and are also helpful in monitoring therapeutic landmarks are definitely identified by conventional
effectiveness.71,75 This could be the key to a patient- SPECT. The micro-SPECT system (HiSPECT, Bioscan,

Figure 6 Fused dorsal plane SPECT and MR images acquired following injection of 123I-β-CIT in a dog. Top row of images
depicts activity in the raphe nuclei (small arrows) area (the small “tail”) where the serotonin transporters are located. The
bottom row demonstrates uptake in the basal ganglia (large arrow), where high densities of dopamine transporters are
found. CIT, carbomethoxy-3 β-(4-iodophenyltropane).
54 A.K. LeBlanc and K. Peremans

Figure 7 (A) Ventral planar images acquired 3 hours following injection of 99mTc-MDP in a lame dog. There is asymetrical
uptake associated with the elbows, with the left elbow being more intense. Further localization of the increased uptake
within the joint is not possible. (B) HiSPECT images display increased uptake in the medial epicondylar region of the distal
humerus, suggestive for flexor enthesopathy.

France) has superior resolution compared with conven- data that could support the development and commercializa-
tional SPECT and has been used to evaluate normal and tion of novel PET imaging agents for human patients.
diseased canine elbows (Fig. 7).85,86 This micro-SPECT
system with multipinhole collimation on conventional
gamma camera heads allows adjustment of the gantry
opening for larger animals as opposed to the dedicated References
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