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Who is an expatriate?

An expatriate is a person residing in a country other than their

native country. In common usage, the term often refers to
professionals, skilled workers, or artists taking positions outside
their home country, either independently or sent abroad by their
domestic company.
It was identified by the international market research and consulting company Fin accord
estimated the number to be 56.8 million in 2017. That would resemble the population of
Tanzania or Italy. And also, the United Nations estimated that 232 million people, or 3.2 per cent
of the world population, lived outside their home country.

Importance of an expatriate:
1. Improve local market knowledge
2. Instill company culture
3. Develops management talent and act as a changing role in organization.
4. Wide availability of international services
5. Blossoming local culture.

Disadvantages of being an expatriate:

1. Culture shock and cultural barriers.
2. challenges such as dealing with the hierarchy in your new satellite office, or the demands
of paying to a new tax or social security system
3. if you choose to move to a developing country, get ready to encounter the large economic
disparities between the rich and poor, neglected public amenities, and less reliable public

About our expatriate:

Kishor kothakota is a senior employee working as a chartered accountant in TCS Netherlands.
He completed his course in Chennai and got a placement offer from TCS Chennai and worked
there for 7 years. after working in a domestic country & having a good experience in Indian
finance and taxation system, he tried to gain international exposure and took a transfer to
Netherland branch of TCS & is currently senior accountant of TCS (Netherland).
He was in the finance team of the company had was handling the accounts of retail business of
TCS, which is one of the biggest units of TCS. In Netherlands he is handling accounts of both
TCS India as well as TCS Netherlands. And also handling taxation for other middle eastern
European countries.
Currently in total Mr. Kishor is handling pay role, taxation and other finance part of seven
Mr. Kishor is on an onsite project in Netherland and is not a permanent resident of Europe and
still his pay role is based on Indian rupees.

Conversation with expatriate:

1.) what was your feelings Mr. Kishore when you got the offer to work in TCS
Ans. he said, that it was exiting for him to get an international exposure , but at the same
time it also built a kind of nervousness , weather we could gel up withe the local culture
and tradition of the Netherlands. He took a couple of weeks to get adjusted with the
locals over there, but after a point of time he got used to the climate, people, culture of
the Netherland as well as that of company

2.) what was your 1st cultural shock when you landed in the other land?
Ans. In the positive note he said, people in Netherland always greet you whether they
know you or not. That was the most excellent thing he noticed. He also said that the
people in Netherlands are very straight forward in nature. It is very clearly from their end
weather the like a particular thing or person or not. And also the people in Netherland are
very respectful and are very punctual in nature and don't like any last minute surprises.
Another major point noted by Mr. Kishore was in Netherland companies don not follow
hierarchy, and mainly respect people not their position.

3.) How is your relationship with your co- workers in your office?
Ans. The relationship is pretty good, as per him it s always good to talk with them as well
as be withe them , because it helps in learning a lot of things with them like respecting,
greeting people and also always being punctual in office . and also having a work -life

4.) How is the working culture different form Netherland to that of India?
Ans. As per him the working culture of both the countries are almost same. people in
Netherland are very clear about their deadlines and are bound to obey it. And also, the
mainly work with a perfect plan and schedule and people over there are always clear
from their end and always try to reconcile the work

5.) As being an Indian what will be the hat one thing you would like to learn from the
people over there and what will be one thing that you would like to give them?
Ans. Mr. Kishore as per his views he said the one thing he could learn from the people of
Netherland was punctuality and also the way they maintain their work – life balance in
their life.
The one thing Mr. Kishore would share to people over there was the belief in god, which
Netherland land people generally don't do.
6.) If given a chance would you like to change you location and work in another
Ans. Yes, he said it will be more exciting to change the location and work in other
country , because as per him it was good to have an international exposure of different
countries and also it will help you learn many things like culture, taxation , people and it
will also create and good experience. If he is given a chance to change hi workplace he
said he wanted to go and work in France.

7.) What is the your task as an onsite expatriate over there?

Ans. Mr. Kishore is a part of five member finance team which handles the pay roles to
employees and taxation of total 18 countries in Europe. And they have an extended hand
of 15 offshore members . basically they work with the external vendors such as EY,
Delloit etc.
As per his experience he says, countries in Europe have very different compliance laws
and regulations which makes it as an complex job for an accountant to understand the
laws and regulations differently for different countries.

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