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Professional Education September 2018

1. In the 4A's of facilitating learning, the first thing that a teacher should
do is:

A. Abstraction

B. Analysis

C. Activity ✔

D. Application

2. Among the following, which is an example of a Metacognition level of


I. What did I learn from this lesson

II. How will I learn more from this?

III. How can I better arrive at a solution

IV. why is the lesson important to myself?

A. I only

B. II, III and IV only

C. II and I only

D. I, II, III and IV✔

3. In Metacognitive learning, which of the following can be applied?

A. Emphasis on hypothetical question

B. Monitoring own comprehension ✔

C. Abstract concepts

D. Problem Solving skills

4. In her desire to finish all topics in the unit, Teacher May conducts
lecture while her students listen to her. What learning principle is
violated by Teacher May?

A. Learning is discovery of new ideas

B. Learning is an active process ✔

C. Learning is sometimes painful

D. Learning is a collaborative process

5. Defining and clarifying for critical thinking includes the following


A. using established process ✔

B. Identifying conclusions

C. Seeing similarities and differences

D. Identifying both the stated and not the stated reasons

6. Teachers are aware of the importance of continuation of learning, for

students to further study the topics. Synapse Strengtheners provide
them with ______

A. Boundaries
B. Concern

C. Problems

D. Opportunities ✔

7. The following facilitates critical thinking EXCEPT

A. Reflecting on how they learn

B. Gathering information

C. Comprehending a story

D. Providing conclusions ✔

8. A teacher decided to show only a portion of the video to introduced

discussion rather than the entire video. What is the teacher trying to
achieve in this strategy?

A. Control discipline

B. Time management

C. Save power

D. Focus ✔

9. Among the following interactions, which one shows a strong


A. student to student interaction ✔

B. student to lesson interaction

C. teacher to student interaction

D. student to outsider interaction

10. Among the following practices, which one does NOT promote

A. Rephrasing the question

B. Repeating and expanding on a students response

C. Soliciting question from students

D. Rejecting the student's answer immediately ✔

11. Teacher Marissa, a believer of Constructivism asked her students to

present ideas on what is the essence of ASEAN integration, in their own
private lives. What kind of response/presentation will she expect from
her students?

A. Narrative

B. Advance Organizer

C. Script

D. Schema ✔

12. Using Bloom's Taxonomy of cognitive domain, what level does

Teacher Englevert want to achieve when he ask his students to rate their
own work using rubrics, a rating process which he explained to the class
before the students began with the task?

A. Application ✔

B. Synthesis
C. Analysis

D. Evaluation

13. Bagong Silangan School will choose an Outstanding Teacher of the

Year, the judges set several criteria as basis to give points to the
candidates. What attribute of critical thinking did the judging committee

A. Take into account the entire situation ✔

B. Open mindedness

C. Seek clear statement of the issue

D. Keep original problem in mind

14. During critical thinking process, when a person wants to clarify and
challenge a problem, the person will usually ask this question,

A. When did this happen?

B. What is the main point?

C. What is the issue for discussion?

D. Where did the problem arise? ✔

15. Among the following activities in the room, which one promotes
active learning in SCL?

A. Lecture

B. Drills
C. Project making ✔

D. Demonstration

16. When evaluating student's works and outcomes, the teacher has to
possess objectivity and _____

A. Memory

B. Written notes and records ✔

C. Functions and guesses

D. Memory

17. Teacher Allan demonstrated the deductive method of teaching in his

Grade 4 Math class on the topic Addition of Similar Fractions. Based on
his teaching demo, he showed the class examples on how to add similar
fractions, and after showing at least five examples, he announced to the
class the rules in adding similar factions. Did Teacher Allan followed
the deductive way of teaching correctly?

A. Yes, his lesson is deductive

B. Both deductive and inductive

C. Yes, he started with concrete

D. No, he went inductive ✔

18. The following show characteristics of mastery of the content of

lesson EXCEPT

A. Deficient ✔
B. Admissible

C. Proficient

D. Adroit

19. Teacher Mario strongly feels that James possesses an acute

complex-cognitive ability as shown by his ability to _____

A. Identify and place ideas into categories

B. Integrate complex information ✔

C. Break down complex info

D. Maintain distinctions

20. Read the lesson objective. "At the end of the lesson, all learners
must develop a good attitude towards government program." Id this
objective a SMART one?

A. Yes, this is written in behavioral terms

B. Partly, because it is about affective lesson

C. Yes, because it is well written

D. No, it is not specific and measurable ✔

21. Teacher Knoi wants to propagate critical thinking among his

students. Which type of questions must he use?

I. Closed question

II. Convergent question

III. Divergent question

IV. Open ended question

A. I and IV

B. III and IV ✔

C. II and III

D. I and II

22. As a constructivist teacher, Mark asked his students to present the

episodes in butterfly life cycle. What does he expect from his students?

A. paradigm

B. Scheme ✔

C. script

D. Advance organizer

23. In Learning Thinking Strategy, what kind of strategy do expert

learners apply to task at hand?

A. new

B. prior ✔

C. rigid

D. worn-out

24. What kind of teacher is Jenny when her style is fussy, teaches things
over and over and is concerned with functional order structure?
A. Compulsive type ✔

B. Entertainer type

C. Secular type

D. Quiet one type

25. What kind of teacher is Lawrence when he is looked upon as a wise

and purposely probing students by artful questioning?

A. Apprenticeship

B. Town meeting style

C. Traditional style

D. Socratic style ✔

26. Among the following, which initiative contributes to positive learning

and classroom management?

A. Simple review and looking back at the lesson

B. Dangle Lessons

C. Persistent reminder on school rules

D. Effective routine and drills ✔

27. Teacher Emman wants to encourage participation by learners on the

issue of peer pressure. Which among the following can provide the
needed participation?

B. advance organizer

C. Role playing ✔

D. Visual aids

28. Teacher Harold wants to achieve a more interactive classroom,.

Which among the following can foster interaction?

A. Inductive lesson

B. Deductive lesson

C. Inquiry lesson ✔

D. Seat work

29. Among the following, Teacher Hector knows that revealing and
elaborating to the level full understanding will be achieved through

A. Advanced organizer

B. Spiral Curriculum

C. Concept map ✔

D. Enrichment curriculum

30. Teacher Paul exerts effort to make students discover personal

values applicable for life in his lessons. In this particular activity what
domain of learning is focused on?

A. Metacognitive

B. Cognitive
C. Skills

D. Affective ✔

31. Teacher Andrew wants lesson that involves more senses in the
learning process. This can be achieved through ______

A. Exhibit

B. Demonstration

C. Field trip ✔

D. Lecture

32. Teacher Pacita respects the age and maturity of her students, her
lesson therefore can be seen as focusing on _______

A. appropriate level of instructions ✔

B. incentives and reinforcement

C. quality of instructions

D. time management

33. Teacher Ela considers herself mainly as "facilitator of learning"and

not a "walking encyclopedia" Teacher Ela's approach to teaching can be
said as _______

A. Mastery centered

B. Traditional type

C. Student centered ✔
D. Teacher centered

34. Teacher Gail immediately started the lesson without introductory

orientation of lesson. What principle was not applied?

A. preparing students to be quiet

B. giving a pre test and post test

C. preparing instructional tools

D. connecting present and previous lessons ✔

35. Teacher Pewee asked his students to state a quote using their own
words. Teacher Pewee is trying to _________

A. summarize

B. paraphrase ✔

C. draw analogies

D. compare and contrast

36. What type of education can best prepare a glob teacher for a truly
limitless and boundless world?

A. Formal education

B. Inclusive education

C. Alternative education

D. Multicultural education ✔
37. The Codw of Ethics for Professional Teachers provides guidelines on
acceptable behavior. These are all tolerable EXCEPT

A. claiming others work to be yours ✔

B. Occasional drinking that does not lead to drunkenness

C. Having a romantic relationships with a students

D. Discovering research findings that are damaging to the country

38. Teacher Tony is in a romantic relationship with his student. Is this


A. No, and he can be sued for harassment

B. No, unless the principal allows

C. Yes, as long as he ensures that gossip, scandal, and preferential

treatment will not take place ✔

D. Yes, because in a democratic society, romantic relationship are out

of the scope of school authority

39. Teacher Louise transferred to the public school because of the

higher salary and potential for a higher retirement pay. How does she
view teaching?

A. As a profession ✔

B. As a vocation

C. As a mission

D. As a side job
40. Who among the following is not technically considered a "Teacher",if
one were to refer to the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?

A. Teacher Althea of Nursery -Section Apple

B. Professor Clarita of BSEd-Section 3 ✔

C. Mr. Joseph of Grade 12 - Section Einstein

D. Ms Anaviil of Grade 6 - Section Tokyo

41. In special education, quantitative marks are not as important as

qualitative feedback, usually in the form of anecdotal records. If Kaye
does this very well, she will develop skills in this D-NCBTS domain

A. Diversity of Learners

B. Assessment and Reporting ✔

C. Community Linkages

D. Social Regard for Learning

42. In joining programs for personal growth and professional

development (Domain 7&,what is the most desirable drive that is
expected from teachers?

A. Higher position or possible promotion according to the existing merit


B. Prestige /stature as a degree holder in education

C. Aspirations to become a master teacher

D. Intrinsic desire to grow continuously ✔

43. During one parent-teacher conference, Principal Pilar received in her
office a parent who was furious at the grade her child received,. During
this meeting, Principal Pilar allowed the parent pour out her grievances.
What trait did Principal Pilar show best?

A. Inspiration to the parents

B. Expert problem-solving skills

C. Just and Fair arbiter/ judge

D. Patient listener ✔

44. When Calvin uttered the line "I am only a teacher, " what was the

A. He is dissatisfied with his salary

B. He is depressed

C. He is having trouble with parents

D. He is not proud to be a teacher ✔

45. Teacher Anavil is willing to share her time and talent with fellow
teachers within the same school, especially when there are tasks to be
accomplished. She demonstrates behavior that is reflective of this
career stage.

A. Stage 1

B. Stage 2

C. Stage 3 ✔
D. Stage 4

46. It is logical to say that high moral character is shown by the

following thoughts, attitudes and deeds EXCEPT for _______

A. nurturing at home and school

B. technology innovation ✔

C. positive philosophy of life

D. human behavior during stages of growth

47. Which school of thought is attained when educators aims to improve

global society through change by way of convergence and

A. Existentialism

B. Progressivism

C. Essentialism

D. Reconstructivism ✔

48. Which main quality exemplifies the honesty of school heads towards
everyone in school and in the community?

A. Sensitivity

B. Humility

C. Integrity ✔

D. Wisdom
49. In the context of multicultural education, what is the appropriate
term given to the problem of fixed focus on types of learners such as to
think that all pupils from slums are poor in intelligence?

A. discrimination

B. stereotyping ✔

C. prejudice

D. bias

50. Each analogy below shows the different philosophies of education

and their corresponding application EXCEPT:

A. Progressivism:: thought provoking games

B. Essentialism ::core requirements

C. Perennialism :: history's timeless concepts

D. Existentialism ::physical stimuli ✔

51. GAD or Gender And Development is an initiative towards

_______education A. gender -biased

B. inclusive ✔

C. exclusive

D. feminist

52. This isa modern version of "BAYANIHAN" initiated by Department of

Education wherein many stakeholders and sectors in the society work
together to ensure conducive schools.
A. 4Ps



D. Brigada Eskwela ✔

53. The statements below all show John Dewey's major contributions to
the sociological foundation of education which are still very much
recognize today EXCEPT for _____

A. School is continuation of home;activities at home continue at school

B. Education is social process beginning unconsciously at birth

C. Facilitating education means being aware of the social condition of

the child

D. True education is transmission of knowledge ✔

54. In sociology, this refers to the process wherein children become

participating and functioning members of society by fitting into an
organized way of life.

A. Assimilation

B. Acculturation

C. Accommodation

D. Socialization ✔

71. Which are classified as bullying?

I. Punching, pushing, shoving, kicking, slapping, tickling, headlock,
inflicting school pranks, teasing, and fighting using available objects as

II. Any act that causes damage to a victim's psyche and/or emotional

III. Name-calling, tormenting, and commenting negatively on victim's

looks, clothes and body

IV. Cyber-bullying or any bullying done through the use of technology or

any electronic means



C. I, II, III, IV ✔


56. What is the reason behind the line "philosophy is deductive, rather
than an inductive science"?

A. It starts from the real to the mental

B. It relates external reality to mental reality

C. It starts with the real outside the mind

D. It starts from prior ideas in the mind ✔

57. The development of sound judgments, commitment to truth, and the
strengthening of the moral fabric of society all belong to this major goal
of Philippine education.

A. Self-realization

B. Ethical character ✔

C. Autonomy

D. Enculturation

58. There is a gap between words and actions, and so the teacher needs
to demonstrate certain characteristics and the most personal of which is

A. to keep an open mind

B. to monitor one's own behavior ✔

C. to engage in socio-civic projects

D. to be tolerant of others

59. What can be best considered as the core of universal morality and of
human society among the options below?

A. Constitution, criminal and civil laws

B. Prescriptions for health and wellness

C. Judeo-Christian religion

D. UN Declaration of Human Rights ✔

60. Evaluating the issue on teenage pregnancies, what can be the
education sector's best response to this problem?

A. Control of mass media

B. Exclusive education separating genders

C. Holistic sex education ✔

D. Sex education by Church people

61. According to PRC Revised Guidelines for Continuing Professional

Development (Resolution No. 2013-774),every professional teacher is
required proof of _____,continuing professional development units for
renewal of professional identification card every three years.

A. 30

B. 36

C. 45 ✔

D. 48

62. How can inter-agency efforts (DepEd, CHED, PRC and CSC) be best
achieved for the Training and development of Teachers?

A. Coordination ✔

B. Streamlining

C. Agency-integration

D. Cost-reduction
63. For teachers, what is the most laudable motive for the participation
in professional development programs?

A. optimal use of time and resources

B. continuing professional growth ✔

C. support for training programs

D. promotion and higher merit pay

64. Hoe can research support academic quality advancement?

A. inquiry in best practices

B. assessment of school management

C. focus on curriculum reform ✔

D. relevance in vision-mission core values

65. What is the focus of the K to 12 Senior High School Program?

A. General education

B. Social Communication

C. Technical -vocational training ✔

D. Social education

66. What education program is relevant to change in behavioral


A. Cultural education
B. Physical education

C. Values Education ✔

D. Social education

67. What is the end focus of Outcome -based education?

A. Objectives

B. Competencies ✔

C. Assessment

D. Methods

68. What competency is developed by the vocational subject known as

Landscape Drawing?

A. Depicting people and places

B. Mechanical design

C. Planning Structures ✔

D. Artistic Manipulation

69. In the Education Act of 1901, which established a free public

education in the Philippines. What language was imposed under the
one-language policy?

A. Spanish

B. English ✔

C. Tagalog
D. Filipino

70. In what research method is pre-test and post-test best used?

A. Experiment ✔

B. Case Study

C. Field Study

D. Survey

71. What is client-based and most directly helpful in introducing

changes/reforms in school services?

A. Parent's feedback

B. Teacher survey

C. Principal's observation

D. Student's feedback ✔

72. What do Wiggins and McTighe cite as proof of students

understanding of the principles of learning?

A. Repeating teacher's input

B. Memory retention

C. Applying to solve problems ✔

D. Setting given examples

73. In K to 12 assessments, what happens to students who fail in two

learning areas?
A. repeat subject with failures

B. retained in same level

C. not accepted for enrollment the following year

D. pass to next level after remedial classes ✔

74. When his fellow Social Science teachers share their frustration with
student's poor written social research reports, Raul suggests that they
invite several English teachers to recommend strategies for writing
research. With two English teachers, the Social Science teachers
examine a number of researches together and identify strengths and
weaknesses. The English teachers share strategies they use in their
classes to improve students'writing. Which role do the English teachers
play in this case?

A. Curriculum Specialist

B. Instruction Specialist ✔

C. Curriculum designer

D. Curriculum evaluator

75. Owing to issues in friendship, family ties, gender rights, etc.,

_______is a value-rich subject that provides a wide opportunity for value
formation of learners.

A. English

B. Filipino
C. Islamic Studies

D. Social Studies ✅

76. John Dewey's major contributions to the sociological foundations of

education which are still very much recognize today are the following,

A. School is a continuation of home, activities at home continue at


B. Education isa social process beginning unconsciously at birth

C. Facilitating education means being aware of the social conditions of

the child

D. "True education "is a transmission of knowledge ✅

77. What is the main reason why the Christian religion is taught as a
principal subject to schools during the Hispanic era in the Philippines?

A. Religion is good for pagans.

B. Natives are non-believers. ✅

C. Religion prevents war.

D. Hispanic culture is Christian

78. What is the Philosophy behind Philippine schools that seek to

promote democratic opportunities for all and humanistic education
through lifelong learning?

A. Perennialism
B. Progressivism ✅

C. Classical education

D. Positivism

79. Which is new in the teaching of TLE in the K to 12 curriculum?

A. NC I is expected of the Grade 7 completer

B. Grade 7 TLE is exploratory

C. NC II is expected of the Grade 8 completer

D. Grade 7 and 8 TLE is exploratory ✅

80. How can the multi-grade system be set in place in order to respond
to the needs of remote elementary schools where enrollment is low?

A. Mainstream special with regular students

B. Combine two to three grade levels ✅

C. Assign teachers to specific grade levels

D. Upgrade students to higher levels

81. The K to 12 curriculum includes programs for the gifted and talented
program for learners with disabilities, Madrasah curriculum and
Indigenous Peoples IPs, Education program. What does this prove of the
K to 12 curriculum?

A. Millenial

B. Inclusive ✅
C. Subject-matter centered

D. Constructivist

82. In OBE, assessment is focused on _______ rather than intended

results of learning.

A. standardized results

B. demonstrated results ✅

C. formative results

D. predicted results

83. Based on the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 which does the
basic education in the Philippines encompass?

I. Kindergarten

II. Elementary

III. Secondary

IV. Alternative Learning System





84. What are the features centered in the K to 12 curriculum?

I. Inclusive

II. Equitable

III. Gender-sensitive

IV. Culture -sensitive





The introduction of Mother Tongue as a subject and as a language of

instruction is in support of ________.

I. The learning of English as a second language

II. The preservation and promotion of Filipino cultural heritage

III. Improve learner's performance





86. Alvin wants to apply Metacognition after his class in Physics. Which
of the following questions should he ask himself at the metacognitive
I. Why did I not learn this at first

II. What has this lesson to do with me?

III. How should I do this to be sure of results?

IV. What is the best way to arrive at the solution?

A. II only




87. According to BF Skinner, reinforcement, which is a type of

consequence that will increase the likelihood of a person's behavior to
happen again, can be either positive or negative. Which of the following
teacher's pronouncements would fall under Skinner's definition of
negative reinforcement?

A. "No permit, no final exam"

B. "The exam is postponed indefinitely "

C. "Those who miss the final exam will received a failing mark"

D. "No final exam for those with midterm grade of 1.25 or higher" ✅

88. Gestalt Theory is focused on the experience of contact that occurs in

the here and now. It also considers with interest the life space of
teachers as well as students. In this theory, ______occurs through
contact sharing of ideas between teachers and students.
A. Authentic learning ✅

B. Modeling learning

C. Substitution learning

D. Vicarious learning

89. Of the following classroom practices, which is considered a

Pavlovian conditioning adopted by the classic or traditional educators
but not anymore by the liberal or Progressivist teachers?

A. test and quizzes

B. punitive measures ✅

C. examination and feedback

D. monitoring and assessment

90. Pressured to finish all the topics mandated in the curriculum,

Teacher Danny kept on giving lectures in his classes while his students
remained seated to listen. What time -tested principle of learning did
Teacher Danny violate in the given situation?

A. Learning is an active process ✅

B. Learning is a discovery of ideas

C. Learning is a collaborative process

D. Learning begins with setting of outcomes

91. In a Science class, Teacher Karen demonstrated to her students how

to do the science experiment. With reference to Bandura's different
kinds of models, Teacher Karen demonstrated a behavior in front of the
learners is an example of ____model.

A. Verbal

B. Symbolic

C. Live ✅

D. Virtual

92. Which major paradigm of learning focuses and explores learner's

inner mental activities such as thinking, memory, knowing and problem

A. Behavioral theories

B. Cognitive theories ✅

C. Field and Gestalt theories

D. Social theories

93. Skinner propounded the notion that learning is a results of change in

overt behavior caused by the events that occur in the environment such
as school.

A. Shaping of Behavior

B. Operant Conditioning ✅

C. Behavioral Chaining

D. Reinforcement Schedules
94. Based on Piaget's theory of moral development, at what age do
children accept that all rules are made by some authority figures (e. g.
parents, teachers, God), and that they should never ever break these

A. ages 11 to 12

B. ages 5 up to 7-8 ✅

C. ages 9 to 11

D. infancy to age 5

95. When little Sofia behaves well so that she could get a star from
Teacher Ness, little Sofia falls under which level/stage of Kohlberg's
moral development theory?. A. Conventional for Social approval

B. Pre-conventional for mutual benefits ✅

C. Pre-conventional out of fear of the teacher. D. Post-conventional for

Social contract of the common good

96. Which major learning theory amplifies the interaction of the

individual and the learning environment?

A. Social theories

B. Field and Gestalt theories ✅

C. Cognitive theories

D. Behavioral theories
97. For Erik Erikson, unsuccessful resolution of the adolescent stage
"Identity vs Role Confusion " may lead to maladaptive behavior known as
"fanaticism"in which one believes his way is the only way, leaving no
room for tolerance.This behavior is quite prevalent today with people
who believes in __________

A. unity of all nations

B. terroristic ideologies ✅

C. democratic principles

D. globalization in Borderless world

98. Jerome Bruner, who developed his own learning theory, felt that
ideally _____ is the best stimulus of leaening, not grades or class

A. Modek instruction

B. Reward and Punishment

C. Remodelling instructions

D. interestin the subject matter ✅

99. When people are now engaged more than ever in the saving of the
environment amidst climate change and other pressing environmental
issues, they already have high aptitude for _____thinking.

A. Reversible ✅

B. Decentering
C. Conservation

D. Abstract

100. Which of the major learning theories defines leaening as the

changes in what people say or do?

A. Social theories

B. Cognitive theories

C. Behavioral theories ✅

D. Field and Gestalt theories

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