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Year 9 Dance LC3 Medium Term Plan

Overarching ‘Explain how a theme can be conveyed through a Street Dance.’


Exam board Assessment objectives from the Syllabus are below, pupils will be engaging in all areas;
links • AO1: Perform dance, reflecting choreographic intention through physical, technical and expressive skills.
• Students will further develop their understanding of different dance forms. The Focus is Street dance, here they will develop the ability to perform in this style and will learn
about street dance technique and identified movements-
Body wave
Students will focus on how street dancers express themselves and how street dance helped them to communicate on the street and solve confrontations and disagreements
amongst gangs.

• AO2: Create dance, including movement, material and selected aural setting, to communicate choreographic intention.
• Students will develop and explore movement towards street dance (see above list). They will look at music videos, street dance battle competitions and films detailing how the
style of dance develops and is used in modern and popular culture. They will create motifs and dances in order to interpret the style and the urban setting street dance is
placed into. They will do this through research and using key choreography as an inspiration for their own work.

• AO3: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of choreographic processes and performing skills.
• They will further develop their understanding of the choreographic dance principles and how creating dance comes from a stimulus in order to inspire movement. Students will
need to demonstrate a high level of expressive skills in order to get a high mark in their performance assessment.

• AO4: Critically appreciate own works and professional works, through making analytical, interpretative and evaluative judgments.
• They will be assessed on how well they interpret a dance and also on how well they evaluate their own and others performances. Students will be assessed on this weekly and
it will also go towards their finally practical mark.

Line of Ø Week 1: How did Street Dance form as a dance style?

enquiry’s Ø Week 2: Can a Street Dance motif communicate an idea?
Ø Week 3: How can dynamics be used to convey the Dance idea?
Ø Week 4: What performance skills are necessary to perform the style effectively?
Ø Week 5: How can a dance prepare for performance?

Lesson 1 Hypothesis: ‘Street dance was formed from the streets’ Students should know and understand:

Learning intentions: Key characteristics of Street dance as a dance style and how to
demonstrate movement in a stylistic way.
- Develop an awareness of Street Dance as a dance style

Success criteria:
- Identify key characteristics and stylistic features of Street Dance
- Describe key RADS from a Street Dance work
- Demonstrate key movement in a stylistic way

Home learning:

Research dance style and add info to dance booklet.

Lesson 2 Hypothesis: ‘Street Dance has no meaning, it is just dance moves’’ Students should know and understand:

Learning intentions: Knowledge, understanding and skills for performance and choreography:
- Discover how an idea can be communicated through street
dance Communication of choreographic intent including mood(s), meaning(s),
idea(s), theme(s) and/or style/style fusion(s).

Success criteria:
- Describe given stimulus /idea
- Evaluate how the stimulus/idea is reflected through the street dance
- Demonstrate motif with stylistic features
Home learning:

Describe a motif using RADS and explain how it communicates the

dance idea.
Lesson 3 Hypothesis: ‘Only fast, sharp movement can be used in Street Students should know and understand:
Knowledge, understanding and skills for choreography:
Learning intentions:
- Explore dynamic content within dance Dynamic content, including:
• fast/slow
• sudden/sustained
Success criteria:
• acceleration/deceleration • strong/light
-Identify how dynamics can influence dance content • direct/indirect
-Develop motif by varying dynamics • flowing/abrupt.
-Demonstrate contrasting dynamics within the motif
Understanding of how dynamic quality reflects given dance idea.

Home learning:

Key words revision: expressive skills for quiz.

Lesson 4: Hypothesis: ‘Expressive skills are more important than Physical Students should know and understand:
skills in Street Dance’
To critically appreciate their own performance, through describing,
Learning intentions: analysing, interpreting, evaluating and reflecting, students must know
- Develop expressive skills in performance and understand the meaning and demonstration of the relevant
performance terminology-
Success criteria:
Expressive skills:
-Identify key expressive skills used in Street Dance style • projection
-Define key expressive skills • focus
-Evaluate own ability to perform using expressive skills • facial expression
-Identify areas for development and strategies to improve • phrasing.
-Respond to feedback- demonstrate actions towards improvement

Home learning:
Exam style question task
Lesson 5: Hypothesis: ‘Practice makes perfect’ Students should know and understand:
The meaning and demonstration of the relevant performance
Learning intentions:
-Develop an awareness of the importance of preparation before Mental skills and attributes:
• systematic repetition
• mental rehearsal
Success criteria: • rehearsal discipline
-Identify mental skill processes before a performance • planning of rehearsal
• response to feedback
-Explain what is meant by each of the mental skill processes
• capacity to improve
-Evaluate peers performance
-Respond to feedback provided
-Create rehearsal schedule
Home learning:
Revision to prepare for assessment week

Lesson 6: Assessment Week

Lesson 7: Gap teaching

This week will be for gap reinforcement. The lesson will be determined following a detailed analysis of the previous assessment. The lesson will
cover areas of weaknesses that have been identified. This will allow students to continue to develop their knowledge and also allow for deeper
learning to take place.

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