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Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408
Machine Theory

Dynamic analysis of a slider–crank mechanism with eccentric

connector and planetary gears
Selçuk Erkaya, S _
ß ükrü Su, Ibrahim Uzmay *

Erciyes University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 38039 Kayseri, Turkey

Received 15 November 2005; received in revised form 24 March 2006; accepted 11 April 2006
Available online 9 June 2006


In this study, the kinematic and dynamic analysis of a modified slider–crank mechanism which has an additional eccen-
tric link between connecting rod and crank pin, as distinct from a conventional mechanism, are presented. This new extra
link that may be called the eccentric connector transmits gas forces to the crank, and it also drives a planetary gear mech-
anism transmitting a great deal of driving forces to the output. In order to drive the planetary gear train, a pinion fixed to
the eccentric connector is used. Consequently, the driving force is transmitted to crankshaft by means of two different
ways. For the comparison, the dynamic analysis results of developed slider–crank mechanism have been evaluated with
respect to that of a conventional slider–crank mechanism. As a result, although both the conventional and the modified
slider–crank mechanisms have the same stroke and the same gas pressure in the cylinder, it is observed that the modified
mechanism has a bigger output torque than that of the conventional mechanism.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Slider–crank mechanism; Kinematic and dynamic analysis; Eccentric connector; Epicyclic gear mechanism; Torque output

1. Introduction

In general, conventional slider–crank mechanism is used in the internal combustion engines except for wan-
kel engines. As a result of the investigations focused on mechanical and thermal design parameters in the inter-
nal combustion engines, mechanical strength, thermal efficiency, wear and surface quality of the elements have
been improved during the 20th century. Consequently, it can be clearly seen that fuel consumption has been
reduced and engine lifetime has been increased. In spite of these developments, any definite modification in the
slider–crank mechanism has not been effected up to now. However, motion and force transmission character-
istics have been improved by means of studies on kinematics and dynamics of mechanism.
Cveticanin and Maretic have summarized dynamic analysis of a cutting mechanism which is a special type
of the crank shaper mechanism [1]. The influence of the cutting force on the motion of the mechanism was
considered. The Lagrange equation was used and boundary values of the cutting force were obtained

Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 3524375832; fax: +90 3524375784.
_ Uzmay).
E-mail address: (I.

0094-114X/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
394 S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408

analytically and numerically. Ha et. al. have derived the dynamic equations of a slider–crank mechanism by
using Hamilton’s principle, Lagrange multiplier, geometric constraints and partitioning method [2]. The for-
mulation was expressed by only one independent variable. Dynamic responses between the experimental
results and numerical simulations were compared to obtain the best dynamic modeling. Also, a new identifi-
cation method based on the genetic algorithm was presented to identify the parameters of a slider–crank mech-
anism. Transient and steady state dynamic response of a class of slider–crank mechanisms which involves rigid
members but compliant supporting bearings have been investigated by Goudas et al. [3]. In their research,
both the driving and the resisting loads were expressed as a function of the crank’s angular position.
Lagrange’s equations were also used to derive the non-linear equations of motion. These equations were
solved numerically to examine the resulting dynamical system. Koser has summarized kinematic performance
analysis of a slider–crank mechanism based robot arm performance and dynamics [4]. The kinematic perfor-
mance of the robot arm was analyzed by using generalized Jacobian matrix. It was obtained that the slider–
crank mechanism based robot arm had almost full isotropic kinematic performance characteristics and its
performance was much better than the best 2R robot arm. Dynamic analysis and vibration control of a flexible
slider–crank mechanism driven by a servomotor have been studied by Fung and Chen [5]. To formulate the
governing equations of the mechanism, geometric constraint at the end of a flexible connecting rod was
derived and introduced into Hamilton’s principle. Chen and Huang have investigated the dynamic responses
of flexible slider–crank mechanism by considering all the high order terms [6]. The non-linear equation of
motion was solved by Newmark method. In the low-speed range, it was found that the dynamic responses
predicted by non-linear and linear approaches (neglecting the high order terms) indeed made no significant
difference. However, when the rotation speed increased up to about one-fifth of the fundamental bending nat-
ural frequency of the connecting rod, simplified linear approaches exhibited a noticeable error. Söylemez has
summarized the classical transmission angle problem for slider–crank mechanisms which is the determination
of the dimensions of planar slider–crank mechanisms with optimum transmission angle for given values of the
slider stroke and corresponding crank rotation [7]. The complex algebra was used to solve that classical prob-
lem and the solution was obtained as the root of a cubic equation within a defined range. Another research
about transmission angle was implemented by Shrinivas and Satish [8]. They have summarized importance of
the transmission angle for most effective force transmission. In this sense, they investigated 4-, 5-, 6- and 7-bar
linkages, spatial linkages and slider–crank mechanisms.

2. Dynamic analysis of conventional slider–crank mechanism

Slider–crank mechanism converts the translatory motion of piston to rotary motion of crank. Driving effect
of slider–crank mechanism is obtained by a gas pressure arising from combustion of mixture consisting of fuel
and air. The force corresponds to this pressure causes the piston to translate along the vertical axis and this
action is transmitted to crank through connecting rod. The conventional mechanism which is widely used in
internal combustion engines is a concentric slider–crank mechanism. This mechanism, as shown in Fig. 1, has
one degree of freedom, that is, a constrained mechanism. Parameters used in the conventional mechanism are
given in Table 1 in Appendix A. In considering the kinematic analysis of the slider–crank mechanism, it is
necessary to determine the displacement of the slider and then its corresponding velocity and acceleration.
For this purpose, displacement of piston can be defined as a function of crank’s angular position in the
following form:
  1  2 
S pi 
¼ l þ r cos h  k sin h ð1Þ

where r* is the crank radius, l* is the connecting rod length, k ¼ rl and h* denotes the crank’s angular position.
If the piston displacement is derived in time assuming the angular velocity to be constant, the piston velocity
can be found as
V pi ¼ r x21 sin h þ k sin 2h ð2Þ
S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408 395




S *pi l*

θ* r*

Fig. 1. Concentric slider–crank mechanism.

By taking time-derivative of Eq. (2), the piston acceleration is given by

api ¼ r x221 ½cos h þ k cos 2h  ð3Þ
The purpose of dynamic analysis of the slider–crank mechanism is to determine the total output torque arising
from resultant force (gas + inertia). In the mechanism, gas forces, known as driving effect, do not have con-
stant value during the expansion stroke. So, the cylinder volume has to be expressed as a function of crank’s
angular position considering the variation of gas forces
h i pD2
V x ðh Þ ¼ V c þ l þ r  S pi ð4Þ
where Vc is the cylinder clearance volume, S pi is the piston displacement and D is the cylinder bore diameter.
Gas pressure during the expansion stroke is given by
P e ðh Þ ¼ P 3 ð5Þ
V x ðh Þ
where P3 is the pressure in the cylinder and V is the cylinder volume at the end of the compression stroke. k is
the polytropic coefficient and usually taken to be equal 1.3 for diesel engines [9]. Gas forces can be expressed as
a function of crank’s angular position in the following form:
F g ¼ Api ½P e ðh Þ  P atm  ð6Þ
where Api is the piston sectional area and Patm is the atmospheric pressure. In order to determine joint forces,
dynamic force analysis has to be completed considering gas forces and inertial forces. These forces, known as
active effects, are outlined in Fig. 2.
Referring to Fig. 2(a), output torque on the crankshaft, arising from gas forces, is given by
M gas ¼ rxF i32 ð7Þ
where F i32 denotes the gas forces effect on the crank-pin center and can be expressed as a function of gas forces
in the following form:
F i32 ¼  ð8Þ
cos b
396 S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408

y y

y [– m a ]
B B [– m a ] B B
1 * 1 180 90
x F14ιι x
4 270 F14ι 4
Fg aB ιι

β* a 31

3 [– m G3 aG 3 ]
3 y
G3 ιιι
aG3 F32
y F32
A x δ x
2 * 2 A
θ *
θ *

r* ι
F32 r*
x x

(a) (b)
Fig. 2. The gas (a) and inertial forces (b) for conventional mechanism.

As stated schematically in Fig. 2(b), the resultant inertial force on the point A is given as a vectorial summa-
tion in the following form:
F Inertia ¼ F ii32 þ F iii
32 ð9Þ
where F ii32 denotes the inertial effect of the piston’s mass and F iii
32 denotes the inertial effect of the connecting
rod’s mass. These forces can be expressed, respectively
ðmB aB Þ
F ii32 ¼  ð10Þ
cos b
where mB is the total mass on the piston-pin center. aB is the acceleration of the piston-pin center and equals to
api in Eq. (3).
" 2 #1=2
iii ðmG3 aG3 ÞðBG3 sinðw þ b Þ  l cos w sin b Þ þ ðI G3 a31 Þ 2
F 32 ¼ þ ððmG3 aG3 Þ cos wÞ ð11Þ
l cos b

where mG3 is the mass of connecting rod and aG3 is the linear acceleration of connecting rod’s gravity center.
Also, I G3 is the inertia moment and a31 is the angular acceleration. aG3 and a31 are given as a function of
crank’s angular position in Appendix A. Output torque caused by resultant inertial force is defined by
M Inertia ¼ rx F Inertia ð12Þ
S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408 397

From Eqs. (7) and (12), total output torque on the crankshaft can be written in the following form:
M Total ¼ M gas þ M Inertia ð13Þ

3. Analysis of modified slider–crank mechanism

3.1. Elements of developed mechanism

Modified slider–crank mechanism, as shown in Fig. 3, has an additional extra link between connecting rod
and crank pin as distinct from conventional mechanism. The new extra link, may be called eccentric connec-
tor, transmits gas forces to the crank and also drives a planetary gear mechanism. In order to drive planetary
gear train, a pinion fixed to the eccentric connector in a parallel plane is used. So, there are two transmission
lines in this new system. One of them called direct transmission line consists of the way of connecting rod,
eccentric connector, crank arm and the other one called indirect transmission line consists of connecting
rod, eccentric connector, gear mechanism.
When the motion characteristic of the mechanism in Fig. 3 is investigated carefully, a kinematic-based
scheme in Fig. 4 is obtained.
Referring to Fig. 4, it can be seen that the modified mechanism has one degree of freedom, that is, this
model is a constrained mechanism. The eccentric connector makes a curvilinear translation because of chosen
a particular gear ratio between pinion and ring gear. That is, it has no a relative motion with respect to crank
pin (n31 = 0). Consequently, there is an identical freedom in the mechanism due to the specific motion of the
eccentric connector. Parameters used in the modified mechanism are given in Table 2 in Appendix B.

3.2. Kinematics of modified slider–crank mechanism

In the modified mechanism, ring gear rotates 1/2 times at the speed of the crank arm because of two main
reasons, one of them is gear ratio between pinion and ring gear and the other is curvilinear translation of the
eccentric connector. As shown in Fig. 3, this ratio is also obtained from the planetary gear relationship among
the crank arm, pinion and ring gear in the following form:
r6 n31  n21
þ in ¼ ; ðn31 ¼ 0Þ ð14Þ
rp n61  n21
For the position analysis of the modified mechanism, the position of piston-pin center with respect to crank
rotation center is given by
S pi ¼ rc cos h þ l cos b ð15Þ
where rc is the crank radius, l is the connecting rod length and b is defined as the angle between the line of
connecting rod and the cylinder axis. b = f(h) is given by
1h ei 2
cos b ¼ 1  kc sin h þ kp  ð16Þ
2 l
where rp is the radius of pinion gear, e is the distance of eccentricity, kc ¼ rlc and kp ¼ lp . Substituting Eq. (16)
into Eq. (15) yields
1 2 1 ei
S pi ¼ l þ rc cos h  kc sin h  rp kc sin h þ kp þ e kc sin h þ kp  ð17Þ
2 2 2l
Time-derivative of Eq. (17) yields the velocity of piston
V pi ¼ x21 rc sin h þ kc rc sin 2h þ kc rp cos h  kc e cos h ð18Þ
From the differentiation of Eq. (18), the piston acceleration is defined by
api ¼ x221 ½rc cos h þ kc rc cos 2h  kc rp sin h þ kc e sin h ð19Þ
398 S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408

Fig. 3. Modified slider–crank mechanism; 3D view (a), side view (b) and schematical representation (c) [10].
S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408 399



S pi l

A 3
2 rp B
rc x

e Connector (3)
Gear (3)
Ring Gear (6)
Gear (9)
Gear (7)
Gear (8)


Fig. 4. Scheme of modified mechanism.

3.3. Dynamics of modified slider–crank mechanism

In the modified mechanism, eccentric connector has three joints with such other links as the crank arm,
connecting rod and ring gear. When the connecting rod line is taken to be reference, there is a plane difference
between two forces, which one of them is transmitted from the connecting rod to the crank arm by the eccen-
tric connector and the other is applied to ring gear by the pinion gear. This difference is approximately
41.5 mm. So, in the dynamic analysis of this mechanism, this distance has to be considered. The other impor-
tant points about mechanism, as shown in Fig. 3, counterweight for eccentric connector (Part 3.1) provides
that the gravity center of eccentric connector coincides with the crank-pin axis, 7th and 8th gears are joined
each other as a unit link and 9th gear is joined to the crankshaft by means of wedge.

3.3.1. Output torque obtained by means of gas forces

Gas forces, as considering driving effect in this mechanism, do not have constant value during the expan-
sion stroke. So, it is necessary that the cylinder volume, gas pressure and the gas forces have to be expressed as
a function of crank’s angular position. For this purpose, by adapting the parameters, such as h, l, rc and Spi
given in Eqs. (4)–(6), these expressions can be applied to the modified mechanism (the other parameters, such
as Vc, D, P3 and V, are same values in that equations for each mechanism). Fig. 5 shows the effect of the gas
forces on the mechanism links schematically.
Gas forces pushing the piston exert the force, F i43 , on eccentric connector at point B. This force has two
different components orthogonal to each other. As one of them which parallel to cylinder axis causes the plan-
etary gear mechanism to drive, the normal component also causes the crank to translate.
400 S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408

Fg y
1 90+β
5 x
C 270

4 D
ι ι
M 61 360-(θ- ϕ) F36
M 91
F32ι rp
2 A 3
rc ι
F43 x

Gear (3)
Ring Gear (6)
Gear (9)
Gear (7)
Gear (8)


ι ι
M 71 = M 81

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of the gas forces effect on the modified mechanism. Output torque obtained by means of direct transmission line. This line consists of connecting rod, eccen-
tric connector and crank arm links. Force equilibrium for the eccentric connector is given by
F i43 þ F i23 ¼ 0 ð20Þ
where F i43
force is exerted on eccentric connector by means of the connecting rod and also the force is ex- F i23
erted on eccentric connector by means of crank arm. Because of the special construction of the eccentric con-
nector and the planar difference, the component F i43x has to be taken instead of F i43 in Eq. (20). This force can
be expressed as a function of gas forces in the following form:
F i43x ¼ F g tan b ð21Þ
Output torque obtained by means of the direct transmission line (M i21 ) is given by
M i21 ¼ rc xF i32 ð22Þ
where F i32
denotes the force which is exerted on the crank arm by means of the eccentric connector. By con-
sidering Newton’s law, it is clear that this force is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to F i23
F i32 ¼ F g tan b ð23Þ
As can be seen from Eqs. (21) and (23), F i43x and F i32 forces are equal in magnitude and same direction.
S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408 401 Output torque obtained by means of indirect transmission line. This line consists of connecting rod,
eccentric connector and gear mechanism.
Referring to Fig. 6, moment equilibrium for the eccentric connector with respect to crank-pin center is
given by
M iA ¼ rp xF i43 þ rp xF i63 ¼ 0 ð24Þ
From Eq. (24), F i63
force which is exerted on pinion gear by means of the ring gear can be obtained as a func-
tion of gas forces in the following form:
F i63 ¼  ð25Þ
cos u
where u is the pressure angle between pinion and ring gears. Moment expression for the ring gear is given by
M i61 ¼ r6in xF i36 ð26Þ
where r6in is the inner diameter of the ring gear and F i36 force is exerted on the ring gear by means of the pinion
gear. It is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to F i63 force in Eq. (25). For obtaining the output tor-
que by way of the indirect line (M i91 ), it can be used the gear ratio among the ring, 7th, 8th and 9th gears. This
torque can be expressed in the following form:
r9 r7
M i91 ¼   M i61 ð27Þ
r8 r6out
From Eqs. (22) and (27), total output torque on the crankshaft, caused by gas forces, can be written in the
following form:
M gas ¼ M i21 þ M i91 ð28Þ

M 61 ι 180-(θ- ϕ)
M 91 rp
3 B
2 A 270+β
θ ι
rc F43 x

Gear (3)
Ring Gear (6)
Gear (9)
Gear (7)
Gear (8)


ι ι
M 71 = M 81

Fig. 6. Schema of the moment equilibrium for pinion gear.

402 S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408

3.3.2. Output torque arising from inertial forces

For a given configuration, Fig. 7 shows the inertial forces and the moments of inertia on the mechanism
If the joint B is considered as a point that driving effects arising from gas forces and inertial effects are trans-
mitted to the crankshaft, resultant forces at this points can be classified as vertical and horizontal components.
As the horizontal components of inertial forces drive the crankshaft via direct line, resultant vertical forces
reach to the output through gear mechanism, that is, indirect line. Resultant effect on the crankshaft of inertial
forces is sum of these components
M 21Inertia ¼ M ii21 þ M iii iv v vi vii viii
21 þ M 21 þ M 21 þ M 21 þ M 21 þ M 21 ð29Þ
M 91Inertia ¼ M ii91 þ M iii
91 þ M iv
91 þ M v91 þ M vi
91 þ M vii
91 þ M viii
91 ð30Þ
where M i21 and M i91 ,
(i = ii, iii, . . . , viii), are the moments of inertia on the crank due to inertial effects of mech-
anism’s links, and relevant expressions are given in Appendix B. From Eqs. (29) and (30), the total moment of
inertia is expressed in the following form:
M Inertia ¼ M 21Inertia þ M 91Inertia ð31Þ

y [– mC a C ] ιι
1 5



ω 61 ,α 61 l
[– I α 61 ] vι ψ+β

[– m ]
G4 G4 a G4
a G4
ω 91 ,α 91
[– m aG 3 ] v [– mB aB ] ιv
G3 μ
A≡G3 rp B
θ 2 aB
[– I G9 α 91 ] vιιι
rc x

Gear (3)
Ring Gear (6)
Gear (9)
Gear (7)
Gear (8)


ω 71 = ω 81
α 71 = α 81

[– I
G7 8α 71 ] vιι

Fig. 7. Schematic representation of the inertial force effects on the modified mechanism.
S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408 403

As seen from Eqs. (28) and (31), total output torque on the crankshaft, consists of gas and inertial forces, can
be defined in the following form:
M Total ¼ M gas þ M Inertia ð32Þ

4. Conclusion and discussion

In this study, in order to compare two different mechanisms in kinematic and dynamic respects, the same
stroke and gas force are considered and the rotation speed of 2500 rpm is also used for both mechanisms. It is
assumed that unbalance of rotating masses is balanced using counterweight. Frictional effects of link joints
and gravitational effects are ignored. The total output torques of conventional slider–crank mechanism,
defined by Eq. (13), and the new mechanism with eccentric connector, given in Eq. (32), are shown in Fig. 8.
As seen from Fig. 8, although the driving force is the same for two mechanisms, a certain difference for
output torque values is observed. Increasing in the output torque of modified mechanism arises from new
power transmission line consisting of eccentric connector and planetary gear mechanism. Relatively slow
motion of piston at the beginning of power stroke also compensates disadvantage of dead position.
In the case of conventional slider–crank mechanism, when piston is at top dead center, gas forces reach
their maximum values. But any torque effect can not be obtained for a small time interval due to this dead
position, that is, torque output decreases. This situation does not occur in the modified mechanism with eccen-
tric connector owing to structural arrangement. In the beginning of the power stroke, that is, when the driving
force has its maximum value, force transmission is possible for both power transmission lines. Therefore, as
opposed to conventional mechanism, torque output is directly proportional to driving force for the proposed
mechanism. The reason of rapidly decrease in torque output of the new system is a decrease in gas pressure as
a result exhaust phenomena. The output torque values for the mechanism with eccentric connector are higher
than that of classical mechanism, but it should be noted that mechanical losses arising from additional power
transmission line are not considered.
As a result of Eqs. (12) and (31), output torques resulting from inertial effects are summarized in Fig. 9.
Inertial torque in the developed mechanism, as expected, has bigger equivalent work or energy value than
that of classical mechanism. This result can be evaluated as a natural effect of mechanism link’s inertias in
which the mechanism with an eccentric connector has much more number of moving links than the conven-
tional mechanism.
30 Conventional



Torque [Nm]






0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Crank’s angular position [Degree]

Fig. 8. Total output torque obtained by resultant force for each mechanism.
404 S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408

30 Conventional



Torque [Nm] 15






0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Crank’s angular position [Degree]

Fig. 9. Output torque obtained by inertial forces for each mechanism.

In the case of the proposed slider–crank mechanism, torque outputs resulting from gas forces, obtained
from Eqs. (22), (27) and (28), are given in Fig. 10.
It is obvious that a large amount of total torque output is transmitted by the way of epicyclic gear train.
For the case of the new mechanism, in Fig. 11, torque outputs are classified in two groups according to
power transmission lines, respectively.
As seen from this figure, a certain amount of total torque is transmitted via gear mechanism. Consequently,
if mechanical loses of epicyclic gear trains in the proposed mechanism with eccentric connector are considered,
it can be said that the system efficiency decreases.

30 MCrank


Torque [Nm]



0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Crank’s angular position [Degree]

Fig. 10. Output torque obtained by gas forces for modified mechanism.
S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408 405

35 MTotal
30 MGear


Torque [Nm]






0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Crank’s angular position [Degree]

Fig. 11. Total output torque obtained by resultant force for modified mechanism.

This work is a part of the research project DPT-05-07. The authors wish to express their thanks for financial
support being provided by the State Planning Organization, Republic of Turkey and also Mr. Hasan Basri
ÖZDAMAR which has the patent right of the proposed modified mechanism.

Appendix A. Parameters and equations for conventional mechanism (Table 1)

Linear and angular accelerations of the connecting rod’s gravity center in Eq. (11) can be given in the fol-
lowing form: 2
h  i
6AG3 2r ðl Þ2 cos h þ 2ðr Þ2 l cos 2h þ ðr Þ3 cos h ðcos 2h  5 sin2 h Þ
aG3 ¼ x221 6   1=2
4 cos h ð2ðl Þ2 ðr Þ2 sin2 h Þ r sin2 h
2ðl Þ2 ðr Þ2 þ AG23 þ 2r AG3 2ðl Þ2

h i2
2 3 2
AG23 2r ðl Þ sin h þ ðr Þ sin h ½2  3 sin h  þ 2ðr Þ l sin 2h 7
 h h   2  2 2  ii3=2 7
 4 2  2ðl Þ ðr Þ sin h r  sin 2 
h 5
4ðl Þ ðr Þ þ AG23 þ 2r AG3 cos h 2ðl Þ2

r x221 ½sin h i þ ð2 cos h þ k cos 2hÞj   l x231 ðcos b i þ sin b jÞ

a31 ¼ 
l ðsin b i  cos b jÞ
Table 1
Parameters used in the conventional mechanism
Parameters Descriptions Values
r* Crank radius 50 mm
l* Length of connecting rod 269 mm
x21 Angular velocity of crank arm 261.6 rad/s
mB Dynamically equivalent mass in piston-pin center 2.0933 kg
AG3 Distance between cran-pin center and connecting rod gravity center 97 mm
mG3 Dynamically equivalent mass in connecting rod gravity center 0.5131 kg
I G3 Moment of inertia of the connecting rod 0.01612 kg m2
Stroke 100 mm
406 S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408

Appendix B. Parameters and equations for modified mechanism (Table 2)

Linear acceleration of the connecting rod’s gravity center can be expressed in the following form:
2 rc BG4 BG4 rc cos 2h  2r p BG4 sin h þ 2eBG4 sin h  2rc l cos 2h þ 2r p l sin h
aG4 ¼ x21
2l2 rG4

rc BG4 2el sin h  2rp l sin h þ 2l2 cos h þ r2c cos hðcos 2h  5 sin2 hÞ þ rc rp ½rG4 sin h þ A1 cos h

2l2 rG4
h i
rc BG4 r2p cos h þ e2 cos h þ rc rp sin 2h  rc e sin 2h  2erp cos h  rc BG4 cos 2h þ 2rp BG4 sin h
2l2 rG4

rc BG4 A1 BG4 rc sin 2h þ 2rp BG4 cos h  2eBG4 cos h  2rc l sin 2h  2lrp cos h

2l2 r2G4
h i
rc BG4 A1 2el cos h  2rp l cos h  2l2 sin h  r2c sin hð2  3 sin2 hÞ þ r2p sin h

2l2 r2G4
 2 #
rc BG4 A1 e sin h  rc rp cos 2h þ rc e cos 2h  2erp sin h  rc BG4 sin 2h  rp BG4 cos h þ 2eBG4 cos h

2l2 r2G4

where A1 and rG4 can be given, respectively

rc cos hBG24 ½rc sin h þ e  rc l cos hBG4 ½2rc sin h  e þ 2rp  þ rc rp l2 cos h
A1 ¼
h l2 rG4 i
2 2
rc sin hBG4 2l þ rc ð2  3 sin hÞ  r2p  e2 þ 2erp þ 2rc BG4 cos h þ r2c cos 2hBG4 ½rp  e

2l2 rG4
2 i1=2
rG4 ¼ rc sin h þ rp  BG4 sin b þ rc cos h þ BG4 cos b

Table 2
Parameters used in the modified mechanism
Parameters Descriptions Values
rc Crank radius 50 mm
l Length of connecting rod 269 mm
rp Radius of pinion gear 50 mm
e Distance of eccentricity 50 mm
u Pressure angle 20o
x21 Angular velocity of crank arm 261.6 rad/s
mC Dynamically equivalent mass in piston-pin center 2.7309 kg
CG4 Distance between piston-pin center and connecting rod gravity center 184 mm
BG4 Distance between point B and connecting rod gravity center 85 mm
mG4 Dynamically equivalent mass in connecting rod gravity center 0.5681 kg
I G4 Moment of inertia of the connecting rod 0.0488 kg m2
mB Dynamically equivalent mass in point B 2.1343 kg
mG3 Total mass in eccentric connector gravity center 9.5602 kg
r6in Inner radius of ring gear 100 mm
r6out Outer radius of ring gear 110 mm
I G6 Moment of inertia of the ring gear 0.2133 kg m2
r7 Radius of gear 7 55 mm
r8 Radius of gear 8 82.5 mm
IG(7–8) Moment of inertia of the gear (7–8) 0.0273 kg m2
r9 Radius of gear 9 82.5 mm
I G9 Moment of inertia of the gear 9 0.0284 kg m2
Stroke 100 mm
S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408 407

Angular acceleration of the connecting rod’s gravity center can be expressed in the following form:
aG4 sinðw  kÞ
a41 ¼  1=2
BG4 þ BI 41 2  2BG4 BI 41 cos b

where w can be given, respectively,

rc sin h þ rp  BG4 sin b
w ¼ arctan
rc cos h þ BG4 cos b
Linear acceleration for point B of the modified mechanism can be given in the following form:
2 h i 3
2rc rp sin h r2c þ r2p þ 2rc rp sin h þ r2c r2p cos2 h
6 7
aB ¼ x221 4 h i3=2 5
2 r2c þ r2p þ 2rc rp sin h

Linear acceleration of eccentric connector’s gravity center can be given in the following form:
aG3 ¼ aB cos l

where l can be expressed, respectively

rc cos h
l ¼ arctan
rc sin h þ rp

Angular accelerations for elements of the epicyclic gear mechanism can be given, respectively
aB cos l cos h
a61 ¼
a71 ¼ a81 ¼ aB cos l cos h
r7 r6in
r8 r6out
a91 ¼ aB cos l cos h
r9 r7 r6in

The moments of inertia in Eq. (29) can be given in the following form:

M ii21 ¼ ðmC aC Þrc cos h tan b

rc cos h 
M iii
21 ¼ ðmG4 aG4 ÞðCG4 sinðw þ bÞ þ l cos w sin bÞ  ðI G4 a41 Þ
l cos b
iv ðmB aB Þrc sin h cos b½rc r8 r6out cosðl þ hÞ þ r9 r7 r6in sin l
M 21 ¼ þ ðmB aB Þrc sin h sin l
rc r8 r6out sinðb þ hÞ  r9 r7 r6in cos b
ðmB aB Þrc cos h sin b½rc r8 r6out cosðl þ hÞ  r9 r7 r6in sin l
 þ ðmB aB Þrc cos h cos l
rc r8 r6out sinðb þ hÞ  r9 r7 r6in cos b
ðmG3 aG3 Þr2c cos h sinðb þ hÞ
M v21 ¼  r r r   ðmG3 aG3 Þrc cos h
6 7 9
cos b r6in r8  rc sinðb þ hÞ
M vi
21 ¼ ðI G6 a61 Þ tan b cos h
r6out rc
M vii
21 ¼ ðI Gð7–8Þ að7181Þ Þ tan b cos h
r7 r6in
rc r8 r6out
M viii
21 ¼ ðI G9 a91 Þ tan b cos h
r9 r7 r6in
408 S. Erkaya et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 393–408

The moments of inertia in Eq. (30) can be given in the following form:
ii r6in r7 r9
M 91 ¼ ðmC aC Þ
r6out r8
iii r6in r7 r9
M 91 ¼ ðmG4 aG4 Þ cos w cos b
r6out r8
iv ðm B a B Þ cos bðr c r 8 r 6out cosðl þ hÞ  r 9 r 7 r 6in sin lÞ r9 r7 r6in
M 91 ¼  ðmB aB Þ sin l
r9 r7 r6in cos b þ rc r8 r6out sinðb þ hÞ r8 r6out
ðmG3 aG3 Þrc r6in r7 r9 cos h cos b cos u
M v91 ¼ 
rc r6out r8 cos u sinðb þ hÞ þ r6in r7 r9 cos b
ðI G6 a61 Þr9 r7
M vi
91 ¼
r8 r6out
ðI Gð7–8Þ að7181Þ Þr9
M 91 ¼ 
M viii
91 ¼ ðI G9 a91 Þ


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