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The Anglican Parish of Kilmore First Reading: Exodus 24:12-18a

with Broadford, Tallarook and Pyalong The Lord said to Moses, ‘Come up to me on the mountain, and
wait there; and I will give you the tablets of stone, with the law and
PO Box 289 Kilmore 3764 the commandment, which I have written for their instruction.’ 13So Moses set out with his assistant Joshua, and Moses went up into the
mountain of God. 14To the elders he had said, ‘Wait here for us,
The Diocese of Wangaratta
until we come to you again; for Aaron and Hur are with you;
whoever has a dispute may go to them.’
Transfiguration 15
6th March 2011 Then Moses went up on the mountain, and the cloud covered the
mountain. 16The glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai, and the
cloud covered it for six days; on the seventh day he called to Moses
Today out of the cloud. 17Now the appearance of the glory of the Lord
Kilmore 9am Eucharist with Hymns
was like a devouring fire on the top of the mountain in the sight of
Broadford No Service the people of Israel. 18Moses entered the cloud, and went up on the
Tallarook No Service mountain. Moses was on the mountain for forty days and forty
Pyalong No service

This Week For the word of the Lord: Thanks be to God

Monday - - - - - - - - - Rector’s day off - - - - - - - - -
Tuesday Psalm 2 (said antiphonally)
Wednesday 10am Christ Church Eucharist with Bach
Thursday 10am St Matthew’s Eucharist with Bach 1
Why are the nations in tumult:
Thursday 10am-1pm Church House Flameingoes Women’s and why do the peoples cherish a vain dream?
Support Group 2
The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers conspire together:
Thursday 10.30am Willowmeade Eucharist
Thursday 4pm Dianella Eucharist (not 3rd Thurs) against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
Friday 10am-4pm Church House Op Shop ‘Let us break their bonds asunder:
Saturday 10am-12 noon Church House Op Shop let us throw off their chains from us.’
He that dwells in heaven shall laugh them to scorn:
Rector: Honorary Priest: the Lord will hold them in derision.
Father Trevor Smith Father John Young 5
9 Union Street, Kilmore 3764 9 St. Matthew’s Village Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his
Ph: 5782 1155 34-40 Powlett Street Broadford 3658 fury: Ph: 5784 2224 ‘I, the Lord, have set up my king on Zion my holy hill.’
I will announce the Lord’s decree, that which he has spoken: The Gospel: Matthew 17:1-9
‘You are my son, this day have I begotten you.
‘Ask of me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance: The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew
the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession. chapter seventeen, beginning at the first verse.
‘You may break them with a rod of iron:
and shatter them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ
Now therefore be wise, O kings: 1
Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother
be advised, you that are judges of the earth. John and led them up a high mountain, by themselves. 2And he was
Serve the Lord with awe, and govern yourselves in fear and transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his
trembling: clothes became dazzling white. 3Suddenly there appeared to them
lest he be angry, and you perish in your course. Moses and Elijah, talking with him. 4Then Peter said to Jesus, ‘Lord,
For his wrath is quickly kindled: it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three dwellings
blessed are those that turn to him for refuge. here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.’ 5While he was
still speaking, suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed them, and
Second Reading: 2 Peter 1:16-21 from the cloud a voice said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; with him
For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made I am well pleased; listen to him!’ 6When the disciples heard this,
known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but they fell to the ground and were overcome by fear. 7But Jesus came
we had been eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17For he received honour and touched them, saying, ‘Get up and do not be afraid.’ 8And
and glory from God the Father when that voice was conveyed to when they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus himself alone.
him by the Majestic Glory, saying, ‘This is my Son, my Beloved, 9
As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus ordered them,
with whom I am well pleased.’ 18We ourselves heard this voice ‘Tell no one about the vision until after the Son of Man has been
come from heaven, while we were with him on the holy mountain. raised from the dead.’
So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You For the Gospel of the Lord: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark
place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of Please pray for those who are sick and in need…
Russell Walker, Seth Gunther, Adrian Walsh, Ethan Forcier, Jeannette Jolley,
scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, 21because no Gwenda Stomann, Eileen Matts, Theo Staring, Rosemary Homewood
prophecy ever came by human will, but men and women moved by
the Holy Spirit spoke from God. Anyone wishing to add a person to the Parish prayer list please make sure the person is happy
For the word of the Lord: Thanks be to God to be named and then contact Fr. Trevor.
Year’s mind: Notices (contd.)
Today we remember before God those whose anniversary of death occurs Incense @ Christ Church: Incense is used on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at the
this week: 6th Lawrence Foster, Alfred Parry Eleanor Homewood; 7th Eddie 9am Eucharist. It is not used for the Gospel Procession.
Napper; 9th Abraham Noest, Violet Bowden; 10th Nola Speirs
A Request: If you are a member of a group which regularly uses Church
House please contact either Fr Trevor or Caroline Burge with the details. We
Notices are compiling a Calender of regulars so that we can avoid double booking, have
Welcome to Emily Mallett, her sister Philippa, along with her family and clear contact details for each group, so that conditions of hire/use can be
friends as she is welcomed into the Church of God, Anglican Parish of clearly defined.
Kilmore branch, this day. Tony Zammit: On Friday March 11th, 7.30pm at Trackside, Tony is having
his hair shaved to raise funds for Cancer Research. He would like as many as
Ash Wednesday Services will be held at 10am at Christ Church, Kilmore and possible to attend to support him in spirit, financially, and perhaps in
at 7pm at St Matthew’s, Broadford solidarity by either colouring or shaving your hair! Tony can give receipts for
Building and Maintenance Committee: The committee will be meeting this donations. Please help make this a great community fundraiser.
Monday evening, 7th March at 7.30pm in Church House.
Dinner at Gavan Hall, Broadford: Friday 18 March at 7pm. Pre dinner
Lenten Study : There will only be one Lenten Study in the Parish this year. It drinks, spit roast and dessert & entertainment. $30/person. Reservations
will be on Thursday evenings, 7.30pm at the Radford’s home in Broadford. phone Edie Simpson, 57841246 or John Patterson, 57843284
Parish Council: The first meeting of the new Parish Council is on Wednesday
16th March, 7,30pm in Church House.
Direct Deposit into Parish Account: If anyone would like to make their
offerings or donations to the Parish by direct deposit can do so with the
following details:
CBA Account Name: Kilmore Anglican Parish. BSB 06 3698. Account LADY DAY SERVICE : Wednesday 23rd March, Wangaratta Cathedral
Number 1018 4649 Commencing at 10.15am with morning tea. Please bring MU, Caritas & Parish
Important Notification: The western side of Christ Church will be barricaded Banners for Banner Parade
from Monday the 7th of Feb. for at least 4 weeks. THERE WILL BE NO
ACCESS DOWN THE WESTERN SIDE OF THE CHURCH UNTIL THE 11a.m Holy Eucharist Bp John Celebrant & Preacher
BARRICADING HAS BEEN REMOVED. This is to facilitate the initial
stage of repairs to the building. There will be some inconvenience but this 12.30 Lunch (Cost $10.00) catered by ABM Ladies. Names for lunch to Jayne
work is absolutely necessary so I beg your indulgence. Fr. Trevor. Jarrad 03 5721 6692 or Mary Muntz 03 5868 3233 by 16th March

GUEST SPEAKER: Fr Kim Benton, Rector of Numurkah Nathalia

Topic Missionary Work in Burma
Pew Reflections for the Transfiguration Parish Diary:
In his transfiguration, Jesus was transformed in the presence of three disciples
and shown as God in human flesh. Why did this happen in front of them? It Sun March 6th - The Parish AGM will be at 10.30am following the 9am
was to provide an encouragement to Jesus as he faced death on the cross and service at Christ Church. This service will be the only service in the Parish on
to announce to the disciples that Jesus had to suffer on the cross. It was also the 6th March.
God’s way of showing that Jesus was his true son and chosen to redeem the
human race. As we head into Lent it is a good time to reflect on the true Wed March 9th – Ash Wednesday services at Christ Church Kilmore 10am
meaning of Easter. and St Matthew’s Broadford, 7pm
• Pray that people will remember the true spiritual meaning of Easter and
Thu March 10th – Lenten Studies at the Radford’s, 13 The Parade,
reflect on it rather than see it as just a holiday and time to eat Easter Broadford, 7.30pm (continuing for 6 weeks)
• Give thanks for the opportunity to deepen your spiritual life this Wed March 16th – Parish Council meeting, Church House, 7.30pm.
coming Lent by attending a Lenten Study, reading spiritual books, or
by praying more regularly. Fri March 18th – Gavan Hall Dinner, Broadford, 7pm. See notices for
Text: The Revd Gloria Shipp ©Anglican Board of Mission Pew Reflections 2011
Wed March 23rd – Lady Day service, Wangaratta Cathedral from 10:15am.
See notices for details

Thu March 24th – Thursday Night group (formerly Caritas) meeting at

Church House, 7.30pm. (Every 4th Thursday of the month).

Sat April 30th - St Columb’s Fair 2011. ‘Worship, Liturgy, and Music’.
Seymour 10am.

Sat May 7th – St Matthew’s Mother’s Day street stall, 9am, The Mall.

Next Sunday: 13th March

Readings Gen 2:15-17, 3:1-7; Psalm 32; Rom 5:12-21; Matthew 4:1-11
Kilmore 9am Eucharist with Hymns
Tallarook 11am Eucharist with Hyms
Broadford 11am Morning Prayer Pew Sheet Notices to Fr. Trevor by Thursday evening (preferably
Pyalong No Service emailed or written) or email to

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