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In the period of ten weeks doing this project, I have gained a lot of knowledge and have

been greatly improving myself along the process. This project not only allowed me to learn more

about the nature of the business but also how to be an effective leader even in a small group

situation to lead the group to success.

One of the skills that I have improved is self-awareness. Doing this project has made me

acknowledge the me inside that is usually didn’t shown to anyone. I have discovered that I tend

to get very stressed and anxious when the assigned works are not done by me or my team. I have

found that I get quite displeased when someone couldn’t finish their part in our work. That is

why I often work more compared to others in a group because they have trust in me that I will

definitely finish my part and I also couldn’t bear with other people not finishing their part on

time. I know that doing a group project or work should be divide equally so that everybody gets

to learn the lesson taught in the project. So, I acknowledge that I have to trust other members in

the group more. I need to let them work in order to make the group functions better. Having the

knowledge that I need to trust others more to do work, I tend to be more vocal on saying who

needs to do what task so that the work comes out in good quality and on time. When we all

divided the part we get, I always plan out first that on this day I will do which work and also

manage my time to suit the amount of work.

Working in the PR department, I understand that maintaining a relationship with outsiders

is very important. The PR department is always working with people. As a member of this

department, I need to create a system of thinking that first, I need to understand what our

company wants and what our company wants to communicate with the outsiders. Then, I need to

find a certain way of communication that will both fit the company’s intention to the outsider and
the outsider’s wants in our company. Finally, I produce the media/ work with good quality as

best as I could. Our department work as a team. We divided the work into parts and at last, we

discuss together if the work is ready to be released. Therefore, every piece of media I have

created is critiqued by other people before being released to the public in order to create the most

effective outcomes.

Problems can easily arise among people in stressful situations such as working. Working

on this project there sure be problems and conflicts within the working process. When I know

there’s a problem, for example, the bag produced by the factory comes out to be not the same as

we advertise, I acknowledge the problem and discuss with teammates of how we can fix it. We

are in charge of advertising so we need to get the information straight. I immediately change the

previous posters to be advertising the right design of the product. Our PR department contacts

and give information to the customer who has a problem with the new design.

Working as a company highly require collaboration skill. I always state my opinion on

the decision made in our company. I intently listen to every announcement and meeting within

our company. Sometimes I find it hard to be saying what I think in a large group so I tend to go

talk with the people who are in charge of the topic and tell/her what I think. At the start of the

working period, I was shy and scared to say something however once I get to know all the

members I became increasingly vocal. Having to work in a department that mainly uses

communication to work, I have greatly improved my communication skills. I got to

communicate with other departments by talking to them. I also got to communicate with the

outsiders in a form of media. At first, as a company, we struggled a little bit because the classes

were online however, it makes us improved our communication in another form which is

communication through media platforms for example google classroom and line.
Overall, I believe that I am an effective articulate communicator. As a member of the

Public Relations department, my main job is to communicate with both of the members of our

company and the outsiders. This pushed me to improve my communication skill a lot. I did not

only improve my communication in the type of talking, but I also improve my communication

through the art of media to communicate with the outsiders and customers engaging with our


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