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Veterinary Journal
The Veterinary Journal 174 (2007) 501–512


Contrast ultrasound: General principles and veterinary

clinical applications
Stefanie Ohlerth a, Robert T. O’Brien b,*

Sections of Diagnostic Imaging and Radio-Oncology, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 260, 8057 Zürich, Switzerland
Department of Clinical Sciences, 0221 Mosier Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA

Accepted 1 February 2007


The concept of contrast enhancement has significantly extended the usefulness of ultrasound imaging in human medicine and medical
research over the past decade. The persistence and efficacy of ultrasound contrast agents has been improved and specific imaging
sequences have been developed. Contrast ultrasound provides Doppler and grey-scale enhancement. Doppler examinations are improved
when studying deep or small vessels and vessels with low flow velocities. Specific contrast imaging sequences allow detection of tissue
enhancement with grey-scale ultrasound which enables assessment of tissue perfusion. Major clinical applications of contrast ultrasound
in the human medicine field are the heart, the parenchymal organs such as the liver, spleen and kidneys, and vascular applications. Many
other interesting applications have been identified and beside their diagnostic value, intensive research is currently investigating the use of
ultrasound contrast agents for therapeutic applications such as targeted delivery of drug- or gene-loaded microbubbles. In the last few
years, contrast ultrasound has also been introduced in veterinary medicine. Its usefulness has been shown in diseases of the liver, spleen,
kidney, pancreas, lymph nodes and superficial tumours. In the present article, an overview of the physical principles, imaging techniques
and image analyses is presented. In addition, a literature review details the current use in veterinary medicine and areas of potential uti-
lization are discussed.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ultrasound; Contrast agents; Microbubbles; Physics; Dog; Cat; Liver; Lymph node; Pancreas; Spleen; Kidney; Vascular; Tumour

1. Introduction lation to allow recirculation, and are inert to the patient.

These dramatic improvements in ultrasound contrast agent
The concept of contrast imaging was introduced to persistence and efficacy have led to the extended usefulness
ultrasound almost 30 years ago. It was first observed in of ultrasound imaging in human medicine and clinical
echocardiography, rather incidentally, when small air bub- research. Similarly, the advent of microbubble contrast
bles were noted surrounding a catheter tip placed in the left agents has encouraged the development of new ultrasound
ventricle during cardiac catheterization producing transient technologies such as specific contrast imaging sequences.
high reflections (Gramiak and Shah, 1968). From that time These developments have brought new possibilities such
on, intensive research was dedicated to the development of as assessment of tissue perfusion into clinical application
clinically relevant ultrasound contrast agents. Technical and research.
developments enabled the production of microbubbles that In this article, the improvements in ultrasound contrast
are stable in the circulation, traverse the pulmonary circu- imaging are summarized, starting with a brief review of the
physical principles, then discussing the most important
imaging techniques and ways of image analysis, and ending
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 785 532 4282; fax: +1 785 532 2252. with a summary of the current use in clinical veterinary
E-mail address: robrien@vet.ksu.edu (R.T. O’Brien). medicine.

1090-0233/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
502 S. Ohlerth, R.T. O’Brien / The Veterinary Journal 174 (2007) 501–512

2. Physical principles tem, the transmit frequency and the attenuation of the
ultrasound beam with depth (Correas et al., 2001). The
2.1. Properties of ultrasound contrast agents output power is reflected by the mechanical index (MI)
which originally measures the potential for mechanical
An ultrasound contrast agent is an exogenous sub- damage to tissues exposed to intense ultrasound pulses.
stance, consisting of gas or air microbubbles encapsulated The MI also gives an indication of the likelihood of bubble
by a shell of different composition, that can be adminis- destruction: the higher the MI, the greater its destructive
tered intravenously or into a body cavity to enhance ultra- properties (Averkiou et al., 2003; Quaia, 2005b). In clinical
sonic signals. Commercially available microbubble practice, the range for MI varies from 0.05 to 1.9. How-
contrast agents are approximately 2–6 lm in diameter; they ever, with the same MI the acoustic power may vary in dif-
are much smaller than the wavelength of the ultrasound ferent ultrasound systems (Quaia, 2005b). Depending on
beam (approximately 0.5 mm in water at 3 MHz) and the acoustic power, different interactions between the inci-
therefore, behave as scattering reflectors. Because gases dent ultrasound beam and the microbubbles take place
have acoustic impedance very different from blood and tis- such as scattering, resonance and microbubble destruction.
sue, microbubble contrast agents have a good scattering
yield (Dalla Palma and Bertolotto, 1999). Although highly 2.2.1. Linear behaviour of microbubbles
reflective, these agents also are highly attenuating at funda- With very low acoustic power (MI < 0.1), the microbub-
mental frequencies, causing severe loss of signal strength as ble radius does not change significantly over time and the
the sounds travels through the enhanced portions of the bubble can be considered a static object. The scattering
body. Various studies have documented the unacceptably intensity increases with the intensity and the frequency of
high attenuation coefficient which is directly frequency- the incident ultrasound beam, and the number and radius
dependent at fundamental transmitted frequencies (Cou- of the microbubbles (Dalla Palma and Bertolotto, 1999).
ture et al., 2006). Resonance is another scattering mechanism observed at
Most ultrasound contrast agents do not diffuse across slightly greater acoustic power. Microbubbles respond to
the endothelium and therefore, they basically are blood the positive and negative pressures of the sinusoidal sound
pool agents. Vascular enhancement usually lasts a few min- wave by oscillation, changing their radius with time (con-
utes. Typically, the gas content of the contrast agent is traction and expansion). At a particular frequency called
eliminated via the lungs, while the shell components are fil- fundamental or resonance frequency, these oscillations
tered by the kidney and eliminated by the liver (Quaia, become resonant. The microbubbles oscillate synchro-
2005a). nously with the incident ultrasound wave (Correas et al.,
Some agents have additional tissue specific properties. 2001; Leen and Horgan, 2003). Since ultrasound contrast
After blood pool clearance, Levovist has been shown to agents have microbubbles with a large size distribution,
have a late hepatosplenic-specific parenchymal phase with resonance does not occur at a single frequency but at a fre-
accumulation in the human liver and spleen up to 20 min quency range. Fortunately, the resonance frequency of
after intravenous (IV) bolus injection. The underlying microbubbles lies within the 2–15 MHz range, most fre-
mechanism is not fully understood; accumulation may be quently used for clinical diagnosis. Oscillation increases
mediated by the reticuloendothelial system, e.g., the Kupf- the scattering intensity because the average bubble’s size
fer cells, or microbubbles are entrapped in the liver sinu- is greater over time (Calliada et al., 1998; Dalla Palma
soids (Quaia, 2005a). Therefore, the late phase is also and Bertolotto, 1999).
called sinusoidal phase. Other agents such as Sonovue or The linear effects of ultrasound contrast agents are uti-
Imavist, although primarily designed as blood pool agents, lized in the clinical setting by Doppler technologies, but
were also subsequently found to have the sinusoidal phase rarely with grey-scale sonography because of the high
because the agents are believed to be trapped or slowed in attenuation coefficient. The signal-to-noise ratio drops rap-
the hepatic sinusoids (Leen and Horgan, 2003). Another idly with depth in the enhanced organ. Until recent
study reported spleen-specific parenchymal uptake of advances in pulse sequence technology, discussed below,
Sonovue in humans (Lim et al., 2004). imaging of contrast agents for detecting tissue perfusion
made use of exclusively the nonlinear effects.
2.2. Principles of action
2.2.2. Nonlinear behaviour of microbubbles
The behaviour of the microbubble under ultrasound If the acoustic power of the ultrasound beam at the
beam is governed by parameters such as resonance fre- resonance frequency increases (intermediate MI: 0.1 <
quency, pulse repetition frequency, number and location MI > 0.5), the microbubbles will show a longer expansion
of focal zones, acoustic power, the filling gas, damping than contraction phase and begin nonlinear (nonsigmoidal
coefficients and shell properties. Beside the other factors, shaped) oscillation (Correas et al., 2001; Quaia, 2005b).
the local acoustic power is the principal parameter affecting They start to emit the harmonics of the resonance fre-
microbubble behaviour (Quaia, 2005b). The local acoustic quency. The frequency of sub-harmonics is at half and that
power depends on the output power of the ultrasound sys- of higher harmonics is at multiples of the fundamental
S. Ohlerth, R.T. O’Brien / The Veterinary Journal 174 (2007) 501–512 503

frequency. The second harmonic response is found at twice At the beginning, contrast agents were hand-made, sim-
the fundamental frequency and usually has the highest ply by agitating physiological saline solution prior to injec-
intensity of the harmonic responses (Correas et al., 2001). tion. In this way, free air microbubbles are produced;
The theoretical advantage of the harmonic over the funda- however, because of their large size (>50 lm), they do
mental frequency is that only microbubbles resonate with not pass the capillary bed of the lungs. This hand-made
harmonics while adjacent tissues do not resonate or their agent is suitable for diagnosing an intra- or extracardiac
harmonic resonation is very little (Calliada et al., 1998). right to left shunt and is still used in veterinary echocardi-
With further increase of the intensity of the ultrasound ography today (Kienle and Thomas, 2002).
beam (high MI: MI > 0.5), the shell of microbubbles is dis- Microbubble persistence and stability was increased by
rupted and a transient strong nonlinear echo is emitted two principal ways: bubble encapsulation with or without
(Correas et al., 2001; Dalla Palma and Bertolotto, 1999). surfactants and selection of gases with low diffusion coeffi-
This destruction modality is called stimulated acoustic cient. This has led to the development of the first genera-
emission or loss of correlation. tion of transpulmonary contrast agents using air as the
gas in the microbubbles covered by a shell. One of the most
2.3. Classification of ultrasound contrast agents intensively investigated first generation ultrasound contrast
agents is Levovist (Quaia, 2005a). It is characterized by air
Ultrasound contrast agents are grouped into four classes microbubbles with a mean diameter of 2–3 lm covered by
or generations (Table 1) (Bauer and Solbiati, 2003). Several a galactose and palmitic acid shell. The shell provides
agents have been approved for clinical use in humans. increased microbubble stability and allows recirculation
Although the approved indications are restricted, ultra- and capillary passage. Systemic enhancement of Doppler
sound contrast agents have also been used and tested signals is produced over 1–5 min after IV bolus injection.
widely for off-label indications in humans. So far, no con- After blood pool clearance, Levovist has been shown to
trast agent has been approved for veterinary use. The dos- have a late hepatosplenic-specific parenchymal phase with
ages for the contrast agents used in veterinary medicine are accumulation in the human liver and spleen up to 20 min
summarized in Table 2. In the present section, the most after IV bolus injection (Quaia, 2005b). Levovist only pro-
common ultrasound contrast agents are discussed. It has duces a clinically useful signal at medium to high acoustic
to be mentioned though, that many more interesting ultra- pressure, and is simultaneously destroyed.
sound contrast agents are still in the phase of comprehen- The second generation of ultrasound contrast agents
sive testing and development. uses insoluble gases to achieve better stabilization and

Table 1
General classification of ultrasound contrast agents
Generation Composition Characteristics Commercial agent Clinical approval in
(Manufacturer) humansa
0 Free air microbubbles No lung passage
1 Coated air microbubbles Lung passage Levovist (Schering AG) EU, Canada
2 Coated inert gas microbubbles Increased stability Definity (Bristol–Myers Squibb) USA, Canada
Imagent (Alliance) USA
Optison (Amersham Health, EU, USA, Canada
Sonovue (Bracco) EU
3 Gas/air microbubbles, hard Controlled acoustic SHU 563 (Schering AG) –
shell characteristics Bispheres (Point Biomedical) –
References: http://www.emea.eu.int and http://www.fda.gov.

Table 2
Dosages reported in the literature for veterinary use
Commercial agent (Manufacturer) Dosage for veterinary use Reference
Levovist (Schering AG) Dogs, cats: 80 mg/kg Schärz et al. (2005) Rademacher et al. (2005)
Definity (Bristol–Myers Squibb) Dogs <20 kg: 0.1 mL, >20 kg: 0.2 mL O’Brien et al. (2004)
Cats: 0.1 mL R. O’Brien (unpublished data)
Optison (Amersham Health Inc.) Dogs: 0.5 mL/dog Yamaya et al. (2002)
Sonovue (Bracco) Dogs: 0.04–0.06 mL/kg (0.2–0.3 mg/kg) Nyman et al. (2005)
Dogs: <20 kg: 0.5 mL (2.5 mg), >20 kg: 1.0 mL (5 mg) O’Brien et al. (2004)
Dogs: 0.03 mL/kg (0.15 mg/kg) Ohlerth et al. (2005)
504 S. Ohlerth, R.T. O’Brien / The Veterinary Journal 174 (2007) 501–512

lower diffusion of the microbubbles (Bauer and Solbiati, 2002), anaphylactic response related to the human albumin
2003; Quaia, 2005a). This increases survival of the micro- component has been reported in two dogs (Yamaya et al.,
bubbles and therefore, the diagnostic window. Their half- 2004). Severe but self-limited hypotension was observed,
life is longer than 5 min after IV bolus injection. One group and the authors suggested mechanical ventilation and
of second generation ultrasound contrast agents is com- availability of emergency agents. Due to these complica-
posed of perfluorocarbon-filled microbubbles, e.g., Defin- tions and safer alternative contrast media, the use of Opti-
ity, Imagent and Optison. Perfluorochemicals are inert son is considered contraindicated for clinical use in
compounds, which are immiscible with water and can be veterinary patients.
injected intravenously if emulsified. Whereas Definity and
Imagent have a phospholipid shell, Optison has a human 3. Imaging techniques
albumin shell.
Another group of second generation ultrasound con- Imaging of contrast agents is more complex than mere
trast agents is composed of sulphur hexafluoride-filled addition of contrast media to conventional grey-scale and
microbubbles, e.g., Sonovue. The advantages of sulphur Doppler sequences. Manufacturers have long realized that
hexafluoride-filled microbubbles are the prolonged stability bubble contrast agents are especially sensitive to the local
in the vial (up to 6 h) and the peripheral blood (half-life of deposition of sound energy. Sufficient energy (sound ampli-
6 min), and the uniformity of their size, which improves tude) must be provided to generate an adequate signal-to-
backscattering and harmonic behaviour at low acoustic noise ratio for agent detection, but not so high that bubble
power (Quaia, 2005a). Similar to Levovist, Sonovue has destruction occurs, preventing real-time display of perfu-
also been shown to have a late hepatosplenic-specific sion. This careful of energy balance includes adjustment
parenchymal phase in humans (Leen and Horgan, 2003; of MI (output power), frame rate, number and location
Lim et al., 2004). Sonovue provides a nonlinear response of focal zones, and transmitted frequency. Included in the
with production of a clinically useful signal at low acoustic pulse sequence adjustments are specific optimization of
pressures, and destruction of the microbubbles is limited. grey scale maps, frame averaging and edge enhancement.
Third generation agents use the stabilization of a hard Technologies now exist to image contrast agents in both
shell (polymer shells) and contain either air or perfluoro- the fundamental (1st harmonic) and harmonic (2nd har-
carbons, resulting in a much longer persistence time (Leen monic) frequencies by differing applications and
and Horgan, 2003). manufacturers.

2.4. Safety considerations 3.1. Fundamental imaging techniques

In general, ultrasound contrast agents are extremely safe Ultrasound contrast agents can be used with conven-
and well tolerated. Guidelines for their clinical use in tional B-mode and Doppler sonography. Contrast agents
humans were published by the European Federation of cause significant enhancement of Doppler signals and have
Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (Albr- been used for many years for vascular studies. All conven-
echt et al., 2004). In humans, the incidence of side effects tional Doppler modalities including colour, power and
is low, predominantly minor in nature (headache, nausea) spectral Doppler imaging, are very sensitive to the presence
and self-limiting. of microbubbles. Fundamental Doppler modes commonly
Hypersensitivity or allergic events occur rarely. There is use the stimulated acoustic emission modality with high MI
no evidence of nephrotoxicity or cardiotoxicity. However, settings. The contrast agent increases the Doppler signal,
there is the possibility of bioeffects such as microvascular thereby increasing the sensitivity for low flow situations
rupture with the insonation of microbubbles. Therefore, and detection of small vessels (Dalla Palma and Bertolotto,
caution is suggested when imaging the retina or the brain 1999).
through the open fontanella. Further, premature ventricu- Conventional contrast-enhanced power Doppler ultra-
lar contractions may occur when high mechanical index sound has been shown to be more sensitive for detecting
end systolic triggering is used in echocardiography but low velocities and small parenchymal vessels than power
not with other applications. In general, long examination Doppler alone or colour Doppler with or without the use
times and the use of contrast agents within 24 h prior to of a microbubble contrast agent (Bude et al., 1994; Eriks-
extra-corporal shock wave therapy should be avoided. So son et al., 1991). While colour Doppler displays the change
far, no side effects have been reported with the use of Defin- in the returning frequency to provide velocity and direc-
ity, Imagent, Sonovue and Levovist in dogs and cats tional information, power Doppler records the amplitude
(Nyman et al., 2005; O’Brien et al., 2004; Ohlerth et al., (energy) of the reflected Doppler signal from moving blood
2005; Rademacher et al., 2005; Schärz et al., 2005). cells. Colour brightness is related to the number of moving
Immune reactions have not been associated with the use cells, not the velocity. Because of the lack of angle depen-
of Optison in humans. dence and the very low energy of random noise, higher gain
Although there are reports of uncomplicated use of settings may be used with power Doppler which increases
Optison in dogs and other small animals (Mattoon et al., sensitivity for flow detection (Rubin, 1999). However,
S. Ohlerth, R.T. O’Brien / The Veterinary Journal 174 (2007) 501–512 505

many imaging artifacts reduce the clinical benefits of con- tissue signal. More recent technologies have attempted to
trast-enhanced Doppler ultrasound. These include high- avoid this limitation by utilizing multiple pulse techniques.
intensity transient signals (flash), pseudo acceleration of Inversion recovery is a 2-pulse technology that transmits
the peak systolic velocity and blooming. sequential out-of-phase pulses and then adds the returning
To avoid interpretative errors, artifacts need to be rec- signal from each pulse (Averkiou et al., 2003; Correas
ognized and the following settings should be adapted; et al., 2001). The tissue signals are identical and opposite
reduction of colour gain, persistence and MI, slower infu- and cancel each other when added together. The contrast
sion of contrast agent, and increasing the wall filter and agent signal is phase dependent (bubbles are resistant to
pulse repetition frequency (Quaia, 2005b). Contrast- compression) and the two returning agent harmonic wave
enhanced Doppler ultrasound is very sensitive to motion patterns are not mirror images and when added provide
artifacts and is limited to the evaluation of more superficial sufficient signal strength for image formation. This technol-
structures or body regions less susceptible to respiratory ogy is used by multiple manufacturers and only suffers
and cardiac motions. mildly from frame rate limitation of 2-signal pulse per
Grey-scale imaging in the fundamental (=transmitted) imaging line.
frequency of contrast agents has been historically limited Regardless of pulse sequence utilized, the system
for a number of reasons. Large dosages (0.08 mL/kg) of should be optimized for both low and high MI studies,
a second generation contrast agent (Imagent) were as clinically indicated. Contrast enhancement in most
required for enhancement of vessels against the echoge- parenchymal organs is divided into early and late phases.
nicity of normal tissues (Bahr et al., 2000). Little true The late phase is approximately up to 20 min after intro-
perfusion imaging was achieved at these high dosages duction of the contrast material and after elimination of
and the attenuation effects exceeded the enhancement the majority of the blood pool portion of contrast agent.
benefits. Contrast pulse sequence (CPS) is a new technol- The remaining contrast agent is described variably within
ogy that processes the unique nonlinear fundamental and the sinusoids or reticuloendothelial system of the liver and
higher order harmonic signal (Phillips and Gardner, spleen (Quaia, 2005a). A single high MI burst sequence
2004). By varying the phase and amplitude of multiple produces a one time static picture of contrast agent distri-
pulse interactions the contrast agent signal can be sepa- bution of the remaining contrast agent (Stewart and
rated from the tissue signals. Because the effects of phase Sidhu, 2006).
and amplitude on contrast agents are less frequency Low MI studies allow a real-time display of arteriolar
dependent than harmonic techniques, imaging is possible perfusion and venous portions of early phase contrast
with higher frequency transducers (Cosgrove, 2004). This imaging. As discussed later in the clinical applications sec-
allows more superficial structures or smaller patients, tion, the perfusion portion of the early phase imaging is
including smaller research rodents, to be imaged without especially important for determining the characteristic of
loss of resolution inherent with the use of low frequency liver nodules in the differential between malignant and
transducers in harmonic technologies. This CPS proprie- benign nodules.
tary technology seems to hold great clinical and research
promise. 4. Image analysis

3.2. Harmonic imaging techniques 4.1. Qualitative image analysis

Most of the commercial pulse sequence technologies Contrast-enhanced colour and power Doppler ultrasound.
have utilized the powerful emission of second-order har- Contrast-enhanced colour and power Doppler ultrasound
monics for detection of contrast agents and, therefore, pat- images may be subjectively evaluated for vascularity (num-
terns of perfusion. As previously noted, contrast agents ber of vessels per unit tissue volume), distribution of vessels
produce a disproportionately large amount of harmonic within a lesion (vascular pattern) and vessel morphology.
signal when insonated with frequencies approximating the Subjective quantification of vascularity can be performed
resonant frequency. The most basic method for isolating by using a score. Altered vessel morphology such as steno-
the harmonic component is by filtering the returning signal sis, occlusion, trifurcations, abnormal branching patterns
(Correas et al., 2001). Subtracting the fundamental and loop formation may also be assessed. All the criteria,
(=transmitted bandwidth) portion from the returning sig- either in combination or alone, have been used successfully
nal should result in only the harmonic component being in humans to differentiate benign from malignant lesions in
available for image formation. various organs, for example the lymph nodes (Tschammler
The advantage of this technology is that only a single et al., 1996), the breast (Schroeder et al., 2003) and the
pulse is transmitted for each line of image formed. How- musculoskeletal system (Bodner et al., 2002). Contrast-
ever, the spectrum of transmitted frequencies overlaps with enhanced power Doppler ultrasound has also been proven
the returning harmonic signal and the filtering process useful for the evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis in
must be carefully balanced between optimizing the har- humans; it was able to detect changes in synovial perfusion
monic signal against complete elimination of background after intra-articular steroid injection and therefore, helped
506 S. Ohlerth, R.T. O’Brien / The Veterinary Journal 174 (2007) 501–512

with the evaluation of synovial inflammation and the Contrast-enhanced colour and power Doppler ultrasound.
assessment of a therapeutic response (Salaffi et al., Different valuable computerized methods have been
2004). described in the literature for the quantification of vascu-
Contrast harmonic ultrasound. Subjective assessment of larity assessed with contrast-enhanced Doppler ultrasound
regional contrast agent distribution in either the early or in human medicine (Cheng et al., 1999; Fleischer et al.,
late phase provides the basis for characterization in the 1999; Sehgal et al., 2000) as well as in veterinary medicine
majority of clinical applications (Leen and Horgan, 2003) (Nyman et al., 2006; Schärz et al., 2005). Basically, a region
(Fig. 1). For previously identified nodules, masses or of interest (ROI) is applied to the image, and the percent-
abnormal organs (especially lymph nodes), characteriza- age of coloured pixels within the ROI determines a vascu-
tion of the size, shape, number and location (=vascular larity index indicating the percentage area of the tumour
pattern) of afferent vessels provides important information. occupied by blood vessels. Taking the colour level of each
During the perfusion portion of the early phase, regional pixel, determined by the hue, saturation and brightness val-
hypoperfusion can be detected and, when compared to tim- ues, into account, a measure of blood volume or perfusion
ing of perfusion in the surrounding normal tissue, is vital within the tissue may be derived.
for characterization of malignancy. All of this is performed Contrast harmonic ultrasound. With the onset of injec-
in real-time and assessed subjectively. Similarly, occult tion of an ultrasound contrast agent, time intensity curves
malignant nodules can be detected by methodical scanning can be generated over an appropriate time by applications
through an organ during the peak of the normal tissue per- of ROIs to assess perfusion within tissue volumes or indi-
fusion. Regional hypoperfusion can be detected in cases of vidual vessels. The following quantitative haemodynamic
infarction, thrombosis or necrosis by comparison to more indices are most commonly obtained: peak enhancement,
normal regions. time to peak enhancement, up-slope, down-slope and area
under the curve (Nyman et al., 2005; Ohlerth et al., 2005;
4.2. Quantitative image analysis Ziegler et al., 2003). By this method, baseline data for nor-
mal organ perfusion but also disease processes can be
Most manufacturers provide online image analysis obtained. One caveat for determination of these indices is
packages for post-imaging quantitative analysis. This is accounting for respiratory motion. Regardless of the MI,
especially important for research applications. all imaging leads to destruction of contrast agent.

Fig. 1. Long axis harmonic ultrasound images in a normal 6-year-old female neutered, mix Labrador–Border Collie dog: (A) unenhanced normal liver and
right kidney, imaged from intercostal dorsal right approach, (B) renal cortical peak perfusion and early liver perfusion 12 s after the injection of the
contrast agent, (C) peak liver perfusion and uniform renal cortical and medullary perfusion 30 s after the injection of the contrast agent.
S. Ohlerth, R.T. O’Brien / The Veterinary Journal 174 (2007) 501–512 507

Movement of the liver with respiration presents previously ter in smaller and younger patients. Neither study
nonimaged liver with naive bubbles for analysis. evaluated the effects of body weight or age on time to peak
Estimations of baseline and peak values are affected by perfusion. Three young dogs (mean age = 4 months) with
patient motion. Time to absolute peak may introduce too portosystemic shunts had very short TTP (7 s) (Salwei
many motion and bubble integrity variables in the analysis, et al., 2003). The effect of the portosystemic shunt was
falsely prolonging time-to-peak and lowering wash-in rate not separated from the additional effects of disparate age
indices. A better method may be to calculate values of time and body size from the previous studies. Additional studies
to Peak or indices of washout based on the times associated would be helpful to determine some of the effects and to
with 20% above baseline (as a better baseline value) and isolate the arterial from portal component. Comparing
90% (or other objective suboptimal value) of peak for the the arterial and portal venous components of hepatic blood
various indices, as appropriate for the organ and species flow may assist with the diagnosis of portosystemic shunts
(Ziegler et al., 2003). or portal hypertension.
The diagnosis of malignancy of hepatic nodules is very
5. Veterinary clinical applications challenging. There is no specific echo pattern for either
benign or malignant nodules except epithelial cysts. Nod-
5.1. Echocardiography ules are commonly found in normal large older dogs, which
are the same age and breed distribution for high risk for
The first application of contrast ultrasound imaging was developing neoplastic lesions, including haemangiosar-
contrast-enhanced echocardiography. Ever since the dis- coma. Detection of metastatic lesions from haemangiosar-
covery of the imaging advantages of bubbles in shaken sal- coma by fundamental ultrasound is often difficult, being
ine injected IV, bubbles have proven to be clinically limited by nodule size and echogenicity, body size and con-
valuable. The two major clinical indications of contrast- current diseases. A recent study indicated that contrast
enhanced echocardiography are improved edge detection ultrasound is highly accurate for prediction of benign or
for M-mode imaging and myocardial perfusion. Improved malignant based on perfusion patterns (O’Brien et al.,
definition between the ventricular chamber lumen and 2004). The results are similar to patterns determined for
endocardium has been reported (Allen et al., 1999). Perfu- human patients with an additional pattern for malignant
sion assessment is especially important for the diagnosis of sarcoma.
cardiac infarction in human patients. But little attention Benign solid regenerative nodules were isoechoic to the
has been paid to this in veterinary medicine in spite of surrounding normal liver at peak normal liver perfusion.
reports of myocardial infarction with feline hypertrophic Hepatomas were more variable and had regions that were
cardiomyopathy (Van Vleet et al., 1980) and other diseases poorly perfused compared to surrounding liver. All malig-
with ischemic changes in dogs and cats (Driehuys et al., nant nodules were hypoechoic compared to the surround-
1998). Perfusion assessment of the left ventricular free wall ing normal liver at peak normal liver perfusion (Fig. 2).
and septum can be performed in dogs and cats with the The study concluded that identification of tumour types
same technology and transducers used for abdominal was not possible although neuroendocrine tumours often
imaging, although this technology is not readily available had an intense rim enhancement pattern in the later por-
on echocardiography systems. tion of the early phase (Fig. 3) and haemangiosarcoma
nodules (and some other sarcoma nodules) were very
5.2. Liver poorly perfused throughout the early phase with aberrant
afferent vessels in the periphery of the nodule (Fig. 4).
The liver is the most commonly studied abdominal Detection of small (1–2 mm) nodules was possible. A sub-
organ for the use of ultrasound contrast agents. This is sequent study showed improved detection of haemangio-
due to a combination of medical and veterinary factors. sarcoma hepatic nodules with detection of nodules not
These include the high prevalence and concurrent nonspe- seen during grey-scale ultrasound (R. O’Brien, unpublished
cific appearance of metastatic and benign nodules, hepato- data). In at least one case the nodules seen on routine ultra-
cellular carcinoma and cirrhosis in human patients. In sound were benign with contrast sonography while addi-
veterinary medicine the liver is a very common site of tional nodules, undetected with routine imaging, were
metastasis of intra-abdominal primary neoplasia, especially malignant with contrast enhancement. These results dem-
haemangiosarcoma, and benign nodules are prevalent in onstrate the utility of contrast-enhanced sonography for
older dogs. more accurate characterization of liver nodules and
The perfusion of liver in normal dogs has been described improved detection of malignant nodules.
(Ziegler et al., 2003; Nyman et al., 2005). The mean time to
peak perfusion (TTP) varied from 22.9 to 46.3 s (Fig. 1). 5.3. Spleen
The variability may be related to dose of contrast, agent
used, injection protocol and various machine settings. A preliminary study in a small group of dogs reported
Additional variables include patient size and age. Anec- normal baseline data of splenic perfusion (Ohlerth et al.,
dotal evidence indicates that portal circulation (TTP) is fas- 2005). Values showed a wide range and there was a trend
508 S. Ohlerth, R.T. O’Brien / The Veterinary Journal 174 (2007) 501–512

Fig. 2. Long axis contrast harmonic ultrasound images of a multicentric malignant lymphoma in the liver of a dog. Multiple hyperechoic nodules (arrows)
taken 17 s after injection of contrast agent (A) are seen. By 40 s after contrast injection (B), the nodules are hypoechoic compared to the surrounding
contrast-enhanced normal liver.

showing that dogs with a higher heart rate and a body

weight 610 kg had a shorter wash-in phase (time to peak)
and lower total transit volume (area under the curve). Little
has been published on contrast ultrasound of splenic
lesions. Infarctions in the spleen, similar to other organs,
are easily identified (De Morais and O’Brien, 2005). At
present there is no perfusion or vascular characteristic
which allows discrimination between splenic masses. Smal-
ler solid benign and malignant masses may have similar
perfusion patterns as liver nodules, but this is as yet unde-
termined. However, noninvasive differentiation of malig-
nant splenic tumours from haematomas or benign
nodules with contrast harmonic ultrasound would repre-
sent a valuable method since fine needle aspirates of splenic
lesions are often nondiagnostic and tissue core biopsies
may cause further bleeding. Contrast-enhanced Doppler
may be of assistance for characterization of thromboembo-
lic disease of larger vessels or torsion.
Fig. 3. Long axis contrast harmonic ultrasound image of neuroendocrine
tumour in the liver of a dog. Three hypoechoic nodules are seen with an
intense rim enhancement pattern (arrows). 5.4. Lymph nodes

Normal lymph nodes have primary afferent vessels

which enter at the hilus, course centrally and branch sym-
metrically along the length of the node. The angioarchitec-
ture of malignant lymphomatous nodes was different from
this normal pattern based on contrast sonography (Salwei
et al., 2005). In this study a high MI ‘‘angiographic’’ har-
monic mode was used, although contrast-enhanced Dopp-
ler may also have been useful. The majority of peripheral
lymphomatous nodes had aberrant vessels adjacent to or
beneath the lymph node capsule, and deviation of the hilus.

5.5. Pancreas

In human patients most characterization of pancreatic

Fig. 4. Long axis contrast harmonic ultrasound image of metastatic disease is performed by contrast-enhanced computed
haemangiosarcoma in the liver of a dog. Two hypoechoic nodules and tomography (CT); contrast harmonic imaging of the pan-
distinct vessels in the periphery of the nodules are seen (arrow). creas has only been recently performed in a few studies.
S. Ohlerth, R.T. O’Brien / The Veterinary Journal 174 (2007) 501–512 509

There was excellent correlation between regional necrosis,

as identified by contrast CT, and duration of hospital stay
and rates of mortality in human patients (Balthazar, 2002).
In another study contrast-enhanced dynamic CT showed
enhancement of papillary adenocarcinomas whereas ductal
adenocarcinomas did not enhance (Oshikawa et al., 2002).
These results were confirmed by contrast harmonic ultra-
sound in a recent study: all ductal adenocarcinomas were
hypoechoic in contrast to the hyperechoic papillary adeno-
carcinomas (Takeshima et al., 2005). However, inflamma-
tory pancreatic masses also present as hypoechoic lesions
and they are difficult to differentiate from ductal adenocar-
cinomas (Oshikawa et al., 2002).
Contrast-enhanced colour and power Doppler ultraso-
nography was shown to be a promising tool to assess feline Fig. 6. Longitudinal contrast harmonic ultrasound image of the left
kidney in a 10-year-old female neutered Golden Retriever dog with
pancreatic disease (Rademacher et al., 2005). In compari- immune mediated thrombocytopenia: at cortical peak perfusion, there is a
son to normal cats, vascularity and perfusion was signifi- prominent interlobar artery signal (large arrow) with a poorly perfused
cantly increased in cats with pancreatic diseases (Fig. 5). area in the cortex of the caudal pole (thin arrows), indicative of a renal
However, whether inflammatory diseases can be differenti- infarct.
ated from benign hyperplasia or neoplasia by the means of
contrast-enhanced colour and power Doppler ultrasonog- (Fig. 6), detection of otherwise isoechoic lesions, and char-
raphy could not yet be determined due to the small number acterization of masses (Nilsson, 2004). Organ rejection
of cases. Because of its depth limitations, contrast- often results in poor perfusion in the transplanted kidney
enhanced colour or power Doppler may not be used to in human cases. Contrast ultrasound perfusion imaging
assess the canine pancreas. Then, contrast harmonic ultra- has been shown to be on a par with Technetium 99m dieth-
sound assessment of perfusion pattern may prove more ylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (99mTc-DTPA) scans for
useful. assessment of renal perfusion (Kim et al., 2005). This tech-
nology may have interesting application in the expanding
renal transplant field in veterinary medicine.
5.6. Kidney

Renal imaging offers some interesting differences from 5.7. Superficial tumours
the imaging of other organs in the abdomen. The kidney
has a very large arterial component with faster wash-in Like in humans, conventional contrast-enhanced power
rates and stronger enhancement than in the liver in the Doppler ultrasound has been shown to be more sensitive
same dog (Fig. 1) (Waller et al., 2001). It also has two cap- for detecting low velocities and small parenchymal vessels
illary beds with the cortical region enhancing earlier than in superficial canine tumours than power Doppler alone
the medullary region. Lesions that have been detected or colour Doppler with or without the use of a microbub-
include infarction associated with thromboembolic disease ble contrast agent (Schärz et al., 2005). Contrast-enhanced

Fig. 5. Longitudinal contrast-enhanced power Doppler images of a normal left pancreatic lobe in a cat (A) and a cytologically confirmed suppurative
pancreatitis in the left lobe of another cat (B). Whereas with B-mode only little enlargement and diffuse hypoechogenicity of the parenchyma was found in
the pancreatitis cat, vascularity and perfusion was markedly increased compared to the normal pancreas (arrows: borders of the left pancreatic lobe, x:
pancreatic duct; cranial is to the left and caudal to the right).
510 S. Ohlerth, R.T. O’Brien / The Veterinary Journal 174 (2007) 501–512

colour and power Doppler ultrasonography has shown vessel detection with contrast-enhanced Doppler can assist
benefit for the differentiation of superficial canine and with avoiding haemodilution with fine needle aspiration
feline tumours. In a recent study in dogs, vascularity and techniques.
perfusion of oral squamous cell carcinomas was highest, Interesting, there are no clinical reports of contrast-
whereas it was lowest for sarcomas and moderate for enhanced ultrasound for the characterization of mass
malignant oral melanomas (Fig. 7) (Laluhová et al., lesion in the lung. Presumably, this is because of the dif-
2004). However, although the differences were highly sig- ficulty imaging the lung of human patients and the
nificant, the range of values overlapped between histology wealth of alternative imaging modalities. In veterinary
groups. Therefore, the authors concluded that the biologi- medicine ultrasound remains an important tool for iden-
cal behaviour may not only vary between but also within tification of body wall, pleural, mediastinal and pulmon-
the same histology group. Further, the difference in vascu- ary diseases. Characterization of mediastinal masses and
larity and perfusion may play a significant role for the pulmonary lesions may be improved with contrast
prognosis of various canine cancers. Similar results were enhancement.
found in cats. Cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas were Novel applications in human medicine include improved
highly vascularized and perfused (Ohlerth et al., 2006), detection of liver, renal and spleen lesions in cases of blunt
whereas vascularity and perfusion in fibrosarcomas was trauma (Thorelius, 2004). There was good correlation
very low (S. Ohlerth, unpublished data). between contrast enhanced CT and contrast enhanced
ultrasound for detection of avascular lacerations and hae-
5.8. Other potential clinical applications matomas. This may be especially important in veterinary
medicine where CT is performed uncommonly as an initial
In general contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging veri- test for intra-abdominal trauma. All the lesions were occult
fies perfusion of an organ or lesion. This can be of assis- on unenhanced ultrasound images. A more recent study
tance for categorization of lesions and when determining concluded that contrast-enhanced ultrasound improved
sites for biopsy procedures. Human case reports (Bang sensitivity and specificity for detection of free fluid, paren-
et al., 2000) and anecdotal veterinary experience chymal lacerations and haematomas (Kalogeropoulou
(R. O’Brien, unpublished data) have agreed that avoiding et al., 2006). Additionally the lack of detectable contrast
hypoperfused regions on perfusion imaging is valuable media leakage in the free fluid supported cessation of active
for obtaining representative lesion tissue. Improved large bleeding.

Fig. 7. Longitudinal contrast-enhanced power Doppler ultrasound images of naturally occurring canine tumours: (A) Image of a lobulated hypoechoic
spindle cell sarcoma dorsal to the thoracic spine (not seen). There is only one small tumour vessel seen (arrow). The margins of the tumour are indicated
with arrowheads. Cranial is to the left, caudal to the right, dorsal is on the top and ventral is at the bottom of the image. (B) Image of a malignant oral
melanoma. The tumour is hypoechoic with moderate vascularity and partial destruction of the hard palate (arrows) and extension into the nasal cavity.
The normal cortical margin of the hard palate is indicated with arrowheads. The oral cavity is on the top, rostral is to the left and caudal to the right of the
image. (C) Image of a highly vascularized oral squamous cell carcinoma in the maxilla. The tumour is hypoechoic and shows partial bony destruction of
the maxilla (arrows). The oral cavity is on the top, rostral is to the left and caudal to the right of the image.
S. Ohlerth, R.T. O’Brien / The Veterinary Journal 174 (2007) 501–512 511

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