Judul "Vitamins & Immunity"

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Oleh :
Mutiara Meitrisia

Proofreader and Corrector :

Dr.Arifin, S.Pd.,M.Pd


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Mutiara Meitrisia

1.Vitamins are 9.required for norm al body metabolism, growth, and
development. They are components of enzyme system that release energy from
proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. 2.They also are required for formation of red
blood cells, nerve cells, hormones, genetic materials, bones, and other tissues.

They are efeective in small amounts and are mainly obtained from foods
or supplements. most nutritionists agree that a varied and well balanced diet
provides an adequate intake of vitamins for most people and that dietary
sources. 10. however, studies indicate that mose adult and children do not
consume enough fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, dairy products, and other
foods to conditions increase requirements above the usual recomended
amounts 3. (eg, pregnancy, lactation, various illnesses).

8.Historically, the major concern in relation to vitamins was 4. sufficient

intake to promote health and prevent deficiency diseases. nutritional goals for
vitamin intake were established by the food and nutrition board of the national
academy of sciences as 5. recommended dietary allowances (RDAs).

The RDAs were designed 6. to meet the daily needs of healthy children
and adults; those used in recent years were established in 1989. these RDAs are
in the process of being replaced by standards called the dietary reference
intakes (DRIs;Box 31-1). as with the RDAs, the DRIs will be revised periodically
according to newer information.

For example, 7.research studies demonstrated that folic acid can

prevent neutral tube birth defects such as spina bifida. As a result, in 1998, the
DRI was in creased from 180 to 200 mcg for most adults to 400 mcg. in addition,
the food and drug administration (FDA) mandated that folic acid be added to
cereal grain foods, in an amount estimated to add 100 mcg of folic acid to the
average daily diet.


1. What is needed for normal body metabolism, growth and

2. Apart from being a component of the enzyme system that
releases energy from protein, fat and carbohydrate vitamins
are also needed for?
3. Consuming fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, dairy products,
and other foods is not sufficient for conditions of increased
demand, especially some conditions that are recommended to
consume vitamins are?
4. Historically, the main concern with vitamins was?
5. Nutritional goals for vitamin intake are set by the Food and
Nutrition Council of the National Academy of Sciences as?
6. RDA was designed for?
7. research studies show that folic acid can be useful for?
8. with vitamin intake is sufficient to improve health and prevent
deficiency diseases, is it a major concern?
9. Vitamins are needed for?
10. in conditions of pregnancy and breastfeeding it is
recommended to take vitamins because?


immunity 10.indicates protection from a disease, and the major
1.function of the immune system is to detect and eliminate foreign substances
that may cause tissue injury or disease. to perform this function, the immune
system 2.must be able to differentiate body tissues (self) from foreign
substances (nonself). self tissues are recognized by distinctive protein molecules
on the surface membranes of body cells. these molecules or markers are
encoded by a group of genes 8.called the major histocompatibilty complex

3.MHC markers are essential to immune system function because they

regulate the antigens to which a person respond and allow immune cells (eg,
lymphocytes and macrophages) to recogniza and communicate with each other.
Nonself or foreign antigens are also recognized by distinctive molecules, 4.called
epitopes, on their surfaces. Epitopes vary widely in type, number, and ability to
elicit an immune response.

5. A normally functioning immune system does not attack body tissues

labeled as self but attacks nonself substances. In most instances, a normally
functioning immune system is highly desirable. With organ or tissue transplants,
however, the system responds appropriately but undesirably when it attacks the
nonself grafts.

7.An abnormally functioning immune system causes numerous diseases.

When the system is hypoactive, immunodeficiency disorders develop in which
the person is highly susceptible to infectious and neoplastic diseases. When the
system is hyperactive, it perceives ordinarily harmless environmental subtances
(eg, foods, plant pollens) as harmful and induces 6.allergic reactions.

When the system is inapproprialtely activated (it loses its ability to

distinguish between self and nonself, so an immune response is aroused against
the host’s own body tissues), 9.the result is autoimmune disorders, such as
systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. Many other disorders,
including diabetes mellitus, myasthenia gravis, and autoimmune mechanisms.
To aid understanding of the immune response and drugs used to alterimmune
response, more specific characteristics, processes, and functions of the immune
system are described.


1. The main function of the immune system is?

2. In order to function, the immune system must be able to carry
out the?
3. Which functions to regulate the antigen to which a person
responds and allows immune cells to recognize and
communicate with each other is called?
4. Non-cell or foreign antigens are also recognized by special
molecules, called?
5. if the immune system functions normally?
6. When the immune system becomes hyperactive one of the
things that can happen is?
7. immune system malfunction can cause?
8. self tissue recognized by different protein molecules on the cell
membrane surface of the body. this molecule or marker is
encoded by a group of genes called?
9. When the system is activated incorrectly the result is?
10.what can immunity show?



PENULIS : Anne Collins Abrams, Sandra Smith Pennington, Carol
Barnett Lammon

PUBLISHER : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Year : 2006


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