STAS - Modern Science and Philosophy of Science

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1. Compare and contrast modern science and philosophy of science.

 The comparison between modern science and philosophy of science is they are
both finding answers to the questions, find how things started, and why are these
things existing. The contrast between them is modern science is finding answers
through experimentation and observation using mathematics. While the
philosophy of science is all about assumptions and theories.
2. What is scientific method? Enumerate the steps in the scientific method.
 The scientific method is answering questions or solving problem through the
process of experimentation and observations.
Steps in the scientific method:
 Ask a Question
 Do Background Research
 Construct a Hypothesis
 Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
 Analyze Your Data
 Report Your Results
3. What are the limitation of science?
 Science deals with only things that can be observed.
 Scientific observations may be faulty.
 Scientists can be bias.
 Science cannot make value judgments.
 Science cannot deal with values or morals.
 Science can’t prove the existence of God.
4. What do you think is the role of science and technology in our society today?
 The role of science and technology in our society is to make our lives easier and
convenient than before, that's why they innovate more and more in their
technology because the demand of individuals in society is increasing. Like what
happened to us today we all need to use gadgets or any kind of technology in the
online class, shopping, working, and transporting.

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