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Reading Lesson Plan

Date/Time - 29 April, 2020

Teacher Name - Zin Thu Aye
Student Level of Proficiency - Lower Intermediate
Number of Students - 20
Age group - 10 to 12 years old
Lesson Type - Reading
Justin’s Weather Blog
Students will understand the new vocabularies and grammar structure
Students are able to build the sentences by using the vocabularies
Warmer : 5 minutes
Presentation : 10 minutes
Practice : 17 minutes
Production : 13 minutes
Wrap up : 5 minutes
Sing the song “How is the weather today?”
1. Sunny 5. Foggy
2. Windy 6. Stormy
3. Snowy 7. Rainy
4. Cloudy

1. Prediction:
Show them the title and picture. Ask what they think the story is about.

Justin’s Weather Blog

Hello everyone. I want to share about weather situation from some countries. (Line 1)
I’m Justin from Canada. Now I stay in Moscow with my friend, Martin. (Line 2)
He invites me to come and visit to Moscow. Now it is winter season and I’m very cold.
Sometimes we cannot see clearly because the weather is foggy. (Line 3)
Martin says that it takes 5 months from November to March. The temperature is usually
below freezing for several months. (Line 4)
Last two years, I visited to Myanmar. It was cold, snowy and cloudy in December, January,
and February. Sometimes, there was little rain. (Line 5)
In March, April, and May, it is very hot. It is sunny almost all the time. In June, July and
August, it is rainy, windy, and stormy with thunder and heavy rain. The weather was cloudy
in September, October, and November. (Line 6)
I don’t really like the weather situation in Myanmar because it is really hot especially in
Yangon. (Line 7)
But last year, I went to Vietnam. I like most the summer there because I can go swimming
and play soccer. I always feel my life is full of energy. (Line 8)
But winter lasts for more than 6 months so I looked like a bear and I hate winter. But when
Russia’s winter passed it is very wonderful. That is a beautiful country. (Line 9)
Above all, I really like the weather situation in Moscow. And how about you? If you have
any experiences with Moscow you can share under my blog. Thank you for your reading.
See you soon! (Line 10)

The End

2. Skimming

Q: Is your prediction correct about the story?

3. Read the story as a class.

4. Scanning

Q1: Who is from Canada? (Line 2)

Q2: Who invites Justin to visit to Moscow? (Line 2, 3)

Q3: Last year, where did he go? (Line 8)

5. Comprehension

Q1: How does Martin say about winter in Moscow? (Line 3, 4)

Q2: Why doesn’t he like the weather situation in Myanmar? (Line 7)

Q3: How does he feel in Vietnam? (Line 8)

6. Inference

Q1: If you have chance where do you want to go? Why?

Production 1#

Play Flashcard Concentration

Make the class into groups of 4. Each group will need two sets of weather flashcards. Shuffle
the cards and lay them out face down on the floor. Turn over two cards. If they are different,
turn them back over and it will be the end of your turn. If you can find two same cards (eg,
two windy cards) you keep the cards and keep on playing this until all the cards have been
found. Within a few minutes, the group with the most cards is the winner.

Production 2#

Worksheet Activity (Group Work)

Get ready for project paper and boxes are included on it. According to instructions, they have
to draw the pictures in the box. Then read the instructions and follow.

Eg, Go to box A. Draw something you eat when it’s hot.

Go to box E. Draw something you wear when it’s cold.

Play Flashcard Basketball

Make the class into groups of 2. First, show the flashcard. If he/she can answer, take the ball
and throw the ball into basket. If he gets the ball in the basket then he gets 2 points. But if he
hits the basket without going inside then he gets only 1 point. The team with the most points
is the winner.

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