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Friday, March 25,

2020 FEATURE ARTICLE Culminating Activity


Yessamin Orillo Paredes

Why would Filipinos entrust their succeeded by a new president in 2022.

futures to politicians who keep The onslaught of this drug-punishing
promising them change? Now scheme roots back in Davao City
changes begun occurring, why where Duterte was once a city mayor.
Filipinos seem to take their words The casualties did not only affect the
back? What change exactly do
Filipinos yearn for?

The prominent Rodrigo "The

Punisher" Duterte gains praise and
critics for his personalized politics
and the ongoing anti-drug campaign
has now more reasons for public
protest to fold. This operation is new
but how it affects the country recalls
the notorious Ferdinand Marcos. “If lives but even the livelihood,
you go into drugs... I will kill you," education, and public safety of his
Duterte warned during his speech. people. Nonetheless, Davao City
“Even with the United Nations remains one of the safest places in the
listening, I will kill you.” world during his watch.
Duterte's strong image will remain Philstar. July 12, 2019 – 7:14 PM. A victim of Duterte’s war on drugs.

remarkable even after being victim.jpg

predecessors Estrada, Arroyo, and
The first three State of the Nation Aquino III, after tenure, respectively,
Address (SONA) gave initial hints on face criminal charges later on.
how the drug-war will play a huge
Meanwhile, “And if you hang me for
facet in the Duterte administration.
all what I did, go ahead. It will be my
During his 3-year-term approximately
pleasure,” Duterte blasted at a
37,000 Filipino drug convicts were
killed. The government's focus on “And if you hang me for
criminal charges amid the pandemic all what I did, go ahead.
raised international concern, It will be my pleasure,”
moreover. Earlier in Martial Law,
extrajudicial killings are notable in the - Rodrigo Duterte
hands of the dictator Marcos. Critics
named Duterte the resurrected Marcos
while some hundred names will later regional summit in Bangkok last
be exposed. November 2, 2019. “You do not scare
"Ano'ng kasalanan ko? Nag nakaw ba me that you will jail me in the
ako diyan, ni piso? (What have I International Criminal Court… I am
done? Did I steal a coin?) Did I only responsible to the Filipino.
prosecute somebody? Ang kasalanan Filipinos will judge. ”
ko lang yung mga extrajudicial
killings. (The only sin I did is the
extrajudicial killings.),” Duterte
admitted during his speech at the
"The frustration and desperation that
presidential place last September 24,
we have saying for the past decades
when it comes to the right kind of
His honesty formed tension between governance has been twisted in the
the United Nations, Human Rights form of just allowing violence, of just
Watch, Filipinos, and Rodrigo Duterte allowing killings to continue just so
himself. What fate is waiting for him we can have that semblance of peace
once he steps down from office? Will and order," told Wilnor Papa, a
the extreme killings haunt him behind Human Rights Officer in the Amnesty
bars? That eventually depends on the International Philippines. The wrath
next administration. His three of Duterte towards drugs has reached
the national level but what else Duterte's administration is bloody and
solution a president can think of? bold- what can we expect from a
Does simply putting them behind bars maverick, fearless, and passionate
enough to halt illicit trade when the leader like no other? Disregarding the
Philippines, an archipelago country, harm it brought to human rights, two
and drugs were possibly floating on possible reasons why Duterte has
waters? gone such exploit: for himself or the
country. The latter reminds us of the
A year left before the end of President
power when he had it much lesser
Duterte’s tenure and his drug war
before. Meanwhile, the former drives
operations continue pushing the pile him to eliminate crimes by
of bodies to reach as high as 27,000 as exterminating criminals. Can a bad
estimated by the domestic human deed make Duterte a bad leader
rights groups last year. Is the Duterte worse, a bad person? Will his extreme
administration more deteriorating than tactics make him a criminal, too?
the 9-year-old Martial Law? Yet
A leader was once a follower. But a
Duterte's satisfactory rating went 80%
leader who seems exceptional follows
leaving 3% the opposition.
no one. Duterte showed us what kind
Suspicious, isn’t it? Or is media the
of leadership he offers to Filipinos.
biggest opponent he has been facing
What do you call a leader who
all this time?
executed bad things, admit it himself,
In the context of the present covid-19 just to give his country the peace he
outbreak, Duterte showed immense thinks, it deserves? What does it take
interest in capturing crime violators to become a leader? Will Duterte
than the subsisting health situation realized that 7 million Filipino drug-
itself. Crime operations include public users (which gave him the
dissent that slain and shutdown determination to pursue the anti-drug
journalists were allegedly instructed operation) hardly cannot be
by Duterte. Though political figures exterminated? Or he will realize that
and scholars know it doesn't work that this is a race where he could never
way. Allow me to remind you of the finish? Whether to admit it or not:
roles legislatures and judiciary hold Only President Duterte has gone
that explain why the government has this far.
three branches, to begin with.

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