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welcome Another look at the restrictions in place

to keep students healthy and safe
Only 25% capacity is allowed in Memorial
Stadium, and everyone needs a face covering


COVID-19 UPDATE: Tests: 932,140 Cases: 78,117 Deaths: 1,450 Cases: 2,152 Deaths: 7

Tribune publisher’s final farewell Washington

‘spit test’
gets FDA
The Associated Press
A Washington University sali-
va test for the coronavirus has
been approved by the Food and
Drug Administration, Missouri
Gov. Mike Parson announced
The St. Louis-area universi-
ty worked with biotechnology
company Fluidigm to develop
the test, which allows people to
collect their own testing sam-
ples by spitting into small tubes.
Test results are available in a
few hours.
The FDA gave Fluidigm emer-
gency approval for the test,
which also allows the Washing-
ton University School of Medi-
cine to start using it, according
to a release from the school.
The test removes the need for
health care workers to swab
deep inside noses,
Jeffrey Milbrandt, who heads
Washington University School
of Medicine’s McDonnell
Genome Institute, said in
a statement. It also doesn’t
require RNA extraction kits,
which Milbrandt said makes the
tests cheaper.
ARMOND FEFFER/Missourian “People can collect the sam-
The hearse carrying the late former publisher Hank Waters drives away from the MU Columns on Wednesday at Francis Quadrangle. The hearse was guided by a motorcade that ple themselves, and it doesn’t
made stops to greet friends and former co-workers at the Columbia Daily Tribune, the Missouri Press Association and the Columns on MU’s campus. require an uncomfortable nasal
swab,” Milbrandt said. “Another
problem with current testing
A motorcade honoring the BY GRACE COOPER, TONY MADDEN
Maassen, executive director of the Missou-
ri Press Association.
is the shortage of certain lab
supplies that are required to
late Hank Waters passed The motorcade for Waters started at the
Tribune office building at 4 p.m. and ended
process viral samples. We have
notable landmarks of his life Friends, family and onlookers gathered
Wednesday afternoon to watch a motorcade
at Columbia Cemetery, passing notable
developed a method to process
the saliva samples that doesn’t
landmarks of Waters’ life along the way,
and legacy in Columbia honoring Hank Waters, the former publish-
er of the Columbia Daily Tribune. Waters
including the Tribune Publishing build- require these specialized sup-
ing, Boone County Courthouse, the Daniel
died last week at 90 years old, leaving Boone City Building, the Missouri Press Meanwhile, Missouri’s state
behind a legacy for his work at the Tribune Association and MU’s campus. health director said he won’t
and his service to the Columbia community. One car in the motorcade stood out from follow new recommendations
“He was a treasure to Missouri newspa- by U.S. officials against testing
pers. No question about that,” said Mark Please see WATERS, Page 3A people who have been in close
contact with infected people.
The new guidance was posted
earlier this week on the website

MU professor won’t teach, can continue campus-related work

of the Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention.
The agency previously
advised testing for close con-
tacts, but that was changed
BY SKYLAR LAIRD When one answered Wuhan, China, where the alerted his class over Canvas that he would no
Monday to say that testing is no coronavirus pandemic originated, Poor said, longer be teaching this semester.
“Let me get my mask on.” longer recommended for symp-
Poor, who has been at MU since 2000, is a tom-less people who were with-
Joel Poor, the MU professor relieved of his He went on to welcome the student and ask nontenure track associate teaching professor in 6 feet of an infected person
teaching duties after a comment he made whether there had been any problems with
during a marketing class this week, will con- and was teaching Principles of Marketing and for more than 15 minutes.
travel because of the pandemic.
tinue supporting a campus marketing center Services Marketing classes. Nontenure track Missouri Health Department
A Twitter account shared a 20-second
and laboratory this semester, MU spokesperson recording of the exchange, with demands for professors do not have the long-term job secu- Director Randall Williams
Christian Basi said Wednesday. MU to fire Poor. MU’s Twitter account said it rity tenured professors do, and their contracts said Wednesday that he doesn’t
Poor asked international students in his had submitted the video to the Office for Civil are subject to nonrenewal. understand why U.S. health
Monday morning class where they were from. Rights and Title IX. By the end of the day, Poor Please see POOR, Page 3A officials shifted gears on test-
ing and has been trying to get
more information.
“At this point in time, barring
something I learn that I don’t

Murder charge filed after victim dies

TODAY’S WEATHER know yet, that would not be the
PARTLY CLOUDY direction I’d recommend Mis-
91/73 souri go,” Williams said.
Williams said unless he’s pre-
BY ELIZABETH OKOSUN according to information to a news release from the sented with “clear evidence” to provided at a news confer- Columbia Police Depart- the contrary, he still encourages
INDEX Missouri residents to get tested
ence Wednesday afternoon. ment.
Abby5B The Columbia Police With the help of witnesses, The probable cause state- if needed and as recommended
Classifieds4B Department said Wednesday they were able to identify ment said witnesses told by their doctors.
Nation6A it is looking for a suspect Murry as the suspect. police Murry and the victim Parson’s administration has
Opinion5A identified by witnesses as He was last seen leaving were in a dice game when pushed for increased testing as
the shooter in a Douglass the area in an eastbound they began arguing over part of the governor’s reopening
Park incident that left a man direction, and he’s consid- money. Murry reportedly plan.
Sudoku4B dead.
TV schedule 6B ered armed and dangerous, left, then came back about More than 57,000 tests for
Prosecutors filed charges police said at the conference. 15 minutes later and shot the active cases were reported in
earlier in the day of first-de- “We don’t know exactly victim, the statement said. Missouri during the past week,
gree murder and armed where he is, but we don’t One witness told police according to state health depart-
criminal action against believe that he is still in that Murry later admitted ment data and an Associated
Rickey Lee Murry, 48. Court town,” Police Lt. Matt Ste- to them that he’d shot the Press analysis of The COVID
Our 112th year/#249 documents said the victim phens said at the news con- victim. Tracking Project data. That’s
2 sections — Corey M. Jordan — was ference. Prosecutors are seeking down from about 69,000 tests
12 pages taken to a hospital and later Police said Murry is a a $1 million cash bond for reported the week before.
died of his injuries. Black man, 5-feet 11-inches Murry when he is arrested. The state uses a “box-in” strat-
When police arrived at tall and weighs about 220 According to officials, two egy to test everyone at nursing
the shooting scene Tuesday pounds. He was last seen police cars collided while homes and other places where
night, officers reported wearing a white T-shirt and responding to the scene,
there have been outbreaks and
there were approximately traveling eastbound from resulting in minor injuries to
6 54051 90850 3
100 people at Douglass Park, the scene on foot, according three officers. Please see SPIT, Page 3A
Page 2A — Thursday, August 27, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN

Seventh COVID-related death in ‘Go online; close bars,’
Boone County; 69 more MU cases online petitions argue
BY RIDDHI ANDURKAR record single-day jump for day afternoon, MU spokes- BY XANDER NEGOZIO One author of the petition,
news@columbiamissourian. the county. person Christian Basi said. who asked not to be named
TODAY’S FORECAST: com The state reported nine The latest number of in fear of losing a graduate
A growing number of com-
additional deaths outside active cases represents 0.7% assistantship, said the deaths
A seventh person has munity members have signed
HIGH 91° LOW 73° of Boone County that were of the student population at petitions calling for a return
of several close friends’ par-
died in Boone County ents and grandparents were a
related to COVID-19 and MU, up from 0.5% Monday. to virtual-only classes, mass
Partly sunny with a 30% from complications relat- wake-up call about the pain-
78,062 cases overall. Twenty-seven students have testing of students at MU
chance of storms in the ed to COVID-19, according ful consequences of the virus.
At MU, the number of stu- recovered. and the shutdown of bars and
to a tweet Wednesday “Under the university’s
early afternoon, mostly dents with active COVID-19 The dashboard will be restaurants.
current policies, I’m current-
cloudy in the evening afternoon from Colum- cases was 228 as of Wednes- updated each Wednesday One petition, “Transpar-
ly unable to safely visit my
bia/Boone County Public day morning, according to with numbers current as of ency, Testing, and Online
mother, who is in her 60s and
Sunrise 6:34 a.m. Health and Human Ser- a campus online dashboard 7:30 a.m. that day. It might Instruction to Prevent a
has an underlying condition,”
vices. COVID-19 Outbreak at Miz-
Sunset 7:46 p.m. launched Monday. That’s an be updated more frequently the person said.
The person was in the zou,” has been signed by
increase of 69 cases since depending on the situation. The petitioners said they
more than 300 community
FRIDAY 60–64 age group. The Monday. Boone County Since Aug. 19, when MU members since it was posted
stand with the “#StillCon-
High 90° Low 70° department also reported reported 2,152 cases overall. began receiving local public cerned” movement and that
Sunday. It notes that Boone
Mostly sunny with a calm wind 87 additional cases of the None of the students health data, 263 cases have failure to address COVID-19
County’s active cases already
leading into a partly cloudy on campus is also a racial jus-
evening, 20% chance of rain coronavirus were diag- among the active cases was been reported, according to exceed the number that
tice issue.
nosed since Tuesday, a hospitalized as of Wednes- the dashboard. prompted the University of
“Structural racism in
SATURDAY North Carolina at Chapel Hill
health care systems, work-
High 85° Low 60° to go to online instruction.
places and schools (like MU)
Mostly sunny during the day, partly FAMILY SUBMITTED OBITUARY It also calls into question
the efficacy of MU’s social
is resulting in Black people
cloudy in the evening and other people of color, on
distancing measures because
SUNDAY Henry Michael “Hank” Taylor, students have already violat-
ed county health ordinances
average, being exposed to
COVID-19 more frequently
High 83° Low 67°
Mostly sunny during the day, Feb. 19, 1939 — Aug. 9, 2020 off-campus, specifically at
the Brookside Midtown pool.
than white people and expe-
riencing more severe symp-
cloudy in the evening
toms when they’re sick,” the
The petition, addressed to
Henry house on the Bay of Fundy to whatever is next for person explained.
PRECIPITATION UM System President and
Michael with the help of Marie, him. His practice of Zen That’s one of the reasons
None MU Chancellor Mun Choi,
his son, Geoff, and a great gave him much peace and the petition authors said
Normal daily value: 0.14” “Hank” Tay- MU’s executive leadership
they’d like MU to develop a
Total month to date: 1.99” lor, M.D., 81, many others. insight, which he shared and Columbia Mayor Brian
more robust dashboard. “It
Normal month to date: 3.66” of Ashland Eventually he returned with everyone who came Treece, calls for:
should include data disag-
passed away to Missouri and the Univer- to know him. Many folks ■  A pivot to all-online
Total year to date: 32.81” gregated by race for each
Normal year to date: 29.05” peacefully sity of Missouri Medical found long hours of peace- instruction at MU for the fall
campus constituency (i.e.,
Aug. 9, 2020 Center. He later practiced ful enjoyment talking with 2020 semester and the start
students, faculty, and staff) to
Henry Taylor at his res- medicine part time with the Hank about anything that of the spring 2021 semes-
track and address racial dis-
DEATH NOTICES idence fol- Missouri Department of might come up, or just sit- ter, or until Boone Coun-
proportionalities,” a petition
lowing a lengthy illness. Corrections before retiring ting quietly together. ty’s 14-day rate of positive
author said.
Mary Elizabeth Frost, 68, died He was born Feb. 19, to enjoy the peace, beauty He is survived by three COVID-19 cases per 10,000
The group also pointed out
Aug. 16. residents in the area served
1939, in Detroit, Michigan, and natural music of life in children, Marjorie Moran recent evidence that the coro-
by Columbia Public Schools
Donald Eugene (Gene) Thur- the son of Carl and Eva Fox Hollow. of Maryland, Rebecca navirus could be transmitted
falls below 10.
man, 91, a longtime Columbia LaRose Taylor. Some of his greatest plea- Horning of Maryland, and in aerosols that remain for
■  Publishing aggre-
resident, died Aug. 21. A private He was married June 21, sures in life derived from Geoffrey Taylor of Colum- hours in classrooms, hallways
gate data on the number of
1980 in Ashland to Marie reading a wide variety of bia; four grandchildren; and elevators.
burial will be held at Wesley COVID-19 cases identified
Christine Eveker, who pre- subjects and genres which two great-grandchildren; Another petition, “Increase
Chapel Cemetery in Armstrong among MU students, faculty
ceded him in death Oct. 25, led, among other things, to two sisters, Mary (Den- Regulations to Ensure Essen-
at a later date. and staff since Aug. 15.
2019. an interest in woodworking nis) Paradoski of St. Clair tial Services in Columbia,
■  A COVID-19 dashboard
Marc Bair, 60, died Aug. 22. Missouri” calls for:
Hank’s long life led him and astronomy. Shores, Michigan, and that would report daily aggre-
■  Restricting all restau-
Larry Palmer, 53, died Aug. 22. to many and varied places Hank was a federally Kathleen (Jeff) Eberts of gate data on positive cases
rants to outdoor seating and
Arrangements are under the in the world for work and licensed amateur radio Merritt Island, Florida; one identified among MU stu-
take-out services.
direction of Memorial Funeral travel. He served with operator, holding the call brother, Dave (Pat Watkins) dents, faculty and staff. The
■  Closing all indoor enter-
the Michigan National sign KDØBVQ. He was an Taylor of Ashland; and dashboard unveiled by MU on
Home. tainment facilities, including
Guard through his college active member of the Mid- many cousins, nieces and Monday doesn’t include fac-
indoor movie theaters, loung-
Peggy S. Rhoades, 87, died years at the University of MO Amateur Radio Club, nephews. ulty and staff infection num-
es, arcades, bowling alleys,
Aug. 23. There will be a visita- Detroit and his medical Boone County Central Mis- He was preceded in bers and will be updated just
night clubs, music halls and
tion from 9 to 10 a.m. Friday, school years at Wayne souri Radio Association, death by one sister, Nancy once a week for now, accord-
adult entertainment.
Aug. 28, 2020 at Memorial ing to MU News Bureau.
State University, where he Boone County Amateur Rochette; and two brothers, ■  Closing all indoor gyms
■  Investment in and
Funeral Home in Columbia. earned his doctorate. Then Radio Emergency Service Timothy Taylor and Thom- and fitness centers.
implementation of twice- or
on to California and later (ARES) and the Columbia as Taylor. It had more than 500 signa-
three-times-weekly surveil-
to Nigeria and Norway, and Boone County Emer- Private family services tures Wednesday afternoon.
OUR STAFF returning to the United gency Response Team. will be held at a later date
lance testing of students who
One of its authors is longtime
live in MU housing and of
Executive editor: Ruby Bailey, States for his medical resi- He enjoyed his daily together with a small and Columbia physician Eliza-
faculty and staff required to, 882-6695 dencies in hematology and bicycle rides, which he intimate gathering where beth Allemann, and it uses
report to the MU campus for
Managing editor: Jeanne Abbott, pathology. continued until just a few interment will take place, language borrowed from
essential operations., 882-4164 a previous open letter and
He met, made and kept weeks before his passing. alongside Marie on the ■  Assurance that COVID-
Business, news, sports editor: Pete petition she wrote earlier this
many friends from nearly He loved folk dancing, was farm the two of them so 19 testing and any required
Bland,, month. Her previous letter
every place he traveled and a member of the Mid-Mis- loved. screening appointments to
882-5744 was signed by 168 concerned
worked, eventually settling souri Traditional Dancers- In lieu of flowers, memo- qualify for such testing are
Director of community outreach: community members and 49
near Ashland and working group and played music for rials are suggested to the available free to MU stu-
Elizabeth Stephens, other health professionals,
at MU Health Care. Soon his own enjoyment and the Cholangiocarcinoma Foun- dents, faculty and staff., 882-9951 according to previous Mis-
after relocating to Mis- pleasure of many others. dation, 5526 W. 13400 S, The petition is authored by
Director of photography: Brian sourian reporting.
souri, he bought a farm in The many friends he came #510, Herriman, UT 84096; the anonymous “COVID Safe-
Kratzer,, “This is an attempt to
southern Boone County, to know while playing Irish or Preferred Hospice of ty 4 MU,” a group of three
884-0693 broaden the appeal,” Alleman
MU graduate students.
Education editor: Elizabeth Brixey, where many of his friends music became frequent vis- Missouri (Central), 1900 said of the new petition., 882-2632 came to know him. itors over the years. When N. Providence, Suite 311,
News editor: Victoria Jones, He and his wife, Marie, these friends came togeth- Columbia, MO 65202., 882-5744
Public life editor: Scott Swafford,
created much great music
and memories within a
er, it would not be long
before the sounds of music
Dulle-Trimble Funeral
Home, 3210 N. Ten Mile
Larry B. Marti,, 884-5366 large community that con-
tinues to this day in even
would fill the air.
His long study and cho-
Dr., Jefferson City, MO
65109, is in charge of
March 22, 1938 — Aug. 21, 2020
Public safety and health editor:
Katherine Reed, greater numbers. For a sen path of Zen Buddhism arrangements., 882-1792 Dr. Larry B. Marti of Rolla tice full time until his retire-
time, in the 1980s and early gave him no fear of death Those wishing to send
Senior editor: Fred Anklam, passed away Aug. 21, 2020, at ment in 2018.
1990s, they lived in New but rather a gathering joy, tributes or condolences to, 882-5720 the age of 82. Larry distinguished him-
Brunswick, Canada, where looking forward to the the family may do so at Larry B. Marti was born self in many ways through-
Senior news editor: Laura Johnston, he built a timber frame transition from this world, 882-6870 March 22, 1938, in Mountain out his career, but the great-
View, Missouri, the mid- est of these distinctions is
State government editor: Mark Horvit,, 884-6149
dle son of Fred and Alice the love he had for his fami-
Newsroom coordinator: Cheri Cherry, Donald Eugene (Gene) Thurman, Marti. His childhood was
spent in Missouri, Arizona
ly, friends and patients in the
community. He loved life;, 882-5747
Newsroom librarian: Sandy Schiefer, Feb. 7, 1929 — Aug. 21, 2020 and California. He married
Patsy Ledgerwood in June
he loved to help people and
wanted everyone to follow, 882-4876
1959 and graduated with a their dream. He was gener-
Donald Missouri. They later owned Gene is survived by four bachelor’s degree from MU ous, fun-loving and welcom-
HOW MAY Eugene
and ran Thurman’s Stop
and Shop grocery store and
children: William Thurman
and wife, Alice; Donald
in 1960. He subsequently ing to all. He will be greatly
entered medical school, missed.
WE HELP? Thurman restaurant in Clifton Hill, Thurman and wife, Laura; earning his doctorate in 1967. In addition to his par-
OUR OFFICES are located at died Aug. Missouri. Eventually, in Peggy Bunton and husband, During these college years, ents, he was also preceded
221 S. Eighth St. 21, 2020, at about 1961, they relocated Tim; and Skip Thurman they had four of their five in death by brother, Jim
Columbia, MO 65201 children. The fifth arrived Blalock; a grandson, Ricky
the Bluffs to the Columbia area. and wife, Denise.
WE ARE OPEN 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
Care Facil- Gene Thurman started Surviving grandchil- in 1971. Brown; and a great-grand-
through Friday. The Columbia Missourian is
and ran Thurman’s Sales Following his internship daughter, Ella Close.
published five days a week except for the Donald Eugene ity. dren: Troy Thurman, Chad
day after Christmas. Mr. Thur- and Associates, offering at Kansas City General Hos- Larry will be sadly missed
Thurman Thurman, Casey Thurman,
MAILING ADDRESS: man was preneed funeral insurance pital, he was drafted into by his wife, Pat Marti of
Glen Thurman, Bethany active duty in the United Rolla; five children: Debbie
The Columbia Missourian born Feb. 7, 1929, near throughout central Missou-
P.O. Box 917 Thurman, Travis Bunton States Army and initially Brown and husband, Rick,
Salisbury, Missouri, to ri. Jean Thurman managed and Samuel Thurman.
Columbia, MO 65205 served in South Korea. Upon of Rolla; Trish Whitson and
PHONE: 882-5700 Ethel Freeman and Farris Thurman Burial Monu- Great-grandchildren: returning to the states, he husband, Steve, of Rolla;
FAX: 882-5702 Thurman. He attended ments. Addye Bunton, Hunter completed his residency Brenda Leuenberger and
EMAIL: Gene was an avid citizens
Gold Dust School near Thurman, Rory and Liam from 1970 to 1974 at Fitzsi- husband, Art, of Columbia;
ON THE WEB: band radio operator and a
Armstrong, Missouri. Mahfood-Thurman, Blake mons Army Medical Center Larry Marti and wife, Karen,
OUR POLICY: The Missourian’s policy is to principal figure in starting
check all local stories for accuracy before
Gene married Alice Jean and Amelia Thurman, in Denver, Colorado . of Evergreen, Colorado; and
publication. If you are a source of informa- Williams of Armstrong on up the first Boone County He was then transferred John Marti and wife, Paula,
Cooper, Finley and Wyatt
tion, and we don’t double-check it with you, Nov. 7, 1947. The couple Rural Fire Department, an to General Leonard Wood of Rolla. He is also survived
Bunton and Giani Thurman
please let us know. If you spot a mistake, lived in the Fayette, Mis- all-volunteer group made Army Hospital, where he by his brother Fred Marti
let us know that, too. Call the newsroom to Great-great-grandchildren:
souri, area for some years. up principally of CB radio served as assistant chief and and wife, Linda, of Califor-
speak to an editor at 882-5720.
users. Grayson Thurman. then chief of orthopaedic nia; 23 grandchildren and 18
PRINT AND DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION with Gene managed the Kroger
Both Gene and Jean were Surviving nieces: Mary surgery from 1974 to 1976. great-grandchildren.
delivery in Columbia is $9.95 per month. grocery store in Boonville,
long-standing members Wells of Daytona Beach, He completed his nine years A funeral service for Dr.
of the Fraternal Order of Florida; Nancy Green of of military service as chief Larry B. Marti will be con-
Eagles in Columbia. They Stem, North Carolina; of pediatric orthopaedic ducted at 10 a.m. Saturday,
both loved to dance. In Kathy Henries of Aurora, surgery and assistant chief Aug. 29, at the First Baptist
retirement, Gene owned North Carolina; and Shir- of the Orthopaedic Surgery Church in Rolla. Interment
ley Norris of Lee Summit, Department at Walter Reed will follow in the Hudgens
and managed a profession-
Missouri. Army Medical Center in Cemetery in rural Phelps
al video camera business
Columbia N Columbia S for events and weddings. A private burial for Gene Washington, D.C. County. A visitation for fam-
Larry moved his family to ily and friends will be held
573.777.1000 573.777.9500 Both Jean and Gene were will be held a later date at
Rolla, where he established from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, Aug.
Sedalia - Smithton members of the Armstrong Wesley Chapel Cemetery in the Rolla Orthopaedic Clin- 28, at the church.
Baptist Church. Armstrong. ic. He remained a private Memorial contributions
Warrenton - Wentzville Online condolences may
He was preceded in death practice physician from 1977 are suggested to the Phelps
Foristell - Hermann by his wife, Alice Jean be shared at memorialfu- until 1994, when he joined County Faith Distribution Thurman, and his grand- neralhomeandcemetery. Mercy Medical Group in center or the Jagat Lamsal
Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender
son, Timmy Bunton. com. Rolla. He continued to prac- family.

Family, friends gather to commemorate local publisher

WATERS from Page 1A where Hank stood. That’s for people in this research talked of Boone County.
sure.” about him being the face and “He loved Columbia. The Mis-
the rest. A white vehicle with Clyde Bentley, associate pro- voice of a newspaper, which was souri Historical Society was like
a sign on the front that read fessor emeritus for the Missouri rare,” Bentley said. “We don’t his baby. He was so proud of it,”
“HJWIII,” a nod to the signoff School of Journalism, would have that much anymore. Colum- said Barbara Schlemeier, wife
that Waters would use at the end invite Waters to speak to his bia was the one city left where of Terry Schlemeier (d. 2018),
of his editorials. class every year. the newspaper was a person. who wrote for the Tribune under
“The fact that he did so many “I think the thing that really That impressed a lot of people.” Waters. “He truly loved Colum-
editorials just speaks volumes impressed them is when he said Linda Hayes, who worked bia, and he did everything he
of his experience,” Maassen that he wrote all his editori- with Waters as part of the could to make it better.”
said. “And he always shared als in advance when he took a Columbia Tribune’s advertising As a prominent figure in
his thoughts, but he did it in a vacation,” said Bentley. “They department, remembered him Columbia, many people knew
non-obtrusive way. He was wide- couldn’t understand how he did for his curiosity and commit- Waters, whether as colleague,
ly respected, regardless of what that. He said, ‘When you live ment to the community. reader, or friend.
side of the aisle you were on.” here in this town that long, you “He was a person who took the “You couldn’t help but love
Waters is not only remembered know what’s going to be import- time to constantly learn about him. And I think the Columbia
for his role as longtime publish- ant. So you can write the editori- and analyze things that were community is going to miss him
er of the Tribune but also for als in advance.’” going on in the community and a lot,” said Susan Currier, a for-
the thousands of editorials he Waters’ prolific opinion writ- then write about them,” Hayes mer colleague of Waters.
penned. ing embodied his devotion to the said. “What a service. We are Crews summed up the senti-
ARMOND FEFFER/Missourian Doug Crews, former executive Columbia community. missing a voice like that today.” ments of many who had gathered
A procession witness holds balloons in honor of the director of the Missouri Press “I also oversaw a master’s the- Not only was Waters a valued to honor Waters: “I can’t say
late former Columbia Tribune publisher Hank Waters on Association, said of Waters’ opin- sis that took a look at his impact figure in the Columbia communi- enough about Hank Waters. He
Wednesday at the Columbia Tribune. ion writing, “You always knew on the town and how so many ty, he was also a lifelong resident was just a brilliant man.”

Gov. Mike Parson, State Auditor Galloway come to Columbia

BY WICKER PERLIS AND place,” Parson said. “I support the
ALLISON SAWYER mayors that implement that pro- gram.”
Galloway also said if elected gov-
The two major party can-
didates for Missouri gov- ernor, she plans to assign a state-lev-
ernor came to Columbia on el response team to provide counties
Wednesday, each focused on with assistance utilizing CARES
discussing different priori- Act funds for contact tracing and
ties. personal protective equipment and
State Auditor Nicole Gal- emergency relief funding for county
loway, who is running as the governments. With public health and
Democratic candidate for restoration efforts in place, Gallo-
governor, announced her way believes providing an economic
plan to fight COVID-19 cases relief council is also necessary in
and spoke on the challenges order to stabilize Missouri’s econo-
the virus poses in Missou- my in the short term and elicit long-
ri. The plan, “Rebuild and term recovery.
Recover: An Action Plan to “A lot of research and progress
Address COVID-19 in Mis- has been made on fighting COVID,”
souri,” focuses on protecting Galloway said. “The solutions to
public health, restoring local help us avoid another shutdown are
governments and communi- in front of us. There is just not the
ties and providing economic political will (in) Jefferson City or
relief. the Parson administration to imple-
“A virus that is impacting ment these things to get it done.”
our most vulnerable neigh- Parson also hinted at an impend-
bors,” Galloway said in a ing announcement regarding rapid
speech. “The worst econom- tests. Less than an hour later, in Jef-
ic shock since The Great ferson City, he announced the Food
Depression. Chronic under- and Drug Administration’s approval
investment in health care of a saliva-based rapid COVID-19
and education. Persistent test developed by Washington Uni-
gun violence in cities across versity in St. Louis.
our state. And tough conver- HANA KELLENBERGER/Missourian When asked whether he was
sations about how to make Gov. Mike Parson speaks about his upcoming COVID-19 plans Wednesday outside of Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Parson made this stop in concerned by a spike in COVID-
Missouri more equitable and Columbia before traveling to onward toward Jefferson City.
19 cases in Boone County, Parson
just. … It starts with contain-
responded that he has many con-
ment.” increasing broadband access in it to address the reporters outside. — people can go back to work and
Gov. Mike Parson visited the city cerns.
rural Missouri as an important step He said he believes that a statewide schools can open,” Galloway said “Look, I’m concerned every day
to discuss telemedicine advance- in further increasing access. mandate would further politicize the in her speech. “We all want those
ments with leaders at MU Health when I get up, with this virus,”
“I also think it’s going to make us issue. things, but in the midst of a pandem-
Care, including MU Chancellor and Parson said. “People ask me those
better, at the end of the day,” Parson “To make it into a political issue ic you can’t just say it, you have to
UM System President Mun Choi. questions, ‘Am I concerned?’ I think
said. “We’re going to be able to pro- is just, you know, it’s unfortunate take action to make it happen. And a
The use of telemedicine has expand- vide more services to more people, because we want to encourage peo- mask mandate is proven to contain on multiple fronts I’m concerned.
ed significantly during the COVID- especially in rural Missouri.” ple to wear a mask every day,” Par- the spread of the virus.” You know, I’m concerned with the
19 pandemic, and Parson said the Both candidates discussed mask son said. Parson said he does not have a virus that’s out there, I’m concerned
increase in virtual health care mandates, a key difference in their Galloway, by contrast, said she problem with local government with trying to get health care to
access will help Missouri residents respective policy platforms. Parson would implement a statewide mask mask mandates. rural. I’m concerned with the things
long after this crisis passes. maintained that mask usage should mandate based on models of nearby “I know that’s become a political that we’re going through in our state
Parson pointed to how MU Health be encouraged but not required states, like Minnesota, to help con- issue, but the reality of it is most right now, whether that’s the violent
has performed nearly 50,000 tele- statewide. Parson wore a mask while tain the virus. areas in the state that have these crime situation, whether it’s the
medicine visits since the pandemic inside the MU Women’s and Chil- “Masks are a ticket to freedom significant problems, the higher economy, whether its schools start-
began and referenced his goal of dren’s Hospital facility but removed so we can open our economy again numbers, have mask mandates in ing. Just on multiple fronts.”

Social media, petition signatures offer support for fired professor ‘Spit test’
POOR from Page 1A did something wrong, we need to
be humble, not defensive, and learn
an official will reach out to the
person who filed the report. If the
an out-of-context joke and a longer
video shows that.
results in a
Poor said by email Tuesday he from it.” person decides to make a formal Poor has won awards for his
was unable to comment, instead
Poor ended the note by saying, complaint, MU will “take reason- teaching, more recently including
referring questions to Basi. How-
“If I offended you by this, I’m so able steps to investigate the matter, the Shelter Insurance Teaching
ever, a student posted on Twitter

few hours
the apology Poor sent to the class sorry.” stop the harassment, prevent its Excellence Award in Marketing in
via Canvas. In it, he explained he Basi said he could not discuss the recurrence and remedy its effects,” 2018. One student created a petition
meant his comment as a joke and specific process officials used in according to the website. to keep Poor as a professor, which
felt the video shared on Twitter relieving Poor of his teaching duties In a Tuesday news release, MU had over 7,200 signatures Wednes-
didn’t provide enough context but or provide further details about the said officials would investigate the day evening. Fieldhouse and Wil-
situation because it is a personnel comments, giving Poor “due pro- lie’s, a local sportsbar, announced SPIT from Page 1A
also that what he said was still
wrong. matter. cess.” in an Instagram post that it would
The Office for Civil Rights and Many replies to the tweet called be doing a $100 gift card giveaway there have been outbreaks and
“It doesn’t matter if I didn’t
intend to offend someone, the fact Title IX lays out an overview of its Poor’s comment xenophobic and to support Poor. Another Instagram people are in frequent close
that I did is what counts,” Poor procedures on its website. Once a offensive. Others defended him, account, @free_joelpoor, is also sell-
contact with one another.
wrote. “When someone tells us we report is filed detailing the incident, saying it was nothing more than ing T-shirts to support him.
Williams also said as college
classes resume, his agency is
IN BRIEF particularly concerned about
MU Cashiers Office extends environment for everyone, and we will be at these sites to help resi- Alert, according to an MU news spread among 20- and 30-year-
class refund deadline want to be sensitive to the students dents access the census question- release.
who may need to change their naire on mobile devices. Staff mem- The organization aims to provide olds, who Williams described as
MU Office of Cashiers has schedules.” bers at these sites will follow all top business news across the state, “super spreaders.”
announced an extension until Sept. local health guidelines, according to according to its website. Found-
8 of the 100% reassessment for — Eva Qian In Boone County, home to the
the release. ed in 2012, it has grown to report
dropped classes or approved sec- University of Missouri’s Colum-
tion changes, according to the MU
Census Bureau to setting up The sites are part of a nationwide on entrepreneurial and business
temporary assistance sites operation that works in low-respond- news through a range of platforms, bia campus, cases increased
Office of Cashiers website. ing areas to promote higher census including a daily newsletter and a
The last day for students to drop The U.S. Census Bureau will set weekly podcast. 15% in the past week, from
response rates. Currently, the Boone
full session classes without a fee up temporary questionnaire assis- “Between two endowed faculty
County self-response rate is at 67%. 1,757 to 2,014, according to
originally had been Monday — Aug. tance sites this week in Columbia chairs in business journalism, an
The census closes Sept. 30. health department data.
31. to promote and assist in collecting existing hands-on business news-
responses. — Gracie Alvarez
The Chancellor and Provost room, the extensive use of the Mis- Statewide, at least 78,062 peo-
approved the extension Aug. 15, Mobile Questionnaire Assistance souri Method and a journalism pro-
sites will be hosted at the Daniel
Anonymous donor gives ple were reported to have test-
according to MU spokesperson Liz gram hailed as the best in the world,
McCune. “Extending the refund Boone City Building, Columbia $3M to MU journalism for there is no better place for students ed positive for the virus as of
deadline gives students more time Public Library, Columbia Parks and business reporting students to prepare for future careers in Wednesday. The deaths of 1,449
to choose courses and helps them Recreation Activity & Recreation An alumna who wishes to remain business news organizations across
make the right decision,” McCune Center, The Food Bank Central anonymous has given $3 million to the globe,” founder Randall Smith, people have been attributed to
wrote in an email. Pantry and others, according to a the Missouri School of Journalism the Donald W. Reynolds Endowed COVID-19, though deaths have
“The university is making this Wednesday news release from the for scholarships, internships and Chair in Business Journalism, said
adjustment this semester because city. professional mentoring for students in the release. dropped significantly since
we recognize that this is an atypical U.S. Census Bureau employees reporting at the Missouri Business — Zoia M. Morrow April and May.
Page 4A — Thursday, August 27, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN

Sunflowers were in full bloom as

local residents took a sunset stroll
Tuesday through the
Bradford Research Center in
Columbia to take senior photos,
selfies or celebrate the Qixi
Festival, also known as
Chinese Valentine’s Day. The farm
was granted to MU in 1959 by
Mary and Estelle Bradford. Since A bee, center, lands on a
sunflower Tuesday at the
then, the research center has Bradford Research Center
been used by MU students as a in Columbia.
classroom and a laboratory. Missourian

Zayla Dearixon, 17, right, talks to her aunt Brenda Imhoff before taking senior photos with the sunflowers Tuesday at the Bradford Research Center in Columbia. Dearixon’s aunt Cindy Gillam took the photos.

The sun is setting for Bradford’s sunflowers


A bee collects pollen from a wilting sunflower Tuesday at Bradford Research Center in A single sunflower rises above the rest Tuesday at the Bradford Research Center in Columbia.
Columbia. Columbia residents often visit the field around sunset to take pictures and look at The sunflowers are expected to die within the next month.
the flowers.
COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN Thursday, August 27, 2020 — Page 5A



Let’s do our part

to return safely to
in-person classes
As local schools in the region start the 2020–
21 school year this week, we have a national
laptop shortage, delayed classes and uncertain-
ty about what school will look like. Most impor-
tantly, we wonder how
safe it will be to return to
JEFFERSON in-school classes.
CITY NEWS Welcome to back-to-
TRIBUNE school week amid a pan-
If you have school-age
children, you probably
have a lot on your mind this week.
Reopening schools during COVID-19 is a
massive undertaking. Teachers and adminis-
trators are working hard to make this work.
They’ve spent the summer developing plans
for the start of the school year, which include
increased cleaning, daily health checks and
increased social distancing, among other
So do your part. Make sure your children
understand what’s at stake and what steps they
need to take to lessen the spread of the virus.
Make sure your children know the impor-
tance of social distancing, frequent hand-wash-
ing and wearing masks. Just like you make
sure they have their books and lunches, make

Ensuring every vote counts

sure they have their masks when they leave the
house in the morning.
What should they do if they encounter situa-
tions in which social distancing is difficult or
ignored? Should they drink from water foun-

starts with getting registered

tains or bring refillable bottles?
Also, parents must be acutely aware of their
children’s health. When they show any signs of
sickness, keep them at home.
There have been arguments about whether
schools should reopen for in-person classes ver-

sus distance learning. Here in mid-Missouri,
some students are returning in person while n avid reader and good friend of of higher education, including a university,
this column, Fred Dittrich, is prob- college, vocational and technical school,
others will have a hybrid model.
ably one of the smartest people I located within the state of Missouri.
So it’s in our collective interest to make this know. I would swear that he has a
work. Let’s all do our part to lessen the spread • A copy of a current utility bill, bank
super brain with more information and triv- statement, paycheck, government check or
of the virus so we can all stay healthy and more ia than one person should be allowed.
students can get the benefits of in-school learn- other government document that contains
So when he asks me a question, I sit up the name and address of the voter.
ing. and listen. It should also be noted if one does not
Copyright Jefferson City News Tribune. Fred asked, “Can those voters who are have a driver’s license, that person may
Reprinted with permission. evicted before the election vote? They are obtain a state-issued ID for the purpose of
something like 80% minority.” voting simply with a letter from the shelter
In a July 3 article, the Riverfront Times where they are staying, at no charge.
TO THE EDITOR reported that “14% of Black people sur- DAVID ROSMAN If a person doesn’t have an acceptable
veyed in Missouri had no confidence they ID available at the time he or she wishes to
Disrespect, mediocrity could pay next month’s rent, compared with
6% of white people.”
Yes, the homeless and newly
vote, then they can cast a provisional ballot.
A valid ID can be presented later during
In 2019, some 268 people were recorded Election Day so that the vote becomes
showing up at Mizzou as homeless in Boone County, of which 49
did not reside in shelters. These numbers
evicted, as well as college
students and some felons, can
Dan Viets, a founding member of the
have remained fairly constant over the last Mid-Missouri Civil Liberty Association,
I grew up in central Missouri, and many five years.
vote in Missouri
reminded me that Missouri is in another
highlights of my childhood included celebrating It seems to me there will be two types of unique position. Unlike some other states,
the University of Missouri, with respect to both people evicted from their homes: those who “residence.” another group who are able to vote in Mis-
academics and athletics. I went on to attend have another location they can call home Just stating that one lives near the I-70 souri are felons who have successfully
and graduate from MU, — even if it is temporary — and those who connector is good enough to establish what completed their parole or probation. They,
NICK HEUER where I was taught the will become truly homeless, couch surfing, precinct one is to vote in. too, can vote in the upcoming elections if
four values of the uni- living in shelters, cars or under a tarp. According to Lennon, “The good news is registered.
versity were discovery, Will these men and women be disenfran- that the mailing address does not need to Viets also mentioned that college and
respect, responsibility chised? be the voter’s residential address. Instead, university students should register to vote
and excellence. A July 30 article from FindLaw reports it can be anywhere willing to accept mail in Columbia. Local and statewide issues do
The ongoing pandemic has laid bare the farce that “the number of people experiencing on the voter’s behalf, such as an advocacy affect their lives, and they should have a
I was sold, as it is evident that MU doesn’t hold homelessness who vote is extremely low, voice.
organization or shelter.”
these values true for the students who attend likely because voting procedures (could Every vote counts, especially this year,
It may also include a post office box or a
the university or for the surrounding communi- be) long and exhausting, especially for the with the presidential, congressional, state
church address if the person’s mail is deliv-
ties that support the university. homeless.” ered there. legislative and gubernatorial elections to be
While I am no longer a resident of central The commentary continued: “Most states The problem is that in order to vote, one decided. Even those who are economically
Missouri, many of my family members are, require everyone registering to vote to must show a valid ID. On the good side, that less fortunate or have successfully complet-
and I am furious the administration at the provide a mailing address where voter ID identification does not to have a current ed their probation or parole have the right
university has decided to move forward with cards and other election-related materials physical address. These could include a to vote and need to be given every opportu-
an on-campus learning model — at least long can be sent.” state issued identification, a utility bill, a nity to do so.
enough to cash those sweet, sweet tuition In order to get your utility bill, voter government issued check or a birth certif- So, to answer Fred’s question: Yes, the
checks — while endangering both the students registration card or Missouri nondriv- icate. homeless and newly evicted, as well as col-
and the community members that hold the uni- er‘s license ID, one must have a mailing The Missouri secretary of state’s website lege students and some felons, can vote in
versity so dear. address. indicates that acceptable IDs include: Missouri, with some restrictions of course.
This level of buffoonery is next-level and If one is showing a utility bill or a govern- • Identification issued by the state of Mis-
David Rosman is an award-winning edi-
downright negligent. ment-issued check as proof of residency, it souri, an agency of the state or a local elec- tor, writer and professional speaker. You
It’s time for the university to put an end to must have a current address. tion authority of the state. can read more of David’s commentaries at
this idiocy and send the students home. According to Boone County Clerk Brian- • Identification issued by the United and inkandvoice.
Nick Heuer is an MU alumnus and central na Lennon, the homeless can use a street States government or agency thereof. com.
Missouri native who now lives in Chicago. corner nearest their frequent nontraditional • Identification issued by an institution


“I believe that the public journal is a public trust; that all connected with
WRITE: Letter to Editor, P.O. Box 917, Columbia, MO 65205 The Missourian’s Opinion section is a public forum for the it are, to the full measure of their responsibility, trustees for the public;
EMAIL: discussion of ideas. The views presented here are those of that acceptance of a lesser service than the public service is betrayal of
FAX: 573-882-5702 CALL: 573-882-5700 the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the this trust. I believe that clear thinking and clear statement, accuracy and
Missourian or the University of Missouri. If you would like to fairness are fundamental to good journalism.”
General Manager: Bryan Chester • contribute to the Opinion page with a response or an original
Executive Editor: Ruby L. Bailey • topic of your own, use our online submission form at MISSOURI SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM
Opinion Editor: Laura Johnston •
Page 6A — Thursday, August 27, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN

Decades later, Rev. Scant mention of crises at Republican convention

Sharpton still insists: The night focused on
the positive, with the
are with those who are ill or
suffering,” she said Tuesday

No justice, no peace
president pardoning a While the president and
reformed felon his surrogates have mostly
stayed away from the cri-
BY STEVE PEOPLES AND ses during the convention
Sharpton embraces Matter — it’s now said to be DARLENE SUPERVILLE
programming, Trump on
the largest protest move- The Associated Press
the resonance of Black Wednesday took to Twitter to
ment in U.S. history. But he WASHINGTON — As note that his administration
Lives Matter while takes issue with people who Republicans make the case was engaged with state and
remembering the roots claim that the leaderless, for a second Trump term at local officials in areas in Hur-
of the Civil Rights Era decentralized nature of the their convention, trouble is ricane Laura’s path. He also
emerging movement is an brewing outside. tweeted about sending federal
BY AARON MORRISON entirely new phenomenon. A potentially catastrophic agents to Kenosha.
The Associated Press “One of the follies of youth hurricane is bearing down Republicans sought on
— including me when I was on Texas and Louisiana and Tuesday to show a more
NEW YORK — The Rev. young — is you think you’re
Al Sharpton sat quietly in will likely test the adminis- forgiving side of a combat-
the first one to do what you tration’s emergency response ive president. The president
his office in late July, watch- do,” Sharpton said. “There
ing the final funeral service capabilities. California is pardoned a reformed felon
ain’t nothing new. If you and oversaw a naturalization
for Rep. John Lewis on a battling some of the largest
don’t have that kind of back ceremony for several immi-
wall-mounted television. wildfires in its history. A city EVAN VUCCI/The Associated Press
and forward (over tactics), President Donald Trump leaves with first lady Melania Trump on Tuesday grants, though he frequently
Instead of flying down to in the battleground state of
which Dr. King used to call after her speech to the 2020 Republican National Convention from the states his vigorous opposition
the memorial in Atlanta, Wisconsin is reeling after
creative tension, then you Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. to more immigration.
Sharpton had remained in another night of violent pro-
ain’t got no movement.
New York; he had work to tests. And the coronavirus The convention has fea-
“I expect there’s going open the second night of the ly ignored. But Larry Kudlow,
do. Preaching at the funer- pandemic — the worst public tured fierce attacks on Biden
to be alternatives to me,” convention with a prayer for the president’s top economic
al of a 1-year-old boy who health crisis in a century — is and his running mate, Cali-
he added. “And it’s good, Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old adviser, referred to the virus
was shot in the stomach at raging. fornia Sen. Kamala Harris.
because it’ll bring a synthe- Black man who was shot by in the past tense even as the
a Brooklyn cookout — a boy The approaches to the tur- But the lineup Tuesday was
sis and because nobody’s got police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, death toll in the United States
not much younger than his all the answers.” moil taken by President Don- generally more positive than
first and only grandson — ald Trump and his allies have prompting three nights of surpassed 178,000. the opening night.
Born in 1954 in Brooklyn, protests. But most speakers First Lady Melania Trump
Sharpton demanded gun Sharpton quickly showed been striking. Mrs. Trump was the intend-
control, an issue close to The first two nights of the have stuck to Trump’s law- was the most direct of any ed star of the night.
promise as a preacher. At and-order message, warning of the convention speakers
Lewis’ heart. age 4, he delivered his first Republican National Con- “Whether you like it or not,
He also was embroiled in vention included virtually no that electing Democrat Joe in addressing the suffering you always know what he’s
sermon; he was an ordained
putting together this week’s reference to the hurricane Biden would lead to violence wrought by the pandemic. thinking. And that is because
minister by age 10.
commemoration of the 1963 When he was just 13, Jesse gaining strength in the Gulf in American cities spilling “My deepest sympathy goes he’s an authentic person who
March on Washington for Jackson appointed Sharpton of Mexico nor the California into the suburbs. out to everyone who has lost loves this country and its peo-
Jobs and Freedom. This youth director of New York’s fires. A Las Vegas pastor did Health issues weren’t total- a loved one, and my prayers ple,” Mrs. Trump said.
protest will focus on police Operation Breadbasket,
violence, and its ever-ex- an anti-poverty project of

17-year-old arrested after 2 killed in Kenosha

panding roll call of victims: King’s Southern Christian
George Floyd, Breonna Leadership Conference.
Taylor, Rashard Brooks, The Al Sharpton who
Ahmaud Arbery, Trayvon grabbed the spotlight in the
Martin, Eric Garner and 1980s was a rotund young
Jacob Blake, among others. man in a track suit, his neck Witnesses say police let apparently carried out by a the governor, a Democrat, accounts and video footage,
But Sharpton knows he young white man who was said in a statement. police apparently let the
garlanded by a chain and the gunman walk past caught on cellphone video In Washington, the Justice gunman walk past them and
will also encounter the medallion and his hair in a
ghosts of another era on the pompadour — a remnant of
them and leave the opening fire in the middle of Department said it is sending leave the scene with a rifle
steps of the Lincoln Monu- his days as James Brown’s scene after the incident the street with a semi-auto- in the FBI and federal mar- over his shoulder as members
ment, where the Rev. Martin tour manager. matic rifle. shals in response to unrest. of the crowd were yelling for
BY MIKE HOUSEHOLDER “I just killed somebody,” The dead were identified him to be arrested because he
Luther King Jr. proclaimed Sharpton constantly court- AND SCOTT BAUER the gunman could be heard only as a 26-year-old Silver had shot people.
that he had a dream. ed controversy for using The Associated Press saying at one point during Lake, Wisconsin, resident As for how the gunman
Sharpton said he had inflammatory language
always felt a kinship with against his opponents. He KENOSHA, Wis. — A white the rampage that erupted just and a 36-year-old from Keno- managed to leave the scene,
people like Lewis, who had reserved his most fiery 17-year-old police admirer before midnight. sha. The wounded person, a Sheriff David Beth portrayed
been the last surviving rhetoric for elected officials was arrested Wednesday In the wake of the killings, 36-year-old from West Allis, a chaotic scene, with scream-
speaker from the original and attorneys representing after two people were shot to Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers Wisconsin, was expected to ing, chanting, nonstop radio
march. police officers and alleged death during a third straight authorized the sending of survive, police said. traffic and people running all
But Sharpton is still stand- assailants in case after case night of protests in Kenosha, 500 members of the National “We were all chanting over — conditions he said can
ing. He reaches multitudes of racial violence. Wisconsin, over the police Guard to Kenosha, doubling ‘Black lives matter’ at the gas cause “tunnel vision” among
on television and on radio. In 1989, Sharpton’s atten- shooting of a Black man, the number of troops. The station and then we heard, law officers.
The man who helped pop- tion was drawn to the death Jacob Blake. governor’s office said he is boom, boom, and I told my Rittenhouse was assigned a
ularize the 1980s cry, “No of Yusuf Hawkins, a Black Kyle Rittenhouse, of working with other states to friend, ‘That’s not fireworks,’” public defender in Illinois for
justice, no peace,” is putting teenager fatally shot after Antioch, Illinois, was taken bring in additional National 19-year-old protester Devin a hearing Friday on his trans-
himself at the center of a being confronted by a mob into custody in Illinois on sus- Guard members and law Scott told the Chicago Tri- fer to Wisconsin.
new wave of activism, in a of white youths in Benson- picion of first-degree inten- officers. Authorities also bune. “And then this guy with Much of Rittenhouse’s
new millennium. hurst, a historically Ital- tional homicide. Antioch is announced a 7 p.m. curfew, this huge gun runs by us in Facebook page is devoted to
“I want to be able to show ian-American neighborhood about 15 miles from Kenosha. an hour earlier than the night the middle of the street and praising law enforcement,
that the movement is not of Brooklyn. Two people were killed before. people are yelling, ‘He shot with references to Blue Lives
dead,” said the Rev. Al. As explored in the recent Tuesday night and a third “A senseless tragedy like someone! He shot someone!’” Matter, a movement that sup-
For more than three HBO documentary, “Storm was wounded in an attack this cannot happen again,” According to witness ports police.
decades, Sharpton, 65, has Over Brooklyn,” Sharp-
been a go-to advocate for ton’s work on the Hawkins

Gulf Coast residents Iran to allow access to

Black American families case was widely seen as
seeking justice and peace the main cause of flared
in the wake of violence and tensions between Black and
countless incidents that white communities in New
highlight systemic racism.
He has a penchant for seiz-
ing the national spotlight
and focusing the public on
York City. In 1991, as he
prepared to lead a march
through Bensonhurst with
flee coming hurricane 2 suspected nuke sites
the Hawkins family, a white
police brutality and acts of man stabbed Sharpton in the BY DAVID RISING hoped the agreement would
hatred against Black people, chest. The Associated Press open a new chapter between
particularly at moments Sharpton came to be Iran and the IAEA based
BERLIN — Iran has upon “good intentions and
of heightened tensions and known as a political strat- agreed to allow inspectors mutual acceptance.”
grief. egist skilled at staging into two sites where the
But Sharpton now con- direct-action protests, while Iranian President Hassan
country is suspected of Rouhani, who on Wednesday
tends with a new question: adhering to King’s principles having stored or used unde-
In what shape will he leave of nonviolence. Although few met with the IAEA chief,
clared nuclear material, the said Grossi’s visit had pro-
the world for Marcus Al of his critics would classify U.N. atomic watchdog agen-
Sharpton Bright, the only his tactics and rhetoric as duced a “good agreement
cy said Wednesday. that can help for moving on
male heir to the family leg- entirely civil or peaceful, The International Atomic
acy? Sharpton is the reason why a correct and proper path
Energy Agency said Iran and achieve the final resolu-
“I never thought I’d live Amadou Diallo, Abner Loui- was “voluntarily providing
to see my grandchild,” ma and Sean Bell, Black tion of problems.”
the IAEA with access to the As the U.S. and others con-
Sharpton said recently in men killed or brutalized two locations specified by
an interview at the midtown by police in New York City, tinue to put more pressure
the IAEA and facilitating on Iran, Rouhani urged the
Manhattan offices of Nation- became household names the IAEA verification activi-
al Action Network, the civil long before the advent of IAEA to continue its “inde-
JON SHAPLEY/The Associated Press ties to resolve the issues.” pendence, impartiality and
rights organization he found- social media and hashtags. It said in a joint statement
ed in 1991. “I had core beliefs and I Mark Allums, left, and Hunter Clark watch waves crash ashore as outer professionalism.”
bands from Hurricane Laura begin to hit the coast Wednesday in High with Iran that the dates for Grossi told IAEA board
“In many ways, every could work with different the inspections had been
time I see him, I know it’s a eras” of the movement, Island. The two are from Bogata, Texas, near Paris, Texas, and they came to members in March that it
board up windows at a beach house in High Island. agreed but did not elaborate. had “identified a number of
blessing God gave me that Sharpton said. “I was always IAEA Director General
he didn’t give some of the free enough — never took questions related to possible
BY JAKE BLEIBERG AND Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Rafael Grossi wouldn’t name undeclared nuclear material
civil rights leaders before government funds, never STACEY PLAISANCE said Wednesday that the the dates after returning to and nuclear-related activi-
me,” Sharpton said. “I’m held office — I was free The Associated Press state has 200,000 hotel rooms Vienna on Wednesday eve- ties at three locations that
hopeful and I’m challenged. enough to flow.” across the state for evacuees. ning but said they will take
LAFITTE, Louisiana — have not been declared by
... What kind of society am I Today, the track suits But as of Wednesday after- place “very, very soon.” He
Thousands of Gulf Coast Iran” and had been pressing
leaving him where you can and chains are long gone, noon, the couple was waiting called the outcome “very
residents fled inland from an for access.
get shot by the cops and the replaced by tailored suits for a call from the Red Cross important” for peace and
approaching storm deemed In its report in June, the
robbers?” over a frame less than half amid hopes the agency would security.
“unsurvivable” by forecast- agency said it had deter-
Sharpton has embraced the size of what it once was. have a hotel room for them The inspections would
ers, heeding warnings from mined that one site had
the resonance of Black Lives But the fire is still there. somewhere. resolve a months-long
leaders in two states, but undergone “extensive saniti-
leaving some without help as Inside the hall, evacuees in impasse between Iran and zation and leveling” in 2003
available space in hotels and face masks waited at tables the IAEA. Grossi’s visit to and 2004 and there would
shelters filled quickly. and on hold with Dallas Coun- Tehran this week was his be no verification value in
Evacuees arrived as far ty Case Management, whose first since taking over as the inspecting it. It said Iran has
as Ennis, Texas, a city south number was being given out agency’s leader in Decem- blocked access to the other
of Dallas that’s roughly 200 at the entrance. ber. two locations, one of which
miles from the coast, as the Like the Bisons, others Iran had been resisting was partially demolished in
approaching Hurricane Laura had come to Ennis hoping providing access to the sites, 2004 and the other at which
grew in power hours before for shelter. But Mayor Ange- which are thought to be the agency observed activi-
its expected landfall. line Juenemann said all the from the early 2000s, before ties “consistent with efforts
James and Samantha Bison hotels in the area were “100% it signed the 2015 nuclear to sanitize” the facility from
evacuated from Jasper, about booked” and the city never deal with world powers, July 2019 onward.
200 miles away, and eventual- received vouchers to give maintaining the IAEA had Grossi said Wednesday
ly made their way to Ennis by people. no legal basis to visit them. that the outcome of his visit
early Tuesday morning after “We don’t have a place for The head of Iran’s nuclear to Iran was “very important
being directed there by a 211 them to sleep,” Juenemann agency, Ali Akbar Salehi, because the work of our
information line. Hoping for said. “We just really need to confirmed that Iran had agency was being interrupt-
a place to stay, they ended up set the record straight.” agreed to the inspections, ed. Our essential work for
BEBETO MATTHEWS/The Associated Press sleeping in their car. When Leaders in both Texas and saying “this will bring the nonproliferation had found
The Rev. Al Sharpton listens during an interview July 30 at his office in they called 211 again, an Louisiana urged residents to case to an end.” an obstacle, and we were
New York. For more than three decades he has been an advocate for operator told them to drive to flee in the final hours before “We are loyal to conven- having serious difficulties in
Black American families seeking justice in the wake of violence. San Antonio, about 250 miles landfall made it too danger- tions and our commitments,” overcoming this obstacle for
in a different direction. ous to travel. he said, adding that he many, many months.”
SECTION B • Thursday, August 27, 2020 • COLUMBIAMISSOURIAN.COM


Boycott: NBA playoff games postponed amidst player protest

BY BRIAN MAHONEY started the boycotts Wednes-
AND TIM REYNOLDS day by refusing to emerge
The Associated Press from their locker room to
play a playoff game against
the Orlando Magic.
Fla. — Making their stron-
“There has been no action,
gest statement yet in the
so our focus today cannot be
fight against racial injustice,
players from six NBA teams on basketball,” said Bucks
decided not to play postsea- guard Sterling Brown, who
son games on Wednesday in a joined teammate George
boycott that quickly reverber- Hill in reading a statement
ated across other professional on the team’s behalf. Brown
leagues. has a federal lawsuit pending
Also called off: Some against the city of Milwau-
games in Major League kee alleging he was targeted
Baseball, Major League because he was Black and
Soccer and the three WNBA that his civil rights were vio-
contests, as players across lated in January 2018 when
four leagues decided the best officers used a stun gun on
way to use their platform him after a parking violation.
and demand change was to Other games that were not
literally step off the playing played: NBA playoff games
surface. between Oklahoma City and
Players made the extraordi- Houston, and the Los Angeles
nary decisions to protest the Lakers and Portland; three KEVIN C. COX/The Associated Press
shooting by police in Keno- WNBA games; MLB games Referees huddle on an empty court at game time of a scheduled game between the Milwaukee Bucks and the Orlando Magic for Game 5 of an NBA
sha, Wisconsin on Sunday of between Milwaukee and Cin- basketball first-round playoff series, Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2020, in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.
Jacob Blake, a Black man, cinnati and Seattle and San
apparently in the back while Diego; and five MLS matches.
situation. The person spoke to need for action,” the NBA issues of police accountabil- schedule of three more
three of his children looked Two members of the St. Louis
The Associated Press on con- Coaches Association said in ity, brutality, and criminal games involving six other
on. The Los Angeles Lakers Cardinals sat out their team’s
dition of anonymity because a statement. “Not after the justice reform.” teams would be affected.
and Los Angeles Clippers game with the Kansas City
the meeting plan was not playoffs, not in the future, but “I couldn’t agree more. NBA players and coaches
each voted to boycott the Royals as well.
revealed publicly. now.” Thank you, Bucks,” Wiscon- were meeting Wednesday
playoffs at an all-teams meet- The NBA’s board of gover- night to determine next steps,
ing Wednesday. nors have called a meeting “The baseless shootings The statement by the Bucks sin Gov. Tony Evers tweeted.
presumably including wheth-
Kenosha is about 40 miles on Thursday to discuss the of Jacob Blake and other also called for state lawmak- The NBA did not say when
er the season should continue.
south of Milwaukee. That new developments, said a black men and women by law ers to reconvene and take Wednesday’s games would
city’s NBA team, the Bucks, person with knowledge of the enforcement underscores the immediate action “to address be played or if Thursday’s Please see NBA, Page 2B


Cornerbacks show promise in fall practice Missouri basketball adds

competition in camp, mainly with
redshirt freshman Ishmael Burdine,
whom Ware affectionately calls his
sive coordinator Ryan Walters thinks
the unit can take another step up in
to 2021 class by gaining
four-star small forward
During Missouri football’s fall
son. Burdine redshirted the 2019 sea- “I like those younger guys; those
camp, one of the bigger tasks has
son after missing the first 11 games guys, I think, have a chance to be
been establishing and having success
with a shoulder injury before playing really special,” Walters said Friday.
with head coach Eliah Drinkwitz’s
the season finale against Arkansas. “It’s only through four practices, but BY JOEL LORENZI playing. With Missouri, Cuonzo
new offense.
“Every time we step on the field, I like their maturation; I like what Martin and his staff are peo-
Through camp’s first two weeks,
we go try and compete,” Ware said. Gibbs is doing with them. ple that carry themselves with
one roadblock has emerged between Missouri basketball picked
“‘Who’s going to get the first inter- “I think we’ll be even better this integrity and keep their guys
the offense and that task: the corner- up a commitment from class of
ception?’ Who’s going to make the year than we were last year.” accountable.”
backs. 2021 wing Sean Durugordon via
first fumble?’ and things like that, Some of that optimism is due to Durugordon is listed as
“They’ve been whipping our tail Twitter on Wednesday morning.
which can only just make the corner- the additions of Carlies, a three-star a 6-foot-7 small forward on
ends for the last six practices,” Durugordon, from New York, is
back room better.” recruit from Florida, and Rakestraw, 247Sports but is a player who
Drinkwitz said. a senior at Connecticut’s Putnam
Younger players like Burdine and a three-star from Texas. can find himself at the off-guard
Even though the offense’s steeper Science Academy, alma mater of
the freshman duo of Ennis Rak- “JC, he’s long and rangy, and he position as well.
learning curve has given the defense can run; Ennis, I mean he’s long and Oklahoma City Thunder guard
an advantage during camp, Mis- estraw and Jaylon Carlies are driv- According to Shariff, his
ing that competition with Ware and he also can run. And both of them be Hamidou Diallo. He’s listed as a brother is known as a “3-and-D
souri’s younger corners seem to be tight in coverage,” Ware said.
senior Adam Sparks, who has had an four-star prospect by ESPN and guy” but can also put it on the
stepping up after the departures of Rakestraw has been one of the most
up-and-down career in coverage and a three-star on 247Sports and floor to get to the rim.
2018 second team All-Southeastern hyped players on defense throughout
saw a dip in playing time last season. Rivals. He’s currently ranked as “People see the videos,” Shar-
Conference honoree DeMarkus Acy camp after being one of the crown
and Christian Holmes, who played in Sparks is one of the better corners in the 237th-best player in his class iff said, “(and) they see the
run support due to his tackling ability jewels of Drinkwitz’s first recruiting by 247Sports. Auburn, Georgia defense and athleticism, but a lot
35 games over the last three years class. Drinkwitz let out a scream
before moving to Oklahoma State as a and has three interceptions and 10 and Arizona State were among of people are going to see that
passes defended over the last three and ran through Missouri’s football his final eight schools. Sean can actually score.”
graduate transfer. offices when he chose Missouri over
Drinkwitz said he was excited seasons. Durugordon is Cuonzo Mar- With his defensive prowess, he
Missouri’s corners were part of a Texas and Alabama on signing day. tin’s third recruit of the 2021 can be a solid two-way player.
about the position this season partial- Rakestraw was only a three-star
ly due to its depth. secondary that took a leap last sea- class, following point guards According to Rivals, Durugor-
son, ranking sixth in the country in recruit and saw zero Power Five Anton Brookshire and Kaleb don has a 7-foot wingspan, which
“We’ve got a lot of young guys; offers before his senior season, but
we’ve got great competition,” Drink- passing yards allowed per game after Brown. His commitment comes will be crucial for his perimeter
a disappointing 2018 campaign in his recruitment took off after not just two days after Brown’s.
witz said. “The only thing better than defense with Missouri.
giving up a single touchdown and “Looking forward to getting up
a little competition is a lot of competi- which the unit finished No. 111. It’s early, but the class of 2021
leading Duncanville to an undefeated there,” Durugordon said when
tion, and (there’s) a lot of competition That showed a good amount of is shaping up to be the deepest
season and a state championship in contacted Wednesday afternoon,
in that room.” progress, but the addition of the recruiting class Cuonzo Martin
Texas’ highest division. Rakestraw “and competing for a national
That competition starts with junior boundary safety and the pass cover- has had at the guard position
was also named the Dallas Morning
Jarvis Ware, who is the only return- age prowess of Nick Bolton and Cale championship and just working.” since 2018. That group featured
News’ 2019 Defensive Player of the
ing starter after beating out Holmes Garrett, who had a team-high three Shariff Durugordon, Sean’s Xavier Pinson and Torrence
for a job in the middle of last season. interceptions in only five games, also older brother, said Sean chose Watson. With three commit-
The corner has taken some reps
Ware had four passes defended in 11 deserve credit for that jump. Missouri because “it really just ments before September, Mis-
with the first team during practice.
games in 2019. Despite the turnover and previous came down to where his heart souri’s class sits at No. 32 in the
Ware also pointed toward the improvement at the position, defen- Please see MUFB, Page 2B was ... , where he saw himself nation according to 247Sports.


Battle looks to fix ‘in-house’ mistakes in season opener against Fort Zumwalt
BY EMILY LEIKER last season — Ellison’s first conditioned and ready I think as head coach — with a 7-4 than just playing one position
record, after Fort Zumwalt by this time of the year.”
Atiyyah Ellison sees Bat-
ended Battle’s season with Gerry Marteen and Rickie
tle’s 2019 season-ending loss
to Fort Zumwalt North as the a 63-20 victory in the Class Dunn, who both saw action last
result of “in-house” mistakes. 5 District 4 championship season, will take the place of
Not only did the Spartans game. Coleman, who’s now at Rock
struggle with penalties and It was just the second time Bridge, and Darren Jordan,
turnovers in their final game, Battle has lost to Fort Zumwalt, who graduated in May.
but the players’ attitude didn’t and the loss also broke Battle’s At quarterback last season,
show a united front on the field five-year district title streak. Khaleel Dampier shared
. A few players, including first- The Panthers made it to the snaps under center with Har-
string running back DaleShaun final four of the state tourna- rison Keller while also spend-
Coleman, left the program at ment before falling to Carthage ing time at running back.
the conclusion of the season. 20-17, their only loss of the With Keller graduated, the
“You know, I don’t mess season. senior takes over as the first-
with a lot of people who don’t While Ellison said the loss string quarterback. Soph-
align themselves with what of some former key players omore Justin Goolsby will
we’re trying to do here, so could be perceived as a weak- start as Dampier’s backup,
it was kind of a purge if you ness, he sees his smaller ros- but could compete for some
want to say,” Ellison said. ter size as a plus. starting reps.
“Some guys were kind of just “We have a smaller number “Dampier’s been a good play-
tolerating it and not taking of athletes this year, so a lot er for us,” Ellison said. “I think
what we were trying to teach of people are playing offense he’s ready to come into his own
them, I think, to heart. And and defense,” he said. “So this year.”
they were upset about other BLYTHE DORRIAN/Missourian they’re playing a role that Ellison also noted a number
things.” Battle sophomore Ryan Shoenburg runs with the ball at practice Wednesday at Battle High School in Columbia. they probably didn’t play the
The Spartans finished Battle’s first game will be at home Friday against Fort Zumwalt North. year before. They’ll be more Please see BATTLE, Page 2B

Players demand social change Ellison

East Division East Division
W L Pct GB W L Pct GB
Atlanta 18 12 .600 — Tampa Bay 21 11 .656 —

Miami 14 12 .538 2 New York 16 11 .593 2½
Philadelphia 12 14 .462 4 Toronto 15 14 .517 4½
New York 13 16 .448 4½ Baltimore 14 16 .467 6 NBA from Page 1B “Players have, once again, “We’re the ones getting shot.
Washington 11 17 .393 6 Boston 10 21 .323 10½ made it clear — they will We’re the ones that we’re
Central Division “We fully support our not be silent on this issue,” denied to live in certain com-

Central Division
W L Pct GB
Chicago 18 12 .600 —
W L Pct GB players and the decision National Basketball Players munities. We’ve been hung.
Minnesota 20 12 .625 —
St. Louis 11 9 .550 2
Chicago 19 12 .613 ½
they made,” Bucks owners Association Executive Direc- We’ve been shot. And all you
Milwaukee 13 15 .464 4
Cleveland 19 12 .613 ½ Marc Lasry, Wes Edens and tor Michele Roberts said. do is keep hearing about

Cincinnati 11 17 .393 6
Pittsburgh 7 19 .269 9 Detroit 13 16 .448 5½ Jamie Dinan said in a joint Demanding societal fear. It’s amazing why we
Kansas City 12 19 .387 7½
West Division
West Division
statement. “Although we did change and ending racial keep loving this country and
W L Pct GB
Los Angeles 22 9 .710 — W L Pct GB not know beforehand, we injustice has been a major this country does not love us
San Diego 18 13 .581 4 Oakland 22 10 .688 — would have wholeheartedly part of the NBA’s restart back. And it’s just, it’s really
Colorado 15 15 .500 6½ Houston 17 14 .548 4½ agreed with them. The only at Walt Disney World. The so sad.” BATTLE from Page 1B
San Francisco 15 16 .484 7 Seattle 12 19 .387 9½
Arizona 13 18 .419 9 Texas 11 19 .367 10 way to bring about change is phrase “Black Lives Mat- Players from Boston and
to shine a light on the racial Toronto met Tuesday to of other underclassmen
Los Angeles 10 22 .313 12 ter” is painted on the arena
TUESDAY’S GAMES injustices that are happen- courts, players are wearing discuss boycotting Game 1 who could step up this sea-
Miami 4, N.Y. Mets 0, 7 innings, 1st game TUESDAY’S GAMES ing in front of us.” messages urging change on of their Eastern Conference son in different positions:
Philadelphia 8, Washington 3 Houston 6, L.A. Angels 3, 7 innings, 1st game Added Jeanie Buss, the their jerseys and coaches semifinal series, which had Sophomore Tyson Ellison
Detroit 7, Chicago Cubs 1 Tampa Bay 4, Baltimore 2
Chicago White Sox 4, Pittsburgh 0 Cleveland 4, Minnesota 2
Governor of the Lakers, in are donning pins demanding been scheduled for Thurs- — Atiyyah’s son — at tight
Milwaukee 3, Cincinnati 2
Boston 9, Toronto 7 a tweet: “I stand behind our racial justice as well. day. NBPA officers were end and defensive end,
Kansas City 5, St. Louis 4
Miami 3, N.Y. Mets 0, 7 innings, 2nd game
Detroit 7, Chicago Cubs 1 players, today and always. Many players wrestled for part of those meetings, sophomore Aiden Jones on
Chicago White Sox 4, Pittsburgh 0
Seattle 8, San Diego 3
L.A. Angels 12, Houston 5, 7 innings, 2nd
After more than 400 years weeks about whether it was and Miami forward Andre both sides of the line and
Colorado 5, Arizona 4
San Francisco 10, L.A. Dodgers 8, 11 innings game of cruelty, racism and injus- even right to play, fearing Iguodala — one of those offi- junior D’aire Williams.
Atlanta 2, N.Y. Yankees 1, 7 innings Oakland 10, Texas 3 tice, we all need to work that a return to games would cers— said around 2:15 p.m. “Our mantra has always
Kansas City 5, St. Louis 4
WEDNESDAY’S GAMES Seattle 8, San Diego 3
together to say enough is take attention off the deaths that he did not believe a boy- been next man up, so what-
Chicago White Sox 10, Pittsburgh 3 Atlanta 2, N.Y. Yankees 1, 7 innings enough.” of, among others, Breonna cott plan had been finalized. ever reason a guy’s not
Atlanta 5, N.Y. Yankees 1, 7 innings, 1st game
Several NBA players, Taylor and George Floyd in Things apparently moved there, he’s not there,” Elli-
Atlanta 2, N.Y. Yankees 1, 7 innings, 2nd game
including the Lakers’ LeB- recent months. quickly: Less than two hours
Philadelphia 3, Washington 2 Chicago White Sox 10, Pittsburgh 3 son said. “The next guys
N.Y. Mets 5, Miami 4 Atlanta 5, N.Y. Yankees 1, 7 innings, 1st game ron James, tweeted out mes- Taylor, a 26-year-old Black later, the Bucks wouldn’t
gotta be ready to take the
Detroit 7, Chicago Cubs 6 Atlanta 2, N.Y. Yankees 1, 7 innings, 2nd game sages demanding change. woman, was fatally shot take the floor.
St. Louis 6, Kansas City 5 Toronto 9, Boston 1
Some teams including reins.”
Seattle at San Diego, ppd. Tampa Bay 4, Baltimore 3 when police officers burst “When you talk about boy-
Colorado at Arizona, 8:40 p.m. Cleveland 6, Minnesota 3 Boston, Orlando and Utah into her Louisville, Kentucky cotting a game, everyone’s Dampier, defensive tackle
L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco, ppd. Detroit 7, Chicago Cubs 6 released messages support- apartment using a no-knock antenna goes up,” Iguodala Jamileon Kimble, free safe-
Cincinnati at Milwaukee, ppd. Oakland 3, Texas 1
ing the players. warrant during a narcotics said. “It’s sad you have to ty Tommy Atherton and
THURSDAY’S GAMES St. Louis 6, Kansas City 5
Seattle at San Diego, ppd. “We weren’t given investigation on March 13. make threats like that — I guard Owen Lewis will be
Pittsburgh (Kuhl 1-1) at St. Louis (Kim 1-0),
ppd., 1st game L.A. Angels at Houston, ppd. advanced notice about the The warrant was in connec- wouldn’t say threats — but this year’s team captains,
Seattle (Kikuchi 0-2) at San Diego (Richards
THURSDAY’S GAMES decision but we are happy tion with a suspect who did you have to be willing to sac- Ellison announced Monday
1-1), 3:10 p.m.
Cincinnati (Miley 0-3) at Milwaukee (Lindblom L.A. Angels 12, Houston 5, 7 innings to stand in solidarity with not live there and no drugs rifice corporate money for night on Twitter . They’ll
Seattle (Kikuchi 0-2) at San Diego (Richards
1-1), 4:10 p.m., 1st game
1-1), 3:10 p.m.
Milwaukee, Jacob, and the were found. Then on May people to realize there’s a big help Ellison lead the Spar-
Colorado (Freeland 2-1) at Arizona (Gallen 0-0),
5:10 p.m. Boston (Mazza 0-1) at Toronto (Ryu 2-1), entire NBA community,” 25, Floyd died after a white problem out there.” tans through what is sure
Philadelphia (Howard 0-1) at Washington 5:37 p.m. Orlando guard Michael Car- Minneapolis police officer Professional sports has to be an eventful season
(Scherzer 2-1), 5:37 p.m. Oakland (Bassitt 2-1) at Texas (Lyles 1-3),
Pittsburgh (Ponce 0-1) at St. Louis (Oviedo 5:37 p.m.
ter-Williams said. “Change pressed a knee into the Black seen both strikes and lock- due to COVID-19. “All of
0-0), ppd., 2nd game Baltimore (Means 0-2) at Tampa Bay (Yar- is coming.” man’s neck for nearly eight outs in the past, almost those dudes are leaders, but
Miami (Sánchez 1-0) at N.Y. Mets (TBD),
6:10 p.m.
brough 0-2), 5:40 p.m. Magic players and refer- minutes — all captured on a always over salary disputes. they’re leaders in different
Minnesota (Dobnak 5-1) at Detroit (Boyd 0-4),
ees were on the basketball cell phone video. But this wouldn’t seem to
L.A. Dodgers (Buehler 1-0) at San Francisco 6:10 p.m. ways,” Ellison said. “Like,
(Webb 2-2), 7:05 p.m. court for the game but Hill said after Blake’s classify as a strike, even
Cincinnati (TBD) at Milwaukee (TBD), ppd., FRIDAY’S GAMES they’re totally different
2nd game Milwaukee never took the shooting that he felt players though it was initiated by
N.Y. Mets at N.Y. Yankees, 3:05 p.m., 1st people, but they all come
game floor. The National Basket- shouldn’t have come to Dis- players, since their dispute is
Baltimore at Toronto, 5:37 p.m. ball Referees Association ney. not with the NBA. Boycott, together and appeal to the
N.Y. Mets at N.Y. Yankees, 3:05 p.m., 1st
game Minnesota at Detroit, 6:10 p.m.
said it “stands in solidarity” “We’re the ones getting meanwhile, is defined as the group in different ways, so
Tampa Bay at Miami, 6:10 p.m.
Atlanta at Philadelphia, 6:05 p.m.
with the players, and teams killed,” Los Angeles Clippers act of refusing to engage in that’s why they ended up
Chicago Cubs at Cincinnati, 6:10 p.m. Washington at Boston, 6:30 p.m.
Tampa Bay at Miami, 6:10 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at Texas, 7:05 p.m. including Orlando and Bos- coach Doc Rivers, who is an action, usually to express with the most votes. I think
Washington at Boston, 6:30 p.m. Kansas City at Chicago White Sox, 7:10 p.m.
ton released statements or Black, said in an emotion- disapproval with some con- they were spot-on with the
L.A. Dodgers at Texas, 7:05 p.m. Cleveland at St. Louis, 7:15 p.m.
Pittsburgh at Milwaukee, 7:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at N.Y. Mets, ppd., 2nd game tweets of support. al speech Tuesday night. dition. guys they picked.”
Cleveland at St. Louis, 7:15 p.m. Oakland at Houston, 8:10 p.m. Kickoff against Fort
N.Y. Yankees at N.Y. Mets, ppd., 2nd game Seattle at L.A. Angels, 8:40 p.m. Zumwalt is scheduled for

New recruit has coaches excited

San Diego at Colorado, 7:40 p.m.
San Francisco at Arizona, 8:40 p.m. Wednesday’s Box Score 7 p.m. Friday at Battle
ST. LOUIS 6, KANSAS CITY 5 High School. There will
Wednesday’s Transactions Kansas City St. Louis be reduced capacity at the
Baseball game in accordance with
ab r h bi ab r h bi MUFB from Page 1B feet moving at the line of is to never have dead feet,
AMERICAN LEAGUE Merrifield cf-rf 5 0 32 Wong 2b 4 1 11 scrimmage, so he never has because if you have dead health and safety protocols,
Gonsalves and RHP Mike Shawaryn outright to
Dozier rf-1b 4 0 0 0 Edman rf-3b 5 0 1 0 “With Ennis, he does a dead feet,” Ware said. “The feet you’ll get beat every but an official number has
Soler dh 3 0 0 0 Gldschmdt 1b 2 1 0 1
alternate training site. O’Hearn 1b 2 0 0 0 B.Miller dh 5 1 10 very good job of keeping his key to playing cornerback time.” not been announced.
CLEVELAND INDIANS — Recalled RHP Mike Starling cf 0 0 0 0 DeJong ss 4 1 10
Clevinger from alternate training site. Optioned Franco 3b 4 0 0 0 Carpenter 3b 1 1 0 0
C Beau Taylor to alternate training site.
Gordon lf 4 0 0 0 Bader pr-cf 0 0 00
HOUSTON ASTROS — Optioned RHP Humberto Mondesi ss 4 1 1 0 Schrock ph 1 0 0 0
Castellanos to alternate training site.

Drinkwitz on Blake
Lopez 2b 3 2 1 0 Molina c 4 1 21
KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Activated RHP Jakob Gallagher c 2 1 1 2 O’Neill lf 4 0 22
Junis from 10 day-IL. Optioned RHP Chance McBroom ph 1 1 1 1 Carlson
Adams to alternate training site. cf-rf 401 1
LOS ANGELES ANGELS — Optioned RHP Viloria c 100 0

shooting: ‘It’s not right’

Jaime Barria and 2B Luis Rengifo to alternate Totals 33 5 7 5 Totals 34
training site. 6 9 6
NEW YORK YANKEES — Recalled RHP Albert Kansas City 002 000 012 — 5
Abreu from alternate training site. Acquired C St. Louis 001 100 004 — 6
Rob Brantly from San Francisco in exchange E—Gallagher (1), Molina (1). DP—Kansas
for cash considerations. Sent C Rob Brantly to City 0, St. Louis 1. LOB—Kansas City 6, St.
alternate training site. Sent RHP Albert Abreu Louis 14. 2B—Merrifield 2 (8), Carlson (2), BY ADAM COLE football team. I feel for my
to alternate site. B.Miller (3). HR—Gallagher (1), McBroom (4).
SF—Goldschmidt (1). coaches.”
IP H R ER BB SO “You know, I was sitting
Burch Smith from the 10-day IL to the 60-day Prior to taking questions
IL. Kansas City with one of my coaches
SEATTLE MARINERS — Transferred RHP Carl Junis 3 2/3 4 2 2 1 6 from reporters Wednesday, while we were seeing it on
Edwards and LHP Taylor Guibeau from the 10- Newberry 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 Missouri football’s head
ESPN and just the pain.
day IL to the 60-day IL. Holland 1 0 0 0 0 0 coach Eliah Drinkwitz made
Kennedy 1 2 0 0 0 2 We’ve got to make reform.
TAMPA BAY RAYS — Placed LHP Jalen Beeks a point to address a story
on the 60-day IL. Selected the contract of LHP Barlow 1 0 0 0 1 2 We’ve got to address the
Staumont H,5 1/3 1 0 0 2 0 making headlines nationally.
Ryan Sherriff from alternate training site. issue so this does not contin-
TEXAS RANGERS — Activated RHP Nick Goody Rosenthal H,1 1 1/3 1 3 3 2 4 The coach took time to
Rosario L,0-1 BS,0-1 0 1 1 1 2 0 ue to happen. And I want to
from the 10-day IL. Optioned RHP Ian Gibaut to say he’s “extremely disap-
alternate training site. St. Louis be a part of the solution. Our
pointed” in the events that
TORONTO BLUE JAYS — Activated OF Derek Hudson 6 3 2 2 3 3 football team wants to be a
Cabrera 1 2 1 1 0 1 occurred Sunday in Keno-
Fisher from the 10-day IL. Recalled RHP part of the solution. We want
Sean Reid-Foley from alternate training site. Reyes W,1-0 2 2 2 2 2 2 sha, Wisconsin, when Jacob
Rosario pitched to 4 batters in the 9th,
JEFF ROBERSON/The Associated Press to bring awareness to the sit-
Optioned LHP Travis Bergen and RHP Sam
The St. Louis Cardinals’ Kolten Wong, left, tosses his bat after earning Blake, a Black man, was
Gaviglio to alternate training site. Cabrera pitched to 2 batters in the 8th. uation. And our prayers are
a bases loaded walk allowing Yadier Molina, right, to score the game- shot seven times in the back
HBP—Junis 2 (Carpenter,Carpenter), Rosario with Jake. Our prayers are
(Molina). WP—Junis, Rosario.
winning run during the ninth inning of a game against the Kansas City by a police officer.
Umpires—Home, Ed Hickox; First, Jordan with the state of Wisconsin
ATLANTA BRAVES — Recalled C Alex Jackson
Royals on Wednesday in St. Louis. Drinkwitz was asked
from alternate training site. Baker; Second, Jerry Meals; Third, Jeremie and the situation right now,
Rehak. Tuesday evening if his team
and by no means am — I

St. Louis beats KC in

Strop from the 10-day IL and designated him T—3:37. had discussed Sunday’s
support the police and I sup-
for assignment. Optioned RF Travis Jankowski shooting. He didn’t have
to alternate training site. Selected the contract NBA PLAYOFF STANDINGS port that there’s good police
much to say.
of SS Jose Garcia from alternate training site. FIRST ROUND officers, but the situation
“We haven’t yet,” he said.

thriller; players sit out

MIAMI MARLINS — Optioned LHPs Daniel (Best-of-7) that occurred, again, the
Castano and Josh D. Smith to alternate train- “Nope, but, you know— hav-
third time in three months.
ing site. Recalled LHP Brandon Leibrandt from THURSDAY’S GAMES en’t yet, no.”
alternate training site. Placed OF Magneuris We’ve got, as the United
Miami 109, Indiana 100 But Wednesday — as ath-
Sierra on the 10-day IL retroactive to Aug. 24. States of America, to contin-
MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Released 2B Brock Houston 112, Oklahoma City 98 letes across sports leagues
BY STEVE OVERBEY ers. ue to do better.”
Holt. Milwaukee 111, Orlando 96 were striking in solidarity
NEW YORK METS — Optioned C Patrick Mazei- L.A. Lakers 111, Portland 88 The Associated Press Fowler was originally with Blake — Drinkwitz
ka to alternate training site.
in the starting lineup, but
Missouri football has
didn’t waste much time:
Davis from Philadelphia for a player to be
decided not to play right “First, just want to address 2 active cases of
name later and cash considerations.
Toronto 117, Brooklyn 92
Utah 124, Denver 87
drew a bases-loaded walk, before the game. Team man- something from yesterday,” COVID-19
Boston 102, Philadelphia 94
to cap off a four-run rally in agement issued a statement he said. “(The Athletic Drinkwitz also told report-
contract of OF Joey Rickard from alternate
L.A. Clippers 130, Dallas 122 the ninth inning that lifted in support of both players. writer) Peter (Baugh) asked ers Wednesday that the
training site. Optioned RHP Shaun Anderson to
alternate training site. Designated RHP Dereck the St. Louis Cardinals over Dylan Carlson tied it at 2 about the situation (in) Wis- football program has two
Rodriguez for assignment. the Kansas City Royals 6-5 with an RBI double in the consin, believe the young student-athletes in isolation
WASHINGTON NATIONALS — Activated LHP Milwaukee 121, Orlando 107,Miami 124,
Sean Doolittle from the 10-day IL. Optioned 3B Indiana 115,Oklahoma City 119, Houston 107,
on Wednesday night. fourth. He also added a key man’s name is Jake Black. with positive cases of the
Carter Kieboom to alternate training site. OT,L.A. Lakers 116, Portland 108, Tyler O’Neill tied the hit in the ninth inning. I’ll admit, I wasn’t as aware coronavirus. Three other
game at 5 with a two-out, St. Louis starter Dakota of the situation as I needed people are also quarantin-
SUNDAY’S GAMES to be and so I made myself ing because of those cases,
Football two-run single with the Hudson allowed two runs on
Boston 110, Philadelphia 106, Boston wins
NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE bases loaded off the glove aware after the meeting he said. The program did
series 4-0 three hits over six innings.
CAROLINA PANTHERS — Signed WRs Cam of third baseman Maikel and (I’m) just disappointed. another round of surveil-
Phillips and Darrell Stewart. Waived CB Derek
Dallas 135, L.A. Clippers 133, OT,Toronto 150, He retired the last 10 batters Extremely disappointed lance testing Wednesday.
Brooklyn 122, Toronto wins series 4-0 Franco. he faced.
Thomas. that we’re having to address “We’ve had some contact
CINCINNATI BENGALS — Signed S Maurice Utah 129, Denver 127 Wong coaxed a five-pitch Kansas City starter Jakob these situations again, but tracing situations, mostly
Smith. Waived K Tristian Vizcaino. walk off Randy Rosario (0-1) Junis gave up two runs and
MONDAY’S GAMES you know, it says in the good roommates, when you get
Willis off waivers from Cincinnati. Milwaukee 121, Orlando 106,Oklahoma City Alex Reyes (1-0) got the four hits over 3⅔ innings in book ‘Don’t grow weary a COVID positive, usually
INDIANAPOLIS COLTS — Signed TE Dominique 117, Houston 114,Miami 99, Indiana 87, win. first start since Aug. 7. He while in doing good. For in tend to be automatically con-
Dafney. Waived RB Bruce Anderson III. Miami wins series 4-0 Ryan McBroom and Cam struck out six and walked due time you will receive tact traced,” he said. “We’re
MIAMI DOLPHINS — Claimed RB Salvon
Ahmed off waivers from San Francisco.
L.A. Lakers 135, Portland 115, L.A. Lakers Gallagher homered for Kan- one. your award if you do not lose moving forward.
leads series 3-1
MINNESOTA VIKINGS — Signed LB David sas City, which has lost 13 of Junis had been slowed by heart,‘ and we’ve got to keep “Again, like I addressed
Reese II. Waived S Brian Cole II. TUESDAY’S GAMES its last 17 to its cross-state back spasms and came off bringing attention because yesterday, I think it’s going
Sony Michel from the PUP list.
Denver 117, Utah 107 rival. the 10-day injury list prior there is a real problem in the to be the next two weeks that
Utah leads series 3-2
St. Louis outfielder Dex- to the contest. United States of America.” we’ve talked to our team
Ellis. L.A. Clippers 154, Dallas 111
ter Fowler and pitcher “Abraham Lincoln said about this, it’s the next two
NEW YORK JETS — Waived S Anthony Cioffi.
L.A. Clippers lead series 3-2
Jack Flaherty opted to sit Trainer’s room we’re striving to become a weeks that’s really, you know,
WEDNESDAY’S GAMES out the game in solidarity more perfect union and we’re going to tell the tape and see
Williams and DT T.Y. McGill. Waived LB Dante Royals: Sent RHP Chance if we can continue to move
Olson. Placed TE Josh Perkins on injured Milwaukee vs. Orlando, ppd., Milwaukee leads
with other players around not there yet. We’re not there
reserve. series 3-1
Adams to their alternate yet. The atrocities that have forward in a positive way.”
the league in protest of camp to make room for
TENNESSEE TITANS — Signed RB Jeremy Oklahoma City vs. Houston, ppd. series tied occurred, on video tape, in Drinkwitz was also
McNichols. Waived LB Khaylan Kearse-Thomas
2-2 the shooting in Kenosha, Junis. the last three months; it’s not informed in Wednesday’s
and RB Cameron Scarlett.
L.A. Lakers vs. Portland, ppd., L.A. Lakers Wiscoinsin. Jacob Blake, a Cardinals: RHP Car- right. It’s not right and no Zoom of reports that most
Hockey Black man, was shot multi- los Martinez will pitch to
NHL — Sanctioned the Arizona Coyotes for
leads series 3-1 matter what justification was of Louisiana State’s offen-
violating the NHL’s Combine Testing Policy THURSDAY’S GAMES ple times by police Sunday. teammates at the Cardinals used, there was no reason for sive line had contracted the
during the 2019-20 season, directing the
Denver vs. Utah, 4 p.m Three major league games alternate site in Springfield, seven shots to be fired in that virus. The Tigers travel to
forfeiture of the Club’s 2nd-round pick in the
2020 NHL Draft and 1st-round pick in the Boston vs. Toronto, 5:30 p.m. were postponed Wednesday Missouri on Friday. He has situation, and that’s my opin- Baton Rouge to play LSU on
2021 NHL Draft. L.A. Clippers vs. Dallas, 8 p.m. in decisions driven by play- missed the last 15 games. ion. And I feel, I feel for my Oct. 10.
COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN Thursday, August 27, 2020 — Page 3B


Trailblazers look to stay positive in 2020 Woods to host TV

one of them is going to be
super hard for us, but we’re
looking at it in a different
everything. ... So we’re trying
to only worry about what we’re
doing and do everything we
forward to competing with
Pfenenger and the rest of the
Trailblazers for a final sea-
match at self-designed
Missouri public course
Playing Friday night foot-
light.” can to put a good team on the son. An athlete’s senior year
ball with empty stands isn’t
normal. There will be com- With COVID-19 eliminating field.” is special, he said, as years
plete silence, aside from the summer practices, camps and Pfenenger is one of four and years of practice and
sounds of play-calling and workouts, the Trailblazers seniors on the 19-player ros- hard work culminate into one
have been playing catch-up ter for Tolton, which includes last go-around. BY DOUG FERGUSON Stewart Family Foundation.
pads hitting. The Associated Press “Payne’s Valley is the
Meanwhile, some teams these last few weeks but are two seniors who have never “Coach did a good job keep-
grateful to be playing at all. played football previously. ing us focused on ourselves first public golf course that
have unfinished business OLYMPIA FIELDS, Ill. I have designed. I couldn’t
and something to prove, like Senior quarterback and free The Trailblazers lost seven and not worrying about the — Tiger Woods is unveiling
safety Gabe Pfenenger has seniors last year and gained outside noise and complaints be prouder of how it turned
Tolton Catholic. his first public golf course out,” Woods said.
Despite coming off a transi- stepped up as a leader this sea- four freshmen. They only and concerns,” Brucks said. design with an exhibition
son. He’s one of the few return- have enough for a varsity Tolton will get its first shot It will be the second made-
tional 1-9 season last year, the that will be the closest golf for-TV exhibition Woods
Trailblazers are ready to get ing starters, and he says he is team, but the squad is aiming at redemption Friday night gets to a Ryder Cup match
at Hallsville High School. plays this year. He teamed
back on the field. Head coach prepared to prove naysayers to prove the notion of quality this year. with Peyton Manning to
Michael Egnew said his team is wrong. over quantity. The Trailblazers will look to The Payne’s Valley Cup compete against Phil Mick-
undersized and has some seri- “We’re confident,” Pfenenger “The kids are smart, deter- gain some momentum before will be played Sept. 22, elson and Tom Brady in May
ous depth issues, but it is trying said. “Coach just told us to mined and enthusiastic about heading back to Columbia on the Tuesday after the U.S. to raise money for COVID-
to play to their strengths and control what we can control. the game, and those things Sept. 4 for their first home Open, at Payne’s Valley Golf 19 relief efforts.
focus on moving the ball well. Obviously, there’s all sorts of matter when it comes to foot- game of the season. Course at Big Cedar Lodge This one features four
“All of our games this year noise: people saying we’re low ball,” Egnew said. “We’re going to give every- in Ridgedale, Missouri. players who all have been
are going to be a challenge,” on numbers, people saying this Senior tight end and line- thing we can to win,” Egnew Woods and Justin Thomas No. 1 in the world and won
Egnew said. “Every single pandemic is going to affect backer Max Brucks is looking said. “That’s our goal.” will be the U.S. team that major championships, most
takes on Rory McIlroy and of that belonging to Woods.
Justin Rose of Europe. The He has 15 majors and was
GOLF 18-hole match will be tele- No. 1 for a record 683
vised live on Golf Channel weeks.

Mickelson wins in PGA Tour Champions debut

with players wearing mics. The event will be closed
It will feature elements of to the public, except for a
the Ryder Cup, with a mix select group hosted by Big
of foursomes, fourballs and Cedar Lodge.
The Associated Press over-tour in his debut, not pete.” which was moved up to an singles. The Payne’s Valley Golf
to mention gave him some The three-round tourna- earlier start because of Mostly, though, it’s a Course was the idea of John-
RIDGEDALE — Phil Mick- much-needed confidence ment in the Ozarks of south- approaching bad weather, chance to show off the ny Morris, a conservationist
elson chose to make his PGA after a missed cut at The west Missouri may prove to first public course of TGR
with a birdie on the first who founded Bass Pro Shops
Tour Champions debut at Northern Trust knocked him be even more important if Design. The other courses
hole. He added another at and Big Cedar Lodge, where
Ozarks National this week from the FedEx Cup Playoffs. the wildfires are still raging from his design group have the PGA Tour Champions
so he could avoid a two-week the fourth before driving the
“I really enjoyed playing in California. The Safeway par-4 fifth and rolling in a been either private or resort has played the last two
break right in the middle of here, enjoyed seeing the Open will take place at Silver- courses. This one is a trib- weeks.
his preparations for the U.S. 25-footer for an eagle.
guys again, and they were ado in Napa, and Mickelson ute to Payne Stewart, the “Tiger and I have a
Open at Winged Foot. Mickelson added three
so accommodating and fun, expressed the same fear as three-time major champion 20-year friendship that
He closed with a 5-under and it was just fun for me to tournament organizers that straight birdies, making the who died in a plane crash started through fishing and
66 on Wednesday to reach compete,” said Mickelson, the event could be affected. turn to reach 23 under and in 1999, a month after the has evolved into a great
22 under, leaving him three who plans to take 10 days off Regardless of whether he putting the 54-hole scoring U.S. won the Ryder Cup at partnership. We look for-
shots clear of Tim Petrovic. before heading to the Safe- tees it up again, Mickelson’s record on the PGA Tour Brookline. ward to showcasing this des-
The wire-to-wire victory way Open for what he hopes game sure looked sharp as he Champions in danger. David Stewart was a native of tination to the world through
made Mickelson the 20th is his final U.S. Open prep. “I heads toward the U.S. Open. Frost shot 25 under at the the Ozarks. The event will the Payne’s Valley Cup,”
player to win on the 50-and- got to shoot scores and com- He began the final round, 2010 3M Championship. raise money for the Payne Morris said.

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CALL 573-882-5714
CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY Mon.-Fri. 8:00 am-5:00 pm

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NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR Go to to submit your ad.
SERVICE BY PUBLICATION All electronically submitted ads will be processed
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Autos Homes Jobs Legal Services

You are hereby notified that an action
has been commenced against you in the Mon.-Fri. 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Circuit Court for the County of Boone, 221 S. 8th St., Columbia, MO 65201
Missouri, the object and general nature of
on Mon. COURTFri. - FOR
9:00 a.m.
THEon Thurs.
The names of all parties to said action Wed. - 9:00 a.m. onOFTues.
BOONESun. - 9:00
OFa.m. on Fri.
are stated above in the caption hereof Thurs. - 9:00 a.m. on Wed. DIVISION
and the name and address of the attor- Prepayment Required. Cash, check, credit/debit payments accepted.
Case No.
ney for Petitioner is: CINDY BENTCH,
ROBERT D. BLACK, Successor Trustee

65084, (573) 569-2344.

of the Thomas C. Porter Trust uta re-
You are further notified that, unless you
stated on July 19, 2014, Petitioner,
file an answer or other pleadings or shall
otherwise appear and defend against the
aforesaid petition within 45 days after
AUGUST 27, 2020 judgment by default
Chester Twitchell will be rendered against you. Probate Division spondent.
5'x8' Homemade Trailer, Husqvarna Witness my hand and the seal of the Cir- Case Number: NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR
223L Trimmer Straight Shaft & Other cuit Court this date. 20BA-PR00196 SERVICE BY PUBLICATION
Lawn Tools, Commercial Builders Tools, Christy Blakemore, In the Estate of: ISABELLA FAITH The State of Missouri to Defendant Uni-
Hand Tools & Pneumatic Tools Circuit Clerk LONG, Minor versity of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
ELECTRIC CHICKEN ROASTER - Sun- w/Hardware, Battery Powered Builders NOTICE OF HEARING Foundation.
beam carousel rotisserie $40 Call BLADERUNNER ADVANTAGE W By: Kayla Turley
Lazer Level w/Tri Pod, Nails for Air Guns, ROLLER BLADES - women size 7. Court Clerk TO: ASHLEY LYNN LONG AND TO ALL You are hereby notified that an action
573-875-1379 Wagoner "1891 Original" and Other Iron OTHER UNKNOWN PERSONS WHO has been commenced against you in the
Pink/Gray/White. New in box. $40. Call Insertion Dates: AUGUST 27, SEPTEM-
Skillets and Much More! 573-447-1197 BER 3, 10, 17, 2020. CLAIM ANY INTEREST IN THE ES- Circuit Court for the County of Boone,
Friday, August 28th, 7am-6pm TATE OF ISABELLA FAITH LONG Missouri, the object and general nature of

Saturday, August 29th, 7am-2pm You are hereby notified that a Petition which is to determine to whom a bequest
BOYS SIZE 10-12 SUMMER CLOTH- 703 Poplar Street, Boonville, MO has been filed in the above Court by should be distributed from the Thomas C.
ING - 15 shirts. $10. Call 573-442-6504 BENJAMIN RUSSELL LONG and NATA- Porter Trust under uta restated on July
CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY LIE LONG COLUMBIA, MO 65201 for 19, 2014 regarding a residuary distribu-
BOYS SIZE 12 SUMMER CLOTHES - OF BOONE, STATE OF MISSOURI the GUARDIANSHIP AND CONSERVA- tion to be made to an entity identified and
Name brand shorts & shirts. 80 items. CASE NUMBER TORSHIP of said Minor. described therein as the University of
$60. Call 573-442-6504 BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN CHANDELIER -
20BA-JU00212 You are hereby required to appear in an- Missouri, Columbia, Missouri Foundation
IN THE INTEREST OF J.M.M swer to said petition on or before of whose existence Petitioner is unable
Only $30. Call 573-875-1379 or NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR
BOYS SIZE 14 SUMMER CLOTHING - 573-673-5688. 28-SEP-2020 at 09:00 AM of said day in to locate any record; also seeking a dec-
20 items. $12. Call 573-442-6504 SERVICE BY PUBLICATION said Court in the city of Columbia, Boone laration that said distribution may be
THE STATE OF MISSOURI TO: County, Missouri, at which time and made to Defendant The Curators of The
***Publisher's notice: All real estate ad- UNKNOWN
BOYS SIZE 14-16 SUMMER CLOTHES vertised herein is subject to the Federal place said petition will be heard. Should University of Missouri; and further seek-
BLACK MOTORCYCLE HELMET - LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN you fail therein, judgment and decree ing an adjudication and declaratory judg-
Shirts & shorts. 31 items. $20. Call Med. No shield. $15. Call 573-447-1197 Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal
573-442-6504 You are hereby notified that an action may be entered in due course upon said ment as to which of two same-dated re-
to advertise any preference, limitation, or has been commenced against you in the
discrimination because of race, color, re- petition. stated trust indentures is the intended
Circuit Court for the County of Boone, CHRISTY BLAKEMORE, and legally effective version; and which
GIRLS SIZE 10 SUMMER CLOTHING - ligion, sex, handicap, familial status, or Missouri, the object and general nature of
BLACK-OUT CURTAINS - Textured national origin, or intention to make any CIRCUIT CLERK action affects the following described
53 items. Name brands - Disney, My Mi- which is: TERMINATION OF PARENTAL By: Sue Puppel-Smith, property:
chelle, etc. $45. Call 573-442-6504 black. 40"x50" $10 Call 573-447-1197 such preference, limitation, or discrimi- RIGHTS & ADOPTION. Clerk A thirty (30%) percent residuary bequest
nation. The names of all parties to said action
We will not knowingly accept any adver- INSERTION DATES: August 13, 20, 27, of the net corpus of the Thomas C. Por-
GIRLS SIZE 10-12 SUMMER CLOTH- are stated above in the caption hereof and September 3, 2020 ter Trust.
ING - 74 items. $60. Call 573-442-6504 GCI Outdoor Quik-E-Seat. New. Never tising for real estate which is in violation and the name and address of the attor-
used. $15.00. 573-445-1401 of the law. All persons are hereby in- A Hearing has been scheduled for Sep-
ney for Petitioner is: CINDY BENTCH, tember 28, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. to discuss
formed that all dwellings advertised are 3610 P.O. BOX 251, VERSAILLES, MO
GIRLS SIZE 12 SUMMER CLOTHING - available on an equal opportunity basis. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF the Declaratory Judgment Petition, the
18 items. $20. Call 573-442-6504 65084, (573) 569-2344. BOONE COUNTY, MISSOURI Claim of Steve Porter and the Claim of
NHRA HAT, 1998 NATIONALS with 20

You are further notified that, unless you PROBATE DIVISION Kathy Montgomery.
MENS DRESS SHOES - Stafford brand. autographs on it. Asking $50, call file an answer or other pleadings or shall Case No. The names of all parties to said action
Shiney black color. Like new. $30. Call 573-814-3731 otherwise appear and defend against the 20BA-PR00238 are stated above in the caption hereof
573-447-1197 aforesaid petition within 45 days after ROBERT D. BLACK, Successor and the name of the attorney for Peti-
AUGUST 13, 2020 judgment by default Trustee of the Thomas C. Porter tioner is Thomas M. Schneider, Jones,
PROFESSIONAL SUPERMODEL HAIR will be rendered against you. Trust uta restated on July 19, 2014, Schneider and Stevens, LLC, 11 N. Sev-
STRAIGHTENER. By Instyler. Brand Witness my hand and the seal of the Cir- Petitioner, enth Street, Columbia, MO 65201.
new in box. $35 obo. Call 573-875-1379 cuit Court this date. vs. You are further notified that, unless you
BALL CARDS - Nice small collection. or 673-5688. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, file an answer or other pleading or shall
Circuit Clerk COLUMBIA, MISSOURI FOUNDATION otherwise appear and defend against the
Over 1,000 cards. $40. Call By: Kayla Turley
573-814-3731 and aforesaid petition within 45 days after the
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Court Clerk date of first publication of this notice as
Insertion Dates: AUGUST 13, 20, 27, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI specified below, judgment will be de-
SEVEN DUST AUTOGRAPHED Mens 10.5. Shoes for clip on pedals. $30. In Re: JONATHON ROBERT SEPTEMBER 3, 2020
Call 573-447-1197 Jenelle Beavers clared and entered against you granting
PHOTO - Like brand new. $30. Call POTOCHNIC such relief.
573-814-3731 20BA-FC01226 University Counsel’s Office
227 University Hall Witness my hand this 07 day of August
To Whom It May Concern: 2020.
Notice is hereby given that on Aug. 7, Columbia, MO 65211
VINCENT RUSO 'JESUS' - framed CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY Respondents. Christy Blakemore
painting. 19.5"x25" with frame. $50. Call 2020 by order of the Circuit Court of Circuit Clerk
Child's table and 2 chairs from 1940s. Boone County, the name of JONATHON OF BOONE, STATE OF MISSOURI NOTICE OF HEARING UPON ORDER
Excellent condition. $75. Call 443-8340 ROBERT POTOCHNIC was changed to Deputy Clerk
or 882-7150 after 9 am. that of ROWEN ANDERSON MUTT. 20BA-JU00217 To: University of Missouri, Columbia,
IN THE INTEREST OF E.C.H. Missouri Foundation and the Curators of INSERTION DATES: August 13, 20, 27,
Christy Blakemore, and September 3, 2020
Circuit Clerk NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR the University of Missouri
2 SONY CAMCORDERS - Real good SERVICE BY PUBLICATION Please take notice that the undersigned
shape. $75. Call 573-814-3731 By Brandi Henderson,
Deputy Clerk THE STATE OF MISSOURI TO: will call up for hearing the following mat-
Insertions: Aug. 13, 20, and 27, 2020 SIRENNA LASHAWN TODD ters at September 28th, 2020 at 9:00 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF
puter monitor. New in box. $80. Call TER SAW - 12" Dual Bevel Flash. w/ la- You are hereby notified that an action of the Circuit Court of Boone County, Judge or Division:
573-875-1379 ser guide and 96 tooth carbide blade. CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY has been commenced against you in the Missouri, 7th and Broadway, Columbia, PROBATE
Used once. $175. Call 573-447-1197 OF BOONE, STATE OF MISSOURI Circuit Court for the County of Boone, Missouri. All beneficiaries are invited to Case Number:
FAX MACHINE AND COPIER - $5 Call CASE NUMBER Missouri, the object and general nature of participate. Any beneficiary may also file 20BA-PR00242
573-875-1379 20BA-JU00200 which is: TERMINATION OF PARENTAL correspondence or other documents with In the Estate of NORINE L KETCHUM,
IN THE INTEREST OF C.V.R RIGHTS & ADOPTION. the Court in connection with any matter Deceased
HP DESKJET WIRELESS 3-in-1 - Print NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR The names of all parties to said action to be heard. NOTICE OF HEARING
Scan and Copy New in Box. $50 Call KENMORE INTUITION UPRIGHT SERVICE BY PUBLICATION are stated above in the caption hereof MATTERS TO BE HEARD (Determination of Heirship)
573-875-1379 VACCUM - w/ bags. Direct drive 2 THE STATE OF MISSOURI TO: and the name and address of the attor- 1. Declaratory Judgment Petition. To all persons who claim any interest in
speed. Very good condition. $80. Call UNKOWN ney for Petitioner is: ABIGAIL 2. Claim of Kathy Montgomery. the property of NORINE L KETCHUM,
573-447-1197 LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN COURSEN, 705 E WALNUT, COLUM- 3. Claim of R. Stephen Porter. deceased, as an heir of said decedent or
HP LASER JET MODEL 6L PRINTER - BIA, MO 65201, (573) 886-4200. Christie Murray,
You are hereby notified that an action through any heir of said decedent:
Only $5. Call 573-875-1379 or

has been commenced against you in the You are further notified that, unless you Probate Clerk You are hereby notified that a petition
573-673-5688 file an answer or other pleadings or shall Publication to run: August 6, 13, 20, and
Circuit Court for the County of Boone, has been filed in the above court by
Missouri, the object and general nature of otherwise appear and defend against the 27, 2020 PHILLIP B. CRANE for the determination
which is: TERMINATION OF PARENTAL aforesaid petition within 45 days after of the heirs of NORINE L KETCHUM, de-
RIGHTS & ADOPTION. AUGUST 20, 2020 judgment by default ceased, and of their respective interests
Antique round oak table. Diameter 48”, The names of all parties to said action will be rendered against you. CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY as such heirs in and with respect to the
60” with leaf. Height 30”. Excellent Condi- are stated above in the caption hereof Witness my hand and the seal of the Cir- OF BOONE STATE OF MISSOURI following described property owned by
tion. $200. Call 573-445-1401 and the name and address of the attor- cuit Court this date. PROBATE DIVISION said decedent at the time of death, towit:
ney for Petitioner is: CINDY BENTCH, Christy Blakemore, Case No. Petitioner's attorney is RICHARD B.
Table and 2 chairs from old 1950s P.O. BOX 521, VERSAILLES, MO Circuit Clerk 20BA-PR00238 HICKS whose business address is 1103
drug store soda fountain. Table has 65084, (573) 569-2344. By: Bobbi Mathews ROBERT D. BLACK, Successor Trustee E. BROADWAY SUITE 101 COLUMBIA,
wood top and iron legs. All in excellent Troybilt Trimmer Plus lawn edger at- You are further notified that, unless you Court Clerk of the Thomas C. Porter Trust uta re- MO 65205.
condition. $125 443-8340 or 882-7150 af- tachment LE720. Never used. $12.00 file an answer or other pleadings or shall Insertion Dates: AUGUST 20, 27, SEP- stated on July 19, 2014, Petitioner, You are hereby required to appear to an-
ter 9 am. 573-445-1401. otherwise appear and defend against the TEMBER 3, 10, 2020. vs. swer said petition on the 11TH DAY OF
aforesaid petition within 45 days after UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, COLUM- SEPTEMBER,
AUGUST 27, 2020 judgment by default BIA, MISSOURI FOUNDATION Re- 2020, at 09:00 AM, Division 11, in the
will be rendered against you. spondent. Probate Division of the Circuit Court of
Witness my hand and the seal of the Cir- NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR Boone County, Missouri, at which time
cuit Court this date. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION and place said petition will be heard.
Christy Blakemore, The State of Missouri to Defendant Uni- Should you fail therein, judgment may be
of the heirs of NORINE L KETCHUM, de- To All Persons Interested in the Estate of AND EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE PRO-
ceased, and of their respective interests CLETUS E. COOPER, Decedent: TECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE
as such heirs in and with respect to the On AUGUST 10, 2020, the last will of the REQUEST FOR BID, SAID BIDDER’S
following described property owned by decedent having been admitted to pro- CHECK OR BID BOND WILL BE RE-
said decedent at the time of death, towit: bate, the following individual was ap- TURNED. ALL CHECKS OR BID
Page 4B — Thursday, August 27, 2020
Petitioner's attorney is RICHARD B.
HICKS whose business address is 1103
pointed the personal representative of
the estate of CLETUS E. COOPER, de-
E. BROADWAY SUITE 101 COLUMBIA, cedent, by the Probate Division of the IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS

MO 65205. Circuit Court of Boone County, Missouri. OF THE BID PACKAGE.
You are hereby required to appear to an- The personal representative may admin- THE BIDDER TO WHOM THE CON-
swer said petition on the 11TH DAY OF ister the estate independently without ad- TRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF
2020, at 09:00 AM, Division 11, in the bate Division of the Circuit Court, unless For default in the payment of debt se- AWARDED MUST EXECUTE THE DIS-
Probate Division of the Circuit Court of
Boone County, Missouri, at which time
and place said petition will be heard.
a petition for supervised administration is
made to and granted by the court. The
cured by a deed of trust executed by
Sabrina Andrade-Saavedra and Lorena
name, business address and phone Andrade, dated January 22, 2019, and BOND CONSISTENT WITH THE RE-
Should you fail therein, judgment may be number of the personal representative is: recorded on January 28, 2019, Docu- QUIREMENTS FOR SAME SPECIFIED THURSDAY, AUGUST 27
entered in due course upon said petition. CLIFTON D. COOPER, 54 BROADWAY ment No. 2019001285, in Book No. IN THE BID PACKAGE.
Christie Murray, VILLAGE APT. A, COLUMBIA, MO 4984, at Page 22 in the Office of the Re- THE CONTRACTOR AND ANY OF ITS
Clerk 65201, corder of Deeds, Boone County, Mis- SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL ONLY
Newspaper: MISSOURIAN The personal representative’s attorney’s souri, the undersigned Successor Trus- HAVE EMPLOYEES THAT HAVE COM-
Insertion dates: AUGUST 6, 13, 20, and name, business address and phone tee will on August 28, 2020, at 12:30 PM, PLETED A TEN HOUR OCCUPA-
27, 2020 number is: NATHAN A JONES, 2412 at the Front Door of the Boone County TIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMIN-
FORUM BLVD, SUITE 101, COLUMBIA, Courthouse, Columbia, Missouri, sell at ISTRATION (“OSHA”) CONSTRUCTION
IN THE 13TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MO 65203, 573-874-1122. public vendue to the highest bidder for SAFETY PROGRAM WHICH IN-
All creditors of said decedent are notified cash: CLUDES A COURSE IN CONSTRUC-
COURT, BOONE COUNTY, MISSOURI Lot Twenty-three (23), except the south TION SAFETY AND HEALTH AP-
to file claims in court within six months
Judge or Division: from the date of the first publication of seven (7) feet thereof, of University Park PROVED BY OSHA OR A SIMILAR
PROBATE this notice or if a copy of this notice was Subdivision in the City of Columbia, PROGRAM APPROVED BY THE MIS-
mailed to, or served upon, such creditor Boone County, Missouri, as shown by the SOURI DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND
Case Number: by the personal representative, then plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 7, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS PURSUANT
20BA-PR00246 within two months from the date it was Page 36, Records of Boone County, Mis- TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF RSMO.
mailed or served, whichever is later, or souri, commonly known as 1306 Brad- SECTION 292.675. SHOULD THE CON-
In the Estate of DENNIS M SMITH, De- shaw Ave, Columbia, MO, 65203 TRACTOR FAIL TO COMPLY WITH
be forever barred to the fullest extent per-
ceased. missible by law. Such six month period subject to all prior easements, restric- THE FOREGOING REQUIREMENTS, IT
Notice to Creditors and such two-month period do not extend tions, reservations, covenants and en- SHALL FORFEIT, AS A PENALTY TO
the limitation period that would bar claims cumbrances now of record, if any, to sat- THE ROCK BRIDGE CENTER TRANS-
(Small Estate) one year after the decedent's death, as isfy the debt and costs. PORTATION DEVELOPMENT DIS-
To All Persons Interested in the Estate of provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or SouthLaw, P.C. Successor Trustee TRICT, $2,500.00 PLUS $100.00 FOR
any other applicable limitation periods. First Publication: July 16, 2020. EACH EMPLOYEE EMPLOYED BY THE
DENNIS M SMITH, Decedent. For more information, visit CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRAC-
Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall
On JUNE 29, 2020 a small estate affida- be construed to bar any action against a TOR FOR EACH CALENDAR DAY OR
vit was filed by the distributees for the de- decedent's liability insurance carrier NOTICE PORTION THEREOF THAT SUCH EM-
through a defendant ad litem pursuant to Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection PLOYEE IS EMPLOYED WITHOUT
cedent under Section 473.097, RSMo, Section 537.021, RSMo. Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no THE FOREGOING, REQUIRED TRAIN-
with the Probate Division of the Circuit Date of the decedent's death: JULY 16, information concerning the collection of ING.
2020 this debt may be given without the prior THE CONTRACTOR AWARDED THE
Court of Boone County, Missouri. consent of the consumer given directly to CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUC-
Date of first publication: AUGUST 13,
All creditors of the decedent, who died on 2020 the debt collector or the express permis- TION OF THE PROJECT DESCRIBED
Christie Murray, sion of a court of competent jurisdiction. ABOVE WILL BE LIABLE FOR LIQUI- ACROSS 42 That senora Answer to WEDNESDAY’S puzzle
10-MAR-2020, are notified that Section 1 Family 43 Eur. airline
Clerk The debt collector is attempting to collect DATED DAMAGES IN THE AMOUNT
473.444, RSMo, sets a limitation period Receipt of this notice by mail should not a debt and any information obtained will OF ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED members 46 Pastures
that would bar claims one year after the be construed by the recipient to indicate be used for that purpose (Casefile No. DOLLARS ($1,500.00) PER DAY FOR 6 Feinted 48 Wearing a
that the recipient necessarily has a bene- 225701-931734). EACH CALENDAR DAY SUBSEQUENT 11 Ordinary cowl
death of the decedent. A creditor may re- Insertion Dates: July 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, TO THE DATE STIPULATED IN THE
ficial interest in the estate. The nature language 50 One of two
quest that this estate be opened for ad- and extent of any person's interest, if any, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, August 2, 4, 5, CONTRACT FOR COMPLETION OF
6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, THE PROJECT. 12 City in 54 Eschew
can be determined from the files and rec-
ords of this estate in the Probate Division 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 2020 NO BIDDER WHO SUBMITS A BID New York 55 Lessen the
Receipt of this notice should not be con- of the above referenced Circuit Court. PURSUANT TO THIS SOLICITATION 13 Tough it out force of
strued by the recipient to indicate that the INSERTION DATES: August 13, 20, 27, CLARK LANE TRANSPORTATION WILL BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST 15 Cheap 56 Bird homes
and September 3, 2020 DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, RE- 16 Close 57 Typed in
recipient may possibly have a beneficial
interest in the estate. The nature and ex- NOTICE OF BID OPENINGS TRY, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. call DOWN
tent of any person’s interest, if any, may
19 Grazing area 1 Tarzan’s
possibly be determined from the affidavit Judge or Division:
FOR ANY REASON. 21 Cote murmur nanny
BIDS TO BE RECEIVED 22 Be footloose 2 40-cup
on this estate filed in the Probate Division PROBATE NO LATER THAN ONLY QUALIFIED BIDDERS MAY SUB-
Case Number: MIT BIDS PURSUANT TO THIS SOLIC- 23 Attila’s brewer
of the Circuit Court of Boone County, SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 – 5:00 P.M.
Missouri. In the Estate of MARION ELLOUISE DERS ON THE FOLLOWING PROJECT DERS MUST FILE WITH THE DIS- 25 Bobby — movement 17 Casino 39 Garage
Date of first publication is AUGUST 27, SHERMAN, Deceased. ARE HEREBY REQUESTED: ST. TRICT’S LEGAL COUNSEL (THE VAN 28 Pungent 4 Earthquake game event
Notice of Letters CHARLES & CLARK LANE. TDD BIDS MATRE LAW FIRM, P.C., 1103 EAST 30 Garland wave 19 Provincial 43 Genghis —
2020. Testamentary Granted BROADWAY, COLUMBIA, MISSOURI
(Independent Administration)
65201) A STATEMENT RECITING SAID 31 Thoughtful 5 Parched 20 Deserves 44 Valentine
Christie Murray, CLARK LANE TRANSPORTATION DE- murmur 6 Judge’s panel 22 Hindu prince word
Clerk MARION ELLOUISE SHERMAN, Dece- ON THE PROJECT DESCRIBED 32 Snowy mo. 7 Tony-winner 24 Perch 45 Heifers’
INSERTION DATES: August 27 and dent: DORSED “BID FOR CONSTRUCTING ABOVE. SUCH STATEMENTS OF 33 Make a — Hagen 25 Jumps away hellos
September 3 On AUGUST 17, 2020, the last will of the TRANSPORTATION PROJECT OF THE QUALIFICATIONS MUST ON FILE NO hole-in-one 8 Hug’s 26 “— vincit 46 Govt. agents
decedent having been admitted to pro- CLARK LANE TRANSPORTATION DE- LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. ON SEPTEM- 35 Wrapping companion amor” 47 Data storage
bate, the following individual was ap- VELOPMENT DISTRICT, COLUMBIA, BER 11, 2020, IN ORDER FOR SAID material 9 Mountain 27 Comic book device
pointed the personal representative of BIDDER’S BID TO BE CONSIDERED.
THE DISTRICT RESERVES THE 37 Gore and refrain heroes 49 Telegraph
Probate Division MAN, decedent, by the Probate Division TRICT UNTIL 5:00 P.M. CDT ON SEP- RIGHT TO DETERMINE WHETHER
Case Number: of the Circuit Court of Boone County, THE DISTRICT BELIEVES A BIDDER 38 Tree products units 29 Newscaster 51 Feed for
TEMBER 11, 2020, AT THE VAN MA- 40 Horse’s 14 Apiece — Rather horses
20BA-PR00258 Missouri. The personal representative TRE LAW FIRM, P.C. 1103 EAST HAS THE ABILITY TO COMPLETE THE
In the Estate of: HONYSTI MARIE ANN may administer the estate independently BROADWAY, COLUMBIA, MISSOURI PROJECT IN THE MANNER RE- brake 15 Carnivore’s 34 Valentine 52 Barely
WILSON, Minor without adjudication, order, or direction of 65201 (“LEGAL COUNSEL”). SAID BIDS QUIRED BY THE PLANS AND BID 41 Educational delight decor get by
NOTICE OF HEARING the Probate Division of the Circuit Court, WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED AND PACKAGE. org. (hyph.) 36 Grapple 53 Lipstick color
TO: TERRY WILSON AND TO ALL unless a petition for supervised adminis- READ SEPTEMBER 16, 2020 AT THE EACH BIDDER WHO SUBMITS A BID

TATE OF HONYSTI MARIE ANN WIL- phone number of the personal represent- SOURI 65201 AT 1:00 P.M. CST. FULLY REVIEWED THE PLANS AND
has been filed in the above Court by 65203, 573-449-7721 RELATE ARE DESCRIBED IN CON-
LAVOSIA SMITH COLUMBIA, MO 65201 The personal representative’s attorney’s STRUCTION PLANS AND BID PACK-
PROJECT AND BID DOCUMENTS Slow down. Keep your plans mov- your confidence and reputation.
for the GUARDIANSHIP of said Minor. name, business address and phone AGE WHICH HAVE BEEN PREPARED
SHALL BE DIRECTED TO MR. ROB- ing at a steady and practical pace. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) —
You are hereby required to appear in an- number is: AMY HENDERSON, CRIPS ERT GREEN, THE DISTRICT’S REP- Your reliability will be crucial when
BY THE DISTRICT AND WHICH WILL Take hold of whatever situation
swer to said petition on or before & SIMMONS, LLC, P.O. BOX 7068, CO- RESENTATIVE, AT (573) 449-8323. it comes to progress and advance-
LUMBIA, MO 65205-7068, 573-447-3355 *** NOTICE TO ALL BIDDERS *** you find yourself in, and you will
08-OCT-2020 at 09:00 AM of said day in BIDDERS UPON PAYMENT FOR ment this year. Stretch your mind,
said Court in the city of Columbia, Boone All creditors of said decedent are notified SAME.
learn new skills and be open to gain the respect of your peers.
County, Missouri, at which time and to file claims in court within six months SECTION 292.630 RSMO. THIS STAT- A personal change will turn out
BEGINNING AUGUST 28, 2020 AT 3 trying something different.
from the date of the first publication of UTE REQUIRES THAT IN ALL CON-
place said petition will be heard. Should P.M., PLANS AND BID PACKAGES
STRUCTION PROJECTS WHERE better than anticipated. Romance
you fail therein, judgment and decree this notice or if a copy of this notice was
mailed to, or served upon, such creditor
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Be is on the rise.
may be entered in due course upon said PURCHASED OR INSPECTED AT rational. If you let your emotions
petition. by the personal representative, then AMERICAN DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS,
take the reins, you will make poor ARIES (March 21-April 19) —
within two months from the date it was WORK THE PRIMARY CONTRACTOR
mailed or served, whichever is later, or
MUST PROVIDE AT LEAST ONE decisions. Aim to lower stress by Complete unfinished projects
CIRCUIT CLERK SUITE 7A, COLUMBIA, MO 65203. NO before you move on to something
By: Sue Puppel-Smith, be forever barred to the fullest extent per- BIDS WIL BE ACCEPTED FROM CON-
PORTABLE TOILET FOR EACH eschewing no-win situations.
missible by law. Such sixmonth period TWENTY WORKERS. new. Don’t let emotions interfere
INSERTION DATES: August 13, 20, 27,
and such two-month period do not extend
THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER TO LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Take with your progress. It’s up to you
PLAN HOLDER’S LIST. care of matters that others have
and September 3, 2020 the limitation period that would bar claims WHOM THE CONTRACT FOR THE to avoid confrontations. Stick to
one year after the decedent's death, as BY A CERTIFIED CHECK OR CASH-
CONSTRUCTION OF THE ignored. Refuse to let others put your plans.
provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROJECT IS demands on you without offering
any other applicable limitation periods. OR TRUST COMPANY AND PAYABLE
AWARDED MUST COMPLY WITH AND something substantial in return for TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall PAY THE PREVAILING HOURLY RATE — Time is on your side. Don’t
Judge or Division: be construed to bar any action against a
OF WAGES. FOR THIS PURPOSE, your efforts. Pick up the pace.
Case Number:
decedent's liability insurance carrier DISTRICT” (OR ACCOMPANIED BY A
THE PREVAILING HOURLY RATE OF SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — someone pressuring you to make
through a defendant ad litem pursuant to WAGES AND THE GENERAL PRE- Ask for help, and you will get what
20BA-PR00281 BID BOND ON A FORM FURNISHED a snap decision. Taking your time
In the Estate of THOMAS MARK Date of the decedent's death:
AND OVERTIME WORK IS SET FORTH you want. Schedule something is in your best interest.
MALLOY, Deceased. THE BIDDER, AND CORPORATE special for yourself and someone
Notice of Letters of Date of first publication: AUGUST 20,
BOR STANDARDS ANNUAL WAGE you love to encourage a closer GEMINI (May 21-June 20) —
Administration Granted LANE TRANSPORTATION DEVELOP- Keep your opinions to yourself.
ORDER NUMBER 27 (A COPY OF bond. Personal growth and enlight-
(Independent Administration) WHICH IS IN THE BID PACKAGE). NOT The less others know about your
To All Persons Interested in the Estate of
Christie Murray, AN AMOUNT (OR PENAL SUM) EQUAL enment are featured.
Clerk LESS THAN SAID PREVAILING beliefs, the better. Gather informa-
THOMAS MARK MALLOY, Decedent: Receipt of this notice by mail should not
WAGES MUST BE PAID TO ALL SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) tion that will help you assess
On AUGUST 4, 2020, the following indi- be construed by the recipient to indicate WORKERS REQUIRED TO PERFORM — Prepare for the unexpected.
viduals was appointed the personal rep- SHALL BE DEPOSITED WITH THE important relationships. Leave
that the recipient necessarily has a bene- DISTRICT AS A GUARANTY AND FOR-
THE WORK PURSUANT TO THE CON- You’ll have to be quick on your
resentative of the estate of THOMAS ficial interest in the estate. The nature TRACT WHICH IS AWARDED PURSU- nothing to chance.
MARK MALLOY, decedent, by the Pro- FEITED IN THE EVENT THE BIDDER feet if you want to avoid a situa-
and extent of any person's interest, if any, ANT TO THIS BID SOLICITATION. THE CANCER (June 21-July 22) —
bate Division of the Circuit Court of can be determined from the files and rec-
CONTRACTOR WILL FORFEIT A PEN- tion riddled with uncertainty. You
Boone County, Missouri. The personal ords of this estate in the Probate Division
ALTY TO THE STATE OF MISSOURI are ready to do your own thing, so Look for financial opportunities,
representative’s business address and THE TERMS OF THE REQUEST FOR act like it. and don’t be afraid to do things
of the above referenced Circuit Court. OF $100 PER DAY (OR PORTION OF A
phone number is: SUSAN M. MALLOY, 7 BID. ON EXECUTION AND DELIVERY differently. Focus on the positive
MO 65203
September3, 10, 2020 THE CONTRACT, CONTRACT BOND,
— Go after your dreams. Take ad- and be willing to compromise if
RATE FOR ANY WORK DONE UNDER you want to receive the help you
The personal representative may admin- AND EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE PRO- vantage of an offer that can help
ister the estate independently without ad- IN THE 13TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
TOR OR BY ANY SUBCONTRACTOR. you get ahead. Refuse to get in- need.
judication, order, or direction of the Pro- REQUEST FOR BID, SAID BIDDER’S
bate Division of the Circuit Court, unless
COURT, BOONE COUNTY, MISSOURI CHECK OR BID BOND WILL BE RE- INSERTION DATES: AUGUST 27, 28, volved in a no-win situation. Wheel LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Look for
Judge or Division: TURNED. ALL CHECKS OR BID 30, SEPTEMBER 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 2020 and deal to come out on top. the good in every situation, and
a petition for supervised administration is PROBATE
made to and granted by the court. Case Number:
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — you will be an inspiration to oth-
The personal representative’s attorney’s DERS WILL BE RETURNED TO THEM ers. Joint ventures will work only
20BA-PR00312 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS Don’t get caught in a backlog of
name, business address and phone In the Estate of LINDA ANN BENNETT, OF THE BID PACKAGE. paperwork. Take care of respon- if everyone plays fair. Don’t get
number is: JASON DERRICK Deceased. caught in someone else’s fight.
SIMMONS, 1109 CLUB VILLAGE DR Notice of Letters of
THE BIDDER TO WHOM THE CON- sibilities and bureaucratic issues.
STE 101, P O BOX 7068, COLUMBIA, Administration Granted
TRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF Find a way to contribute to a — Eugenia Last
MO 65205-7068, 573-447-3355. THE PROJECT DESCRIBED ABOVE IS
(Independent Administration)
All creditors of said decedent are notified
to file claims in court within six months
from the date of the first publication of
To All Persons Interested in the Estate of
On AUGUST 14, 2020, the following indi-
this notice or if a copy of this notice was viduals was appointed the personal rep-
mailed to, or served upon, such creditor resentative of the estate of LINDA ANN
by the personal representative, then IN THE BID PACKAGE.
within two months from the date it was
BENNETT, decedent, by the Probate Di-
vision of the Circuit Court of Boone
mailed or served, whichever is later, or County, Missouri. The personal repre- HAVE EMPLOYEES THAT HAVE COM-
Michel de Montaigne, who
be forever barred to the fullest extent per-
missible by law. Such six-month period
sentative’s business address and phone PLETED A TEN HOUR OCCUPA- was a 16th-century essay-
number is: HILLARY TOWNSEND, 3415
and such two-month period do not extend SIERRA MADRE, COLUMBIA, MO
TIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMIN- ist and philosopher, wrote,
the limitation period that would bar claims 65203 SAFETY PROGRAM WHICH IN-
“When I am attacked by
one year after the decedent's death, as
provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or
The personal representative may admin- CLUDES A COURSE IN CONSTRUC- gloomy thoughts, nothing
ister the estate independently without ad-
any other applicable limitation periods. judication, order, or direction of the Pro-
TION SAFETY AND HEALTH AP- helps me so much as running
Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall bate Division of the Circuit Court, unless PROGRAM APPROVED BY THE MIS-
to my books.”
be construed to bar any action against a
decedent's liability insurance carrier
a petition for supervised administration is SOURI DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND For a bridge player, noth-
made to and granted by the court.
through a defendant ad litem pursuant to The personal representative’s attorney’s
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS PURSUANT ing helps so much as turning
Section 537.021, RSMo. name, business address and phone SECTION 292.675. SHOULD THE CON- to a deck of cards. But you
Date of the decedent's death:
number is: NATHAN A JONES, 2412 TRACTOR FAIL TO COMPLY WITH need to think clearly to play
Date of first publication: AUGUST 6, MO 65203, 573-874-1122.
THE FOREGOING REQUIREMENTS, IT well. Just pulling the card
2020 All creditors of said decedent are notified THE ROCK BRIDGE CENTER TRANS- nearest your thumb will
Christie Murray,
to file claims in court within six months PORTATION DEVELOPMENT DIS- rarely work.
from the date of the first publication of
Receipt of this notice by mail should not this notice or if a copy of this notice was
TRICT, $2,500.00 PLUS $100.00 FOR This deal was declared
be construed by the recipient to indicate mailed to, or served upon, such creditor CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRAC- thoughtfully by Ilana
that the recipient necessarily has a bene-
ficial interest in the estate. The nature
by the personal representative, then TOR FOR EACH CALENDAR DAY OR Barness from Israel. How spade king, East dropping
within two months from the date it was
and extent of any person's interest, if any, mailed or served, whichever is later, or
PORTION THEREOF THAT SUCH EM- did she plan to make four the jack. Barness knew
can be determined from the files and rec- be forever barred to the fullest extent per- THE FOREGOING, REQUIRED TRAIN- spades after a club lead? that this was more likely
ords of this estate in the Probate Division
of the above referenced Circuit Court.
missible by law. Such six-month period ING. What was West’s more effec- to be a singleton than from
and such two-month period do not extend
INSERTION DATE: August 6, 13, 20, the limitation period that would bar claims
THE CONTRACTOR AWARDED THE tive opening salvo? the doubleton queen-jack.
and 27, 2020 one year after the decedent's death, as TION OF THE PROJECT DESCRIBED That South hand had only So she abandoned trumps.
provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or ABOVE WILL BE LIABLE FOR LIQUI- four high-card points, but Instead, she cashed dum-
IN THE 13TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT any other applicable limitation periods.
COURT, BOONE COUNTY, MISSOURI Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall
DATED DAMAGES IN THE AMOUNT it included two five-card my’s diamond ace, ruffed a
Judge or Division: be construed to bar any action against a DOLLARS ($1,500.00) PER DAY FOR majors and a void. Barness club, ruffed a heart, ruffed
PROBATE decedent's liability insurance carrier EACH CALENDAR DAY SUBSEQUENT realized that if she could a club and ruffed a heart.
Case Number: through a defendant ad litem pursuant to
20BA-PR00302 Section 537.021, RSMo.
SUDOKU?OF find a good fit with her part- There were three cards left,
In the Estate of CLETUS E. COOPER, Date of the decedent's death: THE PROJECT. ner, she would win a lot of West having only trumps.
■ Fill in the grid so that every row, every
Deceased. 05-FEB-2020 NO BIDDER WHO SUBMITS A BID tricks. Declarer led a diamond from
Notice of Letters Date of first publication: AUGUST 20, column TO
every 3x3 box contains the
SOLICITATION Declarer knew that when
Testamentary Granted 2020 WILLdigits the dummy and discarded
(Independent Administration) Christie Murray, 1 through 9. AGAINST
you have a two-suited hand, her winning heart 10. West
To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Clerk ■ There’s
LIGION, no math
CREED, involved.
SEX, AGE, ANCES-The grid has you should play on the side ruffed but had to lead away
CLETUS E. COOPER, Decedent: Receipt of this notice by mail should not
On AUGUST 10, 2020, the last will of the be construed by the recipient to indicate
nothing has to add up to suit first. So, after discard- from her spade queen-nine
decedent having been admitted to pro- that the recipient necessarily has a bene- anything
TO REJECT YouORsolve the puzzle with
ALL BIDS ing a diamond on dummy’s into declarer’s ace-10.
bate, the following individual was ap- ficial interest in the estate. The nature FORreasoning
ANY REASON. and logic. club king, Barness continued The only winning opening
pointed the personal representative of and extent of any person's interest, if any, ONLY QUALIFIED BIDDERS MAY SUB- Answer to with the ace and another
the estate of CLETUS E. COOPER, de- can be determined from the files and rec- ■ Solving
MIT time is TO
BIDS PURSUANT typically from 10 to 30
THIS SOLIC- lead was the diamond king,
cedent, by the Probate Division of the ords of this estate in the Probate Division WEDNESDAY’S heart. East returned a club, but how could West have
Circuit Court of Boone County, Missouri. of the above referenced Circuit Court. minutes,
ITATION. ALL depending
BID- skill and
puzzle declarer pitching a second
The personal representative may admin- Insertion Dates: AUGUST 20, 27, SEP-
experience. found that?
ister the estate independently without ad- TEMBER 3, 10, 2020.
TRICT’S LEGAL COUNSEL (THE VAN diamond. Now came the — Phillip Alder
judication, order, or direction of the Pro- BROADWAY, COLUMBIA, MISSOURI
bate Division of the Circuit Court, unless 65201) A STATEMENT RECITING SAID
a petition for supervised administration is BIDDER’S QUALIFICATIONS TO BID
made to and granted by the court. The ON THE PROJECT DESCRIBED
name, business address and phone ABOVE. SUCH STATEMENTS OF
number of the personal representative is: QUALIFICATIONS MUST ON FILE NO
COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN Thursday, August 27, 2020 — Page 5B

Couple planning wedding want to keep haters away
DEAR ABBY: My fiance and I have DEAR “BIG DAY”: Many couples today DEAR ABBY: I have been married I hate this life! I don’t think he would
begun planning our wedding for next have been married more than once. more than 40 years. We are now retired go to a marriage counselor because he
year. We have both been married Your mother was correct when she told and moved to a small town a few years feels I’m the problem. I think I want a
before, so family doesn’t think we you this second wedding should be more ago. My problem is my husband does divorce, but I don’t want this lazy bum
should have a “big” celebration. Mom low-key than the first. Rest assured that almost nothing to help out around the to get half of everything I’ve earned
actually told me that it can’t be as no one will attend your wedding who house. I do the housekeeping, shopping, and saved. Help! — Irked in Idaho
special as my first one. doesn’t want to be there because cooking, bill paying and most of the DEAR IRKED: You have my sympathy,
While lying in bed the other night, we attendance is not compulsory. extensive outdoor upkeep. Although I but you created this “monster” by
were discussing how to address people’s I’m glad you recognize that the was the primary breadwinner during tolerating your husband’s laziness and
opinions because we don’t want our “disclaimer” would be inappropriate. If our marriage, my husband thinks his controlling nature all these years.
wedding day to be full of people com- you prefer your guests forgo giving you “work” is now over. Because he won’t talk to a marriage
plaining about being there, choices we a gift, convey that by having someone He watches TV all day long, but when counselor doesn’t mean that you
made regarding our celebration and else deliver it VERBALLY — such as he does want to get out and do some- shouldn’t. It’s important you learn
thinking they need to give us a gift. We your mother or members of your thing, it must always include me. I’m coping skills to deal with his passive
would like to include a “disclaimer” wedding party — when guests call to sick of his face at this point. I’m sure aggression, which is what the silent
saying something like, “If you’re not ask where you are registered. The I’m short-tempered at times because treatment is. If a licensed therapist
truly happy for us, stay home!” I realize wording should be: “They only want you everything falls on my shoulders. When can’t help to relieve the pressure on
that etiquette would not allow us to do it. to share in their happiness on this I ask him to do something or offer my you, then make an appointment with a
Do you have any suggestions for our special day. No gift is expected or “two cents,” he accuses me of nagging lawyer to discuss what options you may
situation? — Our “Big Day” required.” and won’t talk to me for days. have short of divorce.








Page 6B — Thursday, August 27, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN

Country Club south of Chicago is A new episode called “Still Newlyweds flirt with disaster themselves in for a truly spooky
the scene today through Sunday Losing Money in Ohio” takes as they tackle making over a evening when they are summoned
as the PGA Tour’s best tee is host Robert Irvine to the city big kitchen and living room, a by a call at a local haunted house

up in the BMW Championship. of Akron in the Buckeye State, project that predictably leaves in the new episode “To Nightmare
Justin Thomas won this tourna- where he hopes to figure out them thoroughly stressed out and Manor.” Already on edge because
ment a year ago when it was why Edgar’s Restaurant is still painfully aware that their tastes of their creepy surroundings, the
played at nearby Medinah suffering so badly in its bottom are from totally different ends of firefighters must stay on high
Country Club. He let a six-shot line. The proprietor made most the design spectrum in the new alert as they roam the ghostly
lead dwindle to two in the final of the right moves, introducing episode “A Clash of Style.” Host halls of the structure seeking the
round before regaining control to changes that would allow the Christina Anstead relies on her source of the fire. Each member
Robert Irvine hosts win by three strokes over Patrick eatery to continue in operation skills as a mediator to help the is forced to confront their great-
“Restaurant: Impossible” on Cantlay. He’ll return today to to some extent during the pan- couple get on the same page. 8 est personal fears during the
defend his title. 2 p.m. on Golf demic. 8 p.m. on Food p.m. on HGTV course of the job. 9 p.m. on TRUTV
Food Network.

ar nt
d r sh 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30
Me Di Di Ch Ce

KMOS & 6 6 6 9 6
PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å PBS NewsHour Convention Coverage “Republican National Convention” Coverage of the Amanpour and Company Democracy Now! (N) Å Great Performances “Rodgers & Hammerstein’s The King and
Republican Convention. (N Same-day Tape) ’ Å (N) ’ Å I” Broadway revival of The King and I. ’ Å
KOMU 8-1 7 8 8 8 8
KOMU 8 News Wheel of The Wall Sisters Janeris and Law & Order: Special Victims 2020 Republican Convention KOMU 8 News (:34) The Tonight Show (:36) Late Night With Seth A Little Late (:06) Inside (:36) Paid
at Six Fortune Å Jessina from take on the wall. Unit ’ Å (DVS) (N) ’ (Live) Å at Ten Starring Jimmy Fallon ’ Å Meyers ’ Å With Lilly Edition (N) ’ Program
KRCG ` 13 13 13 13 13
KRCG 13 Live Entertainment Big Brother A houseguest is Love Island (N) ’ Å CBS News: 2020-Republican KRCG 13 Live (:35) The Late Show With (:37) The Late Late Show (:37) Extra (N) (:07) CBS Overnight News
at 6:00 (N) Tonight (N) ’ evicted. (N) ’ (Live) Å Convention at 10:00 (N) Stephen Colbert ’ Å With James Corden Å ’Å (N) ’ Å
Get-TV 13.2 - - - - 14
Quantum Leap Sam becomes Battlestar Galactica “33” ’ Å Battlestar Galactica Galactica Stargate SG-1 Carter must run Stargate SG-1 “Heroes” Stargate SG-1 A key member Babylon 5 “A Distant Star” Babylon 5 Bodies aboard a
a black student. ’ Å loses half of its water. Å from an unstoppable foe. Procedures at the base. Å of the SGC is killed in action. Ship caught in hyperspace. 100-year-old ship.
KMIZ 17-1 10 17 17 10 10 ABC 17 News ABC 17 News Holey Moley Chris Harrison To Tell the Truth Mark The Republican National ABC 17 News (:35) Jimmy (:06) Nightline (:36) Jimmy (12:07) Paid (:37) Paid (:07) Paid (:37) Paid
at 6 (N) Å at 6:30 (N) swings by the course. ’ Duplass; Patti LaBelle. ’ Convention-Your Vote 2020 at 10 (N) Kimmel Live! (N) Å Kimmel Live! Program Program Program Program
KNLJ 9 20 - 25 5 4 Walk in Word Great Awakening, Browne One on One Real Life A. Wommack Gateway Executive Phil Driscoll Great Awakening, Browne You & Me Å
KQFX 6 11 22 22 11 11
MLB Baseball (N) ’ (Live) Å ABC 17 News at 9:00 on Fox Mike & Molly Mike & Molly 2 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls Impractical Access Right/Minute The Big Bang
22 (N) ’Å ’Å ’Å ’Å Jokers Hollywood (N) ’ Theory Å
Me-TV 17-2 9 - - 7 9 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Gomer Pyle Green Acres Hogan Heroes Hogan Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason Å Twilight Zone Alfred Hitchcock Hour Å Mannix Å
KZOU 17-3 12 18 32 12 12 Chicago P.D. A man holds a Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Judge Judy TMZ (N) ’ Å DailyMailTV Dish Nation The Game The Game Mom ’ Å Mom ’ Å Paid Program Paid Program
team member hostage. Å “Disciple” ’ Å An exsanguinated body. ’ ’Å ’Å (N) ’ Å ’Å ’Å

CW 8-3 5 14 251 2 7
Family Guy Family Guy Mysteries Decoded Penn & Teller: Fool Us Mike KOMU 8 News Seinfeld “The black-ish black-ish ’ Å The The Who Wants/ Who Wants/ The Seinfeld “The
’Å ’Å “Mothman” (N) ’ Å Hammer; Lea Kyle; Dante. ’ at Nine Stall” Å “Hope” Å Goldbergs Å Goldbergs Å Millionaire Millionaire Immortals Wink” Å
A&E 41 265 118 34 166 The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 “Fatal Mistake” The First 48 (N) ’ Å Court Cam (N) Court Cam ’ Court Cam ’ Court Cam ’ (:03) The First 48 ’ Å (12:03) The First 48 ’ Å Court Cam ’ Court Cam ’
BBC Am. 162 264 135 198 188 Star Trek: Next Generation Movie: ›› “THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS: TOKYO DRIFT” (2006) Å Movie: ›› “THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS: TOKYO DRIFT” (2006) Å Movie: ›› “POINT BREAK” (2015) Edgar Ramírez. Å
Bravo 68 273 129 72 181 Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Botched “Zombie Breasts” Botched Å Botched Å Botched Å
Comedy 54 249 107 69 140 The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ The Office ’ Daily Show The Office ’ South Park South Park The Daily Show South Park South Park
E! Ent. 55 236 114 65 134 LEGALLY BL (:45) Movie: ›› “LEGALLY BLONDE” (2001) Reese Witherspoon. Å Celebrity Game Face (N) 10 Things Nightly Pop Celebrity Game Face Å Movie: ›› “HOME AGAIN” (2017) Reese Witherspoon.
Food 52 231 110 62 452 Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Restaurant: Impossible (N) Å Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Restaurant: Impossible Å Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby
FX 37 248 137 77 128 “GREATEST SHOW” Movie: ››› “HIDDEN FIGURES” (2016) Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer. ’ Å Movie: ››› “LUCY” (2014) Scarlett Johansson. ’ Å Movie: ››› “LUCY” (2014) Scarlett Johansson. ’ Å
GSN 161 309 116 59 173 America Says America Says America Says Master Minds Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud America Says America Says Catch 21 Common
Lifetime 29 252 108 29 360 Married at First Sight Å Married at First Sight (N) Married at First Sight (N) (:03) Married at First Sight (N) (:03) Married at First Sight (:01) Married at First Sight (12:01) Married at First Sight (:04) Married at First Sight
Oxygen 66 251 127 61 367 Snapped Å The Menendez Brothers 100 Special (N) Snapped Å Snapped “Dee Dee Moore” Dateline: Secrets Uncovered “A Deadly Path” Å Dateline: Secrets Uncovered
PARMT 60 325 168 71 145 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Movie: ›› “THE HITMAN’S BODYGUARD” (2017) Ryan Reynolds. ’ Å Movie: ›› “THE EXPENDABLES 3” (2014) Sylvester Stallone. ’ Å Movie: ›› “THE HITMAN’S BODYGUARD” (2017) ’ Å
SYFY 67 244 122 73 151 (:05) Movie: ›› “LAKE PLACID” (1999) Bill Pullman. Å Men In Black 3 Å (:22) Movie: › “G.I. JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA” (2009) Channing Tatum. (12:52) Movie: “EXPOSED”
TBS 46 247 139 51 112 Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Lost Resort (N) Å Conan Å Lost Resort Å Conan Å New Girl ’ New Girl ’ New Girl ’ New Girl ’
Telemun 40 - 825 - - (5:54) Exatlón Estados Unidos (N) ’ (SS) (7:54) Cennet (N) ’ (SS) Decisión 2020: la noche de Noticias Noticias Titulares, Mas Cennet ’ (SS) Caso cerrado Programa Programa
TNT 38 245 138 49 108 “READY PLAYER ONE” All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (N) Å Movie: ››› “READY PLAYER ONE” (2018) Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke. Å (DVS) NCIS: New Orleans ’ NCIS: New Orleans ’
Tru TV 36 203 204 63 48 Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Tacoma FD Tacoma FD Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Tacoma FD Tacoma FD Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers
USA 62 242 105 28 124 “HARRY POTTER” Cannonball “Cannonballed” Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley (:01) Cannonball Chrisley Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam (:02) Chicago P.D. ’ Å
WGN-A 15 - 239 23 180 How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Married Married Married Married Married Married
CNBC 35 355 208 46 216 Shark Tank Å (DVS) Shark Tank Å (DVS) Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank Å (DVS) Shark Tank Å (DVS) Shark Tank ’ Å Beyond the Tank ’ Å Dateline “Double Lives”
CNN 42 202 200 38 202 Erin Burnett OutFront (N) America’s Choice 2020 America’s Choice 2020: Republican National Convention (N) America’s Choice 2020 America’s Choice 2020 America’s Choice 2020 CNN Newsroom Live (N)
CSPAN 18 350 210 3 230 (2:10) Public Affairs Events ’ Å (:20) Republican National Convention President Trump’s acceptance speech. Politics & Public Policy Politics and Public Policy Today Å
FNC 33 - - 48 210 The Story With Martha Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) (Live) Å The Ingraham Angle (N) Fox News at Night Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Å The Ingraham Angle Å
MSNBC 34 356 209 47 215 The ReidOut (N) (Live) Å All In With Chris Hayes (N) The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour
ESPN 30 206 140 35 27 (5:30) NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (N) (Live) SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å
ESPN 2 31 209 144 36 28 WNBA Basketball Chicago Sky vs Indiana Fever. (N) (Live) UFC Reloaded UFC Archival NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA.
Fox M.W. 32 647 418 37 748 To Be Announced Women’s College Soccer
FS1 408 219 150 43 620 Unrivaled: Earnhardt WWE Friday Night SmackDown ’ Å Speak for Yourself Å TMZ Sports MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at Washington Nationals. (N Same-day Tape) Å
Golf 165 605 401 44 641 Golf Central (N) (Live) Å PGA Tour Golf BMW Championship, First Round. From Olympia Fields Country Club - North in Olympia Fields, Ill. Å PGA Tour Golf BMW Championship, First Round. Å
NBCSN 404 608 151 54 640 NHL Live (N) NHL Hockey Conference Semifinal, Game 2: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) NHL Hockey Conference Semifinal, Game 2: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) NHL Overtime American Flat Track (N) Mecum Auto Auctions
Outdr Ch 406 - 153 232 680 Bowlife Lindsey Way Whitetail Fr. Hunter Roadtrips Heartland Bow Madness Hunt Hunting TV Legends Truth Hunting Raglin Otdrs The Fowl Life Mossy Oak’s Bowlife Lindsey Way
SEC 51 611 408 18 607 SEC Now (N) SEC Now SEC Now SEC Now SEC Now SEC Now The Paul Finebaum Show College Football
BET 56 329 124 68 155 (5:00) Movie: “A THIN LINE BETWEEN LOVE AND HATE” Movie: “TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION: CONFESSIONS OF A MARRIAGE COUNSELOR” Martin Å Martin Å Martin Å Martin Å Martin Å Martin Å
CMTV 59 327 166 40 525 Last-Standing Last-Standing Movie: ›› “CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2” (2005) Steve Martin. Å Movie: ››› “BIG” (1988, Children’s) Tom Hanks, Elizabeth Perkins. Å Movie: ›› “OVERBOARD” (1987) Goldie Hawn. Å
MTV 57 331 160 42 502 Jersey Shore ’ Å Double Shot at Love Revenge Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
VH-1 58 335 162 41 518 (4:30) Movie: “8 MILE” (2002) Movie: › “OBSESSED” (2009) Idris Elba, Beyoncé Knowles. ’ Å Movie: ›› “ENOUGH” (2002) Jennifer Lopez, Billy Campbell. ’ Å Movie: ››› “WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT” (1993)
Animal 49 282 184 58 252 Deadliest Catch ’ Å Deadliest Catch ’ Å Deadliest Catch ’ Å Deadliest Catch ’ Å Deadliest Catch ’ Å Deadliest Catch ’ Å Deadliest Catch ’ Å Deadliest Catch ’ Å
Cartoon 47 296 176 45 325 Wrld, Gumball We Bare Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad American Dad Rick, Morty Rick, Morty Family Guy Family Guy Chicken Aqua Teen Shivering Family Guy Family Guy Rick, Morty
Discovery 70 278 182 33 120 Homestead Rescue ’ Å Homestead Rescue ’ Å Homestead Rescue ’ Å Homestead Rescue ’ Å Homestead Rescue ’ Å Homestead Rescue ’ Å Homestead Rescue ’ Å Homestead Rescue ’ Å
Disney 64 290 172 52 302 Raven (:35) Bunk’d Bunk’d Å Raven Raven (:40) Bunk’d (:05) Bunk’d Gabby Duran (9:55) Bunk’d Raven (:10) Jessie (:35) Jessie Jessie Å Raven Raven Liv-Mad.
DLC 222 368 - 157 466 Pregnant Pregnant Emergency Level One Å Emergency Level One Å Emergency Level One Å Mystery ER “Scared Stiff” ’ Emergency Level One Å Emergency Level One Å Emergency Level One Å
Freeform 45 311 180 50 178 “TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN” Movie: ›› “THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PART 2” (2012) ’ The 700 Club ’ Å Movie: ›› “VARSITY BLUES” (1999) James Van Der Beek. Paid Program Paid Program
Hallmark 65 312 - 165 175 (5:00) Movie: “LOVE ON Movie: “SURPRISED BY LOVE” (2015, Romance) Hilarie The Golden The Golden The Golden The Golden The Golden The Golden Frasier ’ Å Frasier “The Frasier ’ Å Frasier “The
HARBOR ISLAND” (2020) Å Burton, Paul Campbell, Malcolm Stuart. Å Girls Å Girls Å Girls Å Girls Å Girls Å Girls Å Zoo Story” ’ Ski Lodge”
HBO Fam. 554 507 305 504 806 Movie: ››› “THE LEGO MOVIE 2: THE SECOND PART” “THE FLINTSTONES IN VIVA ROCK VEGAS” (:20) Movie: ››› “MRS. DOUBTFIRE” (1993) ’ Å Movie: ››› “THE SCHOOL OF ROCK” (2003) Jack Black. JANE EYRE
HGTV 53 229 112 30 450 Home Town Å Christina on the Coast Christina on the Coast (N) Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Hunters Int’l Christina on the Coast Å Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Hunters Int’l
History 69 269 120 56 270 American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ (:02) American Pickers ’ (:05) American Pickers ’ (:05) American Pickers ’ (:03) American Pickers ’ (12:05) American Pickers ’ (:08) American Pickers ’
ION 19 255 181 79 194 Chicago P.D. “Good Men” ’ Chicago P.D. Å (DVS) Chicago P.D. “Pain Killer” ’ Chicago P.D. “This City” ’ Chicago P.D. Å (DVS) Chicago P.D. “Sacrifice” ’ Chicago P.D. “Confession” The Listener “False I.D.” ’
Learning 50 280 183 55 250 Dr. Pimple Popper ’ Dr. Pimple Popper ’ Dr. Pimple Popper (N) ’ Dr. Pimple Popper (N) ’ My Feet Are Killing Me ’ Dr. Pimple Popper ’ Dr. Pimple Popper ’ Dr. Pimple Popper ’
Nickel. 48 299 170 32 314 SpongeBob SpongeBob Movie: ›› “TOOTH FAIRY” (2010) Dwayne Johnson, Ashley Judd. ’ Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Mom Å Mom Å
NKJR 120 298 169 119 320 Blaze Blaze Bubble Blue’s Clues Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Bubble Blue’s Clues Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Blaze Blaze
Travel 51 233 215 64 254 Ghost Adventures Å Ghost Adventures Å Ghost Adventures (N) Å The Dead Files (N) Å Osbournes Want- Believe Ghost Adventures Å Ghost Adventures Å The Dead Files Å

AMC 61 254 130 31 114 (4:00) Movie: ›››› Movie: ››› “JURASSIC PARK” (1993, Adventure) Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum. Movie: ›› “DEMOLITION MAN” (1993, Science Fiction) Sylvester Stallone, Fear the Walking Dead (:32) Fear the
“GOODFELLAS” (1990) Å Cloned dinosaurs run amok at an island-jungle theme park. Å Wesley Snipes. A frozen cop is thawed out to capture an old nemesis. Å Alejandro reveals his darker side. Walking Dead
Cinemax 575 512 310 515 832 (5:15) Movie: ››› “ALL IS Movie: ›› “THE THING” (2011) Mary (:45) Movie: ›› “SAW” (2004) Cary Elwes, Danny Glover. A Movie: ››› “JACOB’S LADDER” (1990, Horror) Tim Robbins. (:25) Movie: ›› “A KISS BEFORE DYING”
LOST” (2013) ’ Å Elizabeth Winstead, Joel Edgerton. ’ Å doctor must kill his cellmate or his family will die. ’ Å Hellish hallucinations haunt a veteran. ’ Å (1991) Matt Dillon, Sean Young. ’ Å
HBO 550 501 300 500 802 The Vow NXIVM’s mission to REAL Sports With Bryant Movie: ›› “SHAFT” (2019) Samuel L. Jackson. Old-school cop Lovecraft Country “Whitey’s I May Destroy (:40) Movie: ››› “BIRDS OF PREY (AND THE FANTABULOUS “SLUMDOG
build a better world. ’ Å Gumbel ’ Å John Shaft teams up with his FBI agent son. ’ Å on the Moon” ’ Å You ’ Å EMANCIPATION OF ONE HARLEY QUINN)” (2020) ’ MILL”
HBO Plus 552 502 301 502 804 (4:40) Movie: ››› “FIGHT McMillion$ FBI agent looks (7:55) McMillion$ The FBI (8:48) (:44) McMillion$ The FBI gath- (:40) McMillion$ The FBI inter- (:36) McMillion$ Jerry (:35) Movie: › “INCARNATE” (2016, Horror)
CLUB” (1999) Brad Pitt. ’ into an anonymous tip. Å works to unmask Uncle Jerry. McMillion$ Å ers intel. ’ Å cepts a call. ’ Å Jacobson takes the stand. Å Aaron Eckhart, Carice van Houten. ’ Å
HBO Sig. 556 503 302 503 808 (5:25) Movie: ››› “DOCTOR SLEEP” (2019) ’ Å To Be Announced Movie: ›› “THE JUDGE” (2014, Drama) Robert Downey Jr. ’ Å (:25) Movie: ››› “PI” (1998) Premiere. ’ “CAN YOU KEEP”
Ind. Film 503 - 131 175 136 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Movie: ›› “PIRANHA 3D” (2010) Elisabeth Shue. Å
MoreMax 577 513 312 517 834 (5:50) Movie: ››› “THE FAMILY MAN” (2000, Romance- Movie: ›› “WE BOUGHT A ZOO” (2011) Matt Damon. A man (:05) Movie: ›› “SCOOP” (2006) Scarlett (:45) Movie: ››› “CLERKS” (1994, Comedy) (:15) Movie: ›› “JIMINY
Comedy) Nicolas Cage, Tea Leoni, Don Cheadle. Å and his family work to renovate and reopen a zoo. Å Johansson, Woody Allen. Å Brian O’Halloran, Jeff Anderson. Å GLICK IN LALAWOOD” Å
Mov. Ch2 627 - - 552 884 (5:25) “FURRY VENGEANCE” Movie: ››› “FLY AWAY HOME” (1996) Jeff Daniels. ’ “HOUSE WITH A CLOCK IN WALLS” (:45) Movie: “THE WRONG TODD” (2018) ’ (12:15) Movie: “BEYOND WHITE SPACE” (2018) ’ Å
Show 601 537 319 540 852 (4:50) Movie: ››› “AMY” Shameless “A Bottle of Jean On Becoming a God in We Hunt Together Freddy Desus & Mero Movie: ››› “BOOGIE NIGHTS” (1997, Drama) Mark Wahlberg, Burt Reynolds, (:05) Desus & (:35) “DARK
(2015) Tony Bennett. ’ Å Nate” Ian ignores Lip. Å Central Florida ’ Å and Baba flee the city. Å (N) ’ Å Julianne Moore. A porn star’s ego leads to his downfall. ’ Å Mero Å BLUE” (2002)
Show 2 603 538 320 542 854 (5:00) Movie: ›› “THE Movie: ›› “SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK” (2019, Movie: › “COUNTDOWN” (2019, Horror) Movie: ››› “UNDER THE SKIN” (2013, Science Fiction) Desus & Mero Jesus Trejo: Stay at Home
CAPTIVE” (2014) ’ Å Horror) Zoe Colletti, Michael Garza. ’ Å Elizabeth Lail, Jordan Calloway. ’ Å Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy McWilliams. ’ Å ’Å Son ’ Å
Starz! 533 520 350 560 229 (5:47) Movie: ›› “JUMANJI: THE NEXT LEVEL” (2019) ’ (7:53) Movie: ››› “SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE” (1998) ’ Movie: ››› “21 JUMP STREET” (2012) Jonah Hill. ’ (11:54) Movie: ›› “THE VANISHING” (1993) Jeff Bridges.
STZENC 517 526 340 570 932 (:04) Movie: ›› “WELCOME HOME ROSCOE JENKINS” Movie: ›› “THINK LIKE A MAN” (2012) Michael Ealy. ’ “BILL & TED’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE” (:39) Movie: ›› “JENNIFER’S BODY” (2009) Megan Fox. LAST ACTION
TCM 501 256 132 60 790 (5:00) Movie: ››› Movie: ›››› “IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT” (1934, Romance- Movie: ››› “THE EGG AND I” (1947) Claudette Colbert. A Movie: ›››› “THE PALM BEACH STORY” (:45) Movie: ››› “DRUMS ALONG THE
“TOMORROW IS FOREVER” Å Comedy) Claudette Colbert, Clark Gable. Å wife scrambles to survive on her husband’s chicken ranch. (1942) Claudette Colbert. Å MOHAWK” (1939) Claudette Colbert. Å
WE 39 529 128 167 372 Marriage- Reality Stars Marriage- Reality Stars Marriage- Reality Stars Marriage- Reality Stars Marriage- Reality Stars Marriage- Reality Stars Marriage- Reality Stars Marriage- Reality Stars

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Classifieds 573-882-5714
Welcome Back

Inside: Updates
on the news that
happened over
the summer, an
time for
campus and the

August 27, 2020

Welcome Back 2020
The smart way Glad to have you back!
to get aroud
We’re happy to have everyone back expansion and cancellation of the city’s
in Columbia this fall to resume college recycling program.
life. Once you’re back in the rhythm of
This section is designed to help you campus life, expect to have a wonder-

catch up with the news you might have ful experience at MU.
missed during the summer. If everyone follows the best health
If you’ve been away, a lot has hap- practices, no matter how tedious, the
pened in Columbia — from announce- chance of returning to normal is great-
ments about the COVID protocols ly increased.
and the SEC football schedule to the So, it’s bound to be a year you’ll never
primary election, passage of Medicaid forget.

Affordable, direct routes to dining,

shopping and all the fun Columbia
has to offer Table of Contents
4 What to expect this fall
Real-time bus tracking and live route 6 Plans for COVID-19 testing
maps at your fingertips with FREE 10 UM System drops ACT, SAT
Go COMO mobile app 14 Jefferson statue to stay on the quad
16 MU makes progress on diversity
Unlimited rides on any route for the 18 System president, chancellor merge
entire semester 21 Custodial staff to remain, for now
24 Next Gen state funding unlikely
Order your pass 26 Football schedule announced
online today! 30 Curbside recycling suspended
33 EatWell opens in Lucky’s space
34 Movie theaters reopen
35 Changes at Columbia, Stephens
36 Band of Brothers plays weekends
Semester Pass 37 Motorcycle helmets optional



WELCOME BACK 2020 STAFF Supervising Editor: Jeanne Abbott Designer: Ivy Hettinger-Roberts

Cover photo by Zephyrus Li

2 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020

Even though things are different right now....

Welcome home Tigers! We are more
excited than ever to see you back at
Mizzou. (We missed you!) Together,
we’ll ensure a safe and successful
return to campus this year. Support
your fellow Tigers: social distance,
wear a face covering, wash your
hands and monitor your
symptoms daily.

We know everything feels a little

different, but our commitment to
each other will never change. This is
your year — let’s make it great!

Learn more about what you

can do to help prevent the
spread of COVID-19:


August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 3

Welcome Back 2020

What to expect on campus during the fall


U has developed public
health and safety guidelines
for the fall semester that
outline a plan dramatically
changes the way campus normally
Called the “Show Me Renewal” plan,
it will significantly impact student life
at MU.
The university’s 22-page plan lists a
number of new measures and recom-
mendations for nearly every aspect of
the student experience, from housing
and dining to clubs, activities and sim-
ply navigating campus.
“Precautionary changes will impact
nearly every aspect of campus life —
how we live, study and work,” Interim
MU Chancellor Mun Choi said in a
letter to students, faculty and staff
in June. “Our success will depend on
everyone in our community sharing
responsibility in our collective health
and well-being.”
Choi’s letter summarized public
health measures such as isolation hous-
ing, face masks and “blended” hybrid
classes that MU will institute for the
fall semester.

Under the plan

• Students in campus housing must
sign a “risk acknowledgement of the
associate risk and precautions” prior
to move-in. They will not be able to
change rooms for the first three weeks
of classes, which “supports a 14-day,
symptom-free window for late arriv-
als.” Visitors and non-essential staff
will be prohibited from entering stu-
dent halls and apartments.
• Common areas within these build-
ings, such as study halls and lounges,
will also be modified to encourage
social distancing, and common “touch-
points” in those areas will be more fre-
quently cleaned.
• Restrooms in community-style res-
idential halls, which are shared among
a floor’s residents, will be cleaned
twice daily during the week and
daily on weekends. Private suite-style
restrooms won’t be cleaned by univer-
sity staff to prevent unnecessary entry,
but suites will have labeled caddies to
clean and sanitize the bathrooms.
• Residential halls will not have an
altered capacity for students. As the
situation around COVID-19 changes,
MU Residential Life may allow more
room changes or expand visitor privi-

Campus dining
Dining locations on campus will be
open in the fall, albeit with a number of
new public health measures in place.
Floor markers and a limited num-
ber of students per location based on
space will enforce social distancing, ELIZABETH UNDERWOOD/Missourian
Volunteers sit at tables in the MU Student Center to demonstrate how the university will adhere to social distancing.
4 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020
Welcome Back 2020
according to MU’s plan. Cash will dance policies.”
not be accepted at dining locations, Faculty will alter office hours,
only payment via MU student ID or according to the plan. Options include
debit and credit cards. Takeout options virtual meetings, holding meetings in
will also be available. a larger classroom for social distanc-
A number of other precautions will ing or meeting directly after class.
be imposed at dining locations: Larger spaces for classes, such as
• Campus dining staff will wear face Jesse Auditorium have been explored
coverings during shifts. as a possibility by MU, which would
• Straws, cutlery and coffee stirrers allow larger lectures to meet while
will be individually wrapped. maintaining social distancing. Seats
• Condiments and napkins will be not being used in classrooms have
available in a central location rather been shrink-wrapped. Some labs
than placed at tables. and studio classrooms may require
• Shared machines, such as ice enhanced face coverings, in which
cream and beverage machines, will be cases social distance measures will be
sanitized every hour. reduced to 3 feet.
Classes Popular campus spots
Volunteers sit at computers in Strickland Hall on the MU campus to demonstrate how lab classes
Fall coursework will be organized Memorial Student Union and the MU have been set up for the semester.
into several formats, including fully Student Center will be open in the fall,
online, face to face and “blended” including all entrances, according to off, and those seeking water on cam- Campus activities
hybrid. That variety has implications the plan. Any dining locations or lines pus will be able to use bottle-filling Social distancing, enforced by MU
for attendance, social distancing and will have floor markers, and furniture stations, which will remain on. staff, will be in place regardless of
how students interact with instructors. will be spaced out or removed entirely MizzouRec will be open but with venue, according to the plan. Events
Those enrolled in face-to-face for social distancing. greatly reduced capacity, some are encouraged to be decentralized
classes are still expected to attend in Sitting on the floor of these build- spaces and equipment off limits and and use outdoor spaces and virtual
person unless they are experiencing ings is prohibited, and sleeping is increased cleaning practices. Extra options. All those attending cam-
COVID-19 symptoms or other health discouraged — a policy resulting from staff, hand sanitizer and gym wipes pus-sponsored events must provide
concerns. Those who are not feel- the student center’s basement being a will be on-hand at all times. The facil- their contact information or swipe
ing well should not attend class, and common nap locale. ity will adjust its recreational sports with their student ID for contact trac-
“instructors will be flexible on atten- All drinking fountains will be turned offerings. ing purposes.

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August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 5

Welcome Back 2020


KeShon Russell recounts COVID-19 safety measures in place in North Hall on the MU campus. Russell is a sophomore studying accounting and economics and started as a resident assistant in the
spring semester. Russell said resident assistants have gone through a lot of training to ensure they understand the expectations for student conduct and interaction.

Plans for testing, isolation and contact tracing


onitoring, testing, isola- people should stay home and con- The university does not intend to they test positive for COVID-19 under
tion and contact tracing tact either the MU Student Health do widespread testing of asymptom- new guidelines recently issued.
procedures will all be in Center or their health care provider. atic individuals due to concerns sur- Students who test positive must
place at MU this fall in Students should not attend classes rounding false positive and negative notify the MU Student Health Center
the hope of slowing the virus’ spread or visit any public areas and should tests, as well as what the plan charac- of that result within four hours of
on campus and maintaining in-person practice good hygiene. terized as the “low prevalence of the receiving it. They will do so through
operations and classes. If students present with symptoms virus in Boone County.” a secure online form. The student
Full details and updated informa- and receive a virus test, they should Under the plan, the MU Student will provide details on their activities
tion are provided on the MU Show continue to monitor those symptoms Health Center or health care pro- and whereabouts on campus since
Me Renewal website. Here’s a look at two days before their testing, as well
and separate themselves from others. viders will notify those tested of the
the key points of MU’s containment as if they live on or off campus.
results within 24 hours. Until then,
Students must also notify their
plan: Testing people who have been tested are instructors that they will miss class-
MU has the ability to test “any stu- urged to stay home. es within that same four-hour time
Monitoring dent who shows symptoms of COVID- frame in order to make any possi-
MU’s plan requests everyone on 19,” according to the plan. Those test- Notification ble remote learning arrangements,
campus consult a symptom checklist ed will receive a PCR, or virus test, MU students, faculty and staff are according to the new guidance.
daily. If any of the symptoms apply, and possibly an antibody test. required to notify the university if Faculty, staff and student employ-
6 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020
Welcome Back 2020
ees should email their supervisors, contacted by staff from the Office of
as well as their dean or division lead- the Dean of Students to review isola-
er, according to the email. tion plans, ask to contact family and
Positive case information will be encourage “establishing an account
kept confidential under educational with a local grocer for food delivery,”
and health privacy laws. Information
regarding those cases will be used
according to MU’s plan.
Public health contact investigators The human-health path to
to inform next steps by both MU from Columbia/Boone County Pub-
and local health officials in cleaning
surfaces, arranging remote work and
lic Health and Human Services will
reach out to all students who test
med, PA and dental school
contact tracing. positive.
The new guidance is a reversal Once off-campus students are
from MU’s original policy, in which released from isolation, they will
students who test positive would not need a public health release state-
be required to inform the universi- ment to return to campus activities.
ty, though their tests would still be
reported to the local health depart- Contact tracing
ment. MU will partner with local city and
county contact tracing teams to track
Isolating the spread of the virus, according to
Students who test positive must MU’s plan.
self-isolate, according to MU’s plan, The combined teams will operate
but the process differs depending on in accordance with HIPAA, FERPA
whether they live on- or off-campus. and other laws and use the Research
Electronic Data Capture, or REDCap,
On campus system. MU’s team will report to the
MU Student Health Center.
Students who live in campus hous-
Students who test positive will
ing, including residential halls and
be contacted by a Columbia/Boone
apartments leased by MU, will have
County public health investigator to
a 10-day isolation period, “until you
begin the tracing process.
are three days with no fever, your
The students will be asked to iden-
symptoms have improved and it has tify everyone with whom they had
been 10 days since symptoms first close contact 48 hours before the
appeared,” according to the plan. positive test, and that list will be for-
An MU Residential Life staff mem- warded to a contact tracer.
ber will contact on-campus students These tracers will not be given the
at the start of the isolation period to name of the positive student and will
discuss next steps, ask to reach out warn all potential contacts by phone
to family and roommates and assist or email.
in relocating students to the isolation Close contacts are defined under “We were learning about diabetes and those hot
housing options. MU’s plan as “a person who has had
During isolation, a member of the topics — it set me up for everything I ended up
contact of 15 minutes or more and
Care Team — a group under the MU been within 6 feet of a person who talking about in my medical school interviews.”
Office of Student Accountability tested positive for the virus.”
and Support — will be in contact Those contacted by a tracer will
— Sabby Reed, Mizzou class of 2016,
daily with isolated students, let their not be informed of the identity of the Resident Physician at Prisma Health—Upstate
instructors know what’s going on, positive student, only that they may
coordinate make-up work and help have been exposed.
monitor recovery.
Meals will be delivered to stu- Exposure and education Mizzou’s undergraduate program in Human
dents’ doors at 8:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. Those who are contacted by tracers
and 4:30 p.m. Weekend meals will will be encouraged to self-quarantine
Physiology & Translational Sciences dives deep
be delivered at 4:30 p.m. Friday. at home and maintain social distance into the subjects that matter for human health.
The meals will be deducted from for 14 days until their last exposure.
dining plans or Tiger and Gold Cash They are also encouraged to closely
accounts. monitor symptoms and should notify
Students in isolation will have their the contact tracer and a health care
location provided to MU Police for provider if symptoms develop.
awareness and “appropriate response Campus Facilities will thoroughly
if needed,” according to the plan. disinfect rooms of close contacts of
Once isolation is over, MU Resi- (573) 882-4288
on-campus students who test positive.
dential Life staff will assist students Students who have concerns about Twitter: @Mizzou_NEP
in moving back into their rooms. how another student is following MU Instagram: @mizzou_nep
Students will need to show a copy of policies and protocols are encouraged Facebook: @NutritionandExercisePhysiology
their public health release statement to report those concerns to the Office
to the MU Care Team member who of the Dean of Students. Email: Dr. Catherine Peterson,
has been in contact with them daily. Compliance with these COVID-19 NEP Director of Undergraduate Studies,
precautions fall under the system’s
Off campus Collected Rules and Regulations for
Students living off-campus will be student conduct.

August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 7

Welcome Back 2020

ZEPHYRUS LI/Missourian
Maddie Gamertsfelder moved into her residence hall in mid-August. She will enroll as a freshman in journalism. “I feel a little bit nervous but also very excited,” she said.

8 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020

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August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 9

Welcome Back 2020
MU Police name interim chief to
replace Doug Schwandt in August

U Police Chief Doug Missourian.
Schwandt is retiring after A national search for a new perma-
20 years in the position. nent chief is being planned by Ward.
Brian Weimer, major of Weimer said the department should
operations with MU Police, will serve reflect “the diversity of the commu-
as interim chief effective Aug. 3. nity it serves.”
Weimer, who joined the department “Our officers interact with all
in 1992, currently oversees the patrol members of our community and work
division, the crime prevention unit, to meet their needs and to ensure
the investigation division and staff they feel safe and included,” he said.
services, according to a Monday Weimer’s annual salary in the
news release. He is also responsible interim position will be $125,160,

Learning the Art and

for, among other duties, the selection according to spokesman Sara Died-
and promotion of officers, officer rich. Schwandt earned $132,897.
training and investigating the depart- MU Police is the primary law
ment’s internal affairs. enforcement agency for the MU

Science of Fashion He will replace Schwandt, who

announced his retirement in June,
according to the release. Prior to his
campus. Bills passed by the Colum-
bia City Council in August 2019 also
gave the department jurisdiction
20 years heading MU’s department, over Greektown, where a majority of
MU’s fraternity and sorority houses
We offer a program of study that fits the needs of all he served 21 years with Columbia
police. Schwandt did not respond to are located, and the Campus Lodge
students who have a passion for the fashion industry. requests for an interview from the buildings.

Earn a Bachelor of Science degree focused in Apparel

Retailing and Digital Merchandising or Apparel
Product Development. Or earn a Minor in Textile
and Apparel Management, as well as a Certificate in UM System drops ACT, SAT
Digital Merchandising.
scores for 2021-2022 applicants
Over 90% of TAM
graduates secure jobs

ll first-time undergraduate GPA required for admission may
in fashion and related applicants to the University vary from institution to institution
of Missouri System are not in the UM system, according to the
areas within 6 months required to submit standard- release.
of graduation. ized testing scores for admission for
the 2021-22 academic year.
“Applications will still be thor-
oughly reviewed and must meet our
The application of those who choose institutional standards for academic
not to submit a standardized testing
See more at : http:// score — such as ACT and SAT —
excellence,” Choi said.
The admission requirements and will not be placed at a disadvantage,
according to a news release from the
review process for the applicants
who choose to submit ACT or SAT
documents/academics/ UM system. scores will not change, according to
“We recognize COVID-19 and the
DigitalFashionista.pdf limited accessibility and availabili-
the release.
“This pilot program will allow
ty of standardized tests nationwide
greater flexibility for student appli-
present stress and challenges for
applicants. This temporary policy cants in a way that keeps our univer-
sities competitive without sacrificing

will eliminate a hurdle created by the
pandemic,” said Mun Choi, the UM standards,” said Steve Graham, the
System president and MU chancellor. senior associate vice president for
Those applicants choosing not to academic affairs.
137 Stanley Hall, Columbia, MO 65211 submit a standardized testing score “It will also provide meaningful
will be reviewed based on GPA, class data to our universities to consider in
Contact rank, academic course load, rigor regards to our formal admissions pol-
of coursework, extracurricular and icy in the future,” Graham said.
Dr. Jaime Mestres at leadership activities, letters of rec- The University of Missouri-Kansas
Follow #mizzoutam on Facebook, Instagram and Linked In ommendation and personal essays, City made the submission of ACT
according to the release. and SAT scores optional in January,
The requirement of the minimum according to the release.

10 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020

Welcome Back 2020

UM restructures leadership team with permanent roles


M System President and Office of Strategic Communications humanities, social and behavioral ber 2018.
Interim MU Chancellor Mun and Marketing since July 2018. sciences disciplines. She has been an ■  Tom Spencer was named
Choi announced a slew of ■  Bill Stackman was named MU MU professor of educational, school MU associate vice chancellor for
internal leadership changes vice chancellor for student affairs. and counseling psychology since research, with emphasis in STEM
at the system and campus levels. He has served as vice provost for stu- 2007. disciplines. He has been an MU
The changes, which include filling dent affairs at MU since July 2019. ■  Bill Turpin was named perma- professor of animal sciences since
permanent roles and interim posi- ■  Wendy Reinke was named nent MU associate vice chancellor 2015, and his appointment was first
tions, involved no external recruit- MU associate vice chancellor for for economic development after serv- announced in April.
ment and thus “minimal additional research, with emphasis in arts, ing in the interim role since Septem- ■  Todd McCubbin was named
expenses,” according to the MU News
interim MU vice chancellor for
Bureau, while UM System positions
oversee all four campuses. advancement, effective July 1. He
■  Beth Chancellor was named serves now as the Mizzou Alumni
permanent MU chief information
officer and permanent UM vice pres-
Changes involved no external Association’s executive director.
■  MU Executive Vice Chancellor
ident for information technology. She
had held the interim MU role since
recruitment and thus ‘minimal for Health Affairs Richard Barohn
will now oversee the Thompson Cen-
September 2019.
■  Kamrhan Farwell was named additional expenses,’ according ter for Autism & Neurodevelopmental
“I believe these changes will con-
MU vice chancellor for marketing
and communications and UM chief to the MU News Bureau tinue to strengthen Mizzou and help
marketing and communications offi- carry us through this challenging
cer. She had led MU and UM’s Joint time,” Choi said.

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August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 11

Welcome Back 2020
ZEPHYRUS LI/Missourian
Julie Swope teaches students dance steps July
23 during band camp at Hickman High School.
Players were separated into groups to maintain
social distancing during the sessions.

12 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020

Welcome Home, Tigers!
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We want each individual who steps through the doors of Lewis
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We will be there to guide you to success in the coming years.

August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 13

Welcome Back 2020

Jefferson statue to remain on Francis Quadrangle


n May 4, 2001, a group of
young men clad in 19th-cen-
tury-style red wool coats
marched through MU’s
Francis Quadrangle, led by three
flag-bearers in blue. The men made
up the Lewis & Clark Fife and Drum
Corps, and they were on campus for
the unveiling ceremony of a bronze
statue of Thomas Jefferson.
Former MU Jefferson Club Chair
John Cook, in his unveiling speech,
called the statue “breathtaking” and
“magnificent” and said it would be “a
wonderful addition to the university
“I just think you’re all going to
love it,” he told the crowd assembled
under a white tent.
Nearly two decades later, on May
31, 2020, as protesters gathered on
the quad, someone stuffed a black
plastic bag over the statue’s head.
Dozens of others began to call for its
removal online.
“It has never sat right with me,”
MU sophomore Roman Leapheart
said. “I’ve known it was there since
before I was a freshman. It’s felt like
a sore thumb.”
As the world reckoned with racism
and police brutality through weeks of
protests, MU students demanded the
university remove the statue. Hours
after protesters marched through
campus and downtown Columbia May
31 decrying the killing of George
Floyd, Leapheart created a change.
org petition, addressed to UM System
President Mun Choi, calling for the
“Removal of Thomas Jefferson from COURTESY OF HUNTER PENDLETON
Mizzou’s Campus.”
A black plastic bag covers the head of the statue of Thomas Jefferson on May 31 at MU’s Francis Quadrangle.
“Mizzou has no room for a racist
slave owner on our campus, in the Leapheart said he and other stu- think they’re listening now. You gotta surrounding the nation’s third pres-
Quad, where thousands of black stu- dents felt they were frequently spo- make them listen, some way or anoth- ident and other figures of American
dents pass by everyday, forced to ken over and weren’t satisfied by er.” history.
deal with imagery of the past in the leadership’s response. But Leapheart and those backing “We have seen slavery become
future where we should be promoting “I was told explicitly that they his petition aren’t planning to let MU something of a litmus test,” MU his-
equality, diversity and inclusion,” don’t want to remove the statue, that have the last word. In fact, he said tory professor Jeff Pasley said. “One
Leapheart’s petition read. they will put it to a vote, but they words are no longer enough. of the reasons why (John) Adams
Within 24 hours, it had 1,000 signa- mainly want to have conversations,” “One thing Mizzou seems to do and (Alexander) Hamilton were a
tures. Days later, it had almost 3,300. Leapheart, a Kansas City native, said very well — it seems to love its con- big deal was because they were not
But MU’s plan is to leave the versations,” Leapheart said. “Folks slave owners. You could treat them
Thursday evening. “Because if we
bronze Jefferson right where he sits are tired of conversations, frankly. ...
remove a statue, we don’t address the as anti-slavery figures. But if you go
on a concrete bench by the Chancel- But if Mizzou doesn’t take the statue
bigger picture, but the bigger picture into Jefferson’s biography, there are
lor’s Residence. down, someone else will.”
can’t be addressed overnight. We problems there.”
“After further discussion with
have to start somewhere.” Leapheart has called MU’s decision Leapheart, in pushing for the stat-
other curators, the university decided
In the meeting with Choi, “frustrating” and said he was “going ue’s removal, said he is also seeking
not to remove the Jefferson statue,”
Leapheart said, there was a “shared to keep fighting.” justice for Sally Hemings. Hemings
Choi, also MU chancellor, said in a
statement. statement” directed at him and was one of the few enslaved people
“We learn from history. We con- other protesters that “they” were About Sally Hemings under Jefferson who was freed after
textualize historical figures with “tired of hearing the past repeated.” Leapheart’s case against the statue his death, and historical consensus
complex legacies. We don’t remove Leapheart declined to say who spe- is twofold. has determined he was the father of
history.” cifically expressed that sentiment. Jefferson was a known slave owner, several of her children. Many, includ-
Leapheart said he, along with sev- “Well, I’m going to keep bringing and more than 200 enslaved people ing Leapheart and others supporting
eral members of the Legion of Black it up, because (they’re) not listen- were sold from his estate after his the removal efforts, view such a rela-
Collegians, MU’s black student gov- ing,” Leapheart said. “I’m going to death, according to the Thomas Jef- tionship as inherently nonconsensual,
ernment, met privately with Choi and keep being that sore in your foot. ferson Foundation, an organization though historians still disagree on
other campus leaders, including “sev- I’m going to be that pain. Because that oversees his estate. That fact has how to qualify the dynamic.
eral” UM curators. you didn’t listen (in 2015), and I don’t changed the legacy and conversations Recent decades have seen the
14 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020
Welcome Back 2020
Leapheart sees Hemings’ story — If I have to step on a few toes to get
one he believes was characterized by there, ... consider me stepping.”
subjugation and force — echoed in
women today, expressed in a recent A national zeitgeist
Twitter hashtag, #WhyIDidntReport. Leapheart isn’t the first MU stu-
Scrolling through, one can read dent to make a run at getting the
about countless experiences with statue off campus. In 2015, while
sexual assault and why victims didn’t Concerned Student 1950 made nation-
report them. A number of women al headlines protesting campus rac-
who attended or graduated from MU ism and demanding action from the
participated in the trend, recounting university, students created a petition
their experiences with assault on similar to Leapheart’s.
campus or while a student. It didn’t gain the same traction,
“Seeing that was a slap in the but it did prompt a mass of sticky
face — to see all these black women notes to be plastered onto the statue,
who hadn’t been taken care of and labeled “racist,” “rapist” and “slave
protected, who had been failed by seller,” among other terms, while
the university who swore to protect defenders of Jefferson periodically
them,” Leapheart said. “It’s a slap in removed the sticky notes and draped
the face to them, to any other sexual an American flag around the statue.
assault victim.” Leapheart said he has spoken with
Those who believe in the statue’s one student behind the 2015 effort,
value often remark that Jefferson’s Maxwell Little, about the new peti-
CLAUDIA GUTHRIE/Missourian accomplishments, including drafting tion. Leapheart said Little told him
Senior Bryant Hill was one of several students who pushed for removal of the Thomas Jefferson the Declaration of Independence, he’ll get pushback from the universi-
statue in 2015. This year, another group of students protested but to no avail. must be weighed in any evaluation of ty but to keep on pushing.
his depiction or description. But a lot has changed since Little
dynamic. Chernow’s book onstage, one of the Leapheart doesn’t agree. and other students’ campaign in
Recent decades have seen the most prominent accounts of Jefferson “That’s an argument that the (UM) 2015, especially on campuses. After
emergence of popular biographies was “Thomas Jefferson and Sally curators are very strong about,” he 2017’s violent white supremacist rally
detailing the lives of American fig- Hemings: An American Controversy” said. “It eliminates the possibility of in Charlottesville, Virginia, Duke
ures, especially the founding fathers, by historian Annette Gordon-Reed. holding folks accountable, which is a University and the University of
Pasley said. Although historian David As a result, Pasley said, two of the fact that I pushed back against and Texas-Austin removed Confederate
McCullough wrote definitive books most commonly known traits of Jef- LBC pushed back against. ... I don’t statues from their grounds. A year
on George Washington and Adams ferson by young people is his owning want to tarnish anyone’s reputation, later, protesters at the University of
and the musical “Hamilton” put Ron of slaves and the story of Hemings. but Sally Hemings deserves justice. North Carolina-Chapel Hill tore down

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August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 15

Welcome Back 2020
the “Silent Sam” Confederate stat- try’s highest office. In the aftermath the first university established on The monument itself is on the quad
ue. Columbia Public Schools renamed of Charlottesville in 2017, President the land known as the Louisiana near the Chancellor’s Residence, new
Robert E. Lee Elementary in 2018, Donald Trump suggested the removal Purchase, which Jefferson’s adminis- and improved with a replica tablet,
now called Locust Street Expressive of Confederate statues would result tration acquired from France in the alongside the bronze statue. The stat-
Arts Elementary School. in a slippery slope, in which figures early 19th century. ue was purchased in 2001 from artist
The University of Virginia, which such as Washington and Jefferson Decades after Jefferson’s death, his George Lundeen by MU’s Jefferson
Jefferson founded and had inscribed are removed (though historians heirs planned to dedicate his tomb- Club, a donor club of alumni and
on his tombstone, has seen its stu- disagreed with the nature of the stone and had received countless friends of the university who each
dents repeatedly deface his statue remarks). requests for it, including one from donate over $25,000. It cost $45,000.
there. Leapheart doesn’t view it as such, MU. MU’s claim was strengthened Reached Friday, Lundeen said
Now, the killing of George Floyd by but rather as a movement in which by both Jefferson’s fondness for that for some people, the Founding
Minneapolis police has sparked mass “regardless of accomplishments, we state-sponsored education and many Fathers have committed unforgivable
protests, a new national conversation can hold people accountable.” For Boone County residents’ apparent ori-
around race and a critical exam- him and those backing the removal of gin in Virginia, where Jefferson lived
“I think we can all see the argu-
ination of historical figures, from the statue, there is no better time to and died.
Confederate generals to Christopher The tombstone was awarded to MU, ments, when you see how several
revive the cause. minorities have been treated in the
Columbus and the Founding Fathers, unveiled in 1885 and stood on cam-
“This is a very deciding time in the United States, firstly the American
including Jefferson. pus for several years until its plaque
country right now,” Leapheart said. indigenous peoples,” the Colorado
Prominent national figures like the was removed and stored in Academic
“I know at Mizzou, given CS1950 and sculptor said. “It’s been a fight, and I
Rev. Al Sharpton and former Con- Hall. In 1892, Academic Hall burned
gressional Black Caucus Director its history, that’s a hard thing to do. to the ground — the columns are don’t blame those people for fighting.
Angela Rye have spoken on the sub- But it’s something we had to do. We all that’s left of the hall — and the It’s an honorable mission they have,
ject, calling for the removal of stat- need to make a stand.” plaque was damaged. It was later and hopefully they can do it without
ues depicting the Founding Fathers restored and is now stored in Jesse violence.
and the Jefferson Memorial in Wash- Jefferson’s ties to MU Hall. A more complete retelling of “Tell ( MU), if they want to sell or
ington. There is no retelling of MU’s his- the tombstone’s saga, written by the give away that sculpture,” he said,
Such examinations also come with tory that does not, in some capacity, late William Peden, has been digi- “put it back on a truck, and I’ll come
detractors, including from the coun- mention Thomas Jefferson. It was tized in the university archives. and get it.”

Report: MU makes progress on diversity efforts


new report evaluating diversi- work to be done to achieve our goals in attention to, for example, curriculum or to be the next vice chancellor for inclu-
ty, inclusion and equity efforts inclusive excellence.” pedagogy.” sion, diversity and equity.
at MU observed progress in Notable among MU’s steps in recent Peters acknowledged he could under- The report also encouraged leaders to
recent years but acknowledged years is the implementation of the stand that perception but said, “That ten- communicate proactively, invite campus
further steps and transparent leadership Inclusion Excellence Framework, aimed sion is always going to be there,” regard- stakeholders to relevant meetings and
were needed to fully heal the campus’ at creating a more equitable campus less of which groups take priority. publicly recognize steps and initiatives
divides. through a variety of dimensions. The MU stakeholders were also divided on on campus.
The report, “Leading After a Racial campus adopted the framework in June how baked into the campus structure Those suggestions come as MU
Crisis: Weaving a Campus Tapestry of 2017. efforts of diversity, equity and inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion,” is the second leadership is under fire from students
That framework frequently impacts had to be, according to the report.
from the American Council of Education and alumni alike after deciding not to
the work done within administrative Some expressed concern that campus
examining how MU’s on-campus efforts units, but its priority on the micro level efforts would be “surface-level” and remove a bronze statue of Thomas Jef-
have evolved since 2015 student protests depends on the unit, said MU Faculty would dissipate over time rather than ferson.
about racism. The protests resulted in Council chair Clark Peters. result in “culture change.” In its conclusion, the report emphasiz-
the resignations of the top leaders at MU “With any big initiative, it takes awhile Researchers led by Adrianna Kezar es the importance of building trust and
and the University of Missouri System. to get down to the ground level, where of the University of Southern California being attentive to emotions as MU walks
The first report was published in 2018 students and faculty are going to feel and Sharon Fries-Britt of the University the path of recovery.
after MU invited the council to come to that the promise will be realized,” Peters of Maryland identified a “weaver-lead- “To overcome racist and exclusionary
campus and provide an outside perspec- said. “Different units have made more er” model as a goal for MU leadership. culture embedded in our campuses,” the
tive. progress than others.” The model relies on constant com- report said, “leaders must be willing to
MU’s “capacity” to effectively respond However, there is still work to be done munication and relationship building to stay the course and regularly engage
to issues of diversity, inclusion and building trust with people of color and create shared expectations throughout with the community to ensure that they
equity was rated as solidly “moderate,” bridging together fragmented campus campus, according to the report. have a pulse of the campus and the
according to the report, up from “low” at perspectives, according to the report. Those at MU who participated in the needs at every stage.”
the “height of the crisis” in 2015. Race, access to information, time on report praised former UM Chief Diver- The stage MU faces now is one of
Researchers’ evaluation of campus in campus, decentralized structure and dif- sity Officer and MU Vice Chancellor uncertainty, dealing with the pandemic
February 2019 found confidence in lead- fering priorities all remain as challenges for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity and its resulting budget cuts. But Peters
ership, a strategic approach and learning to a shared vision, the report said. Kevin McDonald and former Director
said he had been told inclusion, diversi-
opportunities for the campus communi- Among those differing priorities was of Administration and Deputy Title IX
ty resulted in a higher evaluation. the disparity between improving cam- ty and equity would remain a priority
Coordinator Emily Love as examples of
“We have been pleased to see the prog- pus climate for students and improving effective communicators. by campus leadership, including MU
ress that the ACE researchers found, it for faculty. McDonald and Love both left their Chancellor Mun Choi and Provost Latha
and we’re taking note of the areas where “The campus prioritized improving positions at MU in July 2019, as McDon- Ramchand.
they are suggesting further improve- the racial climate for students as its first ald accepted a similar position at the “They’re admirably strident in rein-
ment,” MU spokesman Christian Basi priority,” the report stated. “Far less University of Virginia and Love enrolled forcing that this is not going to be set
said. attention has been focused on faculty cli- in MU’s law program. aside,” Peters said. “We’re not going to
“We, like other universities around the mate. While the campus is hiring more MU hired Maurice Gipson, an admin- slow progress even as we deal with this
country, recognize that there is more faculty of color, there has been little istrator from Arkansas State University, crisis.”
16 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020
Welcome Back 2020

MU taps Arkansas State vice chancellor for diversity role


U has hired an Arkansas began with just himself and an Oklahoma. He is expected to receive for the department at MU since July
State University admin- administrative assistant and grew to a doctorate in history from the Uni- 2019.
istrator to serve as its 60 members, he said in his virtual versity of Mississippi in December in Davis will return to her previous
next vice chancellor for interview with MU in May. addition to his other degrees, includ- position as executive director of
inclusion, diversity and equity, UM He oversaw multiple offices, includ- ing a master’s degree from Missouri MU’s Access & Leadership Develop-
System President and Interim MU ing one dealing with faculty diversity State University. ment Unit, according to MU’s news
Chancellor Mun initiatives. Gipson’s annual salary will be release.
Choi announced. Overall minority student enroll- $225,000, MU spokesperson Christian Choi thanked her for her work in
Maurice Gip- ment at Arkansas State grew for Basi said. the interim role and said he appreci-
son, vice chan- three consecutive years under Gip- He entered the position at what is ates “her insight and support of our
cellor for diver- son, according to MU’s news release, arguably the most tense period at MU students, faculty and staff during
sity and commu- and the campus developed “strategic since fall 2015, as students continued this important time.”
nity engagement partnerships” with 10 historically to protest through social media and Minor came under fire at Albany
at the Jonesboro black colleges and universities. by email after a decision was made to after she released a statement two
campus started In his virtual interview, Gipson keep a bronze statue of Thomas Jef- weeks ago responding to two inci-
in the role July emphasized face-to-face connections ferson on campus. dents of racism among students,
15. with students to understand their The other finalists were: Tamra which many viewed as inadequate.
In his five experiences and said he sat in the Minor, assistant vice president for A link to the petition calling for
years at Arkan- campus’ student union for two hours the office of diversity and inclusion a stronger response was emailed to
sas State, he every week to talk with students. and chief diversity officer at the Patricia Okker, dean of the College
founded the Prior to Jonesboro, Gipson held State University of New York at Alba- of Arts and Science and co-chair of
Office of Diver- positions at the University of Tex- ny; and NaTashua Davis, an internal the search committee, as well as the
sity, which as-Austin and Langston University in candidate who served as interim head Columbia Missourian.

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August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 17

Welcome Back 2020

UM System president and MU chancellor merge


he UM System Board of Cura- with and impacts its four campuses meeting. Choi disagreed with that assess-
tors voted to combine the — and the role of system president. Brncic and Curator Michael Wil- ment, repeating that he worked for
roles of University of Missou- The resolution instructed the Council liams said in letters responding to the best interest of the university and
ri System president and MU of Chancellors to provide feedback the three campuses’ faculty bodies to be transparent in communicating
chancellor, approving a new govern- on the following questions within 120 that they would address those con- with all university stakeholders.
ing structure that aims to centralize days: cerns within the resolution and as the Brncic said the board backed Choi
authority and reduce costs. • What role and services should the new structure was implemented. The in his decision-making and were
Mun Choi UM System provide? board repeatedly emphasized their confident with him as head of the
will serve in • What should be the role of the goal of empowering the system’s university.
the combined president? chancellors. “The board has been behind Presi-
chief executive • What should be the role of the “We have four really good chan- dent Choi lockstep, has approved all
role, granting chancellors? cellors,” Williams said. “I think they the actions he has taken,” she said in
him authority • What will be the scope of the have the knowledge, the wherewithal
unprecedented a news conference Tuesday. “We’re
council and how should it function to know which jobs can be spread out. very much aware of the situation and
since the UM within the parameters set forth here- I propose we do new job descriptions
System’s cre- we have the utmost ability in him to
in? for all four. The chancellors would
ation in 1963. lead.”
• What will the campus advisory enjoy the chance to run their campus
The curators Brncic said she “didn’t agree with
committee advise on, how frequently while still looking at what is in the
extended his MUN CHOI some of the allegations” made about
will it meet with the council, and who best interest of the university.”
contract by two Choi and how people have framed
will serve on it? The MU Faculty Council did not
years — to June 30, 2026 — but his In the weeks prior to Tuesday’s take any formal action about the interactions with him.
pay remains the same. vote, faculty at three of the system’s pending decision at their meeting, “The reason a lot of folks have rein-
The vote confirms Choi as perma- four campuses publicly opposed but Chair Clark Peters said he had vested in the UM System is because
nent MU chancellor. He will directly the decision. Councils representing received over 12 pages’ worth of they believe in President Choi’s lead-
oversee all operations at the Colum- faculty at the Missouri University comments on the decision from fac- ership,” she said.
bia campus while supervising the of Science and Technology, the Uni- ulty that he planned to send to the
campuses in St. Louis, Kansas City versity of Missouri-Kansas City and board prior to their vote. TITLE IX
and Rolla. the University of Missouri-St. Louis However, MU faculty did challenge The board also discussed and
The resolution detailing the new approved changes to the universi-
structure, unanimously approved by ty’s Collected Rules and Regula-
the board, also creates a Council of tions related to Title IX, bringing
Chancellors. This council, chaired by them into compliance with federal
Choi with the other three campuses’ changes released in May. UM and all
chancellors as members, will meet other public U.S. universities were
monthly to discuss challenges and
opportunities, exchange information
Curators approved plan for Mun required to do so before Aug. 14.
UM had already been in compli-
and collaborate between campuses.
Curators said during the meeting
Choi to serve in the combined ance with several of the changed
guidelines, Williams said. All univer-
they believed the council, as well as
the board, would provide sufficient chief executive role, granting him sity employees will remain mandated
reporters under the new guidelines,
oversight and prevent any potential
conflicts of interest given Choi’s dual unprecedented authority since the and mandated reporting require-
ments were extended to include dis-
A committee comprised of two rep- UM System’s creation in 1963 crimination and harassment.
MU Health Care will follow an
resentatives from each of the four
universities will advise the Council alternate Title IX process rather than
of Chancellors on matters specific to the usual hearing process set out for
their campuses, according to the res- expressed concerns about potential Choi, himself, on recent comments academic medical centers, which is
olution. Members on that committee conflicts of interest and undermin- and actions in that meeting, con- allowed under the new federal guide-
are required to attend at least two ing of their campuses’ authority and demning his remarks discouraging lines.
Board of Curators meetings per year funding. internal dissent and refusal to move a That process involves a single
and will provide the board updates Curators have met with over 300 Thomas Jefferson statue on campus. decision maker but retains most of
on how the new governing model has constituents and groups — includ- Several said those comments and the rights of both parties, said Kathy
impacted their campuses. ing faculty, staff, students, trustees, actions had bred a culture of intim- Bunn, general counsel for the system.
The new governing structure community leaders and elected offi- idation among university employees The hospital’s Title IX process will
underlines a desire by the board to cials — about the decision, Chair and furthered concerns leading up to be done differently than campuses to
more clearly define both the purpose Julia Brncic said in an email to all his confirmation as permanent chan- maintain patient privacy and follow
of the system — and how it interacts four campuses notifying them of the cellor. HIPAA.

18 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020


August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 19

Welcome Back 2020

Chval no longer dean of

The human-health path to
med, PA and dental school
MU College of Education

U’s College of Education worked at MU since 2003. Her
dean, Kathryn Chval, no interim replacement, Lembke, has
longer serves in the posi- also been at MU since 2003 and has
tion. served as chair of the Department of
Erica Lembke, Special Education since 2015.
chair of the col- “I look forward to the College of
lege’s Depart- Education’s future success and will
ment of Special do everything I can to help the col-
Education, will lege succeed,” Ramchand said in the
serve as interim email.
dean, Provost In 2018, Chval was one of four can-
Latha Ram- didates vying for the position of pro-
chand said in vost, during which she emphasized
an email to fac- her focus on diversity and inclusivity
ulty, staff and at MU.
students at the Her vision of diversity would be “a
college. Chval KATHRYN CHVAL‌ collection of people, experience and
will return to
expertise that complements, com-
teaching and research.
pletes one another and, hopefully,
Ramchand did not provide any
intentionally and strategically grows
explanation in the email for the
over time,” according to previous
change in leadership.
Missourian reporting. She said it
Chval emailed a statement to The
Missourian. would build on her strategies utilized
”I served as a leader in the College at the College of Education.
“I had deep relationships with my professors. Ramchand was chosen over Chval
of Education for the past 9 years, and
We discussed topics that directly related to I’m proud of what our team accom- for the position.
As dean, she developed The Bridge
my getting into medical school and residency plished during that time,” she said.
— a group for faculty, staff and fac-
“Our faculty, professional staff, and
and that I apply to my patients today.” students were leaders on our campus ulty at the college to meet weekly
in 2015 and continue to speak out and “develop and expand their mul-
— Dr. Brad Harr, DO, class of 2008 when injustices occur. I know that ticultural knowledge, awareness and
they will continue to have a tremen- skills.” She also held monthly open
dous impact at Mizzou and around houses with faculty, staff and stu-
the world. I am grateful for their ded- dents.
Mizzou’s undergraduate program in Human ication and commitment to make our Lembke, in addition to her position
Physiology & Translational Sciences is part of community, state, and world a better chairing the Department of Special
place. Our alumni, donors, and sup- Education, has served on several col-
three MU colleges — the School of Medicine, porters made countless investments lege and campus community commit-
the College of Human Environmental to transform educational opportuni- tees, according to Ramchand’s email.
ties for so many. I will treasure my She was president of the national
Sciences, and the College of Agriculture, board for the Division for Learning
interactions with them.”
Food and Natural Resources — and features a Chval served as dean for the Disabilities and editor for Assess-
high faculty-to-student ratio. college since March 2016. She has ment for Effective Intervention.
(573) 882-4288
Erica Lembke, chair of the
Twitter: @Mizzou_NEP
Instagram: @mizzou_nep college’s Department of Special
Facebook: @NutritionandExercisePhysiology
Email: Dr. Catherine Peterson,
Education, is now interim dean
NEP Director of Undergraduate Studies,
after a decision that Chval
would no longer hold the position

20 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020

Welcome Back 2020

MU postpones outsourcing custodial staff


U has decided not to out- a field representative for Laborers one week and three months pay, and who wanted to protect the employ-
source custodial jobs, at Local 955. more than 2,300 have experienced a ees that would have lost their jobs
least through the 2020-21 “We know there’s a long road ahead reduction in their salaries, the press prompted MU to postpone a decision
academic year, the univer- in terms of bargaining over cuts, release said. at this time.
sity announced. but this is a clear indication of when “The University of Missouri has MU officials said they will work
The university in May began communities and workers stand experienced tremendous budgetary with union representatives to identify
accepting bids from companies to together to fight, they win.” shortfalls in the economic fallout other cost-saving measures.
outsource those jobs, which would MU officials said the attempt to of COVID-19, and we’ve had to take If MU is unable to achieve simi-
have resulted in firing over 250 MU outsource custodial work was a result a hard look at every corner of our lar savings, officials could move to
employees. of the economic difficulties the uni- finances,” UM System President and outsource the service, but any final
The decision comes after over versity suffered due to the corona- Interim MU Chancellor Mun Choi
decision would not be made before
a month of controversy, including virus pandemic and loss of funding said in the release.
the 2021-22 academic year, according
demonstrations on campus; a letter from the state. “Our primary goal is to protect the
from MU faculty, staff and students Since the onset of the pandemic, teaching, research and service mis- to the release.
supporting custodial staff; and resis- MU lost about $35 million in state sions of the University. We look for- “We want to thank our dedicated
tance from Laborers Local 955, a revenue, according to the press ward to engaging our employees and staff and appreciate the work they
chapter of LiUNA, the union repre- release. MU also had to provide mil- the LiUNA representatives to find a have done during these challenging
senting custodial staff. lions of dollars in refunds to students way to support our custodians.” times,” said Gary Ward, MU’s vice
“We are very grateful to the faculty for room and board and other fees During the bidding process, MU chancellor for operations.
members and community members when the pandemic forced students to learned that it could save as much as “We look forward to working with
that rallied alongside the workers leave campus in March. $3 million if it decided to outsource them over the next academic year
fighting against privatization,” said More than 170 MU employees have to a proven firm, the press release for ways to reduce costs and provide
Andrew Hutchinson, the mid-Missou- been laid off, nearly 3,600 have been asserted. savings that will protect the mission
ri organizer for Jobs with Justice and placed on furloughs lasting between However, resistance from those of the university.”

David Novak
Novak Leadership Institute

August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 21

Welcome Back 2020
MU College of Engineering
Director of Facilities Ron Monson
demonstrates the use of dies in
MU’s Lafferre Hall. For more than
three months, the college had
been cranking out face shields,
testing swabs and ethanol-based
hand sanitizer in the university’s
pandemic-fighting efforts.

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22 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020

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August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 23

Welcome Back 2020


Two construction workers finish placing the final steel beam for the NextGen Precision Insititute’s building this summer.

State funding for NextGen facility unlikely


hile higher education account that stores special federal get a more clear image on Missouri’s Basi said.
saw its state funding aid, will be delayed, State Budget 2021 revenues, which he said he mon- Gov. Mike Parson signed bills
slashed for the new fis- Director Dan Haug said. Whether it itors daily. approving the fiscal year 2021 bud-
cal year, leaders at the comes at all will depend on how the Haug told the Springfield get this summer, which included that
University of Missouri System could fiscal year and the pandemic play News-Leader that “we’re assuming $10 million for the NextGen facility
take solace in one bright spot: $10 out. that (NextGen)’s not going to be fund- at issue. UM System President Mun
million in approved funding for its “(NextGen) is still a priority of the ed.” Choi thanked him and state leaders
NextGen Precision Health Institute. governor,” Haug told the Missourian. Although the research facility’s for “continued support” for the proj-
Now, that funding may not come “There’s no funding right now, but funding is delayed, its funding is not ect.
anytime soon. if the economy turns around, if we permanently cut. UM spokesperson Parson also announced $448 million
The $220 million research facility, get more federal money, we could Christian Basi said university leaders in withholdings for the 2021 fiscal
which the UM System has called its put some of that in there. … We rec- “remain very pleased that the gov- year as COVID-19 continues to take
”top priority” and well before that ognize that (the facility) can have a ernor did not cut the funding for the a financial toll. Higher education
has seen its progress largely unde- significant impact on the health of project in any way.” in Missouri will see $28 million in
terred despite COVID-19’s massive Missourians in the future.” “We’ll continue to look forward to restrictions from that total. The
impact on the system. Haug called Missouri’s budget sit- having additional discussions about four-campus UM System has taken
But the facility’s planned state uation fluid and said that it would be the Precision Health Institute with over $85 million in cuts from the
funding, which would come from an more than a quarter or six months to our elected leaders in the future,” state since March, according to a
24 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020
Welcome Back 2020

Bright Flight students see $1,200

System has taken over $85 million furloughed 3,011 employees.
in cuts from the state since March. MU is still considering whether
Those cuts have taken their toll on
to outsource about 250 custodial

reduction in annual scholarship

MU and its employees.
The Columbia campus has laid off positions, which has drawn criticism
148, not renewed contracts for 33 and from unions and others.


tudents at MU and other Mis- from the fiscal year 2021 budget
souri colleges and universities ahead of its start on July 1. Among
will receive $1,200 less from those restrictions were a $28 million
the annual Bright Flight schol- reduction in four-year higher educa-
arship for the 2020-2021 academic tion institutions and an almost $6.5
year. million reduction in the Bright Flight
MU Financial Aid notified student program.
recipients that the state program has In past years, the Bright Flight
been reduced from a $3,000 award program has been awarded to Mis-
to $1,800, citing the “current eco- souri residents entering college
nomic conditions of the state.” The based on their standardized testing
email stated students will receive scores and returning students who
a revised financial aid notice in the maintain certain academic standards
coming week. The fall semester at in subsequent semesters. It is offered
MU began Aug. 24. through the Missouri Department
“We regret to inform you of this of Higher Education and Workforce
change but wanted to communicate it Development.
to you as soon as possible,” the email MU is aware of the situation with
said. “Unfortunately, these circum- the program, spokesperson Christian
stances are beyond our control.” Basi said, and will be working with
PHOTOS COURTESY OF MICHAEL CALI The scholarship reduction notice students on an individual basis to
Construction workers stand at the edge of the NextGen Precision Institute’s building prior to the came weeks after Gov. Mike Par- determine if they can be helped in
start of a topping-off ceremony. son restricted almost $450 million any way.


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August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 25

Welcome Back 2020

Memorial Stadium’s south end zone begins to fill with people last fall in Columbia. Although fewer fans may be in attendance, Missouri is set to welcome Alabama, Vanderbilt, Kentucky, Georgia and
Arkansas in a pandemic-shortened 2020 season.

SEC finalizes MU, league schedule for fall football


he Southeastern Conference ■  Week 10: Nov. 28 vs. Arkan- had an 11-2 record, with a 35-16 Citrus capacity, a department spokesperson
has announced the final dates sas. Bowl win over Michigan to end the confirmed to the Missourian.
for the Tigers’ matchups in fall year. At that rate, there would be no more
2020. ■  Week 11: Dec. 5 at Mississippi Before last year, the Crimson Tide than about 15,655 fans allowed entry.
The Tigers’ schedule is as follows: State. had made a College Football Playoff MU’s schedule was made nearly com-
■  Week 1: Sept. 26 vs. Alabama. Alabama will travel to Columbia to appearance every year since its incep- plete in early August, after a series of
kick off the season Sept. 26. Missouri tion in the 2014-15 season.
■  Week 2: Oct. 3 at Tennessee. pandemic-related moves that included
last played Alabama in 2018, traveling The Tide was added to MU’s schedule
■  Week 3: Oct. 10 at LSU. the conference moving to a 10-game
to Tuscaloosa for a 39-10 loss to the just 10 days before the announcement,
then-No. 1 Crimson Tide. conference-only schedule. That move
■  Week 4: Oct. 17 vs. Vander- as well as LSU.
eliminated four matchups — Central
Before that, the Tigers lost 42-10 the Missouri’s Nov. 28 matchup with
bilt. Arkansas, Eastern Michigan, BYU and
last time Alabama traveled to Colum- Arkansas, which was originally
■  Week 5: Oct. 24 at Florida. bia. The Tide was also ranked No. 1 in scheduled to take place at Arrowhead Louisiana — from the Tigers’ schedule,
■  Week 6: Oct. 31 vs. Kentucky. that matchup in 2010. They also beat Stadium in Kansas City, is moving to leaving two new cross-division oppo-
■  Week 7: Nov. 7 BYE. MU 42-13 in 2014 in Tuscaloosa. Columbia, both Missouri and the SEC nents to be added.
Eliah Drinkwitz will make his Mis- announced. Times of the games are to be
■  Week 8: Nov. 14 vs. Georgia. announced, and the dates listed — all
souri head coaching debut against Missouri will allow fans at Memorial
■  Week 9: Nov. 21 at South Car- an Alabama team that finished 2019 Stadium for home games this fall. The Saturdays — may still be moved to a
olina. ranked No. 8 in the final AP Poll and stadium will be at “no more than” 25% different day each weekend.

26 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020

Welcome Back 2020

League will require face masks for fans in the stands


he Southeastern Conference has announced While the SEC is allowing schools to decide stadium
that member schools will decide on attendance capacities, it’s asking that schools do so in accordance
capacities this fall, but with one stipulation: with state and local guidelines, or Centers for Disease
Fans will be required to wear masks. Control and Prevention recommendations for physical
Fans will be required to wear nose-and-mouth cover- distancing.
ings upon entry, exit and while moving throughout the To this point, Boone County has placed a limit on
stadium. Stadium works and athletic staff will also be attendance at sporting events. However, it does not
required to wear masks. apply to facilities owned or operated by MU. Gov. Mike
Those are just two of several guidelines the confer- Parson also moved the state into another phase of its
ence announced. recovery plan last month that lifted all statewide orders.
To this point, Missouri is allowing no more than 25% Other announcements from the conference included
capacity at Memorial Stadium, meaning its usual 62,621 that member schools will decide whether or not fans
capacity will be about 15,655. can tailgate; barriers will be installed at points-of-sale
In an email to fans, Missouri athletic director Jim for food and beverages; schools running shuttles to and
Sterk said Memorial Stadium will be reseated based from stadiums maintain sufficient safety protocols;
on donor rank, both within club spaces and lower bowl MADI WINFIELD/Missourian/ those in premium seating (clubs and suites) will not be
seating, this season. The department will also impose The South End Zone project last year added more seats to allowed to “suite hop”; team walks are in accordance
ticket limits coinciding with Tiger Scholarship Fund Memorial Stadium, bringing capacity to 61,050. with local and state health guidelines.
donor levels. All SEC schools must also have a detailed outline
Sterk also said a full reduced capacity seating plan season ticket locations in 2021, the email said, and any of how they will disinfect their stadiums, work with
will be released soon, although he did not specify a date. fans who previously renewed their season tickets and attendees who may display symptoms of COVID-19 and
Season ticket holders who do not feel comfortable do not feel comfortable attending games can receive a how they will communicate all procedures and proto-
attending games in 2020 will be eligible to retain their refund. cols to prospective guests.

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August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 27

Welcome Back 2020
Bus, paratransit fares waived through September 2021

ity Council voted Aug. 17 to contin- year. It includes:
ue free bus and paratransit service ■  $4.8 million worth of projects for
through Sept. 30, 2021, given the the electric utility.
support the city has received for trans- ■  $3.3 million for improvements to
portation services through the federal government buildings.
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic ■  $1.3 million in Parks and Recre-
Security Act. ation Department projects, all funded by
At the beginning of the coronavirus dedicated parks sales taxes.
pandemic, the council waived fares for ■  $1.1 million to replace a quint fire-
the city’s buses in an effort to ease the fighting apparatus.
economic difficulties caused by the pan- ■  $4.7 million in street maintenance
demic. and construction, including $2.2 million
Public Works Director David Nichols to extend Discovery Parkway from Gans
said bus service has stabilized over the Road to New Haven Road.
past several months, not only because of ■  $3.7 million in sewer upgrades.
free fares but also because routes had ■  $3.2 million in solid waste projects,
not changed recently. including $2 million for a new bioreactor PHOTOS BY XANDER NEGOZIO/Missourian
Both he and City Manager John Glas- cell at the landfill. A city bus drives past Rice Road and McKee Street earlier this summer.
cock said it will be important to watch ■  $2.4 million in stormwater projects.
whether the waning demand for para- ■  $1.2 million to replace buses.
transit service, which serves people with ■  $21.8 million in water projects, which the council has approved before. lenges have delayed the work but that
disabilities, rises too much during a peri- including the treatment plant upgrade. Treece wondered if the work should be he’s confident it will be done this year,
od of free fares. Treece pressed David Sorrell, Colum- contracted out. using a combination of city staff and
The council has also held public hear- bia’s utilities director, about why it has “Do you think your department is
companies already under contract.
ings this summer on the capital improve- taken so long to replace downtown street capable of that or do we need to contract
that out to someone that could do the Treece called it a “public safety issue”
ments plan for fiscal 2021. It detailed the lights.
different infrastructure projects the city The fiscal 2021 budget includes whole thing?” Treece asked. because street lights are shown to pre-
plans to carry out in the coming fiscal $300,000 for 94 downtown street lights, Sorrell told the mayor that design chal- vent crime.

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August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 29

Welcome Back 2020

Curbside recycling suspended indefinitely in Columbia


lue bags full of recyclables
will be absent from Colum-
bia’s curbsides for the fore-
seeable future.
After weeks of irregular services
and years of staffing problems, the
city suspended curbside recycling
collections and urged residents to take
recyclable paper, cardboard, bottles,
cans and plastics to dumpsters placed
at one of 11 locations throughout the
The city decided to stop recycling
pickup mainly due to the challenge of
retaining employees, according to a
news release announcing the change.
Specifically, the city lacks enough
workers with commercial driver’s
licenses to complete both trash and
recycling routes five days a week.
The issue has been compounded by
the inability to sell recyclables, caus-
ing the city to lose money while pro-
viding incomplete service.
Columbia Sustainability Manager
Barbara Buffaloe said the city would
need a minimum of 13 qualified driv-
ers to run both routes every day. It is
consistently short by two or three, she
Ideally, each truck would have two
drivers with commercial driver’s
licenses alternate driving and picking
up trash. But Buffaloe said that given
the lack of qualified drivers, the city
has been hiring temporary employees
to ride on the backs of trucks while
one person drives the entire route.
Columbia spokesperson Brian
Adkisson said the only way for the ZEPHYRUS LI/Missourian
city to resume curbside recycling Rachel Harper disposes of recycling bags near the Tenth Street parking garage.
would be to hire and retain more driv-
ers with proper commercial driver’s
license certification who can also Director David Sorrell projected at “I feel like we sorta keep dipping ke said she was shocked when she
physically do the job. the May work session that the city our toes in the water, and we keep moved to the city and learned she had
“It’s a very dangerous job,” Adkis- would spend $600,000 on temporary saying it’s costing us a ton for our to put her trash and recyclables on
son said, “because you’re not only out workers for the trash utility this fiscal trash guys, and we’re injuring them, the street. Feeling bad for the trash
in the elements — from the extreme year. but we’re not really addressing what collectors, she agreed that having roll
cold to the extreme heat like today — The job’s high rate of injury turns our other options are,” Peters said. carts would be a safer option.
you’re physically running along with many away and also costs the city Buffaloe said roll carts are an Klempke said her blue bags have
the truck and lifting and throwing hundreds of thousands in annual option. They can be emptied into gar- been collected only once. Now she
heavy materials into the back of the worker compensation claims. To bage trucks automatically, meaning drops off her recycling about once a
truck.” attract more full-time workers, refuse a driver and more than one trash col- week at the location near Providence
The lack of drivers means the city collectors were given a raise to at lector would not be necessary on each Road and Nifong Boulevard.
can’t run its eight trash and four recy- least $17 per hour after the previ- route. Adkisson said he expects the City
cling routes to full capacity, forcing ous year’s raise to $15 per hour. The “It doesn’t require as much getting Council during the coming budget
them to prioritize trash collection. efforts have not been fruitful, howev- off and on the truck,” she explained, process to continue having conversa-
Staffing city workers isn’t a new er. “and it definitely makes it a safer tions with the public about how trash
problem for Columbia, especially The situation is dire enough that working environment.” and recycling service should look.
refuse collectors. some city officials contemplated Recently, the City Council shot down The coronavirus pandemic also
It’s one of the only places in Missou- another round of debate on whether an effort to put another roll cart ini- affected the city’s recycling pickup.
ri that hires city workers to handle to use roll carts for trash collection — tiative on the ballot in November. Along with employees being exposed
recycling from beginning to end. This or even hiring a private company to Opponents of roll carts are stead- to COVID-19 in May, bans on certain
includes collection, sorting and selling provide the service. Sixth Ward Coun- fast, however. They used an initiative recyclables being sold overseas has
materials. cilwoman Betsy Peters at a May 18 petition to place a moratorium on any negatively impacted markets. Specif-
The Missourian previously reported budget work session asked city staff discussion of roll carts on the ballot ically, Buffaloe said it’s been hard to
that the lack of full-time refuse col- to compile a report comparing the in March 2016, and 54% of voters get rid of plastics #3 through #7, some
lectors was costing the city more in cost of those options with the current approved it. of the most difficult materials to sell.
hiring temporary employees. Utilities city service. Columbia resident Amber Klemp- “When we were doing recycling,

30 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020

Welcome Back 2020
should strongly consider getting out of only six bags of trash per year at the
the recycling business, at least for the curbside.
time being. Schedler also worries the city’s
Some Columbia residents have drop-off recycling containers will
wondered aloud whether the city will always be full, given that more peo-
reduce their monthly utility bills, ple will be using them. That would
given that curbside recycling has force them to stack recyclables on the
been suspended indefinitely. A Tues- ground.
day news release from the city didn’t Buffaloe encouraged residents to
address that question. check inside recycling bins before
The rate the city charges residents leaving their bags on the ground.
for solid waste collection is based on Sometimes the bins are stacked high
the total volume of trash and recy- at the front and have more room
clables throughout the city, Adkisson toward the back.
said. Columbia resident Leon Jovanovic
“It’s essentially how much material
agreed and said that when recycling
goes to the landfill, either into a cell
containers are packed toward the
or through the recycling facility,” he
said. “It’s not whether it’s curbside or front, the arthritis in his shoulders
drop-off recycling.” makes it difficult for him to lift mate-
Adkisson said utility rates are rials into the containers.
MIKAYLA EASLEY/Missourian another topic the council will likely Adkisson said some of the collection
Collection bins are filled with recycling material at 3601 S. Providence Road. discuss when budgeting for fiscal sites are emptied daily, and he noted
2021. In May Sorrell proposed a 10% that the city is considering adding
increase for the utility. more drop-off sites, particularly north
even maybe five years ago, we could industry a blow with its Operation Columbia resident Rebecca Schedler of Interstate 70, where there is only
make even,” she said. “But now, with Sword mandate in 2017, through which said the city should charge residents one site, at the Home Depot.
recycling markets going down, it’s it stopped accepting recyclables from by the amount of trash they put out to “I should emphasize that we still
costing us to run the trucks and we’re other countries because of problems be collected, rather than charging a highly encourage residents to recycle
not getting a full return on our invest- with contamination such as greasy flat rate. materials,” Adkisson said, noting that
ment.” pizza boxes or plastics with dirty “I’ve been recycling as long as I can it is easier for crews to empty bins at
Columbia isn’t alone in struggling labels, according to a report by the remember ... Every time I have to put drop-off locations, and it’s possible
with the declining market for recy- Manhattan Institute. The report con- something in the trash, it makes me they’ll be able to do that more fre-
clables. China dealt the recycling cluded that municipal governments mad,” she said, estimating she puts quently now.

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August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 31

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32 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020

Welcome Back 2020

ZEPHYRUS LI • Missourian

EatWell, a natural food store owned by St. Louis-based

Schnucks markets opened in late July at 111 S. Providence
Road. EatWell offers natural, organic and freshly made food
to the university population and the community at large

ZEPHYRUS LI/Missourian
Some of the products for sale are seen at the EatWell grocery. EatWell is affiliated with the
Schnucks brand of stores.

ZEPHYRUS LI/Missourian
(ABOVE) Lindsay McEver checks her grocery list at the EatWell store. McEver was looking
for organic food products.
(BELOW) The new EatWell store, a Schnucks brand, opened in July on Providence Road.
EatWell is located at the site of the former Lucky’s Market and sells natural and organic
food items.

ZEPHYRUS LI/Missourian
Kayla Riel shops at the new EatWell store. As a regular customer of Lucky’s Market, she said she is
delighted to have a similar food store.
August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 33
Welcome Back 2020

Regal, Forum movie theaters reopened in August


he Regal Cinemas and the ments. For safe distancing, each audi- plan in the theater and wear masks in throughout every performance. People
Goodrich Forum 8 movie the- torium has capacity restrictions and a common areas, such as lobby, hallways who don’t comply with the rules will
ater reopened in August with minimum of three-seat spacing will be and concession areas. To avoid reuse be asked to leave but are welcome to
new safety and health proce- enforced between groups. of drink cups or tubs, customers need return once they are compliant.
dures. Social distancing decals will be to come to the concession counter for To keep social distancing, every
Goodrich Forum 8 movie theater placed on the floor at the concession refills to retrieve new ones. other register will be closed. The reser-
reopened Aug. 7. and box office lines. Shields will be put The procedures are based on guide- vation system will maintain two empty
The new ownership of the theater in the interface areas, such as the tick- lines from the Centers for Disease seats between groups, while customers
— GQT Movies — previously had et booth. Control and Prevention and feedback are requested to leave two seats dis-
announced plans to open earlier. Kelly In the lobbies and restrooms, sanitiz- received from employees and custom- tance at theaters where performances
Nash, vice president of marketing, said ing stations are provided. Employees ers, according to Regal Movies’ web- are non-reserved.
the delay was because the release of will use an electrostatic sanitizing site. The capacities of each auditorium
several movies had been pushed back machine to sanitize seats and other Greeters will be in the lobby to assist will be reduced to 50%.
or pulled. broad areas. They will allow extra time customers with new procedures. Customers are encouraged to enter
An affiliated theater, Capital 8 in Jef- between movies to sanitize the auditori- The Regal’s website gave this infor- their auditorium as soon as possible
ferson City, opened Aug. 14. ums properly. mation about specific procedures at its and leave the theater quickly at the end
Goodrich Quality Theaters filed for Employees are required to wear theaters: of their movie.
bankruptcy in early March, although
masks or face shields, and frequent Employees must wear masks all the The cinema also provides new con-
the theater remained open. The the-
hand washing and sanitizing is expect- time and wash their hands at a mini- tactless payment options to decrease
ater closed in March because of stay-
ed. They will follow specific protocols mum every 30 to 60 minutes. They will in-person contacts. Customers can pur-
at-home orders related to COVID-19,
on serving concessions to protect have daily health screenings, including chase concession items from the app.
according to the Forum 8 Facebook
customers. They will also be required temperature checks where required. Self-service condiment stands and
to finish a wellness check, including Customers will be required to wear arcade games are closed. Vending
Mason Asset Management and
taking temperature and filling out a face masks at all times while in the machines, water fountains, refills on
Namdar Realty Group purchased all
questionnaire. lobby, hallways and restrooms. They large drinks and popcorn, and services
assets of Goodrich Quality Theaters
Guests who are sick will not be also must wear masks in the auditori- in locations featuring diners, restau-
Inc., including most movie theaters,
according to a news release earlier this allowed to enter but can return when ums if they are not eating or drinking. rants and in-theatre ordering will be
month. They partnered with VIP Cin- feeling well. They must follow the 3Ss cEmployees will monitor auditoriums suspended.
emas to operate 22 theaters, including Locations with bars will stay open for
two in Missouri. walk-up service only.
To ensure guests’ safety, GQT Mov- Wall-mounted sanitizer dispensers
will be available on either side of the
ies has crafted a plan, referred to as
the 3Ss Plan: social distance, sanitize Social distancing decals will be main entrance. Employees will sanitize
and wash hands and safely follow rec- every auditorium and seat after each
ommendations, according to its news on the floor for concession and movie by using ULV foggers, new elec-
trostatic ‘fogger’ equipment, which is
The release gave this information
about safety standards being put in
box office lines, and employees highly effective in disinfecting materi-
als with a non-toxic formula that is fast
place at the theater:
Signs will be put in front of the facil-
will sanitize seats between films drying.
More information about reopening
ities to help guests know the require- can be found on Regal’s website.

Hy-Vee offers drive-by flu shots through Oct. 31


y-Vee, Inc. announced this lines for COVID-19 safety, includ- symptoms or who has had prolonged ■  Saturday: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
summer that the flu vac- ing enhanced cleaning regimens, exposure to a positive case is asked to Customers are advised to check
cine is available inside its social-distancing protocols and Plexi- wait the appropriate amount of time local stores for vaccine availability.
pharmacy locations without glas shields at registers and customer before receiving a vaccine.
an appointment or prescription and service counters. ■  Patients must wear a face cover- Flu vaccines are available at
will be offered as a drive-up option Hy-Vee said it has implemented ing. Hy-Vee pharmacies without a pre-
through Oct. 31. steps to ensure the safe administra- The release said drive-up flu vac- scription as allowed per state law —
The Centers for Disease Control tion of immunizations for patients cines will be offered during these in Missouri, for those age 7 and older,
and Prevention recommends people and pharmacy team members: times each week between through the release said.
six months and older get a flu vac- ■  All Hy-Vee pharmacy team mem- Oct. 31 in the parking lot of Hy-Vee
cine each year. bers are required to wear face masks pharmacy locations : Medicare and most insurance plans
In a news release, the company at all times. ■  Monday: 7-11 a.m. may cover the flu vaccine and other
said it continues to follow CDC guide- ■  Any patient with COVID-19-like ■  Thursday: 3-7 p.m. immunizations at no charge.
34 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020
Welcome Back 2020
Columbia College embraces
a new instructional mode The human-health path to
med, PA and dental school
olumbia College has offered as enrollment in its online programs has
online education for 20 years and remained steady. Only time will tell if
virtual classes for five. new students will gravitate to its online
Now, because of the pandemic, program once they decide whether or not
the college is offering students a flexible to return to other universities in August.
teaching model for the fall semester. She said the college has drawn on
The High-Flex program will allow stu- its experience with online and virtual
dents to choose each day how they want programs to make instructional plans
to attend classes, in-person or virtually. during the pandemic.
That means they can choose to attend “We’re just taking the things we’ve
in-person classes on a particular day and done together before and putting them
switch to virtual learning whenever they together differently,” she said.
like. Carli Buschjost, a senior majoring in
“We plan to provide an excellent edu- biology at Columbia College, said the new
cation to our students and want to keep teaching model can benefit both profes-
people safe,” said Piyusha Singh, provost sors and students.
and senior vice president of Columbia “Professors can teach in different
College. ways, and students can choose their ways
Singh said the approach gives students to learn. I think it will bring up more
the flexibility they need to take care of opportunities and keep everyone safe
their own needs. and comfortable ,” Buschjost said.
Singh highlighted the difference Columbia College has been prepar-
between virtual learning and online ing for in-person classes in the fall.
learning. “Online classes are asynchro- Classrooms and dining halls have been
nous, while the instruction of virtual restructured to ensure students maintain “The human interaction is awesome. A lot
classes is happening between the teach- 6 feet of social distance.
ers and students at the same time.” “If there’s a classroom that can’t have of the people in the research labs are
Singh said the college has offered mul- more than 10 students at social distance, undergrads who get to run test results or
tiple training opportunities on teaching we will lower the class capacity,” Singh
virtually that included information on said. go over the research protocols with study
technology and the pedagogical require- Students will also be required to wear subjects before their research sessions.”
ments of teaching remotely. masks to attend in-person classes.
The college has more than 800 under- The changes aren’t over, Singh said. — Caleigh Smith, Mizzou class of 2018
graduate courses offered through the “We all need to learn to respond to the
online program, along with 29 online accelerated pace of change,” she said.
degrees and more than 4,702 online pro- “And I really think that Columbia Col-
gram students nationwide, according to lege is modeling that for our students.
data on its website. We’re in a very intense situation, and Mizzou’s undergraduate program in Human
The college also gets a lot of transfer rather than just do the same old thing, Physiology & Translational Sciences takes
students. we’re using a crisis to see where we can
The numbers haven’t changed much innovate and how we can support our students to the forefront of medical research.
since the pandemic began, Singh said, students in different ways.” Coursework delves into critical analysis of
research methods, evaluation of scientific
publications and instruction on how to write
30 employees laid off in budget research grants. And students can get hands-
on undergraduate research experience in the
trimming at Stephens College lab, in the clinic and in the field.


tephens College cut its annual clear that these workforce reductions
operating budget by $1.2 million still were necessary.” (573) 882-4288
with the layoffs of 30 employees. Each of the employees has been
The cuts were made across all offered a severance package. Twitter: @Mizzou_NEP
departments and programs, the school As Stephens College began to reopen, Instagram: @mizzou_nep
said in a news release. staff started a staggered return to cam- Facebook: @NutritionandExercisePhysiology
“Stephens worked energetically to
pus. Students began returning to campus
retain its workforce over the past several Email: Dr. Catherine Peterson,
months, even as many institutions moved Aug. 16.
Stephens will require daily health NEP Director of Undergraduate Studies,
more quickly to layoffs and furloughs,”
screenings of employees, students and
college President Dianne Lynch said.
“But the pandemic continues to present visitors. Other precautions Stephens
extraordinary challenges for all of us. College will enforce include adhering to
After reducing expenses through other social distancing guidelines and requir-
means to the extent possible, it became ing face coverings.
August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 35
Welcome Back 2020

A Band of Brothers plays downtown on weekends


f you have had the occasion to stroll down Broadway
on any given Saturday in March through November,
chances are you have heard the Band of Brothers. A
busker band, with somewhat fluid membership, the
core of the band is made up of brothers Lionelle and Mike
Miller, and Mike del Rosario.
The Miller brothers got started after Lionelle saw some
other people playing on the street. “It looked like a lot of
fun, so one night I just grabbed my keyboard and came out
and tried it. I had a blast. I’ve been hooked on it ever since,”
Miller said. Del Rosario joined them about a year later.
Remarkably, Lionelle Miller estimates that the band has
played in downtown Columbia nearly every weekend for
six years and has missed only six or seven weekends, not
counting the period of tighter COVID-19 restrictions this
spring. Their dedication has allowed them to build a loyal
fan base. “We have people who regularly come by, who
have been coming by to see us play for years,” said Miller.
“I think with all of the craziness going on, especially now,
it kind of takes them away from everything that’s going
on in their lives,” he said. “It’s just a time to sort of enjoy
music or hear their favorite song. It’s a time to get away.”
Mike and Lionelle have both been playing music for about
30 years and are multi-instrumentalists. Lionelle plays
keyboard when busking, but also plays guitar, violin, viola,
cello, bass and the drums.
Mike Miller plays electric guitar and sings for Band of
Brothers, but can also play piano, bass, violin, harmonica
and the drums. Del Rosario plays acoustic guitar. While
this trio represents the typical makeup of the band, Lionelle
Miller says they regularly welcome “brothers from other
mothers and sisters from other misters.”
Originally from St. Louis, the Miller brothers moved to
Columbia with their mother in 1985. Mike has a degree in
theater from MU. Lionelle has been in the information tech-
nology field for about 30 years and currently works for MU. LEANNE TIPPETT MOSBY/Missourian
Del Rosario, who works as a med tech, also came to Colum- From left, brothers Mike Miller and Lionelle Miller busk July 4 on Broadway at Ninth Street. Known as the Band of Brothers,
bia from St. Louis. they have been playing downtown during the months of March through November nearly every weekend for six years.


Mike del Rosario’s tablet sits atop his speaker in downtown Columbia. Del Rosario uses the tablet
with an app called Musician’s Notebook to record chord changes while learning a new song.
From left, Lionelle Miller and Mike del Rosario work out the chord
changes for “Georgia on my Mind” on July 12 in downtown Columbia.
36 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020
Welcome Back 2020
Parson signs new law making
motorcycle helmets optional

ov. Mike Parson gave his seal sports stadiums.
of approval to several new laws The bill will go into effect Aug. 28.
in July, including removing pro-
visions for motorcycle helmets, Reining in medical marijuana
limiting some medical marijuana sales While several pieces of legislation
and streamlining testing of sexual assault regarding Missouri’s controversial med-
kits. ical marijuana licensing process came to
This year’s hectic and shortened legis- a stop during the COVID-19 pandemic,
lative session caused many lawmakers to lawmakers were able to pass House Bill
curtail or forgo several pieces of legisla- 1896. The law has new rules about how
tion. In several cases, lawmakers relied marijuana can be marketed and sold.
on creating massive omnibus bills tacked Marijuana edibles cannot be sold in the
with amendments, many of which Parson
If you are seeking a career in understanding and
shape of humans, animals or fruits. The
signed. At the same time, he vetoed House packaging and logos fall under the same advocating for healthy human development and
Bill 1854 and said several of the bill’s provisions. Future rules will also be cre- relationships, HDFS is for you!
provisions did not relate to its original ated so medical marijuana edibles do not
purpose. appeal to minors.
“This year’s legislative session was very
challenging for obvious reasons,” Par-
HB 1682 also requires employees and ABOUT HUMAN DEVELOPMENT & FAMILY SCIENCE
owners of medical marijuana facilities to
son said in a statement about the bills he submit fingerprints to the Missouri State As human beings, we learn and develop throughout the lifespan, and we
signed. “However, the General Assembly Highway Patrol for Department of Health do so through interactions with family members, teachers, schools, peers,
pushed through these challenges and con- & Senior Services background checks.
tinued to work for the people of Missouri. romantic partners, social media, and cultural experiences.
We appreciate their efforts to get several Testing sexual assault kits
important pieces of legislation across the
finish line despite the unprecedented cir-
cumstances of COVID-19.”
Last year, the attorney general’s office
began making its way through over 6,000
untested rape kits. Now, Senate Bill 569
The complete list of legislation signed
by Parson can be found on the governor’s
provides a process to streamline the pro-
cess that tests these kits in the future.
website. The legislation creates the “Justice • Child Development and Education
for Survivors Act,” the “Sexual Assaults • Child Life
Helmets no longer required Survivors’ Bill of Rights,” the “Missouri
Under House Bill 1963, motorcyclists Rights of Victims of Sexual Assault Task • Family and Lifespan Development
over the age of 26 will no longer be Force” and evidential collection kits.
required to wear a helmet, so long as they In what became another omnibus bill, ONLINE PROGRAM:
can provide proof of health insurance. the original legislation established a pro- • Early Childhood Education in a Mobile Society
Parson vetoed a similar bill in 2019, cess to test sexual assault kits easier while
which would have allowed motorcyclists allowing victims to track its status.
over 18 to ride without helmets.
Motorcyclists are required to have a
health insurance policy that covers the
In addition, the bill now protects vic-
tims’ rights by providing mental health
resources while the assault is being inves-
medical costs of injuries from motorcycle
accidents. While police will be able to ask
tigated by police and creates a telehealth
network for medical professionals con-
to see insurance, they cannot stop drivers ducting examinations. • MA/MS in Human Development and Family Science
just to see if they are following the law. The legislation was one of the most • PhD in Human Environmental Sciences, emphasis in HDFS
In addition, local governments will not bipartisan-supported bills during the 2020
be able to enforce their own laws that
require helmets.
Maureen Cunningham, executive direc- Parson says no to taxing districts • MA in Family and Community Services
tor of the Brain Injury Association of Mis- HB 1854, another massive omnibus bill, • MA in Gerontology
souri, said in a statement that the repealed was vetoed by the governor because of its
law will cost the state in lives lost and • MA in Youth Development
many amendments. The legislation would
additional health care costs. have altered how local governments cre- • Gerontology Graduate Certificate
“It is unfortunate that Gov. Parson ate taxing districts but included provisions • Youth Development Specialist Graduate Certificate
chose to ignore calls, emails and letters Parson felt were unrelated.
from organizations and individuals,” Cun- “It is my judgment that the intent of • Youth Development Program Management and Evaluation
ningham said. “Instead, he decided to add these constitutional requirements was not Graduate Certificate
to the Missouri Budget shortfall, allow fulfilled in this instance due to the con-
higher costs to Missouri taxpayers and straints imposed upon the General Assem-
increase waiting lists for services for indi- bly by the recent outbreak of COVID-19,” /HDFSMIZZOU @MIZZOUHDFS @MIZZOU_HDFS
viduals with brain injury.” Parson wrote in the veto letter.
The original legislation with the helmet Taxing districts are often created in


change was related to identifying funding Missouri to fund special projects. Cur-
for a testing facility for the hyperloop rent law states they must be approved by
transportation system. HB 1963 also cre- voters within the borders of the proposed
ates new restrictions for flying drones district, but HB 1854 would have changed
over prisons, mental health facilities and that to voters of an entire municipality.
August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 37
Welcome Back 2020

Medicaid expansion prevails in a tight statewide race


fter years of Republican opposi-
tion, Missouri on Aug. 4 became
the 38th state to expand Medic-
aid as voters approved Constitu-
tional Amendment 2.
The final vote was 672,967 Missouri
voters who approved, or 53.3%, with
590,809 opposed, or 46.7%.
Voters in Boone County voted in favor
of expansion by a large margin. With all
49 precincts reporting, 23,697 — or 67%
— voted “yes,” according to the county
clerk’s website.
Only seven of Missouri’s 114 coun-
ties approved Medicaid expansion. In
addition to Boone, they included Greene
(Springfield), Clay and Jackson (Kansas
City suburbs), Platte, St. Charles (a St.
Louis suburb) and St. Louis County. The
city of St. Louis, which isn’t a county,
also approved.
“Access to health care has never been
more important than it is right now.
Today’s historic victory for Amendment
2 highlights that when it comes to the
care of our neighbors and the health of
our ailing economy, Medicaid expansion
uniquely unites Missourians,” A.J. Bock-
elman, the campaign manager for Yes
on 2: Healthcare for Missouri, said in a
Medicaid will now expand under the
provisions of the 2010 Affordable Care
Act. The expansion is expected to offer
health care to as many as 230,000 Mis-
sourians between the ages 19 and 65 and
create over 16,000 jobs.
When implemented, 90% of the health
care coverage for new Medicaid enroll-
ees under expansion are paid for by the
federal government. Amendment 2’s fis-
cal note created by the state auditor pre-
dicts that, if passed by voters, it would
cost $2 billion per year between the state
and federal government. Missouri’s 10%
responsibility would be an additional
$200 million.
Medicaid expansion has been a key
issue among Missouri’s lawmakers as
well — particularly in the state race for
governor. During a virtual election night
rally, State Auditor Nicole Galloway, who
won the Democratic nomination for gov-
ernor, said she would implement expan-
sion at no cost to Missouri taxpayers.
“I’ve said all along that Medicaid
expansion brings billions to Missou-
ri — the best economic development
deal we’ve ever seen — and that we can
expand health care without raising taxes
or cutting other programs,” Galloway
After years of Republican opposition in
the state legislature, supporters of Med- ZEPHYRUS LI/Missourian
icaid expansion turned in nearly twice as Laura Wells puts an “I Voted” sticker on her T-shirt Aug. 4 at the Columbia Public Library.
many petition signatures in May to place
the initiative on the ballot. so the state could sooner understand fiscal year 2021, about 25% of the state’s sion itself drew many voters to the ballot
Shortly afterward, Gov. Mike Parson, its financial situation moving forward general revenue budget. boxes Tuesday, according to those who
who had been against Medicaid expan- during the COVID-19 pandemic. The issue appeared on the ballot spoke with Missourian reporters.
sion, announced that the initiative would Prior to the Aug. 4 vote, Medicaid costs alongside nominees for state, county and “I think (Medicaid expansion) is a
appear on the primary election ballot to the state represented $2.5 billion in congressional offices. Medicaid expan- great option for us and should be good
38 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020
Welcome Back 2020
boxes Tuesday, according to those who but I don’t think that it should be written rians for approving the ballot initiative. but especially those hardworking, yet
spoke with Missourian reporters. into the Constitution. You are not able to Throughout its campaign, Medicaid low-income individuals caught in the cov-
“I think (Medicaid expansion) is a go in there to change the budget if you expansion received support from orga- erage gap. However, today’s affirmation
great option for us and should be good run out of money. We don’t have $200 nizations such as the American Heart
for revenue for hospitals, so they are million to do this right now.” of Medicaid expansion by voters, marks
Association, the Missouri Hospital Asso-
not always getting the bailouts,” said The cost of Medicaid expansion has ciation and the Missouri Chamber of a beginning rather than an end,” said
Brandon Blalock, 25, while voting at Uni- troubled others who oppose it as well. Commerce. Herb Kuhn, president and CEO of the
tarian Universalist Church of Columbia. Opponents of Medicaid expansion have “This is a victory for all Missourians, Missouri Hospital Association.
“People can actually seek health care repeatedly said the only way the state
when they necessarily couldn’t afford it can afford to pay for new enrollees is by
otherwise. I know some people don’t go shifting money from other resources,
to the doctor because they don’t have any such as education or public safety.
money.” Missouri State Treasurer Scott Fitzpat-
Missouri’s Medicaid program cur- rick agreed. He said the General Assem-
rently does not offer health care to most bly wouldn’t want to raise taxes to pay
adults without children and has a low-in- for the program, and money would likely
come eligibility threshold for parents, a need to be shifted from elsewhere.
group known as the healthcare coverage “The only other area really large
gap. When expansion is fully implement- enough that you can go to and really cut
ed, the program will offer coverage to a good chunk of money is education,”
Missourians earning up to 138% of the Fitzpatrick said.
federal poverty level, about $18,000 for However, evidence from other states
single adults or $30,000 for a family of shows that states with expanded Medic-
three. aid programs have actually saved money
Because Medicaid expansion was on through less uncompensated care, more
the ballot as a constitutional amendment, jobs, increased economic activity and
lawmakers are not able to make changes other measures.
to the provision unless they are approved A fiscal analysis by the Center for
by voters in the future. Health Economics and Policy at Wash-
Voter Jefferson Daubitz, 21, said he ington University in St. Louis predicted
was concerned about how the initiative expansion would save the state up to $39
was presented. million after implementation costs.
“I support this idea, but I am person- Supporters also said the additional
ally not for constitutionally mandating funds would stabilize the state’s strug- ZEPHYRUS LI/Missourian
Medicaid expansion,” Daubitz said. “I gling rural hospitals and clinics. John Fifield walks toward a voting station Aug. 4 at the Roger B. Wilson Boone County Government
understand the idea behind expanding it, Several organizations praised Missou- Center. Fifield has lived in Columbia for two and a half years and seldom misses any elections.

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August 27, 2020 // Columbia Missourian // 39

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40 // Columbia Missourian // August 27, 2020

Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 • 75 CENTS

CAROLYN KASTER/The Associated Press


COVID-19 UPDATE: Cases: 7,284 Deaths: 18 MU TOTAL ACTIVE CASES: 145

Locals react Biden says U.S. delivered ‘a clear victory’ Henry

nents as our enemy,” he
said. “We are not enemies.
Kirklin gets
The Associated Press
We are Americans.”
Biden, 77, staked his
candidacy less on any
distinctive political ideol-
BY SKYLAR LAIRD, ocrat Joe Biden defeated
ogy than on galvanizing a
ADAM JACKSON President Donald Trump
broad coalition of voters
AND MARK OSSOLINSKI to become the 46th presi-
around the notion that dent of the U.S. on Satur- BY DREW HOFBAUER
Trump posed an existen-
day and offered himself to
Cheers erupted Saturday tial threat to American
the nation as a leader who
throughout downtown Colum- democracy. The strate-
“seeks not to divide, but to Born enslaved, Henry
gy, as well as an appeal
bia as a small white car with a unify” a country gripped Kirklin became one of the
to Americans fatigued
giant cutout of President-elect by a historic pandemic best-known plant authorities
by Trump’s disruptions
Joe Biden’s face sticking out and a confluence of eco- of his era.
and wanting a return to
of its sunroof drove through nomic and social turmoil. In time, he earned an
a more traditional pres-
the streets. “I sought this office enduring reputation as a
idency, proved effective
Media outlets projected to restore the soul of gardener, entrepreneur, inter-
and resulted in pivotal
Biden as the 46th president America,” Biden said nationally recognized horti-
victories in Michigan and
Saturday morning after his in a prime-time victory ANDREW HARNIK/The Associated Press culturist and perhaps the first
Wisconsin as well as Penn-
victory in Pennsylvania put speech not far from his Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and President-elect Joe Biden Black instructor at MU.
sylvania, onetime Dem-
him over the 270 electoral Delaware home, “and to greet the crowd from the stage Saturday in Wilmington, Del. When he died in 1938, he
ocratic bastions that had
votes needed to win the White make America respected flipped to Trump in 2016. was buried in the Columbia
around the world again through a surge of mail-in he understood their dis-
House. Biden supporters Biden’s victory was a Cemetery, where his grave
and to unite us here at votes that delayed process- appointment but adding,
in Columbia were relieved, repudiation of Trump’s remained unmarked for 82
home.” ing. “Let’s give each other a years. Until this week.
while Trump supporters were Trump refused to con- chance.” divisive leadership and
upset. All agreed, however, Biden crossed the win- the president-elect now During a celebration Fri-
ning threshold of 270 cede, threatening further “It’s time to put away the day, the long-awaited mark-
that nothing was over just yet. legal action on ballot harsh rhetoric, to lower inherits a deeply polarized
The election formally Electoral College votes nation grappling with er was placed on Kirklin’s
with a win in Pennsyl- counting. But Biden used the temperature, to see grave by his admirers from
continues as states tally the his acceptance speech as each other again, to listen foundational questions
vania. His victory came of racial justice and eco- the Boone County Historical
last of their ballots. Trump’s an olive branch to those to each other again, to
after more than three Society; Columbia Center for
Please see REACTION, days of uncertainty as who did not vote for him, make progress, we must Please see BIDEN, Urban Agriculture; Friends of
Page 6A election officials sorted telling Trump voters that stop treating our oppo- Page 4A the Historic Columbia Cem-
etery; Sharp End Heritage
Committee; and MU College
of Agriculture, Food and

County dashboard states ‘no issues,’


despite COVID-19 inpatient increases
Classifieds8B BY KATHERINE REED the number of inpatients in University Hospital — med-
Obituaries2A Boone County hospitals has ical directors are talking to
Opinion7A risen. A number that had just Columbia/Boone County Pub-
People who’ve been watch- lic Health and Human Ser-
Sports1B barely broken into double
ing Boone County’s COVID- vices to come up with metrics
Sudoku9B digits in late spring has now
19 dashboard during the pan- that more accurately indicate
TV schedule 10B passed 100.
demic have seen the “hospital the capacity for patients in
situation” stay green. As in, A major contributor has
been the increase in infec- the hospitals.
it’s a go. Nothing to see here, “We were hearing that the
Our 113th year/#38 folks. tions in rural counties,
including several around situation in the hospitals is
2 sections For all of the metrics — worse than what our metrics
20 pages floor, ICU and step-down Boone where there are no
would indicate,” said Health
beds, PPE, staffing, blood mask mandates and no social
products and ventilator avail- distancing rules. Henry Kirklin stands in his garden
tor Scott Clardy.
ability — the message has To better reflect the actual with his grandson, Lorenzo Robert
“We have hospitals that are
been, “no issues.” situation in the hospitals — going on diversion at differ- Kirklin, in about 1914, according
Yet for months, and espe- Truman Veterans’ Hospital, to the Friends of the Historic
6 54051 90850 3 cially in the past few weeks, Boone Hospital Center and Please see COVID, Page 3A Columbia Cemetery.
Page 2A — Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN

More elementary schools to return to remote learning
BY CEY’NA S SMITH Cedar Ridge Elementary School will learn virtually
Monday through Wednesday
Locust Street Expressive to allow for cleaning of the
Arts Elementary School and building. Cedar Ridge students
Cedar Ridge Elementary are expected to return for
SUNDAY’S School are the latest schools in-person learning Thursday.
FORECAST: to return to remote instruc- Locust Street Expressive
tion because of student Arts Elementary School will
HIGH 74° LOW 61° illness and staffing issues transition from in-person
related to the pandemic as of learning to virtual learning
Mostly sunny and warm. Wednesday. beginning Monday. Students
In the past week, seven are expected to return for
Sunrise 6:44 a.m. Columbia Public Schools in-person learning Nov. 17.
Sunset 5:01 p.m. have transitioned back to West Boulevard, Derby
virtual learning. Ridge and Alpha Hart Lewis
MONDAY Students at West Bou- students can report back Nov.
High 76° Low 61° levard, Ridgeway, Derby 17, while preschool students
Mostly sunny, with a 30% chance Ridge and Alpha Hart Lewis at the Center for Early Learn-
of rain overnight. elementary schools and the ing-North can return Nov. 19.
preschool classrooms at The date of return for Ridge-
TUESDAY the Center for Early Learn- way students is Thursday.
High 65° Low 33° ing-North have all switched As of Saturday, 23 district
Rain likely, with temperatures back to learning remotely employees are currently iso-
dropping. for a limited period of time. lating after testing positive
Each school transitioned to for COVID-19, and 124 are in
WEDNESDAY remote learning because of quarantine after reporting
High 55° Low 35° staffing shortages because close contacts, according to
Sunny and cool. of the COVID-19 pandemic. the district tracker.
Both Locust Street While the superintendent
Expressive Arts Elementary and district administrators
Data for NOV. 7, 2020
and Cedar Ridge Elementa- can make decisions for short-
ry schools have been shar- term closures, the Columbia
HIGH LOW ing the Cedar Ridge school School Board makes the deci-
74° 47° building because of con- sion to return to full in-per- ERIN QUINN/Missourian
58° Normal 39° struction at Locust Street son classes or full virtual West Boulevard Elementary School is one of seven schools that transitioned to remote learning during the past
Expressive Arts. education. week because of COVID-19-related staffing issues.
83° Record 5°
(1915) (1991)
40° Year ago 22°
Police contacts Parents scramble after schools abruptly go virtual
are cut as virus BY PILI SWANSON earlier in the week. Preschool “They, of course, were not “First and foremost, my
WE HELP? cases increase
Seven elementary schools
classrooms at the Center for
Early Learning-North also
happy that they would be
back home again.”
concern is for the health
and safety for our kids, our
OUR OFFICES are located at pivoted to remote learning. One of Weirich’s children teachers and our community,”
BY WICKER PERLIS in Columbia transitioned
221 S. Eighth St. On Friday, the school dis- prefers a set routine, and the Barnes said. “Even before the
Columbia, MO 65201 to remote learning in the
trict announced that Locust back and forth is difficult for decision was announced, my
WE ARE OPEN 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday past week because of
through Friday. The Columbia Missourian The Columbia Police COVID-19-related staffing Street Expressive Arts and him, she said. husband and I were watching
is published five days a week except for Department announced issues. Cedar Ridge elementary She had an inkling of the the cases go up.”
the day after Christmas. Friday it will be reducing That has caused parents schools would be the latest to change Thursday, she said, Barnes said she had antici-
MAILING ADDRESS: in-person contacts due to a to scramble to make alter- return to remote instruction. after a comment was made by pated going remote based on
The Columbia Missourian
spike in COVID-19 cases. native plans for themselves The change is expected to one of her children’s teachers. the district’s 14-day tracker
P.O. Box 917 be short term, according to That afternoon she received numbers Wednesday. She said
Columbia, MO 65205 These changes, which took and their children. While
PHONE: 882-5700 effect Saturday, will primar- they understand the need the district, with students an email announcement. she was surprised not to get
EMAIL: ily impact officers’ roles in for schools to remain safe, able to return to their class- “It was a half day’s notice an email until Thursday.
ON THE WEB: traffic, their ability to con- it can be jarring to their rooms later this month. that the next morning they Shannyn North, whose son
OUR POLICY: The Missourian’s policy duct in-person reports and schedules. West Boulevard, Derby wouldn’t be at school but at attends Paxton Keeley Ele-
is to check all local stories for accuracy access to the police station. Megan Weirich, parent Ridge, Alpha Hart Lewis and home,” she said. mentary, said she believes
before publication. If you are a source of
All calls will be reviewed to fifth and second grade Locust Street Expressive Arts Another West Boulevard the district should fully
information, and we don’t double-check it students are due to return parent, Katie Barnes, has two switch to remote learning.
with you, please let us know. If you spot by supervisors to decide on students at West Boulevard
a mistake, let us know that, too. Call the a case-by-case basis wheth- Elementary School, always Nov. 17, while preschool stu- children, one in kindergarten “We should all have seen
newsroom at 882-5720. er an in-person response thought her children would dents at the Center for Early and another in second grade. this was coming in the past
PRINT AND DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION with is safe or necessary, Chief be learning virtually at Learning-North may return Barnes, a seasonal wedding week,” she said.
delivery in Columbia is $9.95 per month. Geoff Jones said. some point during the school Nov. 19. The expected return photographer, has been work- As of Saturday evening, a
DIGITAL ONLY SUBSCRIPTION is $5.95 A factor in the decision is year. date for Ridgeway and Cedar ing from home. total of 23 district employees
per month.
whether or not the situation “But I didn’t expect it to Ridge students is Thursday. “I think already having were isolating after testing
HOME DELIVERY is $119.40 per year is considered life-threat- be so soon, and for it to be Weirich, a stay-at-home done a bunch of online, it is positive for COVID-19, and
inside Columbia. 124 have been quarantined
ening, which may include the whole school,” she said. mom, said the situation not such a drastic shift to go
DELIVERY BY MAIL is $119.40 per year wasn’t the strain on her fami- back to it now,” Barnes said. after reporting close con-
in Boone County, $155.84 per year in the instances of domestic “I do understand that it was
rest of Missouri and $173.83 per year to violence, missing persons, because of staffing issues, ly it might be for others. Still, “(My children) are doing well tacts, according to the dis-
all other states. active assault, sexual assault which is a problem.” she said her children were because of their teachers. trict tracker. Of those district
POSTMASTER: Please send or child abuse and neglect. West Boulevard Elementa- upset about the news. The teachers have been phe- employees, 10 had tested pos-
address changes to: The department is lim- ry School switched to virtual “When I went to pick them nomenal at dealing with the itive, and 60 were in quaran-
Columbia Missourian iting access to the police education Thursday after up from school yesterday, back and forth.” tine from elementary schools.
(USPS 124-060 ISSN: 747-1874) P.O. Box
917, Columbia, MO 65205. station. The only entrance Ridgeway, Derby Ridge they opened the car and the Barnes said both her chil- The Columbia School Board
Periodicals postage paid at C­ olumbia, open to the public will be and Alpha Hart elementary first thing they said was dren’s teachers had already is scheduled to meet for its
Missouri at 600 E. Walnut St. Access schools made the transition ‘Zoom,’’’ Weirich said. touched base with her. regular session Monday.
PUBLISHED by the to the lobby is limited to an
Missourian Publishing Assoc. emergency situation.
Clark Edgar Dalton, Alex Edward Palmer Sr.,
Sept. 28, 1933 — Nov. 5, 2020 Nov. 2, 1942 — Nov. 2, 2020
Clark Edgar Dalton, 87, of and, most of all, family. He Alex Edward Palmer Sr., buildings in mid-Missouri.
Columbia died Nov. 5, 2020, at was everyone’s favorite 78, of Columbia died Nov. 2, Alex also worked as a
University Hospital. uncle. Clark was also one of 2020, at his home. millwright. He worked for
He was born Sept. 28, 1933, the largest fundraisers for A graveside service will Ameren Missouri at the
in Leadington, Missouri, to St. Jude Children’s Research be conducted 2 p.m. Thurs- nuclear power plant in reform
Carl and Viola (Dillard) Dalton. Hospital. day, Nov. 12 at Memorial on the refueling team. He
Clark graduated from high Left behind to miss him Park Cemetery. spent many years working at
school in Esther, Missouri, is his wife, Alleta Dalton, of Alex was born Nov. 2, the MU Power Plant, as well.
and enlisted in the U.S. Army, the home; daughters Robin 1942, in Warrensburg, the He had many talents and
where he (Russell) Shay and Renatta son of used them to earn a living, as
served his Jeffries, all of Columbia; sis- John well as help his friends and
country in ter Betty Neff of Park Hills; Stewart family in many ways.
the Kore- brother Garry Dalton of and Lula In his younger days, he
an War. Deloge; grandchildren Jere- Eaton enjoyed scuba diving and rid-
He mar- my, Beth Ann, Aimee, Jenny, Stewart, ing motorcycles. In his later
ried the Jessica, Kristen, Amanda who years, he enjoyed the time
love of his and Ryan; 15 great grand- he spent with his friends and
life, Alleta children; and many nieces, family. He also loved his four-
Wampler, nephews and other family legged friends.
ed him
Feb. 18, members. He was preced- Alex is survived by his chil-
in death.
1956, in ed in death by his parents; ALEX PALMER‌ dren, Pam Kroeger (Steve)
CLARK DALTON‌ Flat River, At a and Alex Palmer (Linda);
daughter Sherry Dalton;
Missouri. brothers Leroy Dalton and young brother Rienzo Palmer Jr;
Clark was employed as a Delmar Dalton; brother-in- age, Alex was blessed with a four grandchildren, Nick
salesman for Singer Sewing law Don Neff; and son-in-law stepfather, Rienzo Palmer. Kroeger (Amy), Sam Kroeger
Machines, Ford Motor Com- Allen Jeffries. Alex was united in mar- (Hayley), Dakota Palmer,
pany and retired from Plaza Services will be held pri- riage to Harri Anne Palmer, Arrianna Palmer; and a host
Tire, where he had worked vately for the family. A Cel- who preceded him in death of cousins, nieces and neph-
for over 30 years. He even ebration of Life will be held in 1996. ews.
continued to work part time at a later date. Alex was a long term resi- In addition to his parents
after retirement. Clark was a Memorials may be made in dent of Columbia, attending and wife, Alex was preceded
member of Dripping Springs his honor to Dripping Springs Hickman High School. After in death by sister Gladman
Christian Church. Christian Church or St. Jude graduation, he joined the Palmer and his brother Rich-
His nickname was “Cow- Children’s Research Hospital. U.S. Air Force. Later he ard Palmer.
boy” because of his love for Arrangements are under would work in construction, In lieu of flowers memo-
horses. He loved the Lord, the direction of Nilson where he helped construct rials may be made to the
horses, trail rides, singing Funeral Home. many large commercial donor’s choice.

Armin William Kable Jr.,

Nov. 10, 1930 — Nov. 4, 2020
Armin William Kable Jr., son, John Kable; grandson
89, of Sturgeon died Wednes- Ian (wife Rachel) Kable;
day, Nov. 4, 2020. He was great-grandson Logan; and
born Nov. 10, 1930. There will great-granddaughter Gene-
be no services.
He was preceded in death vieve.
by a son, Robert Kable, in Online condolences may be
2019. left for the family at nilsonfu-
Survivors include one
COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 — Page 3A

One of the first Black MU instructors receives headstone

KIRKLIN from Page 1A his strawberry proceeds for
the second daughter.
Natural Resources.
Kirklin took pride in the
They had started a GoFund-
quality of his plants. “There’s
Me campaign in July 2019
no humbuggery here,” he said
that eventually raised $8,000
in an article published in the
from at least 100 donors.
During the ceremony, He shrewdly saved seeds
James Whitt, chairman of the and selected only the best to
Sharp End Heritage Commit- start the next crop. During
tee, noted Kirklin’s influence the winter, he studied seed
in horticulture and agricul- catalogs and gardening books
ture within the context of his to learn the newest methods.
background and education. One was overhead spray irri-
“Kirklin believed that no gation, which he adapted for
matter what your educational his property in Columbia.
level was, based on your pas- His ingenuity attracted
sion, from the work that you the attention of farm journal
want to do, you can be suc- editors all over the country,
cessful,” he said. and he was often compared
Chris Campbell, executive to Booker T. Washington, the
director of the Boone County Missourian reported.
Historical Society, appealed William L. Nelson, a fel-
to the community to continue low farmer and state politi-
recognizing Kirklin’s pioneer- cian serving several terms
ing achievements. between 1919 and 1943, said
“Let us all commit to doing this about Kirklin: “While
more in this community,” he denied the privilege of much
said. “Keep Henry Kirklin’s book learning, Henry Kirklin
legacy alive.” is yet an educated man. The
Kirklin was born to a slave school in which he was edu-
mother in 1858 on the old cated gives no diplomas, but
James Bowling farm, 9 miles its course is thorough and the
east of Columbia. After his work exacting.”
mother “fetched” him out of Nancy Thomas speaks to the public at the Henry Kirklin memorial Friday in Columbia. Kirklin, a former slave, was the first Black instructor at MU.
Friday afternoon, Billy
slavery in 1863, he spent the Polansky, executive director
his ability was quickly recog- ery work “unlimited.” arm, eventually crossing
rest of his life in Columbia as of the Columbia Center for
nized and he began to teach In 1880, Kirklin married town in a horse-drawn wagon.
a free man. Urban Agriculture, described
lab classes. Martha “Mattie” Moss, and “Uncle Henry,” as he was
He was introduced to plants Kirklin’s gardening ability
This was when the univer- they had two daughters and known, recorded every trans-
as a boy, working for J.B. as unparalleled. “I don’t want
Douglas, a local nurseryman, sity was segregated, so Kirk- raised two nieces. Three action and built a reputation
this headstone to mark the
for 30 cents a day. The next lin had to teach plant propa- years after they married, for fair dealing with his
end of Mr. Kirklin’s recog-
year he earned 40 cents, gation to his white students the Kirklins purchased half meticulous book-keeping.
nition in this community,”
then 75 cents and finally $1 a outdoors. He often described an acre on what was then His garden production was Polansky said. “I want to see
day six years later. himself as “the only negro the outskirts of Columbia to legendary. One year, he plant- his name on street signs and
For several years, he who ever taught at the Uni- start a commercial fruit and ed 2,300 lettuce heads; 700 on buildings.”
worked under two German versity of Missouri.” vegetable farm. cabbage plants; up to 3,000 The center has started the
gardeners who were experts Eventually, he was put in Their house on West Swit- sweet potato plants; rows of Henry Kirklin Black Farmer
in their field but severe task- charge of a division of the zler Street became home to beets, spring onions, radishes, Scholarship Fund to support
masters. At night, Kirklin Horticultural Experiment Kirklin’s prospering garden- sweet and hot pepper plants; aspiring farmers who want to
would return after supper to Station at the university. ing business, where he grew and tomatoes. Another year, start their own businesses.
review work he was afraid Under his supervision, hun- and sold fruits, vegetables Rodney Sheley reacts as he listens he raised 14,000 quarts of “I want kids to learn about
wouldn’t meet their approval. dreds of students learned the and seedlings to Columbia to the other speakers present at strawberries on a three-quar- Henry Kirklin in school,”
Leaving that job at age art of pruning and grafting. residents. the Henry Kirklin memorial on ter acre plot, earning enough Polansky said, “and I want
23, he became a greenhouse A clipping from the Columbia He pushed a wheelbarrow Friday. Sheley, an actor, portrayed to build a house for one mar- this headstone to be the begin-
supervisor for the MU Hor- Evening Missourian in 1919 or peddled produce door-to- Kirklin as a character at the History ried daughter. The next year, ning of a wave of recognition
ticulture Department, where called his knowledge of nurs- door with baskets on each Comes Alive performance last year. he built another house from of his accomplishments.”

Despite no immediate danger, health officials worry about beds

COVID from Page 1A
“We have hospitals that are going on diver-
sion at different times of the day, taking
patients from other places,” Clardy said.
According to University Hospital, a diversion MU Health Care doesn’t just serve residents of
is when it cannot accept a patient from another Boone County, but also people living in
facility, either because the hospital doesn’t have mid-Missouri and outside the state.
the specific kind of bed available at the specific Counties whose residents
time the patient needs it, or because the patient use MU Health Care’s
requires a service the hospital can’t provide, catchment area
such as a lung or heart transplant. Non use counties
Diversions have occurred on and off for sev- Boone County
eral years at MU Health Care, depending upon Use counties
bed availability to maintain flexibility to take
care of patients with urgent, life-threatening
illnesses, said Dr. Stevan Whitt, chief clinical
officer for MU Health Care and a critical care
and infectious diseases specialist.
What is needed on the county’s COVID-19
dashboard is something that conveys: “Look,
folks, hospitals are getting full,” Whitt said. “If
there’s something you can do right now, please Source: MU Health Care RALPH CHAPOCO/Missourian
do it, to keep down the numbers of COVID-19
It could be more than hospitals can bear. So
‘We’re worried’ far, the signs from the southern hemisphere are
Missouri is one of 13 states in the U.S. that that it might not be a terrible year for flu, said
doesn’t have a statewide mask mandate. Boone Ted Willmore, an emergency physician at St.
County has no such mandate, while the city of Mary’s Hospital in Jefferson City.
Columbia does, along with several other regu- But much depends on whether people will
lations designed to reduce infections and, ulti- wear masks.
mately, hospitalizations and deaths. As it is, he said, “bed holds” are getting com-
The impact of growing case numbers around mon when he’s looking for somewhere to send
the county on local hospitals and everyone who a patient for intensive care in Boone County.
works in them is growing. A “bed hold” means there’s no available bed of
“We’re worried,” Whitt said. “There’s nobody the type needed to transfer a patient. These can
not getting care right now, and there’s no happen in a bad seasonal flu year, and often do.
immediate danger (of that happening).” “Even with just regular flu, probably every
But, Whitt said, the hospital is being contact- other year ... it can be hard to find a bed any-
ed by health care facilities “farther away than where,” Willmore said.
normal.” He and his colleagues’ biggest concern right
The hospital has always taken patients from now is what the holidays will bring. People
outside the state. Plus, its “catchment area” want to go see their families for Thanksgiving
includes an hourglass-shaped region of central and Christmas. But, he said: “Someone there
Missouri not served by Springfield, Kansas might have COVID and not know it and spread
City or St. Louis hospitals. The cities all have it, and that’s how it happens.”
robust health care systems, Whitt noted. Whitt said he’s been encouraged by how
(tncms-asset)5e534ca0-2077-11eb-b107-d355c- many people have already been immunized for
2c8af70[1](/tncms-asset) the flu.
Not so much in more rural counties, some no MU Health Care administered roughly
longer served by a hospital. Forty-four of the 33,000 shots between July 1, 2019, and June
state’s 114 counties do not have a hospital. 30, 2020. Since July 1 this year, the system has
Alongside that problem, county health direc- given 34,500 flu shots — already exceeding last
tors in Missouri are not required to have a med- year’s total.
ical background, Whitt said. So they may lack That’s the best uptake in the flu shot the hos-
the “clinical knowledge” a medically trained pital has seen in a decade, Whitt said, adding
public health director leans on in decision-mak- that MU students were lined up this week to
ing and working on a coordinated response. get the shot.
MU Health Care has tried to get the mes- He urged people to keep taking precautions
sage out beyond the county’s borders through because we have a long way to go. “People
public service announcements and via social are whupped,” he said. “And we’re not even
media to try to raise awareness about the through the worst part of this.”
importance of mask-wearing, hand-washing It’s not just the doctors and nurses, he said;
and social distancing. it’s housekeepers, secretaries and nutrition
“I know the message has been delivered and workers. MU Health Care is grateful for what
heard,” Whitt said. “And not always listened to.” Boone County residents are doing to help avert
a crisis, Whitt said.
Meanwhile, the flu Clardy said he hoped the new hospital
The looming worry, as Missouri set a trou- status tab would be active next week so the
bling record Thursday of 1,774 COVID-19 inpa- Health Department can share the informa-
tients, is the impact a bad flu season could have. tion with the public.
Page 4A — Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 — Page 5A

Harris pays tribute Biden’s goal:
to Black women in ‘Restore the soul
first speech as VP of America’
The Associated Press
nomic fairness while in the grips of a virus that
Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on Sat- has killed more than 236,000 Americans and
urday paid tribute to the women, particularly reshaped the norms of everyday life.
Black women, whose shoulders she stands on Kamala Harris made history as the first
as she shatters barriers that have kept mostly Black woman to become vice president, an
white men entrenched at the highest levels of achievement that comes as the U.S. faces a
American politics for more than two centuries. reckoning on racial justice. The California
JULIO CORTEZ/The Associated Press MARK MULLIGAN/The Associated Press JOHN LOCHER/The Associated Press
“Tonight, I reflect on their struggle, their senator, who is also the first person of South
Supporters of incumbent President Donald Trump unfurl an enormous American flag Ray Brackens dances during a celebratory rally and count the vote event hosted by Victoria Giampa, a supporter of Donald Trump, waves a Trump flag to protest the
determination and the strength of their vision to Asian descent elected to the vice presidency,
Saturday outside the State Capitol in Harrisburg, Pa. local activist groups Saturday at Emancipation Park in Houston. Nevada vote in front of Clark County Election Department on Thursday in Las Vegas.
see what can be unburdened by what has been,” will become the highest-ranking woman ever to
Harris said, wearing a white suit in tribute to serve in government, four years after Trump
women’s suffrage. President-elect Joe Biden had defeated Hillary Clinton.
the character and audacity “to break one of the Harris introduced Biden at their evening
most substantial barriers that exists in our coun- victory celebration as “a president for all Amer-
try, and select a woman and his vice president,” icans” who would look to bridge a nation riven
she added. with partisanship and she nodded to the historic
“While I may be the first woman in this office, nature of her ascension to the vice presidency.
I will not be the last,” Harris said in her first “Dream with ambition, lead with conviction
post-election address to the nation. and see yourselves in a way that others may not
simply because they’ve never seen it before,”
Harris told Americans. “You chose hope and
unity, decency, science and, yes, truth ... you
ushered in a new day for America.”
After he spoke, the cars at the drive-in rally
— a pandemic campaign invention — began
to honk their horns and a fireworks display lit
up the night sky. Biden was on track to win the
national popular vote by more than 4 million, a
margin that could grow as ballots continue to be
Nonetheless, Trump was not giving up.
Departing from longstanding democratic
tradition and signaling a potentially turbulent
transfer of power, he issued a combative state-
ment saying his campaign would take unspec-
ified legal actions. And he followed up with a
bombastic, all-caps tweet in which he falsely
ANDREW HARNIK/The Associated Press 71,000,000 LEGAL VOTES.” Twitter immediate-
Vice President-elect Kamala Harris smiles before speaking Saturday in ly flagged it as misleading.
Wilmington, Del. She had been a rising star in Democratic politics. Trump has pointed to delays in processing the
The 56-year-old California senator, also the vote in some states to allege with no evidence
that there was fraud and to argue that his rival
first person of South Asian descent elected to the
was trying to seize power — an extraordinary
vice presidency, represents the multiculturalism
charge by a sitting president trying to sow doubt
that defines America but is largely absent from
about a bedrock democratic process.
Washington’s power centers. Her Black identity
has allowed her to speak in personal terms in
a year of reckoning over police brutality and
systemic racism. As the highest-ranking woman
ever elected in American government, her victo-
ry gives hope to women who were devastated by
Hillary Clinton’s defeat four years ago.
Harris told little children to “dream with
ambition, lead with conviction, and see your-
selves in a way that others may not simply
because they’re never seen it before.” After
Biden’s speech, she was joined on stage by her
family, including her two grandnieces who wore
white dresses.
A rising star in Democratic politics for much
of the last two decades, Harris served as San
Francisco’s district attorney and California’s
attorney general before becoming a U.S. sena-
tor. After she ended her own 2020 Democratic
presidential campaign, Joe Biden tapped her as ALEX BRANDON/The Associated Press
his running mate. They will be sworn in as pres- People gathered in Black Lives Matter Plaza react to the presidential race
ident and vice president on Jan. 20. being called in Joe Biden’s favor Saturday in Washington.
Biden’s running mate selection carried added
significance because he will be the oldest presi- Trump is the first incumbent president to lose
dent ever inaugurated, at 78, and hasn’t commit- reelection since Republican George H.W. Bush
ted to seeking a second term in 2024. in 1992.
Harris often framed her candidacy as part of He was golfing at his Virginia country club
the legacy of pioneering Black women who came when he lost the race. He stayed out for hours,
REBECCA BLACKWELL/The Associated Press
before her, including educator Mary McLeod stopping to congratulate a bride as he left, and
Rolf Sturm, left, and Leese Walker perform “Delivering democracy,” a street theater performance outside the Pennsylvania Convention Center where votes are being counted Friday in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania was called for former Vice President Joe Biden on Saturday. his motorcade returned to the White House to a
Bethune, civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer
and Rep. Shirley Chisholm, the first Black candi- cacophony of shouts, taunts and unfriendly hand
date to seek a major party’s presidential nomina- gestures.

Transition challenges await Biden ‘This isn’t over,’ Trump supporters say
tion, in 1972. In Wilmington, Delaware, near the stage that,
She paid tribute to Black women “who are too until Saturday night, had stood empty since
it was erected to celebrate on Election Night,
often overlooked but so often prove they are the
people cheered and pumped their fists as the
backbone of our democracy.”
news that the presidential race had been called
Despite the excitement surrounding Harris, for the state’s former senator arrived on their
she and Biden face steep challenges, including a BY WILL WEISSERT, ZEKE equally vast institutional knowl- on Jan. 20 will be building a BY ANITA SNOW, DAVID Biden held a slim lead in Geor- icans have a voice in the elec-
pandemic that has taken a disproportionate toll edge. staff and assembling the pieces GOLDMAN AND LISA MARIE PANE gia, which hasn’t gone for a tion.”
AND AAMER MADHANI On the nearby water, two men in a kayak
on people of color, and a series of police killings “The Biden team is the most needed to tackle the coronavirus The Associated Press Democrat since 1992. He planned to make the
The Associated Press yelled to a couple paddling by in the opposite
of Black Americans that have deepened racial experienced, most prepared, pandemic. Jordan Kelley, a 29-year-old 10-hour trip to Washington next
Chanting “This isn’t over!” direction, “Joe won! They called it!” as people
tensions. Harris’ past work as a prosecutor has WILMINGTON, Del. — Joe most focused transition team Biden is likely to move quickly from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, week to demonstrate on the
and “Stop the steal,” supporters on the shore whooped and hollered. Harris, in
prompted skepticism among progressives and Biden just won the presidency. ever, commensurate with the in announcing Cabinet picks and drove three-plus hours to Atlan- steps of the Supreme Court, workout gear, was shown on video speaking to
top aides central to his pandem- of President Donald Trump where Trump and his lawyers
young voters who are looking to her to back That may turn out to be the easy challenges that Biden will face” protested at state capitols across ta to attend the pro-Trump rally. Biden on the phone, exuberantly telling the pres-
sweeping institutional change over incremental part. ic response, including leaders have vowed to eventually make ident-elect “We did it!”
of the departments of the Trea- the country Saturday, refusing his case.
reforms in policing, drug policy and more. The president-elect already to accept defeat and echoing Across the country, there were parties and
Jessica Byrd, who leads the Movement for was braced to deal with the sury and Health and Human Underscoring the hard feel- prayer. In New York City, spontaneous block
Services, and a National Eco- Trump’s unsubstantiated allega- ings on both sides of the nation’s
Black Lives’ Electoral Justice Project and The worst health crisis the nation tions that the Democrats won by parties broke out. People ran out of their
has seen in more than a century nomic Council director. That’s deep political divide, anti-Trump buildings, banging on pots. They danced and
Frontline, a multiracial coalition effort to gal- fraud.
and the economic havoc it has according to people involved in protesters in Washington booed, high-fived with strangers amid honking horns.
vanize voters, said she plans to engage in the From Atlanta and Tallahassee
wreaked. transition planning who spoke yelled obscenities, shouted “Loser! Among the loudest cheers were those for pass-
rigorous organizing work needed to push Harris to Austin, Bismarck, Boise and
Now, he has to build a govern- on condition of anonymity to Loser!” and gave the finger to ing U.S. Postal Service trucks.
and Biden toward more progressive policies. Phoenix, crowds ranging in size
ment while contending with a discuss private conversations. Trump’s motorcade as the presi- People streamed into Black Lives Matter
“I deeply believe in the power of Black wom- from a few dozen to a few thou- dent returned to the White House
Senate that could stay in GOP Biden’s campaign declined to Plaza near the White House, near where Trump
en’s leadership, even when all of our politics comment. sand — some of them openly from a golf outing Saturday.
don’t align,” Byrd said. “I want us to be com- hands, a House sure to feature had ordered the clearing of protesters in June,
A key member of Biden’s carrying guns — decried the Two signs posted in front
mitted to the idea that representation is exciting fewer Democratic allies and a waving signs and taking cellphone pictures.
public that includes more than inner circle who is thought to be news of Joe Biden’s victory after of Trump’s Washington hotel
and it’s worthy of celebration and also that we more than three suspense-filled In Lansing, Michigan, Trump supporters and
70 million people who would a frontrunner for chief of staff read “Don’t be a sore loser” and Black Lives Matter demonstrators filled the
have millions of Black women who deserve a is Ron Klain, President Barack days of vote-counting put the “Face Reality.”
prefer that President Donald Capitol steps. The lyrics to “Amazing Grace”
fair shot.” Obama’s Ebola response “czar” Democrat over the top. Skir- Contrary to the claims of
Trump keep the job. began to echo through the crowd, and Trump
Harris is the second Black woman elected to There also is the looming during the outbreak of that dis- mishes broke out in some cities. Trump supporters, there has supporters laid their hands on a counter protest-
the Senate. Her colleague, Sen. Cory Booker, question of whether Trump, ease in the U.S. in 2014. In Atlanta, outside the state been no evidence of any serious er, and prayed.
who is also Black, said her very presence makes who has claimed the election Ted Kaufman, who briefly was Capitol in the longtime Repub- vote fraud. And some Repub- Americans showed deep interest in the pres-
the institution “more accessible to more people” was being stolen from him, will REBECCA BLACKWELL/The Associated Press appointed senator after Biden lican stronghold of Georgia, REBECCA BLACKWELL/The Associated Press
lican elected officials around
A demonstrator supports President idential race. A record 103 million voted early
and suggested she would accomplish the same cooperate. Traditionally, the Grace Gardner holds a rose outside the became vice president in 2008, chants of “Lock him up!” rang the country began to distance
Pennsylvania Convention Center Friday. Donald Trump on Friday in Philadelphia. themselves from Trump and this year, opting to avoid waiting in long lines at
with the vice presidency. transition process relies on the is directing the transition. He’s out among an estimated 1,000
polling locations during a pandemic. With count-
Harris was born in 1964 to two parents active outgoing administration working working closely with Jeff Zients, Trump supporters. Others urge him to accept the outcome ing continuing in some states, Biden had already
Jan. 20, said David Marchick, who held various Obama admin- chanted, “This isn’t over! This “There’s election fraud going gracefully.
in the civil rights movement. Shyamala Gopalan, closely with the incoming one, received more than 75 million votes, more than
from India, and Donald Harris, from Jamaica, even if they are from different director of the Center for Pres- istration roles, including acting isn’t over!” and “Fake news!” on here,” said Kelley, claiming A couple of thousand Trump
idential Transition at the non- that voters in Georgia, a state any presidential candidate before him.
met at the University of California, Berkeley, parties. director of the Office of Man- The streets were awash with supporters gathered at the Penn- Trump’s refusal to concede has no legal impli-
then a hotbed of 1960s activism. They divorced A senator for decades and vice partisan Partnership for Public agement and Budget; Yohannes American flags and Trump ban- with a GOP governor and sec- sylvania Capitol in Harrisburg. cations. But it could add to the incoming admin-
when Harris and her sister were girls, and Har- president for eight years, Biden Service. The center advises Abraham, who was an Obama ners. retary of state, had improperly Pennsylvania played a crucial istration’s challenge of bringing the country
ris was raised by her late mother, whom she con- has a deep personal understand- presidential candidates on the senior adviser to the National No immediate violence was counted the ballots to put Biden role in Biden’s victory. together after a bitter election.
siders the most important influence in her life. ing of the workings of govern- transition. Economic Council; and former reported, though at one point, ahead. “Even though I live in About two dozen heavily Biden received congratulations from dozens
“When she came here from India at the age ment, and he’s surrounded by a Their top priority in the 10 Obama White House Communi- police moved to separate Trump Tennessee, I’m an American, armed men, some wearing cam- of world leaders, and his former boss, President
of 19, she maybe didn’t quite imagine this small group of top advisers with weeks before Inauguration Day cations Director Jen Psaki. opponents from supporters. and I want to make sure Amer- ouflage, joined the rally. Barack Obama, saluted him in a statement,
moment. But she believed so deeply in an declaring the nation was “fortunate that Joe’s
America where a moment like this is possible,” got what it takes to be President and already
Harris said Saturday night. carries himself that way.”
Page 6A — Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN

Supporters of both sides reflect on final results

OWEN ZILIAK/Missourian
Shakespeare’s Pizza aires Joe Biden speaking for the first time as president-elect Saturday evening in downtown Columbia. In his speech, Biden emphasized nation-wide unity and his plan to “restore the soul of America.”

REACTION from Page 1A him about a “Stop The Steal”

rally Saturday morning in
campaign has also began to Jefferson City. He made
request recounts and issue the drive from Montgom-
lawsuits in close swing states, ery County with his father
including Pennsylvania, Mich- because “it sounded like fun.”
igan and Georgia. News of the rally was dis-
The work also continues seminated online and through
for those fighting for social word of mouth over the past
equity. Traci Wilson-Kleeka- two days, attendees said. An
mp, president of the nonprofit assortment of grief-stricken
Race Matters, Friends, said Trump supporters gathered
the election is “a small frac- from several counties across
tion of what’s necessary to the state, part of a broader
realize social equality and effort to contest the integrity
racial equity.” of the voting process.
“I think we need to be bru- Flowing Trump flags and
tally honest about America signs donning phrases such as
and what she is and what she “Stop The Steal,” “Fight For
is not,” Wilson-Kleekamp Your Rights” and “Peaceful
said. “She is not progress; she Protest” amplified President
is an illusion of performative Donald Trump’s refusal to
progress undermined repeat- concede to President-elect Joe
edly by the past and the pres- Biden.
ent. President-elect Biden and Biden’s victory came after
Vice President-elect Kamala more than three days of
Harris cannot fix it alone. It’s uncertainty, as election offi-
a huge chasm over the coun- cials sorted through a surge
try that we’ve invested in for of mail-in votes that delayed
decades, since the beginning.” results. Biden crossed the
She echoed the sentiment winning threshold of 270 elec-
on her Facebook page, add- toral votes with a projected
ing that she calls the feeling win in Pennsylvania.
“painful hope.” Departing from long-stand-
Some people spending the ing democratic tradition and
afternoon downtown were signaling a potentially turbu-
more optimistic. Mike Davis lent transfer of power, Trump
said it was “incredibly awe- issued a combative statement
saying his campaign would
some,” and, after spending A supporter of President Donald Trump yells at a passing car whose driver flipped off protesters at the end of the “Stop the Steal” protest Saturday in take unspecified legal actions,
three days closely follow- Jefferson City. The protests were in response to unfounded claims, made by President Donald Trump, of illegal votes in the 2020 general election. and he would “not rest until
ing election results, he was the American People have
relieved to see Trump would what day it was, as the whole Election Day, as she tried to
week felt like Election Day. vote absentee in her home the honest vote count they
be leaving office. deserve and that Democracy
She was also relieved. state of Pennsylvania.
“The last four years have Her ballot was lost in the demands.”
felt like 40 years,” Davis said. “I’m disabled,” Hunter said. He has pointed to delays
“It’s been hard to be different mail, finally arriving on Elec-
He sat with Amber Seater, in processing the votes in
who agreed. She was also and watch the last four years. tion Day. She got the email some states to allege with no
I’m also 30, and I’m getting Friday that her ballot arrived
excited for the historic elec- in time, as she watched Penn- evidence that there was fraud
tion of Vice President Kamala out of college in a semester . and to argue that his rival
A nd, I mean you could ask sylvania turn from red to blue.
Harris, who will be the first “I was like, ‘I need to vote,’” was trying to seize power —
my mother, I’ve been terri-
woman, first Black person and she said. “It’s my first time an extraordinary charge by a
bly worried about my entire
first person of South Asian voting in a presidential thing, sitting president attempting
future. Today, I feel like I’ve
descent to hold the office. the most important one. I to sow doubt about a bedrock
got it.”
The two said their big- A number of Biden support- need to vote.” democratic process.
gest concern now is getting ers also gathered Saturday Not everyone was excited. “I don’t know if that’s true,
through the remainder of afternoon outside Daniel Debbie Haley said she felt the but sounds like it,” Diggs said.
Trump’s presidency, which Boone City Building and were results were “sickening” and Protesters eventually drift-
lasts until inauguration day waving signs as cars drove attributed Biden’s win to the ed toward the governor’s
on Jan. 20. by and honked. Abbie Brown, “uneducated youth.” mansion, chanting “Stop The
a librarian at MU, wore Steal” and “Where’s Mike
“He just seems unhinged,” “Uneducated elders,” her
rainbow face makeup, a blue Parson?” in rhythmic fashion.
Seater said. daughter Hannah Haley Dylan Kelly of Camdenton
“Now more than ever,” dress with red sleeves and a retorted.
colonial-style white wig. She said he still “110%” believes
Davis said. While Debbie Haley didn’t OWEN ZILIAK/Missourian
the election was illegitimate.
Stephanie Romero found said she was as pro-Biden as pay much attention to the A supporter yells into a microphone while driving by a rally celebrating
she was anti-Trump. When asked how to move
out Biden was projected to results as they came in, her President-elect Joe Biden’s win Saturday in Columbia. The car made forward when Joe Biden takes
win Saturday morning while “I’ve been a fan of Biden’s multiple passes by City Hall, honking and yelling in support of Joe Biden.
for a long time, and I’m very, other daughter , Lauren Haley , the executive seat, he said,
working at Starbucks. said she was surprised to “We go to work. We fight the
Her coworker returned very excited about Kamala the Lord will help them do American realities compet-
see states like Georgia turn peaceful way, the American
from a break saying, “Oh, my Harris,” Brown said. “And blue. And while she wasn’t
great things and hope that it ing with one another.”
way. We do not want violence.
God; oh, my God.” Romero just in terms of kindness and happens,” Debbie Haley said.
as enthusiastic as Hannah Nobody wants violence.”
asked what was happening, decency and honesty.” “That office deserved respect, Trump protesters The Rev. Jeremy Secrist
Rachel Brekhus, also an MU about a Biden term, she was and we’ll give it that.”
and the coworker told her
librarian, was less enthusiastic open-minded.
gather at the capital stood in front of the St. Peter
Biden had won Pennsylvania. Ben Falby, an adult educa-
Planted at the corner of W. Church, across the street
Too busy getting out drinks about the former vice presi- “We’ll see what (Biden) has tion and literacy instructor
from the Missouri State Cap-
to realize the significance, dent, instead praising figures in mind,” Lauren Haley said. who attended the city hall cel- High Street and Broadway
in front of the Missouri State itol. If the church could talk,
Romero responded, “Okay, like Stacey Abrams in Georgia “I’m sure it’ll be better than ebration with his son, sought he said, it could tell more pro-
that’s nice.” Once the store and Congresswoman-elect the last four,” Hannah Haley one thing in particular from a Capitol, Zach Diggs tried test stories than him.
finally calmed a bit, it hit her. Cori Bush in St. Louis. said. Biden presidency — unity. making sense of his loss as he “There are protests here at
“I was like, ‘Wait, what?’” “(Biden) wasn’t my first Although the family was “I’m rooting for Biden,” watched a few hundred Trump the Capitol for a garden-va-
she said. “I started tearing up. choice of candidate, but I’m split in its views, the group Falby said. “I am rooting for supporters protest the results riety (of) reasons,” he said,
I got very emotional.” mostly just so relieved to have agreed they needed to accept him to bring some consensus of the presidential election. “and one of the great things
She and her roommate, Lily Trump out,” Brekhus said. whoever won. feeling to the country. I don’t “Looks like a lot of love,” he about our country is if we
Hunter, have been watching Bridgette Jackson has been “Like any president in expect everyone to agree, but said. “A lot of people standing don’t like something, we can
the results come in for days. no stranger to stress this past office, we will pray for that it would be nice to feel like up for something.” protest. I just hope this one’s
Hunter said she lost track of week. Hers began even before party and that person that there aren’t two different A friend of Diggs texted safe.”
COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 — Page 7A



Change needed
in Mo. Health
No one is ever going to mistake the Missouri
Department of Health and Senior Services for
a transparent and public-minded organization.
The latest shadow fell over this agency
following questions about whether it and the
Missouri attorney general’s office have been
forthcoming with doc-
THE JOPLIN uments regarding the
GLOBE launch of medical mari-
juana in Missouri.
The launch was bound
to be controversial, with winners and losers.
A Sarcoxie family, the Callicoats, want to
know more about the decision to deny their
request to grow medical marijuana. To that
end, they have requested records from the
Missouri Department of Health and Senior
Services and are now alleging, as part of their
lawsuit, that the agency and the AG’s office
concealed documents that are subject to the
laws of discovery and that the Missouri Sun-
shine law, which governs open records and
open meetings, was violated.
The Callicoats and their attorneys argue:
“All of this behavior appears aimed at the
same goal: to prevent anyone, especially this
court, from being able to examine the rules

Ten takeaways from the

of the medical marijuana program in the full
light of day, to prohibit plaintiffs access to
the public records the defendants are legally
obligated to provide, and to do all they can to
delay the hearing on this matter on October

Trump-Biden election
29, 2020.”
The courts will have to sort this out, but
it appears something was amiss because on
June 15, the Missouri Department of Health
and Senior Services provided the Missouri
House of Representatives with roughly 37,000

records outlining their contacts with people in
the industry, documents that help explain how ith national, statewide and con- redistricting and political reforms, passed
decisions were made. gressional district elections with 51%.
At that same time, the Callicoats and their being decentralized and can- Really? I must not be seeing this right. To
didate-centric, it is difficult to me, Amendment 1 was a minor housekeep-
attorney were also seeking these kinds of doc- find a unifying theme for the 2020 elections. ing issue and Amendment 3’s defeat would
uments from the department, but they claim President Trump has been defeated, have made it less likely that the foxes are
that it took until August to receive only 15,000 although he has not conceded, but the elec- guarding the chicken coop.
records. They had to file a separate Sunshine tion was not the massive repudiation that 7. Boone County is an oasis of blue in
request with the House to get the rest of the many of his critics expected. a sea of red. Republican Fred Parry was
documents. Looking at Senate and House races across defeated in his attempt for reelection. State
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt’s the nation shows that Republicans did rath- Sen. Caleb Rowden lost Boone County but
er well and are poised to move on without won Senate District 19 against Judy Baker
office has called the allegations that his office
Trump. due to Cooper County, pretty much like he
and the Missouri Department of Health and Here are my top takeaways from the 2020 did in 2016.
Senior Services withheld records and violat- general election. DAVID WEBBER 8. Inconsistent and incorrect polls add to
ed Missouri’s Sunshine Law “frivolous” and 1. The presidential race was a bit closer the chaos and increase cynicism. There are
“baseless.” than I expected, with Joe Biden apparently too many polls that too many media report
We’ll wait and see. winning at least 270 electoral votes, after because it’s easy reporting. Apparently,
What doesn’t appear to be in dispute, counts in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wis- The long 2020 campaign is over. there are “Hidden Trump voters” in many
according to the lawsuit, is that Randall Wil- consin — all states Hillary Clinton lost in Now it is on to a peaceful and states, e.g. Florida, that made it hard to esti-
2016. Biden added Georgia to his count but mate actual voter preference.
liams, director of the Missouri Department of
not North Carolina as I had predicted. dignified transition of power. 9. Voting reportedly went well across
Health and Senior Services, conducted state the nation. Some of the COVID-19 induced
There is a strong sentiment on social media
business on his personal cellphone. that “it should not be this close after four changes to the voting process, such as easy
The suit alleges, “Dr. Williams further years of presidential chaos.” COVID-19 is early voting and voting by mail, should be
rate campaigns calling for everyone to
acknowledged that he never took any steps to important to people but not to their vote. 2020 refined and made permanent.
vote had an impact.
save his text messages discussing state busi- looks a lot like other presidential elections. The state-by-state confusion about closing
The two major party candidates increased
ness to a state computer, even though that is Biden did a little better than Hillary Clin- times, counting deadlines and partial vote
their totals by at least 12%, with votes still
expressly required under the Sunshine Law.” ton in 2016 all across the country, except for announcements should be standardized via
being counted out West. The number of
Miami-Dade County, Florida. voluntary cooperation of state secretaries
Former Missouri Attorney General Josh votes cast in Missouri and in Boone County
2. With all the attention understandably of state.
Hawley was unambiguous in his interpreta- increased by more than 7% since the 2016
directed at the Electoral College, it will be 10. As expected, President Trump alleges
tion of Missouri law: “Text messages should election.
easy to overlook that Biden won the popular widespread voter fraud as the cause of his
5. Republicans likely keep control of the
be treated like, and subject to, the same analy- vote with 50.5% to 47.8% for Trump. defeat and threatens legal action. Fox News
U.S. Senate. A surprise, even with two Sen-
sis as emails,” Hawley said in 2017. It does not That 3-point margin compares well with ate seats in Georgia scheduled for a runoff
and several Republican leaders, including
matter whether the messages are sent on a victories by George Bush and Barack the Georgia Republican Secretary of State,
election Jan. 5, Republicans will likely stay
state-owned phone or on a personal cellphone Obama in recent years. are skeptical.
the majority.
The third-party vote totals about 1.5%, Over the next month, Trump will have to
— texts and phone calls of public officials con- The biggest surprises are Maine Republi-
compared to 5% in 2016. Third-party can- show real evidence in court, or he will be
ducting public business belong to the public. can Sen. Susan Collins, elected to her fifth
didates’ percentages could have changed dismissed as just a sore loser.
Given the difficulty the media and the public term, and North Carolina Republican Thom
results in Georgia and Nevada. The United States is a centralist, moder-
have had getting records from the Missouri Tillis keeping his Senate seat.
3. Missouri is a solid red state — no sur- ate nation. It is a mistake for either party to
Surprisingly, Republicans picked up eight
Department of Health and Senior Services, prise, just confirmation. The single best try to become a permanent majority with
seats in the House of Representatives. Sim-
given the agency’s history of being uncooper- indicator that Republicans are strong in extreme positions. Voters in 50 states won’t
ilarly, while it is still too early to know for
ative and concocting road blocks to releasing Missouri may be in the 2nd Congressional let that happen.
sure, state legislative results are very stable.
public records, and given the Missouri Depart- District where Republican incumbent Ann A common claim we hear every day is
Only New Hampshire House and Senate
Wagner kept her seat against Democratic that America is divided and polarized. The
ment of Health and Senior Services was just have flipped party control from Democrat
challenger Jill Schupp by 52% to 45%. political process is more divided and polar-
fined $12,000 in April for multiple violations of to Republican.
This St. Louis County race was watched ized than are the citizens.
state law governing open records, we think it’s Overall, 61 legislative chambers are con-
nationally to see if white suburban women The long 2020 campaign is over. Now it
trolled by Republicans and 37 chambers
time for new public-minded and transparent is on to a peaceful and dignified transition
would vote Democratic. Evidently, not controlled by Democrats, with the Alaska
leadership at the agency. enough did. of power.
House being equally divided.
This was originally published Oct. 27 in 4. Turnout is up across America but 6. In Missouri, Amendment 1, extending David Webber joined the MU Political Sci-
The Joplin Globe and was distributed by The actual numbers are preliminary. Evidently term limits to other statewide offices, was ence Department in 1986 and wrote his first
Associated Press. the summer of street protests and corpo- defeated; Amendment 3, reversing 2016’s column for the Missourian in 1994.


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Page 8A — Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN

COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 — Page 9A
Page 10A — Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN
SECTION B • Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 • COLUMBIAMISSOURIAN.COM


Rock Bridge’s boys cross country team lifts the Class 5 championship trophy Saturday at Gans Creek in Columbia. This was Rock Bridge’s first state championship win since 2011.

Rock Bridge boys cross country wins

state championship; Hauser places 1st
BY WILSON MOORE won its first state championship in nine years. just trying to race smart,” he said. “It’s a “It is a swing of emotions, but isn’t that this warm day out here, a little bit windy in certain
whole fall?” Blackburn said. “Used to the emo- places. Just trying to race smart, and I think I
Rock Bridge cross country coach Neal tions changing and swinging. We have said, did that well. I left myself enough energy to go
Blackburn stood in front of his team. The ‘Don’t be guided by your emotions in these for it at the end of the race.
seven runners who had competed in Saturday times.’ You just have to ask yourself if you’re “I started getting nervous as I always do
morning’s girls state championship gathered prepared, and if you believe that you are — when I crossed the line, trying to see the rest
around him in a semicircle, heads down. The and we believe that our kids were — (then) you of my guys come through. Once I left the
Bruins had just finished fourth, a banner just have to execute.” chute, I looked at the scoreboard and saw Rock
day for most teams in a race that featured 16 Senior Matthew Hauser took home the indi- Bridge on top. It brought tears to my eyes.”
teams and 165 runners. vidual state championship and kept the Bruins Rock Bridge sophomore Ian Kemey, racing
But Rock Bridge was disappointed in its ahead of second-place St. Louis University for the first time in a month because of quar-
performance, finishing 38 points behind first- High. Hauser, Timberland senior Trevor Pei- antine, finished seventh. Hauser’s brother,
place Lafayette. mann and Liberty North junior Ethan Lee all Andrew, was 12th.
Hours later, Blackburn stood with seven dif- stayed within around a second of each other Hickman’s boys came in 10th, led by senior
ferent runners, smiling and laughing as they before Hauser pulled away in the final kilome- Cale Littrell’s 28th place finish. It was enough
posed for pictures with the state championship ter to win by about six seconds.
trophy. The Rock Bridge boys team had just “In the beginning, it was more sit and kick, Please see CHAMPIONSHIP, Page 7B


Tolton boys MU basketball’s 2020-21 SEC schedule released amid uncertainty

cross country BY JOEL LORENZI
host Liberty and Bradley.
Missouri’s final scheduled
noconference game comes against
ri’s highly anticipated showdown
with Illinois has been put on hold
for the time being. The Enterprise
As for conference play, Missouri
will play Arkansas, Ole Miss and
Texas A&M at both home and

wins state
After weeks of uncertainty
TCU in the SEC/Big 12 Challenge, Center has been ruled out as a away, per usual. Tennessee and
during what’s been a difficult
time for college basketball, which won’t be played until Jan. location for this year’s matchup, South Carolina are this season’s
Missouri and the Southeastern 30, when conference play will but the two teams are discussing additional home-and-away oppo-

championship Conference finally managed to already be underway. the possibility of still hosting the nents. Missouri will also host LSU,
solidify a schedule for the 2020-21 The Tigers did leave room for game in Columbia or Champaign. Vanderbilt, Kentucky and Alabama
men’s basketball season. mystery, as a “multi-team event” According to a team spokesperson, and face Mississippi State, Auburn,
The SEC officially released its is listed as “to be determined” on there is “no word” on what location Georgia and Florida on the road.
BY WILSON MOORE full schedule for all men’s teams their schedule. Missouri has been in the programs are leaning toward The Tigers will begin confer- ongoing talks for weeks about being as of Thursday night. ence play Dec. 30, when they host
Friday morning. In addition,
Behind four top-25 finishes, Missouri will play five nonconfer- involved in some type of event out- The Tigers won’t play their Tennessee. Their final conference
Tolton boys cross country won the ence games at this point, four of side of the SEC/Big 12 Challenge. annual Border War game against game will come March 3, when
Class 2 state championship Friday which are scheduled to be played Its initial plans of an Orlando, Flor- Kansas, as the effects of COVID- the team heads to Gainesville to
afternoon with 92 points. Fresh off at Mizzou Arena. The Tigers’ ida, bubble fell through some weeks 19 have postponed the start of the take on Florida. Missouri was 7-11
of a second-place finish at the dis- season will begin by hosting Oral ago, along with other programs who renewed rivalry until the 2021-22 against conference opponents last
trict meet, junior Garrett Wilmes Roberts on Nov. 25, and from then hoped to play there. season. The game will mark the season before the coronavirus cut
was the Trailblazers’ top performer up until conference play begins, The annual Braggin’ Rights first of six in a series that will its season short during the SEC
with an eighth-place finish. He ran they’ll play at Wichita State and game is up in the air, too. Missou- span through the 2026-27 season. Tournament.
the 5K in 16 minutes, 51 seconds. It
was the first state championship in
program history.
Senior Drew Freeman finished
18th. Freshman Owen Hartline, HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL
senior Jarod Aholt and sophomore
Luke Robb were 34th, 35th and
38th, respectively, all crossing
the finish line within 10 seconds
of each other. Junior Zane Meyer
Battle uses a strong fourth quarter to beat Rolla
and freshman Scott Hargis also BY EMILY LEIKER all three, it had needed less than 5 kicked in. day’s game happened in the sec-
put points on the board for Tolton yards. “I just saw the ball bouncing on ond half, specifically the fourth
after finishing in the top 50 of the
The Battle football team’s But Battle’s defense was locked the ground,” he said. “I just had to quarter. After scoring on the sec-
168-runner race.
Steelville took second place, a dis- defense needed a stop. in. After the game was tied 7-7 at get there fast and scoop, score for ond down of its first possession of
tant 16 points behind the Trailblaz- The Spartans had just regained halftime, Battle had forced and my team.” the game, Battle’s offense didn’t
ers. Lexington finished third. the lead against Rolla after trail- recovered a Rolla fumble on the Lambert’s defensive touchdown, see the end zone again until Gerry
The win comes one day after the ing by one point heading into the first play of the third quarter. So plus the extra point by Vojtech Marteen Jr. punched in a 3-yarder
Tolton girls team finished eighth fourth quarter. The Bulldogs were when it needed a fourth-quarter Drda, gave the Spartans a two- with 9:39 to go in the third quarter.
in the Class 3 championship. The looking to convert on third-and-5 stop to give its offense some wig- score lead that they would not look Coach Atiyyah Ellison said most
event concluded Saturday with at Battle’s 25-yard line and, hope- gle room, it got it — and more. back from. Battle eventually beat of the issues in the first half came
the Rock Bridge boys winning the fully, answer the Spartans’ touch- The ball popped loose for the Rolla 41-21 in the Class 5 District 4 from being “a man short.” At half-
Class 5 championship as Hickman down. fifth time on the night — all while semifinal for a shot at the district
time, he emphasized the need for
finished 10th. The Rock Bridge Rolla had already converted Rolla was on offense — and Battle title.
girls finished fourth. three third downs in the game; on senior Jarrett Lambert’s instincts Most of the excitement of Fri- Please see FOOTBALL, Page 6B
Page 2B — Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN

Houston Open
Missouri women’s golf shows

Saturday’s games At Memorial Park Golf Course
(8) Florida 44, (5) Georgia 28 Houston, Texas
Mississippi State 24, Vanderbilt 17 Purse: $7 million

improvement on second day Cougars

(7) Texas A&M 48, South Carolina 3 Yardage: 7,432; Par: 72
Arkansas 24, Tennessee 13 Third Round
This upcoming Saturday’s games Sam Burns 68-65-68—201 (-9)
(5) Georgia at Missouri, 11 a.m. (ESPN) Jason Day 67-68-67—202 (-8)

win it late
Vanderbilt at Kentucky, 11 a.m. (SEC Network) Carlos Ortiz 67-68-67—202 (-8)
(7) Texas A&M at Tennessee, 2:30 p.m. Sepp Straka 68-69-66—203 (-7)

of Liz Murphey Fall Classic in close

(ESPN) Dustin Johnson 72-66-66—204 (-6)
(24) Auburn at Mississippi State, 3 p.m. (SEC Aaron Wise 70-66-69—205 (-5)
Network) Dawie van der Walt 70-66-69—205 (-5)
(2) Alabama at LSU, 5 p.m. (CBS) Hideki Matsuyama 70-70-66—206 (-4)
Arkansas at (8) Florida, 6 p.m. (ESPN) Michael Thompson 67-72-67—206 (-4)
South Carolina at Mississippi, 6:30 p.m. (SEC Shane Lowry 69-69-68—206 (-4)
Network) Tony Finau 69-69-68—206 (-4) BY MISSOURIAN STAFF Jefferson City defeats Match 1 saw the Cougars

game vs.
OTHER TOP 25 Patton Kizzire 69-67-70—206 (-4)
Friday’s games Russell Knox 69-71-67—207 (-3) Blue Springs in take on William Penn (13-7,
(11) Miami 44, N.C. State 11 Adam Long 68-70-69—207 (-3) 8-4 Heart of America Ath-
(9) BYU 51, (21) Boise State 17 Viktor Hovland 70-69-68—207 (-3) Missouri women’s golf Class 4 sectionals
letic Conference), located in

Wm. Penn
Saturday’s games Brooks Koepka 72-70-65—207 (-3) carded the second-lowest The Jefferson City boys
(13) Indiana 28, (23) Michigan 21 J.T. Poston 70-67-70—207 (-3) Oskaloosa, Iowa.
team score of the day Satur- soccer team (24-2) headed
(18) SMU 47, Temple 23 Tyrrell Hatton 71-70-67—208 (-2) Columbia took the first
(20) USC 28, Arizona State 27 Fabian Gomez 70-69-69—208 (-2) day in the second round of into its sectional match-
(22) Texas 17, West Virginia 13 Talor Gooch 68-69-71—208 (-2) set 25-13 in 38 rallies. Wil-
the Liz Murphey Fall Clas- up Saturday against Blue
(25) Liberty 38, Virginia Tech 35 Will Gordon 76-67-65—208 (-2) liam Penn took the next BY WILSON MOORE
(16) Marshall 51, Massachusetts 10 Cameron Tringale 70-70-69—209 (-1) sic in Athens, Georgia. Springs (14-9) having three sets 25-14, 25-22 and
(6) Cincinnati 28, Houston 10 Erik van Rooyen 71-69-69—209 (-1)
Jessica Yuen led the
(19) Oklahoma 62, Kansas 9 Francesco Molinari 70-68-71—209 (-1) only dropped two games 25-19 to come away with the
(14) Oklahoma State 20, Kansas State 18 Maverick McNealy 71-71-67—209 (-1) Tigers, shooting 2-under and geared to make it to 3-1 match victory. Junior A set play coming out of
(17) Iowa State 38, Baylor 31 Scott Brown 69-68-72—209 (-1) par, tying her for 10th the state quarterfinals. Sidney Branson and senior halftime had Joey Spotans-
(1) Clemson 47, (4) Notre Dame 40 (2OT) Corey Conners 69-67-73—209 (-1)
Ohio State 49, Rutgers 27 Russell Henley 69-72-69—210 (E) place, a jump from 19th on In a dominating 4-1 per- Jaqueline Silva led the way ki in position to give
(12) Oregon 35, Stanford 14 Denny McCarthy 69-72-69—210 (E) Friday. Brianne Bolden shot formance, Jefferson City on the attack for the Cou- Columbia (7-2) its first goal
(15) Coastal Carolina 23, South Alabama 6 Nate Lashley 73-68-69—210 (E)
1-under par, while Noelle gars with 11 kills apiece. of the game. Nick Brandt
Purdue at (10) Wisconsin, canceled Padraig Harrington 71-68-71—210 (E) accomplished exactly that.
Harold Varner III 67-71-72—210 (E) Beijer and Sophia Yoemans had a chance right in front
The Jays reeled in goals Silva also had 12 digs and
NFL Mackenzie Hughes 70-72-68—210 (E)
each moved up on the lead- of the net that was deflect-
AMERICAN CONFERENCE Charley Hoffman 71-69-71—211 (+1) from a deflection, a penalty three block assists. ed out of bounds. Shortly
East Brian Stuard 73-69-69—211 (+1) erboard, too. kick, a header and pacing Columbia started off slug-
W L T Pct PF PA Satoshi Kodaira 70-69-72—211 (+1)
“I’m really proud of our after, several Cougars
Buffalo 6 2 0 .750 198 199 Max Homa 74-68-69—211 (+1) the field against the Wild- gishly in Game 2 against arms went up in celebra-
Miami 4 3 0 .571 188 130 Scott Piercy 68-74-69—211 (+1) team and how they stayed cats’ defense. Benedictine (8-8, 5-6). tion thinking they were on
New England 2 5 0 .286 136 167 Graeme McDowell 69-73-69—211 (+1) consistent and mentally The Ravens took the first the board after a near-miss
N.Y. Jets 0 8 0 .000 94 238 Troy Merritt 74-68-69—211 (+1) Blue Springs never let up
tough for the entire round,” set 25-22, while the Cou- in the box.
South John Huh 73-69-69—211 (+1) despite falling behind. The
W L T Pct PF PA Adam Scott 68-69-74—211 (+1) coach Stephanie Priesmeyer gars took the second and “It’s coming,” goalkeeper
Indianapolis 5 2 0 .714 198 136 Jhonattan Vegas 73-70-68—211 (+1) lone goal for the Wildcats
said in a news release. “We third sets 25-21 and 25-20, Liam Gibbs shouted from
Tennessee 5 2 0 .714 208 184 Kramer Hickok 75-68-68—211 (+1) came from senior Dom
Houston 1 6 0 .143 166 217 Austin Cook 71-72-68—211 (+1) have struggled this fall to respectively. the opposite side of the
Jacksonville 1 6 0 .143 154 220 Mark Hubbard 69-71-72—212 (+2) Zubeck. As the season
put an entire round togeth- Benedictine then took the field after a whistle, “Don’t
North Justin Harding 72-68-72—212 (+2) closed out for Zubeck and
W L T Pct PF PA Brian Harman 71-69-72—212 (+2) er, and today felt really fourth set 25-20 to force a stop. Just keep working.”
Jamie Lovemark 73-69-70—212 (+2) the Blue Springs squad, the The near-misses kept up
Pittsburgh 7 0 0 1.000 211 142 good to have everyone in fifth, which Columbia even-
Baltimore 5 2 0 .714 203 132 Zach Johnson 73-70-69—212 (+2) Jays head to the quarters. for the Cougars. Spotans-
Cleveland 5 3 0 .625 206 237 Brandt Snedeker 65-71-76—212 (+2) the mix.” tually won 15-8. Silva kept
Cincinnati 2 5 1 .313 194 214 Greg Chalmers 68-73-72—213 (+3) While the Tigers per- the momentum going with a ki just missed a header.
West Kevin Chappell 70-71-72—213 (+3) Columbia volleyball Nathan Durdle had a run
formed well Saturday, they game-leading 18 kills and 16
W L T Pct PF PA Doc Redman 71-70-73—214 (+4)
only moved up one spot
splits matches at down the sideline on which
Kansas City 7 1 0 .875 253 152 C.T. Pan 72-69-73—214 (+4) digs. Branson also finished
Las Vegas 4 3 0 .571 187 203 Brice Garnett 74-68-72—214 (+4)
overall, to 11th from 12th.. Benedictine College the match with 14 kills.
he couldn’t capitalize as
Denver 3 4 0 .429 147 183 Kristoffer Ventura 69-69-76—214 (+4) the Cougars remained tied
L.A. Chargers 2 5 0 .286 179 185 Scottie Scheffler 67-75-72—214 (+4) After 36 holes, Missouri is Columbia College (10-2, The Cougars will look to
Lanto Griffin 72-71-71—214 (+4)
with William Penn (8-7)
Sean O’Hair 71-69-75—215 (+5)
21 strokes over par. 4-0 American Midwestern wrap up the season on a with under 15 minutes left
W L T Pct PF PA Chris Kirk 73-68-74—215 (+5) The Tigers will tee off for Conference) traveled Friday high note when they host in the game.
Philadelphia 3 4 1 .438 186 205 Isaiah Salinda 71-69-75—215 (+5) the final time this fall Sun- to Benedictine in Atchison, conference rival Missouri Finally, it came, just as
Washington 2 5 0 .286 133 165 James Hahn 71-71-73—215 (+5)
Dallas 2 6 0 .250 185 266 Scott Harrington 70-72-74—216 (+6) day in the final round of the Kansas, for a pair of non- Baptist (8-1, 4-0) on Thurs- Gibbs forecasted.
N.Y. Giants 1 7 0 .125 145 199 Sungjae Im 74-69-73—216 (+6) tournament. conference matches. day. With 11 minutes remain-
South Erik Barnes 71-72-73—216 (+6)
W L T Pct PF PA Matt Jones 69-72-77—218 (+8) ing, forward Parker Moon
Tampa Bay 6 2 0 .750 247 165 Cameron Davis 67-76-77—220 (+10) worked his way down the
New Orleans 5 2 0 .714 206 197
Carolina 3 5 0 .375 179 193 NASCAR MISSOURI FOOTBALL left sideline and into the
middle of the field. His

Drinkwitz, Tigers add to their 2021

Atlanta 2 6 0 .250 209 224 Cup Series
North Season Finale 500 shot deflected off of a
W L T Pct PF PA SUNDAY WPU defender, changing
Green Bay 6 2 0 .750 253 204
Chicago 5 3 0 .625 161 166
At Phoenix Raceway its direction and sending it

class in form of offensive lineman

Avondale, Ariz.
Detroit 3 4 0 .429 177 206 Lap length: 1 mile past goalie Rafael Martins.
Minnesota 2 5 0 .286 183 214 (Car number in parentheses) Much like their Quaker
1. (9) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet. namesake, the Statesmen
2. (22) Joey Logano, Ford.
Seattle 6 1 0 .857 240 199 3. (2) Brad Keselowski, Ford. never threw a punch back,
Arizona 5 2 0 .714 203 146 4. (11) Denny Hamlin, Toyota. BY ANDERSON KIMBALL ma-Ogar will have four offensive lineman of the and Columbia held on for a
L.A. Rams 5 3 0 .625 193 152
San Francisco 4 5 0 .444 225 207
5. (12) Ryan Blaney, Ford. years of eligibility with season against Georgia next 2-0 win.
6. (88) Alex Bowman, Chevrolet.
Thursday’s score 7. (1) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet. Missouri. Ndoma-Ogar is week. “We stepped up our pres-
Green Bay 34, San Francisco 17 8. (18) Kyle Busch, Toyota. Eliah Drinkwitz added sure a little bit higher,”
Sunday’s games another piece to his 2021 the 20th recruit in Missou- Ndoma-Ogar will also
Baltimore at Indianapolis, noon
9. (14) Clint Bowyer, Ford.
ri’s 2021 class and is its sec- have an opportunity for Columbia coach John Klein
Carolina at Kansas City, noon
10. (10) Aric Almirola, Ford. recruiting class Friday with said. “We were looking for
11. (4) Kevin Harvick, Ford.
transfer offensive lineman ond offensive lineman. early playing time with
Chicago at Tennessee, noon 12. (21) Matt DiBenedetto, Ford. a spark out wide. Parker
Denver at Atlanta, noon
EJ Ndoma-Ogar. Ndoma-Ogar was a three- the possible departures of
Detroit at Minnesota, noon
13. (19) Martin Truex Jr., Toyota. came in and was effective.”
Houston at Jacksonville, noon
14. (20) Erik Jones, Toyota.
Ndoma-Ogar transferred star recruit out of Allen, senior Case Cook and grad- William Penn had one
15. (41) Cole Custer, Ford.
N.Y. Giants at Washington, noon 16. (42) Matt Kenseth, Chevrolet. from Oklahoma after opt- Texas, before committing uate transfer Mike Maiet- final chance to tie the game
Seattle at Buffalo, noon 17. (95) Christopher Bell, Toyota. ing out of the 2020 season to Oklahoma. The 6-foot-3 ti. Redshirt junior Larry minutes later. A cross gave
Las Vegas at L.A. Chargers, 3:05 p.m. 18. (3) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet.
Miami at Arizona, 3:25 p.m. 19. (6) Ryan Newman, Ford. and redshirting after only lineman and will add depth Borom could also leave Luke Andrews an opportu-
Pittsburgh at Dallas, 3:25 p.m. 20. (47) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Chevrolet. playing four games in 2019. to a unit that has been deci- for the NFL Draft after a nity from the box, but his
New Orleans at Tampa Bay, 7:20 p.m.
Monday’s game
21. (8) Tyler Reddick, Chevrolet.
With the NCAA ruling that mated with injuries and opt- strong start to the season shot sailed high. Erik Rajoy
22. (13) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet.
New England at N.Y. Jets, 7:15 p.m. 23. (43) Bubba Wallace, Chevrolet. players won’t lose a year outs this season. Missouri before a lower leg injury provided the dagger for
Open: Cincinnati, Cleveland, L.A. Rams, Philadelphia Columbia on the next pos-
24. (37) Ryan Preece, Chevrolet. of eligibility in 2020, Ndo- will play its ninth different sidelined him.
25. (24) William Byron, Chevrolet. session with his first goal
26. (48) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet.
EASTERN CONFERENCE 27. (38) John Hunter Nemechek, Ford. of the season, capitalizing
x-Philadelphia 13 4 5 44 2.0 42 20
28. (32) Corey LaJoie, Ford. from close range off of a
29. (34) Michael McDowell, Ford. free kick.
x-Toronto FC 13 4 5 44 2.0 32 24

Both CC cross country teams in

30. (96) Daniel Suarez, Toyota.
x-Orlando City 11 3 8 41 1.86 38 22 31. (17) Chris Buescher, Ford. “That was really smart of
x-Columbus 11 6 5 38 1.73 34 20
x-New York City FC 11 8 3 36 1.64 33 22
32. (27) JJ Yeley, Ford. him,” defender Lesia Thet-
33. (66) Timmy Hill, Toyota. sane said. “He’s a smart
x-New England 8 6 8 32 1.45 26 23 34. (00) Quin Houff, Chevrolet.
x-New York 8 9 5 29 1.32 27 30 player. I was expecting that

NAIA National Championships

35. (15) Brennan Poole, Chevrolet.
x-Nashville SC 7 7 8 29 1.32 21 20
Montreal 7 13 2 23 1.05 30 41
36. (53) James Davison, Chevrolet. from him.”
37. (51) Joey Gase, Ford. The Cougars pushed the
Chicago 5 9 8 23 1.05 30 35 38. (77) Josh Bilicki, Ford.
Atlanta 6 12 4 22 1.0 22 28 39. (7) Garrett Smithley, Chevrolet. pace whenever they had

after AMC crowns in St. Louis

Inter Miami CF 6 13 3 21 0.95 23 34
D.C. United 5 11 6 21 0.95 23 38
the chance offensively.
TRANSACTIONS They tried to run off most
e-Cincinnati 4 14 4 16 0.73 11 34 FOOTBALL
National Football League
changes in possession,
x-Sporting KC 11 6 3 36 1.8 36 25 BALTIMORE RAVENS — Promoted CB Terrell either with long passes
x-Portland 11 6 5 38 1.73 45 34
Bonds, OLB Tyus Bowser, S DeShon Elliot, LB down the middle of the
Patrick Queen and OLB Malik Harrison to the BY CAM DENMARK Kipainoi was named AMC with a time of 19:36.39 and
x-Seattle 10 5 6 36 1.71 40 22
field or finding gaps to
x-FC Dallas 9 5 7 34 1.62 28 21
practice squad from reserve/COVID-19 list. Newcomer of the Year and was named AMC All-Con-
Placed LB L.J. Fort on injured reserve. dribble down the sideline.
x-Minnesota United 8 5 7 31 1.55 33 26 AMC All-Conference after ference. Sophomores Jada
x-Los Angeles FC 9 7 4 31 1.48 46 38
BUFFALO BILLS — Placed LB Matt Milano on The Columbia College “Our game plan with
injured reserve. placing second with a time O’Donnell and Grace Brink-
x-Colorado 7 6 4 25 1.47 30 27
CHICAGO BEARS — Activated QB Tyler Bray men’s and women’s cross them, we don’t want them
x-San Jose 7 8 6 30 1.36 34 47 country teams took over of 27:3.38. Junior Jerod Rot- mann were also named
and DL Danile McCullers to the active roster to play out,” Brandt said.
e-Vancouver 8 14 0 24 1.09 24 44 as COVID-19 replacements. Francis Park in St. Louis on tinghaus and senior Carter AMC All-Conference, plac-
e-LA Galaxy 6 11 4 22 1.05 27 43 “We want them to just
e-Real Salt Lake 5 9 7 22 1.05 25 33
Friday with a pair of Ameri- Brocato placed eighth and ing fifth and ninth, respec- clear it and kick it and have
ensie Alexander and LB Jordan Evans on
e-Houston 4 9 9 21 0.95 29 38 reserve/COVID-19 list. can Midwestern Conference ninth, respectively, and tively. our back line win the ball.
NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie. DALLAS COWBOYS — Promoted QB Cooper championships. were named AMC All-Con- Both Dukes and junior We pressured them. We
x-Clinched playoff spot; e-Eliminated from playoff race.
Sunday’s matches
Rush and CB Saivion Smith from the practice
This is the men’s team’s ference. Daylin Huebotter were made adjustments at half-
squad to the active roster. Placed P Chris
New York City FC at Chicago, 2:30 p.m. Jones on injured reserve. seventh straight conference The women’s team named to the Champions of time to really fix them so
Atlanta at Columbus, 2:30 p.m. DETROIT LIONS — Activated QB Matthew title. Junior Alexander ran away with its fourth Character teams. they don’t control much in
Montreal at D.C. United, 2:30 p.m. Stafford from the reserve/COVID-19 list.
Cincinnati at Miami, 2:30 p.m. NDIANAPOLIS COLTS — Activated LB Matthew Dukes was named AMC straight conference title. With the wins, the Cou- the middle.”
Toronto FC at New York, 2:30 p.m. Adams from injured reserve. Placed WR Ash- Runner of the Year for the Senior Mikayla Sehlmeyer gars punched their tick- It translated into Colum-
Nashville at Orlando City, 2:30 p.m. ton Dulin on injured reserve. second straight year and to finished third overall with ets to the NAIA National bia’s first major scoring
New England at Philadelphia, 2:30 p.m. LOS ANGELES CHARGERS — Placed CB Bran-
Colorado at Houston, 5:30 p.m. don Facyson on the reserve/COVID-19 list. the AMC All-Conference a time of 19:35.15 in the 5K. Championships, scheduled chance late in the first half.
Portland at Los Angeles FC, 5:30 p.m. MINNESOTA VIKINGS — Activated Abdullah team after placing first Sehlmeyer was also named to begin April 9 after the Durdle’s low line drive
FC Dallas at Minnesota, 5:30 p.m. Anderson to active roster as COVID-19 with a time of 26 minutes, to the AMC All-Conference NAIA elected to move whistled just wide of the
Sporting Kansas City at Real Salt Lake, 5:30 p.m. replacement.
San Jose at Seattle, 5:30 p.m. WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM — Activated 5.38 seconds in the 8K. team. Sophomore Emma fall championships to the net. William Penn had a
LA Galaxy at Vancouver, 5:30 p.m. WR Steven Sims from injured reserve. Sophomore Edwin Homfeldt placed fourth spring. few corner kicks and sub-
sequent opportunities near
the net in the first half, but
MISSOURI SWIMMING AND DIVING wasn’t able to capitalize.

Both MU teams now 2-0 after convincing wins

This game was a bounce-
back for the Cougars, com-
ing off their first loss since
early September. Columbia
has taken care of business
BY JOEL LORENZI limited opportunity to sched- lowing Missouri’s win against achieved multiple first-place “We’re gonna shave and all year in conference ule matches this season, the TCU at the start of the sea- finishes, with wins in the 100- taper for Mizzou Invite,” Gre- play, but it’s these kinds of
Tigers have been prepared. son, and he’s been pivotal for meter butterfly and 100 free. vers said, “throw down our games — scheduled late
Though COVID-19 still lin- in the season against a
gers, the Missouri swimming Both the men’s and women’s the Tigers in their two wins. Thompson set a new personal best times and give ourselves
nonconference opponent —
and diving teams emerged sides swept their respective “Last season, I wasn’t real- best for the 100 fly with a some good seeds for (the SEC
Klein schedules to give the
from the water with their matches Saturday afternoon, ly sure what to expect from time of 52.65 seconds. Championships), and if there’s
Cougars a tune-up against
arms up in triumph. moving to 2-0 on the season. college diving,” Lopez said. Missouri will get to see an NCAA Tournament, we
someone they haven’t seen
“One of the foundations of The men’s team saw a dom- “I was still trying to find my Arkansas again in less than want to set ourselves up for before before the spring
our ‘Zou Style’ is that we take inant 193-92 win against Mis- groove last year, and this two weeks for the Mizzou that. I think today’s event was season and tournaments.
advantage of our opportuni- souri State. Sophomore diver year I feel a lot more confi- Invite. The event is big for a prequel for what’s to come.” “It shows that we can
ties,” coach Andrew Grevers Carlo Lopez continued his dent. I’m much more calm. I determining where the Tigers Missouri will get a better compete with Heart of
said. “I believe we have earlier success this season by can just focus on myself.” stand in the conference, and gauge of how good its pro- America (Athletic Confer-
enough opportunities this winning his lone two events, On the women’s side, the Grevers and his staff have gram is when it faces teams ence) teams,” Thetsane
year to sharpen this team up 1-meter and the 3-meter Tigers came away with a big made sure to start prepping such as Kentucky, Arkansas said. “If we compete with
for the postseason.” springboard. Lopez won 185.5-114.5 win over Arkan- as best as they can to defend and Louisville while hosting lots of Heart of America
Despite uncertainty and Men’s Diver of the Week fol- sas. Senior Sarah Thompson their pool. the Mizzou Invite on Nov. 19. teams, we can still do well.”
COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 — Page 3B


Fighting Irish take down No. 1 Clemson in 2OT

The Associated Press It was Oklahoma’s 22nd consecutive
November win dating to 2014.
Kyren Williams had a 3-yard
The Sooners got a scare when
touchdown run in the second over-
Rattler left the game briefly in the
time and No. 4 Notre Dame shut
second quarter with what appeared
down top-ranked Clemson with a
to be an injury to his left hip. He
couple of sacks to seal a 47-40 vic-
ran for a touchdown and took a hard
tory Saturday night in South Bend,
shot right after he crossed the goal
Indiana, the Fighting Irish’s first
line. Rattler returned and played
victory over a No. 1 in 27 years.
much of the third quarter.
Clemson had won 36 straight
games and had not lost to an Atlan- Jalon Daniels completed 11 of 31
tic Coast Conference team since passes for 115 yards for the Jay-
2017. The Fighting Irish (7-0, 6-0), hawks (0-7, 0-6).
playing in the ACC only because of (20) USC 28, Arizona State 27: In
the pandemic, snapped both streaks Los Angeles, Drake London caught
and sparked fans to storm the field a 21-yard touchdown pass with 1:20
in a celebration that most definitely to play, and No. 20 Southern Califor-
did not meet the CDC’s social-dis- nia overcame a late 13-point deficit
tancing guidelines. to beat Arizona State in the Pac-12′s
After Williams gave Norte Dame long-delayed season opener.
the lead on the first possession of Bru McCoy caught a deflected
the second OT, the Irish pushed 26-yard TD pass with 2:52 left for
Clemson back with back-to-back the Trojans, and McCoy recovered
sacks on DJ Uaigalelei by Adeto- the ensuing onside kick as well. On
kumbo Ogundeji and Daelin Hayes fourth-and-9, Kedon Slovis fired a
on the Tigers first two plays. pass down the middle to London,
The big freshman quarterback and the two-sport athlete beat dou-
completed to passes after the sec- ble coverage to haul it in for an elec-
ond-and-39, but the final one was trifying score.
way short of the line to gain and a USC stopped Arizona State on
couple of laterals didn’t help. downs near midfield with 50 sec-
(3) Ohio State 49, Rutgers 27: In onds left to preserve an astonishing
Columbus, Ohio, Justin Fields threw MATT CASHORE/USA Today
comeback for perpetually embattled
five touchdown passes and ran for coach Clay Helton’s team.
Notre Dame safety Shaun Crawford (20) celebrates after No. 4 Notre Dame defeated top-ranked Clemson 47-40 in two overtimes on
another score to help Ohio State Until their rally, the Trojans were
Saturday in South Bend, Ind. For the second straight game, the Tigers were playing without star quarterback Trevor Lawrence.
beat Rutgers. struggling for poise and precision
Fields, a Heisman Trophy finalist in a game that began at 9 a.m. USC
in 2019, added to his already gaudy short-handed Stanford in the opener forced to try for a 2-point conver- first in the Big 12 by a half-game. agreed to its earliest kickoff in at
2020 resume, completing 24 of 28 for both teams. sion after Will Howard’s short TD Baylor (1-4, 1-4) scored its first 24 least 70 years for a national tele-
passes for 314 yards. (13) Indiana 38, (23) Michigan 21: In run because of their odd decision points off Iowa State turnovers. vision audience, but it looked like
Fields threw two touchdown pass- Bloomington, Indiana, Michael Penix to attempt a 2-point try to stretch a Iowa State linebacker Mike Rose another embarrassment for Helton
es to Chris Olave, with Jameson Jr. passed for 342 yards and three 12-0 lead in the first half. Howard sealed the victory when he inter- and his Trojans — before it abruptly
Williams, Garrett Wilson and Jere- touchdowns and Indiana beat Michi- was incomplete on that one, and he cepted Charlie Brewer’s pass in the turned into a thrilling triumph.
my Ruckert also recipients of scor- gan for the first time in 33 years. never got a pass off on the second. end zone with 57 seconds left. (22) Texas 17, West Virginia 13: In
ing passes as the Buckeyes (3-0 Big Penix helped Indiana (3-0) snap a Oklahoma State guided the ensuing (18) SMU 47, Temple 23: In Phil- Austin, Texas, Texas stopped West
Ten) played through some sloppi- 24-game losing streak in the series onside kick out of bounds and ran adelphia, Shane Buechele threw Virginia on fourth-down passes into
ness and held off a second-half push — tied for the longest active skid some time off the clock before punt- four touchdown passes, two to Tyler the end zone twice in the fourth
by the Scarlet Knights (1-2). in the Football Bowl Subdivision. ing it back to the Wildcats, but How- Page, and SMU broke away from quarter, enabling the Longhorns to
(6) Cincinnati 38, Houston 10: In It was the Hoosiers’ first victory ard immediately threw an intercep- undermanned Temple. escape.
Cincinnati, Gerrid Doaks rushed over the Wolverines since Oct. 24, tion with 1:47 to go to seal their fate. The game was pushed back from Texas (5-2, 4-2 Big 12) overcame
for a career-high 184 yards and one 1987, just their second in 41 games (16) Marshall 51, Massachusetts its original Thursday date while Tem- an offense that produced nearly 100
touchdown, Desmond Ridder ran for and only the second in the 21 games 10: In Huntington, West Virginia, ple dealt with virus-related issues. yards and 27 points fewer than its
three scores and threw for another played at Memorial Stadium. Grant Wells threw three touchdown The Owls were missing 15 players average.
and Cincinnati rolled past Houston. The Wolverines (1-2) still don’t passes, Brenden Knox ran for two who were in COVID-19 protocol. Sam Ehlinger, typically the Long-
The Bearcats (6-0, 4-0 American have a top-15 road win since beating scores and Marshall pummeled SMU led 20-16 before Buechele horns’ offensive star, completed just
Athletic Conference) extended their Notre Dame in 2006. Their second Massachusetts. connected with Kylen Granson on a 15 of 31 passes for 184 yards, but he
school-record home winning streak consecutive loss could turn up the Marshall (6-0) continued to pro- 24-yard TD pass on the first play of connected with Brennan Eagles for
to 18 games. pressure on coach Jim Harbaugh in duce a season-long balance on the fourth quarter. The Mustangs a 7-yard touchdown pass in the first
Doaks ran for the most yards by his sixth season at Michigan offense that keeps opponents guess- (7-1, 4-1 American Athletic Confer- quarter and with Jake Smith for a
a Bearcats player since Mike Boone (14) Oklahoma State 20, Kansas ing. Knox scored on first-quarter ence) scored four touchdowns in 33-yard TD strike in the third. Fresh-
had 212 in 2014 against South Florida. State 18: In Manhattan, Kansas, runs of 45 and 14 yards and got the first 7½ minutes of the period. man Bijan Robinson rushed for 113
Ridder rushed for 103 yards and Jason Taylor II returned a fumble nearly all of his 118 yards in the Temple (1-4, 1-4) scored on the first yards on 12 carries for Texas.
threw for 162. He has accounted for 85 yards for a touchdown late in the first half. It was his fifth straight play of the game, with wide receiver Jarret Doege was 35 of 50 for 317
13 touchdowns (eight running, five fourth quarter, and Oklahoma State game over 100 yards. Randle Jones going 75 yards on a yards for West Virginia (4-3, 3-3).
passing) in the past three games. stopped Kansas State’s 2-point try Massachusetts (0-2), in its fourth screen pass from Trad Beatty. (25) Liberty 38, Virginia Tech 35:
Doaks found a huge hole on a third- that would have tied it with 2:08 to go. season as a Bowl Subdivision inde- (19) Oklahoma 62, Kansas 9: In In Blacksburg, Virginia, Alex Bar-
and-1 play in the first quarter and The Cowboys’ Spencer Sanders pendent, has 22 true or redshirt Norman, Oklahoma, Rhamondre bir hit a career-long 51-yard field
raced 72 yards, setting up his 2-yard was held to just 108 yards passing freshmen on its depth chart. Stevenson ran for 104 yards and two goal with a second left to lift Liber-
touchdown run two plays later. without dynamic wide receiver Tylan (17) Iowa State 38, Baylor 31: In touchdowns and Oklahoma routed ty past Virginia Tech.
Houston dropped to 2-3 overall Wallace and with running back Ames, Iowa, Brock Purdy threw winless Kansas. Barbir had a 59-yard attempt
and 2-2 in the AAC. Chuba Hubbard slowed by an inju- three touchdown passes in the sec- Stevenson, in his second game blocked with 8 seconds left, and
(12) Oregon 35, Stanford 14: ry. LD Brown helped to pick up the ond half after throwing three inter- back from a suspension, also caught Virginia Tech’s Jermaine Waller
In Eugene, Oregon, Tyler Shough load, running 15 times for 110 yards, ceptions in the first, and Iowa State four passes for 60 yards. returned it to the end zone for what
picked up where Justin Herbert as Oklahoma State (5-1, 4-1 Big 12) rallied to beat Baylor. Spencer Rattler passed for 212 appeared to be the winning score
left off, throwing for 227 yards leaned on its defense to bounce back The Cyclones (5-2) are 5-1 in con- yards and a touchdown and ran for a for the Hokies (4-3). But officials
and a touchdown and running for from an overtime loss to Texas. ference play for the first time in the score to help the Sooners (5-2, 4-2 Big ruled Virginia Tech called a timeout
another score to lead Oregon past The Wildcats (4-3, 4-2) were program’s 128-year history and are 12) win their fourth straight game. before the attempt.


Trask, No. 8 Florida upend No. 5 Georgia 44-28 in ‘Cocktail Party’

The Associated Press yards — 8 yards shy of Tim straight drives. Each touch-
Tebow’s single-game school down came faster than the
Kyle Trask started jumping
record — despite playing one before as Arkansas found
up and down on the sideline.
much of the night without the end zone on 16-play,
His Florida teammates took it
standout tight end Kyle Pitts. 3-play and 2-play consecutive
to another level, running and
Pitts was knocked out of the series.
leaping into the stands.
game in the second quarter Mississippi State 24, Van-
Coach Dan Mullen wasn’t
on Lewis Cine’s crushing hit derbilt 17: In Starkville,
going to be left out off the
fun. Mullen pulled himself over the middle. Cine was Mississippi, Will Rogers
onto the edge of the front row ejected for targeting, adding threw for 226 yards and a
and celebrated wildly with to Georgia’s already-thin touchdown, and Mississippi
fans. defense.
State’s defense combined for
Mullen clearly understood The Bulldogs were without
five turnovers to narrowly
the magnitude of the victory. nose tackle Jordan Davis
eke out a victory over visiting
Everyone did. (elbow), safety Richard
LeCounte (motorcycle acci- Vanderbilt.
Trask had another Mississippi State (2-4, 2-4)
four-touchdown night, becom- dent) and defensive tackle
Julian Rochester (knee) to finally won its first home
ing the first quarterback in game under first-year coach
Southeastern Conference start the game.
Trask and the Gators took Mike Leach after losing their
history to accomplish the feat
advantage, burning Georgia first two attempts to Arkan-
in five consecutive games,
repeatedly with wheel routes sas and Texas A&M last
as the No. 8 Gators beat No.
5 and undermanned Georgia while overcoming a 14-0 month.
44-28 on Saturday in Jackson- deficit. Running backs Malik Vanderbilt (0-5, 0-5) had
ville, Florida. Davis, Nay’Quan Wright and 478 yards of total offense,
“You’ve got to enjoy it,” Dameon Pierce combined to more than twice Mississippi
Mullen said. “I might be catch 10 passes for 212 yards. State’s total, but ultimately
JOHN RAOUX/The Associated Press
48 years old, but I’m really “Kyle Trask does a great couldn’t overcome its turn-
job,” Mullen said. “He’s not Florida tight end Kyle Pitts (84) tries to get past Georgia defensive back Lewis Cine (16) after a reception during over woes.
young on the inside so I’ve
going to force the ball. If the first half of the eighth-ranked Gators’ 44-28 victory over the No. 5 Bulldogs on Saturday in Jacksonville, Fla.
still got to enjoy some of that (7) Texas A&M 48, South
stuff.” they’re going bracket and Carolina 3: In Columbia,
The Gators (4-1) ended a take away and double people, The Bulldogs had several touchdown catch in the first It ended up being Florida’s South Carolina, Kellen Mond
three-game losing streak he’s going to go to who you’re chances to make it a one-pos- quarter. night to celebrate. threw four touchdown pass-
in the rivalry known as the not doubling or covering.” session game late, but D’Wan Replays showed the severi- “I don’t make excuses,” es to become Texas A&M’s
“World’s Largest Outdoor Once Trask and Florida Mathis kept overthrowing ty of Rosemy-Jacksaint’s inju- Smart said, pointing out his
career leader, Isaiah Spiller
Cocktail Party” — it was Mul- got going, the Bulldogs did open receivers. Mathis, who ry as team trainers rushed to team is 19-2 in its last 21 East
ran for 131 yards and the No.
len’s most significant victory little to stop them. The Gators started the season opener, the end zone and quickly got games. “I don’t look at it as
7 Aggies routed South Caro-
in three years with UF — and scored on seven of eight pos- replaced Stetson Bennett in an air cast on his leg. He was cause for concern. ... I’m not
the third quarter. carted into the tunnel amid going to say the sky’s falling lina.
now have a stranglehold on sessions after a three-and-out
Bennett left the game brief- a standing ovation. Florida or everything’s coming down. Mond moved past Jerrod
the SEC’s East Division. to open the game and finished
with 571 yards — the most ly in the first quarter with a safety Brad Stewart hit Rose- We’ve got to be better.” Jefferson with the 68th touch-
The Bulldogs (4-2), who
allowed in Georgia coach shoulder injury and was inef- my-Jacksaint just before he Arkansas 24, Tennessee 13: down pass of his career, a
entered the game as 3½-point
favorites, were likely elimi- Kirby Smart’s five seasons. fective after returning. He crossed the goal line. In Fayetteville, Arkansas, 52-yarder to Devon Achane
nated from College Football “We just can’t let this game completed 5 of 16 passes for The Dawgs led 14-0 after Feleipe Franks threw three in the third quarter with the
Playoff consideration and define us,” Dawgs receiver 78 yards, with a touchdown the freshman’s first career touchdown passes in the third game long decided.
probably have a quarterback Kearis Jackson said. “We’re and an interception. TD reception. Zamir White quarter to lead Arkansas Mond also ran for a score to
competition moving forward. not in the situation we want Bennett was without his top scored on the game’s first in a come-from-behind win help Texas A&M improve to
Florida, meanwhile, has a to be in right now, but we target, George Pickens (upper play from scrimmage, going against Tennessee. 5-1 — all in the SEC — for its
Heisman Trophy contender. still have games to be played. body), and lost Marcus Rose- untouched for 75 yards. The Razorbacks (3-3, best start since opening 6-0
Trask completed 30 of 43 There are still plays out there my-Jacksaint to an apparent It looked like it would be a 3-3) trailed 13-0 at half- in 2016. The Aggies are 7-0
passes for a career-high 474 to be made.” broken right leg on a 32-yard Georgia rout. time before scoring on four against the Gamecocks.
Page 4B — Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 — Page 5B

Friday Night Sights

After Week 2 of the playoffs, the competition has narrowed further.
For some, a district semifinal game is a stumbling block that ends
their season. But for the teams that win, it’s a steppingstone that
raises them closer to the district championships. With victories for
the Battle Spartans and Harrisburg Bulldogs and a loss for the
Westran Hornets, our visual journalists present ‘Friday Night
Sights’ — the magic and wonder of Friday night football.

Westran and Harrisburg football fans sit in the stands Friday in Huntsville. Social distancing and masks were not enforced at the game.

Battle senior Jordan Mayes celebrates with fans in the bleachers after the Spartans won a district semifinal game against the Rolla Bulldogs on Friday at Battle High School in Columbia. The Spartans beat the Bulldogs 41-21.

Battle coach Atiyyah

Ellison does pushups
with his team after
the Spartans beat
Rolla on Friday
at Battle High
School in Columbia.
The team did 21
pushups in total,
one for each point it

The Rolla football

team places the
belongings of each
player in 5-gallon
buckets to protect
players from the
COVID-19 pandemic
Friday at Battle High
School in Columbia.


Elby Meyer, 4, plays with sand during the halftime break Friday during the Westran-Harrisburg game in Huntsville. After playing, Meyer got some candy from the concession stand. Rolla senior Jackson Herdade stands with blood on his jersey Friday at Battle High School in Columbia. Rolla led 21-20 after three quarters but
gave up 20 points in the final quarter to eventually lose 41-21, seeing its season end.

Rolla gives up the

ball seven times;
Battle will play for
district title Friday
FOOTBALL from Page 1B unsuccessful through the air
for most of the night, Ellison
his team to play as a single called up a passing play to try
unit rather than individual and convert. None of Battle’s
players — or even an offense plays are drawn up with a
and defense. particular person in mind —
“I just challenged them “you’re just gonna stare that
to play together,” Ellison person down,” Ellison said
said. “Some of them were — so Dampier’s target would
griping about calls and dif- just be whoever was open.
ferent things. I said, ‘Make That person was junior
us right.’ There is no magic Donnie Hicks.
call, you got to make us right “My route, the ball was
sometimes.” a little off, but we practice
The thought of elimina- getting in front of the ball,
tion, of their season ending so I made that catch,” Hicks
before they were ready, said. “Then on the run, I saw
DANIEL SHULAR/Missourian served as another motivator. a little gap. We have to make
Battle junior Gerry Marteen Jr. dodges a tackle by Rolla senior Issac Hunter on Friday at Battle High School in Columbia. “It’s win or go home,” something work, so I just
Lambert said. “I think that went for it.”
hit us in the fourth quarter.” The touchdown was Hicks’
Lambert’s fumble recov- first of his career after join-
ery, and an interception ing the team this season at
shortly after, accounted for the behest of his twin broth-
two of Battle’s seven forced er, Hayden, and Ellison.
Battle senior Tommy
turnovers against Rolla, “He got open and made a
Atherton tries to pull
by far its most this season. huge play for our team,” Elli-
away from a tackle
Before Friday, the Spartans’ son said. “That just changed
by Rolla sophomore
season-high was against the whole momentum.”
Ben Tiddy on Friday at
Smith-Cotton, when they Battle’s other touchdowns
Battle High School in
had one interception and one came on a 68-yard run from
Columbia. Rolla gave
up three turnovers in fumble recovery. Dampier in the first quarter,
the first half. The Spartans scored on a 2-yarder by Dampier in the
two of the seven ensuing third and a 59-yard run from
possessions, once in the Marteen in the fourth.
third quarter and once in As Battle (7-1) was beat-
the fourth. Most of Battle’s ing Rolla (5-4), a very sim-
offensive momentum was ilar game was happening
gained by its defense. between the other two teams
“Without that, it’s a differ- left in Class 5 District 4.
ent game,” Ellison said of his Washington and Camdenton
defense’s performance. were tied through the start
In fact, Battle’s biggest of the fourth quarter before
offensive play of the night the Blue Jays pulled away
came on the drive following for a 28-21 win.
Rolla’s fifth fumble. Marteen No. 2 Battle will play at
and quarterback Khaleel No. 1 Washington for the
Dampier exchanged turns district title at 7 p.m. this
with the ball for six plays, upcoming Friday.
moving the chains from Bat- “I’m just excited to be
tle’s 40 to Rolla’s 35 before a playing next week,” Ellison
false start penalty stranded said. “It’s a one week season.
them at fourth-and-8. I’m just excited to be having
Though Dampier had been this conversation.”


Rock Bridge shut out, Chiefs’ Reid a big fan of Panthers RB McCaffrey
falls to Liberty North BY DAVE SKRETTA
The Associated Press

in district semifinal
innovative mind of Chiefs
coach Andy Reid can’t help
but envision how certain
players would fit into his
BY TYLER HOLLINS With the run game bottled Christian McCaffrey is a up, the Bruins looked to the prime example.
arm of Dent, which didn’t To be a running back in
Rock Bridge football knew
go much better, either. Dent Reid’s system, you must be
it was an underdog, but that
went 10-for-23 through the able to do just about every-
still didn’t prepare it for the thing: run hard between the
air, mostly completing short
shellacking offered by Liber- tackles and have the speed
screen passes. The Bruins’
ty North. to get outside, pick up blitzes
Across the board, Rock best opportunity for points
came on a 32-yard pass in the pass game and catch
Bridge didn’t live up to its the ball out of the backfield.
usual standard as the Bruins attempt to Payton Messer
that just missed his hands. And that rare versatility is
were defeated by the Eagles exactly what has made the
44-0 on Friday in the Class 6 Rock Bridge wouldn’t sniff
the end zone again as three Panthers running back one
District 4 semifinal. of the best in the NFL over
This is the first time Rock turnovers stalled any poten-
tial success. the past couple of seasons.
Bridge has been shutout since “Sure, he would’ve fit in
2016 when it lost to Lee’s “We just didn’t come out to
play early,” Vanatta said. “We the offense well. I think
Summit 36-0. probably every coach would
Liberty North (8-3) jumped just couldn’t put it together.
Couldn’t move the football say that in this league,” said
ahead early, scoring 23 points Reid, whose defense could CHARLIE RIEDEL/The Associated Press
in the first quarter. Running early and put our defense in a
bad situation.” be faced with stopping him Kansas City Chiefs head coach Andy Reid, center, walks along the sideline during a game against the New York
back Zac Willingham-Davis Sunday. Jets last Sunday in Kansas City. Reid said he was a big fan of the Carolina Panthers’ Christian McCaffrey.
set the tone for the Eagles, The Bruins even struggled
on special teams. Liberty McCaffrey has been out
breaking multiple arm the Panthers out of Stanford came in and he just brought because of suspected contact.
North opened the game with since Week 2 because of a
tackles and punishing Rock with the eighth overall pick in a little different pep,”
high-ankle sprain, but he
Bridge defenders on his way a 60-yard kickoff return.
looked good in practice this
in the 2017 draft. But the Edwards-Helaire said. “It Ball control woes
to three rushing touchdowns. Later in the first quarter, Chiefs turned out OK — they up-tempos the competition, While one of the keys to
week and could be active for
down 14-0 and punting
Cayden Arzola chipped in Carolina’s trip to Arrowhead traded up to 10th and took the way we compete day-in beating the Chiefs is keeping
with two touchdowns on the from its own territory, Rock Patrick Mahomes, who mere- and day-out. Off the field, Mahomes off the field, ball
Bridge mishandled a snap
ground. “He was a heck of a college ly led the franchise to its friends; on the field, doing control has been an issue
“They’re a good football and was tackled in the end first Super Bowl title in five anything in our power to get for the Panthers this season.
player and he’s doing a nice
team,” coach Van Vanatta zone for a safety. job in the NFL, so we’ll have decades last season. on the field and compete.” Opponents have run 135
said. “We didn’t match the “The farther you go, the to make sure we know what’s “I mean, he’s a guy that plays to their 95 over the past
intensity early. We did some harder it gets,” Vanatta said. going on with him,” Reid can do it all,” Mahomes said. Douglas’ return two games, a huge gap large-
good things but couldn’t “We’re a young team. We’ve said. “Their other running “He can catch the ball as
The Panthers secondary ly due to Carolina’s inability
recover. The ball just didn’t had a lot of guys out this year back (Mike Davis) is doing well as he runs the ball, and
will get some much-need- to win on third downs. Car-
bounce our way tonight.” and we’ve been able to figure very well, too, filling in for he runs the ball so well. He’s
ed help with cornerback olina was 2 of 12 on third-
Rock Bridge (6-4) couldn’t it out. We won six games. him.” a mismatch for defenses. He
Rasul Douglas returning down conversions in its Week
handle the combination of All in all, it was a more suc- Carolina coach Matt Rhule can run between the tackles. from a two-game stint on 8 loss to the Falcons.
speed and power from Liber- cessful season than a bad said there’s a chance Davis He has the speed to beat
guys outside, and he’s such the COVID-19/reserve list.
ty North. Whenever it looked season.”
The loss marks the final
could start in the backfield,
a talented receiver as well. Claimed off waivers before Protecting Bridgewater
like the Bruins might get over but that McCaffrey would the start of the season,
the hurdle, Willingham-Davis game for numerous seniors, Super talented guy.” Teddy Bridgewater has
get his touches. Douglas has been a pleasant
or Arzola would make anoth- including Jackson. In his “Christian brings elite spent the past two games
surprise, becoming the Pan-
er big run. Add two defensive four years at Rock Bridge, production,” Rhule said. “On Christian’s comps thers’ most reliable cover
under pressure, forcing him
pass interferences to the mix Vanatta has seen these spe- days when you’re not great The Chiefs eventually to take sacks or throw the
cific players transition from man — especially as cor- ball away. The Panthers hope
and the Eagles were on their on third down, he’s a tremen- got their McCaffrey-style
freshmen to seniors. Vanatta nerback Donte Jackson has to get veteran left tackle Rus-
way to playing for a district dous third-down matchup. running back when they
title. thanked them for their time struggled with injuries. sell Okung back from a two-
Explosive runs. He can catch picked Clyde Edwards-He-
While the Bruins’ defense as Bruins. the ball out of the backfield. laire out of LSU in the first week calf injury, and that
had its hands full, the offense “I couldn’t be more proud He’s one of the best in the round of April’s draft. And
Speaking of returns would certainly help.
couldn’t bail it out as it had of those kids,” Vanatta said. National Football League. when they added two-time The Chiefs could have wide “When Teddy is upright,
all season. After each rush- “They came here when I Like any great player, you All-Pro Le’Veon Bell a few receiver Sammy Watkins he’s playing like one of the
ing for over 100 yards in came here. They fought hard. feel better about your chanc- weeks ago, it suddenly left back from his ailing ham- best quarterbacks in the
Rock Bridge’s quarterfinal I couldn’t ask for anything es when he’s there than what the high-octane Kansas City string, which has kept him National Football League,”
matchup, quarterback Nathan more from those kids.” he’s not.” offense with one of the best out the past three games, Rhule said. “When the quar-
Dent and running back Bryce Liberty North will take on Reid never really got a backfields in the NFL. along with fullback Anthony terback’s been under duress,
Jackson struggled to gain Liberty on Friday in the dis- chance to land McCaffrey, “The biggest thing is Sherman, who has been on we haven’t been the offense
yardage. trict championship. of course. He was chosen by how he practices. Le’Veon the COVID-19 protocol list that we want to be in.”

Rock Bridge’s runners hustle away from the starting line in the MSHSAA boys cross country championships Saturday at the Gans Creek Cross Country Course in Columbia.


Rock Bridge cross country’s

season, marred by COVID,
finds successful conclusion
BY WILSON MOORE pendent School. He qualified after winning the District 4 Class 1 meet last week and fin-
ished sixth at the state meet.
From the starting gun to the finish line,
“It’s great to be able to come out and repre-
Rock Bridge cross country’s season was
sent my school,” he said. “Me being the only
defined by COVID-19.
runner, I’d like to grow the cross country pro-
Both Rock Bridge teams quarantined at
gram, but it’s definitely nice to come out and
points during the fall, which led to a sig-
represent CIS.”
nificant gap in their schedules. Junior Ian
Kemey, who finished seventh in the state Jefferson City’s Calvary Lutheran took
meet, was coming off a month-long layoff not home the team title in Class 1 with a score of
having raced at districts the week before. 90.
While impossible to know the true impact,
Bruins coach Neal Blackburn speculated that
Arnold defends Class 1 title
whether or not the runners attending school In winning the Class 1 girls state champion-
in person might have impacted the race. ship Saturday, Blue Eye junior Riley Arnold
“Having to navigate being in an all-virtual found herself in an unusual situation: some-
world educationally, which probably had the one else was near her.
greatest impact on our teams just because The two-time defending champion never
our kids have a hard time with that,” he said. trailed during the race and beat second-place
“It definitely effected our girls team more Riley Bryan by 10 seconds, but even that was
than our guys. I think our girls are a little closer than anyone typically gets to Arnold.
more of that tighter bond in person, whereas “Most of the races this year haven’t had
our guys can connect in almost any way.” that,” Arnold said. “It really pushed me and I
knew I had to perform.”
Hermann finishes sixth Arnold’s time of 18 minutes, 45.2 seconds
as only representative from CIS broke the Class 1 course record she set at
Thirty-nine runners from Columbia high Gans Creek in the 2019 championships.
schools competed over the weekend. Tolton “Still surprises me every time,” she said. “I
and Rock Bridge had 14 apiece. Nine came still get so nervous right before a race. Love
from Hickman. The final runner was Quentin the feeling (of) running across that finish
Rock Bridge senior Olivia DeClue, right, hugs junior Maci Steuber at the MSHSAA girls cross country
Hermann, a sophomore from Columbia Inde- line.” championships in Columbia. DeClue and Steuber placed 68th and 47th, respectively.

Rock Bridge girls place fourth;

Ford not satisfied with results
CHAMPIONSHIP from Page 1B in Missouri history, and led performances from juniors
after 1000 meters in the state Brooke Walker and Maci
for coach Rachel Korte whose
meet before faltering down Steuber and freshman Ava
goal for the team was a top-10
finish. the stretch, winding up in a Beary, who came in 31st, 47th
“They packed up and ran as 15th-place finish and a time and 42nd, respectively.
a team well,” she said. “They of 19:07. Hickman’s girls team didn’t
raced well, they finished well. “Carolyn knows she’s better qualify for the meet, but
So I think, all in all, that’s than that,” Blackburn said. senior Peri Welch cracked the
exactly what we wanted them “We know that she’s better top 25 as an individual, finish-
to come out here and do.” than that, but today Carolyn ing 14th.
Many of the Rock Bridge was 15th, and we own it. First “She has just been get-
girls’ hopes rested on the thing she did when she was ting stronger and stronger
shoulders of defending done with the tears, she was throughout the season,” Korte
state champion sophomore like ‘I’m ready to get back said. “She just continues to
Carolyn Ford. Ford had run after it. I know what I need prove that she can play at ELIZABETH UNDERWOOD/Missourian
sub-18 minutes earlier this to do.’” that same level, and she’s had Hickman senior Cale Littrell runs down the course followed closely by St. Louis University High’s Ryan
year, one of the best times Rock Bridge also got top-50 an extraordinary season.” Kramer on Saturday at the Gans Creek Cross Country Course in Columbia.
Page 8B — Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN


Hamlin faces tough field for elusive 1st NASCAR title

BY JENNA FRYER tice or qualifying, and many team slapped a huge piece of
The Associated Press remote meetings. Keselows- tape across the front of his
ki was in a contract year, Toyota in a misguided aero-
earned a one-year extension dynamic adjustment. Hamlin
Denny Hamlin is 0-for-3
and a title could lead to a has been close enough to suf-
in championship chances,
renegotiation. fer heartbreak but insists he’s
his shot at an elusive first
Penske likes his two chanc- handled the disappointments
NASCAR crown ending just
es. much better than he did in
short each time.
“We don’t have any 2010, when he used a sports
It’s his turn again, without
team orders,” Penske said. psychologist to deal with the
rival Kevin Harvick in his
way and his Toyota team- “They’re going to race their defeat.
mates all eliminated. Hamlin hearts out. We’re going to “All I can do is control
on Sunday will try to close execute in pit lane. The best what I can control, and I’ll
his own career-defining driver is going to win out of live with the result no matter
season with the Cup title in the two.” what that is,” Hamlin said.
NASCAR’s season finale at Then there’s Elliott, ready Hamlin turns 40 exactly
Phoenix Raceway. to prove he can deliver on 10 days after Sunday’s title
Hamlin will be racing the track. The 24-year-old is race and has matured greatly
with Joey Logano and Brad statistically enjoying his best the last several seasons. He
Keselowski, Ford teammates Cup season and advanced opened this year with his
from Team Penske, as well as to the final four after three third Daytona 500 win and
NASCAR’s most popular driv- previous failures. Just getting took an active role in the
er. Chase Elliott last week into the finale checks multi- online iRacing that carried
drove Chevrolet and Hen- ple boxes for Elliott, who car- NASCAR through its shut-
drick Motorsports back into ries the weight of Hendrick down.
the championship race for the and Chevrolet’s long drought. He’s already thinking about
first time since 2016. He’s leaning on his father, his future in NASCAR and in
Elliott’s win at Martinsville Bill Elliott, a NASCAR Hall September announced that
put him on NASCAR’s big- of Famer and the 1988 Cup he partnered with Michael
gest stage for the first time GERRY BROOME/The Associated Press
champion, for advice on rac- Jordan to field a race team
in his career, but the upset Denny Hamlin waits to qualify prior to the NASCAR Cup Series auto race May 24 at Charlotte Motor Speedway in ing for the biggest trophy. next season for Bubba Wal-
also bounced Harvick out Concord, N.C. Hamlin is 0-for-3 in championship chances, his shot at a first NASCAR crown ending just short of “My dad obviously has had lace. Winner of 44 career
of the finale. Harvick won a the finish line all three times he’s been close. It’s his turn again in Sunday’s season finale at Phoenix Raceway. great success over the years, Cup races, he and Mark Mar-
Cup Series-high nine races has been around this deal tin are considered the best
and was the regular-season considers us an underdog, championship. The champion year’s finalists to win the title for a long time,” Elliott said. NASCAR drivers without a
champion, and Harvick and especially our competition,” has also won the race — at in this format, in 2018 when “The big thing from talking title.
Hamlin went head-to-head said Hamlin. Homestead-Miami Speedway, he won Homestead and the to dad ... is just enjoy these Martin, a Hall of Famer
nearly all summer in a rival- All four of the finalists are however — every year since title. moments, because these and winner of 40 races, fin-
ry worthy of NASCAR’s gold- confident they will take the this format debuted in 2014. Keselowski won the 2012 aren’t things you can take for ished second in the champion-
en days. winner-take-all showcase of Harvick is a nine-time win- title under a different format granted.” ship hunt four times.
Harvick’s elimination the- a grueling season. NASCAR ner at Phoenix. Yet all four and has been to the final Hamlin has been here “I never would consider any
oretically made Hamlin the was among the first series remain convinced they will four only once. He brought before. He coughed away a comparison to Mark Martin
favorite. He won seven races to resume racing during the win the race. to Phoenix the tall beer glass title to Jimmie Johnson in an insult. I’ll take those com-
this season and the title for pandemic, returning in May Logano won Phoenix in he chugged from on TV after 2010 when Johnson won for a parisons all day, because the
the first time is being decided with a rebuilt schedule as March, the final race before his first championship, when record fifth consecutive time, guy is a ... driver that nobody
at Phoenix, where Hamlin is NASCAR worked to get ven- the 10-week shutdown. He he accidentally caught a buzz then lost because of late race wanted to face,” Hamlin said.
a two-time winner including ues open across the country. has zero friends on the race while celebrating post-race. strategy screwups in 2014 “Championships, I get it, it’s
last November when he raced It took doubleheaders, track and on Sunday that will Logano and Keselowski this and 2019. very, very important. But I
his way into the champion- midweek races and one-day include his Penske teammate. year adjusted to new crew Last season was particu- also know that my competitors
ship four. shows to get to Phoenix, Logano has made it to the chiefs after Roger Penske’s larly brutal: Hamlin was in will probably say that I’m one
The Cup is now his, right? where the highest finisher championship race four times offseason three-team swap. contention until a late pit stop, of the toughest competitors
“I think it’s unlikely anyone of the final four wins the and is the only one of this They’ve done it without prac- when his Joe Gibbs Racing and toughest guys to beat.”


Authentic goes wire-to-wire to win Breeders’ Cup Classic

BY STEPHEN WHYNO Authentic, at 9-2, never let up with 1:59.19 in the $6 million marquee
The Associated Press John Velazquez aboard and extend- event and paid $10.40, $5.40 and
ed his lead by the end. $4.20. Improbable returned $4.80
From start to finish, Authentic left “I didn’t think it was that much and $3.30 while Global Campaign
no doubt he was the horse to beat in speed in the race, other than the paid $8.80.
the Breeders’ Cup Classic. other horse that Bob had on out- As for Gamine, she beat retiring
His dominant performance on side,” said the Hall of Fame jockey, great Serengeti Empress by 6¼
another big stage should also end referring to Maximum Security. lengths and clocked a track-record
the debate about this year’s top “And I thought we were going to be 1:20.20 over seven furlongs to top
3-year-old, strange as the season quicker than him anyway. Taris’ old mark of 1:21.32 on Oct. 18,
has been because of the coronavirus “Once we got in front and I passed 2014. Her fourth victory this year
pandemic. the wire for the first time, I mean, it comes after a tumultuous year in
Authentic won the Classic in the was pretty easy from there, yeah.” which she tested positive for lidocaine
same fashion he took the resched- Authentic earned his fifth win in May and for betamethasone, a reg-
uled Kentucky Derby two months with two seconds in seven starts ulated corticosteroid, in September.
ago, going wire-to-wire for a this year, strengthening his case as Baffert is appealing a suspension
2¼-length victory over Improbable the year’s top 3-year-old. The victo- in the first case, while results are
that gave trainer Bob Baffert a 1-2 ry bookended a successful day for pending from a split-sample test in
finish on a warm, sunny fall Satur- Baffert, whose filly Gamine opened the second. He wasn’t necessarily
day at Keeneland. the $31 million season-ending world seeking vindication but got it any-
And perhaps erased Baffert’s championships with a dominant, way with the win and gushed over
regret over Authentic’s narrow MICHAEL CONROY/The Associated Press
record-setting win in the $1 million his filly.
runner-up finish to filly Swiss Sky- John Velazquez (9) rides Authentic to victory in the Breeder’s Cup Classic on Saturday Filly and Mare Sprint. “She showed what a wonderful
diver in last month’s Preakness, also at Keeneland Race Course in Lexington, Ky. Both horses will certainly be filly she is, and there was no doubt
shifted to the fall because of the named in any Eclipse Award discus- today,” Baffert said.
pandemic. right now, and this ... is the time of pace for the 10-horse field to fol- sion, and Baffert’s bias for Authen- There was tragedy just before the
“He just struggled that day,” Baf- the year they catch up.” low. Maximum Security, last year’s tic was obvious. nine-race card began, when colt Abso-
fert said, “but we got him back, and There wasn’t any catching up 3-year-old champion, pursued for a “There was a lot on the line,” he lutely Aiden had to be euthanized fol-
I’ve got a great team, and we just to Authentic on Sautrday as he while before Global Security over- said. “What he did today was pretty lowing an injury that occurred during
tightened the screws on him. broke quickly out of the No. 9 gate took him and then was passed by amazing.” a scary chain-reaction incident in the
“He’s just matured. He’s maturing between stablemates and set the Improbable entering the stretch. Authentic covered 1¼ miles in $150,000 Lafayette.

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opened and read aloud. All Documents must be obtained by the Learning as you go will be mentally you reach out to youngsters, close
The RFP, drawings and supportive con- Bidder from this site to be an Eligible Bid- stimulating and instrumental in friends, relatives and loved ones,
struction information for this project will der. helping you figure things out. If
be available at Dana Reynolds you channel your energy wisely, it you’ll come up with new ways to after No- Purchasing Agent will lead to enlightenment. remain close and connected, re-
vember 10, 2020. All Documents must INSERTION DATES: November 1, 4 & 8, gardless of distancing regulations
be obtained by the Bidder from this site 2020 SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — put in place.
to be an Eligible Bidder. Do your best to improve meaning-
Bid Questions ful relationships. Communication GEMINI (May 21-June 20) —
Inquiries or questions about the bid or is vital if you’re going to gain Show compassion when dealing
specifications: BID with emotional issues. Self-
SOLICITATION support. Present what you have
Ms. Lisa Ozanich, Assistant Purchasing
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL to offer. improvement projects are favored.
Agent Offer love and understanding over
NO. C-22001
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. criticism and discord.
All questions or requests shall be submit- 21) — Embrace change, be open
Sealed bids will be received by the Pur-
ted in writing. Replies may be issued by
chasing Agent, Columbia School District, HOW DO YOU SUDOKU? to learning something new and up- CANCER (June 21-July 22) —
addendum. Make positive changes at home.
A mandatory pre-bid meeting is sched- Business Services –Purchasing Dept., ■ Fill in the grid so that every row, every date your skills to reflect current
uled for 10:00 a.m., Thursday, November 1818 Worley, Columbia, Missouri 65203, trends. Self-improvement will lead Keep your money and posses-
19, 2020. Contractors must meet at the until the time and date stated below for column and every 3x3 box contains the to compliments and boost your sions in a safe place. Choose to
CPS Nature School site, 8871 Tom Bass the following project: digits 1 through 9. ego. Romance is on the rise. do your own thing, and budget
Road, Columbia, MO 65201. Any clarifi- wisely. Keep the peace, but don’t
cations, changes, etc. discussed during FLU VACCINE ADMINISTRATION ■ There’s no math involved. The grid has CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
3:00 P.M., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, give in to peer pressure.
the meeting, will also be submitted to numbers, but nothing has to add up to — Address money matters, and
each bidder by written addendum. There 2020
anything else. You solve the puzzle with implement a plan to lower your LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — A
Information regarding instructions and re-
will be no future provisions or time allot- overhead. Shared expenses could change to how you earn your living
ted for those parties not present at this quirements for procuring bidding docu- reasoning and logic. Answer to may pan out as you had hoped.
mandatory pre-bid to access areas. Bid- ments may be viewed & downloaded turn into a problem. Do your best
ders that do not attend the pre-bid meet- online at ■ Solving time is typically from 10 to 30 SUNDAY’S puzzle to keep the peace. Consider a new way to improve
All Documents must be obtained by the minutes, depending on your skill and your resume and pick up skills and
ing will not be allowed to submit a bid.
Bidder from this site to be an Eligible Bid- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — knowledge to help you head in a
All Contractors and Subcontractors shall
der. experience. Don’t let someone distract you.
conform to the State of Missouri, Division more suitable direction.
Lisa Ozanich It’s essential to stay on top of your
of Labor Standards, Annual Wage Order
No. 27, Section 010, Boone County, in Assistant Purchasing Agent responsibilities. Moderation will VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —
accordance with Section 290.262 CUM. INSERTION DATES: November 1 & 8, be necessary financially, emotion- Look at all angles of every situ-
2020 ation, and you’ll come up with a
Supp. RSMo 2000. All Contractors and SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 ally and physically.
Subcontractors shall conform to the Mis- diplomatic plan that will gain you
souri Prevailing Wage Law Sections YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY: people who don’t share your be- PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — A
290.550 to 290.580 Public Works during Think before you act. Don’t make liefs or values. Self-improvement change of pace will give you time much-needed support. Romance
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE assumptions or jump to conclu- projects are favored. Romance is is featured.
Excessive Unemployment, if applicable For default in the payment of debt se- to figure out your next move.
to this Project. cured by a deed of trust executed by sions. Take your time and study on the rise. Strive to protect yourself from LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) —
The Owner reserves the right to reject Jean A Talkington, dated May 5, 2003, the facts, and focus on truth, TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Not someone trying to take advantage Problems will mount if you don’t
any or all Bids and to waive informalities and recorded on May 5, 2003, Document justice and fair play. Show com- everyone will agree with you today. of you. make lifestyle adjustments.
or irregularities in the bidding. No. 2003017234, in Book No. 02204, at passion and understanding, and
Insertion dates: November 1 & 8, 2020 An emotional situation will arise ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Indulgence will lead to criticism
Page 0369 in the Office of the Recorder you will be offered respect and and opposition. Stop procrastinat-
of Deeds, Boone County, Missouri, the if you or someone close to you Don’t fold under pressure or give
admiration in return.
BID undersigned Successor Trustee will on feels insecure or jealous. Keep in to unfair solutions. Initiate ing; align yourself with like-minded
SOLICITATION November 13, 2020, at 3:00 PM, at the SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) the peace. plans that will lead to better days people and get moving.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 21/32 Front Door of the Boone County Court- — Don’t let yourself be taken
The Columbia Public Schools (Owner) is house, Columbia, Missouri, sell at public advantage of by someone who is
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — ahead. You can find solutions — Eugenia Last
vendue to the highest bidder for cash: Improve your surroundings. Make
accepting sealed bids for the Restroom emotionally manipulative. Call
Renovations at Lange and Smithton Mid- UNIT SIX F (6F) OF EDGEWATER the most of whatever situation you
the shots instead of letting
dle Schools until 2:00 p.m. local time, CONDOMINIUMS II AS SHOWN BY face, and work hard to better your
Tuesday, December 8, 2020. Bids must DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM, others put you in a compromis-
be submitted to Business Services – Pur- BYLAWS AND INDENTURE OF EDGE- ing position. Personal growth is
prospects. Comfort and enjoyment MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9
should be priorities. WATCHING YOURSELF
chasing Dept., 1818 West Worley, Co- WATER CONDOMINIUMS II, A CON- favored.
lumbia, Missouri, 65203. Bids will be DOMINIUM, RECORDED, IN BOOK
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Pay PLAYING BRIDGE
opened and read aloud. 651, PAGE 16, RECORDS OF BOONE closer attention to details. Update
The RFP, drawings and supportive con- COUNTY, MISSOURI, commonly known 21) — Nurture your way to tiptop Like most bridge players,
documents that are in need of it,
struction information for this project will as 1887 Waterfront Dr N Apt F, Colum- shape. Work on home improve-
review contracts and your financial over the last few months, I
be available at American Document So- bia, MO, 65202 ments to ease stress and accom-
lutions after November 10, 2020. Ameri- subject to all prior easements, restric- situation, and confirm upcoming have spent a fair amount of
modate your needs. Romance is time playing at Bridge Base
can Document Solutions is located at tions, reservations, covenants and en- appointments. Leave nothing to
featured. Focus on personal gain Online. I like to look at other
1400 Forum Blvd, Suite 7A, Columbia, cumbrances now of record, if any, to sat- chance.
MO 65203, (573) 446-7768 or isfy the debt and costs. and contentment.
SouthLaw, P.C. f/k/a South & Associ- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Get tables, and it is clear that
Bid Questions ates, P.C. Successor Trustee
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ready to conquer whatever comes some players are logging in
— A change will lift your spirits.
Inquiries or questions about the bid or First Publication: October 16, 2020.
Steer clear of friends and relatives
your way. Refuse to let others under two usernames. One
specifications: For more information, visit
Ms. Dana Reynolds, Purchasing Agent who are argumentative or who
tempt you to act frivolously or plays and the other kibitzes,
behave excessively. Make so the player can see all four
E-mail NOTICE don’t share your lifestyle or be- romance and love priorities, and
All questions or requests shall be submit- Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection liefs. Concentrate on what makes hands.
ted in writing. Replies may be issued by Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no self-improvement your stress
addendum. information concerning the collection of you happy. reliever. One player who has caught
A mandatory pre-bid meeting is sched- this debt may be given without the prior AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — my eye has a Bulgarian
uled for 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, November consent of the consumer given directly to VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — name but says that he lives
Go over the ups and downs of a Don’t hide your feelings. Honesty
17, 2020. Contractors must meet at the debt collector or the express permis-
Lange Middle School, Front Office, 2201 sion of a court of competent jurisdiction. pending situation. Being prepared will help solve problems; being in England. He is an expert
Smiley Lane, Columbia, MO 65202. Any The debt collector is attempting to collect will help you engage in talks that evasive will not. Offer solutions who will play for pay with
clarifications, changes, etc. discussed a debt and any information obtained will are useful, factual and productive. and compromises, and be willing less experienced players.
during the meeting, will also be submitted be used for that purpose (Casefile No. Romance looks promising. to work toward a better future. I hope no one contacts him.
to each bidder by written addendum. 226390-938767).
There will be no future provisions or time INSERTION DATES: October 16, 18, 20, PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — Moderation is mandatory. Look at today’s deal. What do top hearts, played a club to
allotted for those parties not present at 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, November What you do for others will make LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — you think of the auction, and his ace, cashed the heart
this mandatory pre-bid to access areas. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 2020 you feel good about yourself. Work Don’t stick around if you aren’t how would you play in six king, then led a diamond to
Bidders that do not attend the pre-bid hard to make a difference. A finan- appreciated. Size up your situation dummy’s jack!
meeting will not be allowed to submit a cial boost is apparent. Your skills hearts after West leads the
Something New
can be put to good use.
and make your grievances known. diamond four? When the finesse won,
All Contractors and Subcontractors shall Help a likeminded person or a How could South jump to declarer claimed an over-
ARIES (March 21-April 19) — cause you believe in. Romance is
conform to the State of Missouri, Division
of Labor Standards, Annual Wage Order six hearts? Only if he knew trick for a cold top. However,
Don’t labor over something you encouraged.
No. 27, Section 010, Boone County, in
cannot change or worry about his partner’s hand. note that if the diamond
accordance with Section 290.262 CUM. — Eugenia Last finesse had lost, the defend-
Supp. RSMo 2000. All Contractors and Then we get to the play.
Subcontractors shall conform to the Mis- The contract appears to be ers could have cashed the

Turn over
souri Prevailing Wage Law Sections laydown. Declarer can win spade ace to defeat the slam.
290.550 to 290.580 Public Works during
Excessive Unemployment, if applicable with dummy’s diamond king, When was making a slam

a new leaf,
to this Project. cash the heart ace-queen, ever a bad score? Once
The Owner reserves the right to reject cross to the club ace, return every pandemic! (In this

any or all Bids and to waive informalities
or irregularities in the bidding. to the diamond ace, discard session, seven pairs bid six
Insertion dates: November 8 & Novem- the third diamond on the hearts, and nine missed it.)
ber 15, 2020 club king and concede one Finally, note that South
spade trick. was not playing for match-
But how did our villain
play it? He won with the
points or money. What was
his motivation?
■ SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1908 ■ 221 S eighTh ST | 573-882-5714 diamond ace, took dummy’s — Phillip Alder
Page 10B — Sunday & Monday, November 8-9, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN

Health scare reveals cracks in relationship
DEAR ABBY: I’ve been dating could have died on the way. Karl’s dominating a conversation, pause, has gone from my boyfriend, to
“Karl” for five years. We live reaction to your crisis was incred- ask questions and listen to the fiance, back to boyfriend, to
separately. I thought our relation- ibly callous. Please think very answers. For those who say you friend, to “I don’t know what he is
ship was pretty solid until a carefully about a future with this don’t hold up your end, consider now.” He showers me with gifts
recent health scare. A few days person because he isn’t going to making a list in advance of topics and material things, which really
ago, I had a severe allergic change. Start compiling a list of you consider safe (excluding sex, don’t mean a lot to me. I thank him
reaction to something I ate at people you CAN depend upon politics and religion) and refer to it often for the things he does, and I
dinner. When I realized how should the need arise. Karl if you feel stuck. And, if you don’t reciprocate them.
serious it was, I immediately definitely isn’t one. If you were know how to begin, lead off with a What matters more to me are
rushed to the ER. (I had taken an counting on him to be your life compliment. simple gestures like checking to visiting family members’ graves
antihistamine instead of calling partner, change your mind now DEAR ABBY: I am engaged to a make sure I get home safely, each year for many years. In the
the paramedics.) because, if you don’t, it could cost wonderful man I’ll call Jesse who accepting and acknowledging my past she placed cut flowers on the
I quickly messaged Karl that I you your life. loves my daughter and me. Howev- friends, acknowledging me on graves, but recently she has begun
was having a medical emergency. DEAR ABBY: When I was a kid, I er, one of my brothers seems not to Mother’s Day, asking how my day leaving live potted flowers. What I
The doctor said these reactions was called a “chatterbox,” and it be happy for me. Because of this, was, taking me out from time to learned recently is, the day after a
can be fatal and will become continued until my mid-30s. Jesse doesn’t want to invite him to time instead of always saying he major holiday she and her friend
increasingly worse after each Somewhere I came across the our wedding, but I’m worried doesn’t want to go. return to the cemetery, remove
reaction. Karl was working and saying that it’s better to be silent about how excluding him will I have explained to him time and them and take them home. When I
said he couldn’t leave work. and be thought a fool than to open affect my family. Any advice you time again how I want to be asked her why, her response was,
He didn’t make sure I got home your mouth and remove all doubt. could give would be greatly treated, but it goes in one ear and “If I don’t take them, someone else
safely or even come to the house It made sense to me, so I shut up. appreciated. — Melancholy in out the other. I have given him will.” Am I wrong to think this is

odd, or is this 8: nowFred Armisen,
a common
later to check on me. When I Now I’m close to retirement, and Montana chance after chance to get it right,
Russian bomber goes miss- Ron Howard directed this new Easy is grappling with the effects practice Tim Heidecker
I am not andawareJohn
asked him for help picking up the people complain that I don’t talk DEAR MELANCHOLY: You and to no avail. I am tired of this. It’s
many meds I needed the next enough! I
ing while
U.S. Jesse
need to discuss
at of the COVID-19 pandemic
like we’re speaking different
as Reilly
Unusual are
in creators,
the West writers and
morning, he again said he was soil, Callen and
where I must make polite conver- Sam (Chris how a community came
I don’t know what your brother’s together Season 7 of this crime
languages. Is it time for me to procedural the
DEARstars of
UNUSUAL: this new
I half-hour
checked with

working. I was furious, and did it sation with O’Donnell,
people I don’tLL Cool
know.J) race to in the are
reservations aftermath of almost
concerning your move premieres with “Something
on? — Impatient in Alabama in thetwo
comedy series,here
cemeteries in which
in Losthey
myself although I shouldn’t have track it down
And with people I do know, I’m and secure the incalculable loss to
fiance, but unless his presence begin their Air, Part 1.” After Pride
DEAR IMPATIENT: Yes, it is. If, (Scott play,
Angeles respectively,
where I eager
reside and astro-
been driving. I know I’m emotional afraid of saying weapons tooand
Anybefore thewould beshared recovery.
disruptive, On Nov.
he should not8, afterBakula) dispatches
three years, your manTammy stilland ifnaut
your mother Skip,has
Rook and
due to meds and trauma. Am I Russians —
recommendations? onFormer
board destroy the 2018, a
be excluded. Ifdevastating
you do whatwildfire
Jesse hasn’tCarter (Vanessa
gotten the messageFerlito,
thatCharles doing
Cap, isthe leader.practice.
common The trio Both
overreacting? — Disappointed in Chatterbox aircraft in “The Bear,” the has in mind,
in Pennsylvania sweptitthrough theatown
will cause of
rift that Michael
material Davis)
things to investigatetoa said
are unimportant andthey
work hadat never
NASA’s Moon
heard of Base
Oregon Season CHATTERBOX:
DEAR FORMER 12 premiere. Elsewhere, Paradise,
could last Calif.,Invite
for decades. moving yourwith you, suspicious death aboard
and being treated with a human-a Simulator
thing. Cut deepflowers in the
are isolated
DEAR DISAPPOINTED: You are ConversationHetty (Linda
isn’t Hunt)
supposed to gives
be a Nell
brother,horrific speed.
and it will thenBybethe time this
up to itarian ship
consideration is offshore,
paramount, they learn
then it desertfrom
weekly outsidethe Winslow,
graves afterAriz.
NOT overreacting. You were monologue; (Renée Felice Smith)
it is supposed to be aa cryptic inferno
him whether hewas extinguished, it isn’tthat
attends. GOINGsometocrew members
happen. He isn’tare There,
wilt; pottedtheplants
guys attempt to qual-
are allowed to
fortunate to have made it to
John C. thestars indialogue —
Reilly assignment.
an exchange Vytoof Ruginis guest DEARhad killed
ABBY: My 85manpeople, displacedthe man
of three infected with coronavirus. 8:30 p.m. remain
for you. ify forfortheir
thefirst space
family mission.
to maintain
emergency room because
“Moonbaseyou 8” on Showtime.
If you
7:30find yourself
p.m. on KRCG 50,000
years and I areresidents.
at a crossroads.
8 p.m. on He
NGEO DEAR ABBY: My mother has been
on KRCG when they
10 p.m. visit.
on Show


6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30




KMOS & 6 6 6 9 6
As Time Goes Keeping Up The Trouble With Maggie Roadkill on Masterpiece Cobra Fraser and his team Midsomer Murders Charlie As Time Goes Keeping Up Roadkill on Masterpiece ’ Å Cobra Fraser and his team
By Å Appearances Cole (N) ’ Å (N) ’ Å reach the endgame. (N) Å Nelson moves into Midsomer. By Å Appearances reach the endgame. ’ Å
KOMU 8-1 7 8 8 8 8
Football Night in America (N) ’ (Live) Å (:20) NFL Football New Orleans Saints at Tampa Bay Buccaneers. (N) ’ (Live) Å KOMU 8 News KOMU 8 Inside Edition Inside Edition Paid Program Meet the Press ’ Å
at Ten Sports Extra Weekend (N) Weekend (N)
KRCG ` 13 13 13 13 13 (3:25) NFL 60 Minutes (N) ’ Å NCIS: Los Angeles “The Bear” NCIS: New Orleans A suspi- NCIS Agents probe a death on KRCG 13 Live (:07) America This Week Graham Game Time (:02) NCIS: New Orleans “In
Football (N) (Season Premiere) (N) cious death aboard a ship. ’ Air Force One. ’ Å at 10:00 (N) (N) ’ Å Bensinger With Boomer Plain Sight” Å (DVS)
Get-TV 13.2 - - - - 14
Stargate SG-1 SG-1 battles Stargate SG-1 Teal’c must go Stargate SG-1 Carter blacks Stargate SG-1 Abandon a Stargate SG-1 SG-1 learns Stargate SG-1 Cassandra’s Stargate SG-1 Daniel’s friend Stargate SG-1 SG-1 teams up
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KMIZ 17-1 10 17 17 10 10 America’s Funniest Home Supermarket Sweep “Where’s Who Wants to Be a Card Sharks “204” (N) ’ Å ABC 17 News ABC 17 Sports World League Paid Program Outback oh baby! ’ Paid Program ABC World
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KNLJ 9 20 - 25 5 4 Manna-Fest With Perry Stone Awakening Pastor Gary Rod Parsley Jewish Jesus Les Feldick KNLJ Special V. Childers Great Awakening, Browne Paid Program Bill Gaither Homecoming Daniel One on One
KQFX 6 11 22 22 11 11 The Simpsons Bob’s Burgers The Simpsons (:31) Bless the Bob’s Burgers Family Guy News at 9:00 ABC 17 Sports Mike & Molly Mike & Molly The King of The King of Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
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KZOU 17-3 12 18 32 12 12 The Big Bang The Big Bang 2 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls Mom ’ Å Mom ’ Å Last Man Last Man Family Feud Family Feud TMZ (N) ’ Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
Theory Å Theory Å ’Å ’Å Standing ’ Standing ’ ’ Å ’Å

CW 8-3 5 14 251 2 7
Central Ave Central Ave Pandora Jax is recruited for a Whose Line Is Whose Line Is KOMU 8 News Seinfeld ’ Å Seinfeld “The Movie: “BLUE IGUANA” (2018, Comedy) Sam Rockwell. Two Paid Program Pure Outdoor Paid Program
(N) ’ Å (N) ’ Å secret mission. (N) ’ Å It Anyway? It Anyway? Dinner Party” parolees are given an offer they can’t refuse. Å
A&E 41 265 118 34 166 “JACK REACHER” Movie: ›› “THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN” (2016) Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt. ’ Å Court Cam ’ Court Cam ’ (:03) Movie: ›› “THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN” (2016) Denzel Washington. ’ Å
BBC Am. 162 264 135 198 188 “THE DARK KNIGHT RISES” Top Gear (N) Å Movie: ››› “THE DARK KNIGHT RISES” (2012, Action) Christian Bale. Batman faces a masked villain named Bane. Å Movie: ›› “HANCOCK” (2008, Action) Will Smith. Å
Bravo 68 273 129 72 181 Housewives/Potomac Housewives/Potomac Housewives/Potomac Watch What Chat Room Housewives/Potomac Don’t--Tardy Don’t--Tardy Don’t--Tardy Don’t--Tardy Don’t--Tardy Chat Room
Comedy 54 249 107 69 140 GROWN UPS Movie: ›› “STEP BROTHERS” (2008) Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly. Å Movie: › “GROWN UPS” (2010, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Kevin James. Å South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park
E! Ent. 55 236 114 65 134 (5:30) Movie: ››› “HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE” (2009) Å (DVS) Movie: ››› “HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: PART 1” (2010, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe. “HARRY POTTER AND DEATHLY”
Food 52 231 110 62 452 Holiday Baking Holiday Wars (N) Å Kids Baking Championship Holiday Baking Championship “Holiday Style” Å Kids Baking Championship Holiday Baking Championship “Holiday Style” Å
FX 37 248 137 77 128 FURIOUS Movie: ››› “JUMANJI: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE” (2017) ’ Å Fargo “The Nadir” (N) Å Fargo “The Nadir” ’ Å Fargo “Lay Away” ’ Å Fargo “The Nadir” ’ Å Mike & Molly FXM Presents
GSN 161 309 116 59 173 Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Idiotest Å Idiotest Å Idiotest Å Idiotest Å
Oxygen 66 251 127 61 367 Real Murders-Orange County Real Murders-Orange County Snapped “Betty Broderick” Snapped “Suze Adams” Real Murders-Orange County Real Murders-Orange County Injustice With Nancy Grace Buried in the Backyard Å
PARMT 60 325 168 71 145 Movie: ›› “ROCKY IV” (1985) Sylvester Stallone. ’ Å Movie: › “ROCKY V” (1990, Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire. ’ Å Movie: ››› “ROCKY BALBOA” (2006, Drama) Sylvester Stallone. ’ Å Movie: ››› “CREED” ’
SYFY 67 244 122 73 151 (5:45) Movie: ››› “JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2” (2017) Keanu Reeves. Movie: ›› “HUNTER KILLER” (2018, Action) Gerard Butler, Gary Oldman. (:07) Movie: ›› “G.I. JOE: RETALIATION” (2013, Action) Dwayne Johnson. NIGHTMARE
TBS 46 247 139 51 112 (:15) Movie: ››› “DUMB & DUMBER” (1994) Jim Carrey. Å (DVS) Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Movie: ››› “DUMB & DUMBER” (1994) Jim Carrey. (12:15) Movie: ›› “FUN WITH DICK AND JANE” (2005)
Telemun 40 - 825 - - Pelicula: ››› “SALT” (2010) Angelina Jolie. ’ (SS) Pelicula: “HARD TARGET 2” (2016) Scott Adkins. ’ (SS) Noticias T TYM Zona Decisiones Decisiones: unos Programa Programa Programa
TNT 38 245 138 49 108 “TRANSFORMERS” Movie: ››› “READY PLAYER ONE” (2018) Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke. Å (DVS) Movie: ›› “THE ISLAND” (2005, Action) Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson. Å (DVS) Charmed “Witch Way Now?”
Tru TV 36 203 204 63 48 Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Secret Videos Secret Videos Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Misery Index Misery Index Inside Jokes Inside Jokes
USA 62 242 105 28 124 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Law & Order: SVU
WGN-A 15 - 239 23 180 Last-Standing Last-Standing NewsNation (N) (Live) Å NewsNation (N) (Live) Å NewsNation (N) (Live) Å NewsNation Å NewsNation Å NewsNation Å Person of Interest ’ Å
CNBC 35 355 208 46 216 Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank Å (DVS) Shark Tank Å (DVS) Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å Paid Program Paid Program
CNN 42 202 200 38 202 CNN Newsroom Situation Room With Wolf Situation Room With Wolf Situation Room With Wolf State of the Union CNN Newsroom Live (N) CNN Newsroom Live (N) CNN Newsroom Live (N)
CSPAN 18 350 210 3 230 (2:00) Washington This Week Q & A Å Prime Min. (:40) Public Affairs Events ’ Å Q&AÅ Prime Min. (:40) Public Affairs Events ’ Å
FNC 33 - - 48 210 Fox News Sunday Life, Liberty & Levin (N) The Next Revolution With The Greg Gutfeld Show Life, Liberty & Levin Å The Next Revolution With The Greg Gutfeld Show Fox News Sunday
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ESPN 30 206 140 35 27 SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter Boxing Top Rank Boxing: All-Access Top Rank Boxing: All-Access SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter W/Van Pelt SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter
ESPN 2 31 209 144 36 28 E60 E60 X Games To Be Announced American Game
Fox M.W. 32 647 418 37 748 Tennis World Poker World Poker Shogun Fights World Poker World Poker To Be Announced
FS1 408 219 150 43 620 (5:30) MLS Soccer Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Postgame Boxing PBC: Luis Ortiz vs. Alexander Flores. Å PBA Bowling Playoffs: Round of 8. Å PBA Bowling Playoffs: Final Four. Å
Golf 165 605 401 44 641 Golf Central PGA Tour Golf Houston Open, Final Round. Å PGA Champions Golf Central Golf Central PGA Golf
NBCSN 404 608 151 54 640 NASCAR-Post iRacing Series Phoenix. Speedwys Speedwys MotoGP Race Proving Grounds (N) Monster Jam Mecum Mecum Mecum Mecum
Outdr Ch 406 - 153 232 680 Live 2 Hunt Lee & Tiffany Hunt Adv Hunt Masters Outdoors Bone Collect Bushman Truth Hunting Pat & Nicole Addicted Spirit of Wild Drop Zone Lindsey Way Lee & Tiffany Live 2 Hunt Legends
SEC 51 611 408 18 607 To Be Announced
BET 56 329 124 68 155 “BOO! A MA” Movie: ›› “THE FIVE HEARTBEATS” (1991) Robert Townsend. Five guys mix singing and dancing and find R & B fame in the 1960s. Martin Å The Parkers The Parkers The Parkers The Parkers
CMTV 59 327 166 40 525 (4:30) Movie Å Movie Å Movie Å Steve Austin’s Broken Skull
MTV 57 331 160 42 502 2020 MTV EMA (N) ’ Å Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
VH-1 58 335 162 41 518 “WHY DID I GET MARRIED?” Movie: ›› “MADEA’S FAMILY REUNION” (2006) Tyler Perry. ’ Å Movie: ›› “DIARY OF A MAD BLACK WOMAN” (2005) Kimberly Elise. ’ Movie: “TYLER PERRY’S I CAN DO BAD ALL BY MYSELF”
Animal 49 282 184 58 252 North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law North Woods Law (N) ’ (:01) North Woods Law ’ (:01) North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law North Woods Law ’
Cartoon 47 296 176 45 325 Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Regular Show American Dad American Dad Rick, Morty Family Guy Family Guy Primal Tigtone Å YOLO Crystal Primal Rick, Morty Family Guy Family Guy
Discovery 70 278 182 33 120 Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier “Emergency!” (N) ’ Å (:02) Terrorism Close Calls Alaska: The Last Frontier ’ Alaska: The Last Frontier “Emergency!” ’ Å (:02) Terrorism Close Calls
Disney 64 290 172 52 302 “ALVIN-CHIPMNK” Fam Jam Fam Jam Fam Jam Fam Jam Fam Jam Fam Jam Bunk’d Å Bunk’d Å Jessie Å Jessie Å Bunk’d Å Raven Raven Cali Style
DLC 222 368 - 157 466 My 600-Lb. Life ’ Å My 600-Lb. Life Destinee seeks approval for transition. ’ My 600-Lb. Life ’ Å My 600-Lb. Life ’ Å My 600-Lb. Life Destinee seeks approval for transition. ’ My 600-Lb. Life ’ Å
Freeform 45 311 180 50 178 (5:55) Movie: ›› “DESPICABLE ME 3” (2017) Å Movie: ››› “ZOOTOPIA” (2016) Voices of Ginnifer Goodwin. ’ Å Movie: ›› “A WRINKLE IN TIME” (2018) Storm Reid. Premiere. ’ Å Paid Program Paid Program
Hallmark 65 312 - 165 175 (5:00) Movie: “CHRISTMAS Movie: “CHRISTMAS WITH THE DARLINGS” (2020, Romance) Movie: “ONE ROYAL HOLIDAY” (2020) Laura Osnes. Anna Movie: “CHRISTMAS IN EVERGREEN: LETTERS TO SANTA” Movie: “LOVE YOU LIKE
AT THE PLAZA” (2019) Å Katrina Law, Carlo Marks. Premiere. Å offers a mother and son shelter from a blizzard. Å (2018, Drama) Jill Wagner, Mark Deklin. Å CHRISTMAS” (2016) Å
HBO Fam. 554 507 305 504 806 “JOURNEY 2: THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND” (:35) Movie: ››› “X-MEN: FIRST CLASS” (2011) James McAvoy. Å (9:47) Movie: ››› “GET ON UP” (2014) Nelsan Ellis Å (12:07) Movie: ››› “INNERSPACE” (1987) Dennis Quaid.
HGTV 53 229 112 30 450 Good Bones Å Renovation Inc (N) Å (:01) Windy City Rehab Å (:02) Windy City Rehab Å (:02) Windy City Rehab Å Windy City Rehab Å (12:01) Windy City Rehab (:01) Windy City Rehab Å
History 69 269 120 56 270 American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ (:02) American Pickers ’ (:05) American Pickers ’ (:05) American Pickers Å (:03) American Pickers ’ (12:05) American Pickers ’ (:06) American Pickers ’
ION 19 255 181 79 194 NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles ’ Chicago P.D. “Mercy” ’ Chicago P.D. Å (DVS) Chicago P.D. Å (DVS) Chicago P.D. “Reckoning” ’ Law & Order ’ Å Paid Program Paid Program
Learning 50 280 183 55 250 90 Day: Other 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way “Fight or Flight?” (N) ’ I Love a Mama’s Boy (N) ’ 90 Day: Other 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way “Fight or Flight?” ’ I Love a Mama’s Boy ’
Nickel. 48 299 170 32 314 SpongeBob SpongeBob Movie ’ Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Mom Å Mom Å Mom Å Mom Å Full House ’
NKJR 120 298 169 119 320 PAW Patrol Bubble Bubble Blue’s Clues Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Bubble Bubble Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Peppa Pig ’ Blaze Blaze
Travel 51 233 215 64 254 Paranormal Caught- Camera Paranormal Caught- Camera Paranormal Caught- Camera Monster of the Loch Loch Ness monster boat rumors. (N) Paranormal Caught- Camera Paranormal Caught- Camera Monster of the Loch Å

AMC 61 254 130 31 114 (3:46) Movie: ›› “WHITE (6:46) Fear the Walking Dead Fear the Walking Dead (:12) The Walking Dead: World Beyond A (:18) Fear the Walking Dead The Walking Dead: World (:36) Fear the Walking Dead “Honey” Dwight
HOUSE DOWN” (2013) Å Dorie investigates a death. “Honey” (N) Å newcomer reveals information. (N) Å “Honey” Å Beyond “Shadow Puppets” and Sherry clash with Morgan. Å
Cinemax 575 512 310 515 832 (5:25) Movie: ›› “CODE 46” Movie: ›› “THE PUNISHER” (2004) Thomas Jane. An FBI (:05) Movie: › “PUNISHER: WAR ZONE” (2008, Action) Ray (10:50) Movie: ›› “RAMBO” (2008, Action) (:25) Movie: ›› “LIVE BY NIGHT” (2016) Ben
(2003) Tim Robbins. ’ agent seeks revenge for the murder of his family. Å Stevenson, Dominic West. Premiere. ’ Å Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz. ’ Å Affleck, Zoe Saldana. ’ Å
HBO 550 501 300 500 802 (5:40) Movie: ›› “BATTLESHIP” (2012) Taylor Kitsch. Earth The Undoing “Do No Harm” The Undoing “Do No Harm” Last Week The Undoing “Do No Harm” Last Week Movie: › “THE KITCHEN” (2019) Melissa Last Week
comes under attack from a superior alien force. ’ Jonathan tells Grace his side. Jonathan tells Grace his side. Tonight-John Jonathan tells Grace his side. Tonight-John McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish. ’ Å Tonight-John
HBO Plus 552 502 301 502 804 (:10) The Undoing Murder (:05) The Undoing Detectives Movie: ›› “DICKIE ROBERTS: FORMER (:45) Movie: ›› “GOOD BOYS” (2019) Jacob (:15) Movie: ›› “BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD (:40) Movie: ›› “IDIOCRACY” (2006, Comedy)
pushes Grace to the limit. ’ pose questions to Grace. ’ CHILD STAR” (2003) David Spade. Å Tremblay, Keith L. Williams. Å DO AMERICA” (1996) Voices of Mike Judge. Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph. Å
HBO Sig. 556 503 302 503 808 (5:10) “THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON” (2008) Movie: ››› “THE DESCENDANTS” (2011) ’ Å “NEVER RARELY SOMETIMES ALWAYS” ’ (:45) Movie: ››› “BLINDED BY THE LIGHT” (2019) ’ CONTAGION
Ind. Film 503 - 131 175 136 (5:00) “TRANSPORTER 2” Movie: ››› “JOHN WICK” (2014) Keanu Reeves. Å (:15) Movie: ››› “JOHN WICK” (2014, Action) Keanu Reeves. Å Movie: ››› “BRAVEHEART” (1995) Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau. Å
MoreMax 577 513 312 517 834 (5:00) Movie: ›› “COLD Warrior Å (:45) Movie: ››› “8 MILE” (2002) Eminem, Kim Basinger. A (:40) Movie: ›› “VALKYRIE” (2008) Tom Cruise. Premiere. Col. (:40) Movie: ››› “DODGEBALL: A TRUE (:15) Movie: › “DISASTER
PURSUIT” (2019, Action) Å Detroit man tries to achieve success as a rapper. Å Claus von Stauffenberg attempts to assassinate Hitler. UNDERDOG STORY” (2004) Vince Vaughn. MOVIE” (2008) Matt Lanter.
Mov. Ch2 627 - - 552 884 (5:20) Movie: ›› “CHLOE” Movie: ››› “JULIE & JULIA” (2009) Meryl Streep. ’ (:05) Movie: ››› “SUNSHINE CLEANING” (:40) Movie: ›››› “SCHINDLER’S LIST” (1993) Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley. Premiere. ’ Å
Show 601 537 319 540 852 The Good The Circus: Inside the Our Cartoon The Good Lord Bird “Jesus Is The Circus: Inside the Moonbase 8 The Circus: Inside the The Good (12:15) Moon- (:45) The Good Lord Bird Moonbase 8
Lord Bird ’ Craziest Political Campaign President Walkin”’ (N) ’ Å Craziest Political Campaign “Dry” Å Craziest Political Campaign Lord Bird ’ base 8 “Dry” “Jesus Is Walkin”’ ’ Å “Dry” Å
Show 2 603 538 320 542 854 (5:00) Movie: ››› “APOLLO 13” (1995) Tom The Circus: Inside the Movie: ››› “THIRTEEN DAYS” (2000) Kevin Costner, Bruce Greenwood. Moonbase 8 Our Cartoon Movie: ›› “CABIN FEVER” (2002, Horror) “CABIN FEVER
Hanks, Bill Paxton. ’ Å Craziest Political Campaign Americans and Soviets teeter on the brink of war in 1962. ’ Å “Dry” Å President Jordan Ladd, James DeBello. ’ Å 2”
Starz! 533 520 350 560 229 (:04) The Spanish Princess (:04) The Spanish Princess (:04) Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult (N) ’ (:27) The Spanish Princess (:27) Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult Å (11:50) The Spanish Princess Seduced: Inside NXIVM
STZENC 517 526 340 570 932 SAVING SIL (:18) Movie: “DRIVING MISS DAISY” (1989) Movie: ›››› “DANCES WITH WOLVES” (1990) Kevin Costner, Graham Greene. ’ Å (:06) Movie: ›› “SPACEBALLS” (1987) Mel Brooks. ’ (12:46) “THE AVIATOR” ’
TCM 501 256 132 60 790 (4:45) Movie: ››› “THE Movie: ›› “THE SHAKIEST GUN IN THE WEST” (1968, Movie: ››› “THE PALEFACE” (1948) Bob Hope. Calamity Jane Movie: ›› “THE CIRCLE” (1925, Drama) Eleanor Boardman, Movie: “LA TÊTE D’UN
YELLOW ROLLS-ROYCE” Western) Don Knotts, Barbara Rhoades, Jackie Coogan. wins the heart of a mild-mannered dentist. Å Malcolm McGregor, Eugenie Besserer. HOMME” (1932) Gina Manès.
WE 39 529 128 167 372 Law & Order “Red Ball” ’ Law & Order “Flaw” Å Law & Order “Ghosts” Å Law & Order ’ Å Law & Order “Life Line” ’ Law & Order “Birthright” ’ CSI: Miami ’ Å CSI: Miami “Backfire” Å
The Stephens College alum and actress Against No. 7 Tennessee on opening
behind the beloved character Mary Ann night of SEC action, No. 12 MU was
on “Gilligan’s Island” died from COVID-19 outshot, outrebounded, outworked and
related complications, her publicist says outplayed. The Tigers fell to 6-1.
Page 6A Page 1B


COVID-19 UPDATE: Total cases: 13,705 Deaths: 57


Biden’s win
of Electoral
The Associated Press
Hawley, R-Mo., said Wednesday
he will raise objections next week
when Congress meets to affirm
President-elect Joe Biden’s victo-
ry in the election, forcing House
and Senate votes that are likely to
delay — but in no way alter — the
final certification of Biden’s win.
President Donald Trump has,
without evidence, claimed there
was widespread fraud in the elec-
tion. He has pushed Republican
senators to pursue his unfounded
charges even though the Elector-
al College this month cemented
Biden’s 306-232 victory and mul-
tiple legal efforts to challenge the
results have failed.
A group of Republicans in the
Democratic-majority House have
already said they will object on
Trump’s behalf during the Jan. 6
count of electoral votes, and they
had needed just a single senator to
go along with them to force votes
in both chambers.
Without giving specifics or evi-
dence, Hawley said he would object
ELIZABETH UNDERWOOD • Missourian because “some states, including
notably Pennsylvania” did not follow
their own election laws. Lawsuits
Columbia was forced to adapt when the pandemic disrupted every corner of life. In April, challenging Biden’s victory in Penn-
sylvania have been unsuccessful.

then-high school seniors, from left, Madi Polnika, Kennedy Robbins and Joseph Gard “At the very least, Congress
should investigate allegations of
voter fraud and adopt measures
chatted through open car windows in the parking lot at Rock Bridge High School. The car to secure the integrity of our elec-
tions,” Hawley said in a statement.
culture cultivated during the previous century — from drive-ins to drive-thrus — helped He also criticized the way Face-
book and Twitter handled content
related to the election, characteriz-
prepare us to for the car culture of the pandemic. ing it as an effort to help Biden.
Biden transition spokesperson Jen
Psaki dismissed Hawley’s move as
This photo is one of about 250,000 photos from our staff photographers this year. In today’s “antics” that will have no bearing
on Biden being sworn in on Jan. 20.
special section you’ll see more of these moments that show how you responded to the stories “The American people spoke
resoundingly in this election and

of our time. Please see The Year in Pictures 2020 in today’s Missourian.
81 million people have voted for
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,”
Psaki said in a call with reporters.
She added: “Congress will certify
the results of the election as they
do every four years.”

Parson applauds progress of COVID-19 vaccinations

When Congress convenes to cer-
tify the Electoral College results,
any lawmaker can object to a
state’s votes on any grounds. But
the objection is not taken up unless
BY GRACE NIELAND vaccinating long-term care facility gory still require vaccinations. has received so far have been
it is in writing and signed by both residents and staff and announced A partnership with CVS and reserved for those facilities. a member of the House and a
additional child care funding. Walgreens that began Monday “It’s just a joyous occasion to member of the Senate.
Gov. Mike Parson announced Missouri is still in the first has allowed COVID-19 vaccines to be able to deliver the vaccines to When there is such a request,
more than 66,000 Missouri res- phase of its three-phase vaccine begin being widely distributed to those people who are the most vul- then the joint session suspends
idents have received an initial rollout. This phase focuses on long-term care facilities. nerable,” Williams said. and the House and Senate go into
dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at a health care workers and those Randall Williams, director Parson said vaccinating facili- separate sessions to consider it. For
Wednesday news conference. working and living in long-term of the Missouri Department of ties across the state will receive the objection to be sustained, both
He also celebrated a collaboration care facilities. Tens of thousands Health and Senior Services, said
with Walgreens and CVS to begin of Missouri residents in that cate- about 50% of vaccines Missouri Please see PARSON, Page 3A Please see ELECTION, Page 3A

As pandemic continues, musicians wait in the wings


BY GRACE COOPER Cherry has been doing a back from performing — and
INDEX hodgepodge of handyman music — altogether.
Abby5B work and spending time at A study published by the
Classifieds3B The Bel Airs spend a lot of home caring for his mother Metropolitan Policy Program
time on the road, but the band who has dementia.
Nation6A at Brookings on the effect
usually plays New Year’s Eve “My life completely
Obituaries2A of COVID-19 on the creative
at home in Columbia. That changed immediately,” he
Opinion5A economy estimated that the
won’t happen this year. said. “I can’t identify what I
Sports1B creative arts economy in the
Michael Cherry, 63, has do, really, anymore.”
Sudoku4B U.S. lost 2.3 million jobs —
been the drummer for As the pandemic heads totaling an average $74 billion
TV schedule 6B the Columbia-based rock, into its fourth season, local earnings monthly — because
rhythm and blues band for groups in Columbia have of COVID-19. The creative
Our 113th year/#77 25 years. “And I’m the new had to get creative about economy includes musicians,
2 sections guy,” he said. performing “live” under designers, performers, etc.
12 pages While some musicians lost social distancing guidelines. Columbia was no excep-
a hobby or a side business Besides navigating the new tion, as music events like the
with the pandemic, Cherry logistics of live shows and annual Roots N Blues Festival
lost a living. livestreams, some artists were canceled and concert
Since The Bel Airs went have used this time to create, venues, including Rose Music
their separate ways when while for others the pandem- DANIEL SHULAR/Missourian
6 54051 90850 3 the pandemic hit in March, ic has been a time to step Please see MUSIC, Page 3A Liv Burney, 15, plays electric guitar Dec. 17.
Page 2C — Thursday, December 31, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN

Anna Donelson speaks with a patient at a drive-thru COVID-19 testing site March 18 at Boone Hospital Center. Patients were required to talk to a doctor before being tested. Columbia’s first confirmed case of
COVID-19 was announced March 17. There have been more than 13,000 cases and 50 deaths in Boone County, according to Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services.

Father Francis Doyle performs Palm Sunday Mass in front of empty pews April 5 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
This year will be remembered most for the pandemic, He used a smartphone to record Mass and later uploaded the video to YouTube for parishioners to watch from home.
COVID-19 forced religious institutions to get creative with the way they performed services. “It’s a bit ironic,” Father
but 2020 was too complex to be boiled down to one Doyle said. “Before, these electronic devices isolated people, but lately, this technology has been means of uniting us.”
disruptive virus. The topics were layered.
With all that we’ve been forced to handle, the
most visceral review of 2020 may come from the
local photographs of the Columbia Missourian staff
These six pages represent a fraction of the nearly
250,000 photos our staff made this year. We knew it was
a year like no other.
Normally, we’re consumed by high school and college
athletics. This year, the number of sports images
decreased, with fewer events to cover and no access to
Mizzou football games.
We were able to provide a glimpse of what online
learning looked like, thanks to individuals who let us into
their homes or peer through their windows.
Schools had limited access, while medical facilities
were even tighter. Therefore, there was a gap in what
you got to see and learn about the frontline workers and
their sacrifices.
The Black Lives Matter movement, featured in the
cover photo of the Black Student Athlete Association’s
March with Mizzou, was a prominent subjrct that
spurred other, deeper stories about how we see each
And then, there was a presidential election.
These are just a few of the eyewitness accounts from
the masked Missourian staff photographers as the year
unfolded. ELIZABETH UNDERWOOD/Missourian
The sun sets as the opening credits to the 1993 romantic comedy “Groundhog Day” begin May 8, the first
— Brian Kratzer, director of photography, with photo night of the reopening of the B&B Moberly 5 and Drive. The drive-in theater had been closed beacuse of COVID-19.
editing by Jacob Moscovitch, Elizabeth Underwood and Although the pandemic put a halt to indoor entertainment experiences, drive-in theaters across the country
Ethan Weston gained popularity as people began to venture out of their homes for safe, outdoor activities.





Battle senior Jahdilyah Encarnacion, center, listens to a videotaped address by graduate William Henderson Aug. 2 during the Battle High
School graduation ceremony. “Whatever you go and do, there is no doubt in my mind that every single person sitting in these seats today
has the power to live the life that they want to live,” Henderson said. Graduates walked across the stage at the school’s performing arts
center to receive their diplomas and congratulatory elbow bumps from school officials. The school split graduates and their guests into
groups to allow space for social distancing. Everyone wore masks inside the building to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Pavan Rao celebrates the Chiefs’ final touchdown at a Super Bowl watch party in Kansas City. The Chiefs came back from a 10-point deficit to win their first Super Bowl in 50 years. The Power & Light district’s KC Live! venue opened at
9 a.m., and by 11 a.m. thousands had arrived for the 5:30 p.m. kickoff. The party was hosted by Kansas City sports broadcasters Nate Bukaty and Aly Trost. “Look around,” Bukaty told the crowd. “Remember this. Because this is historic.”


Page 4C — Thursday, December 31, 2020 COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN

Members of Alpha Phi decorate

Yellow Dog Book Shop on Oct.
15 in downtown Columbia.
Despite MU’s Homecoming
football game against Vanderbilt
being postponed, students still
participated in Decorate the
District; a Homecoming tradition
where MU student organizations
paint the windows of businesses.

Mike Zweifel, a member for the Boone County Republican Committee, watches the presidential election Nov. 3 at the Stoney Creek Hotel. “We actually had a watch party, which was pretty amazing,” he said. Some Columbia residents
gathered to watch election results, while most residents turned to TVs and phones as ballots were counted. Around 9:30 p.m., Donald Trump won Missouri. Ultimately, Joe Biden won the election after getting 306 electoral votes.

Battle Spartans celebrate a win against the Washington Blue Jays Nov. 13 while posing for
photos with their Class 5 District 4 first-place trophy in Washington, Mo. The Spartans won
27-7, claiming their sixth district title in seven years. Atiyyah Ellison saw his first quarterfinal
win as head coach at Battle High School. Battle’s postseason ended Nov. 20 in the state
quarterfinal game against the Fort Zumwalt North Panthers.


Foam sprays out of a gash as Firefighters from the Boone County Fire District work
WHETHER TO CRY, to cool off the inside of the big bur oak tree after it was struck by lightning on the
morning of Oct. 23. The tree, which is estimated to be between 300 and 400 years
YOU KNOW?” old, was hit on its north side and splintered. Columbia resident Cody Spencer was
the first person to find the tree that morning. Ann Koenig, an urban forester with the
Missouri Department of Conservation, said the tree’s health is based on the damage
CODY SPENCER, COLUMBIA RESIDENT to its cambium, the growth tissue located just beneath the bark.


Trump supporters gather Nov. 7 in

front of the Missouri State Capitol.
Supporters traveled to Jefferson City
to protest in favor of President Donald
Trump, who lost the 2020 presidential
election. The protest, which mirrored
“Stop The Steal” events across the
country, was prompted by unfounded
claims made by Trump via Twitter.
Some demonstrators were armed.

Drew Jett, MU Health Care acute care pharmacy manager, pushes a cart with the first batch of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines up a walkway Dec. 15 at University Hospital. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended
that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines be allocated first to health care personnel and long-term care facility residents. MU hospital began administering 900 doses of the vaccine to workers Dec. 16.


Susie Adams holds up a book made by her grandson for her Zoom class Nov. 16. Adams, who co-teaches AP U.S. history and AP language, is one of
about 1,500 classroom teachers in Columbia Public Schools pouring their energy and empathy into connecting with students online.

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